Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 30, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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    , tfCtpltal Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 90, 1949
Betsy Drake Says Grant Family
Not Planned, Will Just Happen
? Hollywood, Dec. 30 VP) Betsy Drake, bright new bride of
Cary Grant, says their family will "just happen."
to her first interview since the Christmas day wedding, the
pbry young actress said she was baffled by the usual question to
eewlyweds: "Do you plan to have family?"
; "How do you plan those
things?" she replied. "After all,
that matter is actually in other
"Besides I think It is bad to
plan to have a large family or to
plan not to have one. I think
those things should just happen.
I think it would be very de
pressing for one to know that he
was a planned baby. That's so
cold and unromantic."
Mrs. Grant is back at work in
"Pretty Baby" after a one-day
vacation. "But we're having a
honeymoon anyway," she smiled.
She indicated a full-fledged
honeymoon apears doubtful for
many months, since Grant starts
a picture Jan. 3.
The bride admitted that the
wedding party's dash to Arizona
was hectic, but said that she pre
ferred that to a big splashy
"I think weddings have gotten
out of hand," she said. "They
should be simple affairs, not
productions. It's the same way
with funerals. I hope to be buried
In some small graveyard with
tumbled-down headstones, not
In a big 'memorial park.' I hope
Cary feels the same way."
She said there is no chance of
co-starring with her husband in
a future film.
"I feel the same about that as
I did a week ago," she added.
"I've got to prove my ability by
myself. I think it would be fun
to work together, but it would
place a hardship on Cary because
of my lack of experience."
The actress couldn't recall
when Cary popped the question.
We discussed it for a long time-
whether we should or shouldn't."
Did he ask her father for her
hand? "Of course not!" replied
the actress, who is free, white
and 26.
It was no thanks to Hollywood
that the marriage occured. Two
years of prying questions placed
a strain on the courtship. Even
last week a female columnist
burst into Betsy's dressing room
and announced: "Hollywood's
most eligible bachelor just got
Motion .Picture Herald, a
movie trade paper, has polled
U. S. film exhibitors for their
list of the top moneymaking stars
of 1949. The selections, in order:
Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Abbott
and Costello, John Wayne, Gary
Cooper, Cary Grant, Betty
Grable, Esther Williams, Humph
rey Bogart, Clark Gable.
Remarkable features of the
poll: Hope unseated pal Crosby,
who held the No. 1 spot for five
years. Abbott and Costello con
tinued in popularity with theater
men, if not with the highbrow
critics. John Wayne boomed into
the big ten on the strength of five
Jean Parker
Gels Divorce
Hollywood, Dec. 30 ttl.R) Ac
tress Jean Parker, 31, today di
vorced Dr. Curtis Grotter, 37,
on grounds he was so jealous he
kept her awake all night, com
pelling her to "account for every
second of my day."
My husband was so unrea
sonably jealous that I was forced
to live almost in complete isola
tion during our seven years of
marriage," she told Superior
Judge Otto J. Emme. His jeal
ousy caused her health to break,
she said.
A friend. Actress Doris Jen
nings, corroborated her story
concerning Dr. Grotter, a screen
financial adviser.
The dark-haired Miss Parker
married Grotter in Augst, 1942
and they separated June 10. She
previously was married to
George MacDonald, a New
York newspaperman, and H
Dawson Sanders, radio commentator.
U of 0 Architecture
School Status Raised
Portland. T)fr 30 tm Th
University of Oregon School of
iiuiucumre ana aiiiea arts
will adopt upper division status
next fall.
Sidney W. Little, dean of the
school, made the announcement
here. exnlaininff this moonf
students of architecture would
taite a general course their first
two years, not entering the
school until their junior year.
bOX-office hits. Inffriri Bprpman
Kita Hayworth, Greer Garson
and Bette Davis were missing
from the top 25.
Weather Vane Maker Al Coran, retired navy man. works
on a weather vane in his Burbank, Calif., home. Vane is
made of aluminum mounted on a brass shaft which is pointed
at bottom. Shaft is set into tube partly filled with light motor
oil in which shaft floats. Aluminum disc around shaft keeps
out dirt and rain. Vane revolves with slightest shift of wind.
Star 27 Times Hotter
Than Sun Discussed
Tucson, Ariz., Dec. 30 (IP)
A star 27 times hotter than the
sun was discussed here today.
Dr. Thornton Page of Yerkes
observatory, Chicago, said the
star, which Is centered in a ring
nebula, has a surface tempera
ture of 270,000 degrees Fahen-heit.
His disclosure was made In a
paper at the 82nd annual con
vention of the American Astron
omical Society.
Dr. Page pointed out there
are thousands of stars hotter
than the sun, which has a tem
perature of only 10,000 degrees
But the new hot star is from
two to three times greater than
any previously reported, he
'Bees and the Flowers'
Are an Old, Old Story
Palo Alto, Calif., Dec. 30 VO You know, of course, about
tVtP Vippii nnri tVita flnwfrs
But did you know that they have been trying their darnedest
to be true to each other for the last 60 million years, ana mai
they have succeeded pretty well?
Dr. Verne Grant, Carnegie
institution plant geneticist, told efficient reproduction.
about it today in a paper for de
livery before the Western So
ciety of Naturalists.
