AUTOMOBILES "Best Wishes For AND Wish You Would Start the New Year Out Right With One of Our Fine Used Cars THE LOWEST PRICES YET 1949 Merc. Sedan Very clean, blue $1943.00 1949 Merc. Sedan Fully equipped $1945.00 1941 Ford Tudor One owner $ 645.00 1941 Ford Conv Top shape $ 595.00 1940 Lincoln Must see to appreciate $ 575.00 1940 Lincoln Mercury motor, really nice ....$ 575.00 1937 Ford Tudor New motor, good paint ....$ 195.00 1937 Chev. Tudor Mechanically tops $ 195.00 1939 Ply. Coupe A real buy $ 295.00 1937 Buick Special Sedan $ 185.00 FINANCING TO FIT YOUR PURSE WE WELCOME YOU AT Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 645 CENTER PH. 3-3012 You Can Make It a Happy New Year With One of These A-l Bargains !Look at These Prices! 1949 Ford Deluxe Cpe. Only 9000 miles ....$1495.00 1949 Ford Custom Sedan R&H. A-l car ....$1595.00 1946 Ford Sta.-Wag. A dandy $ 900.00 1941 Dodge Club Cpe $ 495.00 1940 Chrysler Sedan $ 395.00 1947 Ford 6-Cyl. Sedan Guaranteed $ 995.00 1947 Ford Sdn. Cpe. R&H, A-l $ 995.00 1947 Chev. Bus. Cpe. A real nice car $ 995.00 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor A buy at $ 865.00 1948 Crosley Sta.-Wag. A steal $ 295.00 1941 Pontiac 2-Door Special $ 595.00 1939 Plymouth Cpe. Runs good $ 150.00 1938 Studebaker Sedan A buy $ 150.00 2 LOCATIONS 2 CENTER AT HIGH 8600 SILVERTON RD. AT "JOE" BURKE'S PLACE. Valley Motor Mart "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" Get Set for '50 BUY A QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CAR NOW ' 1948 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan .-....$1945 1948 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Door Sedan $1395 1946 Chevrolet Aero Sedan $1195 1947 Plymouth Special Del. 2-Dr. Sedan $1395 Very low mileage, fully equipped. 1946 Dodge 4-Door Custom, Sedan ...$1195 1946 Oldsmobile 66 Club Coupe $1295 1941 Chevrolet Deluxe 2-Door Sedan $ 695 1939 Chrysler Royal 4-Door Sedan ..$595 1935 Ford 2-Door Sedan $ 99 NEW TIRES, HEW SEAT COVERS, HURRY. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 405 N. Com'l. St. 495 N. Com'l. St. 435 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-4117 WILSONS 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET $2385 Deluxe Equipment, Dynaflow, 6000 miles. 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ....$2269 Deluxe Equipment, Syncro-mesh transmission, 3000 miles. OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 2-3621 AUTOMOBILES '49 DODGE 1 - TON STAKE PICKUP 8712 miles. This truck dellver'd In Salem for $2205.53 OUR PRICE $1895 STAN' BAKER MOTORS Wntoa Him Pi. l-nu AUTOMOBILES The New Year"!! AUTOMOBILES '47 FORD SUPER CLUB CPE. LOTS OP EXTRAS, LOW UILKAOS. PERFECT SHAPE. $375 DOWN BAL. 18 MONTHS State Motors Inc. PACKARD 340 N. HIGH 47 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE. PIO NEEH TRUST CO. PH. S-3138. Hi- 1910 PONTIAC 4-dnor tedfco. 1500 Wh. pa. i-aua. 731 N. Mtn, ia AUTOMOBILES COME IN AND ASK US! DON'T BE BACKWARD) JUST TELL US WHAT MAKE AND MODEL USED CAR YOU WANT. WE'LL SHOW YOU THE WIDEST SELECTION AND FIN EST VALUES IN THIS CITY. GUAR ANTEED CARS MANY MAKES AND MODELS SO50 GUARANTEE ON PARTS AND LABOR FOR 50 DAYS OR 1000 MILES. OUR AIM IB TO SATISFY YOUI MAY WE? 48 PLYMOUTH $1495 SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DOOR. R&H. '48 NASH $1245 "600" BROUGHAM COUPE. HEATER. LIKE NEW. '47 STUDEBAKER $1245 CHAMPION. 4-DOOR SEDAN. Rill. '46 PLYMOUTH $1095 SPECIAL DELUXE 5-PA8S. CPE. RJtH. '40 FORD $ 595 DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. R&H. 40 PLYMOUTH $ 595 DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. 