Storm Topples Trees Among trees blown down by the wind storm Friday was this one on Chemeketa street between 20th and 21st. It was a walnut. Four other walnut trees were felled by the wind In various parts of the city and a fir In the ' 1200 block on North 21st had to be pulled down after Its Johns First Attempt to Drive A Car Finds Thinas Hnnn&n t I wi.. - - - - - -j - vii Russellvllle, Ark., Jan. 14 VP) Here's the results of John Wood ion's first attempt to drive a car: A fractured ankle for his great-grandmother, Mrs. Cora Lee. A smashed front end for his grandfather's automobile. Turn damaged trees Several pieces of lawn iurni MARKET QUOTATIONS VUK7 l-BCliai wmw"' Wooltd l.mhe ' 0 J"" rKlt l.mhl is.o to 111.00 O.lveJ. food (100-160 .) 111.00 to 112.00 Veil (1S0-JO0 IlM.) top 111.00 to I1S 00 Pal dairy eow. 13 00 to UJ.O0 Cutter oow 11100 to 113 00 Slr" heller. .:.:.. 11100 to I1J.00 flattened. Mrs. Delbert Lee, John's grandmother, left John and the elder Mrs. Lee In the car while he stopped at a grocery store. The engine was running; John got the car in gear and started off. The auto spun across the street, lideswiped a tree, made splin ters out of the law furniture and stopped after crashing into an other tree. The Lees figure John didn't do too badly though. After all he's only three. North Salem Kiwanis Joins in Celebration The North Salem Kiwanis elub will join with more than 3000 similar groups throughout the United States, Canada, Al aska, Hawaii and the Yukon in the observance of the 35th anniversary of Kiwanis International. L Roger Williams, president of the North Salem club states the program scheduled for Monday noon at the Lions den will be based on the community service organization's 1950 theme, "Ag gressive Citizenship, Safeguard of Freedom." a laahwA nt tViA nrnffrnm will be the reading of a message from J. Hugh Jackson, dean of the graduate school ot Dusiness STOCKS (By ttii Auoclated Presi, American Can 32 Am Pow A Lt 18 i Am Tel & Tel "6 Anaconda 38 5 Bendlx Avtltlon 36fc Beth Steel 3tH Boeing Airplane Colli Parkin Cue J I ..". 39' Caterpillar 33t Chrysler T Comwlth & 8ou Cons Vultee jjji Crown Zellerbach 38 CurtlM Wrlftht 8 4 Doimlna Aircraft ;J Dupont de Nem J .lanoral ElnrtrlA Oencral Food Central Motors ... Ooodyear Tire .... Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbny McN & L ... Long Bell "A" .... Montgomery Ward Nash Kclvlnator .. Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific .. Pac Am Fish . ... Pa Gas & Glee ... Pd Tel & Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal ... Richfield i Safeway Stores .... Sears Roebuck ... Southern Pacific . Standard Oil Co. . Studebaker Corp. . Sunshine Mlnlni . TransamerlcR Union Oil Ca) .... Union Pacific .... United Airline .. U S Steel Warner Bros Plo . Woolworth 41 'A 48 89? 44i a-ii: 51T(, 7T 93 s; SSTfc 17"Si ItaK 12 'A IBS 12'A 2V in , savi , 13Tt 25S ' 404 304 43 K 81H 62 H 36 10 15 tt 26 xh 85 14' 26H 14 K 40 Portland Product t Haiier.a, ien.aii. uuj dlate chanre. Premium Quality maximum to . to 1 percent acidity delivered in i Portland 67c lb.: 82 icoro. 65c Ib.i 00 score, 63; 69 mom, odc. vane country points 2c less than first. HUltflF WilOlBBBI rJB uui. V T Ida score, 62c: B score, 60c lb., O M score. 