i Mi A "'knjy Xl Gophers Nose Stanford; Cal Topples Texas A&M Brunk in High Gear Frank Brunk, California's elus ive halfback who ran 102 yards to a touch down against Southern California this year, rambles through a hole in high gear as the Golden Bears work out at Riverside, Calif. They're getting back in shape for the Rose Bowl game, Jan. 2 with Ohio State, after a Christmas layoff. (AP Wirephoto) laMotta Sidesteps New York Rinq Deadlines New York, Dec. 30 () Jake La Motta isn't keen about meet ing the Feb. 1 deadline set up yesterday by the New York box ing commission for him to sign for a March defense. The "Bronx bull" says he won't be ready un til June. Chairman Eddie Eagan of the New York commission won't wait until June. If Jake doesn't sign up by Feb. 1, he'll declare the title vacated and set up a tournament among the four leading challengers. He didn't name the contenders. That leaves the door open for Jake to be stripped of his New York title but still retain it in the National Boxing as sociation states which do not always cooperate with the New York commission. Abe Greene of Paterson, N.J., commissioner of the NBA, is holding his fire. He won't make any announcement of the NBA's stand until all members have had a chance to read a letter stating La Motta's intentions. The letter, also read to the New York commission yesterday by Jake, was written by La Mot ta's attorney, H. Jordan Lee of New York, in response to a que ry from Greene. "He (La Motta) intends to defend his title in June, 1950," the letter read in part, "This would give him an opportun ity to have two or three warm up fights in order to get back in condition, for he is now ful ly aware, after his most recent fistic encounter, that it is im perative that he regain the form and condition which he possessed when he acquired the title. La Motta feels that the only way to do this Is in the ring." La Motta, whose six-month period of grace expired Dec. 15, listed six men who have "good and logical reasons for being the number one contender." They were Robert Villemain of France, Dave Sands of Austra lia, Ray Robinson, Steve Bel loise and Rocky Graziano of New York and Laurent Dauthu ille of France. East Favored for Annual Frisco Shrine Football San Francisco, Dec. 30 (P) The East is favored in the an nual All-Star Shrine football charity game tomorrow. But that's the usual pattern and the West apparently is not afraid. The game has been sold out for a long time. More than 60, 000 fans are expected to jam Kezar stadium. Bolstered by numerous All America players, the East eleven has been installed by the odds- makers as at least a 7 'A -point favorite. But listen to Lindy Berry of Texas Christian, who will prob ably start in the tailback spot for the West: "Don't forget some of our fellows play in just as tough a league as the Big 10 and anything they have in the east. I mean the Southwest confer ence. Brother, the competi tion is really rugged down there." Berry is a co-captain of the West team along with Nebraska Center Tom Novak. And they chimed in together: "We realize the East is favor ed to win and has the All Ameri cans, but we feel we have the players. We are not going out on the field merely o make it a good game. We are going out to win." Now as for the East, it was difficult to find out what the players from the other side of jhe Mississippi have in mind. ' But it was known that Leon Hart, Notre Dame's All-America end, was running plays from the fullback positon and will likely see action in that spot as well as in a wing position. It is also believed that the East would elect Hart one co captain today and that Arnold Galiffa, army T-formation quar- terback, would be the other. Both squads will taper off in their drills today, concentrating mainly on chalk talks and light ercises. Academy Gym To See First Game Saturday Night The first basketball game to be played in the Salem Aca demy's g y mnasium-auditori-um is scheduled for Saturday night between members of this year's squad and a group of alumni. A preliminary will get under way at 6:30. "We have waited long for this gym," stated Dr. Robert Hoveland, president of the school. "It will serve several purposes besides athletics, such as music, chapel, class rooms and larger gatherings." The. auditorium will be used also for religious meetings where attendance is too large to be accommodated in churches. SCORES In the Alleys (Complete Results) San Francisco, Dec. 30 (&) ! Guard Dick Means came through! in the second half to pace the Minnesota Gophers to a 67-65 overtime win over the Stanford Indians last night in the open ing game of a basketball double header at the Cow palace. The nightcap was