12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 30, 1949 RADIO PROGRAMS Father of the Bride By EDWARD STKEETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams FRIDAY P. M. KOCO INSTALMENT IV Mr, Banks Talks About Finances With Buckley It was quite clear to Mr. Banks that things couldn't drift along like this forever. When two people de cided to get married they announc ed their engagement and then there was a wedding. The only question was when. As his mind focused on the actual ceremony he began to have secret qualms about it. As Father of the bride, it became alarmingly appar ent that he was slated to play a lead part invwhich looked more and more to him like a public spectacle. His Idea was either to get the af fair over as quickly as possible or else postpone It to a point so far distant in time that, like death, he wouldn't have to worry about it for the present at least. Mrs. Banks, on the other hand, looked at the matter more from the point of view of a stage man ager. How long would it take to pre par the costumes, build the scenery and collect the props? During the discussion that fol lowed Buckley remained unusually silent. He was obviously a young man who was not used to getting married. you've brought this up. We should have found out about these things long ago. I don't know why you haven't. You've been going to have a talk with Buckley ever since Kay first told us. Sometimes I think you're a little afraid of him." Mr. Banks snorted. "That's a fine remark, I mast say. I intend to have a talk with him, all right. We might just as well have it out." He sat on the edge of his bed ra diating aggressiveness. Mrs. Banks thought he looked rather gray and tired. 0mckUy (Tmlttntd to nggta m tun ftmif? 4ra. Kay emphasized a point everyone ceemed to have forgotten, that this was her wedding. She was the one who was getting married not Pops or Mom. There was no need for all this fussing. Her mother didn't need to raise a hand not a finger. When she (Kay) gave the word everything would fall into place. That was the way she and Buckley were going to live, bimpiy ana witnout all this effort. Prom this point on the conversa tion began to resemble the Chicago wheat pit on the day of a big break. It was Buckley's first family free-for-all. He watched with dismay as tne storm raged. Then, like a tropi cal hurricane, it was unexpectedly over. He was astonished to learn that It had been harmoniously agreed that the wedding would take place on Friday. June 10, at four-thirty P.M. at St. George's unurcn. asked "Are you awake? Banks. "Hoy, Elite. " Mrs. Banks stirred uneasily. "What's the matter?" she asked, noncommittnlly, regarding h i m with one unfriendly eye. "I've been thinking about Buck ley." he said. "I'm worried. Good and worried. Do you realize, Elite, that we know next to nothing about tnis Doyv just because his family has a big house and a couple of maws ooesn-c mean anytning. What do we know about him?" Mr. Banks began to check off his point on his fingers. "Has he cot, any money? You don't know. What's he making? Nobody knows. We lust don't know a darn thing about the