14 Capita Journal, Salem, Father of 3y EDWARD STREETER. . . Stood in small groups (Installment XVI) fHE WEDDING REHEARSAL TAXES BANKS' PATIENCE The dav before the wedding came at last. The wedding rehearsal was scheduled for five-thirty. Mr. Banks et out for the office exhibiting a nonchalance that he did not feel. Beneath the surface, be was dis tinctly nervous. . As the train pulled out of Pair view Manor, Reggie Pry lurched Into the seat beside him and spent three stations describln gan in tricate real estate deal. Mr. Banks eould stand It no longer. - "My daughter's getting married tomorrow," he said simply. "Really?" said Mr. Fry. "Didn't ' know you had a daughter. Time . flies, eh? I hope she's got a place to live after she's married. It's a bad situation. The Real Estate Board put out some interesting rlgures about it in their last bul letLi. I've got it here somewhere. Here it is. Now just let me read you these few paragraphs. Mr. Banks shuddered and gave himself up to his thoughts. He would have found it hard to describe just what he expected at , the office. Even his partners failed to grasp the significance of current events. As each one drifted into Mr. Banks' office during the morn ' lng he offered some fatuous remark ' about not falling down in the aisle . or tryine to bend over in his cut- . away. Then they concentrated on the task of dumping on his desk every unanswerable and boring ' problem they could dig out of their , pending xnes. During1 the moments when his partners were not bedeviling him the outeide world took up the 1 torch. The cream of the dullest ' and most long-winded of Mr. Banks' clients flocked into his office. The jmly positive note was the tele phone. It kept buzzing. ; "Darling, the worst thing. Old .-Mr, McQuade Is down at the sta tion Darling, I'm so sorry to bother 7ou again but I'm almost crazy. jfou can't Imagine what's happened. IRie Bennett boy has come down with the measles and they can't take In Cousin Laura and Bob. What in the world are we " " By twelve-thirty he could stand It no longer. He ransr for Miss Bellamy. "I'm getting the hell out i nere," he said deiinntly. The phone rang. "I'm gone." " "So sorry," murmured Miss Bel lamy into the mouthpiece. "He was Jailed away very hurriedly." She buns: up the recevler. . "Now." said Miss Bellamy sooth ingly. "I have everything readv In this envelope. Here's a list of all the ushers and bridesmaids. And Jhen here's a full set of church seating lists. Oh. yes, and I've phoned all the papers and well 1 guess that's all till I see you in ehurch." Miss Bellamy looked suddenly de flated and wistful. Mr. Banks had never seen her like that before. . "You've been wonderful." he said awkwardly. He left quickly as the pnone siarcea 10 ring. Several days earlier Mtu Bellamy had notified all the ushers and bridesmaids that the rehearsal would be at five-thirty at St. George's Church and the impor tance of being prompt Mr. Banks had insisted on beinc Mr. Banks had insisted on being uiere uneen minutes aneaa 01 time. He wanted this wedding well re hearsed. To his dismay he found the church in complete darkne.ss. He finally located Mr. Trlngle. the sexton. In the cellar of the rector gluing the back of a broken chair. "Good gracious." he exclaim ed, "that late already? Maybe we oest go up an' put on the lights." Tne nrst bridesmaid turned up mi a quarter 10 six. ine organist strolled In several minutes later. "Are you sure," asked Mrs. Banks : I Or., Friday, January IS, 1950 the Bride Illustrated by Gluyaa Williams glaring at Mr. Banks, anxiously, "that you know what you are going to play at the wedding?" "Oh, yes," said the organist. "This is tne Broacmurst weacung isn't nr The knuckles ol Mr. Banks' hand grew white as he clutched the end of the pew. 