.19 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 30, 1949 Catholic Church Ban Hits Hard at Italian Communists By FRANK BHUTTO Rome, Dec. 30 W Giovanni Picolomo, Italian Catholic com munist, is a troubled man today. He is troubled by the threat of excommunication removal form his church. His party leaders, among them Palmiro Togliatti, tell him not to be afraid. But Giovanni often is afraid. Luigi Longo, tough communist and reputed leader of' the party's underground organi zation, tells him "excommuni cation is of concern only to those who believe in such things." But Giovanni (pseudonym for the typical Italian worker), un like the nucleus of his party's hierarchy, nearly always does believe. How much the Catholic church's six-months old excom munication decree against milit ant communists has contributed to the party's losses in Italy cannot be definitely measured. But Impartial observers agree that it weighs constantly and with increasing pressure upon the masses of Italy's commu nists. The pressure is heaviest when there is a baby to be baptized, a marriage to be performed, a member of the family to be buried. Just a year ago, when Giovan ni's hope that communism would get him a better economic deal was stronger than today, he tried to distinguish between his party and his church. "The party," he said, "never told me not to go to church. The church never told me not to go to party meetings." But, since then on July 14 by decreeing excommunication, the church, in effect, told him just that At the same time it left all possible doors open for the return of Giovanni, whom, a Vatican source said, the church prefers to consider "an errant individual rather than a mem ber of a mass social movement." Many Giovannis have turned In their party cards and turned back to the church. Early this year, before the decree, a spokesman for Ran- dolfo Pacciardi, republican de fense minister, claimed that Ital ian communists had lost 700, 000 members. Togliatti retorted sharply. He aaid paid up memberships last February totaled 1,896,634, com pared with 2,200,000 in the third quarter of the preceding year. Togliatti said that "in all prob ability" this figure would be reached in the first half of 1949. But, with 1949 nearly ended, the party has made no pronoun cement on membership. Just past mid-year, July 26, Pietro Secchia, chief organizer, told the communist central com mittee the party had lost 90, 000 members in six months, but did not give the total member chip. Good sources believe it has decreased more since then, and that it will decrease further during the 1950 holy year. Child Evangelism Meeting Jan. 6th The Salem child evangelism fellowship announces an all day meeting to be held Friday, Janu ary 6, at the Salvation Army hall. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and a pot-luck luncheon will be seived during the noon hour. Special music will be furnished by the Salem College and Academy. A Bible message will be given by Rev. Russcl Mayer, pastor of the Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church. In the afternoon the weekly teacher training class will be held from 1:30-3. Mrs Edwin A. Young will have charge of the devotions. At this meeting plans will be discussed regarding the children's rally which will be held at the First Evangelical United Brethren church the evening of January 27. Miss Myrna Stover, city diroc tor, invites all who are interest ed in children's work to attend this meeting. Woodburn Methodists Plan Church Services Woodburn New Years will he celebrated at the Woodburn Methodist church at the Sunday morning worship with the serv ice of holy communion. The pastor, Rcj. Ormal Truck, will gpeak on the topic, "A Mid-Century Meditation." Monday, the legal holiday will be a work day at the church with a no-host dinner at noon. Members and friends are invited to Join in these services. ATTEND THE LATTER RAIN WATCH SERVICE Saturday, 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. Special prayer and laying on of hands for the sick, those needing deliverance. The baptism of the Holy Ghost and the ministering gifts of the Spirit. Four hours of Blessing and Fellowship At the FAITH TABERNACLE North 5th at Gaines Streets Rev. Max Wyatt, Pastor All Latter Rain Ministers and Churches Cooperating Dallas Churches Christian and Missionary Alliance O. E. McCiarvey, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning worship, 11. Pastor" sermon, Ye Have Not Passed Thin way Beiore. EvaiKfeliBtie service. 