guy.' "Darling." Interrunted Mrs Banks. "We've been through all this before. I think youTe absolutely right. I've told you so every time Kay accepted this idea with irri tating natience. Buckley was big enough to take it. She knew what he was making out 11 pops wantea to go into all that old-fashioned rig amarole O.K. She'd give Buckley the message. several night later uuckiey ar rived for dinner carrying a bulging briefcase. Mr. Banks eyed it dub iously. What did the fellow think he was a C.P.A.? On the other hand, if he had enough papers to fill that thing, the picture might not be as grim as he had feared. Mr. Banks had visualized a quiet, dignuied conversation during which he would oe seated in a large arm chair and Buckley in a straight chair facing him. instead he found himself sitting beside Buckley on the living-room sola making oid fashioneds. He finished his quickly. Somehow he felt the need of forti fication. I guess Kav has told you." he said, "that I wanted to have a little financial chat with you." "Yes, sir," said Buckley. He re minded Mr. Banks of a family doc tor paying a professional visit. "I know what you young people are up against. You all need help and I believe parents should give it as rar as tney are able." "Yes. sir," agreed Buckley. "What I was going on to say.' continued Mr. Banks hurriedly, "is that parents are also up against it these days. You know what I mean with high taxes and high prices ana one tning ana anotner. ' Buckley nodded sympathetically. "The long and the short of it Is I think you're just as entitled to know where I stand as I am to know about you." "Yes. sir." said Buckley, reaching lor his nriercase. "Well to beRln with" said Mr. Banks nervously. At the end of fif teen minutes Buckley knew more about Mr. Banks' affairs than Mrs. Banks had been able to dig out in a lifetime. He listened with grave attention and nodded understand- Inclv from time to time. Mr. Banks' feeling that he was consulting his doctor became stronger as he went on. -When he had finished if Buck- ly had pulled a stethoscope out of his briefcase and asked him to strip to me waisc ne wouin nave com nlled without Question. Instead Buckley removed a lnrcre sheaf of papers from the briefcase. "I've brought some papers," he said, somewhat unnecessarily. "Soup's on," cried Mrs. Banks from the llvlnfr room door, in her gayest company manner. "My. you look solemn. Come now or it will act coin." "That's all rleht. my boy. We'll no your sine later. DON'T WAKE A MOVE T STEVE- IT WAS 1 WM IITHATS RIGHT, CUPCAKE AND 1 fONE OF THE PATRONS "V SO ENDS THIS CONDENSED DOWN THERE, ANVBODYy POLICE OFFICERS M'l Jl--EVEN IN THE DARK THEY CAME RUNNING DOWN THEIVERSON OF VCRIME AND 5 --OR WE'LL START WHO FIRED THOSE HA3L.FOUND THEIR TARGET Jt PIER. YELLING ABOUT A y PUNISHMENT, KID-UNLES3 T 5QUIRT1N' LEAD AGAIN1 SHOTSjr-" PPFa ffV. R'OT ON THE "BARGE f YOU WANT TO STAY FOR y ' .j , 1 1 Z ardTrro r W-S&Fl-.