39 PONTIAC $ 495 DELUXE 5-PASS. CPE. R&H. '38 PLYMOUTH $ 95 DELUXE 4-DOOR 8EDAN. R&H. '38 PLYMOUTH $ 195 DELUXE 3-DOOR SEDAN. E. 37 CHEVROLET $ 195 STANDARD 2-DOOR SEDAN. H. 37 CHEVROLET $ 345 STANDARD 4-DOOR SEDAN. H. 37 CHEVROLET $ 265 STANDARD 4-DOOR SEDAN. R&H. 36 CHEVROLET $ 75 STANDARD 2-DOOR SEDAN. '36 OLDSMOBILE $ 50 "56" BUSINESS CPE. H. 36 OLDSMOBILE $ 195 "60" 4-DOOR SEDAN. R&H. STAN BAKER MOTORS Dodge - Plymouth For a Better Buy, Better Try "STAN" BAKER Union at High Eisner Motors to Buy WILSON'S FANCY CHOICE EXTRA FANCY 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1B95 1048 PONTXAC 8 Streamliner Sdn. 1875 1947 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .... 1495 1947 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. ' HY DRAMATIC 1449 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDAN 1395 1948 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN COUPE .. 1385 1948 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .... 1295 1948 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 1395 1941 BUICK ROADM ASTER SDN. 795 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN ... 795 1939 LA SALLE SEDAN 530 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 495 OttoJ.WilsonCo. Commercial at Center Phone 2-3621 '49 DODGE 1 - TON STAKE PICKUP. 3712 miles. This truck deliver'd in Salem for $2205.53 OUR PRICE $1895 STAN BAKER MOTORS Union ft High Ph. 9-3468 q311 MODEL A. Excellent condition. Ph. 37835. q4 NEW 1949 Chevrolet deluxe A door sedan. only $1625. 1887 N. Winter. q3U 'SS V8 COUPE., SI9S. Newly rebuilt Mer cury motor, trans., new distributor, car buretor, etc BUI to show repair. Ph. 4-3868. Q310 NEED CASH Immediately. Will Mil my 1947 Olds eight 4-door hydramatlc com plete equipment. Only one owner, low mileage, beautiful shape. Will take old er car In trade. Phone 3-6634 or 2-4047. q3l0 '48 BUICK SUPER SEDAN RADIO & HEATER, TOO LITIS. UN DER COAT, WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES. SHOO MILES. ONLY $525 DOWN BAL. 24 MONTHS State Motors Inc. PACKARD 340 N. HIGH HAPPY NEW YEAR! And you will be happy all year long with any of these LODER BROS. "SAFETY-TESTED" CARS '49 KAISER SEDAN 11045 '48 HUDSON SEDAN 1800 48 OLDSMOBILE "W SEDAN.. 1885 '48 NASH AMB. SEDAN 1595 '47 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN 1185 '47 BUICK R.M. CLUB COUPE.. 1485 '47 PONTIAC "8" STA. WAGON. 1540 '47 STUDEBAKER COM. CLUB COUPE 1475 48 DeSOTO 4-DOOR 1235 '46 OLDSMOBILE "78" SEDAN.. 1360 Loder Bros. OLDSMOBILE 465 CENTER ST. - 2-7973 2410 FAIRGROUNDS RD. 2-1490 q3I0 1D48 DODGE panel. 11.000 mllei. A-I con dition, lias. M si. tnurcn, duck oi 885. q3U' 'SS PLYMOUTH 4 -door sedan. Oood tires and food battery. 150. '29 Model A coups 25. Contact Kirby Co, 595 N. Front. tl AUTOMOBILES OWNER 1949 135 Packard deluxe tour ini 4-door sedan. Phone 4-2328. qlll '86 DODOE PANEL, exc. cond. Ph. 2-8028. q2 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 150 USED CAR LOT 150 A your old one iatb St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q8 ZEEB'S USED CARS BHT BELL . TRAD TERMS I LOTS 3325 Fftlrg round Rd. Ph. 2-8414 520 Hood 8L Ph. 1-TI 14 OR TRADE: 1937 Ply. panel del. New mo tor. Oood body for pais. car. Ph. 3-3993. 580 M arket St.. alter 5 p.m. g310 1D88 FORD touring. Ph. 3-9788. q310 FOR BALE BY OWNER 1 late model tfe-ton Chev. Pickup In A-l shape like new. Leaa than 8000 miles, one owner. Radio and heater. 6-ply heavy duty tires. Ph. 2-8785. Q310 1011 HUDSON COUPE. One owner, low mileage, mechanically excellent. New tires, lifeguard tubes, Weathermaiter heater, windshield washers, good paint. J700. See Martin at Paulus Bros. Pack Ins Co. q310 Eisner Motors to Sell 1940 FORD 4 dr. deluxe. Radio, heater, seat cover. See at 1880 Center St. or Ph. 2-8550. q3U CAB ACCESSORIES tires A tubal at cost price Plrnt eomt first aerred u this v a eloaa-out sal Dealers welcomed R D Wood row Co. 450 Center tJ EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY AT oin USED CAB LOT ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL PRICES W. lnvlt. your comparison for pile, with Ilk. maki & model Any where. Herral-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS flflO N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113. q" MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular Size, a.uu una up. rauuwuuieu i ' a, ,v Salem. qbSll FINANCIAL IF TOUR PROPERTY Is for aal it will pay you to know how much of an FHA loan It will atand. This Information la obtainable with but very little trouble. DO NOT RESITATK to call on as for any Information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 8. High Bt. Tel. 3-4121. T GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS L.1& S-133 and U-3U and ROT B. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8. Commercial St. TeL 3-9181 T FARM AND CITY liOANS 4Va and 5 rOUll OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estata Contract! and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL BECURITTES OO 20t Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 4-2283. t PRIVATE MONET Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans 'r Long and Short TUna Payments ROT H SIMMONS 138 South Commercial St Phone 1-9181 AUTO LOAMS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 a. Church Parkins a Plenty Ph. 1-2467 Lie. No. M-159 8-1B4 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Falrgiounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 032 Lie. N U389-S201 Floyd Renyon. Mgr. r SEE DS POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 47. INTEREST ft to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 State St. Phone 2-3801 TRAILERS OR TRADE: 18 ft. '47 model Curtls-Wrlsht trailer house. Pa. S-4764. aa Fair grounds Rd. t2 TRAILER house, oil heat, Butane at ova. Ice box. Sleeps 4. 1600. 3295 Triangle Dr. or 192 E. Salem Hts. Ave. t3 TRAILER space for rent. Reasonable rates. Quiet locution. Close to every thing. Lnundry facilities, dryer. Plenty hot water. Heated rest rooms. Thermo stat control. Children welcome. Come out and see us. 15 Highway Ave. 1 blk. east of Chuck's Steak House. t3 MACHINERY COMPLETE woodworking shop machinery, U-iod very little. 2134 Fairgrounds Rd., ask for Folsom. v3 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 3-6773. 9 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair teiVli new appliance, Tinea's Blectrle Phone Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on 3-9239 137 8 Liberty St 0 1UTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASB SERVICE Towing service day phone 8-9288. Night 3-1804 33" Center o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Htukey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. o6 fi:iI.ING CARPENTRY CARPENTERING AND PLASTER1NO Plumbing, fixture Installing, cement fin ishing. Reasonable. Rt. 7, box 418. CASn REGISTERS Instant delivery oi new RCh easb register At makea sold, rented, re pa ed Roen 456 Court Ph 1-6773 o CEMENT WOKK Por expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveway patios, curbs, walla cU. Call 3-4810 O CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Enslcy. 771 S. 21st. Ph. 3-7178. o3U EXCAVATING Ben Otjcn St Son excavating At grading. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. o7 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-3474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6. Box 437-C 0311 Breitnauot't for flowers Dial .-9179. o FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed U repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24943 03 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8578. TtUI.'VMIOLD PRODUCTS 3. R. Walking Co products Pre de itcry 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. a IV-ULATION Johns-M an vt lie. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Buildings Factories - Romas EJtlmaies Without Obligation AMEIUCAN BLDO. MA INT, OO. PA ftUam 1-8 Ul ! ftViJ Haiti Opens Exposition Visitors pass "Point of Liberty" in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, during ceremonies opening bicen tennial exposition in which 28 nations participate. MARKET Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance or Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: Eitg Mash I4.6S. Rabbit Pellets 34.20. Dairy Feed (3.65. Poultry: Buying prices Grade A color ed hens, 19c; grade A Leghorn hens and up, 15c; grade A old roasters. 