Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 13, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, January 13, 1950
Valparaiso Honor Student Also
Gains Honors on Basketball Court
(AP News Fttturu Sporu Editor)
' New York Valparaiso unl
Tersity has in Bob Metcall a
possibility ior All-America bss
ketball honors this season. At
least the students who follow
the cage sport feel that way.
Metcalfs supporters point to
the six-foot-one star's scoring I
record. He averaged 16 points
per game last season while
amassing 399 points. In three
seasons he has made 849 markers.
The Merrllvllle, Ind., na
tive Is a cinch to set a Cru
sader scoring record. The
mark ss held by Ted Bean,
last season's captain, who
amassed 1080 points, two
more than the great Bob Dille
of the 1945-48 team.
At the rate Metcalf Is goingl
he should score more than 430
points this season for an over
all total of more than 1300. In
the Crusaders' first eight games.
seven of which they won, Met
calf tallied 172 points for a 21.5
point average. He ranks among
the nation's scoring leaders.
There are only a few games
on the Valpo schedule where
Metcalf might run into diffi
culty; the three windup games
of the season at Worchester,
Mass.; Seton Hall, March 2 at
South Orange N.J., and March 6
against Loyola In Chicago.
Last season such teams as
Loyola, Bowling Green, Denver,
Toledo and Hamline put Met
calf on their all-opponent five.
Coach Wilbur (Strings) Allen,
in his first year of coaching at
the Lutheran school, made the
right move In building this sea
son's Valpo team around Met
calf for he Is a great team
man. In the final game last sea
son, Metcalf needed two points
to reach the 400 mark. He had
two foul shots coming but took
only one and under last year's
rules, waived his other shot so
that his team could retain pen
sion and insure a 68-63 victory
over Manchester, an Indiana
First on the floor for practice
and the last to leave, Metcalf
really loves the sport. Majoring
in chemistry, Bob is an A stu
dent, carrying a minor in phys-
leal ed. His ambition is to land
a combination Job as chemistry
teacher-coach at some school.
In addition to his heavy
schedule, Metcalf also finds time
to work in the university laun
Metcalf made a basketball
name for himself In the east
a few years ago with the
crack Bainbrldge, Md., navy
team. He passed exams for
entrance to the Naval Acad
emy at Annapolis and passed
np the chance to enroll.
His teammates, however, are
making sure he passes up no
scoring chances. In recent games
against Toledo and Guatamala
he bagged 33 points in each con
test. Against Western Michigan
he dropped to 17 points, a poorj
figure for Metcalf.
The next morning he was on
the basketball court at 9 o clock,
practicing set shots.
1 '" :p'
I N IB3g"?- 'jr.iL rJ32&- I
Bob Metcalf Working In University Laundry Maintaining "A" Chemistry Average
Eagan About-faces on
LaMotta; Sugar Warned
New York, Jan. 13 (UB As
Chairman Eddie Eagan of the
New York commission relented
unexpectedly today on Middle
weight Champion Jake LaMotta,
Commissioner John (Ox) Da
Grosa of Pennsylvania cracked
the whip at Welterweight Boss
Ray Robinson.
Eagan did an about-face when
informed that LaMotta of the
Bronx had signed to meet Light
Heavyweight Dick Wagner at
Detroit on Feb. 3 in the first of
a series of tune-up bouts before
defending his 160-pound crown
in June, probably at Detroit.
Two weeks ago Eagan and his
commission threatened to vacate
LaMotta's title unless he signed
Gordon 'Doesn't
Like' '50 Tribe
Contract Offer
Cleveland, O., Jan. 13 U.R)
Second Baseman Joe Gordon
said today he had received his
1950 contract from the Cleve
land Indians but added "I'm
afraid I don't like it."
Gordon, whose hitting fell off
last year despite his 20 home
runs, said "the contract they
mailed me cut my base pay S5,-
000 and eliminated a bonus of
$2500. It makes me wonder if
they really want me. Doesn't
seem consistent."
The former Yankee star said
he still hadn't made up his mind
on the question of retirement,
but strongly indicated by tele
phone from his home in Eugene,
Oregon., that he would play
again if he can reach a suitable
financial agreement.
He received approximately
$35,000 last year.
At home with his Wife and Baby Daughter
Giving Some Court Pointers to an Admirer
Capitol Alleys
VtUrim (1) Jftrucn W, Smith ttM,
Varotrora Oouib 419. Hmt.rt ()
Krbe 449, Botvob 4)0, Coowr 47, Cook
Cnfumin Or KrkUfl 416, Hill IBS,
Birktr 111, MorrU 449. J. C. Hlfdm (2
Y-Aiabiw 410, SAlftrom 414, ltlp 411,
eland 419.