7:30. Alterclow radio program. KOCO. 9:30. Eva nice Ural Mrnnonftr Brethren A. P. Toews, pastor. Pre -Sunday school service, Bun a ay school, 10. Morning worsnip, Sermon, "Thou Knewest My Path," Fellowship groups, 7, Church service, 8. Assembly of God Alfred R. Brown, pas tor. Sunday school, 8:45. Morning worship. 11. Christ Ambassador, children's church, vesper service, 7. Evangelistic service, 8. First Presbyterian Earl William Ben- bow, D.D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:4 A. Morning worship, 11, Sermon, "And He Made It Attain." First Methodist Clark B. Enz. pastor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship, II. Student recognition Sunday. Intermediate leuowsnip, auu. Mennonlle Hrclhren G. H. Jantzen. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Worship ser vice, 10:45. New Year's message by Ted Fast. Christian fellowship groups, 7. Evangelistic service, 7:45. First Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Hible school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon, "Standing on Our Prom ises." Christian fellowship hour, 6. Chris tian Endeavor, 6:30. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Pastor's message, "The Prayer Per fect." Evaneeliral United Brethren It. William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school. 0:45. Morn ing worship, 11. Youth fellowship, 1. Evangelistic Bible study, 7:45. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Woltf, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 7::t0. Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, pas tor. Sunday school. 9:30. Morntnn wor ship, 11. Evangelistic service, 7:30 . Graee Mennonlte J. J. Recler. nastor. Song service, 10. Sunday school classes ioiiow. Morning worship. 11. cr meetlne ana installation oi ofliccrs, 7:30. Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45, Morning service, 11. Subject of the les son sermon lor the week Is "God." Seventh Day Advenllst Sabbath school 9:45. Morning worship, 11. St. Thomaa F.dIscodkI Cvrll P. Hannev. vicar. Church school, 10. Morning prayer, it. noiy oapusm, ij:ju. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Paul, min ister. Morning service, 9:45. Sunday school iviiowi. Mir- eacn tsunaay evening. Falls City Met hnd 1st Jam eg H. Royer, pnsior. aunaay scnooi. id. Morning wor ship, II. Kola Sunday Srhool Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. First Ban 1 1st E. J. Schroeder. nastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Training union, 7. Evening worship, t. Church of .lesus Christ of Latter Dnr Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:45, Rlckreall Sunday School J, N. Thles- sen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30, Falls City Christian Charles Knox. nns. tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, ii. vnnsuan t-nueavor, o:ju. Free Mrthnillsl R. W. McCnrmlelt. tins. tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Prrnehins. 11. Evening service, 7:48. Falls CftT Seventh lay Atlvenlist Sab bath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11. Church of Christ Bible study. 10. Com munion, 11. St. Phil I ins Catholic Father John Hah. yak, pastor. Mass, 10:15. Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John son, pastor. Sunday srhool, 10. Morning worship, 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. Union Missionary Bap tits W. A. Heard pastor. Sunday school, )0. Sermon, 11. Church of GodHenry Log pan, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship. 11, Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evangelis tic service, 7:45. Woodburn Churches Church of Gnd Third and Grant Rts. Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10. Worship, 11 and 8. YP. 7. Assembly of God Second and Lincoln streets. Lestrr Gllison, pus) or. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11 and 7:45. YP, 6:45. Free Methodist Young and natch Sts. Mrs. Ror,ella B. Dour las, pastor. Sunday stnuDi, K.a. f-rrHrning, n ann i:is. Christian E. Lincoln and Pond Sts Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Ser vice, 11. CE, 7. Evening service, 8. Methodist Young and D streets. Ormal H. I rick, pastor. Church school, 10. Wor ship, 11. Foursquare Ui.7 E. Lincoln St. Arthur uoDie pastor. Sunday srhool 9.49. Wor ship, 11 and 7:45. YP. 8:45. IlrtlicI Presbyterian 3 miles east on Un ion School road. Earl K. Kenton, pastor, Worship, 10. Sunday school, 10:45, Church tit .lrnus Christ ( Latter Ray .-mini njwr nan. cMinuay scnooi, 10. sac ramrnt meeting, 11:30. St. Atnea Catholic (Hubbard) Attend. ed by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday 81. Mary's i:plNcuinl E. Lincoln at Cu pid's Court. Clarence C. Slocum. vicar Church school, 9:30. Divine worship, 11. Illble Baptist Grange hall. Setttemier ann narrison. Kim Maker, pastor. Sunriax srhool, 9:45. Worship service, 11 and 7:45. YP, 8:45. tmmannel Lutheran Hnrvtn N. Chrls tensen, pastor. Dourt and Oswald Rti. Worship service. 11. Sunday school. 10. nervals Presbyterian Frnet Tramblay, pastor. Sunday srhool, 10. Worship, 11. CE, 7:30. SI. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th Sunday services. 7, 8:30. 10-30. Devotion at 4 p.m. Sunday. Weekday ma&s, 8:15. De votions Friday, 7:45 p.m. The Rrorcanlsed Church of Ju Christ or Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. George Omans. castor Church school. 10. Prearhlng, 11. Zlons league, i. Lecture study, 9. First Presbyterian Qarfleld and Third his. e.an it. renion, pastor. Sunday srhool, 8.43. Divine worship, ll and 7:30. YP. ;30 v ?' jf " '4 wm Itcv. Charles Fopg Fogg Concludes Revival Series The winter revival being con ducted at the First Evangelical United Brethren church, Marion and Summer streets, with Rev. Charles Fogg, pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren church at Eugene, as speaker, will conclude with the evening! service Sunday night at 7:45.1 Rev. Fofg will be speaking at! both the 1 1 o'clock worship 1 service and the evening service at 7:45 p m. Miss Margret Kel logg of Wcnatchce, Wash., one of the most outstanding marim ba players in the northwest, will furnish special music in both services. An all day of prayer is being featured as part of the New Year's day services as an intro duction to the universal week of prayer being conducted by Protestant churches next week with a prayer vigil at the altar of the church with someone in terceding each half hour period during the day. Worshippers are invited to pray any hour during the day. ' Bethel Baptists Plan Watch Night The Bethel Baptist church, North Cottage and D street, will close the old year with a Watch Night service Saturday evening. The service will begin at 8:30 o'clock with a musical program. This program will be a musical review of 1949, the choir sing ing a number of anthems ren dered during the year. Other special musical numbers of the year will also be presented. There will be an hour of fel lowship and refreshments from 10 to 11 o'clock. Each family is asked to bring doughnuts or coffee cake. From 11 to 12 o'clock the church will have a service of baptism. The pastor, Rev. Ru dolph Woyke, will baptize the following: Robert Potts, Marie Schindlcr, Elsie Neuman and Susan Heringer. The public is invited to the service. Roll Call Slated For Amity Church Amily The Amity Church of Christ will observe Sunday, January 1 as roll call and elec lion of officers. A basket dinner will follow the morning worship service, with the business and roll call in the afternoon. At the Methodist church 6:30 o'clock meet was held Thursday with an inter-church Fellowship meeting, including the young people of the Church of Christ, Baptist and Methodist young people. Mayor Frank Chambers was guest speaker. The Baptist young folks went to Salem Thursday night, when they joined the young folks of Central-Willamette Baptist as sociation for a skating party. The Baptist Women's Mission ary met at 2:30 o'clock Friday w ith Mrs. A. W. Newby, hostess Douds Holiday Visitors Woodburn Leland Doud and son, Robert of Sacramento, Calif., spent the holidays in Woodburn with his mother. Mrs. Addie Doud and accompanied by Mrs. Doud spent the week end in Portland with his sis ter, Mrs. Esther Paschall. Cities and counties in Ceorsin collected SO.flOQ.ono from alco holic beverages in 1848. i rv Saiem S Clturcliei Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ af Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and Che meketa St. Chas. H. Asher. pastor. Church school, 10. Communion service. 