MUTT AND JEFF Well It Turned Out A Happy New Year Anyway By BUD FISHER OH IMK B K: ucc imcoc iDB Jrtt I xjnt Ciruene Aun V-J MAV T HgLP VO(J V rit-1 TUAUI M THRILLING! Atffe VT M' LOVE ijlSiisS S GOING , MUTT J REST, M'DEAR! I'LL GET 7j SME fl VOL) VtXJ WCROTTl 1 ffiKUE, THIS ONE OUT WITH VOL) A h e ) JJE EVtf ') 1 11! IHk E TO IWWBtfEJI ? T THAN DANCE WITH I jj (41 EafflK REMIND ME OFDEEP ji KISS VOU A HAM NEW Money In The Garbage? If you Inadvertently threw a dollar bill Into the garbage you'd turn the can upsldt down and exert considerable ffort to gtt the bill bock yet every day hundreds of dollar worth of merchandise it dumped Into the garbage, articles thrown away that could easily bt sold for cash. An old chair, on old picture frame that someone would b glad to have, old outgrown but wearable clothing and thousands of other things. A classified ad In the Copital Journal will cost only a ftw cents and will find mony dollari for you but not In the garbage. Phone 22406