-Xmmorc ) Thtmktr 4M, Oonnir
U. Adtmi 414, UtolAkr 4M. Htrmonr
Hmm 0) CtTtT 449, Stook 401, PauUoB
4M. PlUor 439.
l IliU ( 1) Olwk I4B, Ruhl 408, Howki
431, OllAftr 401, Coldapot 1 Qinnll
4M. Ptton 340. Btvftiu 443, HUtr AOS.
Hlih tam iiu: J. O. Hlifitu, 1BS1.
Blih Wm iam: Orcirtdmitn, 7S7.
J!i(h Individual aerlf: Oalund M.
Riih Indlrldual iatn: Torxtrom, 191.
University Alleys
faUrilaU Traelor (4) MorrU 1B. Eob
taaoo 478, 8 hack man 499, Tanqutrf 401,
raarl 11(1. Ralph John on (Ot Frank 41ft
. BtU 431, Pekar 463, Aehoppenbacn 3,
A. BU 418
SAN Clotbtart (1 Rlekj 183. Bark,
r ftOS. Mualhaupt 4W, Kaneikl 5J, Na-
ur 49S. v.r.w. (i) whiu 101. Miner o,
Parkaf 1ST. Valleau 184. Wodiawoda 410.
Cublni- Union f orrlea II ) Peaa 418.
Parity 4S8, Stona Ml. Acott 4S4, Comatock
I - "" h a,,
I wwim I 1 ,
I 1 Mvrfeia
-' l.-JSS tn nr
49 traiahc whliklM I nan old
51 atrajaht whiikiet 4 ran old
. Dror A Bom (D Bchroeher BTT,
Ohcrrlnaton 464, Brought 441, Plautt 413,
BavlM (11 Pot anon 483, Raid 47. RiU
mao Ufl, Paro 433, Zelltr 470. Pamlltta (3l
Elwood 440, Bolaar 4B0, Sheridan 380,
IC tiler 4SS, Duncan S00.
lal Nat. Bank (31 Drliti 490. Marshall
347, Marr 304. Kottkt 410. MorrU A07.
Jadtan't Plamblnr 3 Aneovt 441, Bron
son Mi, aBala 191, Llttlt 304, Hopllneer
vraatan Patxr (1 Oadach 430, Ander
n 403, J. Kutbltr 431, Luka 449, h. Kufb
Itr U0. Naval Air Pae. fit. (31 Baal 450,
Ha worth 453, Kntdltr 437, PUher 400,
Brown 119.
High Individual iamt: Bchroahar 331.
Blih Individual itHaa: Behroanar, T1.
Hlih team lama: IVaatarn Paper, 900.
HUh (aam Jtrlaa: lnttrataU Traetor,
Momrar Cbtvroo (1) Momyar 4M. Od
ermatt 417, Covart 434, MlUar 440, W.
Miller 470. Smith Auto Parti (3) Clark
443, Edmlntater Ml, flohueU 448. Lamon
909, Lee 833.
McDonald Oandy (0) Scott 417. Bax
ter 481, Bryant 430, LawU 440. NlohoU
418. Zeebo Used Cara lit r, Zeeb Carr
441, A. Zeeb 438, 8. Zeeb 444, Pederaon
KOCO (I) Pekar 818. Xuon Ml, Me
Hroy 401, Thorn 181, Wllltanu 190.
Van'a Parklni Station D Vleck 431,
Barnas 499. Morlaker 384, Roaer 473, Mc
Danlela 610.
Shrock Motora (3 White 394, Orloua
370, Merer 401, Stepanek 371, Wluer
439. Knlibta af pythlaa 3 Decatur
633, Bwood 430, Schledal 400, Maen 600,
Tachlda 469.
High Individual iamt: Pekar, 31T.
HUh Individual atrlea: P. Zeeb, 638.
High team erlej: Smith Auto Paru,
Duck Pin
Tw.edl. rael Oil f4 Arl Flood 318. Ira
Short 196, Arrr ficharf 346. Uane Frank
406, Emery Alderman 533. A. L. Cummlna'a
Heatlnr 0) Dave Spalding 410, Lester
Woods 363, Sddts Ooertzen 363, Howard
Smith 339. Us DolBO 446.
Gleason', Bak.rr (31 Harold Bonner
464, Marlon Oleason 460. Bill Moad 420,
Ken Mnnuren 347, E. Wulfl 383. Willam'
ell. Valler Bank llKcith Kaye 368,
Camel Waldlna 378, Al Flicker 369, Carroll
City Loop Scores
"B" Dtyiaion
St. Hark ( (1 Knlchl Men.
Rex 4 F 1 Walker
Getteman 6 F t TaTenner
Zevake 36 so S McKlnney
Stewart 9 a 1 Doughty
Brown 3 ' O 3 Davis
6utu: Bt. uark Holmqulst J; K. M.
