14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 30, 1949 CLAJSinXD ADVKBTISINQl rm Una ...,t 15a Per Lino I times 40c Per Line times 80s Pel Use 1 month S2.00 Outside of Salem 19o per line pei day Min. loc i 3 times min. boo - times mln. 11.20 No Ke funds KIADEBS In Local News CoL Onlyt 30c per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES t B.B. HOME, attached car., unfln. up, plenty space for extra B.R. 4c storage, lge. lot, chicken hse. Just out of city limits E. Close to store and bus. 633 Edlna Lane. Ph. 2-2M2. a3 5 ACRES 111,300 Good modern 2 bed rm. home, fireplace, basement, furnace, etc. Chicken house, small barn, edge of city, pavement nd bus, very good. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 990 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 4-2788 a310 PRICE REDUCED 17 950 Nice 2 bed rm. ranch type home, has extra large living rm., kitch en, bath St utility, fireplace, furnace, lot 83x153. att. garaze. A steal, terms. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 2-3840 Eve. 4-2788 a310 Late Built A nice 2 BR home close to school, stores, bus, needs a little touching up, to make a very attractive low priced home. $8500 with low down payment. Call WALT MUSGRAVE. Walt Musgrave Realtors 12U Edgewater Ph. S-5109 a310 New F.H.A. Approved Well planned 2 bdrm. bungalow with electric heat. Attached garage. Lot faces park. Is on bus line. S blocks from school. 11100 down. 52.50 per mo. or will consider good used car as part down payment. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor ' 1311 Edgewater. Ph. 1-51M. Eve. '-'9; OWNER LEAVING Nearly new 6 rm. house with attached e-arage. Large lot. Nice lawn A shrubs, fenced. A real buy, 15500. C. W. Reeve, Realtors 945 8. Com'l. Ph. J-SM. XV.. I-4SIJ. $500 DOWN Older type house, 1 bdrms. Partly turn. Pull price 13500. C. W. Reeve, Realtors SI5 S. Com'l. Ph. J-4590. Eve. Open House Till Sold Suburban south. Spacious 3 bdrm. home. Picture windows, fireplace, patio & tc. Woodsy view. Ph. 2-22S7 and price this Or drive oy anaa tycih i-c. FATRMOUNT HILL 18500 New 3 bedroom horn on an ex tra large lot. Nice site living room and dining room, hardwood floors. Inside utility room. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 3-3B49 Eve. 3-5260 a310 1 BDRM. FURN HOUSE for sale. $4500. Very small down payment. Fireplace St nook. 185 N. 23rd. 3J. 3 BEDROOM North 21st. Hardwood firs.. Urge living room, dinettee. 16950. Small dn. pay ment, ad. terms on balance. C. W. Reeve, Realtors 949 8. Com'L Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-3088. a310 I8B00. LATE built 2 bdrm. home end Mi acre located Kefcer district. H.W. fin. Attached garage. Insulated. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. R'ltors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121. a311 Mft DOWN: 3 bdrm. with bath. Very live able. .2500 full price. Balance like rent. HOBSON REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-4226. 4 ml. N. Hlway 90 B.311 $1000 to $1200 Down WALKING DISTANCE TO State bldss. (5350. 6 rooms and bath, bus. 5 Rooms Furnished $3750 CONSIDER SMALL DOWN PAYMENT $5950, $1950 Down. New MODERN. 6 RMS. AS IS. SUBURBAN WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 8. Liberty - Ph. 3-7113, Salem 310 2225 Breyman St. FINISHED St OPEN FOR INSPECTION Attractive 3 bdrm.. living room, din ing rm.. kitchen. Lot's of bullt-lns, fire niBj v hiinrta. auto, oil heat. hdwd. floors thruout. Utility rm. Attached garage. PRICE $9750 TERMS WM. T. J. FOSTER HOME BUILDER 1S50 Baker St. Ph. 2-9853. a310' SUBURBAN HOME S rm. house. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. Approx. U A. fruit it nuts. I blk. grocery store, ltt blks. to bus. Price 15600. Ilooo down, can Mabel Needham Realtor 341 State Ph. 3-9201. a31t Best Home Buy of 1949 aa7K Riivi si i.BOO new picture win dow home, large corner lot. Beautiful fireplace. Spacious rooms, 2 bdrnu., iivinr An dlnlntt room, brenkfost nook. beautiful kitchen with adjoining util ity room. Bretwar & garage. Just think, only H7& oown, so per m Includes Interest, taxea St Insurance. L. E. Klumpp. Realtor 480 N. Church. Ph. 3-7642. Eve. 3-0136 FOR SALE LOTS I LOTS, 90x135 each. Located on paved Ilreet and paved alley. Bourn. Call O. V. Mum. with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Ph. 3-4131. aaair LARGE LOT SOUTH, $1,500 Near McKlnler Schl. "5x100. Eva. J-0473 HALF ACRE NORTH, S1.0U0 Eve. 3-0473 1 ACRE NORTH, $1,750 Lota of evergreen trees. Ideal bulldlnc alta. Eve. 2-0473 CALL MR. LeCLERO J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court Street Ph. 3-7756. aaSlO LOTS $15 DOWN, $15 MONTH With water and electricity. Close to school and bus. Nice location, eiivenon Highway. General Real Estate 355 Center Phone 3-3289. aa3' FOR SALE FARMS" IDEAL DAIRY-TRUCK crop farm. 30 A at edtie of city, on pvmt. Very fertile bot tom loam, all under Irrlg. 