'Many Dances Featured During Holidays' Amnual Rainbow i The Holidays End By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Another holiday week-end and then It is all over for another year. With ichools starting following the Christmas Taeation and club groups getting back on their Toutine schedule, the new week finds Salem adjusting to a normal pace gain. But H has been a gay and happy holi day time and rounding out the period of festivities will be a long list of informal t home and open house affairs tonight, Sunday and Monday as local folk greet the new year. For This evening j Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde will be among those entertaining informally this evening for New Year's eve affairs, friends oalling by after 9 o'clock. Among those entertaining friends at Informal New Year's eve parties this evening are Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Guild at their Cascade drive home. They have invited a group of friends for a watch party and late supper. Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Speerstra are among those entertaining at a walch party this evening for a group of friends, a late supper to be served. Mr. and Mrs. Peery T. Buren are en tertaining a group of 10 for an informal New Year's eve party this evening at their home, the group going later to Chuck's Steak House for the midnight supper. Their guests include Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Sid ney Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Le Roy Mink and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Jr. Among others entertaining this even ing are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers who have invited 30 friends to call for the New Year's eve and a buffet supper. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ryan arc to entertain this evening at a watch parly at their home. Parties Before Dance Several parlies are planned in con junction with tiie Carousel club's New Year's eve dance this evening at the Merlain dance studio. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Foos and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Post are entertaining a group preceding the Carousel dance t his eve ning, at the Shaw home. Following the dance the three couples will entertain at a supper for a group of 18 of their friends at the Post home Mr. and Mrs. Harold lleiscrman will be among those entertaining a group at their home preceding the dance, as will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hynd, who have Invited a group to their home, and Mr. and Mrs. George I. Paiterson who have asked guests to their home. Following the dance, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Laird are to be hosts at a New Year's breakfast to honor Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Graham who are moving soon to Portland to live. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Smith French. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Thorington of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd and the Lairds. For New Year's Day Among New Year's day at home af fairs, tomorrow afternoon, will be the one for which Miss Nellie Schwab is to ntertain at her new home at Grand Yiew Place. Guests will be members of the Salem Eonta club and their husbands, guests to call between 3 and 6 o'clock. Miss Maxina Buren and other members of the club will assist Miss Schwab during the various hours. Holts New Year's afternoon for an open house affair will be Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Yeatcr, guests being invited to call between 3 and 8 o'clock at their Virginia street home. Assisting will be Mrs. William Haskin, Mrs. Douglas Yea ta, it. and Uiai Batty RuaseU. A. WEDDING of interest to a wide circle of friends took place in St. Paul's Episcopal church chapel last evening when Mrs. Louise Ruth Robertson was married to Richard D. Barton. The Rev. George H. Swift read the service at 8 o'clock in the presence of members of the families and a few close friends. Ronald Craven sang and Miss Ruth Bedford played the organ. Alan Robertson escorted his mother to the altar. The bride was attended by her daughter, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Jr., of Portland, and Mr. Barton was attended by his son, Richard P. Barton. The bride wore a green suit with matching hat and accessories, and a corsage of tube roses and white roses. Immediately following the service a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law. The table was set in white, silver and red, and Christmas greens featured the room decorations. Mrs. Philip W. Allison and Mrs. Paul Lardon poured. Assisting at the recep tion were Mrs. George H. Swift and Mrs. Roy Lockenour. Tile couple will be at home here on route 4. Salem General hospital auxiliary plans Its January meeting for next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the YWCA. Plans will be discussed for the annual membership campaign. All auxiliary members arc invited to the meeting. Mrs. Carl E. Nelson will preside as pres ident. Mrs. Floyd Utter and Mrs. Nora Thompson will be hostesses at the home of the former, 446 Oak street, next Thursday afternoon for the meeting of the Raphaterians club, the meeting to be at 2:30 o'clock. T-V7" ANNOUNCED DURING the holiday week Aim. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Aim . aoa of Kra, Maar Varaaaaa af tataaa. . - Je-sten-Miller studio cnndld Students Returning The Christmas vacation over, Willam ette university students come trekking back this week-end for the opening of school on Tuesday. Special events booked for next week end are basketball games on Friday and Saturday evenings with Linfield; all church night, Friday; and all four class parties planned for Saturday eve ning. Rushing among the four sororities will include informal dinners until the week of final examinations in late Feb ruary, formal rushing to begin with the opening of the second semester. The campus Panhellenic is working on plans to entertain a tri-college con ference on the Willamette campus in April, delegates to come from Oregon State college and University of Oregon. The City Alumnae Panhellenic is not due to meet until February. A no-host dinner gathering was ar ranged at the American Legion club Thursday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Graham, who are moving to Portland. The group included members of Mrs. Graham's bridge club and their husbands, the Grahams, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wing, Mr. and Mrs. Smith French, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskens and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston. Visitors from Portland for New Year's day will be Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Van deneynde and son, Peter, who will be guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde. Mrs. Emery Hobbs will be among club hostesses of the new week, her bridge group to meet Wednesday evening, a late dessert to follow the hours of cards. jNtn-Mluer Atudlo plcturt was th engagement of Miss Donna Claire af SUvarton. to SUnlar Varnon Torjeon, iilt In art'n niinilvml J A LARGE GROUP of the yniuiK folk attend ed the annual winter formal of Chadwmk assembly. Order or Rainbow for Guis, just preceding Christmas. The quartet, upper left, includes, left to right: Miss hlizabeth John son, Jim Lancaster, Miss Shirley Clark and Fred Sproule. A GROUP snapped between dances at right above includes, left !n right: Paul Baker, Miss Beverly Motl, Miss Ann Woodmansee and Bill Hcinlein. To the high school crowd the Rainbow formal each year is the big dance of the season. CHECKING IN their wraps upon arrival at the Crystal Gardens for the dance are Miss Bernice Imlah and Gene Oarver, at right. T3 ALEM Garden club's meeting has been changed from the first Mon- day to next Wednesday, January 4, because of the holiday. The event will be at 2 p.m. in the Sa lem Woman's club building, Wednesday. Mrs. Lucille Hash of Sweet Home is to be guest speaker to discuss making of feather corsages. Mrs. Lee Canfield is chairman for the tea committee. Mrs. George H. Swift is to be in Mil waukie, Tuesday, to attend a diocesan meeting for the Women's auxiliary in the Episcopal church. She is president of the diocesan auxiliary group. On Wednesday, the Rev. and Mrs. Swift will be in Portland to attend a meeting of the church diocesan council, called by Bishop Benjamin D. Dagwell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Guild will entertain at a family dinner event Mon day evening in observance of the birth day of her mother, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace and Miss Edna Sterling, their house guest from Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert W. Gormsen and son, Paul Wallace Gormsen, and Mr. and Mrs. Guild. Mrs. Arthur D. Hay will be hostess to her sewing group Tuesday afternoon, the club members to meet for luncheon and informal afternoon. First meeting for Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, with the new officers in charge will be next Tuesday evening, January 3, at the Masonic tem ple Mrs. William L. Lewis is the newly installed worthy matron. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Brewster of Salem, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Phyllis Nancy Brewster, to Ronald S. Blume, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blume, also of Sa lem. The Brewster family, formerly resi dents of Evanslon, 111., established their residence in Salem a year ago last June. Announcement of the wedding date has not been made. Altrusa club's dinner and business meeting will he Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the Marion hotel, Mrs, Earle Dclancy presiding as president. Visitor for the week-end at the John H. Carson home is James Shaw of Aber deen, Wash. The engagement of the Carsons' elder daughter, Miss Jane Car son, to Mr. Shaw was announced recent ly at University of Oregon where both are students. Theatre Arts group is to be entertain ed Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Melvin H. Geist. dessert luncheon to be at 1 o'clock. Mrs. N. F. Anderson is to have charge of the program, re viewing "The Mad Woman of Chaillot" by Giraudoux. Oregon State Nurses association, dis trict No. 3, is meeting next Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club. Mrs. Nova Young, president of the state organization, is to be at the meet ing to diaouaa the atruatuM atudy. t. i,s -i Iff :l iff 4 A reunion luncheon for the 1949 Cher r'land Festival court and the chaperon, Mrs. Arthur Weddle, was staged Thurs day noon at the Golden Pheasant. Attending were Miss Patricia O'Con nor of Stayton, who was the queen; and three of the princesses, Miss Dorothy Neufeld of Dallas, Miss Katherine Specht of Jefferson, and Miss Grace Marie Kirk of St. Paul. The fourth princess, Miss Jeannine Bentley of Lyons, was unable to attend. Sidney Stevens, president of the Cherryland Festival association board, laso dropped in at the luncheon to extend greetings. The girls reviewed their