12 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday. Jan. 3, 1950 Father of the Bride By EDWARD STKEETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams VVHAT5 NcWINTfVERE RESEARCHING f IMPORTANT, BUT TECHNICAL tF I OKAY ONE MORE PICTUREMR ROPER 15 I l THE "MODERN A LOW COST vV HAT'S COOKING UNDER r-S OF FAT LODGE BROTHERS ylN CONFERENCE L-JjtJ' S LIVING DMSIOHJHOUSING UNIT V H A'CUJVK", FELOMAN ? J TEARING LOBSTERS v fffll MAY I TAKE THES T DLL AND? 7 THAT LOOKS" afW i U APART, tTLL BE UNDER I L CALL? W7s"V MM WXltS&'Zfrf H0W ABOUT "SPOTLIGHT PROTE5T--OR UNPfR J F Trtfff fU Vl? K RADIO PROGRAMS rUESDAY P.M KEX KSLM 1390 MDC KOCO 1490 Ko (Installment 7) MR. BANKS FACES A GUEST PROBLEM Kay was alone at the breakfast table when he came down the next morning, ieeling as 11 he naa just returned Irom a three-day college reunion. Looking nice a May morn ing, she slipped a piece of bread Into the toaster for him. "Hi. Pops." "Hi. he said Rloomily. He won dered how it was that women could to through these shattering emo tional scenes and bounce up a few hours later as carelree as a sea gull behind the Queen Mary. A thought began to formulate in his jaded mind. ' "Listen. Kitten. I've got an Idea but for God's sake don't tell your mother." Kaeh white card was . . . debalrd at lenclb and rrturnrd lo its place with a slih. "Of course not. What is it, Pops?" "I'll give you and Buckley $1500 to elope." She looked at him incredulously. "Are you kidding?" "No, honest." "Why, Pops, you must be out of your mind. Elope? Not have a wedding? Why, I wouldn't dream of it! Why, you know Mom would die if I didn't have a wedding Willi all the trimmings. I guess I would too. Not have any friends to sec me get married and all the people I've grown up with. Why. it would not be getting married. Pops. But youre jusi puwng my leg. "O.K.," he said. "I Just thought O.K. She came around the table and kissed him on the ear. "You're aweet, Pops. Only don't stew so much." It was decided that one hundred and fifty was the absolute maxi mum that could be packed into 24 Maple Drive without physical in jury. An additional one hundred might receive invitation to the church, but certainly not to the reception. Thus did not mean, of course, that the invitations must be limited to these numbers. Peonle livine great distances wouldn't show up ff they were in their right minds, ao the Bankscs might as well gel tne credit lor having asked them, Mr. Banks estimated that they could also relv on refusals from n third of the locnl Invitations. On mat oasis, thev could ask two hun dred and twenty-five to both the church and the reception and one hundred and fifty additional Just, to the church. To Mrs. Banks, who was used to ntertainmg on a retail level, this seemed like a stneeer ne number She proposed that each one mnke a separate list Just the people they really wanted. This task occupied a harmoni ous evening. Mrs. Banks Jotted down the names or aJl living relatives and her mem ory was encyclopedic), plus her spe cial cronies in the Garden and Bridn clubs Kay put down the classmates who had written fatuous messages nrrrnss her photograph in her copy of the Heathwood Hall class album, alt the young men who had ever asked her lo ma lor football en met nnri people whom she had visited for more tnan two davs. in a burst of gratitude she threw In the fathers ana mothers of those whn hart nut her up (or vice versa) for more than a week. Mr. Banks thought in terms of oiq rnenns. As his memory lim bered up. their dim forms passed before him almost faster than