3 BR plast. hse. burnt., furnace. Lge. barn, concrete lira., grade A milk house. Priced rlftht at 118,000. Terms or trade for Salem home. BOW ELL PRAIRIE FARM ON RIVER. 31 acre. Can be lrm. Brut land available for specialty crops. 4H A of 4 yf. old boysen berries. Good home, barn, silo, 2 car Karate. OWNER SACRIFICES at 112.000. EqulnnVt at BARGAIN. 16 ACHES DEEP CHF.HALIS SILT. High ly productive bottom land. Lays along main highway, close in. Spacious, mod home, fratures taint., furnace, fire place, 110.900. Easy terma. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Llstlnss Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve Ph. Woqdb u rn Bne142. CollcctM10 43 ACRE FARM. 38 A cultivated. 20 A bean yard. Pair Improvements with 3 bdrm. home. Price 113,500 Includes Ir rigation system, tractors, truck, farm Implements, etc. This place Is priced to sell. Call O. V. Hume with gtate Finance Co., R'ltors 1U S. UUb phone 1-4131. Mil FOR SALE FARMS IVAN B. SUTTON, BROKER By City Hall In Jefferson, Phone Jefferson 253 80 acres, all cultivated, river bottom land. 14 acres of mint, mint still, Irri gation equipment, all farming like new; Including electric welder and acetylene welder. 3 barns, machine shed, garage and ehop. 7-room modern house, all fur nished like new. On paved road close to Jefferson. Pull price 128.500.00. Terms can be arranged. See to appreciate, bl .$20,000. 298 ACRE stock and grain ranch. 90 A cultivated. About 40 A. bottom land that can be irrigated. 8 room home, dou ble plumbing. AIao 3-room home, large barn, poultry house, hog house, etc. Year around water. Located about 35 miles from Salem. Terms. Call o. v. Hume With State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High Ph. 3-4121. b311 REAL ESTATE 7 ACRES, NORTH Modern 2 bdrm. home. Double Plumb' lng. Good barn. Excel, soil. Will accept horns in saiem lor part payment. ENGLEWOOD Lovely 2 bdrm. home, unfinished up. Basement, fireplace, large patio. This Is one 01 tnese oetter nomes. $4500 Modern 2 bdrm. home. Excel, location. Small lot. WE HAVE A NUMBER OP PINE HOMES. FARMS it BUSINESS PROP ERTIES, FOR SALE OR TRADE. WE MAY HAVE WHAT YOU ARE LOOK ING: FOR. COME AND SEE US. CALL MR. NOONCH ESTER. H. E. Corey Real Estate TAKE CHEAP HOUSE AS DOWN PYMT. New modern 5 rms. Suburban N. East. Rep. 37113. c310 Best Buys 3 Bedrooms 3 years old, close In; suburban. Insulat ed, weather stripped, oil heat, total price only (9150. Eves. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $1500 Down Very modern, 3 BR, down, 1 up, at ached garage, brick front, lee. D.R. Im mediate pass., choice location. Well worth 49500. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $1500 Down Almost new 2 B.R. Could easily be made Into 4. Att. gar., Ise .spacious rooms, hdwd. floors, home has had ve; good care. Beautiful furn. Available at very reasonable price. Total price 19500. Eve. Ph. 2-7074 or 3-3558. $300 Down Extra special. We have made arrange ments to build you a home on your lot. Very neat, modern, auto furnace, 780 sq. ft. floor space, hdwd. firs., spacious closets. Utility room Inside, storage space upstairs, plastered, Plate glass windows, car port. You will be proud to own this home. Come In for de tails. Total price only $6300. $1250 Full Price Very liveable 3 room home. 6 miles from Salem. 1 acre lot. Well worth the asking price. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 14 Acres Modem 0 room home 20x30 barn. Equip ped for irrigation, family fruit, New berg soli. Only 7 miles from Salem. See this one for 18500. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Look These Over (1300 buys Iks. lot, water, elec, and a neat metal covered trailer house Just right for two. 1200 down. 3 B. RMS., 1 AC, SALEM $12,500 with terms, the hse. has hdwd. floors, basement, furnace, north. Keizer 3 B. Rms. 110,250 new and modern, lge. lot, lawn, shrubs, close store, cosy terms. ! NEAR SALEM HI FURNISHED I 17250 lge. lot. 2 b. rms., late built. ENQLEWOOD 3 B. RMS. 18350 appraised tflsoo on lonn, attr. mod. 9 yr. plaster, fireplace, etc.. Low down payment. LOVELY HIGH ON A HILL Would you like to look down on Salem and live In an extra modern new 3 bed rms. If so. call or phone. Trailer Court Salem 16500 total price. Income 1100 month. 