r li Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, January 2, 1950 RADIO PROGRAMS Father of the Bride MONDAY P.M. SBy EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyaa Williams I r a.. M -r r-TUEeM tup uhv it i rxn Fcnu UV HI fro LAUNCH OUR FIRST ISSUE N LCtttir'HMM-IF SILENCE IS GOLDEN. Y1 J C W1NDCW. TEAM WfTH A NEW INTERNATIONAL! UNDER THE NEW NAME , WHAT J THE AIR IN THIS ROOM SHOULD I SPOTLIGHT crisis EVERY HOUR ON THE -ttH WE NEED IS A RED-HOT STORY 3 BE SAWED INTO BRICKS AND I T tannic, gnat HOUR, WE'RE TOP-HEAVY ON I FROM THE HOME FRONT.' H yBURIED AT FORT KNOXArf? S f plctarifl FOREIGN NWS rOTVS VtW I SOMETHING WE CAN THROW A "IIJ , trr krfl M E onrimtxnrar. jLLIl lll3- HI I S. JA I SADDLE ON AND RIDE TO WIN IN II WKfirB-.t IV-vSlS; v TS3srar' SWao H-IH I YM59hU the circulation sweepstakes' 311 L LiWS b ssa ihbif rat emtiaaasBs. tstfl u u, jam (Installment VI) MR, BANKS DOES A BIT J OF REPORTING The only step remaining to make ISha whole thing Irretrievable was Jfche announcement of the engage ment In the papers. p Mrs, Banks considered the word ing of the notice of vital importance. ;Her brother, Uncle Charlie, had Worked on a Chicago newspaper for Several weeks when he was a boy. Jle was now called in as a consult ant. Uncle Charlie said it didn't make bit of difference how you wrote e notice. The society editor would and vour cony to tne omce ooy, ffrho would bungle up the whole 41iing anyhow. "Oh. Stanley I The one thing Vhe child" I know. I know. But what can you do? That's labor for you. They don't care any more. It's the reason the country's in such a mess. He climbed the stairs noiselessly, hoping that Kay might sleep until he was safely on the train to town, v Wortanatelr, h had not been mil taken. m w Mrs. Banks pooh-poohed this. This notice was going to be letter- 'berfect. It was written, read, re written, reread, submitted to the J eunstan iamny, revisea ana resuu ' Kitted. Kay was the only person who Inowea no interest, as iong as uiey Jpelled her name with a "K" and not a. "C" she was satisfied. v Mr. Banks finally took what he hoped was the right draft down to Khe office to have Miss Bellamy make six copies. , Miss Bellamy was more excited bout the wedding than any of the principals. She had been his sec retary for fifteen years, during rhich fine had devoted so much lime to his personal as well as his eBusiness an airs tnat sne naa iouna io opportunity to get married feerself. She had a real affection for Mr. Banks, but It was that of k mother for a backward son. Mrs. flanks she secretly regarded as a Miss Bellamy made several edit orial changes in the copy without even referring the matter to Mr. Banks. Then she typed it with un erring speed. "We must read this back, ' she said. "There mustn't be any mistakes at this point." She read while Mr. Banks stared un Meelngly at the original with fierce Concentration. "There," he said. "That's one Job cone as it should be." Miss Bellamy nodded understand