Automobiles Buy A Used Car With Confidence Be Sure With An A-l Car BankTerms,Low Liberal Trade Ins 49 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan, good $1645 49 Ford Custom Tudor, R&H, a dandy $1595 4o riymouin special uzu u, xvotii, juuu uu I 48 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan, R&H $1095 ! 47 Pontiac Torpedo 4 dr Sedan, R&H, clean $1345 5 47 Hudson Suner "6" 4 dr t ar Piirmnnhh Snpnin up I. 1 48 Frazer Manhattan. Book $1580 $1445 1 MANY MORE CARS i $65.00 to 5 A-l CARS YOUR 1 n t nrATTnxrs i. i nnumnrt ii 8600 SILVERTON KOAD I AT ".TOF." BTIRKE'S PLACE .Vt -r t T IT ? Valley Motor Mart ' "USED CARS WITH Tested, Inspected and Waiting FOR YOU. THAT'S THE CARS AT YOUR LINCOLN,-MERCURY DEALER For a Softer Ride We Have at the Lowest Prices Yet!! 1949 LINCOLN SEDAN, blue $2445.00 1947 MERCURY SEDAN, gray 1245.00 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN, green 625.00 1941 BUICK CONV. COUPE, black ............ 595.00 1941 MERCURY 2 DOOR, black 645.00 1940 LINCOLN SEDAN, green 595.00 .These Are All Running Good But Cost So Little 1937 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR 1936 DODGE 1929 MODEL A A 1935 FORD Come In and Let Us Explain Our Easy Payment Plan AT Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 845 CENTER AUTOMOBILES '49 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR THIS OAR IS EQUIPPED WITH SKATER, DEFROSTER, OVERDRIVE, NEW TIRES. WINDHIELD WA6H BR A UNDERCOAT. DARK BLUE $1595 Orval's Oeotoi "nil nWr OiuroU Ph. -0 1471 WITH TM 1TJ1UI lAJlbfi '40 Chevrolet SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN WITH RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER, FOO LITES, 1 SIDE VIEW MIRRORS, CHROME WHEEL RINGS. BLACK FINISH & VERY GOOD TIRES St LIFEGUARD TUBES. OUR PRICE $645 Orval's Canter at church Ph. 3-4703 "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" BUICK Special 4-door. Clean. Best offer takea. Ph. 3-0034. oil ZEEB'S USED CARS BrrT SELL TRAPS TERMS I LOTS f IMS Falnrounl ltd. Ph. 3-1454 630 Hood St Ph. 1-7114 " m i i . r u Hiisner irioiors to ouy 1947 CHEV. AERO J BEAUTIFUL CONDITION WITH RJLDIO, HEATER AND SPORT LIGHT $1295 Eisner Motor Co. n x. noi ALEX, OREOON 411' 1949 JEEP STATION WAGON HAS RADIO AND HEATER. THIS POPULAR WAOON IS JUST BROKEN 91 AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. WE ARE OPFERINO IT AT A 1900 SAVINGS Eisner Motor Co. IBS N. KIOK 1 FORD TRUCK. With or without dump. Very cheap. Ph. 20360. 1745 McCor. qll IMS 1 TON Ford stake truck. JSOilT ply traction tires. New license. 1st clue mechanical! t. Low mileage. Cash, no irwu. firuion store, en. 3H9i SPECIAL Very nice lUht green UM Dod sedan, fully equipped. Very ood. Trad & terms. See at 545 Cen- ler at. or Pnone 33012. ql3 Journal Want Ads Pay (AUTOMOBILES Down Payments, Sedan $lu4b i ne. ttisii. a.noney avo TO CHOOSE FROM $500.00 BEST BET A-l ArntTTPTT IT i A PERSONALITY" PH. S-S012 AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Sell 150 USED OAR LOT 950 tfcJs your old one. 13 th St, Junction. Open till 10 p.m. - qS4 1947 DE SOTO CUSTOM SEDAN - t OWNER LOW MILEAGE - FULLY EQUIPPED $1395 Eisner Motor Co. 353 N. HIGH SALEM, OREGON PRIVATE PARTY has for sale 1Q41 Bulck special Bedanette & 1935 Plymouth Coupe. Leaving town, both priced for quick, saie. en. 4HB06. hid a. view naee. qla' '38 BUICK convertible. Good motor, top ft body. 95 rubber. R&H. Priced to .sell. Ph. 3-9849 after 6 p.m. q!3' 1941 CHEV. SPORT COUPE RADIO AND HEATER IT'S A DANDY $595 Eisner Motor Co. 399 N. HIGH SALEM, OREOON qll' Eisner Motors Pine Cars FINANCIAL PERSONAL FINANCE CO., S18 State, Rin. 135. Lie. - 8-123 - M-105. C. St. Allan, Mar. