14 Capital Journal, Salem. CLASSIFIED ADVBBTlSINOl per Line I Per Line time Qc Per Line 6 timea aC Pei Line 1 month .00 Outside of Salem 150 per tin per da? Mia. 30c; I tlmeg mln SOe times mm ll.ao No Refund READERS In Local New CoL Only. 80o per lint To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES 4 BEDROOMS NEARLY NEW 4 BR home. Keizer Dlat. Extra lae. Kitchen A utility rm. Wall to wall fir. covering. Lawn A: ahrub in. Owner leaving will sacrifice at 18500. Easy term. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 2-4312. a3' t B.R. HOME, attached gar., unfln. up, plentr space for extra B.R. & storage, lite. lot. chicken hae. Just out of city limit E. Close to store and bus. 633 Edlna Lane. Ph. 2-2292. a3 BY OWNER: Priced to sell. IBS0O. Reas onable down payment. Modern 2 bd rm. home. In northeast dial, on Shel ley Ave. Phone 3-6834. a9 Englewood Dist. Beautiful home, large living rm. & dining rm. 2 bdrrns. At sleeping porch. Kitchen with lot of built-lna. A ateal at J6950. Terms. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phono 3-4590 Eve: 2-30B8. a2 Near State Office Bldg. 160003 bedrms. up, 2 bedrms. down. Liv. rm., dining rm., kitchen. Separate hallway entrance. Basement. Corner lot. paved. Onod terms. Rambling Type North $12,000 New 3 bedrm. home. Living rm., dining rm., kitchen, utility. Hdw. fl -. Oil furnace. Spacious lot. Immediate Possession 15000 -Nearly new 3 bedrma., llv. rm.. dinlnit. kitchen. Elec. heat. Attached Karate, shake siding. 15500 Brand new home. Living rm., dining rm., kitchen, bath. Hdw. firs. Utility, attached garage. 17500 11000 down, 3 brdrm. home. Wv. rm.. dlntna-kltchrn, bath. Uf. lot. V. OMER HUFF 101 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-3081 or 2-8342 a3 ""Highland School Dist. I BR home, full basement, oil heal, dble itar.. lge. lot. price $8200. Will ac cept small home In trade. Englewood Home, $11,900 Lovely 2 BR home, fireplace, full base ment, unfinished up, Inc. patio, beau tiful lnnd-scancd lot. Cnll Mr, Noonehcsicr H. E. Corey Real Estate 13155 N. Broadway. Ph. 2-0552. Eves. 2-niOl. FOR SALE LOTS . LOTS S15 DOWN, $15 MONTH With water and electricity. Close to school and bus. Nice location. Silver ton Highway. General Real Estate 255 Center Phone 3-32B9. aa3 FOR SALE FARMS HOP tt BEAN LAND. 1B0 A. at $215 per A. IRRIOABI.E rilOM KIVER. Bldg. lncl. hop kiln. LAKE LABISII FARM. "0 A., on atrram for Irrig. All liltttily prtviurtUe lnad. tiood nidus. PRICE & TERMS ARE REAS ONABLE. SO ACRES AT KDflE OF TOWN on pvmt.. Hlrh Chehnlls sill, at) under Irrls. Mod. 3 HR home. Good bld's. $11,500. Easy terms. Trade lor income prop. rnnniNO river farm, no a., nose to Rnlem, on pvmt. Lot of NEAR BEAVER DAM soil, 30 A. in brush A; tlmlwr, Mod 3 Bli home, fplace, bamt.. At fur nace. VERY EASY trrms. J2;i.00. 1(HI ACHES - NORTH - $80 PER ACRE, pract. all seeded ft fertilized. No bides. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 3 B. R. Home, 10 A. Trmda or sell this beautiful 3 BR home south on paved road. Hdwd. lira. Pull bmt. Heaiillfully landscaped. All un der cultivation. Owner would like 2 or 1 BR home In town or on bus line. Kull price Jin.coo. C. W. Reeve, Realtor f)45 S, Commercial Ph. S-4590 Kve. 2-4312. h3 t A. Willamette soil, 21 A. undrr culll vatton, 0 A. pasture. 3 B.R. home, old. yenr around stream thru plnrc, some timber in pnslure. ml. off paved rond. 8 ml. E. of Snlem. The price Is 111,000. 'j dn.- .lolin.Mm. BURT PICHA, Realtors 370 N. llinh SI. Office 2-3B49 Eve. .1-7451 or 3-53!0. in FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNER FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED. IM MEDIATE POSS. Cute modern 2-year-old house, urn ae. 8 A. rich snndy soil on unod Piivrd hwy. School. Front age. Irritation well. S A. strawberries. Trrms. Will Inkr lale model rnr. Phonr 2-mn.i. Mo Union sr. Salem bhi REAL ESTATt FOR YOUR s.wtMi.h investment buy a first mortcnec on real estate Salem ft vicinity Ex amine security yourself AmouuLi IMin lo several thousand dol lars, net imrstor 5'; We make all col lections fur jou It desired STATE MNANCE CO 153 8. High Best Buys $3750 Full Price New 2 bdrm. suburban home north, ltdvvd. firs., plnslerrtl, see this one for a low micrd home, Eves. Phone 3-7674. or 3-351)8. Kingwood Older typo 3 bdrm. home in very good condition, Larse spin-tons rooms, nice view, larae garage with workshop. Play room above earnce. Lar,:e lot, outside fireplace. Well worth 18750. Terms ar rtiiKcd. Ees. Pit. 2-7674 or 3-355R. Leslie Older tvpe 3 Wrms., very good condi tion, fireplace, part hdwd Mrs, full basement, furnace, select lot and loca tion Total price $9350. F H A. terms nlab:e. Eve, phone- 3-7674 or 3-3558. .$300 Down i? Extra sivclal. We have made arranse- i jl men is io build vou a home on your !lct. that Ls rry neat and modern. ! Aiitomatto furnace, 780 sq. it. floor i space, hardwood floors. i.istertd, spac ious closets, utility room inside. Storage siace- uiwtnlrs Plate glass windows. You will be proud lo own this home. , i dime in lor details. Total price only Sf oc. hi NOTE: this la not a pre-fab home, it U V new frame construction. 