11. Zloa's league, 6:30. Prayer service, 7:30. West Salem Methodist Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister, Church school, 9:45. Worship, 11. Sermon, "Steps Ahead." Dedication service for 1030 by the Youth Fellowship. 7. Young adult fellow ship, S. Foursquare Gospel 490 N. 19th. Sun day school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Ser mon topic: "How Lodr to Labor." Young people meet, 6:45. 'Sveninji evangelistic service, i:vt. sermon: ome xnrougn the Storm." First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. John L. Goodenberger, assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Identical services, 9:45 and 11. "Now Is the Time." sermon by the minister. Junior high fellowship, 5:30. Senior high fellowship, 6. Flrsi Methodist Church and State Sts. Brooks H. Moore, minister. Church school. 9:45. Morning worship. U. Student rcc ounltlon Sunday. "The Student, the Church and the World." Dr. Floyd Samp son of Denver university, guest speaker. Institute of Relklous Science Sunday, January 1. Rev. Olive Stevens. Subject: "What Is the Truth?" Salem Woman's club, 460 N. Cottage street. Knlthl Memorial Conrreratlonal Louis U. White, minister. Nineteenth and Ferry streets. Sunday school, 9:45. Morninfr wor ship and Communion service, 11. Sermon subject, "An Imprisoned Splendor." Church-time nursery. Pilgrim Fellowship, Junior high and Senior high groups, 6:30. Pint Church af Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school, II. Morning service, 11. Lesson-sermon subject: "God." Nursery for children up to 3 years oi age proviaea ouring uic morninn service. Evening service at S. Lesson-sermon subject: "God." Kinvtrnnil nihil 1125 Elm Street. A. H, Fadenrecht, pastor. Bible school. 9:45. Morning worship, 10:45. Youth groups meet, 6:45. Evening service, .:. Central Church of Christ Chemeketa at Cottage. M. C. Cuthbertson, minister. Bible school, 9:45. Preaching, 10:45 and 7:30. Talbot Cnmrn unity Church Talbot. Ore Rev. R. Rogers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Divine worsnip. ii. aermon: "A Beven-Fold Proaram for Prosperity of Soul in 11)50. Junior and senior youth groups, 8:30. Evening service, 7:30. Rev. Henry Turnidge with the assistance of Don and Ruth Turnidge, will be in charge. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor, aunaay school. 9:45. Morning service. 11. Sermon subject: "We Begin Anew." Youth Fellow ship, 8:30. Evening service, 7:30. Sermon subject, "The Right Road for the New Year." First Evangelical United Brethren Where Marion crosses Summer. Wilmer N, Brown, nastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morn ing worship, 11. Message by Rev. Charles Fogg of Eugene. Sermon subject: "There fore Come Boldly." Evening service. 7:45. Sermon aubject: "Sin When It Is Finish ed." Faith Tahernacle 1305 N. 5th St. Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Evangelistic service, 8. Saturday Watch Night aervice. Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Che meketa streets. The Rev. George H. Swift. B.D., rector. Holy Communion (in the chapelt, 7:30. Junior church and classes, 9:30. Nursery school In parish house, 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. First Spiritualist 24B N. Com'l. Rev. Thomas and Minnie Gazcley. speakers. Services at 3:30 and 7:30. Social evening Dec. 31. ITnltel Pentlcostal Church 449 Ferry St. Salem, Oregon. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school 8:45. Morning Ser vice 11, Evening service 7:45. Calvary Baptist Church 1230 South Lib erty St. Rev. Victor Hugo Sward, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Bible claxses for all ages. Morning service 11. Sermon subject: "The God Man." Evening service 7:30. Sermon subject: "Begin Again." New Year's Eve Watch night service at 10:30. Sunday at 8:30 Youth Fellowship Groups. St. Johns Lulhern Church (Mo Synod) 16th and A St. Rev. H. W. Gross, pas tor. New Year's Eve 7:30 Vespers. New Year's day services 9:00 A 11:00. Sunday school and Bible class 10:00. Holy com munion in the 11:00 o'clock service. Fri day. Dec. 30 at I p. m. concert by the choir. First Church of God Hood and N. Cot tage. O. W. Clemens, pastor. Sunday services for January 1, 1950, 9:45: Church school. 