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-133 and U-33S and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8. Commercial St. TeL 3-9161 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Falrtrounda Road Hext Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 17032 Lie N M369-S3S1 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr T IF YOUR PROPERTY la for sale tt will pay yon to know how much of an FHA loan H will stand. This Information la obtain abla with but van little trouble. DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any Information yoa d&ilra about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 1SS 8. HUh St. Tel. 1-4121. T' Mortgage Loans FHA Residential Loans a Specialty City, Suburban and Farm Loans Bus In cas Building Loan We Make Construction Loans and Private Money Loans Exceptionally Pavorahla Terms No Loan Too Large or Too Small SEE US FIRST Abrams & Skinner, Inc. Mortgage Loan Specialists 411 Masonic Bldg. Phont 8-931T I31 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tlma PannentJ ROY H SIMMONS Ul South commercial St, Pbooe 1-I181 r AUTOMOBILES USED GARS USED CARS COME IN CHECK OUR LIST OF. FINE USED CARS NOW A FEW RECENT TRADE-INS ON OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW Chryslers Plymouths 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Truly Lik New - Fully Equipped $1945 1946 DODGE CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, Beautiful Blue Color, Fluid Drive - Extra Choice $1195 1947 CHEVROLET MASTER DeL. 4 DR. SEDAN Hai Radio, Heater & Loads of Other Aecesaorieg Less Than 19,000 Miles $1295 Many More To Choose From Priced from $75 - $1995 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of 405 N. Com'l St 495 N. Com'l St. Phone 3-4117 FINANCIAL Private Money to Loan on Good First Mortgages. CHAS. HUDKIN8 & SON 250 H. High St. Phone 2-4129 r38 BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" LOAN MAY MAKE YOU "THRIFTY IN '50" PAY OFF YOUR BILLS LOWER YOOR MONTHLY PAYMENTS $50 to $1500 CALL OR PHONE TODAY PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 18 S. LIBERTY PHONB 4-THM AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT GO. 183 S. Church Parkin a Plenty 1-1457 Lie No. M-151 S-1B4 FARM AltO CITY 1X3 ANS 4 and 5 kOUB OWN TERMS ol repayment within reason. Cash lor Real urate uoobmm and Second MorUasea. CAPITOL SECURniES CO 101 Pioneer Trust Bldi. Ph. 4-2281. r SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 414 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 144 Stat St. Phone 2-3(101 TRAILERS wwrir.i. trailer, low box. Ball hitch. lights. 135.00. 1318 a. lain. HOME MADE trailer house, cheap, call after 5 p.m. 1005 s. aist. MACHINERY rnn half, a fn.rhtm.eal machine, re- nuiroti nn mechanical attention. cracas filberts 97 field run at 2c per lb. If Interested write for particulars or call at Rte. 1, Box 238, Aumsvllle, Ore. V13 TRANSPORTATION nRTVfNn o fitudebaker to L.A. Mon- Am-r nan ink 1 tn jhare arnenses. 8-7556. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 465 Court Phone I-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE wj.vrrrnm HflWR until lance reoalr serv- lee. Free estimates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances, vince's Eiecino. rn, S-9238. 157 S. Liberty St. pj AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS Towtaf aerrlce day phone 8-tMfl. Wfht a-iBUt. aa.- venter. BCILDINO CARPENTRY Remodel, rapair that home now. terms, No down payment. Phont 1-4860. o BULLDOZING Bulldoatng, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. pn. i-ano. eaiem. OASH REGISTKBS Instant delivery ol new RCA cash register. All makes sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 45fl court, en. b-bt.3. CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patio curb walla, ato. Call l-60 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7178. o2fl' EXCAVATING Ben OUen & Son excavating A grading, Land clearing. Ph. 8-3080. 033 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-274. Lea Croea, Rt. . Bos 437-C. Breithaupt's for flower Dial 1-9 171. o Air-Ray Electric Furnace. HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIQH PRODUCTS. 1-8570. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watklns Co. products. Fraa de livery. J717 CenUr. Ph. 3-5305. o' INCOME TAX Income tax returns prepared in your home Call J. Herr. Ph. 8-8181 for ap pointment. 08J INSULATION Johna-ManviUa. Phone 5-3748. LANDSCAPE NURSERY t A. Doerfler A Sons, Ornamentals, 150 N. Lancaster Dr at 4 cor. Pn. 2-1333. Q' DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. S4f Ut ferson St Phone 93452. o LAWNMOWERS Sha-pened. guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Barry W. Scott, 147 B. Com'l. St. 020' MATTRESSES Capital Beddlnc- Phone S-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Violin & Viola Instruction. Thomas Pacer. 