won by California, 59-47, over Texas A & M. Six thousand fans turned out for the two games. Stanford appeared in control at the opening with a 26-12 lead after eight minutes of play and a 37-29 ha If time lead. But Means got the range midway in the second half. He tossed in five 30-foot field goals in less than three min utes to push the Gophers ahead, 47-46. Skoog, a forward, was high point man for Minnesota with 18. Forward George Yardley lea the Indian scoring with 16. Forward George Walker led California to its win, chalking up 22 points. California took an early ll)-d lead on the Texans. Then the Aggies got the range and passed the Bears 17-16. But Walker's dead-ee shooting gave Califor nia 25-22 halftime margin, The teams switch opponents tonight. Capitol Alleys LADIES CITY LEAGUE Keclette (0) Forfeit Dawson 454, Putnam 441. Good Housekeeping (3) Al brich 384, Olney 433, Duncan 423, Jones 8. Posehl 392. Capital City Laundry (0) Bain 433, Doerfler 392, Ross 367. Bayea 289, Qult- enberry'i (3) McElhaney 342, Evans 439, McDanlels S05, Black 378. Kennedy 501. Cupboard Cafe (1) Thompson 390, UP- ston 417, Pease 424, Glodt 374, Boyce 409. Acklin'n Hootery 12, wilder 301, L-oxen Whittaker 406. vittone 360. Arcner 433. Wlllard Art Tile (21 Olbb 498. Lawless i8, Wainwrisht 398, Lemon 473, Cos- man 384. Y.w.c.A. (1) uardner 37H, Schuseler 287, Schwab 343, Mackey 285, Meyers 332. Golden Pheasant (1) Clark 441, Thrush 393, Muellhnupt 409, Laird 387, Qarbarino 490. Senator Beauty aaoo (31 Cline 421, Scott 353, Fitzslmlon 390, Adolph 553. High series: Adolph. 553. High same: Gibb. 224. High team series: Senator Beauty Shop. 2318. SEAR'S WOMEN'S LEAGUE Lane 341. Hilt 317. Wedel 317. Adams 283, Lancaster 263, Smith 296. SKAH'S Alfc.VS I.tAUUE All Stale (H Glisar 433. McGuire 342. Clark 346, Rlchl 493: nomart (2) Isaac son 449, Roach 523, Cooper 372, Cook 527, era its man (l) Kraus 3BB. Klein 309, Morris 399, Lctofsky 422: Harmony House : Fitsor 479. Hill 320. Paulson 422, Stook 451. Coldsnot (2) Dry 387. Patton 402. Quesncll 466. Halsey 560: Pilgrim (I Gough 490, Jensen 450, Smith 349, For- strom 387. Ken more (?) wenger 400. Adams 414, Hutmachcr 389. Carver 393; J. C. Hlgfina Ambrose 418. saistrom 408, sierp 397, Oslund 547. High team series. Homart, 2159: high team game, Coldspot. 777: high Individual series ana game, naisey ea ana mv. Thieves Played Well in Coastal Football Games Los Angeles, Dec. 30 (IP) The northern division had a lot of good thieves playing iootball last fall, the coast conference commissioner s office said yes terday. For example: Bill Shefford, Oregon State sophomore, topped the coast loop in pass interceptions with nine. It tied the record set rjy Bobbv Robertson of USC in 1941 and Jake Leicht of Oregon in 1945. Woodley Lewis, Oregon, trail ed Shefford by one and had 127 yards of runback compared with the former's 138. Another Oregon Stater, Dick Gray, had the best average run back with 27.5 yards a return off four interceptions. As to Dating Of Notre Dame Huskies in Doubt Seattle, Dec. 30 (U.R)"To be or not to be" . . that was the question, facing University of Washington football moguls today regarding the schedul ing of Notre Dame again. Notre Dame is reported anx ious to resume relations with the northwest school, and one train of thought here approves of the scheduling, arguing it will keep the Huskies in "big time" football circles. All too well remembered is the furore which followed the 1949 game. Coach Frank Lea hy's charges of unfair officiat ing and counter-charges of dirty playing. Among the arguments used in support of the Husky-Irish tilt is the larger stadium seat ing 55,000 fans would be filled to capacity, thus assuring a tidy sum for the Washington coffers. University of Washington Director of Athletics Harvey Cassill, now enroute to the Rose Bowl and then to the east, must arrange for the Huskies' intcrsectional tilts shortly. While Coach Howie Odell has not committed himself one way or the other on the re sumption of the Notre Dame series, it has been said that the bone-crushing schedule of No tre Dame and Minnesota last season ruined the Washington hopes for a successful Pacific Coast conference campaign. In 1950, the Huskies have Illinois and Minnesota to wor ry about, let alone the Ramb lers from South Bend. Parent Penalty Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Friday, December 30, 191!) 