6e. Aoovt prices are nominal. . ... rh...R.iiini' nrle to Portland wnoie- small loai. 44fc-45e; trlpleU 1 less than . .., Ejris (to wnoieiaierai 30-40M.C, A medium, S4-354c: trade B large, 37-S8ci small A trade, SSMiC. Portiana usiry jtiare Batter Price to retailer:- Oradt AA prints. 6Bc; AA cartons, 6Bc; A print. 68c: A cartons 69c; B prints. 65c. EffS trices to reiiw. large, 46c doa.; certified A large, 43c; fled A medium, 38c; A medium. 37c; B medium. 35c: A small. 35c; cartons 2c ad ditional. Cheett Price to retailers: r"i Oregon singles 3-42c: Oregon loaf. 5 lb loafs 44"A-45o lb.; triplets. 1V4 cent tv..n tinfiu Premium brands, single. 5H'2c lb.; loaf, 63 lie. Poullry , Lit. eblekeni No. 1 quality FOB plant. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs., 19c; id.; iryera, -o ua., - "- - roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 25c; fowl Leghorns. 4 lbs. and under, 14-15c, over 4 lbs., 16c; colored fowl, all weights, ai-23e; roosirrs, an weimw. ji-im,. iumeT .icv m " -- ---- hens, 44c. Price to retailers, dressed; A ycung nens, ow-dic; n juuui tuuw, Hffht tviin 1.49e ' whites. 4-5 lbs., 17-18c lb.; 6-6 lbs., 15-17c ID,; COlOrca genu . u.u w. does and bucks, 8-12C. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers ana reiauer. vc; iww, Walnut Trees Suffer Most From Gale During Storm "Walnut treei suffered most in the severe wind storm of Friday, .. ij k thm ntfr nf th rltv encineer who has the 11 wa repuneu uj responsibility of keeping the streets clear of dangerous obstruc- tiAnl Four walnut trees were blown down, according to reports made by residents to the engineer's office. One was on tnemeiteia street between 20th and 21st. Another was at Summer and Jefferson, a third on D street between Garnet and North 13th, and a fourth on Trade street be tween 22nd and 23rd. A fir tree became loosened in its grounding at 1280 North 21st street and had to be pulled Hnu,n V,v nn engineer's crew to prevent possible injury to pedes trians or motorists, some otner trees were threatened to fall and had to be barricaded. Siine of them will have to be pulled down. Numerous calls reached the engineer's office of large limbs breaking and falling into the street, and the litter from small er limbs was general about the city. In damage to utilities, Fred G. Starrett, manager of the Port land General Electric company airi silvortnn. the Keizer dis trict, South River road and Lib erty road areas were among tne h.iorf hit nlnrps In the vallev. South of the city much of the trouble was caused Dy aeep snow. Work crews found It close to three feet deep In some places. lTit, mun urfrp Kpnt tn Sil- verton Saturday morning to re pair a great deal of damage aone hv fnllintf tnM Rlnrrptt TC- jj o ported 32 poles damaged in that area. H. aoM mrtct rnnlr wnillri bp made before the crews quit Sat- 1 1 irrt dv n nhT IMir mnpn tT IT Will hp if temnnmn, nnturp nnri hnve to be followed up by perma nent work after the snow clears away. