lft Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! pr Line ise Per Lint t times , 40e Per Line 6 times 0o Pet un 1 month 12.00 Outside ol Salem I5e per ltne per day Uln. IOcj t times mln. 80o $ times mln. 11.20. No Relunds RIADEE8 In Local News Col Onljrt 10a per lint TO Place an Ad Phone 2-2106 FOR SALE HOUSES" SEE THIS mod. 3 BR home anytime. 1316 Lee 6t. or call 3-07B9. an JlEW 1 B. R. home & Oarage, larze lot, never been lived In close to school & store, 16600. Cash, terms or trade. Guy Miles, 1507 Pine St.. SHverton A18 lUBURBAN MODERN rm. Plastered. H A. Low taxes. Large lawn. Shade trees. Terms. Ph. 20386. aiir r FURN. HOME. C. 1 Brown, Woodburn, Ore. New 2 Bdrm. $6500 . Sdge of city. Lame living rm. Good slat bdrms. Well planned kitchen. At tached garage. 75x100 It. lot. A real value. Call Bon Clearjr, .Walter Musgrave R'ltors 1211 XdKewater. Ph. 3-8109. Eve. 3-0938 13 FURNISHED Comfortable little home on V acre northeast. About 10 yra. old. nice size living rm. with fireplace, large kitchen, bedroom St sleeping porch, double gar age, nice lawn St shrubs, completely furnished Including refrlf. it elec. rente. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Phone MM Eve. 35360 all THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY MOO New 2 bed room home on a nice suburban lot close In. Large living room, extra large kitchen, hardwood floors thru-out and a beautiful plaster lob. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 Commercial Phone 19849 Eve. 25280 ail' Near Enerlewood School 14100 Neat 1 bed rm. home with hard wood floors floor furnace, about yrs. old. very good. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 s. Commercial Phon. IIUI Eve. 35390 11 $1500 DOWN Beautifully finished ranch house. 1 twdroonu. double plumbing, fireplace, large living room dining room. Kit., utility, att. gar. You cannot beat this noma at ni.ouo. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son OVER 27 YEARS IN SALEM m N. Btoh St. Phone 2-4139. 12' 2i2 ACRES SPECIAL N. SIDE Xno we are leaving Salem we are of fering our 3 bd rm home, completely modern, for 19500. This ad worth 1500 on purchase price If used not later than Jan. 25, 1950. Ph. 30016. a!4 EQUITY In small house A lot. Ph. 3-4688. a 13 SPECIAL $7750 I BR home located In nice district. A Iood buy, call Paul Gell. Ph. 2-0880 Te Ph. 2-7769. ED, LUK1NBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. a!5 110,800. NEAR STATE HOSPITAL A real nice 2 BR homo with dry base Inent. oil furnace, fireplace, corner lot, bus by door, a honey. Call Peck. Ph. 1-8680. Eve. 3-8413. ED. LU KIN SEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. al5 19,950. HOLLYWOOD DIST 13150 down for this nice new 2 BR home. Has oil heat piped to all rooms. Inside Jtlllty rm., beautiful floor plan. Call d. Ph. 2-6080. Eve. 2-8704. ED, LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North High St. al5 NEAR LESLDS SCHOOL 110,500 English typt pre-war 3 bed rm. home. Good bsmt., irplce. In nice liv ing rm, Hwd. Firs. A home to be proud of. WEST SALEM HEIOHTS 17,950 Nearly new 3 bed rm. home. Living Rm., dinette, kitchen, good bam.. Oil furnace. Lb. lot. WANT HOME, INCOME U. 000 Furnished 4 bed rm. St bath apstalrs. 1 2-room apt. down Plus 4. rooms Hvlng quarters for owner. RANCH TYPE NORTH 41,500 2 bed rms. plus knotty pine den with srpice. Nloa kitchen, dining rm., I. Uvtng rm. Will go P.H.A. OA RP ENTER'S SPECIAL M.OOO -Wear state office. 5 bed rm.. Uv. Rm., Dining Rm., Kitchen, Bamt. aofi ror yemai income. V. OMER HUFF Ml OrMmeketa Ph. 3S091 or 30943 13 SPECIAL One acre two bedroom house, poultry souse: garden, fruit, berries on bus Una. 97500. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 K. High St. Phone 37660 Ere. phones 24591 - 20605. 1 jwjso -3 Bd. Rm., living rm., dining rm. Riicnen. Large corner 101. &one a. 1196 M. Com'. Ph. 29808. a!3 frVLL PRICE 13000. 1100 down. 130 per mo. Unfinished 4 rm. house, large lot, Lo- eated 4 miles from city center N.E. I teterested ca)l2-8786. all $6850 Full Price Vies 3 BR mod. home. Large lot. tlOOO down, 150 per month Including Interest. Lovely Englewood Home 1 bdrms., nice liv. rm., VH v mtcnen, unfln. up. good basement, sawdust heat, larg patio, fenced back lawn. Near St. Vincent dePaul A nice I BR home, full basement, fire place, oil heat, large living rm. ft din. rm., fenoed In back lawn. Dble, garage. Call Mr, Noonchester H. E. Corey Real Estate 1165 N. Broadway. Phone 3-0553 Eve. 3-0103 or 3-3818 a!2 1350 DOWN Nearly new 2 bdrm. home. Lot 60x137, 18,800. See ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR 231 N. High Ph.3-5838 all' BY OWNER: Priced to sell. 16500. Reas onable down payment. Modern 2 bdrm. home. In northeast dtst. on Shrlley Are. Phone 3-8834. alo FOR SALE LOTS IUB. LOT, 56X135. Water. Ph. 3-4455. 