Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
(Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Donna Whitely Tel Is of
Engagement to Mr. Combs
ajj:; v. . in the list
Whitely, whose engagement to Franklin Combs was announced!
this afternoon at a luncheon for which Miss Whitcly's mother,
Mrs. Joseph W. Chambers, was hostess at their Saginaw street
Preview Event
The Portland Art association
has sent out invitations for a
preview of five new exhibitions,
the preview to be next Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
Included in the exhibitions
are textiles from the Rasmus
sen collection, works in photo
graphy, paintings by Jack Mc
Larty, works of Egypt (from
Life Magazine), and recent ac
cessions to the print cabine.
Miss Cleaver
Albany The engagement of
Kiss Carol Ann Cleaver, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert
Cleaver, Albany, to Alfred Bot
tler Clough, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Clough of Arlington, was
announced at an "at home" at
the Cleaver residence Christ
mas eve.
Miss Cleaver is a student at
the University of Oregon and is
a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority. Mr. Clough is
a senior at Oregon State col
lege. He is a member of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity.
No date for the wedding has
been announced.
Plan at Home
Among informal holiday week
at home affairs is the one for
which Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott E,
Buren will entertain this evening
for friends and their families.
Guests are invited to call be
tween 7:30 and 10 o'clock.
Breakfast Event
Miss Carol Kannier was host
ess Thursday morning for a holl
day breakfast at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville W.
Kannier, Rosemont street.
Guests were high school
friends. Including Misses
Waunda Sparhawk, Helen Roi-
mann, Erba Wilson , Beverly
Graber, Josel Mackey, Sandra
Brattaln, Dona O'Connor, and
Patsy Moriarty.
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Turner are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Maycellc
Turner, to Russell Sahli, ion of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sahli.
The wedding is planned for
next June 3. The bride-elect at
tended Salem schools, Mr. Sahli
the Gcrvais schools.
VanCleaves entertained at ;
holiday dinner for the parents
of Dr. VanCleave, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. VanCleave of Woodburn.
Others present for the day were
the three children of the fam
ily, Mary Beth, John and Tom
The VanCleave family were
evening holiday guests in Salem
at the home of Mrs. VanCleave's
lister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Hcdbcrg. addi
tional guests being Mrs. J. M
Leek of Woodburn, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Stewart of Salem,
and Mrs. W. H. Deter of Polo,
i g
Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Jr (rose
mary Brnnson) were married November 11. (Kennell EUis
Itudio photo.)
Friday, December .in, 1919 surprise shower given Wednes-
"jday evening at the home of
nf brides-elect is Miss Donna i
New Year's cards, signed with
the names of the couple, were
enclosed in envelopes for place-
cards to reveal the news.
No date is set for the wed
Miss Whitely is a sophomore
at Willamette university, maj
oring in the college of music.
Mr Combs is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank W. Combs and
attended Salem schools.
Invited to the announcement
party were the following friends
of Miss Whitely. Miss Ruth
Anne Nelson, Miss Boe Brooks.
Miss Shirley Webber. Miss Mar
ian Carson, Mrs. Theodore L.I
Covalt. Miss Frances Baum,
Miss Marilyn Burris, Miss Pat
ricia Zosel, Miss Eunice Har
vey, Miss Beverly Gustafson,
Miss Marcelline Hutchison, Miss
Lorna Johnnaber, Miss Jodie
Johnnaber, Miss Gladys Blue.
Miss Merle Rhoten, Miss Jodel!
Parker. Miss Willelta Hersch
and attending also were Mrs.
Frank W. Combs and Mrs.
Miss Mcintosh and
Mr. Beal Engaged
Dayton Mr. and Mrs. James
Mcintosh of Cathlamet, Wash
are announcing the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Joyce
Mcintosh, to Harley Eldon Bcal,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Free
man of Dayton.
Miss Mcintosh is a senior in
the Dayton Union high school
Mr. Beal is a graduate of the
Dayton high school class of
1946. He served two years in
the U. S. coast guard.
There has been no date set
for the wedding.
Dance Party
Among groups sponsoring
dances for New Year s eve, Sat
urday, is the Carousel club, the
parly to be at Merlain dance
studio, the social hour to be at
9 o'clock, dancing between 10
and 1 o'clock.