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company reported scattering pole damage and service com plaints mainly from the suDurD an districts. Capital Journal, galm, Ort., Saturday, January 14, 195011 It Stocks Decline Irregularly Wqup Vnrlc Jan. 14 lPl Last minute selling came in today's brief stock market, upseiung iu n .vto rpintlvplv steadv a uc,i6c " 1 - undertone that prevailed most of the two-hour session. Tinal nrir.1 WPTG mixed With scattered minus signs replacing earlier plus mams in tne siruiig 1.. hunpaH rnHin and teleDhone ?roup. Meat packing shares, a late added favorite, held most of the gains up to tne ciose. A4mii.D1 Pnm ended down Vi point after being up most of the tm. nnri Maffnavox was UI1 changed along with Zenith. Tk. tntpncp nressure that UioMroy .hp market off its feet late Thursday and again yester day at times, nowever; seemea iu have spent Itself. Trading was fast, especially for a Saturday, although well below Friday, which was the biggest day since May 1948. T,,i.nti,pr hit A TATe OI BrOUIlU 1,100,000 shares for tne two hour session. The lpflriprshin offered the market by radio-television and meat packing issues was consid ered a trifle on the -weak side. Brokers were pretty well agreed, 4hn,.nu Ihnf thp mnrket even if another selling riot should de velop was on solid looting from a long-range viewpoint. Chrysler was one of the few weak spots, losing around a nn!n( P. nnp tlmP Railway obligations showed a tendency to improve in the bond market. S v. 1TUCK Ulicneu uy aiivn drvixb - from this truck, stranded by snow storms 45 miles north of Redding, Calif. Heavy snow storms and ice has slowed traffic on all northern California highways. (AP Wlrephoto) Combine tomato and mush room soup for a hearty first course. Serve with toasted cheese sticks. SALEM MARKETS Yale has won the swimming championship seven of the last 19. .pnenns in tne eastern inier Itanford university, ana P"- " dent of Kiwanis International. Icollegiate League. 33c. blRECTORY TF1CT rOBNTTPBl 8OTPU1S DIRECTORT DMk ih.lrl, tllM n tiling mippllev !. dupllcltor. nd rupollei. attl km PI, iTpewrlter it.ndi, br.el c Kw Wln BMSTdna. !". m WELL PB1LHNO ned wrnor.. at. s. Boi i. n. WINDOW CLKANTKO an Btmwnt avrc" . nuHM cm work. H. JJf; ....... Wrtram'. ctf. WIPJW. ti oo fABrrWd papekhanoino' auijint; m a rntln and paperhanilM. Tvk Mtl; b. iJMii flKI HhlnlnK. 093" nriM natatlnt. Sat. Irt a. mar Kptrbitnf lirMrt fepttBwslnfi I. Woedvworth. Ph. 1-1 1 tats tln. H r 9r at. 010 f&SS, .11 t u , 1.HU flCTCTIS rRAMIWO n j. Wet. nu Suoprri.w. Am. t.lniow 01ul Window. W.U. woodwork M "X"', "-' WINDOW I HAP IB D.1 Rtlnhohlt Lwl. n Uf- HUUU on - i .1 LEGAL 2. - .?aa .''"oiprt".; e.uie. U nT ,nowrt .nl .houKl now ,n " Mt.te ehould I "'""''"oLlv'O'rjrrORTH. Aonuniflw" PEEBY T. SURErl ijr." Tr.rjul.d... s.lm. "";. . .. ..v-i. j,na.rr 1. Datea wo ' "gUl JnjA J. ' jouniry-iviiica atrmtw Veal 'iop quamr. jo-ic ".. urades accoraing 10 weiim man nuaim non Light blockers, 23-c; aowa, 1B-20C. Lamba Toe quality, aprlniara, I0-30C mutton, 10-12c. Bef Good cowi, 38-SOe lb., cannera cutters, 33-35C. Frcsb Drened Mean Beef steers: Good SOO-800 lbs., $38-41 commercial, a uhh-j, Cows: Commercial, 131-34; utility MB- jq; canners-cuivera, .o-o. Beef Cuts (Good Steers); Bind quarters, 150-53, rounds, 143-46; full !olna, trimmed, J35-40. ribs, J53-55; lorequartera. 