it , fN f I r "V by Senator Gillette (D-Iowa) MnWTCiLJeSCrinerUm BPaUTIPSr He is chairman o a senate Coffee Cartel In the Making Washington, Jan. 2 (P) "Spe cific evidence oi a proposal by coffee interests to establish an international cartel for controll ing coffee prices, marketing and production" was reported today Capture Them With Music f By VIRGINIA MACPHERSON Hollywood, Jan. 2 U.R) It's finally happened. When It comes to describing Ingrid Bergman, Rita Hayworth, Lana Turner, et al., words failed one Hollywoodite. He's doing it with music. "Hollywood Star Suite" is the name of the composition just turned out by Conductor Frank Devol and he's dedicated it to all the movie beauties who vef been burning up the headlines these days. He said he drew his musical inspiration from their various ac tivities. And this alone oughta make his album a red hot pros pect for the hit class. "Each piece of music named after a star fits her personality," Devol explained. "With some it's fiery. With others it's sul try ... or ethereal ... or sprightly and gay. "The hardest girls to capture In music were Miss Bergman and Miss Hayworth." We've got news for composer Devol. There are plenty of news- ' paper reporters the world over who could've told him that be fore he even started. Those gals do too much too fast and too often to make 'em easy to pin down. For La Bergman he combed j the whole orchestra looking for a single Instrument to describe her personality. "But nothing was deep enough or passionate enough," he said. "I finally used the whole orches tra with deep underlying feel ings and overtones of romance. Very sensitive . . . very moody. "Of course, this was before all those baby rumors. Maybe I oughta work a lullaby In there omewhere." Rita, Devol decided after long and careful scrutiny, has the "soul of a great dancer plus that of a great lover." For her he concentrated on rhythm drums, castanets, tambourines, etc. And here's the way he says the rest of the glamour babes stack up musically speaking, that is: Bette Davis Music that fights Itself . . . slightly neurotic . . . oboe predominates. Susan Hayward Fiery and dynamic In tempo . . . intended to show great beauty and sex ap peal . . . woodwinds carry the theme. Jane Greer Provocative and full of sultry glamour . , . sax ophones carry melodious strain to correspond to her beauty. Linda Darnell Ethereal . . . violins featured to paint a wom an in a dream world all her own. Lana Turner Very rich mu sic to denote great wealth in beauty and material things . . . entire string section feature. Doris Day Sprightly, gay tempo . . . typical ail-American 1 sharps and flats for the girl-next-V , door idea. agriculture subcommittee which is investigating recent increases in coffee prices. The evidence Gillette cited was an article in the San Paulo, Brazil, newspaper Folha Da Manna on December 11. The senator said the article called for a coffee cartel and that it apparently was inspired by coffee interests. He quoted it as saying the chief coffee producing countries should exert diplomatic pressure to prevent the stimulation of coffee cultivation in colonial possessions. Gillette said the article proved the need for the fullest lnvestl gation to protect U.S. consum ers. He announced yesterday that his subcommittee will resume hearings after January 1. Liars Get Together to Pick Annual Champ and Yarn Burlington, Wis., Jan. 2 W A fantastic fishing fib involv ing the death of a Colorado trout today gave a fabricating Ohioan the title of the "World's Champion Liar." The Burlington Liar's club said it's annual award goes to "Honest John" Goerlich of Toledo "with a sigh of relief and by unanimous vote." Goerlich's tall tale related that, alone in Colorado he caught a trout on a cane pole but in his excitement forgot about his landing nets and gaff hooks. He reeled his prize up to the tip of the pole which he then heaved out of the water into an upright position. The pole was so long he couldn't reach the fish and he dared not put the pole back into the water for fear the trout would escape. "I stuck the butt of that long, limber pole into the ground, drew my trusty hunting knife, climbed up the pole and stabbed that fish to death." Honorable mention was award ed to Bob Elverman of Louisville, Ky., and C. E. Berry of Maumee, Ohio. The judges, reviewing efforts by modern Munchausen!, eliminated a eon-. tnbution from retiring cham pion L. W. Tupper of Patricio, Alberta, Canada. Tupper asserted that the world's first champion liar "was a Russian, Ivan Bullshensky, who did his stuff back in 1920, long before there ever was a Burling ton Liar's club." Judges held that if Bullshen sky ever existed," he undoubted ly was a professional, and there fore was unqualified for com- petion in a strictly amateur or ganization." Tupper last year was crown ed for his yarn of 2,000 postholes which were blown out of the ground and over cactus until they were so full of holes they wouldn t hold dirt. ... Elverman won honorable men- Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 2, 1950 7 tlon with his story about a large fish which towed his boat so fast he blacked out. When he awoke in a hospital he was told he had been traveling