13600 cash will handle. NEW 10 UNIT COURT 135,000 income $420 month, steady rent als, hlway front could be overnights. 4 Acres 99E North $15,000, close to good town, 3 b. rm. fur nished hse. Shrubs, berries, etc. 500 front on hlway. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 8. Com'l. Ph. 2-4040 EVe. 3-5497 C310 SACRIFICE Out-of-Town Owner says sell below my cost. 2 bedroom bungalow. H.W. floors, auto heat, fully Insulated and weather stripped, about 11100.000 will handle. 5 ACRES CLOSE IN, CALLUS. C STREET SPECIAL One of the better built homes, 2 nice bedrooms, lame living room, hardwood floors, auto oil heat, nice little break' fast nook, really a good buy. Goodwin. and McMillin REALTORS Pho. 3-4707 484 Court Eve. 3-4773 1-A715. C3ir SEE OUR LISTINGS BEPORE BUYINO WE HAVE SOME GOOD CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES, AS WELL A3 LARGE AND SMALL PARM PROPER TIES FOR SALE OR TRADE. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS Formerlr LEO N. OII1LDS. INC. S44 Stato St. Ph. 2-3663. C3111 FLASH If you have $300 cash for dwn. payment and a vacant lot, we can deliver you a new home in 00 days. Come in and see us for details. No phone infor mation please. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7630, 3-4598 FOR YOUR SAVntUb investment buy first mortgage on real estate Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts $500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections .for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO 1S3 8 High C WANTED REAL ESTATE XK ARE in need of good house to tell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property ior Mie see r.KAllKNIWRST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 Attention Sellers We need listings badly, especially on good farms and acreage and we do have buyers. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 170 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-48 ca310' NOTICE! It your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds or casn ouyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 3. Rich St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERY STORE dotnK Rood business, two can handle. Apartment in rear. If Interested write for particulars, P. O. Box 312 Beaver, Ore. cdl restaurant for rent. 13i mo. Fully equipped. Good location. HOBSON REAL ESTATE Ph. 2-4336, 4 Ml. N. Hlway 99 Cd311 4 UNIT court. 3 garaitrs. Income $270. 123 .000. 1583 Market. Ph. 3-9409. c d3 STORE, records, radios At repair. Phlico appliances. Would sell separately stock of hardware & auto supplies. Owner dis abled. 174 C St., Independence. cd3 STOCK of hardware St auto supplies 50. Must vacaU bldi. 182 C St.. IQdepen deuce, cdJll FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE MODERN 2 BEDROOM WHITE FRAME HOME, CON STRUCTED IN 1947. EXTRA SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM GARAGE AND STORAGE SPACE. OWNER LEAVING TOWN MAKES Price Only $7500 FOR QUICK DISPOSAL FOR INFORMATION CALL Mr. Balck at 3-8721 GRABENHORST SPECIALS LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 bdrm. home, close to Leslie Jr. High, lull bnsmt., fireplace, garage, nicely landacaper, price $10,506. S3. 500 down. bal. 175 per mo. CALL PETER OEISER ON BUS LINE Suburban home, 3 bdrroa., ft acres, .hake exterior, near .hopping district, 15,500. CALL ROY FERRIS DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR 1950 CALENDARS FOR JEWELRY & FUR INSURANCE CALL HAL HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oeber 3-9968 31 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW BUSINESS BLDG. 56x140" on 82x225 Lot Now occupied by an established well paying business. Owner will sell all equipped and stocked or will consider selling the bldss. alone. Will consider house in trade. Kiggins. INCOME PROPERTY We have an exceptionally good listing on a close-in residence court. Luc. home on the same lot. PLEASE, no phone in formation, but come in the office and talk it over. Kin a Ins. THIS IS GOOD. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Office: 2-3649 Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 cd310 A WELL established auto supply whole sale business. Paying excellent dividends. Must sell Immediately because of Illness. Small Investment required. Box 316 Capital Journal. ct!3 HAYES VILLE store, Rt. 7. box 145. Ph. FURNITURE FOR SALE MOD. BEDRM. Set, cheap. Ph. 37113. 