1743 Nebraska St. aal3 I NICE building lots. Cash or terms. Write Box 333, Capital Journal. a a 11 LOTS $15 DOWN, $15 MONTH With water and electricity. Close to school and bos. Met location. SUvereton Highway. General Real -Estate 315 Center Phone 3-3289. aall FOR SALE FARMS J A. under Irrigation. 3 Bd. rm. modern feoiaae. Near W. Stayton. Price 15700. Injulr 1068 E. Rural Ave. Ph. 38636. bl6 ft ACHES aft In cultivation.' Level, good soil, ean b Irrigated. Buildings fair. Ad equately equipped. New Internationa tractor. Cows ft chickens. Priced for nick sale. Some terms. 18500. Se E. R. Nelte Hutchison-Danielson, Realtors 463 Court St. Ph. 3-3639 toll FOR SALE ACREAGE 1 ACRE TRACT 7 miles out Wallace Road. Attractive modern home 3 room first floor, 3 partlall- finished rooms la attic. Double garage, 80-ft. well, elec tric, pumped to house. A BAROAIN 16500 Call Darby Sermon or Thomas Chance, ftaJem 3-9131. bM6 OWNER LEAVING IV seres. 6 room house S. River Rd overlooking valley, modern conveniences. OonsJdST lata modal ear or truck. Ph i-Utt. 0909, M1 Ore., Friday, January 13, 1950IFOR SALE HOUSE! ' REAL ESTATE Attention: Lots If you have a lot or lots that you wish to use as down payment on a home, we have homes In all price ranges where you may use your lot as down payment. Eve. 2-0473 2 Bedroom Home $4,800 11,200 down, 33 a month. Eve. 2-0473 10 Acres, North, $9,500 Older type house, but, modern. 2 bdrnu. Willamette silt, the best of soil. 5 miles from Salem. Eve 2-0473 Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street ell BEST BUYS Restaurant Doing good business, good equipment, teats 26, 2 BR living quarters, building equipment stock, everything low for $6000. Terms. Eve. phones 3-7674 or 3-3558. Hollywood I bdrms. on 1 fir., room for 2 or more large bdrms. upstairs, older type home In very good condition, corner lot, new auto, oil furn. We believe this Is a real buy ror 17950. Eve. ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558 Englewood l BR home with basement, fireplace, large lot with many possibilities. This 1 priced right at 11005. P.H.A. terms available. Eve. phones 3-7674 or 3-3558. West Salem Nice older type 2 BR home in choice lo cation on paved street, close to school, bus Si store. This home has been reduced to 16300. Liberal terms. Eve. phones 2- 7874 or 3-3558. 10 Acres North Willamette soil, livable 4 rm. house. Total price 13500. Eve. phones 3- 4735 or 3-3558. 418 Acres 370 Acres under cultivation, good build ings, Willamette. Amity St Newberg soil, only 9 miles from Salem. If you are interested In a good money making farm, this Is It. Pull price 170,000. Lib eral terms. Eve. ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 3038 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 2-4593 Cii' FOR YOUR SAVTiraa. investment buy a first mortgage on real est Me Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 5. We make all col lections for you ;f desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High C WANTED REAL ESTATE BELLING? If you have a good farm, acre age, home, business or building, list It wnn us ror action, iraaea are a tpc dally with us, too. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 ca36' WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near 6alem. If you wish to list your property lor sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca A. OR MORE bldg. site about 8 from Salem, Write description and price to Capital Journal Box 331. cal3 NOTICE! If your property is' for sale. rent or exchange, list It with us. We have nil kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S High St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADER HUDKINS 3 year old suburban home In fine dis trict for 2 or 3 BR Salem home. Chas. Hudkins & Son WANT TO TRADE late modern 3 bedroom home Englewood district for larger home. Cash lor difference. Ph. 3-8440. cbl3 BLDO. LOT Mill Creek. Will sell or trade for property In Portland. Beth Lewis, 2011 S. E. Cypress, Portland 14, Oregon. cb20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities Variety Store, stock ft fixtures ....14000 Qrocery Store, stock ft fixtures ....15500 Rooming House 331, 500 (Fine location, Inc. better than 1500 mo.) 6 Unit Residence Court J28,!i00 16 Unit Brick Apt. House $82,000 34 Unit Brick Apt. House 187,000 Tavern (not In Marlon Co.) 315,000 Fine 5 B.R. Home nr. State Capitol Aldus. Ideal loc. for Apt. House, price 136,500 Terms 'a Down, Bnl. 3100 Mo. W Need List Inns of Homes, Acreages ft BufilncM Property BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. Htah St. Office 3-3649 Eve. 2-5300 or 3-745L cdll ANOTHER GOOD YEAR Just ended. A real buy In a going business. (5950 tnkes everything stock, fixtures, equpt. Long lease on bldg. includes walk-In cooler. Best located grocery market In Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son Over 27 Years In Salem 350 N. Hlith St. Phone 2-4139. cd!2 920,000 1160 mo. net income plus beautiful apt. for owner. Rents are very reason able. Apts. are well furnished. Close to State House. ,ot)0 1300 mo. gross Income from these 6 lge. roomy apLs. In apt. house zone 4 blocks to State House. 