r L Af il Ft V r 18 Capital Jonrnal, Balem, Of., Friday, January 13, 1950 WITH TEMPERATURE 47 BELOW Dog-Sledder Tells of Acting As Mid-Wife to Dog on Trip (Editor'! Note: The following dlpatch was ent five days ago by Cecil A. Moore, who la dog-sledding from Fairbanks, Alaska to hla home in Lewlston, Me. The Uteat account of his unique journey was printed on foolscap in the light of a fire. Moore apologized for the pencil, explaining that ink freezes in the 63 degrees below aero temperature. An Indian trapper took Moore's letter to Whitehorse where , H was put aboard a plane.) ' By CECIL A. MOORE Morely River, Y. T., Jan. 8 (Delayed) (U.R) This is the last place on earth I ever expected to find myself in the role of midwife. The blessed event occured six days ago. I was halfway down Tjk Teilin lust north of the British Columbia border when, in . a matter of a few hours, the temperature dropped from 25 below to 87 below. I noticed one of the dogs was acting strangely, so I stopped. pitched tent and made camp. After getting the dogs bedded down on some boughs In the snow, I warmed food and fed them. I crawled Into my eider down sleeping bag but slept fitfully because of the cold. A dog's whining finally got me out of my sack and I investigated with a flashlight. tm wyn. mm ml.. -as- 1 Hayesville Unit Has Demonstration Hayesville, Jan. 13 The ex tension unit held its regular meetintf at the home of MIbs Tern Morgan on Claxter road with 21 in attendance. In the absence of Mrs. R. M. Kelley, the business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Wayne Powers. Mrs. F. O. West and Mrs. Wll Ham Kennedy were chosen as oroject leaders for the March meeting. Mrs. Marvin Stuhr re ported on the district meeting held in December on Christmas decoration, and Mrs. Floyd West on an officers' meeting held last Monday when Mrs. Floyd Fox described her recent trip to Denver in the interest of exten sion work. Miss Eleanor Trindle present- ad "Giving Home Sewing a Pro fessional Look" tot the. follow ing: Mrs. M. H. Stuhr, Mrs, Wayne Powers, Mrs. Walter Ny trum, Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Mrs, Marc Saucy, Mrs. W. J. DeBoer, Mrs. J. H. Barnes, Mrs. John Przybilla, Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. F. O. West, Mrs. William Ken nedy, Mrs. Theodore, Mrs. Charles Andreson, Mrs. Virgil Perrine, Mrs. George Strozut, Mrs. H. J. Robertson, Mrs. A. F. Harvey, Mrs. B. Reiman, Mrs. Roy Green, Mrs. Richard Mor gan, and Miss Fern Morgan. Medford Mercy Flight Baby Dies Medford, Ore., Jan. 13 UD Little Deborah Ritter, who was flown to a San Francisco hospi tal 12 hours after she was born here last week, died Thursday morning, it was learned here. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Ritter of Eagle Point. The baby was born with a rare Intestinal ailment. A dramatic radio-coordinated search for an available plane, conducted from Medford to Air Force bases at McChord, Falr-field-Suisan and Hamilton fields, finally located a military trans port plane which took the baby to San Francisco. Xavier Cugafs Wife Files Divorce Suit Hollywood, Jan. IS (U.R) The actress wife of orchestra leader Xavier Cugat, the rumba king, today filed ault for divorce charging extreme cruelty. Mrs. Lorraine Allen Cugat, ought community property val- ved at $400,000,, $2,000 month ly alimony, and attorney and court fees. The couple married in Phila delphia in October, 1947, and separated last Oct. 20. There by the dog that had acted oddly and refused to eat were two husky pups. They were frozen stiff. I looked at the thermometer on the sled. It registered 63 degrees below zero! It was deathly still and the northern lights were coldly beautiful as they flashed across the sky. I felt kind of scared when I began thinking how far I was from civilization but I snapped out of it when I looked down at the frozen, new-born puppies and their sad-eyed mother. I took a blanket and moved the dog nearer the fire. With sticks and another blanket made a shelter. The dog stop ped shivering after a while and I realized she was going to have some more puppies. Playing midwife, I delivered three more pups, bundled them up in the only spare woolen un derwear I had and placed them near their mother. Then I cooked a big stew from the two frozen rabbits and a spruce hen I had on the sled. While waiting for It to get cool enough to feed the mother, I ate a goodly portion of It and drank a pot of tea. Even though I had eaten and had kept the fire blaz ing high, I still could feel the cold eating into my bones. After feeding the dog I put her pups to nurse and covered them all with some blankets. Later, at Nlsutlin Bay, a trad ing post on Lake Teslin, I got a wool-lined box. Mother and pups arc doing fine. Except for frostbidden cars, I feel fine. I have only one suit of underwear left because the other suit was ruined during the blessed event. Although I'll be pretty crummy when I pull Into Watson Lake, I don't know whether I'll want to bathe or not. It's 88 degrees below now and recently went down to 75 there. THERE'S 0NLY0ME NAME Jo- KGntemB&t, WHEN YOU BUY ASPIRIN, ITS ytt few 1 1 C Dorothy Gray Special Dry-Skin Mixture TTwres no finer iSrj km cram yom conk! boy Done more fa moos In all the world I Special Dry-Sim Mix. tart magically softens, smooths . , . countenii fine lines, guards against ngiy