8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Saturday, Dec. 31, 1949 7m rntSa P the FIRST BABY of 1950 WHO? WILL BE THE FIRST NEW YEAR BABY? To the First Baby Born in 1950 We Will Give a Three Months Supply of Two Quarts Every-Other-Day of the CURLY'S DAIRY Phone 38783 Famous Curly Dairy High Standard Milk For The First 1950 Baby We Will Give One of the New Corral Type PLAY PEN We Know Dad Will Be Too Exhausted to Build a Fence Furniture Co. To Make Your Home-Coming a Bit More Pleasant We Are Going to Send You and Mother a Beautiful FLORAL CRADLE FROSTY OLSON Florist 499 Court St. - Corner High There's mystery in the air! Only Mr. Stork knows who will be the winner of the 1950 Baby Derby! He's not telling! For the big event, your local merchants have planned a royal reception for little Mr. or Miss 19E0, and are presenting the winner with all the wonderful prizes shown on this page. Have your baby's doc tor state the exact time and place of baby's birth; sex, weight and name, plus the name and address of the parents. We Hare For the FIRST BABY OF 1950 A BASSINET Our Congratulations to Mother and Dad The OREGON SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE 230 No. Liberty St. Will Give to the Mother of the First Baby Born in 1950 An Order for a PERMANENT WAVE Congratulations Now For Next Year's First Baby You Will Be Born With a Silver Cup in Your Mouth We have arranged to give a Silver Cup with your name and date of birth engraved on it. Something you can keep for a lifetime. SH Listen ! We Have Something Wonderful for you and mom. A $10 trade certificate for mother, good for anything in the store and for the official 1950 Baby A Beautiful $3.50 Luxury Size Dorothy Gray Baby Box CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty Sts. We Will Give to the NEW YEAR'S BABY A White Blocked Blanket Crib Size With White Satin Binding LULLABY BABY SHOP 2071 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 26432 We Will Give The First Baby A Beautiful 8x10 g Enlargement In Goldtone KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIO Oregon Bldg. Telephone 37830 . TO THE "FIRST BABY" When you ore old enough to walk We will teach you to dance. Yes, we will five mom, for safe keeping, on order for a FULL TERM OF DANCING LESSONS Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic (or if you wish to wait) Ballroom Dancing ARMSTRONG SCHOOL OF DANCING 1990 Mission St. Ph. 27523