lngly. The following morning he was j&ut of bed before the alarm went Off. The morning paper lay on the door mat. He glanced up and down vie maaea lengtn or Mapie urive His neighbors slumbered, uncon scious of the bombshell about to fxpioae among mem. p. Sitting on the bottom steps of tile front stairs, he turned to the fioclety section. There was Kay's face, smiling at him, and In the Slews column next to the picture he headline "Catherine Banks to Wed ex-Marine Officer." m He looked again. Unfortunately he had not been mistaken. It was Upelled with a "C" instead of a "K." That damn fool editor. B He padded In his bare feet to the little room behind the stairs known s "The Office." Two of MIrs Bellamy's copies of the release were lng on the desk. He had to force Jjlmself to look. "Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Banks of Fairvlew Manor IWinounce the engagement of their daughter Catherine." How COULD Miss Bellamy ! Then he remem bered that he had read it back with fier, JS "Is It in?" Mrs. Banks was stand ing in the doorway. m 'Yes, but they've garbled It up list as Uncle Charlie said they Jpould. They've spelled Kay's name Wrong." A modern wedding is somewhat like a new theatrical production. Once the cast has been decided upon, the next thing is to determine whether it is to be Big Theater or Little Theater and then fill the house. Kay opened the arguement at dinner. "I'll tell you one thing," she said. "This is going to be a SMALL wedding and a small RECEPTION, I'm going to have my own friends and its not going to be a business convention. "Who said anything about a bus iness convention?" Interrupted Mr. Bank's. "All I'm saying is you'll probably wind up with either thirty or tnree nunarea. "Three HUNDRED!" There was a suggestion of hysteria in Kay's voice. "Pops, if you mean that you're CRAZY. I know what you and Mom want. You want every old foggy in town so that you can hear them say, "Yes. she really was TOO lovely," wen i just wont have it." Mr. Banks had an inspiration. He fetched a yellow pad of paper and placed it beside his plate. On it he wrote tnree names. "There." he said, "that's the smallest wedding you can have unaer tne law you and Buckley ana tne weverena uyrus uaiswortny. inow. Anyooay eiser ' Kay threw up her hands, "Really, this is so CHILDISH, Pops. You always get so u luurtmu al." Sometimes your father has irood ideas, Kay. Go on, Stanley. Just nut aown tne uunstans and our selves and Ben and Tommv." "Ana Aunt Harriet, naturally, and uiicie unarm:, saiu ivay. He wai ruined. Clearly and utterly ruined. "Of course," said Mr. Banks. "But I'd go slow from there in." He wrote rapidly, keeninir a tally on the siae oi tne paper. Alter tnree quar ters oi an nour ne ran out or sheets. Do you know how many you have on tne list now?" "About fifty," said Kay sulkily. "Two hundred and six. And that doesn't include most of our friends, and perhaps Buckley's family might have one or two people they'd like to