10 Capital Jaurnal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Dec. 31, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Father of the Bride By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams SATURDAY P. M. LLLJJjI SURE WISH IT WAS.BUS-TERITTHERe WAS A TIME WHEN 1 1 rOH, SONNY, TCUPCAKE yBUSTEROLD MAN.' j7f no FROM DADuYo BOSS I ITH13 VrLAJLUvc MAUfc Mt I I bunny , imjiNtY -i: jyjKKun i -ly ii r"r" fl I S vf X TELLING HIMTOCOMfiJld MIOHTY KAPPY-BUT NOW VTkJ rniTS'B t ymMj5S?, I f BACK TO WORK "ALL I WANT TO HEAR IS- "1 M Ba DECIDEDLY SHORT ON I j 'nrriPlC -sit pagkij thi elaul raung mm laoked nonpluaed (Installment V) THE ENGAGEMENT NEWS IS BROKEN It had been agreed that only a few Intimate friends and members of the family were to be told be fore the engagement was announced In the DaDers. Kay said this Involved a cocktail party. The news was too big, however, witnin 24 nours me only ones who did not know were those who wouldn't be mortally hurt if not told first. Mr. Banks said that, under the circumstances, the cocktail party hardly seemed necessary. Kay said that was ridiculous. Everybody an nounced their engagement to their close friends at a cocktail party. And so It was that, a few days later, Mr. Banks came out from town on the three-fi(ty-seven. com posing an Informal and, he hoped, dryly humorous little speech. It was to be about Kay as a little girl, Kay growing up and finally, In a big surprise climax. Kay announc ing her engagement. In the pantry he stared with a Inking heart at the neatly arranged ghalanxes of glasses that Mrs. anks had borrowed during the day from unwilling friends. How was any one man to make drinks for the crowd of 35 that Kay ex pected? It would take a trained octopus. However, this was no time for panic. Decisive action was called for. Martinis for everybody. That would be simplest. With perhaps Just a few old-fashioneds ready for those allergic to gin. He pulled two large pitchers from a cupboard and went to work groaning with pain as he listened to one bottle after another of his best gurgle out its lifeblood. The early ones were arriving. He could hear the high-pitched en trance screams of the females. He was about to go out and greet them when the pantry door was blocked by a rosy-cheecked young man with a disarming smile. "How are you. sir? I wonder If I could have four old-fashioneds." "No martinis?" suggested Mr. Banks. "Oh, no Indeed, air. That's very kind of you. Just old-fashioneds." Mr. Banks filled four of his emer gency glasses with Ice cubes and pushed them down the pantry shelf. "Thank you, sir. That's serv ice," said the young man. His place was Immediately taken by a stout youth with horn-rimmed glasses. "Sir. four old fashloneds and one scotch and soda." "I haven't any scotch," said Mr Banks. He hoped that his voice did not betray the fact that he had Just hidden three bottles In the end cupboard behind Mrs. Banks' flow er vases. The stout young man looked non plused. He was silent for a moment as he considered this unexpected situation from every angle. "I don't know sir. I guess bour bon and soda will do." Mr. Banks, Irritated bv a sense of guilt, poured a highball from a bottle labeled "Whiskey a Blend." "Wouldn't those people like mar tinis?" he asked. "Oo, no, sir. This Is plenty." The doorway was now filled with young men who observed him gravely. "Sir, four old fashloneds. One on the rocks and one with a dash of sugar and no bitters." "Oood God." snld Mr. Banks, "do they think I'm filling out prescrip tions in here?" A toll young man peered around the frame of the door. "Good eve