10 Acres North. Willamette soil. Older type 4 rm house. Full price $3500. Evea. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-355a. 3 Acres Modern 6 rm. home, close to shopping center North. Sevrral outbuildings. To tal price only 15500. Kva Ph. 3-4735 or 3-33:.S. 98 Acres Wry good modern 1 rm. home mtlea from niall town. Lot of saw timber. Ai'i'iox. 35 A under cultivation. Very Usable outbulldltiRS. Year round creek. Could be eiuMped tor Irrigation. We b.-lieve this U well worth $13,500. Equip menl and atock ran be bring ht for reasonable price. Would trade for in come properly. Evea. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3j.iB. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 1035 Portland Rd. Hi. 1-7820, 2-4.YV! Oregon, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1950 REAL ESTATE PANORAMA VIEW EXTRAORDINARY If your family wants PRIVACY yet need be in city, easy dist. to schools -if they want tree & Ah rub filled acres for RECREATION (Including hone sta blest If they deserve the best in mod ern living, let us show you this CHAHM INO PLACE, featuring lge. living A dining rooms, a bdrnu., all wait to wall russ, double plbg., full bsmt., auto hot water heal. They will revel in this IDYLLIC spot (4 acres). Thev will adore the SUPERB VIEW of 6 MOUN TAIN PEAKS. Nothing comparable In saiem. see us for app't and price. HOME BEAUTIFUL on the hills of WEST salem, wit.h a view that's unsur passed. 3 BR, party room, living Ac dining rooms, with full length win dows, your kitchen tt breakfast nook are really something, double plbg., dble. garage. $20,000. ENGLEWOOD DIRT. 2 BR. breakfast nook, hdwd firs., fplace, att. garage, $1600 dn. F-H.A. bal. Larsen Home & Loan Co. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good bouses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see ORABENIIOKST BROS.. REALTOR 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ONE OPERATOR beauty shop. In town Near coast. Equipment almost new. Box 318, co Capital Journal, cd3 4 t'NIT court. 3 garages, Income $270 $33,00O, 1583 Market. Ph. 3-9409. cd5 STORE, records, radios 6i repair. Phllco appliances. Would sell separately stock ol hardware A; auto supplies. Owner dis abled. 174 C St., Independence. cd3 . WELL established auto supply whole sale busineM. Paying excellent dividend!. Must sell immediately berause of Illness. Small Investment required. Box 318 Capital Journal. cd3 Rt- 1. box 145. Ph cd3 AUCTIONS Livestock & Furniture AUCTION Wed., Jan. 4, at 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. A.B. apartment electric range 6 ft, Trig, refrigerator Oruno refrigerator D iiven os & davenports 49 New box springs 3 chests of drawers g Rollnwny bed 4 Chairs to tnblet Trash burners Many misc. Item Chickens ft rabbits ClIvss ft veals Fender Ac wenner pijta Cows, heifers fc bulls LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD REMEMBER, WK WILL SELL ON COM M ISK ION OR PA Y CASH FOR YOUK MERCHANDISE. LOCATED I BLOCK WEST OP LAN CASTER DRIVE ON BILVERTON ROAD. PH. 3-fl0n8. $d2 Auction ToiiIkM, Tiie;day, Jan. 3, 7:30 p.m. Olenwood Bullroom. 4'a mi. N. of Sa lem on D!iE. Furniture, Appliances, Rugs, Radios, M If cel. Tools, etc. (It's the, jinlel. oieen Woodry. Auctioneer. Ph. 3-5110 to buy or sell. dd2 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDE ANI LICENSEDllvesto7icbuyer". E. O. McCitndlL'sh, 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 38147. ea24 LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. eT Sne then, 1550 Lancaster Dr. Ph, 21345, eal7 PETS CHOICE jcanary birds. 2C0N. lath. ec6" ORANGE CANARY VlnVers. $8.50 it HP Ph. 2-5!t2!. PC;C FUEL ee7 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOK Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slah Wood Dry Planer Ends At Block Wood Ph 36444 WALNUT -.hells lor sale Co. 460 N. Front. Klnrfelo Packlna West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL & STOVE OIL Ph Salfin 2-4031 Pick up wnod at 1525 Edsewater WMi Snlem i PHILLIPS BUOS Ola fir. onk, afih & maple 4' fir 16' Mab and edmnus Ph 314A8 re HI"'- SLAII.3" cd. $10rPhT31458; ee I1RY, !fNH GHOWTn ilrT"stoViinctli" Urn.Mnnhl. Ph. 2-3943, 3-8445. eel6 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or Dry Edimg Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Fdctns $5.50 load Douhle $10 00 Also 16' tireen Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE" TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-1443 18" Slab Wood and Edgtnga Ere.Mi Cut Screened Sawdust 12' In-ttde Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 6.VH Oil KEN STAMPS FORSALE POULTRY NEW MAMl'SMIlig" chin fo7TnmlUte or future delivery Hatches every 1 11 pa Fox Katciiery, 3030 State St Ph 3-49ii) PRODUCE i:ASTEHN AI.FAI.I'.Vrilmolhv. ltv t.