5 ROOMS of furniture Includes washing machine, treadle sewing machine, re frlz. Ph. 2-B006. dl AUCTIONS BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 25th. PI). 38147. ea24 YES. IT'S AT SCOTTY'S new auction house. Another big public auction sale. This Frl. nlte, Dec. 30, 7:3"0 p.m. Many new Hems of furniture consigned. Any thing you want sold. Bring It alonsr. Ph. 3-6274, l'a mile east out Center St. dd310 LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. E. Sne- then, J55Q Lancaster ur. rn. 31345. eal7 PETS CHOICE canary birds, 260 N. 18th. ec6 LITTLE MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA puppies 3 weeks old. Please call at 420 Miller Ave., Dallas, Oregon. ec310 FUEL lfi" SLAB, 2 cds. 110. Ph. 31458. DRY, 2ND GROWTH fir, stove length. neasonaDie. rn. 3-33, s-s4a. eeio ASHCRAFT'S-woods. Ph. 3-3380. 844 Mill. ee3io Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' CALL IIIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 36444 West Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED. SAWDUST DIESEL & STOVE OIL ' Ph. Salem 3-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater West Salem e PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, asb Ss maple. 4 tlr. 16" slab and erinlntts. Pn 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 16" Slab Wood and Edelnra Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR &&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW IMMrsniRI chtcu for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tiles Fol Hatchery. 3830 Stat. St. Ph. 3-4069. PRODUCE HELP WANTED MALE EX PER. MEAT cutter, capable of manag ing of small shop. Write Capital Journ al Box 315. Basil HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY to the director of admls lon Willamette university. Proficiency In short hand, typing and olflce pro cedure essential. References. Call 3-P26 ext. 21, for appointment gb3 Minni.F ACE lady to do housework and child rare. For 130 per mo. A board & room. Box 317 co Capital Journal. gb4' BURROUGHS CALCULATOR operator, ex perienced necessary. Typing required. Pe rm a nent. Ph. 3-9305. Hb3J tVANTEP women nut shai.ers. All winter work. 460 N Front Klorftln Packing Company. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OPPIl'B AND CLERICAL POSITIONS lea Stale Street Phone 3-1468 ,f Journal Want Ads Pay IFOR SALE HOUSES (WANTED SALESMAN WHAT ARE your plans for 1950? A good Rawielgh Business is hard to beat. Big line well established makes sood profits. No experience required. Write today for information now to get started. Raw lcleh'j, Dept. ORL-155-254, Oakland. Calif. gg310 WANT SALESMAN with far mine exnerl- ence. For details send statement of sell ing and farming experience to box 313 uapiiai journal. ggi LOCAL married carpenter to take charge or our modernization dent. Must be ab i to do remodeling of homes. Local 1st cla.s5 references required. Apply In per son from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana Ave., Salem. gg310 REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. Must Know tiaicm and surrounding territory. Walters Real Estate, 960 S. Commercial. gg310 REXAIR la expanding In our neighbor hood. We need dealers, representatives to take orders. Full-time dealers make up to (250 a week. Part-time dealers up to $100 a week. See me at 757 Center St. BB21 WANTED An experienced sale service man by local distributor of National Brand tires. State bbc and qualifications to Capital Journal, Box 310. ggl BOOK BINDING Have your National Geographies, Sci ence Journals and other magazines bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also reblnd antique books, Hand and machine sewed. Capital City Bindery, 1025 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176. ghl4 WANTED POSITIONS CLEANING OR Ironing by hour. 50c per nr. fa. jutjui, ni WILL CARE for children In my home. By aay or wee, sao union, pn. 35777. mil' I AM A vet with 2 babies. Need work des perately. Will wash woodwork, windows or cars. Can Paint fc any yard work. Ph. 20022. h3 SINGLE EXP. MAN wants general farm worie. Pll. 2-8290. H310 AMBITIOUS SALESMAN, clothing exper ience. Reputable local 11 rm, also gen eral selling exp. Ph. 3-9721. Wes ley Smith, 1343 Wllber St. hi EXPERIENCED waitress needs work. Ph. 3-8494. Lois Lund. h311 Church, Apt. 4. h312 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CDILD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 33611. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Capable yng. woman. Exper. short hand Si accounting. Gd. correspondent, bond ed. Best of reference. Ph. 3-9766. BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0580. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hi TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2 Mimeographing-Typing HOURLY child care. Ph. 2-0403. CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 h FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE warm clean rooms, outside entrance. Well located. Call 3-4248. Jk4 SINGLE sleeping room, steam heat, HtC water, 473 N. Liberty Street. Jkl ROOMS FOR girls In modern home. Cook liiH prlv. Use of entire house. 645 N. Winter. Ph. 3-4372. Jkl WORKING GIRL preferred. Bus by door. Ph. 3-4561. 1420 N. 4th. Jk03' SMALL WARM rm. for lady. Close In. Cooking prlv. 740 Chemeketa, JkSlO NICE WARM sleeping room with hot & cold water. 255 Center. J It 3 10 SLP. A LlRht hskp. rm. Ph. 3-4335. Jk23 CLOSE IN room for clean employed man. 540 S. Liberty. Jk2 LARGE SLEEPING ROO.M for couple or employed lady. 949 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-84S9. Jkl FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 ROOM prtly. furn. apt. HAC water furn. Elec. rnftf., oil ht., completely re modeled. $33.50 per mo. Inq. 325 Ore gon Bldg. Insp, 365 Taylor. Jpl APT., prl. bath, elec. heat, ref., range, emp. lady. 715 Ferry St. Jpl" CLOSE IN modern 3 room furn. apt. Ev erything electric. 535 N. Winter. Jpl' Fl'RN. APT. 1 2-rm. & 1 3-rm. Elec. stove Ss heat. $50 it $30. Adults. Ph. 37176. JPf 3 RM. FURN. Apt. for working man or woman. Close In. $25. Ph. 22532. Jpl HE AT E D F I ' R nTA pt . pViv7Ent. St bath. Kitchen, refrtg. 345 Union St. Ph. 24451 after 8 p.m. Jp3U VERY DESIRABLE 3 room apt. partly furnl5hed, hot water heat. Bus at door. $45. Ph. 38413. JP NICE Fl'RN. Apt. 1 large. 1 small. Utili ties furn. Reasonable. 365 S. 16th. Jp4 MOdTfI'RN. 3 large rms. Prlv. ent., bath, refrlg. Adults. 643 Union. Jp4 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Electric store A bath, 1362 S. 15th St. Ph. 30035. Jpl 3 LARGE rooms A bath, closets A bullt lns, 1st floor furnished. Washing facili ties, garage. Phdne 25035 or will show anv time Sat. Ollla Nyiwaner, 465 S. 21st St. Jp310 MODERN large 3 rm. furn. uU Use of rtbone. 1431 N. Cottage, Jpi IFOR RENT APARTMENTS 3-ROOM FURN. apt. 2191 Mapll. On Highland bus Jlne! Jfl SPARKLINQ NEW 1 one-bedroom apt. In modern brick court, spacious, storage, excellent loca- tion. 380 SlTth. JPV lROOM MODERN apt. Private entrance. 2073 N. Commercial. JpI LARGE CLEAN 2 rm. furn. apt. HSiC wa ter, oil heat, large closets. Close In. Reas. Adults. 180 Division St. Corner Division & N. Front Sts. JP311 FURN. 2 RM. Apt. $30. Cottage $30. 1-rm. apt. $22. 827 N. Liberty, pn. aiass. jpaj' LARGE CLEAN 4 room apt. Basement, fireplace, rcfrlg., elec. range, washer, Adults. 190 S. 25th. Jp3U' CLEAN FURN. 3 room apt. with bath. Adults. Ph. 21769 or 365 S. 14th. Jp3U LARGE MOD. furn. 2 rm. apt. Prlv. ent. A: bath. Ground floor. 208 Bush. Ph. 39331. Jp3U MOD. FURN. ADt. Lights, water, garbage, Prl. bath, close In. $35 mo. Jnq. rear apt. 824 N. Front. Jp4 1411 STATE ST. 3 rm. furn. apt. Prlv. bath. jp25 RM. FURN. apt., 145. Utilities furn. 725 S. 13tn. Jpsio' 2 RM. FURN. basement apt. Adults. Show er. Ph. 2-0S86. 575 D St. JP3101 NEW 4 rm. all electric. No children. Ph. 2-7071. Jp2' 3 RM. FURN. upstairs apt. Close In. Ph. 2-0745. lP2 NEW RM. partly furn apt. Adults, 1047 Madison. Pn. z-3iea. m i RM. APT., private bath and entrance. Close to bus and stores. 735 S. 13th. JP310 YOU CAN afford the best I Ambassador apts. 150 to $73. Ph. 3-6805. JP10' FURN. APT., 2 rooms St bath. Prlv. ent. Almost downtown, for 3 working girls. Ph. 2-5539. JP310 YOUNG MAN will share uptown furn. apt. with other reliable single man. Ph. 3-6249 after 6 P.m. Jp311 3 ROOM unfurn. basement apt. Newly decorated. Roomy & attractive. Ph. 2-8613. 1375 N. Com'l. Jp311 3 ROOM FURN. upstairs apt. Large rooms and storage space. Ph. a-seia. ists n, Com'l. JP311 NICELY furn. apt. Private bath. Ph. 3-5838 or eve. 3-4814. jp NEWLY DECORATED modern 3 rm. furn. apt. Private bath. All electric. Ph. 9-9138 Jpl NICE FURN. APT. north. 3 rooms it bath with garaRe. Adults only. Can after l P.m. 930 Garnet St. jp310 RM. FURN. BPt., elec. refrigerator, close in an. town noun. inq. uun picna. Realtors, 379 N. High St. 2-3469 or 2-5240. Jp311 YEAR OLD dUDlex 3 room is bath furn, v. blinds, strictly modern. I'i blocics e. of Colonial House on highway. Call 35765. jpjir LOVELY TRAILER. Butane equipped. 