I Offi Candlelight Wedding at First Presbyterian Church At a candlelight ceremony solemnized Monday evening in the First Presbyterian church, Miss Dorothy Denniston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Denniston of Eugene, was married to Charles E. Johnson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Johnson of Salem. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin read the double ring service at 8 o'clock. -Christmas greens and poinset- tias decorated the church. Soloist for the wedding was Mrs. Richard Johns, Jr., with Mrs. Ralph Dobbs playing the organ. Lighting the tapers were two of the ushers, Richard Johns, Jr., and David Johnson, brother of the bridegroom. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white satin gown. It had the long bodice, long sleeves and a long train. The yoke and skirt were trimmed in lace and the skirt fell over a hoop. The illusion veil was fingertip length, ar ranged from a half-cap. The bride carried a white Bible with white orchid and streamers caught with tissue narcissuses. Sister Attends Only attendant for the bride was her sister, Mrs. Keith Fin ney of Tacoma. She wore a chartreuse taffeta gown made similarly to that of the bride's gown, except it had short sleeves, and she wore long mitts matching the gown in color, Her flowers were a bouquet of tiny pink roses with a lighted candle in the center. Burrel Birch of Eugene was best man and ushering were Richard Johns, Jr., William Barker and David Johnson. ne Driae s mother wore a blue crepe gown with gray ac cessories and pink rosebud cor sage for her daughter's wed ding, and the bridegroom'! mother was attired In black with white accessories and cor sage of gardenias. The reception also was at the Auxiliary "icers Entertained Annual Christmas party for the officers and chairmen of committees for Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, was an event of last evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. A no-host dinner started the evening's festivities and there was a gift exchange, a special gift from the group being pre sented Mrs. Spaulding. The home was beautifully decorated with greens and other Christmas favors. Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. Anson Ingels and Mrs. John B. Wood were the committee for the ar rangements for the dinner and party. Attending the affair were Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs. John B. Wood, Mrs. Robert Wyatt, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. E. W. Hichey, Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Anna Hun saker, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. Ted Borkman, Mrs. A. D. Apperson, Mrs. Myrtle Eckles, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Clara Poland, Mrs. F. A. Williams, Mrs. Clare Bra bee, Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. George Manning. 5 Boots and Spurs One of the finest and most successful Christmas parties again was put on by George Arbuckle and his committee. Starting with the grand entry, led by Walter Leth, 82 riders formed almost three lines around the arena, which was beautifully decorated with fir bough, Christmas ornaments, tinsel, wreaths and balloons. The next event was a chil-? drens' walk, trot and canter which was won easily by Judy Seamster on Sara. Second place was awarded by the judges to Gail Dorr on Blackie. Mary Rouch placed third on her good looking sorrel. The event follow ing was a chicken scramble with the same contestants competing in a rabbit catching race. Time was taken out while Santa entered the ring and pre sented a very pretty half Arab gelding to Gladys Seamster. The horse is a son of Ward Wells dressage Arab, Sharik, that every one has seen perform at the Cherryland Horse show. The events continued on with stake bending, dart throwing, chicken carrying and the presen tation of gifts by Santa, nee, Elmer Lorance of Silverton. After the horses were put up, the group adjourned to the west entrance where Mrs. Homer Smith Jr., Mrs. George Ar buckle, Mrs. Esther