11. Morning worship, "Christ's Call to Hiaher Levels." 6:45. Youth fellowship. 7:45 Evening Worship, topic: "God's Recipe tor Happiness Through lB&o. Wesleyan Methodist Church 15 and Mill Streets. Glen Yates, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning worship 11. Young Peoples meeting 6:45 Evening service 7:30. Watch night service New Year's Eve at 8:00 o clock. lason Lee Methodist Church North Win ter at Jefferson. Louis C. Kirby. D. D. minister. Sunday school 9:45. Worship 11, Sermon: "Guidance lor the New year, followed by the observance of the Holy communion, 'ine cnoir win sing a new Year anthem. Evening Service 7:30. Ser mon topic: "The Soul in Quest of God." Solo by W. 8. Blggerstaff. The Bethel Baptist Churrh N. Cottage and D st. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship and communion at 11 o'clock. Evening service at t.jo. Christ Lutheran Church State Street at 18th. C. R. Schuls. pastor. New Year's Eve Candlelight service at 7:30. New Year's day sunuay church school at 9:tro. Divine wor- imp at id o clock. Bethany Evangelical and. Reformed ChurchMarion and Capitol Sts. Rev, Russell Mayer, pastor. Sunday srhool 10. Morning worsnip and Holy communion ll Evening worship 7:45. AMITY CHURCHES Baptist Bruce Wakeman, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11, topic: unis neturnen." Youtn fellowship Evening service 8. topic: "The Prayer In ueinscmane. Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, pas tor. Hible school 10. Morning worship 11, Annual roll call, basket dinner, election of onicers, atternoon. Junior endeavor, 6:30. Evening service 7:30. Methodist Church Fremont Faul. min Ister. Sunday srhool 10. Morning worship special for Masonic Order St. John's Day service. Junior fellowship 8. Youth leuowsnip I. A Mem tit? ef Ond Wm. N, Bearhv. ta tor. Sunday nchoo! 9 45. Morning worship ii. i ouin service i . i. evening service I .19. Full flfupfl Church af Monitor. Rev. mid Mn. E. C. 8ch 111, tin, p .mors. Sutiirrtiy evening 9 to 13 Watch niaht. Sunday srhool 10.00. Morn Inn worship It. Young People 7:00. Evangelistic service S. ANNOUNCING ASSEMBLY OF GOD Opening doy for "THE CHAPEL," New Year's Day at South 12th and Leslie in 600 block. We are expecting a great service, ministers and members of neighbor ing churches will be present. Remember Sunday, January 1st at 2:30 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME JOHN W. HODGES Minister Lsflfg km tMk-miM "")e r)k 1 ! ,ii H cr us from ,. Sffigf t i ihis 1a 'p pm or Jnd the IMIJPt T?tsi AriJl br(,a( $hrv fore or j !, 7 mf,n Mjjki 1 Church Observes 60th Birthday Woodbura The Presbyterian church, the oldest church in Woodburn, which was organized December 23, 1889, will observe its 60th anniversary with a spe cial service at the church Sun day afternoon, January 1, starting at 2:30 o clock. A number of former pastors of the church, ministers from nearby communities and former and present members will be present for the service. The anniversary services Sun day will begin with the morn ing worship at 11 o'clock a.m, with an appropriate message by the pastor, Rev. E. Kay Fenton, but the actual observance of the anniversary will be during the afternoon. All members, former members and the general pub lic is invited to attend the serv ice. Refreshments, including a birthday cake and coffee, will be served after the afternoon serv- The reception committee will include Rev. E. Kay Fenton Mrs. Henry Layman. Mrs. Esther Moon and Mrs. Minnie Richards. The Ladies' Aid society will have charge of the refreshments with the president, Mrs. Harris Nelson in charge. She will be assisted by Mrs. Clarence Wam- pole, Mrs. James Morrison, Mrs. George Rogers, Mrs. H. F. But- terfield, Mrs. Alfred Moon, Mrs. Alfred Klamp and Mrs. Henry Layman. The program will include speaker, music by the two choirs, special numbers of music, reading of the church history and reading of letters from for mer pastors who will not be able to attend. Stayton Churches Baptist Rev. Willard Buckner, pastor Sunday school. 10. Morning worship. 11. Training hour, 7:15. Evening cervice, . Churrh of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas tor. Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship, S o'clock. Churrh of Christ L. M. Seid. minister. Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship, ft. Methodist John Morange. pastor. Bible school, 10, Worship service, 11. Youth fel lowship, 6:30. Evening worship, 8. Immaculate Conception Calholte Rev. Nath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. St. Patrtck'i Catholte (Lynns) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st . 2nd and 5th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. Our Ladr af Lonrdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays mass 8:30 a.m.; 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman. Pastor 8un day school 10. Morning worship. 11. Youth leuowsnip, 7. evening service. . Church of Christ Wm. P. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. Morning worship II Junior meeting, 7. Young people's meet ing. 7. Evening services, 8. Methodlsi Rev, Fremont Faul. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, ll. Junior fellowship, 6. Youth fellowship. 7 o'clock. Assembly of God Stayton. Rev. P. C. Watcher, pastor, Sunday school 9:43. Morn ing worship service, it. Evangelist io serv ice, S p.m. Young people's meeting, 7 p.m. mm Ends at Miller's SATURDAY, 5:30 P.M. COME GET A BIG BARGAIN! TMieM. Lord's Prayer Jn Stone Frances Murphy, 8, reads the Lord's Prayer, carved in stone 14 feet wide and 9!6 feet high in a massive Bible set on a 32-foot base in Chicago's Memo rial Estates cemetery. The huge stone book weighs 37 tons. East Salem Church Women Utilize Theme for Month East Salem, Dec. 30 One postponed meeting was held in Middle Grove community on Tuesday. The Women's Society for World Service met at the home of Mrs. Roy Scofield on Silver- ton road. Special guests were Mrs. Carl Connett, branch second vice Silverton Churches rhm-th nf Jrau Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) Sunday school at 10. Evening service at i. Christian Science Sunday school at 9:45. Services at 11. St. Paul's Catholic Father John J. Walsh, nastor. Sunday masses, S and 10. Weekdays, S. Aiifmblr of God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 0:4.5. Divine worship, 11. Young people's society at 6:45. Evan gelistic at 8. Phor.h nf R.d Rev. P. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday school at 10. Worship hour at 11. Evening services at 8. Seventh Day Adventist Elder A. D. Chllson. Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo cal elder, in charge, sabbath school Sat urday, 9:30. Morning worsnip at 11, o& urday, Sunday evenin, evangelistic ser vice. Pllrrlm Hollne,. D. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Sermon by pastor, 11. Young people meet at 7. Evangelistic ser mon at 8. Methodist Marquam and Molalla Joint pastorate. J. s. Kendal, minister. Bible school and sermon forenoon, Sunday, at Marquam, afternoon at Molalla. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, pastor. Bible school, 9:45. communion and sermon, subject: "Our Christian Faith in 1850." Junior and senior unrisuan anoea- vor societies meet at 8:30 p.m. Evening sermon subject: "Two Things for 1950," at 7:30 o'clock. rhrlstlan and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour. 11. sermon by pastor. Special music. Young people meeting 6:30. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30, pastor in cnarge. M.th.dlsf Ben F. Browning, minister. Sunday school, 9:45. Oeneral worship, 11, pastor speaking In "The Bible and the Calendar," first in a series of January sermons on "The Meaning of the Bible." Youth Fellowship. 7:30, Nettle Polk, leader. Trlnlt Lutheran Rev. R. O. Hovland, supply pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10. Divine worship, 11, sermon by Rev. Hovland. n.lv.rv Lutheran SuddIv nastor. Rev. P. W. Erickson, Salem. Sunday school and Bible class. Divine worship. New Year's day service. Rev. Erlck6on In charge. imm.nn.l Lutheran s. L. Almlle. pas tor. New Year's Sunday, Sunday school. Bible classes, 10. Divine worsnip, 11. ser mon. "The Name of Jesus." Anthem by choir. Luther leamie meets at 7:30. Monmouth Churches Offer Prayer Week Monmouth The First Chris tian, the Evangelical United Brethren and the First Baptist churches are planning union services during the annual ween of prayer, January 2 through January 7. The following arrangement of meetings will be observed: Mon day. 7:30 p.m., Christian church; Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Baptist church; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Evangelical United Brethren rhiireh! Thursday. 