'No," he said gently. "This is the Banks wedding and it s tomorrow, ne added who sub tle saracasm. 'Surely," agreed the organist and disappeared through the gloom of tne side aisie. By six-thirty Kay and all but four of the bridal party had ap peared. The minister was still ab sent. The groom was still absent. The ushers and bridesmaids who had made the great sacrifice stood in small groups glaring at Mr. Banks wim unconcealed nostuity. It made Mr. Banks nervous. He distributed the seating lists to the ushers and made a little talk about overall strategy. Somehow It didn't go very well. "I wonder where Mr, Galsworthy is r asKea Mr. names lor tne tentn time. 'Oh. he's somewhere. He's always late." said Mr. Trlngle amiably. "I run the rehearsal." "Now Juil let me read roa these ftw paragraphs." "But some or the bridal party aren't here yet." nrotested Mr. Banks. "The groom isn't here. No body's nere.' "Some of the bridal oartv is never nere,- saio Mr. inngie. "Trie groom don't do nothing in weddinas. Every thing goes all right. You see. Don't worry. Now If you young ladies will line up in pairs outside that door " Thev lined un. tittlerlntr and un willing, as people line up lor group photogrnph which nobody wanLs taken. "O.K.. Fritz." he veiled iiTciiKiousiy. ine organ suddenly gave a series of bumps and broke into uie weaaing marcn. iney were on. it wasn't the way ivir. is units nao pictured it. in lact it reminded him more of the mob scene in me vagabond King than a weutung renearsai. He cave sigh of relief as he saw the Rev erend Galsworthy enter the church. now iney would get the situation in hand. "Well, well, well." said Mr. Oak worthy. "All over I see. So sorrv Had a meeting. Mr. Tringle's an old hand, though. Do thev know their stuff. Mr. Trlngle? Good. Well. I'm sure It will all go off very smoothly tnu iiiat ii win De a oeautnui wed ding. Mr. Banks could hardly hllv wnat ne nearo. "But thev haven't really begun to rehearse. The groom Isn't here. They tried it a couple of wimim aim li- wns awiui. Mr. Galsworthy looked at his water, and ciucKcd. "They do all right." said Mr. iruiKie. -U.K.. tomorrow." Good." said Mr. Galsworthy. "Good. I have a meeting now. As .or me groom wen. have him call me in ine morning." sa d Mr On s worthy. ' Til put him through his it win go oeauiiuiuv tomor row, i Know, you see I've done this before." 'But began Mr. Banks. Then ne looKeo around. The bridal party had disappeared, bearing Kay with them. Mr. and Mrs. BnnV hv hands cordially with Mr. Galsworthy "7 do hope " said Mrs. Banks. "So do I." agreed her husbunrt They went home to dress for the party at me cnib. (To Be Continued) Mrs. Arwood Honored Scio Mrs. Glen Clayton and Mrs. Charles White were host esses for a shower given for Miss Clifford Atwnod at the Clayton home at West Scio. Others present were Mrs. Paul Poplin, Mrs. Roy Thurston; Mrs. Leslie Fincgan, Mrs. Famous At kinson, Mrs. Lyle Shelton, Mrs. Earl Clayton and Mrs. Glen Thurston. I f WELCOME TO STOMY &4P Y GLAD TO I f BUT. IF VOuR STOf COeSNT J LOOK THE DELVERY 1 Y MAYBE ITS BECAUSE I WAS I I" MR ROPER.' WE PROCEED & )S6E YOU, ) STAND UP MV FRIEND BOY AN OLD