&rfSFfflw inn? we recognized A the newsreeu ill l j w M6od I I I I I Cxrt p ft LwMwj M ""now CX-NT YOU WORUV. !NEVER TO FRET -NEVER " " B DID you SEE OH,' SURE-LOOKS GOOO, TOO- BUT, DAN- OArSY-Hfl-HAl LVJffS DONE I jfl WORRIED A 00 IN MV LIFE JUST R I THAT MAN PLANTS SHUT DOWN RIGHT IN TH' Fic g FAR, HAVENT WE? I 9 LOOK AT THESE KIDS EVER SEE I D I ABOUT THE NOW-BUT 600H AS THEV OOEN MEOKTTME- VES, SIR-E-E- Jt A FINER, HAPPIER FAMIUC ? THAT'S I j ArT6t' ., NEW j ( W14V-ER."Y1 lSOtvieBODYlDATS RIGHT, MR, I El'D LIKE TO KNOW WHATlpg YOU'LL FIND OOT,BUS-)LilJ!EL lm ' 'S t "1 I AH KNEW AH COULD GIT V NCW. SADIE I S" N am' wrM .1 KGW eaoBC 5:00 The s t Us 5:3l)ani ef Tim 5:45Elmer Pctcrion BtOO'Henrr Morten 6:15 Henry Morgan 6:3f)lturai'U 6:45 Uurjinti 7:0fl Director' 7:151 Pliyhoua 7:30 11111 8tern J:45Rhythm Tim 8:fHISlnatr-Klrlpn 8:l5New at World 8:30 Orrheilrft 8:45 Orcbeitrt 9:00 Newt 9:15 Orcheitri 9:(1 'Dane Mail 945 1 Dane Mini in:(Mlm Hbtm 10:15 Dick Hay me iii:;mi in:45 Knox Mannlni iChal. mt Yukon tlb UKlt ShowjChl. of Vnkon Newt Skr Kin Sky Klnr ll.eaT II to Joinllleidllno Leave II to JoanIIom Edltlai Baklns Annlr. Baklnf Annlv. 11:60 11:15 11:45 12:00 Vewi IH'ai Mttienm Wax Mute ura Wax Muaeum KOIN S70 CDS KEX 1190 ABC Baklns Annlv, Baklnr Annlv. Numbei flene mber Pleai jLowell ThoniEi pack Smith The Geldberre The Goldbcrci Fit Mi Flrhti iFUhtc FUhtt Fat Han Fal Man Vour FBI If our FBI Mr Favorite Husband rceulah Club 18 B Star Final Is port i SpotllfbtBntermeoo Serenade Orcan Muila Treasury Band Treaiury Band till en I KSLM 1390MBC Santa'i Mall Call Tom Mil rTom Mix loabrUiIIeater Newa piihlni and Iluntini uiub Kxllne Sports fThli It Muile Clieo Kid Clieo Kid bill A Harriet loizlt A llarrlrl IWcitern Sklea Weatern Sklea Rich. Reporter (Concert Floor Concert Honr ttlemoa (Memoa Band of Day Band of Dot Jlni Uroaby Huiineii N'ewe bandioTlVht-" ana silver Flihcftster Twllltbt Sons LStraltht Arrow Klralchl Arrow Lean Bc Jerry Scan Mnate (ten Hardy llita lilts fruit. Lewis Jr. Select News INewi Charlla ttplvak ll.ove Mvatery Navy Air Lfobn H'oloban John nolo ban Pat O'Brien Musical Jaekpot n-ivelyn Knlgbl Mlacouri irijVfferson S US-Jefferson SHS-Jefferson jSHS-Jefftraon SHS-Jcffenon SIIS-Je(ferioa News News hVarwIck TheaL nTarwick The at, Musio Von Want Mualo Voo Want Nocturne Nocturno Nocturno (Nocturne SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 6:15 6:30 J 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 ilodfo Podr uodro rod go llodco rodce Hodio Fodio near ThlslltOlN Klok Now Hear This News News iSara Hayes Consumer News Fred Vfarlnf Fred Waring Smillm McUonneil Mary Leo Taylor Readina- la Fan News 10:00! 10:15 10:30 io:4 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12 :00 12:15 12:30 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:151 3:30 3:4 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:4. (News KOIN KOIN KOIN Kloek Rlock Klock pawn Oowabosvt Dawn Downbeat Round-Up BoyiNews Let'a Pretend tlet'a Pretend Uunlor Mlsa (Junior Mlsa rrheatro of Today inrand Central brand Central Farm Ilour Farm Hour Voices, Events Voices, Eveuta Lassie Broadway Cor. :TBA Itba Etara Over Hollywood (Give and Tako kjlve and Take Youna- Oresoniana Mualcana Musicana TBA TBA TBA Mind Mind Here's Star News Guest Star NIIC Symphony NBC Symphony Aironaky iKelvIn Keech Kelvin Ketch Homo