Capital Edited by MARIAN www mjasu i ' "nr1 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dee. 29, 1949 2 Hostesses Thursday for School Group The week has featured much entertaining among the school group enjoying the holiday va cation period. This evening Miss Claralyn Lee and Miss Sarah Jane Back strand are to be hostesses at the home of Miss Lee's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee, for an in formal party for a group of 12 college friends. Miss Lee is home from Oregon State college for the Christmas holidays and Miss Backstrand is home from Stanford university to spend the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Jerald S. Backstrand. A late supper will follow the Informal evening. In the group will be Miss Jackie Johnson, Miss Jeanne Hoffman, Miss Mar ilyn Nichols, Miss Donna Jane Macklin, Miss Maurine Jones, Miss Beverly Hofstetter, Miss Marcelline Hutchison, Miss Donna Ahalt, Miss Patricia Ull man, Miss Leta Jean Faught and the two hostesses. Amaranth Court Is Entertained Cherry court, Order of the Amaranth, met Tuesday for social evening at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Dancing, bridge and canasta were enjoy ed. Just before refreshments Christmas carols were sung by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenks; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Guenther; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slentz, Mr. Lyle McCauley. Special guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. James B. Manning. Mrs. Manning is grand royal matron of the Order of the Amaranth, state of Oregon. Music for the evening was fur nished by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slentz. Hosts for the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hasbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mrs. Paul Grlebenow, Miss Evelyn Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mc Cauley, Club Program Mill City The Christmas meeting of the Mill City Wom an's club was held at the home of Mrs. J. F. Potter with Mrs. Charles Kelly assisting hostess. The evening's program was made up of the reading of a Christmas story, a number of appropriate contests and mu sical numbers, Including Christ mas carols by the entire group. In charge of the program was Mrs. Harry Mason. Instead of each member bringing a wrap ped gift for the children's Farm home this year, a collection was taken which will be sent to the home. A gift exchange was made among members and the choice of a gift for each guest was made on the order of mu sical chairs passing the gifts around until the music stopped. The hostesses carried out the Christmas theme in table dec orations and about the rooms. Refreshments were served. The next meeting scheduled for Jan uary 3, will be held in the school recreation room with Mrs. Clay' ton Baltimore and Mrs. Robert Trask as hostesses. Guest speak er for the evening will be Dr. W. G. Bolander, clinical psy chologist, who will speak on the subject, "Understanding Youth." Party for Club The Lablsh Garden club held its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Ziellnskl with Mrs. Joe Henny assisting the hostess. After a short business meet inj games and gifts were en joyed by the following guests and members: Mrs. Sam Ramp and Mrs. Archer, guests; Mes dames G. A. McNeff, John Hen ny, Sr., Anna Heilman, Andrew Johane, Wm. G. McClune, Frank Johnson, Waldo Lowcry, W, M. Bartlett, Leslie Tontz, Al Wright, Alvln Van Cleave, Hat tie Van Cleave, Z. A. Gregg, Glen Wadly, Wm. Zenger, E. V. Ziellnskl, and the hostesses. r-1 i b" v. -jri. hi Women LOWRX FISCHER Weese-Marskelle Wedding Announced Announcement Is made of the marriage of Miss Ellen Marsk- elle of Edmonton, Alberta, Can ada, to Howard D. Weese, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Weese of Salem. The wedding was an event of Tuesday, De cember 27, at Edmonton. The couple will be at home in Corvallis, Mr. Weese to finish his senior year at Oregon State college. The bride has been a nurse in Edmonton. Donna Aim Is Betrothed Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Otto Aim of Coolidge street are giv ing a dinner at their home In ob servance of the 21st birthday an niversary of their daughter, Miss Donna Claire Aim of Salem and Silverton, Thursday (tonight) at which time the betrothal of Miss Donna will be announced to Stanley Vernon Torgeson, son of Mrs. Mary Torgeson, now of Sa lem, recently of Fargo, N. Dak. Places will be made at the seasonal decorated dinner table for Miss Bertha Aim, Henry Aim, Mrs. Mary Torgeson, Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Aim, the affianced couple, Miss Aim and Mr. Torgeson, and Miss Aim's two grandmothers, Mrs. Walter Taylor of Corvallis and Mrs. Ju lius Aim, Sr., of Silverton. No date has been set for the wedding. BPW Group Silverton Mrs. Irene Hou- bal, president, and Miss Hannah Olson, international chairman of the Business and Professional Women's club, are announcing a change from the year-book plans