Plan Dinner
Kingwood unit, American Le
gion auxiliary, is taking charge
for the annual New Year's din
ner to be served at the West
Salem legion hall, New Year's
day, between 1 and 4 o'clock.
The committee from the auxi
liary in charge met Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. Irl Folsom,
unit president, to plan the din
ner. At the committee meeting
were Mrs. Emmctt Dickson, Mrs
Elsie Nntcboom, Mrs. Ira Note
boom, Mrs. O. B. Long, Mrs. Guy
Hastings, Mrs. Karl Moblcy,
Mrs. Folsom.
Open House
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blank
enship held open house Wednes
day evening for friends and
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John
Blankenship, their daughter,
Dorcen, and son, Billie, of Kam
loops, B. C, Canada, who spent
the holidays here. Mr. Blank'
enship is the son of Mrs. Clara
Blankenship of Salem.
On New Year's Eve
Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen
are among those entertaining in
formally on New Year's eve, i
few friends being invited to their
South Cottage street home.
-1 :::.
Miss Fisher
party Feted
I Miss Margaret Ann Fisher,
i bride-elect of John G. Mowery
of Roseburg. was honored at a
Misses Jean and Penny Gilmer.
The evening was spent inform
ally, games were played and a
late dessert served.
A holiday shower theme was
usee, in aecorating. a nnsimas
tree being hung with small white
lace umbrellas and pink pop
corn balls.
Invited to attend the party
were a group of frriends home
from college for the holidays,
including Miss Fisher, Misses
Margie Scandling. Prudence
Craig, Jeanne du Buy, Hilda
Fox, Roberta Tussing, Jane
Schmidt, Patricia Zahare, Patri
cia Zosel, Grace Widdows, Shir
ley Etzel and the hostesses.
Coon-Ma rquardt
Wedding Dec. 9
The marriage of Miss Marie
Kay Marquardt, daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Otto Marquardt, to
James O. Coon, son of James
Coon of Klamath Falls and Mrs.
b. Coon of Independence, was
solemnized the evening of De
cember 9 in St. Mark Lutheran
church, the Rev. M. A. Getzen
daner reading the 8 o'clock ser
The church was decorated in
white and yellow chrysanthe
mums, greens and lighted tapers.
Soloist for the service was Mrs.
Brockhard, Maurice B r e n n e n
playing the organ.
Lighting the tapers were Miss
Phyllis Trenf of Salem and Miss
Barbara Coon of Independence,
both wearing pale blue gowns
with flowers clipped in their
Mr. Marquardt gave his
daughter in marriage. The bride
wore a gown of white satin
trimmed in lace and designed
with fitted bodice, long sleeves
and a full skirt extending into a
court train. She wore her moth
ers' veil that had come from
England and it was fastened to
a halo of seed pearls. The bride
carried a white Prayer Book
topped with a white orchid and
Mrs. C. R. Lamb, Indepen
dence, sister of the bridegroom,
was matron of honor. She wore
yellow gown of rayon satin
styled with full skirt and puff
sleeves, and she carried a nose
gay of yellow rosebuds and- ny
lon ruching matching the ban
deau for her hair.
Mrs. Harry Bernard was the
bridesmaid. She was dressed in
green satin and carried a nose
gay of red roses.
Little Rahna Harpole was
flower girl. She wore a yellow
frock and carried a miniature
Gregory South was the ring
Lawrence Mar q u a r d t . the
bride's brother, was best man
and C. R. Lamb was the grooms
man. Ushers were Al Marquardt,
brother of the bride, Dave Piper
and Don Bell.
Mrs. Marquardt, the bride's
mother, wore a blue crepe gown
with gray accessories and a cor
sage of yellow rosebuds. The
bridegroom's mother wore
white gown with white and
black accessories and a corsage
of yellow rosebuds.