Avtnt Musical Brldse Musical Bridie Musloal Brldxo Tot I and Toy land bounty Fair mty Fair Fun Bo Younc Fun Be Younr Kewa Alothrr Knowi Best Family Party Family Party (Newspaper newspaper Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Farm News iCross Section News Itcd Barhrr ILarry Lesuer NBC Symphony Inside CBS RC Symphony Bandstand Bands of Land i Way for Youth Bands of Land-Way for Youth News Tlttekoeper pi arch Tlmo news Breakfast Gam Hews preakraat uang top Trades Barcaln Coontar Mualo Haven of Rest Haven of Best Northwest Nowa ping Sings Tunes iPastor's Call Sato Riders Stars of Tomorrow (Stars of Tomorrow Met, Opert, Met. Opera, Met. Opera Met. Opera, Met. Opera, Met. Opera Met, Opera Met, Opera Met. Opera Met, Opera Met. Opera Met. Opera Tea, Crumpets Tea, Crumpets Tea Crumpets Tea - Crumpets Uunlor Junction Llari Concert I J an Concert Letters to Sant. Harry Wismer Albert Warner Ichurch. Nation Reminiscing Remlnlselnc jWest'n Melodic Science Excnr. Pop Varletioa Defense Report Musio Wtthoat Words News Pemmo Fair Proudly Hall ,rroudly Hall Ipiatter Jock Platter Jock Football- Blue A Grey BIuo A Grey Bluo A Grey Blue A Grey Blue Grey iBabt Ruth Salem Atr Baa. Concert Favorites Blue A Grey Blue A Crey Blue A Grey Blue A Grey Football- Fast -West East-West East-West Fast-West East-West East-West East-West Easl-West East-West litem I lit way MU&IC Bat. Serenade Sat. Serenade Sat. Serenado Sat. Serenado lAt the Opera Ut tht Opera IINCWS Navy Bang jSat. Matlnea Eat. Matlnea Eat. Matlneo Eat. Matlnea Sat. Matlneo Sat. Matlnea ley Shannon ICy Shannon Chin -Up Chat Chln-TJp Chat Chin-Up Chat Chin-Up Chat Spotlight Musio Spoil Uht Must Curtain Calls Curtain Calls Kay Jumped up from the tpblp opiore tney naci untshed dessert, "Come on. Rucklev. wo're Inte. Sor- rv. Mom. we promised to meet the Rnkers pnd ro to the movies. Pops ken Buckley talking too long." "Did you hnve a pood tr.lk with Rucklev?" she nsked n.t they cleared me dininE room table. "Very satisfactory," said Mr. Banks moodily. (To Be Continued) rWJMKLE-T OE5a W-GOON'C things aintas bad , ... r JA TUFV lfVM5 MTTWl IKA.T KOAC Friday P.M. Children's The- atrri fi:IA. On the ITultpali ft: Mi S&0 Sports Club; 6:110 News: 6:15. Dinner Melodies: 6::tf), Music of Cserho Slovakia) 7:15, Evening Farm Hour) S:00, slovakiai 7:IB, Evening Farm hour; 7:BS, nnskPlballi n::i(), News and Weathrrt 0:13, Evening Meditations. 10:0(1. Sisn Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 KOAC lalurd-. A.M 10:00, Newt! Ili:l. E.pprlall. far Wom.ni 11:00. Cancer! lull; 12:00, New.; 12:lg, Noon Farm Hour; 1:00, Ride 'cm Cow bo. ; 1:30, Voice or Army; 1:4... Melody Lane: 2:00. JUiialr of the Matters; S:0, Srlenre: .1:1... Spirit of Vlklnfi; 4:00, Pan Amerlfan Ithylhina; 4:IS, Son.i of Weat. IN TH' BURLAP BAGl'-CH, GS.' TO' IS Holiday Very Quiet Lebanon Cily police rec ords show a quiet holiday week end with only six arrests. In cluded were Robert Houston. Lebanon, no driver's license and Gene Zarnes, Albany, same charge. Other arrests were Rob ert D. Downing, Dnrrell D. Qwlnn and Ronald Wayne 3 IHKNVAHTOUl-GiTVNfADiMT-Ty ! I I AWAY WIF IT, BECUZ AH HAS