squeeze in." "Oh, all RIGHT, Pops, if you're going to be so disagreeable about it. But I tell you its MY wedding and its going to be SMALL. I don't uakih. She suddenly left the table and rushed up the stairs. Mr. Banks stared alter her in amazement. "Good God, Elite. What's the matter with Kay? We're just sitting here quietly putting down a few names ana she goes all to pieces." "She's nervous." said Tommv. through a mouthful of cake. "AH women are nervous. " Late that night, Mr. Banks lay on his back gazing at the watery re flection of the street ltjht on tht ceuing. Three hundred people drinking his champagne. Three hundred people eatniK his food. Thre hun dred -- He was ruined. Clearly ruined. All ma me ne nan oeen a pruoent and thrifty man. Naw he was caught in the nutcracker of the conventions and was about to squeeze out his economic me with his own hands. I won't do it." he ffrnnnrd rnlllno- onto his side. But he knew he wouia. (To Be Continued) jf :i R2602 llaiitlMoitie Hands These hand' some crocheted gloves have the new one-DUllon closing mid gay wool flower decorations. Simple and quick to crochet, you will want to make several pairs of different col ors. Pattern Envelope No. R3603 con tains complete easy-to-follow oro chetlng directions, stitch Illustra tions, embroidery Instructions and material requirements for small, medium and large sizes. To obtain this pattern send 30c in COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco a, calif. - r 1 r? r n i rrz n n i i z i n n I H i ?! 1 'i i i nrM r ' ? ' I f - 1 I K T I r K- 'Q ' -v s 'i i Q fgsr fc ass S'' t.7 - IfummSiwnm lwi wnouj .-some ""V" B""l!3 f-nM Yu...naviD Mf T!u 'i-u c 18 R H GOING TO SEE 8 i WHAT JOS, Ki5g GOINq TO OPEN UP AFTER JACK SACK ! to I SAID THEY NEED A MAN LIKE YDOVE TWEO J9 P W ftBOUT THRr JOB fi (L D2iSY? Hi NEW YEAR'S -A MAN j WONDERFUL M I ME-GREAT OPPORTUNITY-- SO HARD- ffl BHfe. TODAY? Rfc- m?ft IN m r. i arai rr it cmcd- is L rpcan crr h mmmmimFmm. v " rnm, rrmmsm I still om4 for 4 wl ottta slr3 Guy 1 HlillllESl feSb J Ef gK 'W" 1 1 I WHUFFO' ISW KICKIN" TillGMIES?) ??-WHV IS O TVO ttfSC--S H WE TOLE FLASH" MAMGLEBuGL 'J I CUSS VOf L 1 I I EACH OTHER AHOUN'?X NEVER CHILUUN WHACKIN JP.., ,,l I T'SPREAO KK3MICS ALL OVER Jl iMANGLEBUfiLE.'.' U 1 1 1 t I , I WHY DON T t -t V IHEARDOFU EACH OTHER? S3 HlOniHS.'l 1 TH' WORLD. SO FOUKS WOULD S IwHAR'S THEM fWfrJJJ aSNI L IyO'KICK II TCTliM-' WHV DOWT WHAT'S f STOP BOOTIN' EACH OTHER J I KK3MIES? VT'i I riwii.r,((,0, i 'JT.S.-'H H V"""- ariKTMiNS a EF thar was rrr WKn I I 4yt.nY ShZP SO iy II LV Ml KWts--&iSE5Srt - 1 " .i .n i i 1 Wl O IP- L PV f NO.N0. JUNIOR ) THE WALRUS ) M --n ) r JUNIOR ' ) 1 MUSTN'T DO X WITH THE t-3Sk T u ' krr-sd) STOP L S THAT! v MUSTACHE IS ApPk. U . -UllllljlJ yVELL.HE TOLD TEX 1 1 TH0U6HT HE WAS AWFUL, X I SUESS SO, 'CAUSE HE WSS SMITH IS JUST ABOUT "T ' WHAT'S VOIR Rut f HIS SHEEPHEEDIN3 MEAN THAT FIRST DAY WE ISN'T REALLY MEAN AT THE BEST CCO! THAT EVER I JBBPESS R WONDEPFULIDEA BUSINESS HASN'T PAID WENT OVER THERE , BUT ALL .. HE WAS REAL WAS.. I HAP SOME OF HER J ARE yCO . . Sttwc cmVSc AND A1AYBE HE'LL HAVE MAYBE HE WAS JUST SORRY ABOUT SUSPKTOJ6 epics CAIiES ANP TEX THINKlnaOF U BUSTY r AK TO6IVEUPTHS I WORRIED FLIP... WELL, ANYHOW.. SAYS HE NEVER TASTED A RESTAUR s wgJ i ic&m Mka n U . iy ,-, dinner. 