14c; Rrade A colored fryers three lbs., 20c. Ecu uurlnr Prices Large AA. 37c: large A 34-3Sc: medium AA. 31c; medium A. 29c; pullets, 35-37c. wuoiesaie mces isgg wnoiesaie prices S-7e above these prices; above grade A generally quoted at 40c; medium 34c. ISutleriat Premium 68c: No. 1, 84c; No. S, 5B-0o; (buying prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, 83c: re call 73o. Hats are declared to cause an annual damage of around $2,- 000,000,000 in this country, of which about half is the food sup plies they eat. DIRECTORY LA NDS C A IT NURSERY P. A. Doerfler St Sons, Ornamentals. 190 N. Lancaster Dr at Cor. Ph. 2-1322. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 345 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. o LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'l. St. o311 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish Se Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, eto. 1S23 Court St. Ph. 3-75G9. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c :s. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 458 Court. OIL BURNER SERVICE "Ofatrom's arc equipped to do rout painting Phone t-2493 a PAINTING A PAPERHANGING & painting. Est. free. Ph. Painting and paperhanglng. Pre esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. B57 Shipping. 07' PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhandlng and painting. H. J. Woods worth. Ph. 3-9807. Pre est. o20 PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Bcllkc. Ph. 2-1208. PLUMBING Fisher, 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-29B4. PI UTH HE FRAMING Picture framing Hut-neon Paint Store. Phoue 1-8687 o ROAD GRADING Large Se Small Jobs. New grader. Joy Strickfaden, phono 3-5410 08 Roof leak? Or do you need a new roof? Ph. 2-7761. Free estimates. Terms. o!8 SAND GRAVEL Oardco Soil cruihed rock. Shovel apd dragline excavating. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Phone 3-9249. o SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hnmel, Septic tanks, sewer end drain line cleaned. Ouarantced work. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol0 Mike's Septlo Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter nervlce on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-94G8. 3-5327. Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call us collect Todd's Septlo Tank Service, 850 Larsen. Phone 2-0734, o SKWEltS AND SEl'Tir TANKS Elcctrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent Knzor Sharp Cutting Hladcs Clean Sewers. Drains, Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. o SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired. Tree estimates Singer Sewing Machme CO 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512. n TRANSFER A STORAGI .oca) & Distance Transfer, stoiage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks ic Portland dally Acent for Br kins House hold goods moved to anywhere In O S Oi Canada. Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 o' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Ah make ucd machine Repairs and rent Rren 458 Court o VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37328. WEATHERSTRIPriNO WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore. Rt. 2. Box 317. Pb. 2-5135. WINDOW CLEANING Asme Indow Cleanera Windows, vails A woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 34' Court Langdoc. CulberUon and liatber WINDOW SHADES Washtsle, Made to order 1 Day Del Reinholdl A Lewis Ph 23839 o WOOD it SAWDUHT West Salem Fuel Co Ph 3-4031. LODGES A. Pacific Lodge No. 50, AF. & 5 A.M. F. O. Dcgre Friday, December 10, pm. a y jtv