COLLEGE DROPPED ON MY HEAD IN INrANCY . ESKaiOBLE TO STONY GAP'X-RlBBeR' YOU WCNT BE ASLE TO f CKJM I WAS VISITING 9UT I BEGIN TO BELIEVE OJ'CCHS, I T " 'MHWIIIlllllllllfi,u M4g SIT DOWN" FOR A VERY I WAS WITH H'M WHEN B3cRV-LETS V.E.V TmS IMPOSS-B'-E J aimmi-iy-,&S:i LCM6 TWE ' r- . rr HAPPENED' HE -THIN&-COWE-TRUE .' J - Jfi- Tfcrjj- SEN1- DOWN TO THE 0 t " I H COGT UTTLE MONEY- ZoH-THERTS f Y BUT W6 CAN T ALL WT TO CUT DOWN "1 R r HOD TO BUY A NEW HOT- TMB BUT WORTH IT -AH- I SO L(TTLH- II EfiT A LITTLE I THESE PAYS. I GUESS- ft O I OLD ONE WAS PRETTY SEEOY- OH, OAH-CU U I WAS JUST W0NDERW3 ( BAREiy S1OU0H 1 I. LESS ONE DfK- ( OL BE HOME FOR CXNHER- Hi luira-UATOOTW- BUNKreian J MOW VJE STIVC-A COLLAR V.FOR FOOD FOR I I. HERE HERE A KMLSi a yte e?j it re r,v i i i i it .1,71 m Hkri;i ' 1 no bus 11 i m&ujL 11 inrinin .ixnr wmm 111 ir wi w.m.mn n.if.i ri mini it" r 1 1 a 5kwJ M ".'-yjtl- WHAT'S TH' ) WAL-rrwARWT ) HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ) HOLD IT, WISE GUV.' 4 V'Vrrl hPyfTnW IBEAO'. ah shadow S about th' shadow, an' au mib too vniiB. I llA )2rAllAK SINGIN' ME Y EXACKLY.-fT WERE gulp.' COME T THINK OF TOU PalB HW U S rifTn i' is AND MV ) SOMEBODY IT-NEITHEH DOES AM.T I SELF"" BOT "r-1- I war'n'i'ysA U 'zz?L shadow aelsi's shadow- ' but, ah'll shore, whq'$ aomma PkZWl1! ty1r it IN TRAFFIC? y E.XCEPT THET MISS IT.y AH T I DAV J? K f Uk L XJJ mJ Iff -T( NOBODY ELSE: y BETTER WASH J T fif E S0f S'T ZdMJM mSSZS TH'TEARSOFF 1 IthERES STILL A y-'-rsW-lll-ATER IN THE ALLEY- LOOKS LIKE A PaSSf STAY WHERE. 1 .. SOMEONE IN THAT firjj'l wBE CAREFUl HALL . WONDER WHICH T 'd. YUH ARE AN' H ROOM.lHOPE ytAniil ffRrlRU WAIT HERE.riNNEY. HOPPYy DOOR LEADS TO LUCKYS Stjftw REA.CH J n r IT'S-LUCKYV 1BrS."l-I, rPUeliil IFl'M NOT BACKIN III ROOM- , JTTSSBSSm.. T 1 II I!!) fc LfsuitotMJm mrn t& II V- Vyv,V..p-f' G rAKACnUTb I ;fi il L. - rJVTVK-V JO. JL M. Ml ,. tf Lv n rnuIsT BE OT ' SSL PEEP, 66T IN TOUCH WITH 7 I FIGURED Wc - : IT V -mii.lMH I'm I I ; .miiiinm r ihwii ' ML '- - , , 1 pS THATSO?PBCVE tT) ( AH HEREuC CPP7? n HOW DO YOU UkE AW NEW s , V IT IS' wHAVEyoU.SEEN (SEE.f) 0 HAT? IT'S AN ORIGINAL. ( OAV... MOW LET'S v CJ 'fJUjIN AN AD O CREATION JUST FOR ME! VVSEE, WHERE'S THIS lT I ?37Ii' n : ivi- t a i reiT r-yy aT7 i i tx - r VE. MC.FURCHEW!- -1 AGREE, n, ,T HtS 3 YOU'RE FISHTIN6 ML.DAIE!--AND III 'f" .ll!.FUI!CHi5:.-WtE EYE-TO-EYE, ATALKro'ZR WONT HAVE IT.'. -I'M TOO BIG A FIGURE Jy a fy ZyP . - , jl TjlT ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' 11 RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY KGW I KOIN I 620 NBC 00 The S of Ll nvd FoHlfi fChl. frhe LMlIt Showlhal. r-wi Sky 45 jElrocr Peterson Sky ;00 Direrton' :15j Pliyboaw :Sfl llarai'K :45 Durante jlfT II lo jDn!Edwln fl.ve It lo Jon,Ilome Show Goei On illltt Show Goei On jlilti ;0(1 Ilenrr Morcan 15 Henrr Morgan :.1D Bill Stern 45 Rhythm Tlma ftfl Sinatra-Kir iten 15 Newi of World 30,Orfbtra 45iOrcbestra Show Goei On Flfhta Show Goes On Flfbti Nurabei Pltaao FithU Number Pleaie Flchti Lowell Thomai Fat LJack Bmith !FI Tho Goldberjt Tour Tho Goldbcrca Yonr 9:00 ! Newt Mr Farorlta OiiU 15 OrehMtra 30 Danra Mntfa 45iDanca Wuiie Uasbaod lOiiie peulah JClob 15 00S: Hares p Star Final Rich. lS'.MIndy Carson (Sports Spotllihtntermesxa .in Sports Final 45 (Orchestra fiO iNewi LSerenada iConeert Hour llS Waz Matenm :30 tVi Museum ;45iVax Munum (Treaiury Band Concert Boor 10 r ran Musio plemos Ortan Music EVIemos Silent Xi tra