21st St. &, Mission. Mission St. Trailer court. JP311 NEW 2 larse rooms and bath, partly turn, pnone 3-8067. jpaii FOR RENT HOUSES BDRM. HOME, hardwood floors, nice bullt-lns, floor furnace, garage. $65 month. Also 2 bdrm,, hardwood floors, $60 month. L. E. Klumpp, Eealtor 488 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126 Jm311 1 BDRM. unfurn. cottage. Ph. 35641. jmjii SMALL MODERN home $25. Ph. 38504. jm3ii" $40 MO. UNFURN. mod., all-elec, Ua ml. So. 12th St. Junction, euri fieri a, au N. High St. 2-3649. Jm310- 2-B.R. HOUSE 10 miles out, $30. Ph. 34214. 3-B.R., OIL HEAT, fireplace. Wired for electric range. Ph. 2-4453. jmuz- MODERN 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. Close In. Ph. 2-9138. Jml FURN. 5 RM., clean, close In. adults. Also 3 rm. turn. apt, fa. a-ptaa. jmt- SMALL 2 bdrm. house. Partly furn. Not modern, inquire-az wiiuams Ave, jpijiu 1 BDRM. HOUSE. Nearly new. He sure to see inside. Electric heat, range, clothes dryer, automatic washer. $62. Ph. 3-9409. 1583 Market. Jm3U 1 BDRM. nOUSE $45 per mo. 2 mo. in adv. No dogs. Rt. 0 box 011 mown tta., SweBle dlst. Jm310 NICE NEW SUBURBAN neighborhood. 3 BR duplex, all electric, children wel come, mile from new Lincoln school or 'i mile E. of State St. 4 Corners, $70 mo. See caretaker at 4545 State St. or Ph. 31125. Jm3U 1 BR HOUSE. Close In. Stoves furnished. Ph. 3-7125. )m310- CLEAN 3 RM. mod. furn. Garage. 2 ad ults. NO pets. Ph. 3-7849 JR1310' LARGE garage house. Call after 5 p.m. 3-5952. jmr FOR RENT Your choice 4 room house or 3 room mod. Some turn, wired ior ranee. $45. Adults pref. No pets. Hen nessey, 55 Hlahway Ave. jmSll ROOM & BOARD WILL TAKE elderly people for room and board. Ph. 3-6680. 266 s. Cottage, m FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store bldg., at 1694 N. Com'l. $50.00 per mo. Inquire at 2085 N. Com'l. J311 FLOOR space on State St Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-3482. 1" FINE NEW 1300 sq. ft., well located bus iness or office room, excellent ior doc tors. Insurance office, etc. Ph. 3-5355. Jl U DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service Center at Cottate. Ph. 39103. T BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. FOR RENT. Large room Ferry Street, su table for oil ce or store, aiso J- story alley warehouse wltb elevator, dls- iriDuior a neaaouaners. State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. TeL 3-4121. J FItlOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. i POWER TOOL rentals tor home and in dustrial use Bowser Bros Pb 3-3646 TRAILERS 13.00 per day. Howser Bros Hlu b (2th, West Salem. 1 -OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. rn DO sood fob -ent a good floor sand er. We sell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. . Ph. 1-9046 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery Sinter Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l. Ph 33512 1 WANTED TO RENT s BR house, state auditor. Permanent, Reliable. Ph. 2-77:5. JB311 RESPONSIBLE couple, 3-year-old son, need house, furnished or unfurnished, $50 limit. Phone 3-6155. Ja3 3 OR 4 BEDRM. house. Unfurn.. for lo cal retail store mgr. Ph. 3-9065. Mr, Reynolds. Ja311 3 BDRM. house. Responsible couple with child, will lease. Ph. 2-4810. ja3U WORKING COUPLE would like apt. close in. Reas. After 6 p.m. ph. 3-4515. laaic LOST & FOUND LOST on HtKh street or In downtown area, Man's gold Gotham wrist watch. Re ward. Phone 3-6715. k311 FOUND! A really good piaee to eat. Food selling Is the art of providing foods that won t come back to customers who will AU MS VILLE COFFEE SHOP AumsYllIe. Oregon Truck Parking k310 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE K CP AIR MR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM LKR DENTIST Adolph Bid. State b CommtttvleJ Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 n LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court, We close Saturdays 12:30. mil BUILDING MATERIAL REP CEDAR shingles No 1 3x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices IS In. No. 1 carton packed cederwel) shakes. Ted Muuer. Saiem-udepv toad. Call 3-118$ Salem. Bia BUILDING MATERIAL DOORS Bedroom, bathroom closet doors, stan dard sizes, single panel. The quantity Is limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front b Court Balem 0AVK OH ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of -colors. Call our outside ealeaman for free estimate. Fbone 1-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma WINDOWS As much as Vt off regular prices en large assortment of single St multlpane standard and-offslze windows Si frames. KEITH BROWN Front