134-35. J3S-3H; uinuy, Lambs: Good-choice sprint1 lambs, 140 43; commercial, -jo-o. uumj, Pork loins, (40-43; shoulders, 18 lbs OOWn, tOVai.BVi Bf'nicnuo, caueji, 134-25; mixed welshU 3 per cwt lower. For ii ana nciuin.Bi Guoin Bark Dry 13 "4c lb- treeo 4o WAaiVa.llv eotru and medium trade Mobalr 35o . a l.-mon.n iroww nominally. Hides Calves, ITo lb.; koeordlnt to bulls, 6-1c lb. Country buyers pay 3o leas. w.lnntt Franquettei.' lirst quality Jum bo, J 4.1c: large. 33.7e; medium, al.3c iSKona quail-; junmua, , medium, 3fl.3o; baby, 33.3c; soft shell, first quality large, aw.ic. mwium, " iv' quality large, ii.lz; medium, 2fl.3c: sec ond quality large, n.3o; medium, 24.7ci Fllborta JumDO, ios id.i mh. v. mMlum, in; soian, Completed from report of Balem dealers lor ine gniaance oi vni. "" Rosrior. (Revlltd dallT). Retail Feed Prlcei: Ekk Main M.oa. Rabbit Pellets .au. uairy reeo ... ed hens, 21c; grade A Leghorn hens ana UP, toe; grnae n oiu graae a coiorea iiiw. mi i"'t "" . . But in v rnees iane aji, aa.iflr; medium AA. 13c; medium A, 39c; pullets, 20-27C. wnoiesaie rrieei wummn j 8-7C aDOVO inee prices, mure amwa generally quoted at 41ci medium, 34c. rjuurna. Premium c; no. 1, o; o. i, oo-duo. ibuylna pricesi. Butter wholesale trade A. tlo: re call 73C. ttiT. rramln. llutoUoD Pain. itOTO PbOM I-Mffl. OOF1NO JL . . .. p.j . n.w rnnf? kooi leasr ur ao jou u - Ph. -r?fll. Free astlmafs. Terms, on 1ND 4k OKATXX. Garden Boll, omshed fook. Kl"d"J ....... i w.. Valllns: Band & QTaTaj go., ypono I-M49. ..K ... rU H. -oi. lJ N- Koto Rooter Sertlc. on "ra. in Bm t . Salem. Pn. !- . . B.mel, Soptlo tnU, '? line tksned. OnmjBMrt wort .... .Ul ou, n... oH' Tcnun pumplnf. no """".."'.r'lf.k w.h u. couoct. fr,:, M.l.. .ut T..-..M thnn. S-073.. O ' IWEa AND SEPTIt TANS ...TT.nnNT NOTICE prPlu lh.. the wvi" 0f the utile urns coniuiiiMiiun U -S, rcount in th. Circuit " : V..u h.V- viti.tva Patent. ew.-w. i nladei. Clean Bewen, Drtlna. Tanks. Ph. 3-p32T, AD makes repaired, free M,t.lmt)!? Sinter Re win. Machine CO 130 NO Commercial Ph 8-3313. prating " Rnr.n. . r,tn1n. Ph. 3-7900. 030- TRAN8FEJ A 8TORAG1 rm : ... w.-rai toTas Burner olla. coal k briquet! Trudu w Portland dally Agent 101 o- aoia toodl more a w " o. Canada Urmar Tranafar Bteiu Ph 1-1131 . tYPiWFmai ... " ' onwai Under- omua vorona, rwoiDiv ood pnrtablej AH naaltfs ad "1cnine Hfpn;rn and rent Roen tao WJ" Venetian bunds WSCS Meeting at Methodist Church TV.. Wnmn,i Snrietv of Chris tian Service will be held at the First Methodist church weanes riav how-inning with a business session at 11:45. Mrs. Ruth Fu- gate will preside. Luncheon win be served at noon with Circle 8 as hostess. tv,. ntra afternoon s nro i. in hm (riven over to Me thodist students who attended the conference at umana, iu during the holidays Stuff steamed figs with cream nnd serve with coleslaw. This combination Is delicious IKS' ' I Linn Welfare Shows Deficit Alhanv Mp,rT fni nrlHltlnnnl iifAlffii.. f.inrlB r.nlliHAH lionH.nn with an Inflexible county budget at thtt .Tannarv mpptinff nf the Lnnnfv uielfor. (.nrnmininti nnH ... ... accordingly the welfare depart ment was lett wnn xne proDiem of meeting an estimated $43,- 3H7. OB deiicit lor me remainaer