5r( WHAT A , . I Vf VV5tn uAivr's c 7 I , J If T-fUS k WEll,WEll!"SOTHAT TELEGRAM THE ME55AGE WA5NT 51 HMM'. -A6WE OF THE GREETING CARD fl-'Ojl YESTERDAY WA5 FROM YQUR. LUCRE y FROM DRUM GREENW000, PROFESSION WOULD PUT IT: TV -1 L0ADED0LD SUITOR.. -AND HE BUNNY BUT irs CALLING V W0U6H I DCNY IN MANNER FIAT I 1 olFvf,I.I?,K1ci1?",AU-W.l ME BACK. TO CALIFORNIA! - 7 THECHAR6C THAT I'MACURIOUS CAT, M With I FOR AN ANSWER,7 JCj. j! IF VOU PON'T WANTMiTO IXPIKE, Y TODAY, AS WE5TARTA NEW .R J W JSr V M 'W'Sj "THE SAGAOF MARY WORTH,' ''ag'rl' ' itl"- THE GALLANT LADX WHOSE J$Immt '' S flC''V 1 I rT W ADVENTURES IN ZESTFUL LIVING ,aF'l1WCVBT - 3. .--N ! , g O WILL BE SET FORTH IN THOSE 3b5 'lXB , jStj- W j sSf NOW PRINTLESS PAGES,IS PACKING 1' I ljA n. "mllfif 'R'JkVl ST VT il R HER TRAVEL-BATTERED SUITCASES 9 I IT ''VllSL Va-I ShS t f-."'' J AS TWO YOUNG FRJEND5 DROP IN-" i I yJI MES. 9Csi KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 620 NBC TO CBS 110 ABO 13 MBO 1490 Ke. 5:00 Th. of Hi .Nenpaner Chllem ! B-?"-" g"1 5" 5:15 Ne. I.I1II. Shoir lukon S"Br-- S,""1 D" J'fl Voice of F'llone Sew. -ck Armstroni Tom Mil Blnr Croiby J:45 Voko of F'llone Sewi lck Arnnltom Tom Mil Ballpen Newe :n0Muilcil Soiree Radio Theater Headline Edll. Gabriel Healer Candlellfht i" 6:15Mmleal Soiree Radio Theater Home Edition Newe Sliver 6:30 Candr Nation Radio Theater Mod. Romance- Telle Tei Jew' 6:45 Candr Mal.on Radio Theater Mod, gomancei Serenade T-rllUht 8ono- 7 :00 Martin ft Lewla Mr Friend Irma I.one Haneer Murder Eiperle Pal 0'-'l 7:15 Martin ft Lewli Mr Friend Irma Lone Kamer Murder Eipert. Mm. 'ekpe 7. -in Dave CarrowarBob Hawk Share Health C ico K d "llbl 7:45 Dave Garrowar Bob Hawk Share Wealth Claco Kid Sporte 6:00 Sinatra, Klrel. Lowell Thomai Kate Smith ? JJ JrMk 14M 8l5Newe Bar Robhlne Kate Smith Let Geo. Do II Teh 1400 8 :.10 Railroad Hour Talent Seoul- H. J. Tajlor Track 14W 8:45 Railroad Hour Talent Seoul. Speaklnt Bonn The Salnl Track 1490 9:00 Telephone Hr. Inner Sanctum trthur Gaeth Jew lH!!!"-'!!!' 9:15 Telephone Hr. inner Sanctum Wm. rniher i""-, 1 WHUmetlt D. 9:30lDanee Orch. Renlah Roller D-br Kaj B ock J;ew. 45 Dance Orch. cmb IB Roller Derbi- Rar Block Fire Pith re 10:00 3 "" '-Star Final . Rlehfleld Eep. f''' J"1" JJJj 10:15 Sports Final Columbia Feat. Intermeiio tocalNewa Franlt Raee 10:30 Dick Harmei Alrllo Concert Hour " J!"- J S1" 10:45 Orchcitra Orchestra Concert Hour Musle Mm. roa Wanl JTNews Serenade Concert Boor .,L" Irster7 Noclnrn. JJ.I.eWal Museum Treasurjr Band Uoncerl Hom Joe urn. 11:45 W.I Museum Prelude Memo. J""- " Joe urn. 11:45 W" Museum P"'ude Memo. Treas. Varieties Nocturn. lotoQSI.n Off Sim Pit Ixtr. Hoar Blra Oft BliJ Off TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6-00 node. Pod.. New. Farm Newi New. 6-15 Sews KOIN Klock Keep Smlllnf Mus. Tlmek'per A . 