he could write them down. By the time he had finished with World War I his heart was overflowing with good-fellowship. He spent the followine evening combining the lists. There were alarmingly few duplications. Ap parently the members of the names family had no friends in common. Finallv he turned to his wife and daughter with a sadistic leer. "Guess how many." Mrs. Banks squirmed uneasily "Two hundred?" she ventured, without conviction. "Five hundred and seventv-two," shouted Mr. Banks triumphantly, Five! Seven! Two! What did I tell you?" Mrs. Hanks Kraooea the lists. Nonsense. You've done something wrong. I'll bet I can cut this down. Now look here, we certainly don't need to nave the sparkmans. we never see them and as for that dyed-haired woman I don't care if I ever have her in my house again." Mr. Banics wondered why it was that, every time he discovered an attractive woman, Mrs. Banks said her hair was dyed. And anyway what if it was? "Listen." he said. He was dignified now; cool, austere and on guard. "Do you realize that Harry Sparkman is one of my most inti mate friends, to say nothing of being a very good client?" "How ridiculous, you hardly ever see him. We can ask them to the church." "The church!" cried Mr. Banks. "You mean to say you want to ask Harry and Jane Sparkman to the church and not to the house? Did they ask us just to the church when their daughter got married? No. And you were delighted to go to the reception. The church!" The following evenintr Mr. Banks returned with a card file and large quantities of three-by-five cards. The pink are for 'church on v " he explained. "The white ones are 'churnh and and reception.' Now here's a rubber stamp. Whenever you're sure some one can't come stamp that card 'P. rv. u: i hat means probably not coming.' ' R2474 ESSE? worfc better UK For Snow BahlMYour modern Miss will txi a regular snow bnbv 11 she is wearing Una toastv rm set. The smiB-Ilttlng. yoked hood mid mittens are easily and qulcklv crocheted of simple stitches and soft yarn . Pattern Envelope No. R2474 con tains complete chochetina inst.t'nr- tions. Minimal requirements, stitch illustrations ana finishing directions To obtain this pattern aend SOc In COINS giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street Sail Fran cisco 3, Calif. S WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:4S P.M. Arronnkr Rob listen Zeke Manners jDreakfail Clnb (Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Three niithts iater everyone's name had been written on a pink r a white card. Then Mr. Banks ook the second census. "Here's the box score," he an nounced at last. Ten people have) been asked to the church and not the reception. Five hundred and sixty two have been asked to both. There are one hundred and fifty two cards stamped 'P. N. C That leaves four hundred and ten people who might show up. Figuring that a third of them won't.vou'll have two hundred and seventy-three neonle at the I reception. All we've got to do is to throw a hundred and twenty-three! people out on their necks." Kay yawned. I m going to bed. My list is right down to the bone. I so I can't be of any help." She siaiKea out or the room, swinging ner nips witn aignity. we can work it out" said Mrs. Banks. "Kay s upset. All we have to do is to shift these superfluous people over lo Hie church and not Invite them to the reception." Each white card was removed from the box, debated at length, and returned to its original place with a sigh. At the end of each round, they had succeeded in elim Inntino; or releentinir to the chnrnh only a handful of names. Quit uoviousiy iney were getting nowhere. fTo Be Continued) Mildred Bedell iToday'a Stars Quick as Flash Quick at Flash San Riders Art Ilaker Mr True Story My True Story News Come Get It House Tartr House Parly Art Baker Barny'd Folllea Garry Moor Newspaper News Arthur Godfrey .Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Curt Massey R. Alurrow Tuesday A.M. 5:IM Chldren's rUAV Theatre! 8:15. On the Up- rati 5:50. 5.10 Sports Clubi :00. News. fi:l. Orcant fl:S0. 'Round the Campflrei 7:15, Evenlnc Farm Houn 1:55, Basketball; 9:30, Newi and Weather! 9:45, ETcnlni Meditations; 10:00, Sim Off. R Spotlight magazine, is in the rtVi9sES&r 1 fwiia m5T7il I 1:0fl!Mhi, mi ih. j.ckpoi MIDST OP A STAPF COMPETENCE TODAY ' Q I.N J JET W AVj WilaikH Hit Ih. J.ckPBt I 1 '!l i i ugiwaBgguf m i f UU :1H In Utti wl 1 "ITXil tf, .ps I 1 " 1 ' " l . I i " Mf. I I 1 1 f . . I a.n ,'avatcada IMr.. Mra. Northl vlp IDYjCes ST rvs. T V-AT 8:4.'iCavalcade Mr.. Mri. North (1:0(1 pam Hayet .1-Star Final " -- T -)l 1 1 nJkm 4T V j 10:l.i Mori. Downer You A World lAQfl 1 7 9k ; X ) L UAkl 1 nn l.n nil sll.nl TV U dzSC jT Vii& Jiil '-l I 6:00HodM Podri N ' JJ i ) &&G&r S . VyJt llh (!:l:Newi KOIN Klock () LEU NSBl fTVU L B:3I) 'a ni KOIN Klork jgP j- iJ -; "7:00 Earb Bird KOIN Klock MJBMMIBMMIM1L1II1I wm-- mi ii 8:0(1 Eddl. Albert Con.nm.r News 'T3ll-'Ptl fT HO ' DONT YOU HARK ! ANNIE'S WHV, SURE-OO IT "THIS EVENING, 5:30 'ack" Be'rcb' fit.nd 8I.D O ''bettcr not see jack sackST but we I worrs; oaiw darungJ brepkinq up those 1 9 when i get back-just remembered- 85 """ "-5!55! D VEX-WfiiTA t)OV OR TWO- DO NEED T I NEVER LET VOU BIG, HEVY PIECES OF 1 H GOT TO MAKE A COUPLE OF IMPORTANT 1 9:00 ooad Cup Herd, Warren B -MSt LIKE FISHING-NEVER LET ) SO MAHV I DOWN VET. DID I? j ORIFTV.'OQOSHOULDMTj l 'PHONE CALLS-'SVE, MAMA! 'BYE, GIRLS! 9-30 ,f metownera Helen Trent ON THAT YOU'RE ANSOOUS NEVER THINGS- ftx NO, SIR6E! YOU HELP HER? J I f,,, jj:4S "ewa Our Gal Sund'y H TriE ONESj-JON I gjf rrat J itiMjmmm mm uurm mi 2:30 P1ln BUiptevc Allen i - J&,m&9m-Z'z; i ' i M Iti 1 r ' H CAOfiCTl Pane Farrell Tunefully Yo'r ' fcjteffePJ-iTUEWAYTWOSE jl IT .RUDY- T 3:110 Welcome TraT. m TWi IrTSSr--'itE-.fiSLVMEM DlS- Z IT WAS 3:1S W'elrome Tra T frTf - -CClL- fVV3 fcfefer" APPEARED OjOOO PEOPLE IKi A.VJ H 3:30 nt Mary V " MJL.-SNW MiAXJT wnrSH'1 JdS51 4:4iJL5i!; I JE IS K1IDDLIM' SOOBV TEE I KmECXSV-5W BE 1 I YiuiP." ) I MOST ONUiUAi ) V W LJ a . rj-, Q,iTUr DTFiun I I n. ru rrr i ii T'DO II wal- 1 ( look TUaaf I I tljinir ttm ,t aT ' ' 1 . I VO GOTTA GIT &OCK r-OHl , I EVBvBOCry PBOBt-v . -XL-J I THA , , -- I THIS S TUET SaMf TUIIJ 1 L I JOB OBRINGIN" PEACE NX id I I i-OVt Ev RvEiODV f l IAsATI. 1 lONOSUAL.'J ) . I I EVP.VBODYS )Tll!iV.2.I 1 I .u r,T-cc iT-..' .lAulfC" F i I I I UIUI fllTTr lh,T t, I fllil'l r ,- I I j-o aDOim' AT.im mill K r I CCC CO T'.a .Vvr . V T U AlC Irt DC I A-fllCC- Pf , , , U- I . tST., I . I M I IN THF HABIT OF ( ' I I'M ALL ALONE HERE, I t- TTZL w on z3 WHV DIDN'T VOU SAV V' H t, . okj II U ASKING PEOPLE FOR HKf I DON'T LIKE To ASK S- NO SPEAK Jf SO SOONER? INSTEAD ) ntw ) xjaMec ANn T HELP t JUST HAPPEN 3 A NICE GENTLEMAN s" HINCLISH 'tV-S OF LETTING ME TALK1 ) ' TO BE BROKEAND IMyr,; -f LIKE VOU BUT I NEED -iii MV OFF. VOU JwnZ IT J P" MAYBE ..BUT THAT'S WHERE WE COM6 IN.. 7 f?"? LOOX.'THAT UNUSEP X OH.BUJIMINV, ,vo.Ttv,rcn, JEEPERS.RUSry.' OF COURSE WE PONT HAVE oat V f "I? 