of the fiscal year, ending June 30. Mrs. Ruth Cotter, welfare ad mlnistrnfnr. nrpsented to the court a request for a $7,806.66 county appropriation, to wnicn mmiM he nrlrieri S.1B.S60.42 of state and federal matched funds. The county's share would De, she pointed out, but 18 percent of the total. The pnmmission decided. however, that the county budget could not now be altered since its apropnations have been ir revocably pledged to me nemo frtr urh1.h thev were budgeted. The county public welfare bud get for tne laia-ou nscai yco, totaled $106,355. In view of tne commissions ,tinn tin ("!ntter said Thurs day, the welfare picture in Linn county is a dark one. Extraordinary demands lor nnhit. .distant this winter have so depleted welfare funds that a -deficit Is certain during the nvl five mnnths. starting February 1, the administrator explained. To make it up, Mrs. toiler said, it will be necessary to rob the general assistance fund, contributed by the county, for matching purposes to Keep on with old age assistance and aid to dependent children pay ments. Phone Election Slated . T vnnc The nnntial meeting of the Peoples Co operative Tele phone company win De neia Tuesday evening with election of officers Grains Work Up During Saturday r-hiooon .Tnn. 14 (IP) Grains worked their way upward In a somewhat hesitant iasnion uu the board of trade today, ine better tone in stocks a New York had a favorable influence on trading sentiment here. The new crop wheat deliveries climbed around a cent. Buying hnued in oart on cold weath er over much of the winter wheat section", a good part of which lacks a snow cover to protect the grain. Dealings were not very active on the advance. wheat also was helDed by trade advices that Portugal had n..F.haf.H anon tons of red wheat for loading next week out of Atlantic coast ports. Cash grain dealers reported sales of 75,000 bushels of corn for movement from here by rail. This helped the yellow cereal. Wheat closed ti-ly. higher, March S21R-S2.16: corn was V. lower to Vs higher, March $1.29 A, oats were Vb lower to higher, May 69, rye was Yt lower to Yt nigner, -may $1.41 Vt, coybeans were Vt to 1 cent higher, Marcn s.04v-u, and lard was 7 to 13 cents a hundred pounds higher, March $10.70. Amity Boy Scouts Sponsored by Club ' Amitv The Amitv Commer cial club held Its first meeting of the new year witn i. u. mar tin the new nresident. in charge Phil Frost, Yamhill county T3m, C,,it evpptitlve. was 1 guest and outlined the 1950 pro gram for scouting activities. AmW.r trnnn Nn 201. which is sponsored by the chamber of commerce, will De nosi lor me i-rt.t nf Hnnnr here February 8, place of meeting probably at the 1. U. v. i. nan. Garden Club Host Families of Members Woodburn The annual par ty for members and families of the Woodburn Garden club was hei Tnofii.v nicht at the Luth eran hall with about 30 pres ent. A no host dinner was serv ed at 7 o'clock followed by an evening of games with Mrs. ivrariin TTnmmnnd in charge. Prizes were won by Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, Mrs. Harold t,oi ean. Mrs. Lela Huglll and Mrs. Ted Woelke. be held ftt 1 o'clock Sundftr from the memon.i on.p.i di m. uuu u,.... nome, wev. rr. niwwi.wi . end burial In UlUer'e cemetery. 