1472 Center. Ph. 2-0473. o20 Spanish A Hawailnan Guitar, Mandolin. Banjo, etc. 1033 Court St. Ph. 3-7SS9. o33" OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk oh Ira, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, bret c Pis roe Wire Recorders. Rota. 460 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE Vf Strom's ax tQulppad painting Phone 2-3493 U do your PAINTING & PAPERnANGINO Painting and paperhantlng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513, 557 Shipping. o33a Papering 2-2004. palatine. XsU ires, Ph I AUTOMOBILES Service PLYMOUTH 435 N. Com'l St. DIRECTORY PAPERnANGINQ Paperhanglna. Johnson. Terms, P. 20348. q23 Expert Papcrhanslng and painting. H. J. Woodo worth. Ph. 8-9807. Free est. o20" Fisher. 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-2984. 024 PLUMBING SERVICE Don's. Call Eves. 35068. PICTUEE FRAMINQ Picture framtn Hutobeoo Faint Store. Phone 1-8087. o Roof leak? Or do you nead a new roof? Ph. 2-7701. Free estimates. Tenna. ol8 SAND ORAVEX Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel asd dragline excavating. Wallini Sand Gravel Co.. Phone 3-839. SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on sewers. 1079 Elm St, Vr. Salem. Ph. 3-8468. 3-5337. 031 K. F. Bamet, Septic tanks, sewer and a rain line cieanea uuarantera wore. 1143 8th St- West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. old Vacuum Pumolna. no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septlo Tank Service, 050 Larsen. Pbona 2-0734. SEWERS AND B El TIC TANKS Electrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-6327. SEW IN Q MACHINES All makes repaired. Tree estimates. Singer Sewing Machine Co. U0 No. Commercial. Ph. 3-3312. o Spraying 8t pruning. Ph. 1-7000. o2ff TRANSFER A STORAGE ,ocal A Distance Transfer, atorase. BurneT oils, coal A briquets. Trucks to Portland dally. Aaent lor Bekins. House. hold goods moved to anywhere ht Q-S or OanadfL Larmet Transfer A Storage Ph. S-3131. O TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal Cnder wood portables. AO makes osed machines Repairs and rent Hoen. co oourt. VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or raflnlahad. Relnholdl at Lewis. MOW Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37338. WEATHERSTRIPP1NQ Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 1-5965. OatC WELL DRU.LINQ R. J. West. 4240 Sunnyrlew. 1-2773 032 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Vlndow Cleaners Windows, walls .fa woodwork cleaned. Floors e leaned. waxed and polished. Ph I-13S7. 147 Court. Lansdoa Culbertson and uatner 0 WINDOW SHADES Waabtble. Roller. Uada to order. 1 bay Del Retnholdt a Lewis, yd zaesv. WOOD Si SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 2-4031. LEGAL IN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. NO. SHBZB. THE STATE OP OREGON, Plaintiff, VS, nmw riorfex af "Bee" olavlng cards: 4 used decks of playing cards; 2 KEM decks of Playing cards; 7 boxes of poker chips; 1 light globe and double socket; 1 carton containing loose playing cares; env. lopes contanllng chips; 3 wooden chairs; a steal tuouiar cnair; i wooaen ui fl IT AT ION TO? CTJFTON VEAL. CHARLES COOK. LESTER WILLIAM CORNELIUS. and CARL MANESCO; AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN, HAVING OR nT.AIMTVn fiflME RIOHT. TITLE OR IN TEREST IN THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PERSONAL PROPERTY: WHEREAS. The State of Oregon has filed the above-entitled Court and cause Its application for an order adjudging forfeiture and sale of the above-described property and thereby represents that the xame has been used In the commission of a crime, now, therefore, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON You end each of you. and all persons In terested In said property, hereby are cited and required to appear In and before the above-entitled Court on or before 10:00 A.M.. Jsnuar 31. i960, and ahow cause, If any there be, or If any exists, why same should not be ordered forfeited by decree of this Court and further ordered tn h anlH h th sheriff of Marlon Coun ty as upon execution and the proceeds thereof paid over to the Treasurer of Mar lon County for