SATURDAY 6 6:04) Hod fs Podia -News GlI.TlIodf Podse KOIN Klock 6:30Hodf Podca KOIN Klock S: 45 , Hodge Podf a KOIN Klock 7;00 Now Hear Thls'KOIN Klock Downbeat Dawn Downbeat Kound 7:15'.ow uear inis.cws m- Agronsky iKelvin Keech 7 ISO 'w 7;45rSam Hayea Kelvin 8:00f"l Warlnr 8)5Fred Wrltn 8:XnSinlMnf 8:45 McConnell g:00fary Leo B:15! Taylor Let's Pretend Let's Pretend Miss Llunlor Miss rrheatre of 101 101 Today 9:30;RediD la Fan Grand Central Grand Central 5 i-'cw' TBA jTBA Voices, Events Voices, Events Lassie ptars Over Stars Hollywood Give and Taka Give and Take Stars County Fair County Fair Johnny Dollar Llohnnr Dollar .Met. Broadway Cor. Young- Ores. Young Ores-. Met. Met. Met. Met. Met. Met. Met. ,Met. Mel. Met. Met. Tea, Farm-Home Farm-Home Mule .Pioneers Music Pioneers TRA TBA TBA TBA News More of Llfa nandy Man Family Party Family Partr (Newspaper Lewipaper Orchestra Mind Manners Mind Manners Here's to Vets Grorte Fisher Orchestra Orchestra Farm News Tea, lea Cross Section Tea 3:00 News (Junior j:ia;uuest star L. N. Junction Llais Jan 4: 00 1 NBC Symphony Inside CB 8 4:15(NUC Symphony Bandstand 4:30 Bands of Land Way for Youlb 4:45 Bands of Land Way for Youth Albert DIAL LISTING, KOAC 55f VrA( Friday P.M. Children's The fJf ateri 5:15, On the Upbeat ( 5:50. 650 Sports Club 6:00. News; 6:16, O S C Alumnlt 8:30, Music of Czecho slovakia! 7:15, Evening Farm hour; 7:53, Basketball! 9:30, News and Weatheri 9:15, Evening Meditations i 10:00, Sign Off. Silverfon Justice Court Lists Fines Silverton Reports from the justice court oi Judge Alf O. Nelson includes: Brunk and Mike Conley each fined $250 and given 60 days in jail for disorderly conduct. Jail sentences were ordered" sus pended on condition that fine and costs were paid and the de fendants must obey all laws and leave intoxicating liquor alone. For having no operator's li cence the following were fined $5.00 and costs: Ishmael W. Triplett, C. H. Emch, L. E. Hol land, Ray McKibben, L. C. Til- ACROSS 1. Point, 7. Inlet It. Chid. 14. Work too hard 16. Unclose: poetlo 16. Wreath 18. Double: prefix 19. Aloft 20. Genus of th. maple tree th Belonging to him 21. Cluster of wool fibers 24. American Indians 25. Love to excess 26. Floated almlesslr 28. English diarist 29. Meadows 20. Pant 31. Line of cut grain 83. Containers 36. Detest 37. Motal fastener 3S. Immerse 3?. Infatuation 40. Russian sea 41. Artificial language 42. Hebrew letter 43. Secret shrine In an ancient temple 45. East Indian mall 46. Wears away 48. Hair ointment 7 2 13 W LJ S y.X.dl 8 1 iO II 75" V', 75 " p7 lif" iz Zl 5t 53" '!"(' ZZZZIZ ZZlife l 4s 44 0, 4S 75 5) I I I 1 I .: I 1 I I AP Newifeafurt s ROOM AND BOARD HE JUDGE IS iknreTiriTi.i-t (iM MIS LINE AS AN EX-SCOTLAND YARD INSPECTOR.) THE CONTENTS OF A PACKAGE VH'CM WAS BkOUGHT TO THE MOUSE FOR. ANR.. SNORSEEGLE V iri iff- "i i i - w P. M. KEX i KSLM KOCCT W Kc. at Vukon B-Bar-B Band f Day" Band ol n. of Yukon Bar-B m Mis Rinf Pine Crash Kinr fTom Mil Paslotit News C. Hill BabrUl Healw Edftlop N. W. New Candle LlfhT" I and BUvar VIsbcMlar Encoretttliiiing and A Encorea Hnnttnf Clb rwiiifbt Soda: Sporti Mirror (Pal O'Brien fThii la Hnata Cisco Kid Clse Kid Musleal Jaekpti Evelyn Knlgbt iraiocoart Man Btralrht Arrow Btralfhl Arrow W U - L c" W V 1 o Man FBI FBI Lean Back Jerry Sean U L C D-L C Harrietpfnslo W U - L A C A Harriet David Roso Eddia Dacbln Eddlt Duchln 7 L A r A estern skies W O - L O Western Sklca iNews Beporler Foil. Lewis Jr. Warwick