111,500 1105 mo. Income from 2 fifrn. apts. plus lge, llv. rm., dining, fireplace, kitchen, lull bath, 3 I1R for owner, locat ed in Hollywood Dlst. jan.ooo 7 net Income from this combi nation apt. house ft business building with off st. parkins. Excl. location. IRS.OOO. New 3 unit court plus nice 2 BR home for owner. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 433 North HtKh St. Eve. Ph. 3-8704 - 2-7709 - 3-5413. cd!5 BEAUTY SHOP, latest equipment, steady business ft good location. Long lease, reasonable rent. Will sell on terms to right party. Write Capital Journal Box 335. cdll( GROCERY, gas tat I on, llvlns quarters, across from school. Buy stock and equi't. Salem 2-3166. cell I MUST SELL to settle estate. Modrrn turn., 22 units, 11 trailer spaces, store, station and living quarters. Waller Katnbak, Maple Auto Court, Lebanon. Ore. cdl4 $4G00 INCOME $8950 CAN HANDLE THIS. BAL. CON TRACT. 7 VERY NICE APTS. BATHS EQUIPPED. PH. 2-1744. cdll ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST 3 story brick apartment bldg., 16 rentals, excellent condition, construction ft Investment. 163. 000 cash. Oood loan available. 10 INDIVIDUAL HOUSES, hdwd. firs., fireplace. 1 BK, LR. kit., nook, bath. Only 1 blk. from 8hoprtnc Center ft State Office Bldas., excellent Invest ment, Only )55,ooo. CLOSE IN BUSINESS BI.DG. With 3 good s yr. leases to rniabia tenants. Income 1200 per mo. 121,000. LET US SHOW YOU THIS tine 8 unit apt in raai growing w. aiem, all have BR, .hey are all flee. Price ft terms will Please. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Persona Service 164 8. Com. St. Ph. 3-0389. Eve. 2-4681 cdll FOR SALE Oroc. store, gas and csbtns l. 7, box Salem. Phone 2-4319. cciSl FURNITURE FOR SALE PIANO, walnut upright. 8 piece walnut dining set Ms; Antique Mahogany Clock 135; Winchester 13 gauge shotgun, like new. f 13 : Vacuum Cleaner ft At tachments, 110; 4-piece Bleached Wal nut Bed Suite, used 1 month, 189: Rol laway Bed ft Mattreu, 113; Mohair Swing Rocker 833; Used Bed. complete 110; Voss Washer In perfect condi tion, 135; 5-Piece Breakfast Set, til; A.B. Apt, Elec. Ranxe, 157. Also n-w dinettes, davenoj, rockers, lamps, bed suit., at W oft regular price. Shop , , GLENN WOODRY Furniture Market 1808 N. Sumrfer Terms - Trades We Pay Spot Cash for Used Houiehold Goods dlt Journal Want Ads Pay GRABENHORST SPECIALS LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT LaMI School District older 2 bdrm. home, good roof Sz paint. 11 v. rm., kitchen, bath, attached garage, dug baamt., excellent location. Price $5,500. CALL PETER OEISER. NORTH, OLDER HOME, BUT NICE C1ue-ln location, 2 bdrm., Ise, llv. rm.. bath, bsmt., auto-oil heat, bus by door, paved St. $7,900. CALL ROY FERRIS. WALLACE ROAD Close-ln. modern I bdrm. home. elec. heal, wall-to-wall carpeting and drapes Included. Lge. yard, nice flowers ft shrubs, patio. SEE THIS HOME AND CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST. DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR 1950 CALENDARS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeiser 1-8888 al FOR SALE BY OWNER AND BUILDER New 8 bdrm. home, all on 1 floor. 1300 sq, ft. floor space. Lots of built-ins, ven. blinds, insulated & weather stripped. Floor furnace. Imitation fireplace with electric heater. Large corner lot. F.H.A. firm commitment of $9500. Small down payment to handle. Corner of Sunny view ave. & Childs. Inquire at 3150 Sunnyview Ave. FURNITURE FOR SALE NICE fi-PIECE Monterey style living rm. set. includes daveno, 2 big matching chairs, colfee table ft end table. AH lor 160. See at 557 Knapp alter 5:30 p.m. dl2 WANTED FURNITURE GLENN WOOD II V, Ph. 35110. FURNITURE ft APPLIANCES Wanted. Top casn price paid on the spot, no iuss or bother. Just call 3-S55B. AUCTIONS SALE AT Scotty'a Auction House Frl. nlte, Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m. Come, bring sometning to sen. Taae nome tne eaan. Ph. 26374. ia miles E. out Center St. fdli LIVESTOCK WANTED DiNDE AND LICENSED livestock buyer, E. O. McCandllsb, 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147. ea24 licensed LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. sub men, i&du Lancaster ur. rn. vino. ealT PETS PEDIGREED male Pomeranian 1 yr. 140. Ph. 2-0346. cell YOUNG PAIR of reg. Airdales. Excellent breeding stock. Must sell. Sacrifice. 