9 LEGAL Duck Pin COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Marlon Electrlo (S Al Hakanson 379, Arlo Young 451, Bob Griffith 326, Don Bower 362, John Wood 375; GIraion's Bak ery l Bill Moad 401, Harold Bonner 493. Marion Gleason 305, Art Woelk 420, Ken Magurcn 354. Quality Used Cars (I) Royal Pawley 402, Bill Campbell 401, B. L. Snelgrove 384, Frank Snelgrove 358, Emll Schols 379; Willamette Valley Bank (3) Carroll Meeks 426, Keith Kaye 304, Wes Good rich 321, Bud Thtbble 282, Bob Jungling 370. Tweed le Fuel Oil (1) Carl Flood 350, Ira Short 418, Harry Scharf 452. Duane Frank 439, Emery Alderman 451; Willam ette Amusement Co. (3 Clarence Apple gate 480, Roy Robinson 393, Wilfred Wil ier 401, Howard Mills 453, Glen Blanton 1- GMC Truck Co. (4) Darby Sermon 404, Joe Brooks 421, Darwin Sermon 363. Al Starr 377, Milt Thomas 421; A. L. Cum tnlnt'a Heatlnr (0) Dave Spalding 404, Lester Woods 340, Eddie Goertzen 389, Howard Smith 432, ws uoige in. High team series and game, Willamette Amusement, 2290 and 830; high lnd. scries, Harold Bonner (Oleason's) 493: high lnd. game, Harry Scharf (Tweedie) 221. SPECIAL MATCH Handle OH Ladles v Sunset Donuts Handle OH Ladies Ella Mne Scharf 389, Gladys Wood 430. Pauline Osborn 308, Dee Gautliier 406, Alma Penny 4752008. Sunset Donuts Royal Pauley 472, How ard Smith 451, Cliff Reed 423, Duane Chretian 3712134. High ladlea tingle game: Alma Penny, 174. Hirti ladles series: Alma Penny, 475. High mens single game: Royal Pauley, 181. High mens series: Royal Pauley, 472. Forest Grovers Drub Albany by 48 to 20 Count Albany A fast-breaking For est Grove basketball team ran away from the Albany Bulldogs here Wednesday to win 48 to 20 in a non-league game. Coupled with the Vikings' effectiveness was the inability of the Bulldogs to hit field goals. Dalton Davidson of the Vi kings led all scorers with 18 points. The Vikings led 19 to 8 at half- time, and the third quarter end ed with the Vikings far in front, 39 to 17. Mapes Elected to Presidency of Salem Mens' Club Members of the Men's club in excess of a half hundred named Ralph Mapes to the presidency of the group during the annual dinner meeting held at the Sa lem Golf club Thursday night. The new president succeeds Ken Potts. Pat Miklia, who has held the position of secretary-treasurer during the year, was advanced to the vice presidency while Jim Sheldon took over the bookkeep ing post. ) Members of the handicap com mittee are Howard Wicklund and Roger Putnam. Laurence Alley and Miklia have charge of tour naments and social events will be directed by Bud Waterman, Forest Grove (18) Miller J Hnevernlck 10 Kuhnliauser 10 ..o.. Davidson 18 a.. McKlchcn 4 ....O... ,.P.. (30) Alhinr 4 Torgerson ... 3 Sexton ... 8 Olbbs ,.. 1 Fleming Forewr est-- na msu City Contests Deferred 1 Day Postponement of the Ameri can division schedule of games, City basketball league from Monday until Tuesday night is announced by Vern Gilmore, di rector of recreation. The post ponement was made because there will be no heat in the Les lie gymnasium, January 2. The three games will consist of Capitol post vs. Page Wool ens, Warner Motor vs. West Sa lem Merchants, and 12th Street vs. Epping Lumber. NEEDY ROD AND GUN CLUB SLATES NEW YEAR SHOOT The Needy Rod and Gun club will hold a shoot on the club's grounds, three miles north of Monitor on the Monitor-Barlow road January 1. Firing will be gin at 10 a.m. and continue into the night. Quarantine Adopted By Three More States Three more stales, Alabama, Florida and Georgia, have adopt ed quarantines which will pro hibit the shipment of Oregon grown balled and potted camel lia plants or cut flowers into those states. The Oregon department of ag riculture has been advised, how ever, that camellia plants en tirely free from soil will be ac cepted in any of the three states provided the department certi fies no color showed on the buds when the plants were shipped. The quarantines are all di rected at the camellia flower blight. Earlier this month Mis sissippi officials advised the Or egon department that all of Or egon is restricted territory in the Mississippi flower blight quarantine. Albany, Dec. 30 From now on Albany parents will be held responsible for the misbehavior of their children whenever po lice action is required. The city council passed an ordinance patterned after those in operation at Baker and Eu gene, both having passed simi lar ordinances to help curb ju venile delinquency. The new Albany ordinance provides penalties of from $1 to $2.50 andor from one to 50 days in the city jail upon parents whose children are adjudged de linquent or "dependent," which City Attorney Edward Sox ex plained to the council, means abandoned to roam or consort with undesirables. The council passed the ordi nance unanimously after Chief of Police Ray Maddy cited sev eral instances in which police had been abused by parents whose children had been appre hended stealing or otherwise breaking city laws. We must