Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 14, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wintermute Family Leaves Next Week for Philippines
OF INTEREST to friends throughout
the state is announcement of the
forthcoming marriage of Mrs. Don
ald M. Pague.of Scio to Elwin A. Mc
Cornack of Eugene.
The wedding will be January 21, a
morning ceremony to be solemnized in
St. Peter's Episcopal church in Albany,
Mrs. Pague for many years has oper
ated a ranch, The Oaks, out of Scio and
has been active in several farm and
agricultural groups. Mr. McCornack is
of a pioneer Lane county family and
long prominent in agricultural organ
izations. He is a past president of the
Pacific Wool Growers' association and
for many years on that group's board of
directors, for several years was manager
of the Eugene Fruit Growers' association,
and is a former state senator from the
joint district of Linn and Lane counties.
He is at present a director of the farm
credit administraton at Spokane.
The regular program for the Oregon
state society of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will be given over
KOAC at 2 p.m. Monday. "The Old
Settler" is the topic to be presented by
Nina Wilkins McCornack, Lucia Wilkins
Moore and Gladys Wilkins McCready, all
of Eugene, the three authors of "The
Story of Eugene," the radio program
material to be from the book. All are
members of the Oregon Lewis and Clark
chapter of the DAR at Eugene. Their
book la one of tht American heritage
aeries put out by Stratford House.
Salem friends are interested to know
that Mrs. Moore soon will be moving to
Salem, her husband, Colonel Harvard
C Moore, to be the new director of
medical service at the state penitentiary.
Salem Writers' club Is to meet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Peck, 1552
Court street, Wednesday evening, at 7:30
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LEAVING NEXT Thursday for San Francisco, preparatory to sailing for the Philippines, will be Mrs. Ira Wintermute .
and children, above, Randy, at left, five and one-half years old, and Sherry, who is three. They will join Lt. Col. Win
termute at Manila. Mrs. Wintermute and children have been here for some time at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William M, Hamilton, awaiting orders to sail for the Philippines. Lt. Col. Wintermute is stationed at the
Clark Air Force base.
Dancing Parties
Several dance club partiei are on the
mid-month social calendar.
For Tuxedo Group
The firat party lor the newly organ
ised Tuxedo dance club ii planned for
next Friday evening, January 20, as a
formal dinner dance at the American
Legion club.
The social hour will be between 8 and
8:30 o'clock, the dinner and dance be
tween 8:30 and 12 o'clock, James Whet
more's orchestra of Portland to piny.
The members of the board are in charge
of arrangemenls for the party.
The club has planned one more dance
this season, the event to be in April.
Cama Dance
Also planned for Friday evening is
the January dance for Cama club, at the
Crystal Gardens. The snack bar will be
open at 8:30 o'clock, dancing beginning
at 9:30 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening are
Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Mrs. Vale John
son, Mrs. Rcubin Hilfiker, Mrs. R. B.
Ramage, Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs. Ward
Davis, Miss Dorothy Keeby and Mrs.
Rosalie Porter.
Bonheur Club Dance
Bonheur club's dance is planned for
Friday evening next, at the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, dancing beginning
at 9 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening
are Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Baker, chairmen;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lec, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wilhelm, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. VanWyn
garden, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewarl.
Monday Night Club
The Monday Night Dance club plans
its next party for Saturday evening, Jan
uary 21, a dinner dance to be given in
the Marion hotel at 7:30 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. J. L. Fran
len, Mrs. W. A. Wysong, Mrs. Wayne
Gordon, Mrs. T. R. Johnslon.
The Salem Altrusa club will hold its
second meeting of the month at the Mar
ion hotel, Wednesday, January 18. Din
ner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Following the dinner members of the
club and their guests will enjoy a book
review given by Mrs. George Rossman,
who will be a guest.
The program committee of the club
will meet at the Marion hotel. Monday
evening, at 8 o'clock, In the suite of Mrs.
Charlotte Kendall.
The program work for the next six
months will be outlined and commit
tees appointed to work out the details
for each recreational meeting which will
be held on the third Wednesday of each
The committee members arc Mrs.
Charlotte Kendall, Mrs. Sue Booch, Mrs.
Frances Williams, Miss Margaret Mc
Devitt, Mrs. M. J. Clerico and Mrs.
Alexander Tueski, chairman.
An event for next Tuesday evening is
to be the informal dinner and program
arranged by all five local chapters of
P.E.O. Sisterhood in observance of the
national founders day.
The dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock in
the First Congregational church with
Chapters G and BQ in charge of the
program; Chapter AB of invitations;
Chapter BC of arrangements; Chapter
CB of decorations.
Among hostesses of the new week will
be Mrs. George F. Todd, who has invited
guMti for an Informal bridge party
Tuesday evening at her North 14th street
home. A late supper will be servd fol
lowing the hours of oardi. Guests for
Wu-et tablet have been bidden. - ,c ,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dungey of Ger
vais are announcing the engagement of
thier daughter, Miss Barbara Jean Dun
Nile Club Members Help
Nancy and Peggy P,agnn. daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ragan. observed
their birthdays last week with a parly.