1128 Edge water. ecl2 MOORE'S TRUriCAL FISH. New ship ment Just arrived. Neons Angels. Rt. 6, Box 483, 2 miles from Lancaster Dr. on McClcay Rd. Ph. 2-7321. cell CHOICE canary birds, 260 N. l&th c31 FUEL SPECIAL FIRE PLACE wood for these cold winter days, $1 or more U haul. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 3-5533. eel6 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends ft Block Wood. Ph. 30444 'ALNUT shells lor sal. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 4S0 N. Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL ft STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1625 Edsewater West Salem 1 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak, asb ft maple, slab and edgings. Ph 31458. 16" SLAB, 2 cds. (10. Ph. 31458. DRY, 2ND GROWTH fir, stove length. Reasonable. Ph. 3-3943, 3-8445. eelfl Oregon Fuel Co. Dry SlAb or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.50 load Double flO.OO Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE, Parmenter. now avail able every Tues. Fox Hatchery, 3830 smie st. rn. j-hih. PRODUCE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED parts counter man for automotive wholesale house. Only exp, men need apply. Write Box 336 Capital Journal. 13 IF YOU HAVE a car and can get by on 140 a week for two months Fuller will train you for managership. Write 1745 Grant St., Salem. helTnt edmale" AUTO. MECHANIC exp. m tune-up and motor repair. Must be good and willing to work. Inexp. need not apply. Bee Vern. Ph. 2-4173. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: Baby sitter, my home or yours in vicinity of 23nd ft Mill. Call 2-0.131 or 403 S. 22nd. bia til HI, FOR secretarial ft gen. office work. Must be able to take dictation. Apply Montgomery Ward ft Co., Salem. Ore. gb!3 RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for 3 chil dren every other week-end. Ph. 3-6909 eveninss. gblJ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OPPICB AMD CLERIOAL POSITIONS lh PtM, 8tTf,t PhTO. 3-H88. ,f" WANTED SALESMAN WE II AVE an opening for an experienced Heal Estate Salesman now active in selling Real Estate. The right man will be put In charge of our Real Estate dept. ft work on a 70 basis. Inter view Severln Realty Co. 312 N. High. Do not Telephone! Kgl2 REX AIR is expanding In our neighbor hood. We need dealers, representatives to take orders. Full-time dealers make up to 1350 a week. Part-time dealers up to (100 a week. Sea me at 737 Center St ggll BOOK BINDING Have your National Geographies, Sci ence Journals and other magazines bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also reblnd antique books. Hand and machine sewed. Capital City Bindery. 1925 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176. ghl4' WANTED POSITIONS SERVICE. Call M. EXPERIENCED Housework, for children. Ph- 43079. IFOR SALE HOUSES WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h33' TREE WORK, topping .trimmfntr. remov- Ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 348 o. v,nurcn. rn. nH1 KITCHEN CAB., bookcase, repair Free est. Ph. 37767 between 9-8. work, hll CARPENTER work. New, repair Ph. 3-2093 h31 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL girl wants baby sitting eve. In W. Salem. Ph. 34640. hl2' HOUSEKEEPING Or child care. Ph. 42588. hll' ROOM ft BOARD for children, child care. Ph. 3-2606. Mimeographing-Typing North 16th. Phone 3-3643. h26 h31 BABY SITTING. PH. 205B0. PRIVATE LESSONS or classes in short hand given by experienced teacher. Ph. 3-3426. M2 WANTED: Part time or temporary general office work. Years of exp. Ph. 3-5761. . M2 CARPENTER WORK: Finish, frame, re- mode, small or large, jobs. Ph. 2-5833. h33 HOUR WORK by experienced Good references. Ph. 39691. SPECIALIZED children sewing. Ph. 2-6081 NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. AGES 3 TO 5. PH. 2-4940. HOUSEWORK ft Ironing. Ph. 39901. h30' CHILD CARE. 163 B. 18th. Ph. 26876. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 nr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h27 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CHILD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. CRMENT WORK wanted rb 3-4850 FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN, comfortable sleeping rm, In apt, house, near capitoi, lis mo. Pa. 3-6163, jkl3 ROOM for rent. 1140 Center. Ph. 3-6833 Gentleman only. JklS1 ROOM FOR RENT. Ph. 3-0910. 