The reception was in the
church parlors. The bride's ta
ble was set with a pink cloth.
white candles, and the cake was
encircled with pink blooms and
ferns. Mrs. Ruth Allen and
Mrs. Frank Coon, aunts of the
bridegroom, cut the cake. Mrs,
Galen Siddall presided at the
punch bowl, Mrs. Orville South
at the coffee urn. Assisting were
Miss Phyllis Trent and Miss
Barbara Coon
Following a trip to Klamath
Falls and California points the
bride wore a green suit with
black accessories and the orchid
she carried at the service
Party for Club
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sexton
were hosts last evening at a par
ty, the affair being the annual
Christmas party for members of
Mrs. Sexton's bridge club and
their husbands. The occasion also
marked the 23rd wedding anni
versary of the Sextons.
A no-host dinner was served
with cards following. In the
group were: Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Feike, Mr. and Mrs.
Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs.
Olenn Paxson, Dr. and Mrs.
Harmon Harvey, Dr. and Mrs.
Lewis D. Clark, Dr. and Mrs.
Harold O. Schneider, Dr. and
Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Mrs.
Earl Cooley and the Sextons.
Holiday Hostess
Miss Nellie Schwab is to be
hostess for two holiday week
affairs at her home at Grand
view Place.
Sunday afternoon, she has in
vited members of the Salem
iionta club and their husbands
for an informal at home be
tween the hours of 3 and (
Last evening, Miss Schwab
entertained some of the women
slaff members at Ladd and Bush
bank for an Informal evening,
late refreshments being served.
HOSTESS for an informal
luncheon today for a small group
of friends was Mrs. E. J. Scel-lars.
Mrs. Moxley and Daughter Greet
Holiday Affair Tuesday One of the charmingly arranged
holiday week teas was that given by Mrs. Fred B. Moxley,
at left, honoring her daughter, Mrs. John A. Miller (Edith
Moxley), who is in the capital from Columbus, Ohio, during
the holidays. The hostess and her daughter are pictured here
in the Moxley home just preceding the tea. Mr. and Mrs.
Miller will be leaving this week-end to return to Columbus.
He is attending Ohio State university. (Jesten-Miller studio
I nstal lation Conducted
For Star Chapter Thursday
Annual installation of officers for Chadwick chapter, Order
of Eastern Star, was conducted at impressive ceremonies last
evening at the Masonic temple.
Serving as installing officers were Mrs. Paul Robinson, Rex
Hartley, Mrs. Fred Kecler, Mrs. Charles H. Fowler, Mrs. Rex
Hartley, and Mrs. L. M. Case.
Mrs. W. U. Burris was gen
eral chairman of arrangements
and was assisted by Ray De
Sart, Mrs. C. L. Webber, Mrs.
Percy Cooper, Mrs. Bethine
Loose, Mrs. Margaret Anderson,
Mrs. Ferd Zecb, Mrs. H. M.
Boesch, Mrs. C. L. Unruh, Mrs.
Fred L. Rawlins.
Program for the evening in
cluded: Opening, by Mrs. D. M.
Eby, retiring worthy matron,
Jason Frizzell, retiring worthy
patron, Mrs. Lawrence Flagg,
organist, Mrs. F. D. Kibbe, mar
shal; piano solo, Gary Jones
vocal solo, Mrs. Robert F. An
derson, accompanied ,by Miss
Alice Crary Brown; presentation
of 'jewels.
Officers Listed
The full list of officers in
stalled for the new year in
cludes: Mrs. William L. Lewis,
worthy matron; Gail H. Jones,
worthy patron; Mrs. Earl Wiper,
associate matron; Verdi Walser,
associate patron; Mrs. Gordon
Barker, secretary; Mrs. Mabel
Gardner, treasurer; Mrs. Her-
m a n Johnston, conductress;
Mrs. Paul Griebenow, associate
conductress; Mrs. J. D. Sears
chaplain; Mrs. Gail H. Jones
marshal; Mrs. Jessie Bush Mick-
elson, organist; Mrs. Clayton
Dickson, Adah; Mrs. Al Patti
son, Ruth; Mrs. Arthur Davis,
Esther; Mrs. Grant Rogers, Mar
tha; Mrs. Paul Bramble, Electa
Mrs. A. L. Brewster, warder
Dean Omans, sentinel.
In the friendship group are
Mrs. Donald Kuhn, Mrs. E. F.
Wood, Mrs. I. F. Bryan, Mrs.