The two giiis celebrate their anniver
saries the same day, Nancy being 14 this
year, Peggy. 13.
Mrs. Hawaii gave a supper party for
them, games following.
Feting the two sisters were Shirley
Plummer, Susan Nelson, Reba Small
wood, Marlene Bagan, Kay Shidlcr,
Anne Vasey, Pri.scilla Durham, Eliza
beth Shafer, Janice Buiek, Judy Klem
pel. Carol Long, Rose Mary Sheaffer,
Kathleen McCreight.
The KD Dance club (s staging a parly
this evening in the Four Corners Com
munity hall, dancing to be between 9
p.m. and 1 a.m. On the committee are
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rickarri. Mr. and
Mrs. Kenny Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Gaiety Hill Garden club Is to he en
tertained Wednesday by Mrs. Philip W.
Allison for luncheon and a program.
Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay
will be among honored guests at the
Newberg Chamber of Commerce dinner
on Monday evening.
Visitors expected at the mid-week in
the capital are Mr. and Mrs. George
Stadelman of The Dalles. Mr. Stadcl
man is to be speaker for the Rotary club
luncheon Wednesday noon. Mrs. Stad
elman will visit her father, Walter M.
Pierce, while here.
(Jesten-Millcr studio plctura)
gey, to William Bernard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Bernard of St. Paul.
No date has been set for the wedding.
in March of Dimes
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ONE OF THE C.ROrrs whose membership Is ivlnc much volunteer time to tht
coming March of Dimes campaign is the Salem club, Daughter; of the Nile. One of the
major philanthropic projects of this rlub is to give every assistance possible in the care
and treatment of crippled children. In the picture above three of the members stand
at the door of the campaign headquarters In the Oregon building, left to right, iMrs.
Max Alford, Mrs. Carl ) who Is chairman of the committee from the Nile club
and also the general head of the nomrn's division In the campaign; and Mrs. A. A.
FeilrUon. In the lower picture are two more of the Nile club members assisting in mail
ing out some 25.000 pieces of literature for the campaign, Mrs. David H. Cameron, at
left, and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
ILLAMETTE University Faculty
vomcn s group plans its meet-
v v ing
ng for next Thursday afternoon
in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon wing in
Baxter hall.
Dessert will be at 2 o'clock instead
of the usual 2:30 o'clock meeting.
Mrs. Elizabeth Higbee is hostess and
chairman of the committee is Mrs.
Blanche Proctor, who is to be assisted
by Mrs. Nan Furman, Mrs. Grace Mar
qjam, Mrs. Charles McCargar, Mrs.
Betty Mcnclenhall, Mrs. Fay Owen, Mrs.
Lillian J. Watts, Mrs. Edith Wayreuch,
Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Floyd Samp
son. St. Anne's guld, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, resumes its meetings this next
Monday following the holidays.
The Monday meeting is to be at the
home of Mrs. William H. Burghardt, 860
Union street, dessert to be at 1:30
o'clock. On the committee are Mrs.
Charles McClelland, Mrs. Charles
Clarke, Mrs. Charles D. Wood. Mrs. Con
rad Paulson, Mrs. J. S. Lochead, Mrs.
George Spaur, Mrs. George Corwin.
Honoring their visitor, Mrs. Jane Hal
ponny of Mitchell, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Devers are entertaining a few friends
informally at tea Sunday evening. Mrs.
Halpenny is Mr. Devers' sister and will
be leaving for her home next week.
Aileen Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert D. Hawkins, will be honored
at an after-school brthday party Mon
day afternoon on the occasion of her 10th
anniversary. The party will be between
3 and 4:30 o'clock.
Feting Aileen will be Edwina Fitzger
ald, Loren Seitz, Billy Purvine, Barton
McSherry, Linda Barry, Jacqueline Gor
man, Elowyn Hurbst, Joanne Roethlin
and Richard Hawkins, brother of the
Mrs. E. M. Page was hostess this past
week for her travel and study club, Mrs.
David Bennett Hill presenting the book
Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, announces a school of instruction
for Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Masonic
temple. Mrs. Pearl McCleay of Prine
ville, associate grand matron, in charge.
Preceding the school there will be a
luncheon at 12 o'clock for officers and
guests to honor Mrs. McCleay. '
All interested members are invited to
the school.
In the evening, the chapter will meet
for its regular session at 8 o'clock, Mrs.
William L. Lewis, worthy matron, pre
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, is to resume her weekly at
home day this coming Tuesday follow
ing the holidays and a vacation trip for
the McKays. Out-of-town friends in the
capital Tuesday and local friends are
invited to call at the Jerris avenue resi
dence of the McKays Tuesday afternoon.
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ANNOUNCED RECENTLY was the engagement of Miss Eileen Rlney to Norman Stone.
The bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs. Inez Riney of Longview and H. P. Rlney of Den
ver. Mr. Stone is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Stona of Satem, Both ar
etudents at Willamette university.
ANNOUNCED for Friday, Febru
ary 3, is an evening of folk danc
ing and old-time dances, sponsor
ed by the Salem Woman's club.