A HAWKINS f1 OH, L I ALL WE. S -feW" VO'SSE, AH DIDKTT WANTA GIT I SECH PORT LAISS, OP DAV IS THANK J V GOTTA I iv ' ,tm v l uu u i i irvi a m iwiuu rMi i it i ir wkuuu iinj aa t w r- v? hi i i i uuimk i i Ton i w i i I rt CA I en kin i-m uni 11 fi viAcr ur is B cnDTA Eudaddacqct. Arr S N -mee a I . vj.FE''r 7 rvJK-Z- V" tj FIGGERIM'AH WAS r ' I I WAV-- . ' V.SAWE.AN'i (M-GOON.7H MOST l fmr... ym, WrVz.w - I iav ' uTiV-Vv al- irsfsi IJ.,JrT.in 1. -Wni - - ' r-i) t IH r-T-l IT I III -T FT I'VE GOT DEVILED KIPNEVS)aW. RJF?GCT FT' rvE 60T FALLEN MLOOK HERB. WAITER J CAN I ' WELL, THEN WHAT)fe'" I what calves brains, pigs feet, archesandan empty stomach; isthis peach orJ " . difference h? c, 11 t u U HAVe CHICKEN LIVER. gcJ TELL VOl TROUBLES TO f I "'"- r,c ' THE TASTEK ' V DOES IT T.fl Starnes, all of Lebanon, for " j VOU m0.. r-ffi scmeonE ELSE AND BRiNS-i MAKE? w'Cu drunkenness in a car, and Carl ' I c.OTP' .cV;f -1 me COFFEE and a , -XVi V J., "Ci lI'J&W Christ, Lebanon, same charge. T flfSWwTSn f J -. SiLJ . r Cr fiyHCIf 1 syrup pitchers in which many J i---- J jr S0PE . I KHOM HS'LL 1 6UESS NOT A REAL jI'M B16HT SOBBV TO DIP VOO HEAR THAT, PSi ? STr?$!!l , B I PO THAT. BUT IT WON'T FARMER AT HEABT. I'VE HEAR THAT, WOOLLy. TEX UKES THE OOFFEe FflS ,l?frm&i3t&S. R I'M SURE MR-r-S?USH WILL I HELP MUCH ..1 6UESS I ALWAYS BEEN A CARPENTER. SAVf THIS IS ABOUT ANC? THE SPICE CAKES JTBI &iJMw&$mI'l U MAKE 600D FOR THE SWEEP JU6T 60T IN OVER MV ANYHOW, I'M AFRAID I'LL THE SWELLEST JAVA WE PON'T Buy 'EM, TEX. ?3l ! yrhs)&a&-A""'.'::!Vff THAT PUMA WLLEP, WOCU.y.7 HEAP WITH THIS PLACE. HAVE TO SELL OUT-CR THE T EVER DRANK ' AND PES MAKES EM . yff"!! j I pjg- ' SHPrs . l1 lall11M.i.l..ll.. J1 WmWtWmMrt '"" JtoMer7SmSf""n 0 J SirTS 5 mfmAjj&i1$V& ounce or wool. It is a versatile "Vtt'St SH'is TN ' XWV. 'V') Vt I 1 ( 1 lT piece, for can wear it as an n L-J fA' 30 ( H u 3?SwMril?5'P I -ilfc-S-Uj f fi "V frf J0 awol or a stole. l.r evening glam- " ' kT cVt;---'SW 'Cri, LTg vN-TaJ M ,14 R';'!7'vZ-C ( ol,r aeatter multi-colored sequins U fcj , EX1 J7 ft L, --AT -7 iMMa-i-S-lwsaal..-- i-'l T 7 0wlg( MrjMA ShmCii' cJff VfVEP ''ne and Ihrre. The finlsherl stole r KdiW rc-f-7-Y:Zl " " 5gi . i L fj Nx'M1 1 JIT Jr l$S measures 5.1 inches Including the TJ fT 'ft A I . '" J-i TJT Fa four-Inch frliiRe on both ends K (LV!'J. O r I :V"'- C4? Pattern Envelope No. R-74B eon- PtSS j( 2, ' W fi-'.X tains complete knlttins directions, v ' " iTu',r.'USr' f- - e.. w SUf f, sitch llliistrat Ions, material require- 1 v"' ltJ 1 y n&ZhZ S$$8 mTo'bta1n'Thl?'p5tlel.nC Ud' JOe f.IJ? 'ivt j" t'0"' 1 HATE w' J Pthoh Oirji ,VOUTt'l,OML'HETTry! I I MARRIAGE Hto MEU0WEd)wi"-1 tae me Jifl V5Crr . COINS giving pattern number. ,0lJA 1 U GMt!' Bul 1 MKiHT V. LOAFERS I 1 Arf 714051 B0V5 HAVt Klri K-.MR. W)RTh!.. pei.7b4I0W ROOM, If tL .FCm& vour name, SddreVs and lone num. 'Z P,"0 -V HAVE 50ME BO FROM )" l0AFEM CEONIE K3R A LOTO'VEARS! oRR.t f05 BOTH loryWW?.. 