activities since the festival. Miss O'Connor is attending Portland university school of nursing. Miss Neufeld and Miss Bent ley are both students at Linfield college, Miss Kirk is attending Marylhurst col lege, and Miss Specht is now in Salem. Guests New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson will be Mr. Benson's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paige Benson of Kelso, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller who have been here for the holidays as guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Moxley, left today for their home at Columbus, Ohio, Mr. Miller to continue his work at Ohio State university. Mrs. John A. Heltzel is to entertain next Thursday for her bridge club, in viting the group for luncheon and cards. Salem Woman's club is not conduct ing one of its Tuesday literature pro grams next week, the programs to be re sumed on January 10. Next meeting for the club is January 13. Independence The Independence Wo man's club members will be guests of the Dallas Woman's club Tuesday after noon. Members are meeting at the club bouse at 1:30 o'clock for transportation ta DaUaa. i N f V i ' ' Juten-MUIer ttudlo flandld JeMen-MIHer studio candid Mrs. Floyd Bowers and Mrs. Browni E. Sisson will be hostesses to members" of Chapter G, P.E.O. Sisterhood, for their , meeting next Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Bowers at 1:15 o'clock. Soroptimist club's business session Willi be conducted at the regular luncheon.; meeting of the group next Wednesdays noon at the Golden Pheasant. Trotters club's regular monthly dance, will be an event of next Friday evening,'" January 6, in Crystal Gardens, dancing,, beginning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Homer Goulct is to entertain Tuesday for her bridge club, inciting then group for luncheon and cards'.f Mrs. Richard A. Meyer will entertain.; for her bridge club next Thursday) the' i group meeting for luncheon and cards. " Installation ceremonies for Salem chapter Order of Eastern Star, are planp : ned for January 14. Mrs. Russell Beuf. ler is the incoming worthy matron. Among club hostesses next weeK'will' be Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, her group ton meet for luncheon and cards on Wed nesday. Announcement was made during the.; holidays of the engagement of Miss Rol leene Rickard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.!-. James Rickard, to Dean Van Hess) sonv. of Mr. and Mrs. Garret Van Hess of Sa-- lem. No date is announced for the weddingt" Silverton Invitations are in the niaibi for the wedding of Miss Arlene Gott chalk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Henryi Gottchalk, and LaVerne Berj.ersoH, all ot Silverton, the marriage cerWony ton be read by Rev. S. L. Almlie at the Imwi manuel Lutheran church, Saturday eve-,. King, January T. X ' The evening circle of the Woman's Society for Christian Service, Jason Lee Methodist church, is to meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Archie Gardner, 4140 North River road. Mem bers are asked to take articles of baby clothing for the group's collection to help out when emergency calls come for needy families. Mrs. John Glodt and Miss Blanche Baumgartner are host esses for the evening. Gates The engagement of Miss Helen Louise Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Wilson, to Donald Cecil Carey, son of Mrs. Velma Carey, was announc ed at a buffet supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson at their residence. Refresh ments were served from a table decor ated in silver and white. A mirror re flecting the engagement ring was used as a centerpiece and a large white cake with the names of the couple in silver letters was served to the guests and rela tives present to hear the news. Miss Wilson, the bride-elect, is a gra duate of the Gates high school and at tended Willamette university She is now employed by the Mill City State bank. Mr. Carey also attended the local schools and is a member of the senior class at Oregon State college. He served in the air corps during the war. No date is an nounced for the wedding. Those present to receive the news of the engagement were Mrs. Velma Carey and son, James, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Car ey, Jack Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Harris. Jason Lee Methodist church Wesleyan guild announces its meeting and ham dinner, planned for January 2, will be held on January 9, instead. Because of the holiday on Monday, no meeting of the Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, is slated that day, the meeting to be on Monday, January 9, instead. At that time new officers will be chosen. V Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Amick will en 7H"tain at a New Year 's eve pinochle party this evening, guests to include 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horning, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cracroft, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffton Cass. . , , v. u jrraw'f ft! ir - vmw rssss i - n ' ' mm: X, 'IB . 