fit i ". At.! ' .11- Polish Embassy At Peris Blasted Paris, Dec. 30 VP) A violent explosion blew in the door of the chancellery of the Polish embassy here at dawn today nd slightly Injured a watchman, the only casualty. The embassy itself, an 18th century mansion across a court yard from the bombed office building, was undamaged. Am bassador Jersy Putrament, as leep in his charters 100 yards away, escaped injury. Police said explosive placed or hurled at the chancellery en trance destroyed the heavy glass door and iron grill, and broke many windows. Damage to the chancellery in terior was insignificant, the po lice said. Officials made, etc . picking Polish sources said the ex plosion appeared to be the work of "Polish terrorists who op pose the government in Poland." The blast echoed through the center of Paris. The embassy's night watchman, a Frenchman, was cut on the cheek by flying glass. Twenty windows were shat tered and shutters were rip ped from the window of Polish Ambassador Jersy Putrament's apartment, directly above the chancellery entrance where the explosives had been placed. Foot-long pieces of steel bars were ripped from the grillqd doorway and were hurled 30 feet into the buildina. Two cleaning women narrowly escap ed tne Hying steel and glass. WAAtoEnd Business Today Washington, Dec. 30 (IP) Gen eral services administrator Jess Larson wiped out the War As sets administration today. Larson, himself a former war assets administrator, said WAA has disposed of almost all of the $27,200,000,000 in pers onal and real property once de posited with it ss surplus. What remains, he said, will be dumped Jan. 1 into a new liqui dation unit of General Services administration. It includes: 65 difficult-to-sell real estate and industrial properties, rang ing from army installations to specialized steel casting plants. Their acquisition cost was $83,- 1 1 1,000. About $200,000,000 In air craft parts. Sales already in cluded will get rid of all these by Jan. 31, Larson said. WAA was set up in March, 1940, to dispose of war surplus. Last July it was transferred to Larson's agency for liquidation. STOCKS (By tlie Alloc 1 atcd Press) (Hy the Associated Press) Amerlcun Can IOB'4 Am Pow f Lt i3n Am Tel ft Tel 141'i Anaconda 2J'i Brndlx Aviation Beth Steel 331,1 Hoeing Airplane 23 Calif Packing s Canadian Pacific C. J I ... 3:114 Caterpillar 3SH Chrvler 88 Comwlth Ar, Sou Cons Vultre 10Y Continental Cnn 5flTi Crown Zellerhach 21'-;, Curlltt! Wrlifht 7'j DoiittlRS Alrcrnft 71 Dui'ont de Netn PITt Oiwral Electric Oeneral Pond 4!j General Motors l Goodyear Tire 44 Int Harvester I'7t4 Int Paper an 4 Kennrmtt jo-'i Lit)by McN k L 7H Lnnsr Hell "A" Montdomery Ward 5S Nash Kelvinator ,,,, K'4 Nat Dairy 3a NY Central n; Northern Pacific 7Ki Pac Am FLsh 2 Pa Gas A; Elec 3'f 'j P Tel At Tel UiO'i Penney .1 C Sfi ' j Radio Corp 2'i Kayonter 27 HayontT PM 30'i Reynolds Metal 20 'i Richfield 40 S Safeway Store , 33 flours Roebuck 44"; Southern Pacific 50;4 Standard Oil Co 61 S, Sturtr-bnker Corp 27 R.inahlne Mining t" Tranxamerlca 18 Union Oil Cat 37H Union Purine 83 '4 United Airline 13 U 8 Stel 28 'a Warner Flroa Plo 18 Wool worm 48 si Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Grain Futures Move Upward Chicaeo. Dec. 30 W Grain futures prices moved upward near the finish today after lia- dling around most of the session. There was some evening up operations for the long holiday week-end. There will be no trad ing after today until next Tues day. There apparently was some tax selling in the pits. Lack of rain in the winter wheat belt brought some sup port into wheat. Wheat closed unchanged to higher than the previous finish, March S2.18-$2.18 Vs, corn was up Vfc to March SI. 31 4, oats were unchanged to 1 cent higher, March 734, rye was M higher to V& lower, May S1.41-y4, soybeans were Yi higher to V lower, March $2.29-4, and lard was 13 cents a hundred pounds higher to 2 cents lower, January $10.62. SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (13y Valley Pack Inn Comnanv) Wooled lnmba 1 10.00 to 120.00 Feeder lambs 113.00 to 117,00 Calvea, good (300-450 lba.) I1B.00 to (22.00 veal (100-300 lbs.) top J22.00 to J25.00 Fat Dairy Cows ill. 00 and S12.00 Cutter Cows f 8.00 and (11.00 Dairy heifer (12.00 and (14,00 Bum ....