-i truck load, lltift s. Ulh. Ph. 3Pili;t. 1 HELP WANTED MALE WANTI D; First Clasji" body " m 1UU1, HELP WANTED FEMALE SITRETKV In the director of adrnis sion W Illumes i e untersiiy. Proficiency In short hand, tvptn and office iiro rel,ire essential. UrL-rences. Call 3-1.'6 rl. 21 for aiU'o.ntnirnt. gio WANTED: Woman for general house. I-Ue in. Call 3-7;81 lor appointment. tn LADY TO CARE (or 2 children In mv home. Rr. Ph. .1-747.. sb3' MIDIM.r Mit: 1.1 (I v to do hoiL-ework and chiUl care. 1-or I3il prr mo. A board A room. Box 317 c o Capital Journal, gbt" WANT El' women nut snei.ers All Jln'et w.irk 460 N Front Klorfeln Parkin Company gb EMPLOYMENTGErTcTifs"'"' COMMERCIAL PLACKMKNT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS the Pt.if Str-i Phfn. 1 1433 if V AN TEDSALESMAN RFXAIR is expanding in our neighbor hood. We ned dealers, representatives to take orders. Full-time dealers make up to $350 a week. Part-time dealers up to $100 a week. See me at 757 Center BOOK BINDING Ha.e your National Geographies. Sci ence Journals and other ma.azmrs bound Into volumes Each volume titled and numbered We also rebmd antique books Hand and machine srwed. Capita City Bindery. 1035 N. Com'l Ph. 3-8176 ch!4 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 Mrm. home. rm.. kltohfn. uHlltr. itttchri) farM. burnt, elrcu Utin, heater, prlca ta.aO0.00. CALL PETER GE1BER. BUSINESS BLDG. NORTH Bu,in htdf., pluj 1 realdeneea. Ideal for rental, or owner quarters, lorattd cioae In on Pacific highway, Orounda tflxvoo It. with r.r. apur, FOR DETAILS CALL ROY FERRIS. DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR 1950 CALENDARS FOR JEWELRY & FUR INSURANCE CALL HAL HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Ivtninii and Sunday Call Roy FerrLi 3-8010 - Peter Oelser 1-9968 t WANTED POSITIONS NANCY'S NL'RSERY SCHOOL. 6 DAYS. AGES 2 TO 5. PH. 2-4940. h27' MAN'Psteady, reliable; Will accept any reasonable offer. Phone 1-4419. h2 "Mimeographing-Typing POES. 665 North 18th. Phone 3-3843. EXPERIENCED BABY 8ITTEE part time. Reference. Ph. 2-7182. nj ELECTRIC PIPE thawer. Moody Plumbing. Immed. service. rn. a-nn. CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 38876. nil FREE TOPPING, trimming etc. Ins. oper ator. John Payne. 348 fl. cnurcn, rn. 2-6014. hJl CABINET work of all klnda. Let ua figure your work. Ph. 3-seau. I AM A vet with 2 babies. Need work des perately. Will waah woodwork, winoowi or cars. Can paint Se any yard work. Ph. 20022. h3 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h27- DRESSMAKING. 404 N. Church, Apt. 4. Ph. 3-758. T1313 ABY SITTING. Ph. 2-8822. hl7 CHILD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. hll CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9324. ns- INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. CARPENTER work. New repair. Ph. 3-2093 TYPING Rates reasonable Will call tor a nd deh vcr. Ph 3-1398. h 5 BABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580. h2 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, Ins. op. Worlt guar w h. mcaiiis ter. 840 Trade. Ph 2-1436. h2' 1161 h-2 'KM KM WORK vnnted Ph 3-4BftO EDUCATION Look to Diesel Power Men, look around you! See the prog re.t made by DIESEL during the last 10 years. Railroads, power plants, fac tories, tractors, hundreds of new ap plications. Every Diesel engine needs a trained Diesel man. Take Heps now to make Diesel's bright future your op portunity. Write for free facts on how you can get practical training In Diesel operation and maintenance In spare time. Utilities Diesel Training, ReitLs trar, 2521 Slief field. Chicago. 14. hh3 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE warm clean rooms, outside cut r a nee. Well located. Call 3-4348. jk4 SLEEPING room. Furnace heat. Student mnloyed man. Ph. 2-6413. jkos WARM room. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-5530. JKZil- WARH RM. for lady. Close In. Cooking prlv. $3 per week. 740 Chemeketa. jk2 WORKING GIRL preferred. Bus by door. Ph. 3-4561. l0JN4th. Jk02 SLP. A Light hfikp. rm. Ph. 3-4.1Jfi. Jk23 CLOSE IN room for clean employed man. 1H0 fl. Liberty. Jk3 FOR RENT APARTMENTS "koOM basement apt. Partly furn. Prlv. haih. CIor;e in North. $37.50. Innulre at Bert Plcha Realtor, 379 N. High. Ph. 2-3649. JP4 CLOSE I 2-18R7. NEW APTS.. 2 or 3 rooms. Phone 2-8067. Ft'RN. housekeeping room. 125 Oerth. Jp " $38. 399' Mis - JP3 LOWER n EAT ED furn. apt. Adults. 359 N. Liberty. J,,,i 5 BR Fl'RN. apt. Water Ai garbage dis posal turn. 669 N. Front St. or Ph. 2-0595 eves. Jp2 FURN. .1 RIMS.. A: bath. Hollywood dist.. 147. ;o. Ph. 3-un.i8 or 3-isno. jpoa- t RM. Fl'RN. apt. Clean, nice location. 903 8. 12th. JP4" NICE x room apt. Furn. or unfurn. 1UI54 S. 13l.h. JP4 1 RM. IT) UN, Court apt. Close In. Ph. 2-0714. Jp AT rit,( TiVF.MODi:RN furn. 3 rms. apt. Private bath. Utilities furn. Close in. Ph. 3-9138. JP6 NICK FT UN. Apt. 1 large. 