deposit to the common school fund, all as prayed for by said ap plication, and If you fall so to appear and show cause, for want thereof, an order will be made and entered herein tlvlnc and granting such order and relief to the plamtlil. witness tne uonoraoie nex aimmen, Olrcuit Judge, and ths Seal of the above- entlt'.d Court affixed at Salem, Oregon, the 20tah day ol December, mm. H. A. JUDD, COUNTY CLERK. Br: VERNON WINDSOR, Deputy. Dec. 10, Jan. 0, 13, 20, 97. LODGE A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.P, A.M. Special Communica tion Pri., Jan, 13th, 1:30 p.m., at W. T. Rlgdon's to conduct Masonic aervics for Bro. Cedric T. Reany, 10' New Zealand Quake Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 13 (p) Wellington's citizen fled into the streets this morning as three minor earth tremors set church bells ringing, dishes chat tering and doors banging. No serious damage was reported. Stocks Decline Up to 3 Points New York, Jan. 13 VP) Unre lenting selling pressure forced the stock market down today by fractions to around 3 points. It was the second consecutive fall from the seven-month bull market peak. A late rally brought tome is sues up from their lows and pushed a few others into gains with the tape running late. The volume of trading expand ed to a rate of 3,200,000 shares for the entire day as compared with 2,970,000y -v. shares yes terday. There were two distinct and severe selling waves today inter spersed with numerous small rallies and sell-off s. Steels and motors were the most active of the major groups on the downside. The general fall was regarded as a continuation of yesterday's drop with the minus signs gener ating a widespread desire to sell. Lower were Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Superior Oil of Califor nia, Johns - Manville, American Telephone, Kennecott Copper, Allied Chemical, Du Pont, East man Kodak, U.S. Steel, General Motors, Sears Roebuck and Douglas Aircraft. Higher were Emerson Radio Motorola, Nickel Plate, Lock heed, U.S. Gypsum and Radio Corp. STOCKS (By the Associated Presa) American Can lOStt Am Pow & Lt 15H Am Tel & Tel 146 Anaconda 20 Bondlx Aviation 36H Beth Steel 31 Boeing Airplane 25 Calif Packing 354 Canadian Pacific 14 Case J I 39 k Caterpillar 33 S Chrysler 6414 Comwlth & Sou Cons Vultee io4 Continental Can 35,i Crown Zellerbach 284 Curtlss Wright 84 Douglas Aircraft 714 Dupont de Nera 61 General Electric 42 General Food 48 General Motors 70 Qoodyear Tiro ssu Int Harvester 374 Kennecott Llbby McN & L Long Bell "A" , Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy NY Central , Northern Paclflo Pac Am Fish Pa Gas & Eleo , Pa Tel & Tel Penney J C Radio Corp , Rayonler Rayonlcr Pfd , Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Stores ............ Sears Roebuck Southern Paclflo .......... Standard Oil Co. Studebaker Corp. . 32 S . 74 , 234 . 004 . 174 . 39H , 13 H . 184 . 12 . 33 Ti .103 . 554 . 13 . 25 Va . 30 . 31 . 40 M, . 304 . 43 Sunshine Mining fiV Transamerlca 134 union OH Cai 204 Union Paclflo 8f4 United Airlines 144 U B steel , Warner Bros Plo , Woolworth Showdown on Oleo by Tuesday m m Washington, J an. 1 3 (JP) There may be a major test of strength next Tuesday in the senate's oleomargarine-vs-but-ter scrap. Spokesman for both sides said they believed an agreement could be reached for a vote then on a substitute advanced by dairy state senators to replace a house-passed bill to repeal fed eral oleomargarine taxes. The substitute also would erase the taxes but would ban the spread from Interstate com merce if it is colored yellow. Senator Fulbright (D., Ark.), leader of the oleomargarine forces, said he would seek a unanimous agreement to vote at 11 a.m. PST Tuesday on the sub stitute and on an amendment to cut excise taxes. Glass Blowing Art Lost? Not to This Edison Apprentice Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 13 (U.R) A veteran of 65 years In the glass- blowing art Is still blowing strong at Cornell university. Henry M. Banta, possibly the country's oldest active glass blower, entered the profession when even common window glass was blown by hand. A vigorous 82, he continues to practice his craft on a part-time basis at the U. S. plant, soil and nutrition