(13.00 and (17.00 Portland EastMde Market Cabbage fold for (1.75-9 for local medium roundheads In 85-lb crat&s on the Portland Ea.itjilde Farmer Whole sale Produce market today. Kraut cabbage wu offered for (1.25 a 75-Ib sack. Cauliflower brought 11.75 a new crate. Carrots were 70-80 cents a dozen bunch es. No. 1 washed Burbank potatoes were (3.25-3.50 a hundred pounds. Broccoli sold for (1.40-1.50 a dozen bunches. Brussels sprouts were- (1.75-2 for a 12-cup lug. Loose packed Newton apples brought 11.35-1.50 a box; Wlnesapa were $1.25 2; Romes, (1.25-1. BO Portland Produce Uulterfat Tentative, subject to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 67c lb.; 02 score, 85c lb.; 80 score, 63: 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Hu tier Wholesale FOB bulk cube to wholesalers, grade 93 score, 63c. A 92 score, 62c: B score. 60o lb., O 89 score, 69c. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles 39-42c, Oregon 5 small loaf, 44Va-45c; triplets 1 leas than singles. Errs (to wholesalers) A grade large, 40-42 '.ic; A medium, 36-37 c: grade B large, 39-40c: small A grade, 35 Vic. Portland Dairy Market Butler Price to retailers: Qrade AA prints, 68c; AA cartons, 60c; A prints, 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Eggi Prices to retailers: Grade AA large, vie ooz.; ceruueci A large, 4Bc A large 44c; AA medium, 40c; cer tified A medium. 30c: B medium. S5o; small, 37c; cartons 2o additional. uneeie frico to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-42c; Oregon loaf. lb. loafs 44 -45c Ib.l triplets, lVfc crnts ltuu tuna oiiibiw. r-icnuum aranos, ganates, 5 Hie lb.; loaf. 63lio. - Poultry Live ehlckeni No, 1 quality FOB Plants. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs, 20i lb., fryers 2-3 lbs., 23-26o; 3-4 lbs., 27c; roasters 4 lbs. and over, 27-28c; fowl, Leghorns, 4 lbs. and under, 14-16o; over 4 us., loci coiurra iowi, an we ignis, lu-iiuc; roosters, all weights, 14-100. Turkey Net to growers, toms, SO-Jlc. hens, 44c. price to retailers, dressed; A young hens, 50-51c: A young toms. 27 38c; light toms, 41-42o. Rabbits Average to growers, live wnues. -a ids., ri-mc ID.: ft-8 lbs., 13-I7c lb.; colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed itiano iryers and retailers, 40c; local, 48- 52c. Country-Killed Meats Veal Top Quality, 33-34o lb. I other urates according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, 25-30c. Iloga Light blockers, 22-23c; sows itwic. Lamba Top quality, springers, !7-38c; mutton, 10-llc. neef Oootl cows, 24-350 lb.t sanners- cuttpra, 21-22c. Fresh Dreifted Meats (Wholesalers to retnllers per cwt.: Beef steers: Oood 500-800 lbi., (3D-42; commercial, 13B-3H; utility, 130-33. Cowa: Commercial, (30-33; utility 128 29; ennners-cutters, 123-28, Beef Cnts (Oood Steers); Hind quarters, 150-S2; rounds, (42-40; full loins, trimmed, (70-72; triangle, (33-34; square chucks. (35-40; ribs, (55-58: forequarters, (34-38. Veal and calf: Oood, (39-42; commercial, (34-37: utility. (28-30. Lambs: Oood-cholca spring lambs, (39 42; commercial, (35-37; utility, (33-34. Mutton Good, 70 lbs. down, 118-20. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 8-12 lbs., (38-40, shoulders, 16 lbs. down, (20-31; spa re ribs, 138-41: carcasses, (24-25; mixed weights (2 per cwt. lower. Portland BlHceHaneona Cascara Bark Dry 12Wc lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 27c lb.; according to weight: pIps, 22c lb.; beef, ll-12c lb.: bulls, 6 -7c lb. Country buyers pay 2o less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franqucttes, flrat quality Jum bo, 34,7c: large, 32.7c: medium, 27.2c; second quality Jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby, 23.2c; soft shell, first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 2fi.2c; first duality large, 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 21.2c; medium, 34.7c; baby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo, 20c lb, j large, 18c; medium, 16c; small, 13c. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 (UB Weekly livestock: Cattle: Friday salable 6.1: scattered sales cows about steady; medium steers un sold early. Calves Friday salable 10; market nom inal. Hons Friday salable 25; few good-choice 213-214 lb butchers 18. fihrep Friday salable none; market nominal. Chlrigo Mvettnrk Chicago. Dec. 30 (U.R) (UBDA1 Live- stork market: Hosn: Salable 15.0(10: falrl active, stea dy to 25 cents tower, mortly steady on wr ignis unaex zju ins.; mm tiers 2.iu ins. up, rather alow, mostly around 25 cents lower, some sales 60 cents lower: sows dull, 50 to 75 rents lower: most good and choice 180-220 lbs. 15.75-16.25: lat ter price top paid freely; most 230-260 lbs. 14.75-15.50; 200-310 lbs. 14.25-14.75; most sows under 450 lbs. 11.50-13.75; weights 475 lbs. and over 10.00-11.25; in- utrntlons good clearance.. Sheen: Salable 12')0; slaUKhle'r Jnmbi 25-50 cents, mostly 60 cents lower: choice us 10. women iambs topped at 2.1.75; rholr.e 98 lbs, number one k;n shorn lambs 23.25; clearance Incomplete and demand very poor at close on lambs scal ing over 100 lbs.; yearlings absent; sheep Mcntiy; smuKmer rwes vao-ii.&o. Cattle: Salable 1200: ralves: 200; choice sleers and heifers ahsent: medium and gcotl grades dull, barely steady at the weex s aeciine; rows sieany; bum active, strong to 25 cents higher: vcalcrs stea dy; scattered toads and lots medium and good steers and yearlings 20.00-38.00: best in toad lota 26.00. paid for mOFtly good 1075 lb. steers: few medium and good hellers 19.00-24.00; most beef cows 15.00- 16 50, bulk camiers and cutters 12 50- 14 50; sprlnkllna medium and good sau age bulls 18.50-31.00: vealers 30.00 down. In radio a "wave trap" Is a device to prevent unwanted waves or signals from reaching the receiver. Friday, December 30, DEATHS William Parnell Emery William Parnell Emery, late resident ot the Waldo Hills, December 26, at Long Beacli, Calif. Surviving are two dauzh- ters, Mrs. Evelyn snauuca oi iong at sen, and Mrs. Gladys Hersch of Salem; and two grandchimren, wuieita nern, ea im nH Lawrence Shattuck. Long Beach. Services will be held Saturday, December 31, at 10:30 a.m. at the W. T. Rlidon c hii pel with entombment at Mt. Crut Abbey. James Remolds Berr James Reynolds Berg, late resident of Drain, In this city, December 2tf, at the nan f 21 years. Surviving are his Pr- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Ben, Dralni two oroiners, itouert iuu niutatu Fred Berg, both of Drain; and three sis ters, Jeanetto Berg, Drain; Mrs. Kenneth Noel. Walla Walla. Wash.: and Mrs. J. O. Stephens, Arsenal, Ark. Services will be held saturaar, uecemoer 91, at v.uu at the W. T. Rlsdon chapel. Jesse George Jesse Qeorae. In Tacoma. Wash.. De cember 29, at the age of 88 years. Sur viving are four children, Darwin so. George, Grants Paw; Mrs. Willis E. Vln- Anchorage. Alaska: Mrs. R, W. Lindsay, Tacoma, Wash.; and Mrs. B. Towner Fleming, Albuquerque, N. M.i six grandchildren and two great grandchil dren. Services will be held Tuesday, Jan uary a. at 1:20 n.