c s -CptaI Journal, Salem, Ore., 4 . J 5u ' " f A. s " r i -VI.1, Flee Home In Fire Resident! of this canyon home, near Beverly Hills, Calif., load their belongings Into a station wagon as flames from a brush fire threatened the house. The fire raged out of control for several hours before It was brought under control. No homes were burned. Among those who fled from homes were Actress Loretta Young and her three children. (AP Wirephoto.) Bob Hope Nudges Bing Out in Box-Office Appeal Wnllvwood. Dec. 20 VP) Blngs no longer king. Crosby, after an unprecedented ruler, has been deposed by tne neir apparent, nis companion over many a gag-strewn movie road and divot-pocked golf course Hope went to the top of the heap in the 1949 Motion Picture Herald survey of the nation's theater owners. It marks the comedian's first trip to the throne room, although he h a s been knocking on the door some time. This Is Hope's ninth appear ance in the first 10 on the annual trade paper audit. He was sec ond in 1943, his closest, and fifth last year. Crosby wound up second this time, his 10th trip to the inner circle. At a late hour last night, both Hope, Crosby and their gag writ ers were at a loss for words. In their files, apparently, C always comes ahead of H. Two other gents Just as close Abbott and Costello finished third in the shekel derby. Biggest leap was credited to John Wayne, who came from nowhere to fourth place on the strength of several strong roles. Behind him, In order, the top ten Included: 5, Gary Cooper; 6, Cary Grant: 7, Betty Grable; 8, Esther Williams; 9, Humphrey Bogart, and 10, Clark Gable. The famed Grable legs skld ed from the second run In 1948's poll. It was the first appearance on the list for Miss Williams the 11th for Cooper. If your favorite still Isn't here, look In the list of the next 15: James Stewart, Randolph STARTING TnunuDnxAf vtiwii.w T T 0 ph. 3-3467 MATINEE DAILY OUR HAPPY NEW YEAR PROGRAM! IT'S A STAMPEDE of Blazing 5JaT in the Days ot ths Early wesm hit wuy&u&z&sOt don curtis teimwf JOHN M1J AN ff JONATHAN HALE W sMJMmM COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL FOX NEWS! Friday, December 30, 1949 . H- i il I! o Ji m 1 T ,4 , 1,1 five years as movie box-office Scott, Red Skelton, Clifton Webb, Loretta Young, June Al lyson, Alan Ladd, Roy Rogers, Dan Dalley, Olivia De Havilland, Robert Mitchum, Claudettc Col bert, Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy and Jane Wyman. British exhibitors rated Anna Neagle their top attraction, with Michael Wilding second ahead of Hope, Danny Kaye and Crosby in the international balloting. Here Hope was two notches up on Bing. Small wonder If the master of Crosby square had his quartet out rehearsing early today. Ah, box office, where is thy Bing? Veterans Favored As Extra Helpers A letter of appreciation has gone to the state veterans de partment from E. B. Hamilton, veterans employment represen tative of the Salem office in connection with the hiring of 70 veterans for extra work during the Christmas rush at the post office. Seventy four extras were hired. Of the four non-veterans two were employed because they had trucks with which to haul packages and two were from the civil service extra list. Postmaster Albert C. Gragg reports that the extra employes proved good workers. Action and Guns... M mt M i? i Indict Bridges Jury Meddlers San Francisco, Dec. 30 VPl The government has indicted two women for trying to get a prospective prosecution witness in the Harry Bridges perjury trial to alter his testimony. The same federal grand Jury which indicted Bridges, west coast CIO longshore leader, and two aides returned the secret indictment yesterday against: Mrs. Jean Murray, 33, who described herself variously as internationalist; a divorcee, an "itinerant pniiosopner and a member of the working class, and Mrs. Betty Teixelra, 29, blond ex-wife of a former San Fran cisco supervisor and state as- semblyman, who was named by the state senate committee on un-American activities as active in left wing movements. The indictment carries two counts. It accuses the women with conspiring and attempting to Intimidate Mervyn Rath- borne, one-time secretary treas urer of the California state CIO and former close associate of Bridges. Both women denied the char ges. They were arrested and Dooked separately. Kindergarten To Be Opened With a view to being of as sistance to the parents of the ore-school child, a kindergarten will be opened In the rooms of the new Evangelistic Temple, Market street and Park avenue. The Salem Christian Kinder garten as It will be known, will provide a non-sectarian teaching of the fundamental Bible trutns, with no attempt being made to indoctrinate or dogmatize. I he omohasis. reports Rev. Walter S. Fredericks, pastor, "will be de finitely Christian." Modern teaching methods will be employed to "teach the child to love and reverence