ning, sir," he said cordlallv. "Looks as If It was going to be a nice party. "I haven't seen II," said Mr. Banks testily. "What would ynu HKev Hair a dozen frozen dal qulrls?" Composing an Informal and, he hoped, drjlr bumoroui llllie ipeecb. "Oh. no, sir. Just a couple of martinis." Mr. Banks stared at him delight edly. "You mean martinis?" He hastily lifted one of the pitchers. For half an hour he sloshed around frantically, trying to keep up with the demand. Then there was a sudden lull In business. "To hell with it." he muttered. MODDlnu hls suit off as best he could, he took a martini and made lor thel Uvin2 room, from which there now came a steady roar, like the beat ing of surf on rocks. He shouldered his way into the room. Except for a lew aosent- minded smiles, no one paid the least attention to him. He had just found himself a bit of stand ing room wnen ne was caugni. m an eddy that swept him along. stanaiey. wnere nave you peenv Doris and Herbert are here." It was Mrs. Banks. Doris and Herbert who?" he ask ed. "Well. well. well. Glad to see you. Stanley," boomed Mr, Dunstan.t 'Sorry to be so late, we got lost. Doris always Insists " "Now go and get Doris and Herb something to drink," said Mrs. Banks. Would you like a martini?" asked Mr. Banks hopefully. "II It's all the same to you, Stan, we'll have old fashloneds Can't I help you?" "No. no," said Mr. Banks, "It won t take a second." He didn't get back to the pantry minute too soon. A group of thirst-crazed voung men were lust about to take the matter of serv ice Into their own hands. He sent the drinks out to the Dunstans and for the next hour he worked like a dike mender. The only compen sation was that the guests now seemed less lussy about what they got. The roar from the living room sounded like a mob scene in a Cecil B. de Milie sunersoectacle. Then the crowd began to thin.l The roar subsided. He could hear the die-hards gathering In the front hall for a final stand. Mr. Banks closed down his dispensary and rejoined the remnants, outwardly a genial nose. Dut at neart a pro- icssionni pouiicer. "You're a help," said Mrs. Banks. 'Good-bv dear. You were sweet to come." "What do vou think I've been I doing? Playing pool?" "i know. But wnv must vou al ways leave the whole thing on my snouiaersf uooa-py, Helen dear. You look sweet In that hat." He considered the first nart nf her remark as unjust as the last was untrue. "Where are the Dun stans?" "They're all right. Thev'a talking to Uncle Charlie or vice-versa. Good- Dy. som. Glad you could come. a careiuuy manicured hand plucked his sleeve. "Mr. Banks. Please. I've lost an earrlne and Grace can't find her gold com- nact and we're absolutely sick about it. We've looked everywhere. It's very peculiar." Something In her voice gave Mr. nanus me leenng tnat ne was un der suspicion. "Don't give It a thought." he said. patting the manicured hand. "We'll find everything later after you've gone. ne added nastily. Like an old cattleman rnttlnnl caives irom ine nerfi, he disentan- Rlen his guests one bv one and nro- nelled them through the front door with such light-handed skill that inev were unaware of his treachery until they found themselves in the open air. As the door closed after them he Instinctively placed his back against It. With a sick heart he sur veyed the wreckage of what had once been his home. It occurred to him that he had forgotten to an nounce the encasement. Somehow it didn't seem lo mat ter. (To Be Continued! Martha Class Elects Officers at Monmouth Monmouth The Martha class of the Evangelical U. B. Sunday school held its Christmas parly In the church basement, with a covered dish supper. Twenty two members and their husbands were present. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. A. D. Campbell, Mrs. A. J. McLarty, Mrs. Clyde Dickson, Mrs. G. L. Russell and Mrs. Hattle Wincgar. Following ft short business meeting Rev. Lonsberry gave the history of Christmas tree and decorations, and M. B. Layton stressed loxe exisis among all through the celebration of birth of Christ. Gifts were presented to Mrs. D. Tilton, teacher; Mrs. G. L. Russell, president and Mrs. J. S. Fuller as secretary treasurer. All participated in a gift exchange. The next meet ing will be January 13 at 2 p.m. in the church basement. Wilson Injures Knee Wheatland Eugene Wilson, farmer of the Wheatland dis trict, is suffering with fractured small bone near and below knee joint of right leg received when he fell on cement walk while at work at his home. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern ITT . . lr"V TWER&S SLWttTHINO, WST&PJOUS ABOUT THAT MAN SNORGEEGLE STAYS IN HIS ROOU MOST OF THE TIME AND ONLY SPENDS A FEW fWOMENTS IN THE PARLOR. AFTER. MEALS MY INTUITION AS AN OLD SCOTLAND YARD V INSPECTOR TELLS ME i THAT HES A MAN WHO BEARS WATCHINCr ' HE S THE TYPE TO BE INVOLVED IN, AH, COUNTERFEITING " HE COULD BE THE KEY MAN OF A RING UOU )r uj t-jj i ! r ' ' i mm 'wlj.- ui mm mi WJM I I ill II l' I Iffirr- 1 WONT MAMA BE S S OH.NO--PAPH J 1 PAPA SAYS ! O Wr. .ill uiru car. l-CDDKCn nnn HUCCV? SSi NEVER ASKS I f PROV'DENCE SSiS I r r hTtl t ss&zsz m -bout -papa- l u m p a Piece oth' restaurant- vou. too, 1 1 it easy on J wont-he ask where If papa says we'll I yeah? well, that's a jj u ihkwud Ha MUr I Mm I slEQ . IT CAME PROM ' M W ALWAYS HHV5 W Mitt WW lo UJtIK Ml l. m.mjn tmms- t, i . mm I TV.. .,r cine l I r 1 CAME AS q WT WELL..I ANSWERED THE Ymf WHEN RUDY CAME. ANOTHER f KOEl. SOON AS I SOt 1 DOOR AMD A MAN ASKED Mf MAN STEPPED OUTOPTUE 1 KINO OP Cei..IT WAS "lU . 1 1 YOUR MESSAGE. 1 o-,o Oi inv- JlS iHADOW5 AMD JWEYJOOK J CAR OplBlS AND BLACK.AD J Z!77rr-FTa?! Liau.niiTTUK Cf Viimnw.''"- I ??-wal. blt?ss mah soul r SHucfS.'T'l Xt wttl7' rf shore NJEI ! "!rW52H hWws;l yo' J hurrr R shwhiW was 1 vo'haiMt I TjsTyo fJtS I IvcVisa JtB vo'wasth' -M luck.i'- it hain't tflSr. me.1'-- JS3 I some bufter ai9s.m notwin'.T' v'A " PPV rm V IKIfiMV rsrar,last- T easy bdn'inth' I alJ 3? A -,an'-,??r CU3SE 1 ? -4T IW I l!y,Ifrjvil lYar- I lime-light, o' JZfrJi A h brrthdaY cate.-l' yore eyes- .,. . L Y L Ihajt? J J oits Jf5f fv "AHGOTTA npcjL4 gllSlh INgji KanD FUfrrHERMORe 9R HERE'S TlNFACT. THIS POLlCV lg ABOUT BEING M' WO BET SIR s$k V. 7 M I ajfe iMSuRANffE poliCV that A vvill PROTEST vou djj BORED TO PEATH AUTOMATICALLVA CfVC 5 ? 58 m pure w . - , , H nAcc it DCnTT MP f 1 -t. ' .' NtTTD 7:15 II GIVES YOU POUtJLt: iniwini 7 I AGAINST EvbKYTHinoj J i ihc wiriuic vwsiorij W ? i. P" Vaa i! BY ACC1PEHT, FIRE. FLOOD. 4 AGAINST THAT? UP , SHlUP. jf ! H. !? . WZy . sirV Ezi "(:W. J lmnw' MrA mSe t 2:35 - Mmjrrt, ai m ie w : m h mmm mm ftzzzi: bfi iti i OH, BOY.' WE HAP A REAL AND FLIP WAS A RESULAI? ) ANP T MISSED Mug. SMITH WANTS ME TO 'S,AX jn n uiicwvi ami? THOUOHr w kiujno CM1THS LITTLE 6ZL ANP A wiw i u BttN AWRJ. NICc. w l it (Wl I " -fji R HAVE YOU SEEN f HIS SHEEP, ANP NEARLY SHOT her iMB ' AND MB THERE, TOO.' A TERRIFIC IPSA ABOUT IT? II sff H'M.'THEN IT TUKNEP OUT TO MmYTOOK US I UP TO W V THEM - ANP I'VE 60TTA A I'M . Nri, HKfla BE A PUMA FJJOM MR. BRUSH'S HOUSE ANP 6AVE US. ) IfefrnmrfSf HAVE YOUR HELP J rr l Il45 S HTW?Jk PRIVATE 700t HSWE SWELL CAKES MWllM L yd IMiTM W 1 mmWMA: liH4lii 0 rs ''' ! r 5ML & :fm -S?Pfc KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO .20 NBC -0 CBS I1W ABC "BO MM Kc 5:00 Band. .1 Laid IM DIM.a.la ib.r C'!l'lIMr S:15 Bandi af Land Joa DIMasaia J.