3RD FLOOR sleeping rm. 461 N. High. jkl2' ROOM WITH bath. Close In. Gentleman. Ph. 34791. Jkl2 nEATED sleeping looms. 38S N. SLP. ft Light hskp. rm. Ph. 3-4335. Jk33 ROOMS FOR girls In modern home. Cooking prlv. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter St. Ph. 34372. Jkll WARM room. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5539. Jk25 LOVELY SLEEPING room for gentleman. Bus by door. 24 month. Ph. 28425 after 6 p.m. Jkll 3 EMPLOYED gentlemen, attractive, warm, sleeping rooms. Ph. 34248. Jkll' ROOM WITH small kitchen. Ladies only. 530 Statesman St. Ph. 35210. Jkl5a FOR RENT APARTMENTS RM. furnished, prl. bath, near State bldgs. ft Capitol Shopping Center. Jpl3 LGE. 3 ROOM turn. apt. Prlv. bath. Avail able Jan. 30. Ph. 21565 between 9 a.m. ft 3:30 p.m. jpll NICE S RM. duplex apt. V. Blinds, all electric. 2229 Lee St. Jpl2' 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Utilities furn. 725s". 13th. Jpi2 FtTRN. APT. Prlv. bath ft garage. HftC wa ter. Heat furn. Ph. 2-7582. Jpl3 COMP. FURN. 1 rm. apt. S22. 2 rm. 330. 827 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-738B. Jpl8 UNFURN. APT. 844 S. Com'l. Inq. 460 Jpl2- NEWLY DECORATED modern 3 rm. apt. Private bath. All utilities furn. Walk Ing distance. Ph. 29138. Jpl2 UNFURN. 3 RM. ft bath. Stove, refrlg. ft utilities turn. Completely redecorated. Near university. 450 S. Capitol. Jp12 t APARTMENTS. Phone 3-5838 jp YOU CAN afford the bestl Ambassador apts. 350 to 375. Ph. 3-6B05. Jpl4 LOVELY APT. Unfurn. except for stove ft reirig. Kverytning new ds clean. 1 child permitted. Ph. 35355. Jpll NEW t RM. pRrtfyfurn. opt. Prlv. bath! 1047 Madison. Ph. 2-3465. Jpl5 3 ROOM apt. with bath ft prlv. ent. 1 blk" to store ft bus. 735 S. 13th St. Jpl2 NEW SPACIOUS court apt. Range, re frlg. Ph. 27071 or 1140 S. 13th. Apt. 2. JplS NEW APTS. Warm, economical 2 larm rms., private bath. Partly furn. Ph 38067 after 3:30 p.m. Jpl4' NICE APT. Utilities furn. Reasonable. 36! S. !6th. Jpl4' FOR RENT HOUSES l BR HOUSE with basement, on creek. Elec. heat. 6 blocks to town, 160. 589 Knapp or Ph. 3-3717. jm 1 3 COZY 3-ROOM cottage. Oil air heat. El ectric hot water, apartment-style el ectric range. Built-lns. Near Washington scho: Children, pets welcome. 145. Phone 4-2802. Jmll 1 BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 3-5641. Jml2 3 MODERN HOUSES, Roberts Station" P h .39623 or 33052. Jm BR. RM., wired for range, garage. 1 A. with berries, fruit, flowers ft shrubs. Auburn school Dtst. Ph. 39673 or 37933 Jmis l BDRM. mod. garage house. 130 mo. Rt. 6. Box 435. 3 ml. northeast 01 swerir school on Pratum hlway. Jml3 WILL LEASE tor 6 mo. at 365 per mo. with option to buy. Nearly new 3 bdrm. home. Close to Highland school. ED. LUKENBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High Ph. 3-6660. Jml6 TWO BEDROOM furnished. Full base ment, laundry room and party room. Ol furnace. 1543 N. 16th St. Jml3 SMALL 1 Bd. rm. house, gas range, oil heater furn. Bus by door. 455 s. Lan caster. Jmll f BEDROOM house, McKlnley school dls- trlct. Ph. 3-7051. References. jau BDRM.. 3 jr. old hie., floor furnace, elect, range, attached garage. 480 Fair view Ave. Owner at premises Sat. ft Sun. Jmll NEW ft CLEAN B-ra. house, tt mile K P-n 4-eornera. Bee. heat ft water, v bllnde. hdwd. Are., Insulated, prlv. tar. ft atllity room. 370 mo. Ph. 3-1138. Jml4 CUTE ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. house. Att. gar. Bee. heat. No eiUWren. Ph. l-z. Jtnli REAL ESTATE Plenty of Room for the Kiddies Inside and Out A nice home with 2 bedrooms down and one up. Half an acre of playground and or garden. House wired for electric range. Oil floor furnace. Attached garage. East on Center street. Price S75O0. 5 Room Home in the Keizer District With large living room. Two bedrooms down and good floored attic. Only 3 blocks from school and bus line. House wired for electric range. Has one third acre for garden, price 110,500. Electric Range and Oil Heater Included With This Another Nice Little Home in the Keizer District Only 14500. One bedroom and floored attic. Four lots. Bui goes right by the door. 35 Acres in the Labish Area 17 A. In cultivation and balance pasture and some timber. Good 7 room house and all modern conveniences. Has barn and poultry house. 