Jack Watkins. Mrs. E. F. Lilligh,
Mrs. M. J. Millet. Mrs. Wayne
Henry is the mother adviser
from the chapter for the Chad
wick assembly, Order of Rain
bow for Girls and on the Rain-
board bord are Mrs. Earl Wiper,
Verdi Walser, Mrs. E. H. Dorr,
Dick Robinson, Mrs. Donald
Kuhn, Mrs. E. L. Hildreth, Mrs.
A. B. Pederson. Mrs. Lillian
Ramage is the official hostess
for the year, assisted by the
friendship group and past ma
trons. Standing committees include:
Ushers William L. Lewis, Clay
ton Dickson. Paul Bramble and
Grant Rogers. Cheer Mrs. E.
T. Armstrong, Mrs. Charles H.
Fowler, Mrs. Darlene Coon, Mrs.
R. L. Forster, Mrs. L. C. Dean,
Mr. Effie Luhrs. Child clinic
Mrs. C. L. Webber, Mrs. M.
A. Pekar, Mrs. R. F. Slender,
Mrs. W. E. Murphy. Decorat
ingMr. Percy Cooper, Wrt W.
HUM. illlf-f-!
- V
Hostess Thursday
Miss Betty Jo Brannon enter
tained last evening at a dessert
and card party for a group of
her Gamma Phi Beta sorority
sisters home 'for the holidays,
Guests included Miss Patricia
Devers and Miss Janet Easter-
day, both of Portland; Misses
Jane and Ann Carson Miss Char
lotte Alexander, Miss Josephine
Caughell, Miss Irene McLeod
and Miss Crystal Huntington.
G. Burns. Mrs. Margaret An
derson. Examining Mrs. Her
man Johnston, Mrs. T. W. Kelly,
Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden. Fi
nance Mrs. Albert A. Cohen,
Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. G. A
Reeher. Instruction Mrs. Alta
Copenhaver, Mrs. Nettie Smith
Fred Keeler. Press Mrs. Dean
Omans, Mrs. Verdi Walser. Re
lief Mrs. Fred Keeler, Mrs,
Thomas Faught, G. A. Reeher
Seals and Red Cross Mrs. El
mer Church. Social day
Mrs. R. E. Meredith, Mrs. Leona
Stutsman. Evening refresh
mentsMrs. Elsie Kidwell, Mrs
J. G. Nash.
Auxiliary Party
Woodburn The annual
Christmas party of Woodburn
auxiliary of the American Le
gion was held Wednesday night
at the home of Mrs. Walter Mil
ler. Prizes in games were won
by Mrs. Floyd Maricle and Mrs
Amos Bonacker. A gift ex
change was a feature of the eve
Hostesses were Mrs. Adrian
Schooler, Mrs. Hartley Le
Febvre and Mrs. Fred Hall, Jr.
Others present were Mrs
Maude Harrell of Eugene. Mrs
Harold Ingram, Mrs. Nettie
Johnson, Mrs. O. H. Boje, Mrs
Marshall Hicks, Mrs. Maurice
Spagle, Mrs. R. L. Freeberg,
Mrs. Willard Branigar, Mrs. Al
bert Rheinholdt, Mrs. Henry
Scheidegger, Mrs. Harold Woods
Mrs. LaVerne LeFebvre, Mrs
Amos Bonacker, Mrs. Anton
Lang, Mrs. Edward DeHaan,
Mrs. Arvid Ostrom, Mrs. W. O
Green, Mrs. L. B. Detweiler,
Mrs. Floyd Maricle, Mrs. Frank
Bentley and Mrs. Walter Mil
ler. Guests were Miss Anita
Miller and Mrs. William Bent
Guests at Tea
it ()
r-rvxy. Kit
. - f ft".-:
New Year's Party
Among New Year's eve par
ties will be the gathering at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague, the group to include
members of their dinner and
bridge club and invited guests.
Some 25 will attend the event.
A no-host dinner will be served
at 7 o'clock, followed by bridge.
R. W. Sprague of Seattle, brother
of Mr. Sprague and a visitor
here during the holidays, will
be an out-of-town guest at the
In the club arranging the party
are Mr. and Mrs. Harry V.
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.
Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scel,
lars, Justice and Mrs. James T.
Brand, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, and Mr. and Mrs.
At Home Events
Among those entertaining at
informal holiday at homes are
Mr. and Mrs. J. Deane Patterson.