1 small. Utili ties futn. Reasonable. 365 S. 101b. Jp4 MOD, Fl TIN. 3 Inrce rmv Prlv. enL, bath refrlg. Adults. 643 Union. Jp4" VOU CAN afford the best "Ambassador npts. $.S0 to $75. Ph. 3-6H05. JpM SPARKLING NEW 1 one-bedroom am. n modern brick court. Spaciou., siorase, excellent loca tion. 330 S. ITlh. Jp4 FI'HN. RM. Apt. $.10. Colts Re S:i0. 1-rm. apt. VJJ. K21 N. Lllierty. Ph. 3728B. Jp33' MOD. Fl'RN. Apt. I.lcht. water, garbage. ri. o.tn. close in. $JS mo. lnq. rear lit. 81! 4 N. Front. Jp4 NI'W 4 rm. all electric. No chlldren. Ph. 2-7IU1. Jp3- i ll M. Fl'RN. upstairs" apt. 'close" in. Ph'. 2-0745. Jp2 CLOSE IN modern npt., newly decorated. Suitable for 1 girl. Reasonable. 435 N. Winter. Jp4 NEW '.' IIM. partly turn. apt. Pnv. bath. 11117 Miuli-son. Ph. 2-3465. ip2 1 l!M. turn flat. Pilvaic bath ,t cnlriiuce. Ph. 38713. 1433 Stale. Jp4 NEW 3 ROOM court ant., ail elect ", rsnse .to refrlg. Ph. 3-5382. 134R 8. 12th. Jp4 WARM MODFRN- apt. Sultahle tor 2 tirL or couple. 2 blks. to state bldgs. At civic center. 488 N. Winter St. jp4 :t ROOM Turn. apt. Call between 9 and 5 770 S. Com'l. jp.3 NICEI.V furn apt Private-bat h Ph .1-1818 or eve 3-4814 in FOR RENT HOUSES T BDRMfu7n'l.omer$75.Ph"3-5447l Jm4 ATTRACTIVE, three-room suburban cot t.'ze. cirrulatlna oil heat, electric hot wnlrr. aparlmrnt-style electric range. tUiuiv bullt-ins. garden pare. near Washington school. Children, pets wel come. 145. Phone 4-3803. jm3 ci.FAnYrm, mod.rurn."Oara(e3 ad ulLi. No nets. Ph. 3-7649. Jm2 f BDRM.VNFl'RNr"houserph.35641. Jm3 NEW MODERN 3 B.r"! unf urnlshed house. Oil heat. Wired tor electric range. Attached g a rase. Phone 37502 after ft p.m. JmG a-II.R.OIL HE7TrreplacerWired for electric range. Ph. 3-44,3. Jm02 LARGE garage house. Call alter 5 p.m. 3-5953 Jm3 ROOM & BOARD WILL TAKE elderly people for room and b.Mird. Ph. 3-6680. 266 S. Cottage. 1)3' FOR RENT MISCELLAE(Tu5 1U slNFSS RM lot rent B L SI 1ft T FOR RENT Large room Perry Street, suitable for Office or Btore Also 2 slory alley warehouse wttb elevator, dli tributor't headQuarters State Finance Co., R'Hors 153 B High 61. Tel. 3-4131 U" DRIVE Trurlii Ro jlnion shell 6er?lce" Center at Cottag. Ph. 39103, f FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS POWER TOOL rtntala for home and in dustrial iu Bowser Broa -Pb 1-3646 TRAILERS $3.00 per day Bowser Bros Hlu b 1 2th. West Salem. UOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Btlfl. TO DO a good lob -ent 1 good floor sand- er. we aeu everything to complete the lob BOWSER BROS Pi). i-364b SINGES ELECTRIC portable saving ma chines Rcasonab.t rates. Free Dick ut delivery Singer Sewing Uachlne Co 130 N Com 1 Ph SJS13 j MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE h CP AIR J tlR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRT 8 EM LETt DENTIST Adolpb Bid. -State A Conun'ulal 6u SALEM Ph on t 1-1311 m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 484 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mil BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shingle ho 1 2xTt aoj amount delivered .owest market price.s 18 In No 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller Salem-lndep road Call 3-1196 Salem ma DOORS Bedroom, bathroom As closet doors, stan dard sizes, single panel. The quantity Is limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front St Court Ealem MISCELLANEOUS new and used snsh, windows and frames. Cheap. Redding Cabinet Shop, 2495 S. 12th. Ph. 2-5480. osVK ON R OO PINO Let Wards give you eomp.eu in SIALLEU price on youi roofing needs Wide range of eolora Call our outside salesman for frw stlmst Phon 1-3191 MONTOOLiERT WARD A CO fl A LEU OREGON ma- WINDOWS As much as Vi off regular prices on large assortment of single & multipane standard and-offslze windows At frames KEITH BROWN Front ft Court Salem Used Doors Windows Complete windows with frames. $7.50. Doors with hardware and standard framrs. $8.50. 'i-inch Firtex 3c ft. Large sashes $2.25. C. O. LONG. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. mal SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR RIDING "xB" Choice and limited lot. Regularly $60 M now $40 M i" SIIEETROCK tilt board. Regularly $95 M. now $50 M KEITH BROWN Front b Court Salem House Cold? We have new and used Insulation, wall boards, celling tile, cedar shakes, shin gle., asbestos siding. Everything low priced. C. G. LONG. Ph, 3-5831. One mile north of Kelzer. mai' DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using trie rinest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumoer Id Balem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co 35 Lana Ave Ph J48:i9 Free parking ma WAPP1T 8poVeYhand saw7'PhTs-4r84. PLOORING l"x4" clear, end-matched fir flooring Limited quantity. Regularly $100 M, now $75 M KEITH BROWN Front & Court Salem ma" CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest quality lumber at lowest possible delivered prlcea For large sav ins, write, phone, or see us. for our lat est price list WEST BALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wnllnre Rd. - Ph 3-fK!l3 mal2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10-INCH Soeed-O-Mntlc and power saw. Was $189.50, now 193. SO. Ph. 2-1565 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. n3 CHROME dinette set, daveno A rhair. floor lamp, G-E refrigerator. 