The dance will be at the armory as a
benefit for the fund used by the club
for its philanthropic activities and proj
ects. Highlighting the evening will be ex
hibitions of folk dancing to be presented
by the Gateswingers of Salem as well as
folk dancing groups from Portland and
other cities.
Old-time dances, including square
dances, etc., are planned for the eve
ning's dancing program.
Mrs. Grant C. Rogers and Mrs. Arthur
Jones are co-chairmen for the benefit.
Elotka club is to meet Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Stuart John
son, 1110 North Winter, dessert to be at
1:15 o'clock with Mrs. Glen Larkins and
Mrs Arthur Upston as co-hostesses.
Glass and its influence on home design
and decorating will be the program topic
with Mrs. W. J. Entress and Mrs. Mason
Bishop presenting the subject. There
also will be special music.
Mrs. Martha Elhart, Ashland, grand
guardian for Job's Daughters, is to be
here Monday for an inspection visit at
bethel No. 35, Salem, the meeting to be
in Beaver hall at 7:30 o'clock.
This will be the first meeting for the
newly installed honored queen, Miss
Ann Gibbens. All past honored queens
now students at Willamette university
will be honored at this meeting.
Mrs. Alfred Quiring entertained at an
informal coffee and neighborhood get
acquainted parly Friday morning.
In the group were Mrs. Farley Mogan
and daughter, Mrs. W. L. Scagg, Mrs.
John R. Goldsmith and son, Mrs. R. C.
Damrcll, Mrs. H. M. Teeple, Mrs. L. H.
Phillips, Mrs. I. F. Bryan, Mrs. Norman
Shaw and daughter, Mrs. H. C. Lamb,
and the hostess and son.
Alumnae Groups
A number of the local sorority alum
nae clubs will meet next week.
Alpha Chi Group
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae are to meet
Monday evening, at the Willamette uni
versity chapter house. Hostesses will
be Mrs. James Young, Mrs. Robert E.
Shinn, Mrs. Roy Rice, Jr., Mrs. Edwin
Fronk and Mrs. Gardner Knapp. All
new Alpha Chi members in the city
are welcome.
For Tuesday
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae have
arranged their January event for Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs. Keith
Flory, 1040 Wilbur, at 8 o'clock, Mrs.
Calvin Kent assisting.
To Meet January 23
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae have
postponed their regular meeting from
this coming Monday until the following
one. January 23, at which time Mrs.
Charles D. Thompson of Eugene, a
province officer, will be here as a guest.
The meeting will be at the P. H. Schnell
home on East Hoyt with Mrs. Roger
Schnell, Mrs. James C. Johnson and Mrs.
Harry U. Miller as hostesses.
For Patronesses
The 11 patronesses of the Salem Spin
sters club will be honored at a dinner
and bridge party for which the club is
to entertain next Tuesday evening in
the American Legion club. The dinner
is arranged for 6:30 o'clock, the bridge
games following.
The honorees include Mrs. H. V.
Compton, Mrs. Barbara Durbin Cross,
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Douglas McKay,
Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn,
Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Linn C.
Smith, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs.
George A. White of Portland, Mrs. C. S.
Misses Patricia Viesko, Sally Ann
Barr and Evelyn Johnson and Mes
dames Roy Edgerton, Peter Geiser and
P. Dixon VanAusdell, Jr., are the com
mittee arranging the party.
Mrs. Donald McCargar is to entertain
for her bridge club next Thursday, the
group meeting for luncheon and cards.
Past presidents of Capital Unit No. 9,
American Legion auxiliary, will be hon
ored at the meeting of the group on
Monday evenng at 8 o'clock m the Sa
lem Woman's club house.
The sewing committee members will
be hostesses for the evening, including
Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. Stuart Johns,
Mrs. J. A. Garson, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf,
Mrs. John Woods, Mrs. Helen Slater,
Mrs. Lena Hildebrandt, Mrs. Dorotha
Kelsey, Mrs. E. E. Voight and Mrs. G.
A. Gabriel.
Sewing group of the auxiliary is trf
meet next Thursday, ajl day, at the home
of Mrs. Stuart Johns, a no-host luncheon
to be served at noon.
The executive board of the Salem Bus
iness and Professional Women's club is
to meet next Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Charles Forrette, 1080
North Winter, at 7:30 o'clock. This is
the monthly meeting for the group and
Mrs John Versteeg, club president, will
Mrs. Pearl Speer returned this week
from a trip to the east. She left the fore
part of December and spent the holidays
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Louise Anderson, in Lake Mahopac, N.
Y Before returning west, Mrs. Speer
visited in New York City, Providence,
R. I., and in Boston.
Mrs. P. M. Schweizer of Monmouth is
spending a few days at the home of her
son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Winstanley Jenks.
Mrs. George Weller is to entertain for
her bridge group Wednesday, inviting
the members for luncheon and cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague will
be hosts to their dinner club next Fri
day evening.
Mrs. E. C. Mennis, 5010 Portland
road, is to be hostess to the Hayesville
Woman's club next Thursday, dessert
to be at 1:15 o'clock.