6 31) Farm Tim. KOIN Klock Keep Smllln. Karch Tim. KOCO Klock 6:45 Farm Tim. KOIN Klock Keep Smllln. New. KOCO Klock 7 -00 Earlr Bird KOIN Klock News New. I" Jf "If,' .. 7:l5 01d Sonn New. i.rensk, Br'kfa.t Oan, KOCOKIo.k , 7:30 New. CBS New. Bob Haien Br'kfast Gani 1 7 145 Sam Hare. Fred Beek Zeke Manner. Top Trades KOCO Klock f "oTofl Eddie Albert Consumer New. Breakfast Club Bar.. Counter 1 15 add to Alb'rt New. Breakfast Club Famll, Alter rM;f" 8:30 Jack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Clnh Haven of Rest ","",'' "' 8:45 S.M Rider. Rosemary Breakfast Club Haven of Rest ' T'" 9:00 Second Cup Wend, Warren New. N W New. Tim. for MePdr 9:15 Second Cup Aunljennr Toda,'. Star. Qul Club Tta. far Mrt d, 9:30Homclowner. Helen Trent Quick a. Flash Pastor's Call "' -""J 9:45 sews Our Cal Sunday Quick a. riash Rider. Pnrp. 8. J. CP. Thomai 10:00 Marrla.e for i nil Sister Serenade J1 5JI?WM.rf. 10:15 I.ora Lav-ton Ma Perklnl Galen Drake " V. iim 10:30 car. Covallero Dr. Malon. Mr True Storr Or.an.lltes J."".1.1"" 10J45 Beryl Richard! Guldln. Ll.hl My Tru. Story XMma" -"" 11:00 Double or Noth. Mr,. Burton Belt, Crocker ;' "-Jj? "J 1:1S Double or Noth. Perry Mason Club Tim. , 5, .Mb :30 Brad Reynold. K'ah Dr.k. N'w.sterncrs S" !" 5" Voo.l vlrl.tle. 11:45 The Playboys Brl.hter Day N'westernen Queen for Day vocal variolic. 12:00 Kne.ss New.-Vews naukha.e Top Tr.de. ?,?,'Z',i SUll! 12:15 Road of Life Come Gel It News Nl I! ' 12:30 1'cpner loun. House Tarty Jack Norman N W New. " 12 :4a llapplnes. House Tarty Meet Mcnioul Boh Eberly uaveDennll l:00Backsta.e Wife Art Baker Breakfast in Bob Mllh- 'i','' 1:15 Stella Dallas Barny'd Follies nMriiJt Bb M"cht" M'I J l:3lllorenro Jone. Garry Moor. Ka, ,Ve.l Tell Nel.hbor Mac I Me od e. JUMwIddcr Brown Newspaper ?, Bin, Sin.. Mac'. Mcl.dle. 2:00 . r,, Marrle Newspaper rnw st.. Bob Pool. Mac's Melodic. --ISpor FacJ. Life S1" ill I S Bob Pool. Mao'. Melodic, 2:30 Plain Bin Steves Allen iirld. 4 firnnm Music for Mac'. Melodies Frt.' P Farrfe"! Tunefully Vour. Emu, ft C,2m Ma.'. M.lodle. 3:00 Welcome Tray. Newi ne Seated Jamboree Mao'i Melodlei 3:15 welcome TrT. Arthur Godfrey b Seated Jambore Mae'i Melodlei 3:30 unt Mary Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb News Mao'i Melodlei 3.45 Love & Learn Arthur Godfrey Hannibal Cobb Music Mac'i Melodlei 4.00 Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Rhythm-a-tlk Fnlton Lewli Movie Tlmi 4:15 Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel laye Heminnway Phlloaopher , 4:30 Or. Paul Curt Maasey Squirrel Case llehind Story B can be Beaut, 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. Murrow Firefighters ICarm. Cavallero B C'n be Beaut. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 ItfCiAC Monday P.M. S:00. Children's INv"v Theater) 6:15. On the fjpbeatj 6:50. 