251 S. 171h. n3 I'SED Electric ranges. $13.95 A; up. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n GAS RANGES, apt sue 3 only, reduced $50. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa nS STEEL CLOTHESLINE post.- railings tn Mock Ai made to order 1145 N Liber ty. n3 I H.P., SINGLE phase O.E. motor. 110-220 2-wav switch. New at used price. C.tv Electric Co. n3 CAR TOP boat, Just "the thins rr duck huntinr. Sell or trade for guns or other sporting goods. Ph. 3-5480. nil HEAT your home electrlcalry with West inghouse or Wesln automatic electric heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa. n GEN Fit A I ELf CTRlC Crosier Gibson and Niontag Appliances al Cevurtz. t PHILLIPS BROS Fertilisers well roi tec or rre.ft an kind By yard or sack Flasstsne for all ro,' tirg Cri!it frnre po:. ip.c phonr und eler poles en-it1' s'i ri. Yew poaij. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6. Bex US. n USED OIL burners, blowers A sawdut burners. Ph 2-8663. n5 CFDAR POSTS" for sale. 21 It ,1 ft long. Hammer Bros. Pn. 65 Mt. Ansrl. n:o SALEM SANTj 6. OPiWEL COUTANI Convracl Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Fqutpment Rental if B yds 10 B-- yds D-1 Cat A Dorer D-6 C.H Ai Doirr D-4 Cal & Do?er about ditching by tht fl Phont Days 3-9408 Kvea 3-836 or 1 4400 m:id Oreeon o" t H P ELEC. motor 110 A 330 I"x5' ahatt 8 pulleys Ph 3-9409 05" RUI5IAc;i laleJflO State upstairs n3U NO WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE, the cellophane like finish tor floors or linoleum. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED It 1DIOS & rrcord players$995 up YEATFR APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n Oll7lR"rTLATORS T at" greTt;yr educed prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemrketa n" Fl'LLEB crushes. 174 Grant. Ph. 3-8157 nil' FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS JAIRMOUNT HILL Small t bedroom home Incited on Fatrmount J t rent, extra nice lot, 80x150 15350. Owner will consider trade on larger home. $1500 DOWN - HOME ON SAGINAW 'ra large lot, 62x153, nice 2 bedroom home, part basement, garage. 16300. SUBURBAN - 4 ACRE Lonted on good black top road, close in, modern tt bedroom home, oil ploed furnace, pecan floors, also has dark room If Interested In photo work. Full price 13300. ON PEARL STREET Al tractive and modern 3 bedroom home, located on larae lot, has fire place, hardwood floors Priced ta $10,2i0. x NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME X bedrooms, no upstairs, elec. fireplace, oil furnace heat, a a rage, lot la 85x120, located in good district Just outside city limits, bus by door. A lovely modern home with '.op FHA financing. $2350 down moves you In. REMEMBER It pays to have adequate Insurance coverage. See ua for your Insurance needs. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. Bob 36770 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ATTF.NTION1 Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil. 3 gal. sealed cans. 47'iic per gal. Grease cup. chassis, water pump, all purpose gear !)0 and 140. 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, sjroup 16 mo. guarantee. $4.48 exchange. H. C. Hanson, 320 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-0010. nI5 GENbJtAL Electric auto, washer, deluxe. Cost $370. Sacrifice, $250. Ph. 3-9239. na USED E lTxTRIC WASHERS $10.95 Up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED Electric Refricerators, $49.95 At up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n WALLING SAND & GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement ready mix concrete garden nand Bulldozing, dralnaae and ditching K -yd. hove and drag line Pb 8-S249 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR StTmpAGE and fir log wanted Shipment can tie made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber & Manufac turing Company. Inc.. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. na WANTED BAR HIE Douglna fir poles or stumpace. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole 4i Piling Co., Ine na5 "ERSONAL IF VOI R corset twists A; hikes try a Spencer. It stays .straight stays neat. Phone 3j5072. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. p2 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Lee Mlndt, 1165 N 14th. Ph. 2-4801. p20' M ItS, MFLVIN SMITH, Spencer corsctier. Let a Spencer solve your figure problem. All call's given special attention. Ph. 3-5072. P23 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame aolvcs your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 B. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and $100 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. p20 AUTOMOBILES A REAL BUY at $1250. 1946 28 Schultz trailer house. Ph. 2-7439, or sea at 2BG0 S. Commercial. q3 Make an offer. 251 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN OOOD TII1FS. EXCELLENT MOTOR. RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER, FOO LITES. MED. BLUE FINISH. INTERIOR VERY CLEAN. THIS 13 A REAL VAL UE. CONVENIENT TERMS, FULL PRICE $695 Orval's I9:ifl DODGE Panel. Excel, cond. Owner. Eisner Motors to Buy MODEL A. Excellent condition. Ph. 2783,1. 4 80 DODGE PANEL, exc. cond" Ph. 3-8028." Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1)0 USED CAR LOT $50 & your old one 12th 31 Junction Open till 10 p. m q8 zeeW'used cars " SELL rRDF TERMS 2 LOTS 2325 Fairground Rd Ph 2-6454 520 Hood St Ph 1-7714 Eisner Motors to Sell If HUDSON S325. Newly rebuilt encine. Call Jim at 249D4 or see at 1706 Chenie- ketn. i4 Mt lfCI-S(iK!l tirp.i Si luties at cos' pnr Flrvi fomr tlr.t erved as this i ciae out a Denier welcomed R O Wood row C-. 450 Center 0" EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY AT OUR UF.ED CAR LOT ALL MAKES. ALL MODELS ALL PRICES Herral-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 6C0 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-411 'ltd CHI V. 4-dr. edrtn, $60. Ph. 3 IS!.S S. 12th. FINANCIAL YES! TO 4 OUT OF 5 who come to PERSONAL We ;i'e to say "v- " Pr-of: we served over a million pcopl- :i.-t year. S25 to $500 on auto up to $300 on furniture, ssl.irv. No co-sianer: necessary. Phone or visit the Personal YES MAN, TO DAY! PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Pacific B.; Ildine Room No. 125 518 STATE STREET Phone 2-2 1H4 C. R Allen, Mgr. Ll,-. S-132 - M-lfiS LOANS MADE TO RESIDENTS OF ALL SURROUNDING TOWNS r4 IF VOI R PROPERTY Is for sal II will pay yon to Know now mum of an FHA loan It will stand Th! information t ootainsD'.e with but very tittle trouble UO NOT lirsiTATB to call on us tor any information you desire aeout FHA LOANS State Finance Co. 1.V3 S Huh St. 3-4121. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. irSO Fairground. Rent Next Dhot tc Bask Free Parting Phone 17'UJ Lie S M3PB SJ9I Floyd Kenton Miii r Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES Phone 24115 . 24118 Rudy 3377B . Lee 33539 1 FINANCIAL GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Uft S-133 and U-921 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St Tel. 3-9181 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 !-. and 6 VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortcages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. T PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St Phone 3-9161 AUTO LOAPIB WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 3-2457 Lie. No M-159 B-154 SKI. OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST t to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 844 State 8t Phone J-3663 TRAILERS OR TRADE: 18 It. '47 model Curtis-Wright trailer house. Ph. 3-4764. 3345 Fair grounds Rd. t2 TRAILER house, oil heat. Butane stove. Ice box. Sleeps 4. $600. 3295 Triangle Dr. or 132 E. Salem His. Ave. t3 TRAILER space for rent. Reasonable rates, Quiet location. Close to every thing. Laundry facilities, dryer. Plenty hot water. Healed rest rooms. Thermo stat control. Children welcome. Come out and see us. 15 Highway Ave. 1 blk. east of Chuck's Steak House, U MACHINERY COMPLETE woodworking shop machinery. iisra very iittic. jut i-airgrounas Rd.. for Folsom. v3 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair lerU: new appllanen Vince's e'ectrlc Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 1-9239 137 8 Liberty St o WTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Cowing service day phone $-0289 Nlgm i 1804 33" Center o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush Vlrcll Hu.skey. 1010 Fairview Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Balem. o6 W ILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, 'rpair that home now Terms No down payment Phoni 3- 4850 o CARPENTERING AND TLASTERINO Phi mbi rift, fixture Installing, cement fin ishing. Reasonable. Rt. 7, box 418. o9 CASH REGISTERS Inatan' delivery of new resist ei ai maxes sold pa ed Roen 456 Court P' RCi. east rented, re i 3-6773 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of loundatlon sidewalks driveways, patios, eurba walls etc Cal) 2-4850 oa CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. En.slcy, 771 S. 2I.U. Ph. 3-7176. 026 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen Ac Son excavating St grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. ol EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Srrvlce. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross, Rt. 6, Box 437-C. Breithauot .' fot flowen FURNACE A CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed St repaired Dvorak Pb 24963 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 'lUI'-EHOLU PRODI CT IN ULATION ivllle Phone 3-3748 IANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings Factories Homes F-'timates Without Obllaation AMERICAN BLDO MAINT CO. Ph Salem 3-9133 ft .ANHSf API M RKF.R1 DELI'S SERVE SELF Laundry 345 fe'.ior St Phone 23453 LAWNMOWERS Sha-pened. guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. o2S' MaTTCF.S.SES Cti'ita. Redd.og Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS OFFICE Fl'RNITVBE b SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and flltna supplies safes, duplicatots and supplies desk lamp, tvpewrlter stands, brief c s Plerc. Aire Recorders Roen. 436 Court OIL IlI RNFR SF1V1CE to do TOU PAINTING A rAPFRnAN'niNO PaperlnB di palntlnt. Est Palntlne and paperhanelnk. Pree est I mate Ph. 3-9513. 85. Shipping. 07' PXPER HANGING "" Paperhanglng, Johns in. Terms. P. 39348. Expert Paperhanelng and painting. J. Woodsworth Ph. 3-9B07. Frea est. PRINING AND STRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-130. T LIMBING :'lt fl RI I R AMINO Hui.iMD Painl Store ROAD GRADING Lrte A; Small Jobs grader. Jot Strickfaden, phone 3-5410. oS Younff Card Collector Donald Penfield, Jr., and hSs mother, Mrs. Donald Penfield, of Chicago, display some of 16,000 playing cards he has collected from 34 countries. Wcodburn, Hubbard, Dallas Hit by Series of Home Fires Fire continues a threat In the Salem area with a two-story residence and apartment destroyed at Woodburn early Tuesday ; morning, coupled with another fire at Dallas which destroyed or damaged the second dwelling within 24 hours, and heavy damage to property in Hubbard. An old two-story structured- occupied by Charles Holway and several other Woodburn tenants in the upper apartments was de stroyed between 2:30 and 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. The place is located at Harrison and Second street. Darrell Painter, a neighbor, was returning home from Port land when he discovered the blaze. He gave the alarm and rescued an invalid sister of Hol- way's from the second floor bed room. Another family with three children escaped but lost all pos sessions. Firemen remained at the scene until 7 o'clock this morning. Start of the fire was placed a downstairs front room but origin has not been determined. Loss is not known but $5000 in surance was carried on house and contents. The Donald K McClure fam ily 620 Oregon, is homeless at Dallas as a result of a fire Mon day afternoon, the second serious fire within 24 hours. Firemen were able to confine the blaze to the upper section of the property, owned by H. H. Harder, real estate dealer, the structure is uninhabitable due to smoke and water damage. McClure, a barber, was not home when the fire was dis covered about 5 o'clock by Mrs. McClure. The blaze is believed to have been started by a defec tive flue in the upper portion. The McClure family consists of three children, Donald. Jr.. two; Bertha Nell, one and Ches ter Franklin, one month. Mc Clure expects to find living ac DIRECTORY Roof Irak? Or do you need a new root? Ph. 2-7701. Free estimates. Terms. 018 :v;n A GRAVKX o,irdei Soil criuhed rock, shovel ,vd drn?lln. excavating Wallln, Sand & Oravei Co. Phone 3-9349 0" Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N. Ath SEPTIC TANKS K. P Hamel. 3entic tanks, aewer and drain line cleaned Guaranteed work 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol Mike's Septic Service Tank cleaned Roo Roo'er srrvlce on Sewers 1079 Elm St.. W Salem. Ph 3-9468 3-3327 Vacuum Pumplnc no mileaee eharte Ci!l u riil'et rodrt's snflc Tank Service. S50 Larsen. Phone 2-0734. ct ,::R' and MTirrasKs Electric Poto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Rnror sharp Cuttln, Blades clean Sewers. Drains Tanks Ph. 3-8327. o' 5EVlNnMACniNES All makes repaired. Tree estimates Siniet Sewino Maeh'ne Co 130 No commercial ph 3-3M2 RPRAYINC Spraylnft : pruning. Ph. 3-7O0O. o28' . ".-.l-h! A VTURACiF " .teal h Distance Transfer atotaae Rtimet oils coal ft Drlqueta rrucks it Portland dan, Asent for Beklns House hold aaorls tnarrd to anrwher. In 0 8 o. Canada Larmer Tranafet A, storate Ph S-3131 0" I , ITPirF.R5 Smith Corona Remtnitnn Roral. Onder wood portables Al. makes osd machines Repair and rent stnen 458 Court o , VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer The Bllndmaa. Ph. 3733S. WEA Til E RS T RIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-S36S. Free asttmate. T. PULLMAN Ph 3-5985 0311- WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 3. Box 317 Ph. 3-5135 rt'INDOn CLF.ANINO Acme - Indow Cleaners Windows, waiiv b woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned wxxed and polished Pb 3-S337 14 Court Langdoo, Culberuon and Uatiie I.MM.W MIADt.3 vYAsntale Rolier Made to order 1 Dai Dei Reinnoidt A