115,000, DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 2-3663 EVENINGS: MR. VOORHEES 2-4007; MR. BRENNAN 3-4948 13 FOR RENT HOUSES WIDOW living alone. Will share her com fortable oil heated home with congen ial elderly lady. Nice location. Close to school ft bus. -Capital Journal Box 334. Jml2 ft 3 RM. modern partly furn. houses. Water, light ft heat paid. 2860 S. Com'l. Jml4 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RM. tor rent B L. Stiff FOR RENT. Storeroom 60x16 at 265 N. High St. See Ed. Schunke, Model Food Market. J NEW BUILDING 3a,x72', full concrete floor, glass front, automatic oil forced air furnace, water, wired for U0ft22O, on one acre of ground with good front ago on busy highway. Suitable for gar age, machine shop, grocery store or most any kind of business, Em 11 M. Rhyne, 1552 Salem Road, SHverton, Oregon. J 11 PRIVATE PARKING space, in parking lot. near jaw n. Lioeriy. in. J7m. jir C DRIVE Trucks. Rojinson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. f Montgomery J' POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howsei Bros Ph- 3-3846. TRAILERS 12.00 per daj. Howser Bros. 110 8 12th. West Salem. 1 lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job 'ent good floor Band er. We sell everything to complete the job. BOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 J' SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'l. Ph 33512 t ROOM & BOARD WILL TAKE elderly people for room and board. Ph. 3-6G80. 368 S. Cottage. Jill WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT by permanent tenant. 2 or 3 bdrm. partly furn. or unfurn. home. Must be clean ft In desirable neighborhood. Best personal ft credit ref. Ph. 4-2361. Jal3 2 BR unfurn. house In town, pref. vicinity of S. Com'l. ft Miller St. Family of 4. Have good ref. Ph. 2-2655. Jal2 WANTED furn. or partly furn. 2 Bd. rm. house in or near Salem. Ph. 28642. Jal2 YMCA sec't would like a house with 2 large bdrms, Elec. or oil heat. Ph. 33256 Jail BANK EMPLOYE desires 2 BR unfurn. home within city limits. Up to 155. Rets, furn. Phone 2-7850. Jail STATION MANAGER ft family need BR unfurnished house up to 55. Ph. 3-3244. Jal2 LOST & FOUND LOST: Gray purse, gold clasp. Personal papers ft money. In vicinity of Myrtle Ave. ft Columbia. Reward. Ph. 3-5140. kl3 LOST: Lathan ladles' watch. Lost be tween Wards ft Penneys. Reward. Ph. 42097. kl3 LOST: Black 4-lnch cylindrical box be tween State and ChemeKeta on Com mercial Saturday. Deliver to Salem Po lice station. Reward. kll LOST1 Maroon striped lady Schafer foun tain pen Saturday downtown. Liberal reward! Ph. 3-4684. kl5 CALLING C. A. HANSON, your repaired slioes remain at Sunbstroms. You have Others. Call 35959. kl2 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE TtCPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOS'I CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State ft Commercial Bts SALEM Phone 2-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL WATERPROOF WALLBOARD 3 thicknesses, new, hard, Walloon rd. Cheaper than plywood. Perfect for kit chen ft bathroom walls. Use for floor ing over cement ft wood floors. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma!4 RED CEDAR shingles fco 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Muller. Salem-Indep. road Call 2-1198 Salem ma SIDING SHAKES New white asbestos siding. 110 sq. No paint needed. 18 inch cedar shakes In carton, choice of colors, under course Included 112 sq. C. G. LONG. Ph. 2 -5821, 1 mile N. of Kelger. ma!4 AIR-RAY electric furnace. Ph. 2-2934. USED DOORS WINDOWS 30 Inch doors with standard frame ft hardware 18.50. Window with frames ST. 50. Luc. sashes 32.25. H" flrtex 3c ft.. Insulation 2c ft. C. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5631, 1 mile N. of Keizer. ma!4 aAVX ON ROOFING Let Wards give you compleu fN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of color. Call our outside salesman for tret fstlmate Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SAEEU. OREGON ma WAPPIT 8" power hand saw Ph. 3-4284. mi' DOORS PLYWOOD New 3 panel doors S6.50. 1 panel doors 87.50. Glass doors 310.50. Overhead garage door hardware 318.80. Front door locks S4.50. V plywood 4x8 sheets good 1 side 12.65. C. O. LONG. Ph. 2-6821, 1 mile N. of Keiter. mal4 CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest quality lumber, at lowest possible delivered prices For larae sav ing, write, phone, or see us. for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. mal3 WALLBOARD New V wallboard durable, llghtwelsht. Insulation value. 4 x8' sheets 11.84. 