laboratory on the cam pus here. Recalling his early days In the profession, Banta tells of Ger man master blowers who were brought to America to train ap prentices in the industry. "Those men were so pealous of their art that they used to work in stalls, just like horse stalls, so their neighbors couldn't learn their trade secrets," he said. The machines of today can re produce many of the operations of the artisan, but even so they cannot duplicate the precise, in tricate work of the skilled blow er, according to Banta. Banta became a glass blower In 1884 when he joined the Edison Company In Menlo Park N. J., as a dollar-a-weck appren tice He quickly became profi cient in the new skills. One of the most difficult jobs Banta undertook for Edison in volved the creation of minia ture lamp bulbs less than a quar ter of an inch long. Such bulbs are used today by doctors to locate foreign objects In the windpipe or stomach, but at the Urn that Banta helped MARKET QUOTATIONS Salens Livestock Markrt (By valley Packing company) Wooled lambs 119.00 to 320.50 Feeder lambs 113.00 to 116.00 Calves, good (300-430 lbs.) 118.00 to 133.00 Veal (1M-J00 lbs.) top $33.00 to $25.00 Fat dairy cows $13.00 to 114.00 Cutter cows $11.00 to $13.00 Dairy heUers 313.00 to $10.00 Bu:- $14.00 to 118-60 Portland EaiUlde Market Cabbage sold for 13.50-3.25 for local round head mediums In 05 lb crates on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Whole sale Produce market today. Rett cabbage brought $3.33 a crate. Broccoli was quoted at $1.00 a crate. Carrots were offered at 70-85 cents a dosen bunches. no. l Burbank potatoes sold foe M.oo E hundred pound sack. Portland Produce Bnlterf at Tentative, subject to imme diate change. Premium quality maximum 35 to 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland 07e lb.: 03 score. B5o Ib.l 90 score, 03; B9 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 3c less than first. Batter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade 93 score, 03c. A score. 03c: B score, 60c lb., O 09 score, 59c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon 5 small loaf, 44 4 -45c; triplets 14 less than singles. Exss (to wholesalers) A grade large. 38-404c; A medium, 84-354c; grade B large, 87-38c: small A grade, 334c, Portland Dairy Market Butler Price to retailers: Grade AA prints, 68c; AA cai-tons, 69c; A prints. ; a cartons oc; a prints, cac. Ercs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large. 45c doi.; certified A large, 43o; large 42c; AA medium. 3ac; certi fied A medium, 38c; A medium, 37c; B medium, 35c; A small, 35c; cartons 2c ad ditional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42o; Oregon loaf, 5 1b. loafs 444-45C lb.; triplets, 14 cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles. 514c lb.: loaf, 63 4c. Poultry Live chickens No. 1 quality fob plants. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs., 10c; fryers, 2-3 lbs., a 1-33 c; 1-4 lbs.. 35c; roasters, 4 lbs. and over. 25c; fowl Leghorns, 4 lbs. and under, 14-15c, over 4 16c; colored fowl, all weignts, ai-ajc; roosters, all weights. 14-16c. Turkey Net to growers, toms, SD-aie. hens, 44c. Price to retailers, dressed: A ycung hens, 50-5 lc: A young toms, 37- c; Iteht toms, 41-42c. Rabbits Average to growers, live whites, 4-5 lbs., 17-lSc lb.: 6-0 lbs., 15-17c lb.; colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40o; local, 48 53c. Country-Killed Meats Veal Tod oualltr. 35 -37c lb.: other grades according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, 28-33c. Iocs Light blockers. 33-asc: sows. 18-aoc. Lambs Top quality, springers, ao-S8c; mutton, 10-I2c. ltecf Good cows. 38-IOc lb., canners- cutters, 23-25c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.i: Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs., $39-42: commercial. $37-51; utility. 132-95. sows; commercial, $31-34; utility 1; canners-cuttcrs, $23-20. Beef Cuts (Good Steers): Hind quarters. $50-52; rounds, $42-46; full loins, trimmed. J33.70; triangle, $33-34; square onucics, $35-40; ribs. $53-35; foreouarters. $34-30. Veal and calf: Good. $41-43: commercial. saa-so: utility, 130-33. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. $40 43: commercial, $36-38; utility, $34-35. Mutton uooa. vo ids. aown. sio-au. Pork loins. $40-43; shoulders, 16 lbs. down, $30-31.60; spareribx, $38-41; car casses, $24-25; mixed weights $2 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 124o lb., green tc lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium trades. 450 lb. Mohair 35c lb. 00 13-month growth. nominally. 11 Ides calves. 17c ID. I aocoroini weight; pips, 22e lb.; beef, ll-13c Ib.i bulls, S-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Not Quotations Walnuts Franquettes, first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large. 32.7c; medium. 27.2c: second Quality Jumbos, larse. 3b.-jci medium. 26.2o: baby. 23.2c; soft shell, first quality large, 2D.7o: medium, 26.2c; first quality large. 29.7c: medium, 26.2c: sea- ond quality large, 27.2c; medium, 24.7ci uaoy Filberts Jumbo, 20c Ib.i large. 10ci medium, 10c; small. 13c. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Jan. 13 OTRDAi Salable hoas 8,000; butchers under 220 lbs mostly 25 cents higher; heavier weights 15-25 cents higher; sows lnostly 35 cents high er; several loads 180-210 lb 16.35-16.50; top 16.50: good and choice 180-220 lb 15.75 16.25; 230-260 lb 14.60-15.50; 270-300 lb 14.15-14.50; few 300-350 lb 13.75-14.25; ows under 450 lb 12.00-13.00; oholce light weights around 13.50; 475-600 lb 10.25 11.75; good clearance. Salable cattle 1,000; salable calves 300; choice steers and he Iters absent; others steady to weak; oows weak to so cents lower; bulls weak to 23 cents lower; veal ers steady; few loads and lots medium to low-good steers 21.50-26.00; common to low-medium light steers and heifers 17.00 20.50; two loads medium to good heifers 24.00-34.50: most beef cows 16.00-16.50; odd good cows 17.00; eanners and cutters 12.50-14.76; medium and good esauiafte bulls 19.00-21.00; medium to oholce vealers 26.00-32.00. Salable sheep 1,000; slaughter lambs fully steady; good end iholce natives and fed wooled lambs 23.00-24.00; best natives 23.60: yearlings absent; ewes steady, most ly 9.76-13.00. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Jan. (UFO Weekly livestock: Cattle: Friday salable 35: limited show ing of cattle sold actively and fully steady, but supply mostly cows; one good beef bull. 1050 lbs 20.50. Calves: Friday salable 10; mostly nom inal. Hogs: Friday salable 35, steady; top 18.25. Sheep: Friday salable none: nominal. develop them they were mainly employed for probing open wounds and for locating dental cavities. ... Banta joined the Moore Light Company in 1012 and was sent abroad to install lighting fix tures In European stores and theaters. He put up the first modern marquee lights at the famous Savoy Theater in Lon don. He relates that no sooner had he finished installing the 178 feet of glass tubing than a group of high-spirited young bloods pranced up to the theater on horseback, cracking and snap ping their whips in the air. One of the whips struck the delicate tubing and shattered it into thousands of pieces. Those tubes were about two Inches In diameter and filled with carbon dioxide gas, the forerunners of today's n tubes. Among Banta's proudest achievements are the invention of the first practical copper-to glass seal and the first braided copper seal, processes which he worked out while he was with Western Electric and which opened the way to many devel opments in radio and electronics Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.; Grains Rally For Some Gain Chicago, Jan. 13 UP) Grains rallied to close with small gains after early easiness on the board of trade today. Great Britain was credited with buying a moderate amount of wheat kite in the day. This helped to steady the bread ce real. Wheat closed H to 14 higher, March $2.15-, corn was V higher, March $1.29, oats were unchanged to V4 higher, March 73, rye was 14 lower to Vi higher, May $1.42, soybeans were 1 Vi to 1 cent higher, March $2.31-, and lard was 8 cents lower to 5 cents a hundred pounds higner, January $10.55 SALEM MARKETS Completed from repent of Salem dealers lor the guidance of Capital Journal Headers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: Ecc Mash $4.63. Rabbit Pellets $4.20. Dairy Peed $3.70. Poultry. Buying prices Orade A olotv 1 hens. 31c: grade A Leghorn hens and up. 15c; grade A old roosters, lo; grade A colored fryers three lbs,, 25c Em Buying Prices Largo AA, JBc: large A. 33-36c; medium AA, 32c; medium A, c: nu eta. 38-J7C. Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices S-7c abovo these prices; above grade A centrally quoted at 41c; medium, 34c. Butterfai Premium 66c: Ho. 1. 64c; NO. 3, 08-OOOi (buying prices). Botter Wholesale grade A. oaot re call 73c. . Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. Jan. 13 UFi Cash craln: Barley No. 2 45-lb B.W. 55.50. Cash wheat (bid); Soil whit 2.18: soft white (delud ing rex) 2. IB; white club 3.18. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.18: 10 per cent 2.18; 11 per cent 2.19; 13 per cent 2.20. Today's car receipts: Wheat 32; flour fl; corn 9; oats 1; mill feed 12, Wadhams Third In N Y Life Agents Third from the top In the nation among the New York Life Insurance company repre sentatives. That is the record of a Salem representative of the company, Walter E. wadhams. Wadhams, who moved to Sa lem less than two years ago and has been a representative of the company for the last 10 years, in 1949 placed third among the more than 5000 representatives on number of lives insured. The Salem man is a member of the company's Top Club, and has been on the company's honor roll with more than 10 applica tions and more than $20,000 of volume every month since start ing with the company. He has been responsible for personally placing $6,000,000 worth of life insurance. DEATHS Walter M. Persons Walter M. Persons, at the residence at 060 Gaines street, Jnauary 10. Surviv ed by wife, Mrs. Melissa A, Persons of Salem; three daughters, Mrs. Rhoda Ba ker of Spokane, Mrs. OdUle Messing of Glide, Oregon, and Mrs. Melissa Maves of Eiwene; two sons, Howard W. Person of Mt. Vernon, Wash., and Irven A. Per sons of Albany; a sister, Mrs. Katie Stedman of Btsmark, N. D.: eight grand children and six great grandchildren. An nouncement of services later by the Clough-Barrlck ehapel. First Lt. Jack H. Roach Plrst Lt. Jack H. Roach, at Bremen, Ger many, during World War n. Survived by mother, Mrs. L. M. Roach of Aberdeen, Wash.; three sisters, Mrs. Grler of Med ford, Mrs. Ford Cole of Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Douglas Jaquith of Salem; four brothers, Homer Roach of Jewell, Kans., Don Roach of Star ton, Ralph Roach of Silver Springs, Md., and Raymond Roach of Salem. Bervioes will be held Saturday, January 14, at 2 p.m. at the V.T.Golden mortuary with Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memor ial park. Military services by Capital lodge No. 8, American Legion, OBITUARY Cortney Ircllle Wilson Lvons Cortnev Ercllle Wilson, young est son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, died Friday morning after a long Ill ness, surviving are nis parents, two brothers, aDna and Floyd; and a sister, Kathleen: and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boylngton of St. Petersburg, Fla., nnd Mrs. Willie Mason of Dallas. Funeral services will be Sunday afternoon at the Wcddle funeral home m stayton. Mrs. Susan Miller Buena vista Mrs. Susan Miner. TO. died Wednesday at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. ana Mrs. c. a. Wells, following a heart attack. She Is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Q. K. Pa til us, in Los Angeles; brothers, Joseph Tucker, In Kansas; Bmlley Tucker, Se attle ana Byrn Tucxer, eortiana. An nouncements later from the Walter L. Smith funeral home In Independence. He Maryland Davenport, 73, who died at Animal Kingdom These adorable little rts are all embroidered In simple stitches and delightful col ore, use tnem on cnnarens piay sults, pajAmas, baby bibs, nursery curtains, bedspread or quilt. The leslf?ns may also be used as a paint ing guide to decorate nursery lurnl ture. Pattern Envelop Mo. Mm ton- Friday, January 18, 1950 1 tha Silverton hospital Thursday, will be held from the memorial ohapal of the Xk-, man funeral home at 1 o clock, Rev. Fr, Hlldebrand, of Mt. Angel, officiating. Bha ' was born In Clark county, Ohio, Feb. J, ' 1877 and was a longtime resident of this ' community. She is survived by her hu- band. John Davenport; son, Henry Dav. ' enport; sister. Mrs. Laura HenJum and ' four grandchildren, all ol Silverton. Idwln doosh . Silverton Xd win Clous. 