'J9N JMS l!!" J RUSTY.' ITS JUST R QrllZlfJLsA THEV'PHAVETO ANV MONEY, BUT MY PLAN V S PTOPERTY... AND THIS 1 ABOUT READy TO J ?, fZZStFZSSJSS? I HAVE SOME? WONT TAKE MUCH..COME ON..a .IS THE STATE ROAP.' ) FALLPOWN.' A s SSpS p'-j lX-Wiffl' ,; Pr -rST Vr"- Y M'- JL. iTxtB AHM KM-I HAVE SOME DOUBTS. THE ONLY UNUSUAL 1 M V'M ' "7 in 3 I I lT'-( MB& aftWjrL 7 DELIA. ABOUT THE NEW LODGEP,, W THING ABOUT HIM I r. yiWfflhrU 1 '?M rrt lljVo?5j' MMfs ami. snohgeegle--ve know H is that he wnds v lCmsl "-ir- ' A ( I f : Trunin 1 "" JV--i 'I nothing about his character, n his own business U T35-4fcJriH 1 LJbJ "-iVj W i ?- 'ArTuT vvTI V oR business and since and doesnT have iTO 7).f-jL 1 r V .VI Vl N i ' J YOU DO UP HIS ROOM, DOES f MUCH TO SAY'--- t 4r." L . l V J 1 vTTTll HE KEEP ANYTHING IN IT OF COURSE, THAT K I'l - "O r! S. - "ClI ' V "V ""0 III -'-'JiJV OTHER. THAN WEARING ) I MAKES HIM AN ODD iToST -- :- - )' X ,A NW -. , 11 " U PT 7 APPAREL?--"AND HAVE FREAK IN THIS HOUSE Ri.l. ft iiiXT?. Rr-rr-iit r-4 HL N Ii7 U U you noticed anything of supers and h K-'" "III r'.M.,,,,. ir.,,1,,, ,r w., j I n i. I b Vi , I I I U P-1 UNUSUAL ABOUT I fooi lku; Ulenciu.vwW. 4 THAT'S WOST DISAPPOINTING, II! I iT"ifltOM AVFBV nFAR . k . " I R U JX-L S IJV-TibI iVrPFTlWTOrtTFIFrtBAH MM.WORTH!- WHtN I HAD yV IfriLSO- St'CK RiLtV- rmrtiMf MY PACE IS AS RED AS MY NICKNAME, TURNING WIU vjo- . ' A 11 RnNNYHONED MY CURIOSITY ON THE - KH0NrDHLP rl to rP miOU AGAIN FOR HELP. BUT.AS YOU WOULD Y1 KM C I B "L HUNCH THAT AN EW AYC0U0TE5)Y0U CAN ALWAYS TELL GOOO r U- - .T J( M CRATWASPOPPINfiTHE , HT- WATER BY THE PATH THAT IS WORN TO THE WiHT k 0 T-A i T r1 "a-- Al t, 000,000 question:! . AV"M y?- (UNQUOTE IT'S LIKE THIS.AUNTMARY, LITTLE jV Afo Trf A MV3tr lf)L fws : H ((M OONN NEE05 A F05TER-MAMA FOR A FEW UJ! i. LJi Iff R rSvS jlTM ' t ff L MONTHS. I CAN PICK UP SOME FAST POTATOES ' K f f J KL . 1 Li v tow. i - Cv- f. iXM c VV t li ATA LOCAL ADAGENCY-ANDWECAN USE ' I I . - W V .Mi.rf '',"-JUSW.t-vh " vJir L. 'i-TJ those extra spuds, you see'whisperiweare sai 1 1 VN B i?'" ( -sa" Iff mi .VJTfelffif X lWe i ' JT PUTTING anadoition on THE NURSERY CEXCLATION -"" , 1 S Y'7 11 N i.a VT)3 tv ' rX)INT)tUT nrrrn Hornet (Irfer. Hornet .lark Arm.tronc park Armitronc Headl'lne Edit. ,e Edition Mod, Romance. Mod. Romance. Counteripy Counter.py flolo Homo. Solo 8olllo. netenia Time Defen.e Tinte novera novera Town Meetlni Town Neetlni iNewi We Care Slraicht Arrow klraiehl Arrow B-Bar-B Katich -Bur-R It a tic li Clnbrlrl Ilpnlrr Northw'it N'rt iTello Tfil Serenade Drama of Med. S on it i of Timet Rldera In Sky Riders In Sky Richfield Reptr Inlertneiio poncert Hour Concert Hcur Concert floor nerl Houi Metnoa Memoa XI ra Hour ICounl M. Crlslo Count M Carlo il.ean Back Trio Glen Hardy 1 McKay Spraka j Favorite Si (try Favorite Story Rand of Day Rand of Day Hint Crosb Business News rnnrllrl'l lb Sll. Candlrl't Sll. News Twlllaht Song ;at O'Brien '.Musical J'ckpot Evelyn Kniaht Sports TrackiTfm Track 1400 Track 14!K) Track 14!tO Fulton Lewis Sel. Loo. News News I Love Mystery Here's To Vets jJohn Wnlohan I John Wolohan 1 Track 1400 Track 1190 News Voice of Army Nlrbt Sonr " Nlfhl Sonf . you Wans Mus. you Want Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne i Farm IS'ewa Keep 8mLl.ni Keep Smillna Keep SmlUna Morn. News Musle. Tlmk'pr arch Time Hem mini nay News iRr'kfail dang Rise it Shin rlop Trades iBara Counter Family Alter Bible Institute Bible Institute NorthwM News' Quia Club raster' Call Walts Time r.len Hardy Gospel Sinter Concert i Marian Betty Crocker Victor Llndlahr N westerners 'westerners Breakfast In Hollywood Kay West KayWest Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Bride