for the January meeting. The proposed dinner session was cancelled in favor of a business meeting in the office of M. B. Ford, principal of Eugene Field grades at 7:30 o'clock, and the program to begin at 8 o clock in the Eugene Field auditorium, Tuesday evening, January 3. Guests will be present repre senting their native countries of England, Scotland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Norway. The meeting is open to the public and members are asked to bring guests and inform any one desiring to attend to do so. Members are privileged ' to bring donations for foreign country gifts If they have not had the opportunity, previously, Installation Held Oak Point Mrs. Donald Webb and Mrs. Orley Brown entertained the Independence Rural Woman's club with a des sert luncheon at the Webb home. Mrs. Grove Peterson installed the officers for 1950 as follows: President, Miss Hazel Hughes; vice-president, Mrs. Orley Brown; secretary, Mrs. Edna Hardman; assistant secretary, Mrs. Edna Bartel; treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Comstock; journ alists, Mrs. Hattis Black and Mrs. T. C. Muller. It was decided to hold only one meeting a month beginning in January. A Christmas tree and ex change of gifts was held, Mrs. Hugh Rogers will entertain the club January 12. CHADWICK assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, met Tues day evening for a short business session to hear reports on the re cent successful Christmas for mal, given last Thursday eve ning at Crystal Gardens. Next event for the assembly will be January 10 at which time elections will be held for the offices of faith, recorder and treasurer. PAST PRESIDENTS' club of the American Legion auxiliary met for its Christmas party last week at the home of Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, 28 attending. For the program, piano solos were played by Miss Marne Chrlstensen, and the Christmas story, "The Black Madonna," was read by Mrs. Gragg. The group sang carols. Assisting Mrs. Gragg were Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. E. W, Richey, Mrs. Florence Ames and Mrs. L. Cleveland, the latter of Dallas. Wo j fit ' j ; i Wedding Is Recent Event The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. David Getzendaner was solemnized the evening of De cember 21. The bride is the former Betty Lou Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles H. Edwards. Mr. Getzendaner is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Getzendaner. The couple are leaving the first of the year for Minneapolis, Mr. Getzendaner to finish his work this year at Northwestern Lutheran seminary. (Dave Scott photograph) Wedding Is In Portland Silverton Saint Stephens cathedral at Portland was the scene, Sunday afternoon, in beautifully arranged setting of Christmas greenery, for the wedding of Miss Nan Pirie Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Brown Humphrey of Washington, D.C., and Wal lace Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Adams of Silverton. The bride was accompanied to the altar and given in mar riage by her father. She wore white satin, entrain, long lines from a high bodice, over-the- shoulder pleatings and full length sleeves. Her fingertip lace edged veil fell from a Juliet cap of pearls in coronet. A white orchid centered her arm bouquet. Miss Mary Margaret John son of Eugene, in dark red vel vet and carrying holly, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Phyllis Stewart and Miss Marilyn Turner, sorority sisters of the bride, wearing dark green velvet and carry ing poinsettias. Candle light ers in identically fashioned white gowns were Miss Jane Daggett and Miss Margaret Mc Keen, both of Portland. Carl Denton of Portland play ed the wedding music and ac companied Miss Virginia Walk er, also of Portland, who sang. Vernon L. Barkhurst of Eu gene was best man for his brother-in-law. Ushers were William Duncan and Robert Miller both of Silverton, Dean Bond of Eugene and Arthur Baker of Portland. Wins Husband Again with Her Glamorous Desserts feddl-tuip Glamorizes All Desserts -at the Touch of a Finger! Henry fell In love with me all over again when I started serving Reddi-wip desserts every day. Reddi wip turns even the simplest desserts like cupcakes, gelatins, puddings a ad ice cream, into delidoos treats, mstautiyl No wonder millions of American homemakers at ways use Reddi-wip it's made with pure, fresh cream it whips itself at the touch of a finger. Each thrifty throw-away container of Reddi-wip provides 3 1 serr ings almost a quart of luscious, wbipped-to-pexfeo. bon cream. Glorious desserts are effortless with Reddi-wip there's no bowl or beater so wash, never a failure. Get Reddi-wip today! ASK YOUR GROCER OR Presiding at the urns during the hours of the reception were Mrs. Robert Ormand Case, Mrs. C. O. Jones and Mrs. Laurel Janz Savage, all of Portland. Mrs. Vernon L. Barkhurst and Mrs. George Pirie cut the bride's Portland. Directing the guests book was Miss Jean