5A0 Sports Clubi 0:00, Newit o:il, Dinner Melodies I 6:30. Muslo of Ciecho Slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) 8:00. Basketball) 9: SO, News and Weather) 9:45, Evening Meditations; 10:00, Sign Off. IHAT Tuesday P Jr and Weather; 10:15, Espee- M. 10:00, Newi Baptist Missionary Society Entertained Amity The Baptist Women's Missionary society held its De cember meeting at the A. W. Newby home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Lynch presiding Mrs. M. J. Fehman led the de votionals, using in her topic "The Christmas Afterglow." Mrs. William Neeley conducted lally for Womeni 11:00, School of Air) 11:15, Concert Hall; 18:00, News) 12:15, Noon Fani Hour) 1:00, Hide 'era Cowboy, 1:15, School of Air) 1:80, Melody Lanei 2:00, Mental Hyrelne at Workt 2:30, Mem ory Book of Music; 2:45, School of Air; 8:00, Newi) 3:15, Musto of the Masters. the service for the love gift of fering. Echoes from Japanese, Negro American and Chinese Christ ians who benefit by the love gift L offerings were given by Mes- V dames Waheman, M. J. Lehman and Elaine Neeley. Mrs. Lynch conducted the Christmas lesson, "A Star Ap peareth." A request from the Hopi Indian mission in Mesa, Ariz., for used clothing was read. The women will pack a box and send it soon for the mission. O Nil R A 9T A P I 3 ACROSS 1. Astern 4. Icelandic tales 9. Ed Ke 12. Title of a baronet 13. Share 14. OJd French coin 15. Lavish 17. Bathed 19. Plan of a town Bit 10. Measure 81. Rob 23. Love Btory 2(i. English letter 27. Icy 2!. Destroy 30. Circuit 82. Ancient Venetian magistrates 84. Feminine name 35. Tip 37, Helmsman 39. Pronoun 40. Cooked with water vapor 42. That for which a thine may be bought 44. Alack 45. Stuff 40. Public lodging lioufie 18. Moved to and fro 61. Have obli gations B2. Oriental 54. Biblical priest 55. Finish 66. Musical composition 57. Loiter W AlGPEjP!!CIJjHPE isluklulElNMplekkUlRl PiA S SHnJeJtJHam J D A W A fflTE P 1 1 PffP A N PEL EE HA 6 0 P E A C O RlNgj ft "eTT A I N S wane1&Mtre1sses Solution of Saturday's Puzzlt' DOWN 1. Snake I. Evergreen tree ' 2 3 p4 5 16 I7 I8 W$ lr" 7tr mn ,t J tt 1 I" 53 a P55" Wr AP Newiftolurts Figure of speech Amounted to Powder Female deer Near Capital of Oregon Income Solid wattr Mire Banner Oil of ros petals: variant Miniature rep resentatlon Seasons Pertaining to a city Growing out Canters Arranged In folds High vole Story Snare Of the cheek Drive Dressed Garden Implt- ment Possess FIsh'B orgai of motion Old musical note Burrow Thus ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahern AS A FORMER. SCOTLAND YARD Yf OKAY "i IMSPECTOR I HAVE A STRONG ) .'PMCC Zrcn amt 0 HUNCH THERE'S SOMETHING ( ySdpSSSS ' ABOUT THE MYSTERIOUS MR. TffiiKff : ' SNORGEEGLE THAT NEEDS J TH'UND OF E I INVESTIGATING -HE STAYS : DR p RNG FAUC ET CLOSE TO HIS ROOM, AND to TH' SINK SOMETHING TELLS ME THAT V ' V HE'S TIED IN WITH ' 11PX. COUNTERFEITING- ( :'IJ ) -NOT A WORD,) . YOUB,l1Pl it v