2022 Mrs. fanny Obo woodourn Mrs .rannr uno, i, iv Inr, Jan, 19, at a Salem hospital. She 6, 1908 and earn to the United States from Canada live and one-half years aso and has lived one mile south of Hubbard for the past five years. Survivors In- Ciuao ner nuawnna, iuii us. uu- bard. Route 1; sons. Oalvln In the U. S. w--I ....I I . VI TAt -nlirnwnla and James at home; dauihters, Dorothy. Eleanor. Darlene and Elaine, all at home; Infant twins, Myron and Myra, and her m tuner ir. Amtm iuiwm u oub". vlew. Alberta. She aUo leaves on brother and five sisters In Oanada. Funeral an- Mn. Susan T. Miller Biicna viia m.t. oumii . "mhi, v, died Wodnesrtar at the home of her aausmcr ana un-iu-it.w, mi. su. C. A. Wells. Survived by five children, Mrs. O. K. Faulus of Salem, Oall Tucker OI .Vienna, ivana., mono i win vi Wells of Buena Vtsta. Funeral services will oe nem ounuuy, n-uusw -o p. m. at the Walter L. Smith luneral noma, inaepenonnci. DEATHS wauer h. rerions, a. uw rwiutnos at 960 Oalnes street. Jnauary 10. surviv ed oy Wlie, Mrs. Jueiuua a. rorjona i aaicm; inree Bunnicr, nam. - Iter Ol opwnn, mn. uunn owui EUltene; two sons, nowura v . runun I a Ut Vavnnw. Wash mryri Y r van A. PftP. sons oi j-.Ui.n7. v3., v Stedman of Blsmark, N. D.; tight erand- nouncement of service later by the OlouKh-Barrlck chapel. Ben Haven sawyer ijwo ijioeny roaa, a. ne aga vi vi yii. eurvivea oy parents, aar. ana sars. v, w. W. Sawyer of Portland. Announcement of Mary K. Powell, al the residence at jenerson, January ij, at tne ai oi ai years. Survived by six children, Mrs. Alma r. sirucameier oi ncio, uregon, Ernest r. Powell and Alfred L. Powell, both of Jef- Arnoia oi ttaiem; a oroiner, j. norman Long of Sclo; 21 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. Life long member of ml... lit., k. ha 1TBT A 1 1 V H wr tA .ha. $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4 Vi -leal Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Anto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. High St Llo. 8-210 M Ml ui u.j-k. Mun.lJ nen.rn.t.M . ..... w.i ,a -. n rlnAU I M.V, these two version, of the versatile weskit casual oouarva or unsu w toned. Mix or match with the tour gone skirt. (All In one pattern). No. 2023 U cut in stm U. 14. W, 18, 20. 36, J8, 40, 4S, 44. Sin 1 skirt. 64-ln.; 'collariess weskit, ltt yds. 54-ln. Would you Ilk to see a collection Ul ntvrw ui.u . . - - j that Includes designs for all mem bers or ine lamuy irom mij um ana growing giris w juiuui. mm. mtaM.. mature and larger-stee wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK in your paiwrn order. It's a big aid to every home sewer. Price per copy 20c. n . a.. ' Ml UL M,N llame, Address and Btyle Number. ltate Sise desired. UAramm .TnllTn.l Qll MlSM slon 8t. San Francisco 6. Calif OBITU ARY M till Is Markland Davenport Silverton Funeral servicw for Mrs. .,,1- n...nnn.l 19 vhn flltia at the llverton hoapUal Thursday, will Hemorrhoids (Plies) Fissure Fistula Prolapse And other rectal dis orders treated with out hospitalisation. DR. R. REYNOLDS Naturo-Rectal Specialist 1144 Center St. Phone J-9480 Journal Want Ads Pay USE Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seedf Odorless 6.ack.