-.I.I '" "d T 5:30 nil some Danter Ahaai Hamonalrai Mael M.leh New! 5:45 ElmetPelefia. Xewa lean lane. Meal MaUh Ataem. at Qan 6:00 Plileland Jin' Philip Marlowe Baba nlh Comedr at Jliythm Banch 6:15 Diileland Ja Philip Marlowe Home Edlllao E "' Hi," ,2?" h 6:30 Dennla Daa Mem. In Mnale Trip N la R dera Adj. In Baereh. 6:45 Dennla Par Diet Haymee Bart Andrawa Nlla Bldera l-Squara Ooapl. 7:00 ladr Canaan Sin. It Aialn Rollrwood Popolar Moile Jlma Waa 7:15 Jndr Canaaa Slna II Aaaln Bjllna Popular Maala Drlaera Plarhfa 7:30 Grand ol' Oprr Slna It Aaaln Ch.ndu Matle Weil Coait strike IJp Band 7:45 Grand ol' Oprr Sim It Aaaln Chapdn Matle Bamblen Sport Bonndup 8:00 Troth or V. Monroa Lone Banter Danea Oreh. Proud. We Hall 8:30 Comeoueneea V. Monroa Lone Banter nanee Orch. Proud. We HiU 8:30 nollrwood Star Gene Aatrr Superman Meet tha Preae Sat. Nlant 8:45 Hollywood Star Gene Aatrr Superman Meet the Preie Dance fartr 9:00 Hit Parade Gantbpilera Dick Jeriene Newi Sal. Nltht 9:15 lift Parade Gantbmlere Dick Jcrtena Cryilal Gard. Dance Fartr 9:30 Life ot Riler lohnnr Dollar Nmry Hoar Danea Orch. Newe 9:45 Ufa at Riler Johnny Dollar Nayr Hoar Dance Orch. Beieria Bhoar 10:00 Sam Hayea " S-Star riiial Newe Monica Whalen Xmaa Starr 10:15 Morton Downey Organ Maala Ira Blaa bpta. John Wolohtn Xmaa Starr 10:30 Oreheitra Capitol Dance Band nay nackett Barrymora 10:45 Oreheitra Cloakroom Dance Band Bar Hackett Barrrmora 11:00 Newt Serenade Let'a Danea Mualc New Tear'a 11:15 Wax Museum Ortan Mnila Let'a Danea New Year's Eva Parlr 11:30 Wax Muieam Traaiurr Band Let'a Danea Watch Party New Tear'a 11:45 IVaa Mmeum Traaiurr Band Let'a Dance Watch Party Era Party 12:00 Sign Off Ullcnl Ixtra Hoor ' Sign Off 'Sign OK " DIAL LISTING, KOAC 650 M fi:t0, KOAO I wealberl 9it0, Song af Chrlatmaal 10:1 :IS. London Letteri :S0. Nltht Belora lt Oil. Cbrlstmast 7:M, Mciiiani p:ia, r.ewa aan i WOAr Saturday ,xw. w Chriiti SUNDAY 7 - (H) Kadlo Pulpit Churob of Air Band Bos 7!1, Radio Pulpit Church of Air Band Bo 4'30J. Doe'i Muilo Church ot All Band Boi "an! ?!"s ! 7.45 j! Doe's Mualc Church of Air Band Bo Mutual Muilo , 8)0 jTDoe'nfi.ic N.w.makera BUal Hour 1.1 B.ptltt Ch. Um Tlmt 8- 15 Morn. Serenad Howard Smltli Bot Hour lit B.ptl.t Ch. J ft Unchurch lo Vour Salt Lak. Tabor Rerl-al Hour Vo c Prophecy F el o ah Vo 8:4." Homo Salt Lake Taber Bc-.Tal Hour Volet Prophecy Fcllo'ahlp Voloo fin silTfr Strlnri Invitation Soothernairea Ra. BlbU CTaia Bible Progra-a ?:Jgs r BtrSS to Learnln, Southern.lro. Ha. Bible CI... Lutheran oMn Eternal Ll.ht Gue.t St.r. Mf.sa of Lutheran Hour Are Marl. Br. 9:45 Eternal Llrht New. laet Lutheran Hour Ato Maria Hr. . fnOn Glenn Shelley. People'. Victoria Corey New. Ch'rch In W 114 1(1:1S Orranl.t Platform Romance Sonw Organ Lofl 10-30 Chicago Round Sammy Kaye Sunday Veepers New. Sacred Heart 10:4a Table Sammy Kaye Sunday Ve.pera Qui. Wayne King nnn Xma. Protram" Columbia Feit Victor Llndlahr Eldor Ml -ham; Flrtt BaptUI li:J5Xm" Program ColumbU Feol. 'rank Ern.t Elder Mleh.ux Fjr.t Bap . 11 SOXraa. Program Gallery Gomip Piano Da?ld Rota F rat BaptUI 11:45 Xmaa Program New. Playhou.o Canarlc. Flrtt Baptlit 19. nn Blue Barron NV Phllbarm. Hour of Faith1 N'ewa Serenade fer 12.1 Chuck Fo.Uf NV Phllharm. Hour of Faith Guest bUr String. 12'Aa Quia Kid. NV Phllharm. Parade of Hit. Juvenllo Jury Headline New. 12:45 0l Kld .1 "hllbwrm. Parade of HIU Juvenile Jury United Natlone Wlh Living. 