Flowers have changed their
shapes, colors, the pattern of
their petals and the number of
their stamens or pollen tubes
just to accommodate the bees,"
Dr. Grant said. .
Bees have "flower constancy,"
Dr. Grant added. This is an in
stinct to visit the flowers of a
particular plant as long as they
will yield pollen or nectar.
Every time a bee visits a
flower he kicks its pollen
around. Some of the flying poll
en lands in the stamens and
travels on down through these
stamens to the flowers egg
germ, which thus is fertilized
and becomes a seed.
Flower constancy means many
bee visits, good pollination and
"Vince's Electric"
Vacuum Cleaner
On All Types
Household or Commercial
Also Waxers
Free Pick-up and Delivery
PHONE 3-9239
To encourage the bees, many
flowers slowly have shaped
their lower petals into a long lip
which acts as a landing platform
for the insects, Dr. Grant reported.
They developed tubular shap
es, with fewer stamens and with
their nectar concealed at the
base of the bud, where only bees
could reach it. As examples he
cited peas, lupines, clover, snap
dragons, violets and bleeding
When flowers first appeared
on earth about 150 million years
ago the only pollinating insects
in existence were beetles, Dr.
Grant said. The bees arrived
about 60 million years ago. Ever
since then flowers have been
Quits Commie Party,
Then Hangs Himself
Goeppingen, Germany, Dec.
30 VP) The chairman of the
communist party in nearby Sa-
lach killed himself following a
visit to the Russian zone of Ger
many, his family said today.
The family of Kurt Buehler,
38, said he vowed to quit the
communist party when he re
turned home last week, saying:
"The communist kill everybody
who disagrees with them. This
visit cured me of communism."
He visited party headquarters,
turned in his resignation and
then hanged himself in his home,
his family said
Plane Record Claimed
Palm Springs, Calif., Dec. 30
(P) Jacqueline Cochran lays
claim today to a new world
speed record for a propeller
driven plane. The noted wo-'
man flier was timed at 444 miles
per hour yesterday as she pilot
ed her F-51 Mustang around a
500 kilometer closed course.
changing over to accommodate
bees instead of beetles.
on Fuel
Storm Sash reduce mois
ture condensation on win
dows to a remarkable de
gree. In most cases elimi
nating condensation entire-"
ly. Saves fuel, too!
With our new low prices
you cannot afford to be
without them.
1225 Crosi
Cabinets Frames
Ph. 3-5953 i
135 north liberty
All fur coats, capes and neck pieces to be
closed out. Come in early as they will go
quickly. Minks, muskrats, ermines, beavers,
coneys and all the leading furs. Now to be
closed out at one-half or less. From
Beautifully high styled new models with ex
pert workmanship and fine fabrics. Were
sold up to $89.50, now to be closed out at
one low price of only
We have grouped together a large number of
garments formerly priced up to $85.00, to be
completely closed out at one PRICE OF ONLY
We offer one group of our finer dresses that
were sold up to $59.95, odd sizes and colors,
to be completely closed out at only
Closeout of our complete hat stock. Every
hat In our millinery department must go. Hats
from $10.00 to $30.00, all to go ot one price.
Annual January Store-wide Clea ranee
During the intensive pre-inventory check of stock on hand which has accom
panied this clearance, we have found additional odd lots and incomplete size
or style ranges. These are and will continue to be added to the clearance
bargain groups, some of which are listed here.
We have placed a large group of crepe, satin
and wool dresses in one lot, to be completely
closed out. Formerly sold up to $39.95. All
to go at one PRICE
Beautiful Rain Coats
Only a few of these beautiful garments left.
They were specially priced at $12.95. Now
come and get the last few at only
Barbizon Slips and Gowns
EXCLUSIVE AT PRICE'S. Priced at sensa
tionally low prices. Buy early as they will not
last long. Be sure and get your size now.
Sport and casual types, one group to go quick
ly. Regularly priced up to $8.95, while they
Evening Purses
One group silver and gold, black and white
satin. Sold regularly up to $12.00. These
will go quickly ot this ridiculously low price of
Complete closeout of hundreds of styles for
merly priced $10.95 and up, to be cleared
quickly at only
Costume Jewelry
Hundreds of beautiful pieces to select from.
Regularly sold from $1.95 up, plus tax. Now
to be closed out at ors price.
Colors pink, blue and white gowns and slips
regularly sold $7.95 to $12.95. While they
last to go at
An excellent selection from the largest um
brella house in America, beautifully con
structed, substantial frames and durable cov
ers of many beautiful colors. Our regular
$4.95 leader to go at only
Two for 1.00
Many broken lines to close out. Kid, calf and
suede In black and brown and colors. Regu
larly sold up to $19.95. Come early. To go
at only
4" - 695 ?
and 9
Broken lines caused by a heavy Christmas
trade. All select merchandise. Regularly sold
up to $1.95, all go for one price
per pair or
Three for
Eisenberg Jewelry One-Half
Beautiful imported stones set in high styled
patterns by Eisenberg. Regularly sold at
$12.50 to $40.00. To go at only
Visit Price's Beauty Salon
While Attending This Sale - Exclusive Hair Styling and
Permanent Waving
You Will Want to Look Your Best for the
New Year's Festivities
Everything in the Store on Sale Except fair Trade Items
All Sales jFinal No Refund or Exchanges
' i