1 Jesten-Miller atudlo eandid Several of the girls' groups in the Salem YWCA have meetings slated this coming week. Parrish eighth grade girls are meet ing at 4 p. m. Tuesday at the YW. On Wednesday the Ellie Welch Y-Teen group will meet at 4 p. m, at the YW and that evening two Tri-Y groups are meeting, Rhoda McCullough chapter and Abbie Graham chapter, both at 7:30 o'clock at the YW. The Teen-Queens meet at 4 p. m. Thursday at the YW, as do the ninth grade Leslie Y-Teen group. The marriage of Mrs. Claire Corby to Russell M. Knowles is to be solemnized this evening at a simple service at the Perry O. DeLap home on Tabin drive, the Rev. Mr. Jones to read the vows at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Phillips are to attend the couple. Following the service there will be a small reception with Mrs. Mabel McGee and Mrs. Monte Jones assisting, and later a dinner will be served at the Supper Club. American War Mothers are to meet for their business session Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Salvation Army hall, 241 State street. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bailey are spend ing the New Year's week-end at Astoria. The engagement of Miss Muriel Pa tricia Stewart to Robert MacDowell of Centralia, Wash., was announced last evening at a party given at the home of Miss Stewart's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Stewart. Mr. MacDowell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MacDow ell of Centralia. The wedding is planned for next sum mer. Both young people are students at Seattle Pacific college. The Friday announcement party fol lowed the Linfield-Seattle Pacific col lege basketball game in McMinnville. A group of college friends attended the affair. Also attending were Mr. Mac Dowell'! parents from Centralia. Formal Jcsten-Millcr studio candid SHOWN ARRIVING at the dance, upper left on this page, are, left to right: Dick Kline felter, Miss Joyce Armstrong, Miss Edna Marie Hill and Jerry Inskecp. The two girls entertained a large group at a coke party preceding the dance at the home of Miss Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. . T. B. Hill. THE QUARTET pictured on the stairway at left, includes, reading upward: Miss Elaine Stanley, Jere McCarthy, Miss Patricia Filler and Dennis Feike. TAKING TIME OUT to stop at the punch table set up at one side of the hall are tha four In upper right picture, left to right: Bob Hamblin, Miss Pebble DcSart, Miss Alice Girod and Dave Becker. A group from the Rainbow advisory board and the patrons supervised the punch table for the dance. ANNOUNCED last evening at an in formal dessert supper party was the engagement of Miss Elnore Dierks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Dierks, to Duane Kottek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Kottek, all of Salem. The party was given at the home of Miss Zelda Hardy. A dozen red roses from Mr. Kottek arrived with the en gagement ring hidden among the blooms, and the names of the couple were scroll ed on individual cakes served at the dessert. No wedding plans are announced. The bride-to-be attended Salem schools and Mr. Kottek was graduated from Turner schools. Guests at the announcement party included Miss Dierks, Mrs. Manfred Shower, Mrs. Donald Smith, Miss Vir ginia Lewis, Miss Zelda Hardy, Miss Rose Marie Gottfried, Miss Patricia Wodzewoda, Miss Jeanne Brown, Miss Barbara Owens, Miss Lorene Rossiter. Honor Patronesses Spinsters club members are planning their annual dinner to honor their patronesses for the evening of January 17, the affair to be at the American Le gion club. Miss Patricia Viesko is general chair man for the affair and on the committee working with her are Mrs. Peter Geiser, Mrs. Roy Edgerton, Miss Sally Ann Barr, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Mrs. P. Dixon VanAusdell, Jr. Next regular meeting for the club will be January 9. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Cords are to entertain this evening at their home for a New Year's eve party, guests to include the YMCA staff members and families a midnight supper will be served. Invited are Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Roth Hollz and Barbara Sue, George Smalley, Miss Margaret Lo vell, Mr. and Mrs. Ardo Tarem and daughters, Avie, Ann and Astrid, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Greider and Gena Christie, and Mr. and Mrs. Cords and children, Sandra and Ricky. Dakota club members are gathering at the Salvation Army recreation hall, 241 State street, next Wednesday, Janu ary 4, for a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock. All former Dakota residents are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eggert and son, Jack, of Los Angeles are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hyames. Visitor here for a few days is Cap tain Murray Cameron of Mather Field, Sacramento, who is guest of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Eason. He has been transferred to the west coast from Oklahoma and will be joined by Mrs. Cameron in the spring. Members of the board for Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, are to meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Abraham Friesen, route 5. The Centralia Temple, Pythian Sis ters, will meet Wednesday, January 4, at 8 p. m. in the Knights of Pythiai hall. - Starts i An Epiphany Party The annual Epiphany party for St. Paul's Episcopal church is planned for the evening of Sunday, January 8. There will be a vesper service in the church at 5 o'clock, the Junior choir to sing. At this time the rector, the Rev. George H. Jiwift, will give his annual address to the congregation. Following the vespers the group will adjourn to the parish hall for the annual business meeting of the parish with elec tion of four new vestrymen and reports from organizations and officers of the church. The Epiphany party wil follow, fea turing the cake with the various symbols concealed in it. Mrs. Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Dean Brooks, Mrs. James Olinger and Mrs. John Horner are the committee in charge of the parly. Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding is in Gresh am this evening as guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clay C. Miller, and will be guest of theirs at a New Year's eve party given by a card club at Gresham. Tomorrow, Mrs. Spaulding will spend New Year's day with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bcnnison, in Portland. El mWvK 111 J '$$ I ' t McEwan etudio plcturt AMONG HOLIDAY wedding), of tint wan that of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hosry (Jean Fidlcr), pictured here at the reception. The wedding wan Tuesday evening in St, Paul's Episcopal church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Fid ler f Salem. Mr. Hosej the son vt Mr. and Mrs. Charles H, liosey of Oak Grove. Off the - l Vfl it I . 2 1 ttiA't'-i JANUARY meeting for Chemekcta chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, will be next Sat urday afternoon, January 7, in the Sa lem Woman's club. Mrs. Ted Gordon is to be guest speak er, her topic to be "Living with a Hobby." Hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. M. A. Pekar, Mis. L. C. McLeod, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. R. W. Davis, Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. J. C. Sell. Amity The Rev. and Mrs. Fremont Faul were honored at a surprise party recently on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary when their two daughters and their son and families called in to give a dinner and present the couple with gifts. Attending the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ro sendahl and Tommy of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Faul and David of Cor vallis, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith, and all of the family also were at the Faul home for the holidays. 1 An informal at home will be held Mon day afternoon and evening by Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keys at their new home on Thompson avenue. Parade vv r i ah ill: f . ; Of ' v : I LLi I Jtcn-Mlller studio candid Concerts Listed Two concerts are circled on the calen dar for January. Anticipated for the evening of Janu ary 10 is the season's first concert in Sa lem by the Portland Symphony orches tra, the first of two programs to be given by the group here during the winter. The Salem Symphony association plans to have a booth again at the Ladd and Bush bank the latter part of the week for the ticket exchange. Harpist Plays Here Next concert for the Community Con cert association series is booked for Jan uary 20 with Mildred Dilling, noted har pist, to be presented in program. This is the first time in the history of the Salem association that a harpist has. appeared for a concert and the program is awaited with interest. Miss Dilling has won wide acclaim from other cities in the series as one of the popular artists. Circles of the First Presbyterian church are meeting Wednesday at the following homes: No. 1, at the home of Mrs. Clyde Mc Clung, 1865 South High street, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. C. O. Wilson, lead- er. No. 2, meeting with Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, 425 North 14lh, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. O. H. Kent, leader. No. 3, meeting at the home of Mrs. A. E. Nelson, 1770 North Capitol, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. B. M. Bennett, leader. No. 4, to meet at the home of the lead er, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, 1065 South Liberty, dessert at 1:15 o'clock. No. 5, meeting at the home of Mrs. E. A. Collins, 559 North 24th, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, leader. No. 6, at the home of Mrs. Silas Gaiser, 825 North Winter, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. J. C. Singleton, leader. No. 7, meeting with Mrs. W. L. Os borne, 16D5 Norway, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. W. D. Pugh, leader. No. 8, meeting with Mrs. J. H. Shu bert, 1325 North 21st street, dessert at 1:15 o'clock; Mrs. M. H. Hawke, leader. The executive board of Salem Memo rial hospital auxiliary is meeting Fri day at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ed. Goeckner, president, Among larger New Year's eve parties planned for this evening will be the one at Mayflower hall for which members of a bridge club and their husbands are en tertaining. Dancing will begin at 8 o'clock and a buffet supper will be served. Hosts for the affair are: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baker, Dr. and Mrs. For rest Bodmcr, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Al Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. James Schuller, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Whitman, Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Stevenson, Mr and Mrs. Foster Winrermule, Dr. and Mrs. S. D.. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Pickhard. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ziclinski were surprised Wednesday evening when ' forty-five of their relatives and friends gathered for a house warming at their new country home, Graystonc, on route 7. Hosts last evening to their club for a dessert supper and evening of bridge were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers. Asked as additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. George Aiken, Mrs. Custer Ross, Captain Murray Cameron. f.