Thtat (Warwlek ThsaL Maalo Yoa Want Mailt Too Want Beleel Hewa News Cfaarlla Brlvaa Lora Hrstar? Koetnrno Wootarno Hoctnrno Noetorno Navy Air John Wolohan John Woloban Hour pirn Off '8 in Oft A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Mews ITimekteper March Tim pewa KOCO KImb KOCO Klock - l'n BoysKewi Tea Kilter News Breakfast uant Breakfast Gang top Trades Organ Moods Keech Extension Btrw Home Agent Musical Brldaa Bargain Coanttr Kemtnlstln Romtnkehia LMaslo Musical Bridge Musical Bride Haven of Heal Haven of Rest meat's Mtlodlag Bclanca Eienr. Ranch Ranch Northwest News Pop Tarlttlaa a Vine Blags Pastor's Can Defense Benort To viand Tunes Toyland Tunes Wuilc Wltaoat ' Sage Riders words of News Bab Math Tomorrow Fern me Fair Proudly Hall Prondly Hall alcn Air Baa. of Concert Tomorrow Favorite Opera Platter Jock Platter Jock Platter Jock Platter Jock eat. Strenada fiat. Berenada Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Opera Crnmpets 1 Sat. Seranada Sat, Serenade Top Trade Ut the Opera kit the Oaera .vews W New Bob Eberle Nary Band Man on Farm Bat. Matinee Bat. Matinee Bat. Matinee Sat. Matinee Man on Farm Man on Farm Man on Farm News Band Concert Collef Choir College Cbolr Sat. Matinee Sat. Matins Crumpets - Crumpets Cy Shannon Crumpets (Cr Shannon Ray Noble Ray Noble Chln-TJp Chat Cbln-Up Cbat Cbln-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Concert Sat, Matinee Sat. Mttlnee Concert Rex Koury Harry Wlsmer Mel Allen Hemingway KosteUncts KoitelAncls ISpotllght Mailt Spotlight Moils Warner Curtain Calls Curtain CaUs Church, Nation lAAr Saturday A.M. 10:00, Nrwat lWr m:in Especially for Women i 11:00, Concert Hall: IS: 00, Newsi H:18, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'em Cow boy; 1:-S0, Voice of Army; 1:45, Melody Lane; S:0O, Musle of the Masters t 1:80, Sclencet 3:13, Vets' News) 4:00, Pan American Rhythms; 4:18, Bones ef West. litt, Mabel I. Cain, E. A. Hu bert. Inadequate muffler, Roger Loe, $2.50 and cost,. No muffler, D. E. Steffen, $5 fine and costs. No stop light, J. E. Cox, $2.50 fine and costs. Bad check charge, Richard Thompsen, $50 fine and costs. Fruitland Gets Banner Prat urn The 217th Hayes ville district Sunday school quar terly convention was held at Pratum Methodist church with J. E. Clark, chairman. The ban ner went to Fruitland Sunday school for average attendance and also for convention atten dance. Lit PilEVENHSSjA0 o pHe1nam1orsDli I Solution of Yeittnfay's Puzzle SO. Church councils 61. European country DOWN 1. Be plentiful X. Condi man t I. Anger 4. Symbol for calcium I. Greek letter C Law-making bodies T. Ore deposits 8. Declare 9. Jewel 10. Alternative 11. Peculiarity 12. Sounds 17. Scored a point by t tennli serve 21. Jumped 23. Biblical character 24. Western a tut 25. Wrltint; table 27. Festival 2S. By 30. Rides at full speed 31. Forms 32. Thin 33. Gravy dish 34. Long abuslva speech 35. Oral 37. Orchestral section 4. Tn bed 43. Stir 44. At one 45. Father 47. Alonr . 49. Myself By Gene Ahem THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT- aictw t-utsti (Jr STEEL IN THE BOX (JM-I DONY COMPREHEND ineiK. 3l3N!r-ILANLt-' SAY-HOLD ON?- COULDN'T I Ht-T Kr- I SV- 1 P-C TTJC TURN OUT COUNTERFEIT rLOIVfc bTAAAPS V y S '"LAWKS, Tfci y WORD IPIAIC11RH I NgflT0V R I aITa A ft O hUR U E EXT E NTBT A B0fl iSiN a gBPie c "krri fojRl I T BURP T RIEISlSl O L I PflSlllplEB MlOTl M R I TBtfflP AN j ce n s orHf aTTt e r X- Hl 1 ii 1T y v w1eIpUnearsUs e I