$5.00 B"Yton $10.00 2ton, .... 17.50 FREE Delivery Anywhere In Salem area Phone 3-8127 Court of the St." .J r'D:,lB.M. " M.rion Jrf Tueidw. Februerj Mid Court u "sTUM . tMreoi., -nMnr. AdmlnUtr.tra ol tr,e Esute oi John Ci.rle. 14. . Feb. 4. 193Q Tal. .nil Warmer Cold? Wall Hnwn at T.m Veffas. Nev.. thov derided to at least warm up the scenery so they dubbed Hael Nilsen (above) "Miss Wintertime." Helps, doesn't It? (Acme Telephoto) Ven.tlu Blind, nude to "'J" reiinuiu& .maoja - tlm.r Th. BllndmiiFlff; !' Veathersthifpino" . nt T. PULLMAN. Ph- "(s. FtJZi .... .IA11 in .yacJWjijMv . -'coTwrt or habIos, deVahtmini of fbobate ,r Fln.l.."'trn.,;.e'.'omlnUtr.tor et. ,.ed. h.vlnc renoereo .i --. hu Mfleme-t, .nd Illeo ',,,, , finl iwn' "'A P5""wn Th.t Frld.r the lh A.M. oi "Mjy-,:: .ettlement ol herebr p0,mltid .t notice ol Mid IMld .ccount end th., no -ublUhed In sm. Journ.l, uTolMn M one. iiurlon Countr. oreion. M oiu aMi lot itnu . 1" L""nSM.h1. Utk d.T .t Done in WK , run January. A.D. lo. KIMMEtL SCORES in the ALLEYS tCBf4tl Besolta) Duck Pin COMMEBCIAL LEAGUE NO. H.rken 17J. Jo. Formlclc HI. Bob Lor ,m 3M. Bill B.rrowi 140. B.n.I. . SI C.rrol H.rlow 1, Oeone etelner S. Chuck Collltu 178. Curly Monner 402. C.l Chamber. 90. Bob Ramaie HI. BOO..I..I. lem Dui........ ' Vrn McK.e 40, Ralph Duneey 40S. Har old BUM JM. Ken Vauion . Or.. T.l- Bl.. Lake Producer. (2) Paul Fuhrer 371. Curly scneii a.o, jim wimh B" ?.u "I ' 1: le (It warren imjtw .w --- ty. ill. Mahlon Penira 199, Don Baraej 413, JOnn LiinaDiiTiii nv. W. C. Drer Ineirante () Cleo Hleu 3, BUI Dyer we, r. mcu a. w. r Oorge Biieuy iio, niwj i.iBou. Hlh team aerlea: State Tirt 3041, hath team tame: m... Tw.i t hiB-n infl. aaraa: warren Tayior wiaw . : UM.ha. KUI VnhlO'a TaTCrB (1) Niiler 4M. Whlttemore 480. Kaneakl 415. McOullin 111. Biraiion rmmoina o..stt,.. - uiney jr. m, reari "V" " aerson ao. mriiiwiy n, rariy ouj, ocniui. nt w( . .... a. VM..III.. it TTn. J (On WO, liUU VOIMHR-A (I t Braden 471, Biuh 43. Feue W, Clark .no i.i.A..t v.whh fit Htttler 4B0. Oard- r n ia n VilllH ftll n Valdei 111.' Salem Hardware (0) Thede SU. Oarrlaon . Loian 440. Weat 490, face evi. Salem Llibtlnt A1P. (1) Duncan Good Hoiaekee'plnr (tl Slmoni 4fi7, Jonei 4BO, uaoy ai4, uiney or. sua. Richland Market 4 J. Otreoi l -.:.!. iu rwu. iu UwNau 4sa. warmt.h with ruble for imartllM. mh Inrl tiame: Ba Taldtf ot Unl MAK6 Several pair 1" uuiei.u. wi- Vumni 441. nri tnr VorUtV. vfr.n Pum'tM in.' Pattern Envelope No. R2499 con P. " Wa "n,;;:t:' ... talrw knltung instructions, smau, R2499 Cable-Knit Cloves Handsome material requirements, stitch lUus . . nri flnt.hlnw HlrM-.tlonA. TO Obtain ink. pattrrn owiiu In COINS giving pattern numDer, your name, address ana tone num hr tn ppocrv Rohrrts Caoital Jour Inal, 828 Mission Btreet. Ban Pran- Clough-Barrick Company CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO LISTEN TO HYMNS OF THE WORLD BEAUTIFULLY SUNG FOR YOU BY olin Charted JhomaS and The Kings Men Monday through Friday, 9:45 a.m. KOCO- 1490 KG .lit icr 5 ..a r'.H tli Circuit Judie. UA. M, M. M. " Imodium and l&rg tlza Included CkKO 1, V4U11. u., newer Milk mMy.r 0, Bob