Kelly 7.
C. S. Chrlat. (IS) (IS) Llbarly
Lynes 7 F S Larieot
Dow 24 F 8 Wlrth
Van Odsel 3 C S Frame
Marssl ft G 1 Loynes
Ruhle O S Johnson
lit ChHH. (36) (44) Sal. Army
West 7 F 12 Colvln
Watts 6 F 4 Short
Verceu ft 0 7 Herri!
Juve 3 o II Jacobaon
Shut o Bryan
sum: wenier 1, wrtaht 4, BoyM 1.
"C" Division
Cal. Baptist (66) (11) 1st Baptist
Raymond 34 F Owynn
Hendricks 2 F 3 Loveland
Dubois 13 c 4 K.Loftua
Klekcl 11 o I Wilson
Rector 6 0 I B.Loftua
O.S.D. (30) (9) Cal. Bap. I
Walker 11 F 4 Bishop
Ebenatelner 6 ...,F Merrill
Hyatt 8 C a Thompson
McCann 3 0 3 Wells
Maynard 1 a 1 Thomson
1st Methodlat (16) (9) Knlcbt Mem.
Hall 10 F
Karsten F 1 Huchea
Cocklns 3 C
oreen O Edwards
Kimball S 0 2 Flak
suns: Knight Mem. Roth 4, anav 3.
The first professional foot
ball game ever played was on
Aug. 31, 1895, between Latrobe,
Pa., (12) and Jeanette, Pa., (0).
before Feb. 1 for a defense in
March. Today, however, Eagan
said the commission probably
would give LaMotta favorable
consideration if he signed up be
fore Feb. 1 for a defense in June.
LaMotta hasn't risked his
crown since he won it from the
late Marcel Cerdan at Detroit on
June 16. His tardiness violated
the rule that requires a cham
pion to defend at least once ev
ry six months.
Meanwhile, at Philadelphia
Commissioner Da Grosa an
nounced that the Pennsylvania
commission would suspend Rob
inson, the 147-pound champ, if
he tried to pull out of a sched
uled non-title bout with George
(Sugar) Costner at Philadelphia
on Feb. 22.
of Detroit Lion footballer Fred
Enke, rates Blevins one of the
best players to wear Arizona
The 23-year-old Phoenician,
a veteran of duty with the navy
during the war, was the top
scorer. Against Pittsburgh he
scored 11 field goals In 13 at
tempts and against the Univer
sity of West Virginia he rolled
up 28 points. For the season
his total was 390, an average of
about 14 per game.
An excellent ball handler and
a master of feinting rivals out of
position Blevins scored almost
1,000 points at Phoenix college,
a two-year school.
Albert Yoder was elected
president of the Needy Rod and
Gun club during the annual
meeting held recently. Lester
Barrett was named vice presi
dent; Raymond Paulson, secre
tary; John Schwabauer, treas
urer; Fred Strubhar and Lew
Simpkins, directors.
The club will hold its next
public shoot, January 15, at the
grounds located three miles
north of Monitor on the Monitor-Barlow
Song birds eat mistletoe ber
ries as a winter food supply.
L i ley .
Leads Wildcats
Master Feinter
Holds Hopes of
Wildcat Cagers
Tucson, Ariz. VP Chances of
the University of Arizona bas
ketball team handling Coach
Fred Enke a suitable silver an
niversary present rest largely
with a rangy forward.
The present would be a fifth
straight border conference bas
ketball title for the Arizona
Wildcats. The player who would
turn the trick is Leon Blevins,
a six-foot two-inch, cat-quick
eager who made the all-confer
ence team his first year on the
Enke, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Minnesota and father
Our Entire
Men! Jusr think of it!
This famous longer
wearing shoe that
formerly sold at 9.95
now yours at this small
sale price of only 6.95!
featured above it
the famous
Complete Run of
Sizes In Every Style!
So hurry now. Stock up
while your sie and style Is still available!
N. High
Weeks 149, Ttrn 8tltl 448.
WilUmrtle Amoiemnt (4) Cluenc
APplegaif. si, rot JioBltitoo 1U, Wil
fred Wilier 430, Oleo Blanton 43S, Howard
Mills 539. O.M.O. Track Co. (0) Darby
Sermon J55, John Fullenwldcr 410, Al
Starr 335, Jot Brook 1TB, M. a. Tbomas
Qnalltr td Can (D Royal Pawltr
400, Bill caniPMii 477, a. B. sneicrova
i30, Mom Van Dell 487, Emll Bcbols 488.
Marion Electric 111 Al Hakanson 3B9.
Arlo Youn 438, Bob Orlfflth 147. Was
Orlfflth 347, We Goodrich 401, John
Wood 453.