1949 NT Phllharm. Week' World nie. of Mystery Muilo for I'lLlvinc IS49 NV Phllharm. Week'. World Hie. of My.terr Daydreamtaf lh American My Serenade Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Mu.lc for 1 45 Forum New. Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Daydreaming 2011 Radio City Muslo for You Mr. President The Shadow Chureh Pro. 2-1 S Radio City Muslo for You Mr. Preiident The Shadow Church Prog, g'-lfl H'veit of Stan Columbia Feat. Greatest Story Truo Detectlva Band Showcase 2:45 H've.t of Stan Columbia Feat. Greatest Sto.-v Truo Detective Band Showcaee "Vn0 The riardy Family Hour Lutheran Honr John Steclo Sun. Seranado l-l1. Family Family Hour Lutheran Hour John Stttlo Sun. Serenade ?'4n Hollywood Boiton Blackle Muilo with Nick Carter Maale for Sua. 45 Calling Boston Blackle tha Girl. Nick Carter Mnilg for Ban. 4'OOH'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny Research Adv. Newa Donald Stewart 4:15H'llyw'd Calling Jack Benny Here', to Vet. Mental Health Donald Stewart 4-10 Harrls-Fsye Amos 'n' Andy Guest Star World Concert Concert 4:45 Ilarrl.-Faye Amo. 'n' Andy Betty Clark World Concert Concert V.nn Sam Spade nerg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander Delia. Minister 515 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy stop the Music Alexander Here', to Veia S'30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Mualc Lynn M irray Buppertlme 5J45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Mu.lc Lynn Murray Serenade "600 Theatre Guild Corlls. Archer Wlter Winehell Enchanted Ilr. Ted Dale R-ll Theatre Guild Corlls. Archer Louclla Parsons Enchanted Ilr. Ted Dal fi'30 Album Familiar Horace Heldt Chance or a Family Iheatre Newa 6:4f! Muslo Horace Hcldt Lifetime Family Theatre Troplcano, Take It or Contented Hr. Jlmmle FIdler Medical Hllltes Sunday '.al.n it. Leave It Contented Hr. Chapel Songs of Times Sunday Sales 7'lfiBob Crosby Tho Whistler Amaslng Roy Roger. Nasareno Ch. 7 -45 Bob Crosby The Whlatler Malone Roy Roger Naiarene Ch. 80n I Man', amlly Mis. Brook. Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlon. Naiarene Clk 8:H 1 Man's Family .(lis. Brook. Headline! Twenty Q'stlona Naiarene Ch. 8:30 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy W'ter Winehell Walt. Winehell Frank de Vol 8:45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Intcrmexio Louclla Pamm Frank da Vol 900 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Gregory Hood News Sunday Reverie 915 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Gregory Hood Editorial Sunday ftoveHe) g30 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Orchestra Cunningham Dallas Church 45 Dance Orch. Jack Benny Gov. McKay New. Delia. Church 1000 New. Five Star Final RIcbf'ld Rep'tr Sign Off Moon Dreamt 1015 Mary A. Mereer Night Editor Geo. Sokolaky Moon Dreamt 1030 Catholic Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Moon Dream. 10:45 Catholic Hoar Trees. Band Orchestra Moon Dream. 1100 News Serenade Drew Pearson Sign Off 11:15 Wax Museum Chleagoan. Nocturne 11:30 Wax Museum Prelude Nocturne 11:45 lVa Museum New. Nocturne . 12:66Ulgn Off Ultra Off Ixtra Hour I MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Ho dee Podge New. Farm Time Farm Time Early Bird Old Song. Newi m Hayes Eddie Albert Eddie Albert ' Jack Berch Sage Riders econd Cup Second Cup Hometownera .News New. KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock (Duncan M'Leod Bob Garred Fred Beck Art Baker Dave Vail Grand Slam Rosemary Marriage for S Lore Lawtnn Rrad Reynold. The Playboys Double or Nothing Children Today1 Light of World hVendy Warren lAunt Jenny Rose Parade Ro.e Parade nig Siller Ma Perkln. Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Newa Road of Life Y'g's Family Right to Happl, Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lorenxo Jonea ,Widder Brown Girl Marries Por. Faces Life! Just Plain Bill Fr. Pge. Farrell: Welo. Travelers Welc. Traveler' Aunt Mary Love A Learn Worn. Secret Life Beautiful Dr Paul :45Pau1a Stone Farm Newt - Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling I News Timekeeper March Time News Newt Agronaky Bob Hasen Zeke Manners Newa tereakfart Gang Moile Top Trades Breakfast Club Brenkfait Club Breakfast Clnb Breakfast Club Bargain Countr Family Alter Muile Muilo Mildred Bedell Stars of Today Quick Flash Quick at Flash Sage Bldera Meet Meninus My True Story My True Story Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Bettr Crocker hletor Llndlahr Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Orange Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Orange Bowl I Orange Bowl Orange Buwl Orange Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl Rose Bowl News R. Murrow IN W Newt IQuli Pastor. Call valti lime New. Gospel Sinter Concert Mln. Russ Morgan Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Sugar Bowl Bride A Groom' Bride A Groom Kay West Kay Weit ttad's be Seated JTed Malone Rhythm-a-tlk. Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage iFireflghter. KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Rltter KOCO Kleek KOCO Kleek Crusader. Krusader. IWeit. Melodic Fiesta Time Melody Time Melody Time Start Sing jonn c. xbem. M". Newe Memory Musis fTune Time Keys T B A T B A T B A T B A Top Trades INewi N W Newt Jimmy Wakelr Tell Neighbor Harding Organ Blng Sings Bob Poole Bob Poole Musle for Mon. Muilo for Mon. Farm-Home Polka Time News Hawaiian Har. Fulton Lewis IFrnk. Hem 'way Behind Storr 'News Muslo Mart Mails Mart Jan Garber Vocal Variety H'wood Muile H'wood Muiia News 'Dave Dennis iMac's Melodies Mac's Melodies IMac's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodies Msc's Melodise Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'i Melodies Mae's Melodies (Mae's Melodies (Mae's Melodies Movie Time philosopher Dyeri Can Be Beautiful Wf ACROSS t. Plug Put down Fixed look I. Purple sea (feed 40. Go by . i..iciiing 13. Hairy 14. Kimble 15. Ahead 16. Cleopatra'i maid 17. Tapestry 18. Droll fellow 20 Age 22. Holland commune Z3. Radiate Zh Period 26. Pulled 27. Parte played 29. Shoe form 31. Morose S3. American coin device 46. Among 46. Brazilian macaw 47. Lukewarm 49 Open vessel 60. Martininue volcano 152. Kicked 64 Down: prefix 65. Oak fruit 6i. Keeps 6S. Diminished) 69. Hair DOWN L Short rainfalls AR i0 U S eUpQn ' CR A M B glEWOA L Pi hAdBM pJbt R El E NBR E T EflA R E N f S TIR I V TTsIIm 0 U A R jtuf " " B n n pwl R I Pjg Rffp REP AlRiE aim i rsUlobITPel SPAS Bp A P AHA PA P U tH B PIN PBS POT STORE HEi 0 1 SE nER,OiDlEUpEiNlslEH Solution of Yeiterday't Puzzl So. American partridge 1 12 J 14 15 14 7 Kjfl 9 'o n f Wl 1 1 Tt IF 55 54aF5T I. Either 4. Greek letter 6. Unadulterated t. Day' a march 1. Frequented spew 8. Slat I. Turkish com mander 10. Snake II. Omit In pro nouncing 11. Rear. Itch In. Quarter pint IX. Piece of paste board 24 Relates 26. Lartre rtTar mouth IS. Ocean 30. Goddett of dawn HI. Baseball team 34. Lighting; device) 15. Mythological Greek prln- cest IS. Rosineaa 2. Leave 40. Tropical fruit 41. Asiatic pa.m 42. Drawing room 44. WIM animal 47. Look after 45. Love to axMafA 61. Before 1 61. Eipanttve sgbstanca It. Elista 1 K REALLY THINK SO. Af Newtreeiwret "INSPECTOR?'