J, I.. U.. Will J Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 2, 1950 New Year's Events Are Numerous New Year's day wa marked by numerous informal gather ings as friends called around to extend greetings of the day at open house affairs, at at homes and other events. Colonel and Mrs. Philip W. Allison were among those en tertaining at an at home, friends being invited to call irom o'clock on. Mrs. Mark Hillary, Mrs. Les ter Barr and Mrs. Paul Lardon assisted Mrs. Allison at the af fair. Evening Event Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Nelson were hosts to a group of some 20 neighbors and friends for a dessert and informal evening last evening at their West Le felle street home. Among others entertaining friends informally during New Year's afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kelly. , JL'- 4 ft Silvertoa Mrs. Stephen Mead, the former Betty Lu cile Heidenstrom, was married November 20 at Immanuel Lutheran church In Silver ton. (McEwan studio picture) WSCS Event The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Leslie Metho dist church will meet In the church parlors, Wednesday af ternoon, at 1:80 o'clock. Mrs. Arlle Largent will conduct the devotional period. Mrs. W. S. Ankney will review a chapter from the study book, "Women of Scripture." A commitment ser vice for the new year is being arranged by Mrs. Virgil Burson. Mrs. Mason Bishop and Mrs. Emil Stripling will be hostesses for the tea and social hour. Birthday Party Linda May Worthington, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Worthington, observed her first birthday last week, a party be lng given at her home. Honoring Linda May were Meschelle and Carol Simpson, Gnyle and Carole valentine, Myra Ewert, Sharon Koch, Ro berta Rund, John and Joel Woods; Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Waller Cline, Mrs. Mary Worth ington, Mrs. Bill Valentine, Mrs. Wilbert Ewert, Mrs. Noel Simp son, Mrs. Raymond Koch, Mrs. Robert Rund. VISITORS in the capital Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short of Millbrae, Calif. They were guests of Miss Alene Phil lips and were en route home af ter spending the holidays In Portland. AT THE beach at their prop erty on Devil's lake over the New Year's week end were Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee. HI-Y MOTHERS club Is meet ing for dessert and an informal afternoon Tuesday at the YMCA, the meeting to be at 1 o'clock. Yomarcos Meeting Yomarco class of the First Methodist church is to meet Tuesday for dessert at 1:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John H. Carkln, 49S North Summer. Mrs. Glenn Barge, Mrs. J. R. Carruthers and Mrs. R. W. Mar sters are to be co-hostesses with Mrs. Carkln. Luncheon On Monday Hosts at a buffet luncheon and afternoon at their home today were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Inviting a group in to listen to the Rose Bowl game. The occa sion also was the birthday of Mr. Perry. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Ham merstad, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bod- Junior Woman's Club Sets Meeting Woodburn Johnny Carpen ter of radio station KOIN, Port land, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Wood burn Woman's club Wednesday, January 4. Members will meet at 1 p.m. for luncheon. Mr. Carpenter will speak on "Safety," in observance of safe ty week, which the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs is sponsoring from January 1 through January 7. Mrs. Al vah G. Cowan, past president of the local club and public and home safety chairman for the state federation, has an nounced that clubs in Oregon will support driver education in high schools, better driving li censing In all states, support of uniform motor vehicle laws and home safety. All members are urged to be present at Wednesday's meeting as a vote will be taken to de cide whether or not the Colonial ball will be held in February. Mrs. L. B. Detweiler is pro gram chairman for the meeting and will be assisted by Mrs. Amos Bonacker, Mrs. Alvah G. Cowan, Mrs. Frank Bentley, Mrs. Charles Buchanan and Mrs. W. E. Walter. Mothers Meeting Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club Is to meet Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry V. Collins, a pa troness of the group. Mrs. Har old B. Jory is co-hostess with Mrs. Collins for the meeting. HUBBARD The Hubbard Woman's club will meet Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. A. L. Murphy. "Ore gon's Timber Wealth" and "Ore gon's Animal Industry" will be the subjects of study. IN PORTLAND for the New Year's week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bown. OREGON GRAPE camp, Roy al Neighbors of America, will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Today's Menu Bt th Aioclfttl PreM) Friday Fare Salmon Pie Homemade Chill Sauce Steamed Broccoli with Lemon Butter Fresh Pears and Cheese Beverage Salmon Pi Ingredients; cup butter or margarine, 4 cup flour, 2 cups milk, 2 cups flaked canned sal mon, k cup drained cooked peas, t cup drained diced cooked carrots, salt and pepper (to taste), mashed potatoes. Method: Wake a thick while sauce with the butter margar ine, flour, and milk. Add the salmon, peas, carrots, and salt y 3 , V, J, i 7,C - .tw " ' V 1 I 1 .' 