Lewis Pb 33639 9' (VOOD A SA WDL'ST St.e-n F-,iel Co Ph 1-4031 LODGES Salem Lodge No. 4. A.F. & A M. . Wed., Jan. 4. Stated communications, 7:30 p.m. 3 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F. cV A.M. Special Tues., Jan. 3, degree, 7:30 p.m. 8 commodations through the help of relatives. Though the upper part of tha the Paul Fyock home In Hub bard was badly damaged by a late afternoon fire Sunday, the family is able to occupy the re-, mainder. Loss is estimated by Clarence Friend, fire chief, at. around $2000, including furni-; ture and bedding in the two upper bedrooms. The two Fyock girls, Lois and Orvilla, lost all their clothing with the excep tion of that being worn at the time. The entire family, which also includes one boy, Robert, were home at the time. The James Born family, which lost its home at 1011 Brown and contents at Dallas Sunday eve ning, has completed arrange ments to move into a place across the street from their former home, from which they were moving at the time of the fire. A large barn, silos and a year's supply of feed for livestock, were lost at the Carl Hess place at Silverton early Sunday morn ing, j In Salem fire damaged the"' offices of the Keep Oregon Green at the state forestry department property Sunday afternoon. Loss including records of the rehabili tation division of the forestry department, is estimated around $18,000. Firemen are Called Silverton Volunteer fire- men were called to the 43! North Water street home of Mrs. Emma Coberly by a flue fira Sunday afternoon. Nominal damage was reported. LEGAL IN TIIE COUNTY COURT OF TltF, BTATR OF OREGON FOR TIIE COUNTY OF MARION In Mie Matter of the Formation of KEIZER DIKING DISTRICT NOT ICR TO ALL OWNERS AND PERSONS CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE LANDS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LANDS DESCRIBED BELOW. OR ANY OTHER PERSONS INTFRESTED IN THE FORMATION OF KEIZER DIKING DISTRICT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jan uary 20, 1950 at the hour of 10:30 In tha forenoon Is fixed as the time, and the courtroom of the above entitled court is hereby fixed as the Place for the final heartntr on the petition for the formation of a diking district or water control dis trict. NOTICE IS FURTHER OIVEN that In the event written requests for an election not filed within the time and In the manner prescribed by law and prior to the date of the final hearing upon the forma tion oi such district, that the court will enter its order creating the district. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the boundaries of the district will be as fol low.-: Beginning at the northeast corner or the T. D. Kelzer D.L.C. No. 38. in ' 7 S R. 3 W.. of the W. M.. Marion Conn inn" ty, Oregon: thence west along the north line or said D.L.C, to the brink of the Willnmette River; thence northwesterly, following the bank of snld river, to the east line of the H. M. Broadbent lanrt.1, as described in Volume 343, page 178. Mar lon County Deed Records; thence north to the northeast corner thereof; thence east to the west line of the N. Richards land ax described In Volume 320, Page 183; thence north to -the south line of lands described in Volume 333, page 634; thence east to the center line of Sponn Road; thence northwesterly to the south line of lands described In Volume 335. Pace 208: thence east to the west line of Olson St Reeve Kelzer Tract.: thenre north to the south line of the Ntmrod Ford D.L.C; thence eest to the center line of Salem Clampoex Road: thence south westerly, along said center line, to the center line of Clagget Creek, thence southeasterly, along the center line of said creek, to the center line of Market Road No. 63: thence west to the center line of Market Road No. 34; thence south to the place of be ginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereun to set my hand and the seal of said court this 18th day of December. 1949. H. A. JUDD, County Clerk By G. E. White, Deputy. Dec. 30, 37, Jan. 3, 10. SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIALS The Oreson State Highway commis on has lor sale used cars, plck-uos. dump trucks, mowers and graders and scrap materials located at the Highway ix-par i mem equipment riant ai salem, Oregon, and ued electric miineoirnph machine, used electric multlgraph ma chine and u$ed hand operated addre.'s ng machine located at 319 State Office Building, Salem, Oregon. Sealed bids for the purchase of the used equipment and scrap materials will be received by the S.ate HUhway Com mission in Room 334. State Office Build ing, Salem. Oregon, until 3:00 P.m.. Mon day, January 33. 1550, at which time and P.ace me o:os wiu oe puoilcir opened read. Proposal forraj and information ind . be obtained at the o.'fice of the Stata Highway Commission. State Office Build in, Silem. Oreson, and at the equipment Plant at Sim. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION d3 '