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with concluding service at Oltr View cemetery. OBITUARY Ida M. Fisher Canby Funeral services for Mr. Id M. Fisher, 63. Hubbard Rt. 1, who died at her home Tuesday following a short illness, were held from the Zfon Men nonlte church near Hubbard Thursday with burial In the Slon Mennonlte ceme tery. She was born In Garden City, Mo., April 13, mas and came to Oregon In. . Surviving are her huabnnd. Joel 3. Fisher, Sr.. whom she married la Hubbnrd In 1009; three sons, John Flsh- r, Joel s. Fisher. Jr.. and Robert Fisher. all of Hubbnrd Rt. 1; five daughters, Mrs. Ruth Neujch wander. Hubbard; Mrs. Rhoda Palmer, Harper; Mrs. Hazel Hool ey, West Linn; Mrs. Josephine Peterson, Hubbard Rt. 1, and Mrs. John Horstman, Eugene; five sisters, two brothers and 2; grandchildren. Betty Louise, Mary Francea Lowery Dallas Funeral servtcos for Betty Louise Lowery, 7, and Mary Francea Lowery. 5, who died In a fire which de stroyed their home at Falls City early woane.'day, win be held rrom the Henkle and Bollman funeral home at 2 o'clock. Sunday with burial In the IOOF ceme tery. They are surv ved by their Barents. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery, two sta le rs ana a brother. Fay Jean Lowery, 0; Alvln James Lowery. S and Dei ore Jean Lowery, 18 months: also grandpar ents, Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Lowery, Falls city. The family came here from Arkan sas last April. Roy Dennis Katssen Dallas Funero services for Rov Den nis Klnssen, twin son born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klasscn at the Dallas hospital December 24, will be held from the Henkle and Bollman chapel at 2 o'clock Satur day, Rev. Alfred Brown officiating. Be sides his parents he Is survived by a twin sister, Joy Denlce. Both babies weighed 3 pounds 4 ounces and were placed In an Incubator, Raymond K, Derby Monmouth Funeral services lor Ray mond E. Derby. 63. who died here Thurs day after an Illness of four months, will oo neiu irom the w. L. smith funeral home at 2 o'clock Saturday, Rev, John tinsn otiicinting and burial in Fir Crest cemetery. He had operated a out service for OCG students to Independence lor me last 20 years and also a homo machine shop. Derby graduated from McMlnnvllIc high school In 1005 and later attended Llnfield college, becoming an Instructor In steam engineering and later assistant chief engineer at a paper m'U In Kelso, Wnsh. His wife died In Feb ruary 1948. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Arthur Lacey, Portland, and on grand daughter. James R, Coddlniton Albany Jnmes R. Ooddlngton, 73, RPD No. 2. Albany, died at a local hos pital Wednesday. Funeral services will be held at tho Fortmiller-Frederlcksen fun eral home Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Born at Wako, la., Mr. Cod d Inn ton came to Ore gon from Kansas In 1035, following hla marriage to May E. Anthony July 20. 1007. She survives as do four children, Mrs. Carl Aicuauiey, vmnur and aene Coddlng ton, Albany and Theodore Codd In at ou st. Helens, a stepson, L. V. Anthony, Portland; a brother, J. V. Codding ton, Fredonla. Kans.; two sitters. Mrs. May Thompson and Mrs. Eva Teeters, Inde pendence, Mo., and 12 grandchildren. Gary Lee MeCoy son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred" Lee McCoy, m uroaiaibin oi., Aioany, uea at mt Albany General hospital Wednesday. He was born December 13. Private funeral services wore held Thursday at the Fish er Funeral home. Surviving besides the parents are the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McOoy, Rogue River, and T. B. Rlchey, San Francisco, Cal. Jumper Gem Your winning Win- tor team ! First, n smooth fitting basque jumper with fashion's fa vorite pocket detail. Then, a tidy tie-collnr blouse. (Both In one pat tern.) No. 2009 Is cut In sizes 10. 12. 1 10. 18 and 20. Size 10 Jumper. 3ft yds. 35-in.; blouse. 2',4 yds. 39 -In. Would you like to see a collection of more than InO other pattern styles that includes designs lor ail mem bers of the family from tiny tots and growing girls to Juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order. It's a big aid to every hom sewer. Price per copy 20c. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. State Size desired. Address Capital Journal, 214 Mis sion St, San Francisco 0, Calif.