83, died Frt. . day morning at the Silverton hospital with uie body taxen to Moiaiia. He is . survived by a brother, sister and niece, . all ol Scotts Mills. CharUne VUkroy Ht. Angel onanena wiexroy. a nesn- man of Mt. Angel Academy died at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Tkkroy, Mt. Angel, Jan. 11. Charlene. the third eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vlokroy. was born in Newberg, Ore gon, on March 3, 1935. She was graduated from St. Mary's grade school last May , and entered Ihe academy In September. Requiem Mass will take olece on Satur day mornlnt, Jan. 14, at 10:45 a.m. In St. ' Mary's church, Mt. Angel, Oregon, with Interment In St. Paul cemetery, St. Paul, In the family plot. Charlene Is mourned by her parents nad nine brothers and sis ters: Clarice (Mrs. Donald) Chandler, De lores (Mrs. Howard) Naegll, Ernest. Bet ty Ellen, Louise, Prances, Iva Jean, Charles and Linda. Her maternal grandparents are Mrs. Oeorae Hlller, Sr., formerly of fit, Paul, Ore., now living In Arizona, and the late George Hlller, Sr., of St. Paul. Rosary at the Unger funeral home, Mt. Angel on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. . Matilda Anna Wllhlns Lebanon Mrs. Matilda Anna Wllklns, . died at the Langmack hospital on January 12. She was born July 36, 1865, at St. Charles, Mo., coming to Linn coun ty In 1801, and making her home since in tne sweet Home area, one was a memoer of the Adventlst church. Survivors ara daughters, Me rile E. Oee, Sweet Home, ieoia u. oneiaon, romana. vema v. -Moss, Lebanon, and son, Joseph H. Wll klns, Castle Rock, Wash. Services will be -held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Howe Huston chapel In Sweet Home with Elder Sam Kimball officiating. Burial will bo in the Ames cemetery. Jesse Waltaee Shook Lebanon Jesse Wallace Shook, 59, died at his home on Sixth street early on Jan uary 13. Born June 19, 1890, In Nebraska, he came to Oregon 20 years ago. living In Portland and Klamath Palls before com ing to Lebanon. A member of the Eagles and Moose lodtres. he served the latter as governor during his Klamath Falls resi dency. Services will be announced later by uie Howe-Huston e tin pel. Survivors are his widow. Nellie; mother. Mrs. C. A. Hoag. Coquille; slaters, Mrs. Pheobe Graves and Mrs. Hanel Benham. cnniillle; oroiti- er, Harold P. Shook of California and a stepson, Harvey D. Crandall of Lebanon. Henry Rlsser Pairvlew Harry Rlsser. about 00, a farmer of the Pairvlew district died suddenly of a heart attack at his home January 11, Funeral services will be held Monday at 1:30 o'clock at Mncy's chapel at McMlnnvllle, and the body will be shipped to Chicago, 111., where burial will be by the side of his wife who died about one year ago. surviving are one broth- , and a slster-ln-law. Mrs. Katharine Conner, who kept house for him. Also there are nephews and nieces. 2973 SIZES 14 . 60. Boftly-IMcated Shlrtwaint Be loved member of the shirtwaist fam ilysoftened by front and back skirt pleats which provide easy fullness without bulk. Choice of short or long sleeves. no. is cue in sizes 1 io, is. 30, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. 48 and 60. Size 18, 6 yds. 35-ln. Smart Simplicity A smart stylo for either a practical washable or pretty print- No. 2934 Is cut In sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. Size 18, 4 yds. 36-ln. Would you liko to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles uiac includes designs lor all mem bers of the family from tiny tots and growing girls to Juniors and mlfises, mature and larger-size wom en? Just Include the WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order. It's a big aid to every homo sewer. Price per copy 20c. Bend 2&o for PATTERN with I lame. Address and Style Number, Hate Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis slon St.. San Francisco 5. Calif V VW . W R2669 tains hot-Iron transfer for 35 de signs, embrollery stitch Illustrations, color chart and complete directions. To obtain ttua pattern send 20o In CGIN9 giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street Ban Fran cisco I, Calll. M