High team series and tama: Quality
ana ana hbv
HUh Individual series: Bin try Alderman
(Tweeaie) oaa.
Hlih Individual tame: XmU Boholi
'Quality) 109.
1933 (85,164.79 60.506.17 (24,656.61
1934 90,616.66 84,473.11 6,141.50
1935 79,540.91 76,516.61 1,014.21
1936 105.374.03 1 01,569.64 1,804.39
1937 112,436.26 1 08.503.69 3,932.66
1936 1 01,329.37 97,018.34 4.311.03
1939 1 26.901.22 1 22.560.96 4,340.24
1940 134,206.41 125.373.97 9,832.44
1941 140,347.41 128.526.81 11,620.69
1942 1 53,649.22 1 46.978.54 9,670.69
1943 231.832.16 220,513.41 11,378.70
1944 361,737.07 332,548.31 29,188.76
1945 411,709.77 380,676.71 31,033.06
1949 531,982.69 375,390.28 1 56,592.49
1947 796,711.21 (21.604.19 175,107.05
1949 S71.393.6S 486,077.58 85,315.09
1949 649,414.91 427.047.04 122.397.11
ToWl 14,684,407.79 13,795,885.39 ' (816,64111
T, 11-11.4, tnaltillv.
TOTAL Paclfla Ea,1ra Mid. Iprin, Ortgoa Paein,
Ramtttad M Otnafal Ofagoa InlarnatlonaJ Oreaen Oolumbta PamSatoa Rorlhwaa) Klamatk Lamb 8tal, Coaal H
llal, Fun4 llt, LliMtoca Uvattoel Llvattaak Round-U Turk,, Biiln and Corn Turks OMnt, Fair TEAR
Trsaaurar Fair Shaw Show Show Show Round-Up Dalr, Show Show EihlbH
(71.044.74 ( ( 29.266.77 ( 29.266.77 ( . ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (19.511.14 1931
93,000.00 . 31,125.00 31,125.00 . 20,750.00 1 934
71,200.00 . 12.606.00 22,606.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 1,069.00 . 17,800.00 1935
100.000.00 31,750.00 31,750.00 5,000.00 . 8,000.00 1,20X3.00 25,300.00 1939
103.400.00 12,629.50 12,829.50 5.000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 . 26,541.00 1937
94,000.00 29.845.00 29.845.00 4,700.00 4,700.00 1.200.00 . 23,710.00 1931
118.674.00 1 5.174.00 12,861.25 12.861.25 9,000.00 S.000.00 1,200.00 26,577.50 1 939
125,993.39 17,993 38 34.290.00 34.290.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 28.220.09 1 940
132.3n.99 1 6.877.98 35,000.00 15.000.00 5,000.00 9.000.00 1.200.00 12.300.00 1941
144,523.00 20.223.00 35,000.00 15.000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 . . .. 43,100.00 1 942
223,217.50 29.417.50 35.O0O.0O 35.000.00 5j.OO0.0O S.000.00 1,200.00 .. . 112,600.00 1 941
147,790.11 49,090.8! 35,000.00 35,000.00 5.00O09 S.000.00 1,200.00 217,500.00 1944
198,755.95 63,855.95 15.000.00 35,000.09 5.000.00 5000.00 1,200.00 263,700.00 194S
513,117.29 10,117.29 35,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 S.000.00 1,200.00 151.200.00 1 949
775,570.35 132.070.3S 95.000.00 35.000.09 7.500.00 5,000.00 7.500.00 2.400.00 5,000.09 2.500.00 2.500.09 2.400.00 438,700.00 1947
9S1.723.94 215.723.94 35.000.00 95.000.00 7.500.00 S.000.00 7.500.00 2.400.00 S.000.00 2.500.00 2.500.00 2.400.00 231.200.00 1 949
919,505.19 244.105.71 15.000.00 15,000.00 7.500.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 2.400.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 2.5OO.0O 2,400.00 270,000.00 W
(4,490,194.71 (in.849.99 (559.513.51 (5S9.S71.S1 (90,760.00 (15,000.00 (10,760.00 (21.468.00 (15.000.00 (7.500.00 (7,500.00 (7.200.00 (2,149,709.70
Tlri aoni in tfflclal Oftini xm the records el the Oreion Riclnf Commission n comgiled by 1. C. Abbott, Auditor.
tRamlttad io 10-11-40 n. . biuprnn, ssiL uonor.
tiuHl rem clytd bf Mdraoaraali
Krmetl Chlb durlM tft war bmaMkif M ArA iicetikia aai ii tuau a u ifEraJIJEI
Ike. aV W'""" f .ltW ...if. '""'
WorlloMFiMiaico Committee 203,711. Tl r .X
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