Mimnaugh, Portland. Directing the guest to the dining room was Mrs. William Duncan, Silverton. As sisting about the rooms were Miss Catherine Hoppe, Miss Anne Case, Miss Helen Cald well, Miss Jacqueline Johnger, Miss Jane Daggett, Miss Mar garet McKeen, Mrs. Paul Kun- kel, Miss Barbara Subdet, Miss Peggy Utz, Miss Katie Carter and Miss Gyla Masterson. IN PORTLAND Monday eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. Farley Mogan and daughter, Martha, to be guests at a Christmas din ner party given at the home of Mrs. Mogan's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Lamer. FOR THE Soroptimlst club program meeting Tuesday noon at the Golden Pheasant, Miss Lena Blum, member of the group, was speaker, discussing credit work and her expreiences in that field. Miss Hattie Brat zel, former member, was at the meeting as a guest. The busi ness meeting for the club comes next Wednesday noon. HOSTS LAST evening at a dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sargent. Covers were marked for Mr. and Mrs. Au gust L. Rigby, Marilyn and Nor ma Rigby; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Conway and son, Gary, of Pied mont, Calif.; and the hosts and their son, Stuart. MILKMAN FOR REDM-WIPI The Holiday Entertaining The holiday week and New Year's week-end are featured by numerous informal open house and at home affairs. Tea Given Mrs. I. M. Doughton entertain ed this afternoon at an informal neighborhood holiday gathering, friends being invited in for tea. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Heinlein are to be hosts Thursday and Friday evenings at informal at homes at their East Miller street home. The group this evening has been invited to call between 7 and 11 o'clock, the Friday eve ning hours to be between 7 and 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Yea- ter are to be hosts for an open house at their Virginia street residence New Year's day, Sun day. Friends have been invited to call between 3 and 6 o'clock. Mrs. William Haskin, Mrs. Doug las Yeater, Jr., and Miss Betty Russell will assist at the event. Two Events Dr. and Mrs. William L. Lid- beck are to entertain at informal at home affairs Friday and Sat urday evenings, 60 newcome.-s in the city and friends being invit ed to call between 5 and 7 o clock each evening. Other Events Among those entertaining Fri day evening at an at home are Colonel and Mrs. Eugene Foster, a few friends being invited be tween 8 and 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. James P a v n e have entertained at a series of informal at homes during the holiday time. They are to be hosts this evening at one of the affairs and also entertained last evening. New Year's Eve New Year's ev will be fea M "Ms ! B(oFg Elfstroms Hosts Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom were hosts for an in formal party last evening at their West Lincoln street home honoring Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Sampson, whose marriage took place recently. Several couples, friends of the Sampsons, were invited for the informal eve ning. A late supper was served. tured by many informal at homes and watch night parties Dr. and Mrs. Willard N. Thompson are to entertain friends at a watch party Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mauld ing, of Eugene, here for the holi days, are giving a New Year's eve party for a group of friends, the affair to be at the home of Mrs. Maulding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. A mid night supper was served. VISITOR here for the holiday week is Mrs. Nicholas R. Donlon of Cannon Beach, as guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W Kelly. She came Christmas week-end and will be here until the first of the week. HOLIDAY week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law are their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Law and daughter, Christina, of Eu gene and their son and daughter-in-law and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law, Jr., and family from Hanford, Wash. DAYTON Miss Barbie Sher man of Salem, is spending the holidays with her uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman, and sons. Miss Sher man is attending Willamette University. Her parents live in Ketchikan, Alaska. ALL CHARGE PURCHASES GO ON JAN. PAYABLE IN FEB. WB log QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR LESS! i Engagement Told The engagement of Miss Doris Ethel Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hale, to Phillip Blankenship, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Blankenship, was announced Christmas eve. No plans are announced for the wedding. (Jesten-Milter studio picture) VISITORS here during the holiday week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August L. Rigby are Mrs. Rigby's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. n 17 (SO DDT) mm Conway, and their son, Gary Conway, of Piedmont, Calif. Another house guest at tho Rigby home over Christmas was George Lytton of Ashville, O. 0