it Court Salem ma SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR SIDING tt"xB". Choice and limited lot. Regularly $60 M. now (40 U H" BHEETROCK tile board. Regularly $95 M. now $59 U KEITH BROWN Front A Court Sslem DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor ana carpenter using me linen old growth vertical grain yellow tlr finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 35 Lara Ave Ph. 34939. Free parking. me MISCELLANEOUS new and used sash, windows and frames. Cheap. Redding Cabinet Shop. 3495 S. 12th. Ph. 3-54S0. ma3" WAPPIT 8" power hand saw. Ph. 3-42S4. FLOORING l"x4" elear, end-matched fir flooring. Limited quantity. Regularly $100 U. now $7$ V KEITH BROWN Front e Court Sslem ma COMPOSITION ROOFING 43 lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll .1.I3 90 lb. Slate granule surfaced roll ,.3.11 15 lb. Asphalt saturated felt build lng paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll ... .2.51 168 lb. Hex shingles. Slate surfaced Sq. 8 J J 320 lb. Square butt shingles. The finest. Sq 1M WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. Salem, Oregon maSU CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest quality lumber, at lowest possible delivered prices. For large sav ing, write, phone, or see us, for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. ma!2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CREAM separator, 500-lb. size, and ra- iiant on neater, uotn good as new. Ver non Nye. 646 Breys Ave., Salem, Or. n310 30 GAL. galvanized hot water tank with COllS St fittings, $15.00. Rt. 2, BOX 249. n319 EXC. 30-06 Enfield sport rifle. Receiver sights and shells. $70. 2170 University. GOOD USED four burner Westinghouse eiec. range. Htu N. Capitol St. nl ROTARY SEWING machine. Good cond. Guaranteed. A bargain. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Com'l n310 SINGER ELECTRIC combination cabinet sewing machine. In good cond. Free sewing lesson. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 130 N. Com'l n310 USED Electric ranges, $19.95 St Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa GAS RANGES, apt. size, 3 only, reduced 150. Tester Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa n8 1 SINGER ELEC. portable sewing machine. uooa wooa circulator. 3 as arawer chests. Men's used suits, clean it good, as low as $5. Mac's Place, 145 S. Church. n310 Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets St Grands. GUITARS Standard St Electric. ACCORDIANS All Sizes is Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. 01 EEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings In t'oct it made to order. 1145 N. Llber t. . P3 LATE MODEL gray buggy. Good cond. 120. Ph. 4-2417. ndli" FOWLER 30G elec. water heater. Used 2 mos. Ph. 3-7193. 2134 Fairgrounds Road. 1 H.P., SINGLE phase G.E. motor, 110-220 2-way switch. New at usea price, uuy Electric Co. n3 CAR TOP boat, Just the thing for duck nunting. aeu or trace ior guns or oiner sporting goods. Ph. 2-5480. n3 VIOLIN, bow, case, $35. 1085 N. 16th. HEAT your home electrlcalry with West inghouse or wesln automatic electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. D GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz, a PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts telephone and elec. poles Any length Shingles Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458, Rt. 6, Box 118. n USED OIL burners, blowers Si sawdust burners. Ph. 3-8662. ns" SMALL UPRIGHT piano In very good con dition. 1690 S. Cottage. n3io- USED UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner. Collaps able baby buggy. Ph. 2-6615. nam 'CEDAR POSTS" for sale. 21 ft., 7 ft. long. Hammer Bros. Ph. 65 Mt. Angel. n20 SALEM SAND & O HAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B Vt yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat St Doter D-6 Cat St Doter D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by thi ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-82 or 3-4400 Balem Ores on n 3 H.P. ELEC. motor. 110 St 320 l"x5 shalt. 6 pulleys. Ph. 3-9409 n5 RUMMAGE sale, 360 State upstairs. n311 NO WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE. the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED RADIOS St record players, $9.95 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. v 375 Chemeketa ti ATTENTION! Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil, 2 gal. sealed cans, 47laC per gal. Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140, 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 1 6 mo. guarantee, $4.46 exchange. H. C. Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. Pb. 2-0010. nl5 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS $19.95 Up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED Electric Refrigerators. $49.95 , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa FULLER brushes. 174 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 nil' WALLING SANU St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways, cement, ready mix concrete, garden and. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching, shovel and drat line. Ph. 3-9249 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE SPECIALS WHY BUY TWO CAR LICENSES? IF YOU CONTEMPLATE MAKING A CHANGE SOON, COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR FINE LATE MODEL USED CARS. 1 WE WILL LICENSE THE CAR YOU BUY THE BEST TERMS IF NEEDED. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 352 N. COMMERCIAL Get Started Right For The New Year With A Good Used Car 1948 Studebaker Champion. Loaded with extras . .$1595 1947 Studebaker Champion. Loaded with extras . . 1295 1941 Studebaker President. Very clean. Only .... 650 1946 Chevrolet Coupe. Clean 995 1941 Studebaker Commander. Clean 650 1940 Dodge 4-door. Clean 595 1939 Plymouth 2-door. Clean 395 1939 Studebaker 4-door. Very clean 495 1940 Ford Sedan. Tudor 475 1936 Chevrolet 2-door. Clean 245 We have some Real Bargains In Trucks and Pickups. Also some cheapies for good transportation. Bonesteele's Sales & Service w 370 N. Church No Down Payment NO UNREASONABLE FINANCE CHARGES BANK RATES AVAILABLE ON THESE SOUND SERVICEABLE LOW PRICED UNITS 1939 FORD CLUB COUPE $395 1938 FORD 4-DOOR 400 1937 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN 350 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL 250 1937 BUICK SPEC. SEDAN 300 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 250 1937 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 325 1936 TERRAPLANE COUPE 95 YOU'LL SEE YOU CAN BUY BETTER AT Loder Bros. 465 CENTER ST. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIB STUMPAGE and Ilr logs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence, Ores on. Phone 42. na WANTED BARKIE Douglas fir poles or stumpage. rnone ize? Albany or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. na5 WANTED furniture o clue es repair. Lee tiro, rurn nmiui lining uo rn - lUUl EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS. Lee Mlndt, 116ft N 14th. Ph. 2-4801. p20 MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler. Let a spencer solve your ngure prooiem. All calls given special attention. Ph. 3-5072. P33 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 8. Com'L Under new man agement. With this ad and 11.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. p20 AUTOMOBILES '46 NASH SUPER 6 SEDAN PERFECT CONDITION. ONLY $199 DOWN BAL. 18 MONTHS State Motors Inc. PACKARD ' USED CAR LOT 678 S. 12th ST. '40 PONTIAG "6" CLUB COUPE BEAUTIFUL ORIGINAL BLACK FIN ISH, NEW WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, NEW BRAKES, NEW RADIO. MOTOR COMPLETELY OVERHAULED. PER FECT IN EVERY RESPECT. WE GUAR ANTEE THIS CAR LUCE A NEW ONE. MORE TO CHOOSE FROM IN LATER MODELS Also Some Cheapies for as Low as $20 a Month CASH. TRADE TERMS PH. 2-8602 Across from MKN Furniture KANNIER'S USED CARS '40 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN PERFECT CONDITION. ONE OWNER CAR. $199 DOWN BAL. 18 MONTHS State Motors Inc. PACKARD USED CAR LOT 678 S. 12th ST. AUTOMOBILES PHONE: 2-4173 Ph. S-B277 AUTOMOBILES 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN GOOD TIRES, EXCELLENT MOTOR RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER, FOQ LITES. MED. BLUE FINISH. INTERIOR VERY CLEAN. THIS IS A REAL VAL UE. CONVENIENT TERMS. FULL PRICK $695 Orval's Center at Church ph. 3-470a "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABIiE' 1949 Only Two Days Left Buy Now And Save SPECIALS LISTED ARE FOR THIS PERIOD ONLY OLDSMOBILE 1947 Commander 4-D Sedan. I O.D., Climatizer $1295.00 1 KAISER 1947 Special 4-D Sedan. Look it over. Lie. 329-553., .$1095.00 OLDSMOBILE 1941-78 Sedanette, Hydra-Ma-tie radio, and heater. Beat it $595.00 NASH 1940 Ambassadore 4-D Sedan. Weather - eye condition er $295.00 HUDSON 1941 Deluxe Bus.-Cpe., new paint. A lot of transpor tation $395.00 CHEVROLET 1947 Sedan- Delivery. Just what you're looking for $1095.00 WE CARRY A STOCK OF (70) CARS ShrockMotorCo.f CHEMEKETA AT CHURCH V TEL. 3-7522 13W (Continued on Page 15) i