1 " ' ' " ' Tells Engagement Miss Jeanne Geltman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gettman, recently announced her engagement to Grant Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mills of Hub bard, the wedding to be on March 22. (Jesten-Mlller studio picture) New Dance Club Is Organized A new dancing club, to be known as the Tuxedo club, has been organized here, the first formal dance affair being plan ned for January 20 at the Am erican Legion club. Jimmy Whetmore's orchestra, Portland, is to play. The social hour will be be tween 8:30 and 9 o'clock, din ner will be at 9 o'clock, dancing between 9 and 12 o'clock. Membership for the new group includes: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Muller, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Dunham, Dr. and Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. William Waterman, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Holm, Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Morland, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Lidbeck, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Reno, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Weeks, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mr. and Mrs. David Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Graben horst, Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Dr. and Mrs. William Crothers, Dr. and Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, Dr. and Mrs. Brace Knapp, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. George T. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fouchek, Mr. and Mrs. Cam C. Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Sholseth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Fety, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Young, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corey, Dr. and Mrs. George R Hoffman, Dr. and Mrs. James Haworth, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Dr. and Mrs. Morris K. Crothers, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Woodson Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Dr. and Mrs. Horace McGee, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Al Shaeffer. t "fXL Engagement " At Eugene Of Interest From Eugene comes news of the engagement of Miss Amy Lou Ware, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ware of that city, to Douglas Richard Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Spen cer, also of Eugene. The news was revealed at a luncheon given in Eugene. A June wedding is planned by the young couple. Miss Ware is a graduate of the University of Oregon and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Spencer was graduated last June from Harvard university's under graduate school and law school. He is serving as deputy district attorney in Eugene. During the war he was in the South Pacif ic as a lieutenant, junior grade, U. S. N. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Spen cer lived in Salem several years, Mr. Spencer being with the state selective service head quarters. They returned to their home in Eugene two years ago, Mr. Spencer being on the Univ ersity of Oregon law school fac ulty. AMONG visitors in the capi tal during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allen and child ren. Sheila and Greg, of Chey enne, Wyoming. They were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Allen. The junior Al len is chief warrant officer in command of the air force band at Fort Warren. The visitors left this week end and en route home to Wyoming will visit Mrs. Allen s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mehlhorn at Halfway, Ore. Christening ceremonies for 7 months' old Greg Allen were held on Christmas day in the First Presbyterian church here. ' VISITORS in Eugene for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Maltman and daughter, Elizabeth Ann, of Salem, who were guests of Mrs. Maltman's mother, Mrs. Virgil D. Earl. Mr Maltman was there for Christ mas week-end and again this past week-end to join his family who returned to Salem with him after New Year's. t t fern H jy- ?t I; U'' . ' 'W$' V- Wed in Mid-December The marriage of Mrs. Paul Carson Berger, the former Lucille Dorothea Pardey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Pardey of Aurora, was solemnized De cember 17. Mr. Berger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson E. Berger of Albany. (Logan-Markham photo) Engagement Told Recently announced was the engagement of Miss Carol Ash craft, daughter of R. M. Ash craft of Salem, to Norman Per ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry of Turner. The announce ment was made at a holiday party at the Ashcraft home. Miss