1 HAVE AnJ& y 'ft ibSlr lwr t0 PCRBV Roberts Capilal Jour- .. "BlE-Of RlDt! H THECtUB QKIH. TOPLAV ?W. -IF THEY AIN'T WELCOME r THtMi '"T impoctANT LETTEB-Si j w Chapter Rehearses Installation Rites Dayton Electa chapter No. 9, OES, met for its regular and last communication of the 1949 year, at the Masonic hall. Velene Coburn, worthy ma tron and Earle Coburn, worthy patron, presented gifts to the 949 officers. A degree was giv en the worthy matron and pa tron and gifts from the chapter was presented to them. After refreshments were served in the dining room, the newly elected officers practiced for the joint installation to be held on January 3, with the new officers of Jacob Mayer lodge No. 108, AF&AM. Another practice will be held in the afternoon of January 2, for the chapter members. Christmas Birthday Date Is Celebrated Grand Island Eugene Tompkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tompkins of Grand Is land, who was 13 years of age December 25, and honoring him a family gathering was held Christmas day at the home of his granmolhers, Mrs. D. E. Bartruff in the Neck district. Attending were Eugene, his father and mother and sister, Rebecca, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bartruff and son, Danny, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunt ley and four sons, Gerald, Stan ley, Duane and Roger of Portland. ACROSS 28. Body of water Feminine nami 29. Horseman Worker in metal 11. Stir up 12. Tolo mount- 14. SI uft 15. Became 17. Hifrh mountain 18. Owned 19. Pralae 20. Woodyplant 21. Type measure 22. Nerve network 22. riaee of action 21. Endeavors 2ti. Orlndine tootb 27. The birds 81 Make ready 84. Mohammedan nobles SB. Tennis strokes K. Spanish article 87. Mineral spring! 28. Child's word for father 89. South Amer ican river 411. Place 41. Form of security 42. Blemish 43. Shops 45. Feminine nam 47. Wear away 1. Thick pA P01 A6 OI6l AlRlM S. N.L P -N E V aITV I A biTsonHm 1 sJseInt g TglfpTD BE Rgls oil aBb1a nbaicMSB WE NBr' I IFIL 6BA1S E N T R EjEHT A DK5 a A pToM'e nIp u eMeIp 1 e C3BiA D0 N EmBE ols SjPETTlT u rTe ENEjg PTiT ATYjE R SBpRhlLl. A E BHTl I E NglTTF. I A -IatUp1o1d;oUa1ged alutlon of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN L Wandering jf 2 3 r r w r r r r p l!ZZZSl!Z 1.LZZ m 4 J4 zs p55 2? 34 31 n' 33 M ff55 p35 ZZZS!lZZZii!L ,H1 1 1 1 11H 1Mb 1. Amphibian X. Sing softly 4. Plural ending 6. Ambaesadort 5. Hurried 7. Cut down t. At horn 9. Little tiara 10. Capital of Montana 11. Pains 13. Blade of rrass IS. Regrets 19. Mechanical bar 20. Military forces 22. Large streams 23. Simple minute orKanlsm 25. Heating devlci 28. Poked Gratpa :!0. Ascribe 31. Arrangement 32. Rest S8. Puff up 38. Quantity of medicine 39. Genus of the honeybpe 41. Garden plot 42. Male child 44. ArtiF.ctal ..menace 46. Football posi tion: abbr. ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem 5K. IF I HAD MY WAY I'D FINE-SCREEN r J7 ANY CHARACTER. WMO COWES HERE TO g( VJ;:,1-a!3i P BE A BOARDER. "FOR. EXAMPLE, THIS H!S,,9Ir? P A GRUMPY MR.. SNORGEEGLE WE HAVE J ,lSilr, V V NOW AOK'--FROA HIS LOOKS ONE ftJSl6?,- WOULD THINK HE MAKES HIS LIVING ) BfTo)t 1 I BREAKING IN NEW SHOES HH-M, j7$trJL, V 1 WONDER. WHAT HE DOES DO? 1 TrS9rS,r- PROBABLY MAKES DENTISTS' V YVj7p,n T- 1 DRILLS --OR SELLS J rS2, UH SPLINTS TO SKI GAFFING v ll ''''