so rapidly motor boats could not catch him and there was fear he would starve to death. He escaped a lingering death after friction burned out the bottom of his boat and he tumbled into the lake. Berry offered this story: It became so cold in his town the mercury in a thermometer "dropped through the bottom of the tube and was three bricks below zero." A favorite dish in the French province of Champagne is dan delion and bacon salad. Paving Considered By Amity Council Amity The Amity city coun cil is considering ways and means of providing funds for paving streets adjacent to the high school. Much traffic travels these streets and the old method of gravel seems Inadequate, requir ing constant care and supervi sion and never In very good con dition. At its next meeting the coun cil will consider applying for funds for this purpose from the emergency fund for city street improvement by the state, ac cording to Mayor Chambers. Brother Shoots Sister in h Ellaville, Ga., Jan 2 (IP) A brother's shotgun blast nearly turned a cardboard doghouse into a death chamber for a nine-year-old girl. Schley County Sheriff J. E. Devane identified the victim as Mary Van Landingham, daugh ter of a bank cashier. The child's left arm, he added, was almost torn from her shoul der by the short-range burst. Devane said the little girl had crawled into a house built of boxes for a Christmas puppy. A few minutes lated, Devane reported, her brother, Billy, 12, opened fire at the structure with a shotgun. Mary, he con tinued, jumped up screaming. In Atlanta, the child's physi cian reported she had undergone an operation to save her arm but it would be some time before he would know if the surgery had been successful. Sheriff Devane said the boy was accustomed to firing the shotgun with his parents' permission. Mi, RANGE The values we are offering this year are the greatest ever . . . Cheek your clothing needs and buy NOW during this greatest saving event! Anklets All nylon, brushed cuffs, 8 colors Reg. 1.50 Uniforms Sharkskin, slight soiled, sizes 12-40. Reg. 6.95 Dressy Skirts 99c 2.99 Velvets, satins. Reg. 10.95 3.99 UMBRELLAS All 1.00 2.00 and Nylon Slips Lace trimmed Reg. 8.95 5.99 MILLINERY All winter hats at great reductions. BRAS Reg. 3.50 and 2.98 Now 1.49 3 for 4.00 COATS SUITS All Drastically Reduced . . . Reg. 49.95 now only Reg. 39.95 now just 2900 2400 Fine worsted gabardines, tweeds, hard finished men's wear suiting, all at dramatic reductions! Fine worsteds gabardines, tweeds, fleeces, crepes. Tremendous bargains! ft Reg. Reg. 65.00 Now 49.95 Now 3500 2oo Reg. 49.95 Now Reg. 39.95 Now Reg. 29.95 Now 25 25 19 00 00 t DRESSES 300 fetching, style-right dresses at these give-away prices, sizes 9-15, 10-44, WA-24K2. 95 Reg. 39.95 Now Reg. 29.95 Now 23oo 18oo Reg. 24.95 Now 15 00 Reg. 17.95 Now Reg. 12.95 Now One Group to 16.93 1000 300 '00 Nylon Gowns GLOVES Effort to Break Will Of Bill Hart fo Begin Los Angeles, Jan. 2 (IP) With two of the nation's foremost courtroom luminaries in his cor ner, William S. Hart Jr. goes into court tomorrow to bid for a share of the $1,000,000 estate of his late father, the famed western film star of yesteryear. Young Hart, 27, was disinher ited In his father's will. Most of the estate, including a ranch, went to Los Angeles county. Attorney Eugene Williams, special prosceutor in the Japan ese war crimes, trials and the Overell murder case, will repre sent Hart. He will have evidence as sembled by Raymond C. Schind ler, one of the country's most spectacular private detectives and veteran of such cases as the Oakes murder in Bermuda and thte $3,000,000 gin rummy swin dle here in 1946. 578 in Drunk Tank Los Angeles, Jan. 2 UP) Some seven hundred Los Angeles county residents who spent too much of New Year's eve in front of bars sepnt New Year's day behind bars. In the city Jail alone, S7B drunks were booked between 6 p.m. Saturday and 6 a.m. Sunday. By the maker of America's finest lingerie. Were 14.95 and 12.95 T799 NOW ONLY Our entire stock of gloves is being closed out. Reg. 5.95 Now .... 2.49 Reg. 3.95 Now .... 1.79 Reg. 1.25 Now 50c it n j Jersey Slips SWEATERS ANGORAS LANA KNITS CASHMERES FINE WOOL i Reg. to 15.95 Only 36-40 Reg. 5.95 Only Imported, 100 Broken sizes and colors Only Short sleeved Slip-ons. Reg. 3.98 Only CABLE KNITS Reg. 5.95 Only COAT SWEATERS BLOUSES Sizes 34 and 36. Only 5.00 3.99 5.00 1.99 2.49 2.99 BRAS Broken Sizes i 50c each Broken color range. Sizes 32 to 50. Just noo 5 for $200 UNIFORMS Short and slightly soiled. Sizes 11-52. JUST oo w Long and Short sleeves. Values to 7.95. All one price. ROBES Quilted satin in navy and wine, sizes 10-20. Reg. 10.95 Now SLIPS Fagoted seoms in beautiful crepe and nylon by Fraypruf, sizes 32, 36-44. Were 4.50 and 5.95 Now only 249 SKIRTS Sensational reductions! All wool gab ardine, tweed. Reg. 7.95 Now only Rayon Gabardine Reg. 5.95 Now only 499 3.99 799 GOWNS Beautiful rayons, Jerises, crepes . . . lavishly trim med with lace. Reg. 6.95 now 2.99 Reg. 2.98 now 1 .49 Reg. 10.95 now 4.99 299 GIRDLES In black, blue, white and tearost. Reg. $3.98. Only loo ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS -NO EXCHANGES r'Store for Ladies DOORS OPEN 9:30 AM. SHARP! id! m rsvi