J8CapltaI Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January I, 1950 IT'S A GOOD OLD FASHIONED . ji ; BULK BUYERS NOTICE! Hotels! Schools! Institutions! Boarding houses and all bulk buyers of white goods. Contact Sears for these low prices during our White Goods sale. Use Sears Purchase Coupons just like cash ... BUY THEM ON SEARS EASY TERMS FLANNELETTE SOLID COLORS CfOO Reg. 29 yd. now J I This li truly a sensational value made possible by a special purchase for the Jnnuary White Goods Sale. Outing flan nel has a soft, fluffy, generous nap. STRIPES AND PRINTED Reg. 39c and 49a yd. now 3. I oo Over SO patterns to choose from In stripes and prints. Won derful for pajamas, sleepers, gowns and layettes. JUL Regularly 59c yd 37' NOW ONLY yd. DIMITY DOTTED SWISS FLANNEL PERCALE BATISTE BROADCLOTH NAINSOOK Out tiiey go! Hundreds of ynrds of fine., soft Fairloom white cottons ... all at one low price. For dresses, blouses, men's shirts, children's wear. Hundreds of yards reduced for clearance . , . buy early! PLUS OTHER JANUARY BARGAINS! J 42-in. Pillowcases Practical Stamped Tube Style 88c Reg. 1.19 feugned h Hrl., "xt. lor mort BIocti.d while, Eaiy-to-ftnlili Oamptd - nwmmtcnta lor crochet. till li It "12-Pocket Shoe Bog 87c Horal coew dkJwfi ocfc w4ri Iwki wergkt file, poet ft. Holdi A pair Trousor Pockets 15c pr. Replacement pocW tt for t router. 613 foe l hi hi third y corto twttL iMtrvctioiu. STORE HOURS: 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Doily 9:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Friday Out-of-this-world linen closet values at sensible down-to-earth prices! Shop at Sears and SAVE! HERE'S PROOF . . . Harmony House heavy quaL y muslin 81x99 OR 72xl08-IN. SIZES WIDE, RULER STRAIGHT HEMS LUXURIOUS, SOFT, FINE FINISH 67 each Here's a tale with your budget in mind! Imagine sturdy bleached muslin sheets at this low price! Compare the soft, fine finish! Inspect the balanced close wear . . . average thread count of 132 threads per sq. inch. Made to take hard wear and repeated laundering. Check the strong, taped selvages, even hems during Sears January White Goods Sale! easy n, I o Mr I "OH . I ""mm I II, VW h 81 x 108-in. sheet HARMONY HOUSE Muslin Sheets 81x99-INCH FULL BED SIZE 1.77 199 42 x 36-in. pillowcase 35 C HARMONY HOUSE Reinforced Sheets 81xl01-INCH 209 SHOP 'TIL 9:00 FRIDAY NITE Finest quality bleached muslin sheets; strong, closely woven, long wearing. Stur dy taped selvages, even hems. Average thread count 143 per sq. Inch. 72 x 108-in. sheet 1.99 81 x 108-in. sheet 2.17 42 x 36-in. pillowcase ... 4 1 C Reinforced sheets have extra threads at points of wear . . . center area and edges. Wide 3" hems at both ends for longer wear. Sheets are torn 2" longer than standard. 72xll0-in. sheet 2.09 81xl10-in. sheet 2.29 42x36-in. pillowcase 45 4 Organdy Priscillas Reg. 3.98 42"x81" N ow 2" 3 for k 1.00 'fe : . 2 for 5c SmM$ 2-V - Bleached PV'' Unbleached "Hope" V : Sheeting Muslin Muslin i nn J " ; TO- ! IT- V 1.0 . rA- i for ww V y yd.''- v I I W ' wVCyd. W 81-ki.ilnwaiOOc WolOOcyd.34. ft. - ' quality yd. For plllowi, WJ-rtl for F. S Hn blwch.d inowy K 5?j droptrl.i. Alto PoHemi. Alw 39- 6!$v whit.. 36-in. widrk -i ! 36-in, Bl-ln. ! F:-Sjfr I", n-mdk turn A -id.ol for pillow Lr i unbltochod. J tavlngi. '""'"n 111 eawi. curtalnl. m. :cial Assortment of Terry Towels Values from 49c to 69c now All towels are bath size 20"x40", 22"x40" or 22".;44". Excellent assortment of patterns and colors frosted pastels, solid colors, plaids, blazer stripes, white with colored bor ders and assorted plaids. Neat hems. Stock up today at this amazingly low price. 11x11" Terry Washcloths Pillow Cover 2 for New low prlcel Bleached tnutlin, zipper closing. Fits 21 x 28 Inch pil low. Save! Take advantage of these White Goods Sale savings on sunny organdy priscillas! Fine durable slub-free cotton yarns . . . billowy 53i-in. finished ruffles . . . hemmed edges . . . matching tiebacks. Searset finish protects beatuy of curtains and means longer wear. Ivory white. Chenille Bath Set At White Goods Sole Savings Reg. 1.19 Ol. Now OJC Roral potwrn h oay poit.l Colo. Soft chnilL Armly stitch.d to convat backing. IS X 3 2 -in. moll itondord lid. I - .White Cotton Batts Mountain Misf A glazed cotton batting which opera into a orw-pioca 81-96-inch (quilt size) Mamlett Cfeitt 6tSng. Quilting pattern on wrapper. Mattress Cover Priced for Extra Savings Twin qf Full 2 98 ClotMy wovn wiblxfid cotton ifiMh big, tape bound edg.i. te.in lid. wall lodutitdied moou. Zipper ctowng. Soft Sheet Blanket Ideal Cover for Ail Seasons 70 x 90-in. Size.. '1.55 Ref. LOT! Downy whllr cotton blin krt : it ran f orer-locked tUtchel end. nxUia. ilie . Plenty of Free Parking 'w ptm money Jac6 $ JR5 550 N- CaPito1 St- Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort Phone 3-9191 Pay Checks Gladly Cashed