16"x 33" ft 13"xv4'a celling tile. Low prices. C. O. LONG, Ph. 2-5821, 1 mile N, of r ma!4' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLASTI-KOTE: The eellophant.ltke fin- Uh or rour floors, moodwork or Itn olrum. Stittm LlchUnt A Applitnc, Co US N. Huh n- SrNOALOW pt.no. b..utlful v.lnut ease. S ROOM 0:1 circulator oil h.ktrr Id ,c. cend. V.M 1 .Inter. Valued at 1100. Will nil toe MO. Pa. Kilo. nil I REAL ESTATE fOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED Electric ranges, 119.95 ft YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa HEAT rour home electrlcalry with West Inghouse or Wesln automatic electric heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. n 'CEDAR POSTS" for sale. 31 ft., 1 ft. long. Hammer Bros. Ph. 65 ML Angel. n20 GENERAL ELECTRIC Ores ley. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Oevurtx. PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, an; kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts telephonr and elec. poles Any lengtn Shingles Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. . Box 118. b USED OIL burners, blowers and sawdust burners. Ph. 3-8662. 31 NO WAXING required with PLASTIO KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n PIANO UPRIGHT walnut case. Oood eood. win seu at reaa. offer. 3265 Lee at. nil AN INVESTMENT for that extra money. s diamond rings, H, A Vi karats. Reas. Write Capital Journal Box 332. nl2 SAVAGE RIFLES Model 69-300. New. Hnln's Outboard te Sport Shop. 1201 8. Com'l. nil USED EASY washing machine. Late mod el with pump. In line cond. Ph. 2-0998. nl2- 16 CU. FT. Gen. Elec. ref. almost new 9180 1 western Holly gas range almost new 140 1 Col. bicycle, exc. cond I2B Call Mr. Avcrett, 4-2171, ext. 543. nl2 IIOTPOINT MANGLE like new. CaU morn ings or evenings. 735 Ferry. n!3B SALEM SAND 0. OAAVEL COUPAX1 Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching) Sewer it Basement Equipment Rental lb B Vt yds 10 13 4 yds. D-7 Cat & Dozer D-B Cat tit Dozer D-4 Cat Jt Dozer See us about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 8-9408 Eves 3-828 or 2-4400 Balem Oregon n1 USED RADIOS Si record players, 19.95 UP itATta APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FULLER brushes. 174i Grant. Pb. 2-8351 oil' ATTENTION! Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil, 2 gal. sealed cans, 47 'jo per gal Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140, 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers. So lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 1 6 mo. guarantee. $4.46 exchange. H. C. Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. Pb. 2-0010. nl5 ANTIQUE SETTEE. Ph. 25191. nl2 USED ELECTRIC ORGAN. Used Spinet piano. Jfi.. 3-4(hi. nis 42 TO 48 Ford radio. Oood condition. Call at Halls Oarage, 3763 Portland Rd. Dl2 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.95 up. YE AT EH APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa n JANUARY RADIO CLEARANCE SAVE FROM 14.25 TO 140 MODEL WAS NOW Trav-ler Ivory Plastic ..116.7S 113.50 Motorola Portable 24.75 18.93 O. E. Clock Radio 39.95 32.95 Crofley Radio-Phono .... 74.50 59.95 Motorola Radio-Phono .... 89.30 64.50 Howard Battery Model 32.05 22.50 Crosley Walnut Table Radio 26.07 32.50 Howard White Plastic .... 28.15 19.75 Crosley AM-FM 78.50 49.25 Trav-Ler Portable 31.50 20.75 Crosley White Plastic .... 36.70 23.50 Trav-Ler Leatherette .... 17.95 12.75 Trav-Ler Radio-Phono .... 32.95 24.75 R.C.A. Portable 41.10 31.50 Crosley Walnut Table .... 37.30 22.25 Richmond Ch ftlrside 39.50 33.75 Motorola Portable 34.50 23.75 Crosley Console Radio Phono 199.95 159.50 See These Today and SAVE! ALL NEW ALL GUARANTEED MITCHELL RADIO & APPLIANCE State St 19th Phone 2-7377. nil WALLINQ 8 AlTO St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED BOCK for roads and dxlTewaya. cement ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching i-yd. above and drag line. Ph. 1-9349. SUMP PUMP St fittings, G. E. motor, used day. Ph. 2-1318. 3480 Center. nl4 3 SOLID DOORS, 30x78. Ph. 3-4795. nil 9il? ROSE COLORED Mohawk rug St pad. 140. Jigsaw & motor, 30. Call 35979 nil USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 St up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n" SEAL COAT. Practically new. Slse 12 to 14. 80. Call at Apt. 1, 1310 S. 13th St. nil" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Maple burls, fir piling. Quote prices i.o.o. snipping point, nieoermey-er-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4. Ore. nal2 FIR STUM PAGE and fir lots wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company. Inc.. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. na PERSONAL LOOKS as though you'd lost 25 lbs. Been dieting? Nope new Spencer. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. pl2 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Lee Mlndt. 