Ward and Mrs. Fred Ellis had arranged a buffet lunch that made the eve ning's entertainment complete. Not a little interest is shown in the cow cutting contests or practice held twice weekly in the stadium. The star performers are the horses. O. D. Stevenson on Judy Ann, Homer Simms on Little Joe, Ralph Stangeby on Ruth, Van Wieder on Star Dust, Tom Allen on Sandy and Grant Farris on Silver Flex, put in about two hours of practice in the approved method of work ing range cattle. Incidentally, these cattle are from the 4-W Ranch of Art Waldport, a former Saddle club member. Two new Today's Menu CBj th Associated Press) Dinner in a Jiffy Baked Corned Beef Hash, Eggs Buttered Broccoli Chili Sauce Salad Bowl Bread and Butter Ready-Mix Cake with Orange Coconut Topping Beverage Ready-Mix Cake with Orange Coconut Topping Ingredients: 1 package ready mix white cake, Vi cup butter or margarine (melted), Vi cup brown sugar, grated rind of 1 medium-sized orange (about 1 tablespoon), 2 tablespoons strained orange juice, 1 one quarter pound can moist-packed grated coconut. Method: Mix and bake cake according to directions for an eight or nine inch square pan. Just before cake is finished bak ing prepare the topping: Put the butter or margarine In a medium-sized skillet and melt over low heat. Remove from heat and add the brown sugar, orange rind and orange juice, mixing well and smoothing out lumps. Add coconut and mix thorough ly so coconut is an even color. As soon as cake Is baked spread topping over top and place under broiler until lightly browned; watch carefully so as not to burn, having cake several inches from source of moderate heat browning should take from three to five minutes. members club are Allen. of the Tan Barkers' Don Kuhl and Eva MR. AND MRS. O. W. Stall- cope of 2145 Laurel avenue, had as their dinner guests on Christ mas, Mrs. Stallcope's sister, Mrs. L,ouie raorey and brother, Mac Bingham of Dayton; Mr. Stall- cope's mother, Mrs. Evelyn Stallcope, McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Essely of McMinnville, Vernon White of Taft. Some Styles for Ski Enthusiasts Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1949-7 ' r j?L..; &ittA-jiX'w,i.t v . 1 t Ilpii1 u,.Xt Nylon Parka Nylon is the new star of winter sports wear. This professional parka slips over the head. After Ski For relaxation around the fire this cotton embroidered skirt is tops with skiiers. Shirt is linen. church. Mrs. E. V. Slate of Portland, aunt of the bride groom, poured. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Albert Dennis ton, Eugene, aunt of the bride. Assisting with the serving were Miss Frances Reanier, Mrs. Ken neth Strohecker, Portland, and passing the dream cake was Miss Betsy Alymer of Vancou ver. Miss Irene Johnson, sister of the bridegroom, passed the guest book and in charge of gifts were Miss Florence Jones and Mrs. Clifford Reed. For going away the bride wore a wine suit with gray ac cessories and the orchid she carried at the service. Follow ing a trip to the coast the cou ple will be at home in Cor vallis until Mr. Johnson com pletes his work at Oregon State college. The bride is a register ed nurse at Salem Memorial hospital. Parties Given ' Preceding her marriage, the bride was honored at two par ties Mrs. Charles H. Johnson entertained a group at her home for the bride, other guests in cluding Mrs. Chester Luther, Betrothals Are Told The holiday time has brought many engagement announcements. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Traviss of Mt. Angel are announcing the Mrs. James C. Nichols, Mrs. Floyd Bird, Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. Clifford Reed, Miss Florence Jones, Mrs. J. D. Patterson, Mrs. E. S. Oliver, Miss Irene John son. The nurses at Salem Memorial also entertained for the bride. Those attending the party, giv en at the home of Mrs. Clifford Reed, were the honoree and Miss Frances Reanier, Mrs. Jean Hill, Mrs. Don Schuler, Miss Florence Jones, Mrs. Oscar White, Mrs. Iva Baltes, Mrs. P. F. Cushing, Mrs. P. W. Hale, Mrs. Theo. Daum, Mrs. George Donaldson, Mrs. D. E. Walker, Mrs. Dale Cresswell, Mrs. Stanley Jobe and the hostess. engagement of their daughter, Miss Lola Traviss, to Ernest Ziclinski, son of Mrs. Dorothy Zielinski and the late Charles Zielinski. The news was reveal ed at a family gathering Christ mas eve at the Traviss home. No plans are announced for the wedding. The bride-to-be is on the stenographic staff in the state library and Mr. Zielinski is engaged in farming. She at tended Mt. Angel schools and he attended the Salem schools. Frederickson-Fhelps Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Philps are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Lee Phelps, to George L. Fred- erickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Frederickson. No date is set for the wedding. Miss Phelps is a student at Salem high school and Mr. Frederickson is employed here. Derksen-Veer Among engagements being an nounced during the holiday week is that of Miss Violet Veer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Veer, to Russell Derksen, son of Mrs. Mary Kunkel. No date is set for the wedding. HOURS: 10 o.m. to 7 p.m. GOLDIES YEAR-END HOURS: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. SALE! DECEMBER 30 THRU JANUARY 7 BEtESSES 2 1 Bring a Friend Share Tour Saving Corduroy 5 only JACKETS 11.93 volut 4.99 SKIRTS Every one wo hovo. , 2.99 BLOUSES .,.,s.:... .... 1.99 BLOUSES Reg. 5.95 up . . 3.99 LADIES, SKINTEES PANTIES Small, medium, large XX and XXX. . V for RAYON BRIEFS, LACE TRIM PANTIES 50c pair or 3.J.00 2,J.OO WE GIVE PENNY-SAVER STAMPS GOWNS Outing flannel reg. 2.79 NON-RUN JERSEY KNIT GOWNS Sizes to 44 res-. 2.98 Sizes 44-50 2.99 HOSE, 69c pr. or 3 2.00 1.99 1.99 SWEATERS I "JO All wool slipovers leW SWEATERS O QQ All wool slipovers SANFORLAN PROCESSED SWEATERS o QQ Cardigans 5.95 value We BABY ROMPERS, 2.98 value .59 DISPOSIES, 1.30 value 69 e (Insert Diapers for Pad Pants) PAD PANTS AND DISPOSIES TOGETHER. SWEATERS, 2.50 voluo 1 .69 BABY BOTTLES, coeh 9e BOTTLE NIPPLES 3 for 9 e PLASTIC PANTS, 79c value 25c CHIX, cottoned diaper liners 69c 1.00 CAPS 59 c each or 2 for 1.00 BOOTIES 59c pair or 2 pairs 1.00 PAD PANTS, regular 69c 39 c (Klemerts Protective Panties for Disposable Pads) (1.05 Value, For Use Inside Reg. Diaper) 2 for 1 .35 BIBS, Maderia worked, rej. 1.75 each 89c ALL TOYS Vi PRICE EVERYTHING IN THE STORE AT LEAST 13 OFF GOLDDES DRESS SHOIP 4954 NORTH RIYER ROAD IN THE KEIZER DISTRICT PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN THE KEIZER DISTRICT PHONE 2-3049 SHOP AT PENNEY'S AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY WOMEN'S DRESS RAINCOATS FINE COTTON GABARDINE SHEDS RAIN HOODED, IN SELECTION OF SHADES WORTH MUCH MORE. MOST SIZES. SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S WINTER COATS -SPECIAL! REDUCED! WHAT VALUES! ALL-WOOL COVERTS, SHARKSKINS BROKEN LOTS MOST SIZES. HURRY! SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S CORDUROY JACKET VALUES SMART, BOXY STYLES TWO POCKETS IN BROWN, BLUE, RED, WINE, GREY REDUCED TO CLEAR BUY YOURS NOW! SECOND FLOOR TODDLERS' SNOWSUITS-REDUCED! RAYON SATIN OR POPLIN SHELL FITTED HOODS AND CAPS KNIT CUFFS SIZES 1 TO 4 MANY SHADES SECOND FLOOR PRICES SLASHED-MEN'S SUITS BROKEN LOTS, SIZES SINGLE AND DOUBLE-BREASTED STYLES ALL-WOOL, WORSTED FABRICS MAIN FLOOR $35 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS-A FEATURE! SOFT PASTEL SHADES, 8 COLORS SECURELY BOUND HEMS TREATED AGAINST MOTH DAMAGE MEZZANINE BETTER QUALITY HANDBAGS - REDUCED! I SOME OF THE MOST WANTED STYLES IN PLASTICS, CORDES IN THE ZIPPERED, SECTIONAL MODELS MAIN FLOOR LEATHER FLIGHT JACKETS-REDUCED! SAVE! HORSEHIDE LEATHER SHELL SOFT MOUTON LAMB COLLAR KNIT CUFFS SIZES 36 TO 46 MAIN FLOOR BROKEN LOTS WOMEN'S BETTER SHOES COBRA-SKIN STRAP SANDALS PATENT LEATHER SANDALS, SUFDES ATTRACTIVE SELECTION SEE THESE! DOWNSTAIRS STORE CHILDREN'S SNAP GALOSHES IN WHITE, BROWN, RED WHAT A VALUE! PRACTICAL, TOO! SIZES 5 TO 12 DOWNSTAIRS STORE '-'IBBKHEfia , ....... -iimtnimiiiriifnii ir,i .;..-..;. .-. J. .......