A Groom Bride A Groom Pick a Date rick a Date Re Seated Ted Malona Rhythm-a-tlka Isaulrrel Caie Squirrel Case iFlrerijchters KOCO Kloek KOCO Klock Tex Hitter KOCO Klock 'News KOCO Klock King's Cruiadrt King's Crusadra West. Melodies Fiesta Time Time for Melod ' Time for Mel'dy Stirs Sim Ch. Thomas Ladles First Ladles First Quern for Day Queen for Day rop Trades News N W Newi r.Hcrly Show Boh Mitchell Hob Mitchell Tell Neighbor Blna Slmj Bob Poole nob Poole Fulton Lewis Ilemmsway Behind Story News W. News IMem'rable Mua, Tune Time m Keys lo Mart Musfe Marl Ian Garner Vocal Varieties Hollyw-d Muslo llollyw'd Muslo News Dave Dennis Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodiea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodiea Mac's Melodlrs Mac's Melodies Mac s Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies News Friendly 'an be Beaut, be Beaut. iR can 1 IB can I DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAr Wednesday A. M. 10:00, Newa IWMV and Weather) 10:15, Espec ially for Women. 1 1 :!!. Shool of Air) 11:111, Concert Unlit IS.tH), News; 12: IS, Ride 'em Cowboy: lilS. School of Alri l!4S, This Day; '-'ioO, Freedom to Grow. 5::i0, Memory Book of Music, 2:45, School of Air; 3:on. News: Jt:15, Music of the Masters: 4:00. Oregon Reporter: 4:15, Kern anJ Sloop, 4:30, Guest Star; 4:45, Defense Report. Draperville Voters Will Elect Council Albany Draperville voters, Linn county's newest town, will elect live councilmen at their first election March 10, 1950, according to a resolution passed by the Linn county court de claring the community to be a municipal corporation. The declaration was in con formity with the vote taken by residents of the area at an elec tion December 23. The Draperville councilmen will elect a mayor and set up Iheir government following the March 10 election. Guests in Silverton Silverton On New Year's day, Sunday afternoon and eve- nino vicitinof of thr hnmr nf their mothers in Coolidge street were the families of the Nolan Makinsters of Clackamas and of the Ralph Dawes of Canby, with Mrs. Ida Makinster and Mrs. Lydia Dawes. ACROSS 1. Taate C. Wrltlnr material 11. Flower 15. Withdraw 14. Negative 16. Moslem (rlar 17. Among 18. Greekletter 20. Banqu: 21. Corroded 22. Hire 24. Occupy a Rtat 25. Crystallized rain 2. Performer 15. Sweet drink 30. Smear 12. Put to flight IS. Orderly ar rangement 2R. Social climber 37. Take dinner 2S. Small In number 40. Kind of duck 42 Malt beverage 43. Lobster roe 45. Affirmative 46. Myself 47. Ennui 49. Six 50. Locomotlva 52. Hard gloaar paint 54. Rocky . 55. Green berbaga DOWN 1. More rational X. Nltrogenoua A t THE PPASnRlM S jjRja U OfT AJSQ CjU P R0FU S EHLAV IQ rsTEALpi H O Mj A NCE A rBg e L d Hr u n L AIP B 0 O 8 Sfl BjV A XJlB P L oFB I T E3 a k t HIS a EEb HlO T EL(7u P P jp o w !AjllL a nRe jtl 6NpRoNpoBLlAa) Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 1. Atlantloatatet ahbr. 4. Antique r, M -- I7 mm . jF iu3i ZZ3H u p45 if "Mil mm' 1 r I. Tak In sail I. Nuiaanc 7. Indian muiborry I. Hebrew lettej . Literary supervisor 10. Resume 12. Metric land measures 13. Close relative 16. Conceited 19. Soothing Tnedicin 21. Science of bodily structure 23, Coax 25. Stupefies 27. Groovs 29. Variety of lettuce 31. Previously 33. Noiseless 34. Nothing roor than 34. Cattle raised for food 37. Matrons 29. Walkthrough water 41. Laments 43. European rabiiit 44. Lengthy 47. Laise receptacle 43. Spoil 51. Lenvt 53. Mother ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem eje?aeew-rrT-j m l I 1 la I I m n n .urn' r 4