God, and to appreciate one another. The child will also receive a thor ough preparation for entrance into school the following year as a first grader, and children who have had kindergarten training usually excell." The advisory educational board will include: Earl Han- former high school princi- pal In this country and a su pervisor of schoools in the Phil ippines: J. P. Bartlett, former school principal and superinten dent of rural school consolida tion in the state of Washington; and Ralph Nelson, active princi pal of Keizcr school Kindergarten instructor will be Mrs. Ida Christman. a teacher on the Temple Sunday school staff. Additional information may be secured by calling the; church office, 2-7012. To Discuss Social Hygiene in Homes Four discussion groups on so cial hygiene guidance in the home are to begin Tuesday, Jan uary 10 under the sponsorship of the Richmond PTA in coop eration with Miss Mathilda Gil- WHOOPEE! NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY AT MIDNITE! FREE HATS! NOISEMAKERS! SPECIAL FUN TO HELP WELCOME THE NEW YEAR AND RING OUT THE OLD! les, Richmond, principal, and the Marion County Tuberculosis and Health association. The as sociation provides materials used by the study groups. Rev. Louis E. White, pastor of Knight Memorial church has in vited the groups to hold their meetings in the church. Forty five parents have registered for the course. Two groups will be gin meetings at 1:15 p.m., Jan uary 10 under the direction of Mrs. L. E. Marschat and Mrs. Edwin C. Boal. The other two groups will meet for the first time at 7:30 p.m. under the di rection of Mrs. Chris Seely and Mrs. Frank Hrubetz. Additional registrations may be made through Mrs. Marschat dial 3-4745. Taxi Drivers Hold Prolesl Meeting An assembly of 36 persons, half of them Salem taxi drivers, listened to objections Thursday night to a recently enacted city ordinance aimed at eliminating future morals cases. Lee Wolf, former cab owner and driver, acted as a chairman for the meeting. D. W. Nipper and Robert Rickets, the two dri vers who called the meeting at Labor temple, led the discussion Objections centered on sec tions of the regulations which require drivers to remain in their cabs at taxi stands, a rule which prohibits passengers from using the front seat unless the back one is completely occupied, and another section which pro hibits cab drivers from solicit ing business. Several of the group firmly expressed the idea that they were subject to "discrimination" and "slave" laws. George Thomason, a represen tative of the teamsters local, the union to which the drivers be long, declined to express the un ion s attitude at the public meet ing. A special union session fol lowed the public hearing. A suggestion was received that objections to the new ordinance be prepared in writing for sub mission to the city manager and city council. New YearTEve Will Set Traffic Death Toll Chicago. Dec. 30 (IP) A sav ing of about 500 lives in 1949 depends a great deal on the na tion's driving and walking hab its tomorrow night. This dividend in human life was forecast today by the Na tional Safety council after go ing through Its traffic score sheets for the first 11 months of 1949. NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. William Holden Color "STREETS OF LAREDO" Clifton Webb "BELVEDERE GOES TO COLLEGE" KARTOON KARNIVAL TOMORROW At 12:30 with Reg. Show 37 FROM 1 P.M. New Directors Credit Bureau Installation of new directors for the Salem Credit bureaus was scheduled Friday for a meet ing next week. Slated to take office at that time are Paul Wolfe, manager of the Salem Montgomery-Ward store as director of the depart ment store section; Larry Mor gan, finance section, Ford Wat- kins of the First national DanK of Portland, installment credit, and Dr. E. A. Lebold, medical- dental section. At the meeting Friday, Mau rice Ullman, attorney for the Credit Bureaus, advised mem bers of the provisions of the Ore gon Homestead law which ex empts home property from cer tain debt obligations up to the amount of $5000. The coverage of the law was increased from $3000 to $5000 by the past legislature. Wind Keels Over Naval Facility Plane A 20-mile per hour wind turn ed one of the navy's SNJs at the Salem Naval Air Facility on Its nose today to give the facility its first accident since starting flying out of Salem. The accident, a minor one, re suiting in only a bent propellor occurred after the plane had landed, and taxied down run way 16 and turned around down-wind. As the plane turn ed the wind caught under Its tail and nosed it up. Pilot of the plane was Lt. (j.g.) R. L. Cunlff from the Cor vallis air reserve unit. He was not injured. Auto License Office Open on Saturday The motor vehicle division of the secretary of state's office will be open all day Saturday to NOW SHOWING OPEN 6:45 mo I macMUKKAT MAUREEN O'HARA CO-FEATURE "JOHNNY ALLEGRO' lll, r.pnrrc Raft. Nina Focn HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB Doon Open I pjn. for Special Kids' Matinee Stage Program - Prizes 8 CARTOONS - SERIAL Special Matinee Fcaturel "GUNG HO" Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Charles Neinast Teresa Beutell Suzanne Youngqulst Larry Patton Billy naze! Wayr.e Blandish Jean Robinson Joann Robinson David Saunders Darold Kllnze James Heldman Raymond Nyhns Carol Anne Sundle Jimmy Gesner Susan Sandlin Jeanne Pratt Leroy Peerenboom !T il w If Sat. Eve. Shog Cont. After S:30 ENDS TODAY! (FRI.) Tyrone Power Orson Welles Wanda Hendrix "PRINCE OF FOXES" SINGLETON Arthur LAKE ; 1 ' M.m imrSIMMS W ' J HJtllt Jtrwt REIT . C0RM MUT I accommodate late applicants for 1950-51 license plates, according to announcements made Friday. On nrrfpra nf Secretary of State Newbry, all state cars have been banned from parKing on the Court street side of the capl tnl in nrrfpr tn nrovlde more parking space for motorists seek ing new license plates. Tho linp nf aDDlicants seek ing nlntuB Fririnv was said to be the longest in the history of the motor vehicle department. Halvorsons Secure $4,750,455 Contract Carl M. Halvorson, Inc., and H. Halvorson, Inc., both of Port land, and both concerns headed by sons of Elling Halvorson of Salem, were low bidders for construction of the Tecolote tunnel and access road at Santa Barbara, Calif. The low bid was $4,750,455 and competition for the Job among contractors was strong. The project consists of con struction of a seven-foot diame ter 6.4-mile-long tunnel and construction of 1.8 miles of ac cess road near Goleta, Calif. Elling Halvorson of Salem Is head of the Halvorson Construc tion company. Storm Warnings Fly on Coast Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 (U.FO The weather bureau announced that southeast storm warnings were ordered at 11 a.m. today from Tatoosh Island, Wash., to Cape Blanco, Ore., for south east winds 20-30 miles an hour with gusts up to 40 miles an hour. ENDS TONIGHT! "Once More My Darling" and "Forgotten Women" on. Gives " Starts Tomorrow! Continuous from 1:00 P.M. Regular Prices Until 5 p.m. New Year's Eve Prions After 5 P.M.: ADULTS (All Seats) 11.00 plus 20c tax 91.20 CHILDREN: 42c plus (18c tax 50c 17 , ivop 9 new IfluOh 46r -Hie New Tear! J vm anu -ssjs.m w illif Baa Vy' DANNY N V KAYEA (inspector 1 Ks"7 1 Y from I If C': " ww Y tjjr r-rtir. .ZJi tjateea n If Companion Hit! Michael O'She Virginia Grey In "THE THREAT" Extra! Color Cartoon News Briton to Speak On W U Campus C. Colin Jackson, parliamen tary labor candidate from New bury, England, will be guest speaker on the Willamette uni versity campus next Tuesday at a 10 o'clock meeting in the school gymnasium. Subject of his talk will be "Political Issues in England." The 27 year old attorney and president of the England Law society is a graduate of oxiord and is serving as debates organ izer for the National Union of Students. Jackson is touring the North American continent studying student life. Information gleaned during his visits to the various schools in Canada and the Unit ed States will be used in a book which he plans to write next summer. Jackson Is well versed on uni versity life in many nations. During the summer of 1948 he and two other members of the Oxford Union toured South Af rica debating and taking part in question hours and discussions at the universities. They later Celebrate Tomorrow Night 1- At OUR GALA New Years Eve Midnight Frolic! Continuous Shows Until ? T T PRICES AFTER 5 P.M., NEW YEAR'S EVE: Adults 70c (Ino. Tax) Children 25c New Today - 2 LADD is T3ArrnTWii AWAV AGAIN! ... -,..,.. ne a Tig"'m I rj reporter avenging a mysterious Beauty I tUFr-m '-r i urf a ACE COMPANION HIT! L EXTRA; COLOR CARTOON FUN - WARNER NEWS ENDS TODAY! (FRI.) Esther Gene I HtirfsVirizEF-l PH. 3-3721 TOMORROW! 'l? On 1J llSwf10' ,s0,hill, I DALE EVANS'IT, I tot williko ff jT CO-HIT! I I. 0jh SPSZikif'sjr PACKED 1 rqkbx npy vfi$r WITH THRILLS! 7 VST I I y ' I W I I TVIA &Z2J - toured Rhodesia and Kenya. From January to April of this year Jackson led a team from the combined British universi ties on a tour of the universities of India, Pakistan and Ceylon. Tuesday's lecture will be open to the public without charge, One Killed, 31 Hurt In Railroad Crash Calgary, Alberta, Dec. 30W) One man was killed and more than 31 persons Injured In the collision In sub-zero weather of two Canadian Pacific railway trains D5 miles southeast of here yesterday. The dead man was Held B. Heffren, I Everyone's Talking About That Delicious Novelty BARBECUED CRAB at kattucA Chateau Ace Holiday Hits! Pr amount Presents ALAN LADD DONNA REED fi i TV WHEN YOU CAU. . - A YVONNE CHARLES DeCARLO-COBURN SCOTT JOHN BRADY- RUSSELL Williams "FIESTA" and Kelly "THE PIRATE" OPENS 6:45 P.M. FIRST SHOWING! IN SALEM! man aims T0MKAI RUSSai HAYDW -OWl TWKSTOH i