skin dry Bern. Stock up mote at these wonderful ear-rngs-acroaUj ieu lhaa half prktl CAPITAL DRUG STORE Itote & Liberty "On the Corner" Home Easy chairs by the fireside mean home to Consul General and Mrs. Angus Ward in his brother's home at Alle gan, Mich. The Wards recently returned from Mukden, Man churia, where they were held virtual prisoners of the Chinese communists for 13 months. (Acme Telephoto) Forest Grove Jets Ready for Barbershop Quartet Contest Forest Grove, Ore., Jan. 13 Forest Grove's own brand of rodeo the annual round-up of barbershop quartets Is being rapidly whipped into shape for the two-day festival February 24 and 23. Invitations have gone out to hundreds of male quartets in the Pacific northwest to enter the fourth annual competition of the original All-Northwest Barber Shop Ballad contest. With the invitations went copies of the new picture brochure, telling the story of this nationally-known contest and Gay Nineties fes tival. Hopes are high for this year's event to surpass all its fore runners. Committees of the sponsoring Forest Grove Glee men, civic male chorus, are hard at work. For the third straight year, Ray Haas is serving as gen eral chairman. Highlights of the festivities Will be the Friday night elimina tions contest, featurng all the quartets, and two big finals show plus Gay Nineties revue Satur day evening. The entire town will be in costume, recalling the good old days. Quartets showing interest In the competition include last year's three winners: Harmony Vendors, Tacoma, Wash., first; Agony Four, Oregon State col lege, second, and House Broth ers, Bonanza, Ore. Other early replies have been received from the Harmogenized Four. Kirk land, Wash.; Cornfed Canaries, Coquille, Ore.; Chin Scrapers, Roseburg, Ore.; Gleemen, Bend, Ore.; music department, Oregon State college, and the AU-Over-80, Cheshire, Ore. Man Hangs Self Klamath Falls, Jan. 13 () An unemployed dental techni cian, Almon Otis Boutwell, was found dead in his hotel room here yesterday afternoon, hanged in a closet doorway. Sheriff Fra ney said the death was a suicide. He said Boutwell had used four strands of picture wire. Truman 'Surprised' At Taft Military Expert Washington, Jan. 13 (U.n President Truman said Thurs day that Sen. Robert A. Taft, R., O., is entitled to his opinions about Formosa. But the Presi dent added that he did not know the Ohloan was a military ex pert. Otherwise, Mr. Truman re fused to comment at his news conference on a statement by Taft that a small amount of U. S. military aid to Formosa eould keep the Chinese communists from capturing the Nationalist held island. Toluidlne blue, a dye used in laboratories, has been found ef fective in controlling bleeding. nn W vmtmBtfMtmmtmipmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmm : - ... . TIDE cuts washday work in half! No more rinsing! Just wash . . . wring out . . . hang up! "NO MORE RINSING FOR ME!" ays Mrs. Elizabeth Davit or Portsmouth, ohio I didn't believe Tide could do it . s . till I tried It! But if, true! I took the clothes right out of those wonderful Tide suds and put them through the wringer and onto the line. And, believe me, they looked so bright and clean I was proud to hang them up!" "I took my wash out of the' Tide suds wrung it out -and hung it up CLEAN! I'll never rinse again!" toys Mrs. AL Hayes O' WIEHAWKIN, Nlw JISSIY "Tide now makes possible an amai ing new kind of waahday quick and easy, almost beyond belief. Just think of all the time I'm going to save . . . with out rinsing! And think of the wear and tear it saves on my clothes as well as on me! Thank you. Tide, for the biggest washday miracle of all!" "My clothes dried so soft and fluffy-ironed so easily without rinsing at all!" lays Moryorcr toctwooc Or INDIANArOlll, IMD. "Talk about mir acles! I take my clothes out of Tide's wonder suds, wring them out, and the dirt runs right out with the wash- V jfnmii 4m fSA they say it does! And what a beautiful wash . ; . fresh, clean, and sweet-smelling without rinsing at all! It dries soft, fluffy, easy to iron. From now on, it's Tide and only Tide for me!" YES, another Tide miracle has been discovered and It's the washday news of the mid-century! With Tide In your washing machine you can take your clothes right out of the suds . . . put them through the wringer and hang them on the line dazzling clean! With out rinsing! Hard to believe? Yes, but when you use Procter & Gamble's Tide, it's a fact and women all over America are proving It today. HERE'S WHY! Tide, with its miracle suds, gets the dirt out of your clothes and keeps it suspended in the sudsy water. When you wring out the clothes, the dirt runs out with the washwater . . . and the clothes come from the wringer white . . . fresh . . . CLEAN! YES, CLEAN! You all know how clean Tide has always washed your clothes with rinsing. Actually cleaner than any other washing product you can buy. Now we'd like you to try Tide without rinsing and compare the results. It's simply unbelievable how bright, fresh and clean you can get your wash with Tide, without rinsing. And think of the time and work you save! So try Tide without rinsing! If you do, you'll never use anything but Tide again! No other washing product known can match TIDE for getting out dirt and soap film, too FOR THE WORLD'S EASIEST WASHDAY... TRY TIDE WITHOUT RINSING! H