Over 2000 Phones Added to Salem System in Last Year The telephone as an indicator of the growth a community is ex neriencing is a well known factor, said Harry V. Collins, district manager for the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company as he stated that the baiem excnange now has a total of 20,200 instru Clients. A year ago the number was 18,072 and at the end of 1947 the exchange had 14,955 con nection. The number listed at the close of 1940 was 8,983 As of December 29, the local exchange had 290 orders for in stallations, a number that was expected to be reduced to some extent at the close of the year. Mechanics were slated to work throughout Saturday in an effort to take care of as many orders as possible. A high percentage of the re quests for service are from the outlying sections where line ex tensions are necessary before the job can be completed. Long distance calls have been averaging around the 4,500 mark daily for many months and as far as the district man ager could forsee there was no indication of a falling off in this1 department of the telephone business. The rapid growth of Salem as a trading center has meant the investment of many hundreds of thousands of dollars on the part ot tne P.T. & T. company, Col lins pointed out. The work of augmenting the plant has by no means been completed although me urgency of the task has abat ed to some extent. Claim $10 Bills Are Not Money Los Angeles, Dec. 30 W) Are those $10 bills in your pocket or the late Wallace Beery's cash box honest-to-goodness money? Attorney Adrian Kragen for the Beery estate says they are not. How does the man get that way? Listen to Kragen: "If you look in the corner of what you call a $10 bill, but which is a federal reserve bank note, you will see that it says 'this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States treasury, or at any federal reserve bank.' Notice how it calls your ten-spot a 'note' and that It's 'redeemable In lawful money.' "That's our whole point it isn't money, it's a note. And notes, if they are taxed at all, should be taxed under the coun ty's solvent credit classifica tion, like accounts receivable or bank accounts, at only $1 a thousand instead of more than $5 a hundred." The estate is demanding a re fund of some $33,000 which Los Angeles county taxed the $670, 000 in currency which Beery left in safety deposit boxes. The county took the orthodox view that it was money and levied a personal property tax of about $5.50 a $100. Kragen says he'll carry the issue to the U.S. supreme court If necessary. Thomas May Oppose Norblad Dallas, Ore., Dec. 30 (U-B) State Rep. Lyle Thomas said to day that he is considering run ning against Congressman Wal ter W. Norblad next year. He will seek the republican nomi nation in the May primary. Nor blad also Is a republican. Mayor Hollis Smith has said he would run for Thomas' seat in the legislature if Thomas does not seek another term. Thomas is secretary of the Oregon State Farmers union. He has opposed the sales tax in legislative sessions. He has serv ed as a representative from Folk county since 1935. Norblad has been in congress from Oregon's first district since 1946. Portland Lumberman Dead in Apartment .Lebanon. Dec. 30 m Run jamin F. Johnson, 46, Portland lumberman, died suddenly here Thursday on a business trip. Johnson, owner of the -B. F. Johnson Lumber Company, was louna dead in his apartment here bv the manager of John son's sawmill here. Coroner Glenn Huston said death was nrobablv dm tn a heart ailment but an nntnncv wa ordered. Police broke into John son's apartment after the Port lander failed to answer either telephone calls or knnrks nnH found him dead on a couch. He is survived by the widow and three children. Rocket Plane Record Denied Washington, Dec. 30 ( The air force has denied a report that its experimental X-l rocket plane has flown 1989 miles an hour. "Rprpn t rpnnrts of SDecific speeds which have appeared in the press," it said in a siaiemeni late yesterday, "are not correct." The report was printed by Marvin Miles, aviation editor of the Los Angeles Times. He said ho had rorpived it from "reliable informants" who had related that the needle-nosed little plane had made the flight over Muroc Dry Lake, Calif. Military and aviation experts, commenting on Miles' story be fore the air force statement ap peared, said the X-l probably could reach sucn a speea. nut they expressed doubt that the nfiparv encine changes could have been made in the relative ly short time since the plane was reported to have flown 964 miles an hour. Great Ferry System Yisioned by Truman Washington, Dec. 30 OJ.B President Truman said today he dreams of a time when the United States and the islands of the Carribean will be connected by a great system of ferries. The President told his idea to Warren R. Austin, United States representative to the Unit ed Nations. Austin leaves Jan. 26 for a visit to the Carribean at the in vitation of the president of Austin said his trip is part of the job o solidifying tne -ratner remarkable harmony" between IU Amai-inan ertntdS and that it UlC JllHtlll-t". "v . , has nothing specifically to do with Mr Truman's iaea oi a Carribean ferry system. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Friday, December 30, HH3 CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AND DANCE NO NAME BALLROOM 3057 Portland Road Tickets 75c LAWRENCE'S ORCHESTRA Sponsored bT Vet's Llvlnr Memorial Asioe. Red 'Mystery' Ship Enters Panama Canal Panama, Panama, Dec. 30 UP The Panama Canal zone was host today to one Russian ' mystery' ship and two more were expect ed momentarily. The Soviet vessel Trepang ar rived at Cristobal last night. The Peramutr is due today and the Chiaka also is on the way. All are due to pass through the Pa nama canal, enroute from the Baltic to Vladivostok. In Washington the vessels were described as fishing ships, but they were reported there to be without fishing gear and to have extremely powerful radios. U.S. civil and military officials were reported in Washington to be keeping a close watch on the progress of the ships through waters where large U.S. army-navy-marine-air force exercises will be held from January to mid-March. Modern Dance New Year's Eve at the HAUNTED MILL Rickreall, Ore. CHETMULKEY'S BAND Admission: 75c, plus tax DANCE SATURDAY NITE Aumsville Pavilion Music by Tommy Kezziah and His West Coast Ramblers In Aumsville 10 Miles S. E. of Salem 9:30-12:30 E)A3(SIS NEW YEAR'S EVE V. F. W. HALL Church and Hood Streets Wayne. Strachan and His Orchestra Best Floor in Town Refreshments Sponsored by the Military Order of the Cooties OUR BIGGEST DANCE OF ALL TIME "1 DANCE -STUNTS -FUN CRYSTAL GARDENS BALLROOM TWO TWO . NO RAISE 7 Jr BANDS FLOORS IN PRICE I4C FREE! HATS, BALLOONS, TICKLERS, HORNS, FREE! We Give and Redeem S&H Green Stamps STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. 'Til 5:30 P.M. 177 north liberty They're washable They're wrinkle resistant FUTURE MAID PRINTS mm mmm;m mm A- II P P y 1 $1.90 Fashions, second floor Colorful NYLON with acetate prints that wash beautifully and dry in a wink! Not only will you love the spring feeling of these FUTURE MAIDS, but you'll ap preciate their soft drapability; smart styling; expensive-looking details. A. Pen and ink print to flatter your figure. Rolled collar, hip pocket tabs, self-belt with buckle, buttons from neckline to hem. Copen, grey, aqua. Siies l6'2 241j. B. Sovereign print Future Maid i with wing collar, slim self-belt and pleated skirt. Copen, grey, .. Siist 1 6IA-24IA. j jC. Wear this Bayadere print anywhere ... it s so cmci opreaa wing collar, self-belt, hip pock ets and softly flaring skirt. Copen, grey, aqua. Sizes 14-20. D. Dream of a dress in a delightful daisy-chain printj Spread-wing collar, tiny buttons from neckline to waist and a gracefully full skirt. Copen, grey, aqua. Sizes .14-20. LOOK! GUARANTEED TO WEAR AT LEAST ONE YEAR! 'STARDUST' NY10N And Acetate SLIPS $1 .95 I Wonderful value at this price! "Star dust" guarantees these nylon and acetate slips to give you at least one year's wear. Two styles, both tai lored, one with faggotted top, the other with picot trim, available in white only. Sizes 32 to 40. Lingerie, main floor I v 'J 7 1 Coat Sale ! COATS For This Winter . . . and Years to Come! I , it Coats We've Been Selling at $24.95 to $29.95! Every single one of these coats Is fins 100 wool and warmly interlined. Your choice of tweed and fleece fab rics! Greens, reds, browns, beiges, greys, blacks. Sizes 10 to 20. $13oo Coots We've Been Selling at $29.95 to $39.95! The very lops In quality, talloringl Finest 100 wool broadcloths, coverts and gabardines. Also some part wool cravenettcd gabardines In group. Wines, dark greens, blacks, grey and navy. Sizes 10 to 42. siQoo COATS WE'VE BEEN SELLING AT $39.95 TO $49.95! Some of these outstanding winter coats even have leather zip-out linings so you can wear them 'year-round! Fine 100'i wool worsted gabardines and original tweeds at colors that count in this collection. Sizes 8 to 40. $33 00 FASHIONS Second floor