Ashcraft is a graduate of Salem schools and attended Willamette university where she is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Perry attended Dallas schools. No date is set for the wedding. WOODBURN The Wood- burn Junior Woman's club will hold its January meeting Wed nesday, January 4, at 8 p.m. In the library club rooms. Mrs E. A. Buchanan will be pro gram chairman and entertain ment will be colored slides of Hawaii. Mrs. Leo Erwert will be hostess. OES Group Notices are out for the meeting of the Willamette Valley Asso ciation of Matrons and Patrons, Order of Eastern Star, with St, Mary's chapter, Corvallis, on January 12. New officers for the coming year will be installed by Rex Hartley, past patron of the grand chapter of Oregon. Four Corners Duo Honored Complimenting Mrs. Orvillc Sprenger and Mrs. Reuben Stepper was a double miscella neous shower on Friday evening, given by Mrs. August Sprenger and Mrs. John Stepper at the Sprenger residence on East State street. Following the social hour re freshments were served to Mrs. Sammy Pahl, Mrs. Theo Her man, Mrs. Herbert Herman, Mrs. Edgar Herman, Mrs. Clifford Herman, Mrs. Traugert Herman, Mrs. Bartel, Mrs. Albert Sikel, Mrs. William Harrison, Mrs. Al len Reese, Mrs. Albert Brant, Mrs. Tobia Stepper, Mrs. Noel Schober, Mrs. William Albrecht, Mrs. Otto Olke, Mrs. Carol An derson, Miss Violet Sprenger, Miss Delia Albrecht. Knowles-Corby Wedding Saturday A wedding of Saturday eve ning was that of Mrs. Claire Corby and Russell M. Knowles, the ceremony being solemnized at 7 o'clock at the Perry O. DeLap home, the Rev. Mr. Jones officiating. The bride wore a forest green suit with off-white accessories and her corsage was of bou vardia and white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Phil lips attended the couple, Mrs. Phillips wearing a navy blue faille dress with Alice blue ac cessories and corsage of pink blooms. An informal reception fol lowed, Mrs. Mable McGee and Mrs. Monte Jones assisting. Later, a dinner was served at the Supper club. The couple will reside in Salem. HOSTESSES on Thursday for the Pringle Pleasant Point So cial club will be Mrs. Clifford Jones and Mrs. E. S. Coates, entertaining at the home of Mrs. Jones, 1790 North Church. There will be a no-host lunch eon at 1 p.m. MEETING of the Salem Weav ers' guild, planned for Wednes day, has been called off, the next event for the group to be the I regular February meeting. Wed Here Recently Cpl. and Mrs. Ray Coursey, Jr., (Glenna Foat) were married here December 17. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Foat, Corporal Coursey the son of R. C. Coursey of Salem. He is stationed at Hamilton field with the air force. (Kennell-EUis studio picture) and pepper. Butter a baking dish and line bottom and sides with a layer of mashed pota toes; fill with salmon mixture. Cover with mashed potatoes and bake in a hot (400 F.) oven un til pie is heated through and lightly browned on top. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Jefferson Masonic Lodge Has Ceremony Jefferson The Jefferson Ma sonic lodge held installation of officers with the district deputy, Rex Hatley, installing officer. After the business session sup per was served and a social time was enjoyed. Officers are Bill Knight, wor shipful master; John Terhunc, senior warden; Bill Anderson, junior warden; Delmer David son, secretary; Harold Knight, treasurer; Clifford Cole, senior deacon; Elmo Brown, junior dea con; Charles Borst, senior stew ard; Gerald Phelps, Junior stew ard; Glenn Smith, tyler; George Marlatt, marshal. JEFFERSON The Three Links club met at the IOOF hall. During the meeting new officers were .elected. President, Ada Mc Kee; vice president, Velma Hig- gins; secretary, Edna McKee; j treasurer, Carrie Glasgow; hos-1 pitality, com. Mrs. C. M. Coch ran, and Mrs. Fred Bell. A card party is planned to be held some time in January. FOR Insured Sayings .r First Federal I First Current Dividend 2Vi 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 14! South Liberty Wed SO Yean Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag of Independence recently observed their golden wedding anniversary, more than 130 friends and relatives calling at a reception given in their honor. Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical... use "Pres-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 MM va m w i i Mm SAVINGS -dQfo 1949 FLOOR MODELS Famous Names Such As: WESTINGHOUSE UNIVERSAL PERON CORP. SUPER FLAME THOR SUPERFLAME TWIN POT OIL CIRCULATORS UNIVERSAL Deluxe and Double Oven pi FrTRir THOR AUTOMATIC LADIR0NS 1 Reg. 99.95 Value Now Only Jig ifPS . - Ma I j THEMKKHCF J8"' I III J I AUXIUAWOVEH ) J N oven with posmve T ) HEATCOtfTROL J St SWHEATTHIFT 7 UNITS WITH V-v . wcr-t-HEAT comma $ 75 00 As Little At 8.00 Down! We have an excellent selection of used ranges, refrigerators, washers, radios, which may be purchased on easy terms. YEATER APPLIANCE COMPANY At Our New Modern Store, 375 Chemeketa Dial 34311