keep children off the streets at late hours or we are going to have a tragedy on our hands. Chief Maddy said, Passage of the new ordinance does not repeal the curfew law. BPW Expends Huge Sum on N. W. Roads Portland, 'Ore., Dec. 30 U.R) An all-time high of $34,000,000 federal funds was paid out for Pacific northwest highway construction in 1949 by the TJ. S. Bureau of Public Roads Port land office, W. H. Lynch, divi sion engineer, announced today. Lynch said cooperative federal aid payments to the state high way departments of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana to taled $19,000,000 and direct ex penditures for forest highways and other highway work reach ed $15,000,000. During 1949 work was begun on the Randle-Yakima, Olympic and Republic-Kettle Falls roads in Washington and on the Oregon coast, North Umpuqa, Warm Springs, North Santiam, Colum bia River and Timberline high-1 ways in Oregon. Milan Has 3-Hour Strike Milan, Italy, Dec. 30 (U.R) A three-hour general strike began in Milan this morning in protest against the wounding of six steel workers in a fight with police last night. Police strengthened city pa trols but said everything was quiet. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. No. Sfi.VJfl. THE STATE OP OHEOON, Plaintiff, VS. 24 new decks of "Bee" playing cards; 4 used decks or playing cards: 2 KEM deck of playing cards: 1 boxes of poker chips; 1 light globe and double socket; 1 carton containing loose playing cards; 4 enve lopes contaniing chips; 3 wooden chairs; 2 steel tubular chair; 1 wooden table. CITATION TO: CMFTON VEAL. CHARLES COOK, LESTER WILLIAM CORNELIUS. and CARL MANESCO; AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN. HAVING OR CLAIMINO SOME RIGHT. TITLE OR IN TEREST IN THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PERSONAL PROPERTY: WHEREAS. The State of Oregon has filed in the above-entitled Court and cause Its application for an order adjudging forfeiture and sale of the above-described property and thereby represents that the same has been used In the commission of a crime, now, therefore. i THE NAME OF THE STATE Or OREGON You and each of you. and alt persons In- 1 lerested in said property, hereby are cited and required to appear In and before the ftuove-entitied court on or berore 10:00 : A.M., January 31, 1950. and show cause, if any there be. or if any exists, why ! same should not be ordered forfeited by decree of this Court and further ordered to be sold by the Sheriff of Marion Coun ty as upon execution and the proceeds thereof paid over to the Treasurer of Mar ion County for deposit to the common nooi fund, all as prayed for by sa d ap plication, and If you fail so to appear and show cause, for want thereof, an order will be made and entered herein giving and granting such order and relief to the Plaintiff. WITNESS the Honorable Rex Kimmell. Circuit Judge, and the Seal of the above- en titled court aimed at Salem, Oregon, the 20Ui day of December, 1949. H. A. JUDD, COUNTY CLERK. By: VERNON WINDSOR, Deputy. Dec. 30. Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Salem t the Citr Administrator's Office. City Hall, Salem, Oregon Until 3:00 p.m. January 17, 1950 For the construction of an addition to the City Hall, Salem, Oregon, together with additions and alterations within the building as required by the draw ings and sepcclflcations for the snme And will then and there be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening cannot be considered; Specifications, including contract doc uments, and drawings may be exam ined at the office of Frank H. Struble, Architect, 381 State Street, Salem, Ore gon, and at the City Administrator's Of fice. And may be obtained at the Archi tect's office upon deposit of (15.00 for eacn set. on or alter January 2. 1850. The full amount of the deposit for one set oi documents win be reiundcd to ac tual bidders upon return of the doc uments, unmutllated and without marks or annotations, within 5 days after the time set for opening bids. Other deposits win oe reiunaeo wnn aeauctlons lor the actual cost of reproducing the draw ings, under the same conditions. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond, with State-licensed Surety Com pany ns surety. In an amount not less than 5T of the Base Bid, made pay able to the City of Salem. The right Is reserved to reject any or alt bids and to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time set for the opening thereof, un less the award of contract Is delayed for a epriod exceeding 30 days. By order of: J. L. Franzen, City Admin istrator. Date of first publication Dec. 30, 1049 Date of second publication Jan. 6, 1950 LEGAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned until the hour of 7:30 O'clock p.m., on Monday, January 9, 1950, and Immediately thereafter opened by .is Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, in the council chambers, Clt: Hall, for the sale of City of Salem lm. pr overrent Bonds In the amount of On Hundred Seventeen Thousand. Six Hun dred Sixty-seven Dollars and Nlnety-nme Cents (I117,BB7., jssuen pursuant to mo laws of the State of Oregon and Ordinance No. 4076 of the City of Salem, and de- acribed as follows: mtv of Salem Improvement Bonds. Is sue 1950-A, being bonds Issued pursuant to the flancroit nonaing Act, in oenum- tm'.lons or ii.ooo.ao eacn, except oona number one which shall be for the sum of 6fl7.09, said bonds to be dated January 1, 1950 and to mature In annual install ments as follows: January 1, 1951 , January 1, 1952 , January 1, 1953 , January 1, 1954 , January 1, 1955 January 1, 195S , January 1, 1957 , January 1, 1958 January 1, 1959 , January 1, 1980 . , $11,867.99 , SI 1,000.00 $11,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 Provided, however, that the City of Sa lem shall have the option to redeem said bonds. In numerical order, upon the pay ment of the face value thereof with ac crued Interest on any Interest paying date at or after three years from the date said bonds are Issued. Both principal and In terest shall be payable at the office of th city treasurer of the City of Salem. Each bidder should name the rate of In terest at which the bidder Is willing to ac cept the bonds. The bonds will bear the rate or rates or interest designated in tne bid accepted. Said bonds will be sold for not less than par and accrued Interest. Each bid, except bids submitted by the State of Oregon or any sinking fund of the City of Salem, must be accompanied by a certified check for two percent oi the par value of the bonds, made payable to the City as a guarantee of Rood faith. Bids submitted by mail should be address ed to the undersigned at the City Hall In saiem, Oregon. The bidder will be required to add to his bid a statement of the net cost to the City if his bid la accepted. The right Is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid or to reject all bids in the Interest of the City. The prior legal approving opinion or Messrs. Wlnfrce. McColloch, Shuler A Sayre will be furnished the successful bidder. City Recorder, ALFRED MUNDT Salem, Oregon. Dec. 16, 23, 30. LEGAL SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the Matter of the Sale of an estray horse taken up by Ervln A. Ward. By virtue ol an order issued out or tne District Court for Marion County. State Oregon, on the 17th day of Decem ber, 1949, I will sell at Public Auction on the 7th day of January. 1050. at io:oo o'clock A.M., at the farm of Ervln A. ward at Route 7, Box 404, Balem, Oregon, the following described horse. 1 bay mare, 3 years old, fifteen hands tall and weighs approximately 950 pounds. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2 1st day of December, 1049. DENVER YOUNG Sheriff of Marlon County, Ore. By A. I. Malstrom, Deputy Date of First publication December 33, 1949. Date of Last publication December 30, 1949. CALL FOR BIDS County of Marlon, Stnto of Oregon, la asking for sealed bids for grading, grav elling, providing drainage, and surfacing with 0 11 penetration a.nplialt from curb to curb on South View Place located In South View Addition in Marion County. Plans and speclflcatkns may be ob tained at the office or the County En gineer, Courthouse, Salem. Oregon. Bids will be opened by the county court In the county court chambers at the courthouse In Salem, Oregon at the hour or 10:00 A. M. January 6, 1950. The county reserves the right to ac cept any or reject all bids In the best interest or Marion county. BY ORDER OF THE MARION COUNTY COURT. Dec. 23 Si 30. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROSE M. WOOD and EDNA L. HOUSER have been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, ap pointed administratrices of the estate of EDWARD NOVVAK. deceased. Any persons having claims against said es tate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said administratrices 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date or this notice. Dated this 9th day of December. 1049, ROSE M. WOOD EDNA L. HOUSER Joint Administratrices the estate of Edward Novvak. deceased. R HOT EN & R HOT EN SAM F. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bulldln Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administratrices. Dec. 9, 16, 23, 30, Jan. 6. Substitutes: Forest Grove Smith. Bou 1, Chance 1, Tays 2: Albany Robinson 2, Tobln, Helms, Brenneman. Oklahoma's football team threw its combined opponents for 44.2 net yards lost rushing per game during 1949. I FOR RENT f Basketball Balancer Although giving the om UUaiVCIUail UaiaillCI coUese tryj B1U van Breda Koeff of the New York Knickerbockers only manages to balance the ball on his shoulder momentarily after an unsuc cessful attempt to snag a rebound in a pro tussle with the Philadelphia Warriors at Philadelphia. Vern Garner (12) and Jerry Fleishman (center), both of the Warriors, must have put the Indian sign on him. Knicks won, 79-72. (Acme Teiephoto.) Negro Pianist Wins First Round of Fight Spokane, Dec 30 (P) Hazel Scott, the Negro pianist, has won the first round in her $50,000 racial discrimination suit against a Pasco, Wash., restaurant owner. Federal Judge Sam Driver yesterday denied a defense mo tion to dismiss the suit brought against Mr. and Mrs. Harry Utz The judge ruled that restau rants are included in a 1009 state civil rights law that makes it a misdemeanor to show discrimin ation in "any place of public ac commodation." NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING As executor of the estate of DAN B. JARMAN, deceased, the undersigned has filed In Circuit Court of Oregon for Mar Ion County, In Probate, Its final account in estate of said decedent, and January 6. 1950. at 9:15 o'clock, a.m.. and court room of said court have been appointed by said court for hearing or objections said account and settlement thereof. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) By R. M. ALTON Its Vice-president and Trust of ficer EXECUTOR AFORESAID Allan G. Carson and Wallace P. Carson Attorneys for Executor. Dec. 3. 9. 10. 23 and 30 Floor Polisheri Floor Sanders Edaert Paint Spray Equipment i R. D. Woodrow Co. 5 oii wara, rrop 450 Center WALNUT MEATS WANTED AMBER PIECES ONLY W Pay Top Market Price Willamette Grocery Co. 305 So. Cottage St. Open 8 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 34146 Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 FOR Insured Savings SEE First twrT Savings Current Dividend 2Vi st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Scaled bids will be received by the. City of Salem At the City Administrator's Office, City Hall, Salem, Oregon Until 2:00 p.m. January 17, 1950 For the construction of an Admin istration Building For McNary Field, Salem, Oregon and will then and there be publicly opened and road aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening can not be considered; Specifications. Including contract doc uments, and drawings may be examined at the offices of L. P. Bartholomew, Archi tect and William I. Williams, Associate and at the City Administrator's Office. And may be obtained at the Architect'! office upon deposit of 115.00 for each set, or alter January 9, 1350. The full amount of the deposit for one set of documents will be refunded actual Didders upon return or the documents, unmutllated and without mams or annotations, within o days al ter the time set for opening bids. Other deposits will be refunded with deduc tions for the actual cost of reproducing the drawings, under the same conditions. Ench bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond, with State-licensed Surety Com pany as surety, In an amount not less than 5 of the Base Bid, made payable to the City of Salem. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive Informalities, No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time set for the opening thereof, un less the award of contract la delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. By order of: J. I. Franzen, Olty Ad ministrator. Date of first publication Dec. SO, IB 40 Date of second publication Jan. 6, 1950 LEGAL NOTICE The annual Meeting of the Snntlam Soil Conservatkd district will be held Wednes day, Januat-y 11, In the City Hall In Btay ton. Candidates to fill existing vacancy on the board or supervisors may be nomin ated by petition. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the meeting. December 30, 1040 tt January 6, 1050. CASH LOANS Auio , $100t.$1000 COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORFOHATII Balem Agenoy: 460 N. Church P.r.onal BcSlfi:" MORE I 0 '"TTI F" Us, 9.26 1 St. Tel. S416 jOo ..only the FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY bears this label. . HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's is the master piece of Canada's largest Independent Distillery. To millions. It has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Ask for Hadwood'S today FIFTHS $5.05 pints ti.jo fell ! ell BLINDED CANADIAN WHISKY 90.4 PROOF RENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD., NEW YORK M miwio T MWIIUII tJfwtJVM, Wfi. IP0MMI