This evening they are entertain
ing at a second at home, having
been hosts to a group on Wed
nesday evening. ,
at esther foster s
a dramatic clearance sale of
Duo Tell of
Mr. and Mrs. P. C Crawford,
4848 Rickman Road, announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter Miss Faye Crawford, to Ar
thur A. Gottfried, son of Mrs.
Marie Gottfried of Salem.
Date for the wedding has not
been announced. The news of
the engagement was revealed at
a Christmas eve party at the
Crawford home.
Both young people are eradu
ates of Salem high school and
Mr. Gottfried is attending Ore
gon State college.
Guests to Be
At Club Dance
A number of out-of-town
guests will be at the Subscrip
tion club's New Year's eve
dance, Saturday evening, the
party to be at the Marion hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson
of Portland are to be guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small at
the dance; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam H. Hammond of Portland
will be guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Theron Hoover; Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Mills will be guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulus;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mulli
gan of Portland are to be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Caughell; Virgil Holly of Hol
lywood, Calif., the guest of his
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George
King; and Miss Helen Shepard
of Minot, N. D., the guest of
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard.
Among those entertaining in
conjunction with the dance are
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher who
have invited a group to their
home following the dance.
Mr., Mrs. McKee
Feted on Anniversary
Fairview Complimenting
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. McKee
of the Fairview district, a sur
prise wedding anniversary par
ty "was held at their home Tues
day evening.
They were married December
27, 1925, at Covina, Calif. They
came to the Fairview district
in 1939.
Games were played and re
freshments were served late in
the evening. Attending were
Mr and Mrs. McKee; Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Duvall of New
berg; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ver-
steeg, Amity; Mr. and Mrs. Vern
McKee, Salem; Mrs. Benjamin
Taskinen, Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Groseth and Mary Jane.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snyder. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray H. Snyder, Susan
and Merle Snyder, all of Fair
view. Miss Thomas and
Mr. Tooley Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas,
route 1, Gervais, are announc
ing the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Darlene Thomas,
to George Tooley, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Tooley, route
1, Woodburn.
No date is set for the wedding.
Miss Thomas is a senior at Ger
vais high school. Mr. Tooley is
employed by the state.
IN PORTLAND for the week
end are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sex
ton and daughter, Patricia, who
are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Carlos E. Steele.
drastic reductions
' 1 u A
Silverton A recent bride
was Mrs. Henry Jackson
(Dora Howard), wed at the
First Christian church Novem
ber 20. (McEwan studio pho
to.) Betrothal Told
At Ellis Home
Dayton The engagement of
Miss Barbara Jean Ellis, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs David El
lis, Dayton, to Byron K. Scog
gan, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Scoggan, Grand Island, was an
nounced on Christmas eve.
Miss Ellis, a graduate of Day
ton high school, class of '49, is
now a freshman at the Univer
sity of Oregon. Mr Scoggan is
a graduate of Amity high school.
No date has been set for the
Fefe Visitor
An event of the holiday week
was a gathering of friends, for
which Mrs. E. J. Roth and Miss
Clara Miller entertained for
Miss Miller's sister, Mrs. Er
nest Wagner of Los Angeles.
Those attending were Mrs.
Al Uhlman, Mrs. Floyd Sieg
mund, Mrs. Fred Thompson,
Mrs. Rita Franklin, Mrs. A. A.
Geer, Mrs. Leslie Springer, Mrs,
Karl Miller, Mrs. Edmund Clark,
Mrs. Gail H. Jones, Mrs. Mel
vin Johnson, Mrs, Robert Pat
tison, Mrs. Ernest Wagner and
daughter, Mary Lou; Misses
Helen Ingry and Myrtle Reeves
and the hostesses, Mrs. Roth and
Clara Miller.
Mrs. Wagner and her daugh
ter are visiting relatives in Sa
lem and Portland while north
from Los Angeles, Calif.
Tillicum Dance
Among the New Year's eve
dances will be that of Tillicum
club at Glenwood ballroom, a
breakfast to follow the dancing
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Medford
are entertaining a group at their
home preceding the dance, and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knox have
asked a group of friends to their
Park Lane home en route to the
north high street