1185 N 14th. Ph. 2-4S01. p20 MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetier All calls given special attention. Ph. 3-3072. p23 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice t a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 8 Com'l. Under new man. asement. With this ad and S1.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9283. p20 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, PO TU Ph 3-5334. p33 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 3-9307. p29 AUTOMOBILES 49 MERCURY 2 door sedan with R. H A O. Ph. 3-3916 evenings. 3-9139 days. qlO 19M STUDE BAKER. Champion Regal De luxe 5-pass. 1370 under list. l8 8tu debaker Land Cruiser, brand sew tires, 1400 worth of extras. 11050. 1949 Stu debaker 14 ton truck, 5300 miles, save 1600. 1946 Ford H ton pick-up. Tery clean, new tires n rear. $743. Trades accepted. Marvin VanCleave. Rt. 7, Box 146. Ph. 1-3161. 14 miles east of Totem Pole, mile t TaxtCleave Rd. all AUTOMOBILES Oldsmobile "Rockets" Ahead With THE FUTURAMIC 50 Featuring Exclusive WHIRLAWAY HYDRAMATIC DRIVE AND THE "ROCKET" ENGINE See These Trade-in Specials 1949 Chev. Clb. Cpe. ..$1645 1948 Hudson Sedan $1800 1948 Olds 78 Sedan ....$1883 1D47 Buick Super Sdn ..$1445 Visit Loder Bros. Used Car Market and Save! 465 Center - Ph. 2-7973 You Can Afford A Ford Our 1950 Model Ford Trucks & Pickups Are Now Available For Delivery . See Our LARGE SELECTION OP A-l USED TRUCKS AND PICKUPS All Priced To Sell COME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR SPRING BUY WHILE STOCKS ARE AMPLE AND PRICES AT LOW WINTER EBB Valley Motor Truck Dept. Liberty at Marion, Salem AUTOMOBILES See Your NEW CAR DEALER You Get the Best From a Franchised Dealer ' HUDSON O-CPE., D-M-Ri-H 11195 . 1(98 , 1898 , 1198 1198 . 1898 . 1348 1098 898 , 898 848 998 , 1098 998 '41 HUDSON ! BED. R&H ... '48 HUDSON 491 SED, R&H ... 47 HUDSON 171 SED. BH ... 48 HUDSON 52 SED. D-M. R&K '48 DeSOTO CU. SED. SIMP UATIO DR. R&H 87 STUD. COM. SED. O.D. HEATER '47 KAISER SP. SED. HEATER . '41 HUDSON 30-P SKD. HEATER 41 OHEV. M. C OPE. R&K , '41 NASH MO SED. O.D. HEATER '48 FORD DELX. 3-D. HEATER . '47 OHEV. SED. -DEL. HEATER . '19 DODGE DELX. SED. HEATER 41, 42, 48, 47, 48, 49s ARE GUARANTEED TERMS THAT WILL FIT THE BUDGET Your Hudson Dealer ShrockMotorCo. Ohera.keU 8c Church. T.l 1-7931. all- Oldsmobile "Rockets" Ahead in '50 LATE MODEL TRADE-INS 1949 Pontiac "8" Chieftan Deluxe, all extras . .$2100 1948 Chevrolet Fleetlint Aero Sedan. Beautiful Car. 1948 Plymouth Sedan. Very Nice. THESE CARS ARE ALL LOCAL OWNERS wnn jlajw MU.EAUE VISIT LODER BROS. Used Car Market & Save 463 Center Ph. 2-7973 Ph. 2-1490 qll" 2410 Fairgrounds Rd. t CHEV. COUPE. Heater, under coating, Oil filter. 11,000 miles. 11400. Pb. 23312. '40 BUICK Another Outstanding Value at LEE'S THIS POPULAR SUPER SERIES 4 DOOR SEDAN IS A REAL VALUE THIS WEEK ONLY AT $445 LEE'S USED CARS 140 N. CHURCH PH. 3-1537. all' 1942 CHEV. 4 DOOR SPORT SEDAN RADIO . HEATER $595 Eisner Motor Co. Ill M. 1UGH SALEU, OREGON IAUTOMOBILES 1947 Pontiac Club Sdn ..$1495 1946 Dodge Sedan $1060 1946 DeSoto Sedan $1235 1946 Plymouth Sedan ..$1045 2410 Fairgrounds Rd. - Ph. 2-1490 qll Ph. J-S147 AUTOMOBILES $ FOR $ VALUE JAN. CLEARANCE SALE CASH TALKS $49.50 '31 OLDS SEDAN '30 FORD SEDAN '31 FORD SEDAN "37 FORD 2-DOOR $67.50 '36 OLDS COUPE '35 DESOTO SEDAN '36 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR '17 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1145 '41 PONTIAC SEDAN COUPE ,...1395 WHERE DOLLARS HAVE NO CENTS HERRALL-OWENS CO. WILSONS NO IS THE TIME TO PICK TOUR "NEW" USED CAR. WE HAVE SLA8HED THESE PRICES FOR SUD DEN SALE. PROFIT IS GONE ... WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR MORE. WHAT'S MORE, THESE ARE OOOD HONEST USED CARS NOT A LEMON IN THE LOT . . . THE KIND YOU WILL BE PROUD TO SHOW YOUR FRIENDS AND PLEASED TO PARK IN FRONT OF YOUR ROUSE. EVERY ONE HAS OUR 50-80 THIRTY DAY GUARANTEE. TOP APPEARANCE PERFECT CONDITION ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ONE OWNER TRADE-INS: 1949 BUICK SUPER SEDANET .$2225 Low Mlleaga, Spotle&i Condition 1949 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN 254S 8000 Mile. Dynaflow, Clean u New 1948 PONTIAC 8 STRM SEDAN 1591 Mechanically Perfect and Reallr Clean 1947 OLDSMOBILE 98 SEDANET 1585 Hydramatlc and Truly Top Shape 1946 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 1395 Beautifully Cared For A Bargain 1947 OLDSMOBILE 78 SEDAN 1257 Hydramatlc, Clean, and Top Shape 1948 PONTIAC TORPEDO .SEDANET 1161 Thla la a Rldlculoua Prloe 1941 BUICK ROAD MASTER SEDAN . 695 More Quality Than Many Car. Now Belnf Sold for Twice tha Price OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center Phone 2-3621 (Continued on Page 17) 1 I