7:30 p.m.. Christian church; Friday, 7:30 p.m., Baptist church; baturaay, 7:30 p.m., Evangelical United Brethren church. Rev. Her man D. Wiebe is pastor of the local Baptist church. "'"J7!1 'president and secretary of Chris- tian social service relations from Albany; Mrs. E E. Azee, secretary of mission bands from Albany and Mrs. Jack Steiger, secretary of the Little Heralds from Salem. It was an all day meeting with a covered dish dinner at noon. The general theme was, "The Church at the Heart of the Com munity." The month emphasis is "Christian International Good will." Mrs. William Scharf was devotional leader using the Christmas story according to Luke's gospel. One of the many little acts of kindness done at Christmas time for those less fortunate was the making of popcorn balls and gathering up of magazines by the members of the Swegle Girl Scouts and their leader, Mrs. Hillard Hanson, for the residents of Fairview home. Mrs. Jean Day and daughter, Kathy of Ogden, Utah, arrived in Salem Monday to spend the holiday week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pef- fer on Hollywood drive. New residents of HollvwonH drive are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cater (Ann Becker) who have bought a partly finished home which they are remodeling. Calvary Baptist Church 1230 South Liberty Street 2 Great NEW YEAR'S DAY SERVICES 11:00 a.m. "THE GOD MAN" 7:30 p.m. "BEGIN AGAIN" 9:45 a.m. Bible School 6:30 Youth Fellowships Start the New Year right "IN THE BEGINNING GOD" New Year's Eve Watch Night Service at 10:30 p.m. Better Health In The New Year! ' By J. H. WILLETT of ths Capital Oru, atora There will be an opportunity for better health in the New Year for everyone. For each day medical science learna something more about diseases, nutrition, drugs; surgeons find better and simpler ways of per forming operations. These all add up to better health for people who take ad vantage of the services of medi cal scientists, by regular medi cal attention through their physician. A conscientious pharmacist Is prepared to help you to good health by making available all the newest and best in pure, potent, quality drugs. This Is ths Ml af a asrlss af Editorial AriTtrltsement appearing In this psper each Friday. Copyright Capital Drug Store State A Liberty Phone J-Jlll Watch Parties Are Arranaed Woodburn The annual elec- tion of officers of the Christian' church will be held in connec tion with the New Year's eve watch party and reception for all the new members during the past year. The event will take place Saturday night, December 31 at 8 p.m., in the church rec reation room. Mrs. Gordon Seely is general chairman for the evening. Re freshments committee includes Mrs. H. C. Stuwe, Mrs. Elmer Nelson and Mrs. T. J. Deffen baugh. Miss Hazel Smolnisky will be in charge of entertain ment and games. The nominat ing committee includes H. C. Stuwe. T. J. Deffenbaugh and Mrs. W. O. Green. All members of the church are invited to at tend the party. Amity The Baptist church will sponsor a watch night pro gram Saturday evening. Two films, "Wings Over Africa" and "Wings Over India,'' will be shown, while games and refresh ments w'U feature the meeting. Woodburn A New Year's eve watch service and social will be held at the Church of i God Saturday night. The watch service will feature a special speaker, music and a candle lighting and will begin at 9 o'clock. Everyone is invited to this service. At 10 o'clock the group. will go to the recreation room for a social which will con tinue until midnight. Scio A watch party is plan ned for New Year's eve at the Baptist church. The young peo ple have charge of the party and at 11:15 services will be held in the church auditorium. Refreshments will be served. Oak Point A cnmmnnifv New Year's dinner will be served at the school house Sunday at 1 O'clock. All families in th community are invited to bring a covered dish. i" """"fiiir"'" Methodist Church Down Town J The Tall White Spire 1 STUDENT RECOGNITION I SUNDAY I 11:00 A.M. "THE STUDENT, THE 5 CHURCH AND " THE WORLD" Dr. Floyd Sampson of B Denver University Guest g Speaker i University students will be special guests j BROOKS H. MOORE, Minister .1 1