Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 29, 1949 Meets. Wife for First Time Since Months Before Wedding Vancouver, Dec. 29 (CP) It does sound impossible, but: Italian-born Tony Cianflonae met his wife Nina, 19, here Tues day night for the first time since eight months before their wedding. Hawaiian Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cable are greet ed with flowers as they arrive in Honolulu aboard the S.S. Lurline honeymoon bound. Making them welcome is Duke P. Kahanamoku, champion swimmer of three Olympiads and now sheriff of Honolulu. (Acme Telephoto) Dallas Mayor May Seek Polk Legislative Post Dallas, Dec. 29 Mayor Hollis Smith of Dallas will probably be a candidate for the republican nomination to the Oregon house of representatives from Polk county if Lyle Thomas, present representative, does not seek another term in 1950, the mayor indicates in a statement. Smith states that he had All I spoken of his intentions in pub thing talis tor Pension Study Washington, Dec. 29 W Now is the time for a real study of the whole pension and welfare problem, says Federal Mediation Chief Cyrus S. Ching. Ching's business is settling labor disputes and preventing them from occurring if possible. He believes that uncertainty over what congress is going to do about expanding the present social security plan, plus dis crepancies and weaknesses of employers' w e 1 f a r e-pension plans, could lead to costly labor troubles. "It would be well to take our bearings," Ching counselled in a statement last night, "and de vise a national policy which will help us to set our future course with deliberation." Jakarta New Name of Batavia (By the Associated Press) Jakarta the name the Unit ed States of Indonesia soon will give to Batavia, its capital city means strong or important ci ty. This is the ancient Indonesian name. In 1619 Dutch Governor Gen eral Jan Pieterszoon Coen took the town of Jakarta and gave it the Dutch name of Batavia. It has kept that name up until the formation of the new republic. The new nation's capital is not to be confused with the city in central Java with a similar name Jogjakarta which means pleasant city. Jogjakarta is the seat of the Sultan of Jog jakarta and served as the capital of the Indonesian republic up until the republic was merged in the United States of Indonesia, Betty Lou Marbury's Condition Excellent Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 29 (JP) Betty Lou Marbury, a 10-year- old picture of courage and faith, lay resting today from an oper ation that took her diseased right hand. She had hoped the prayers of )the nation would save it, but she gave it up with the firm belief it was "the will of God." The cute little Brownsville Tenn., farm girl's condition was described as good. She was be ing attended by three special nurses. The amputation, necessary to save her life, was done yester day. A malignant bone tumor was the c a u s e of the plucky youngster s trouble. Doctors here and in Boston were consulted before it was de cided that to remove the hand between wrist and elbow, was imperative to keep the malig nancy from spreading. Sisters Are Together For Seasonal Reunion SUverton A holiday reunion of four sisters, the former Fun rue "girls", is being enjoyed in a pre-New Years stay of a few days at the Corvallis home of one of the group, Mrs. Clara Loe, all formerly of Silverton. Driving to the Loe home Tuesday were Mrs. Ed Overlund, Mrs. C. J. Towe, both of Silver- Won, and Mrs. Jalmer Ellison f-id her small daughter, Sharon, 'ot Mulino. ine women plan for an an nual visit each year at the home of one member of the four. lie meetings on at least two oc casions but declared, "I'm not at all interested so long as Lyle Thomas seeks the position." Thomas, who has represented Polk county since 1935, but for one term, stated recently that he may oppose Walter Norblad for representative in Congress from the first district in the 1950 elections. He said, however that financial support and adequate interest must be shown in his candidacy before he will make the race. Since then, labor groups and some farmer organi zations have urged him to run, but he has not committed him self definitely on the matter. In his statement Mayor Smith said, "I feel that Thomas has done a fine job in the legislature. He has carried the ball for the League of Oregon Cities and has done good work on other legislation." The mayor said that "pres sure from the eastern part of the county" had been brought to bear on him to make the race for the legislature. At the same time, the Dallas mayor, who is now president of1 the League of Oregon Cities, stated, "I hate to think of giv ing up my municipal work." Through the league, Mayor Smith has been prominent in municipal planning at meetings over the nation. He just recent ly returned from a convention of the American Municipal as sociation in Cleveland. Ohio. where he was a member of the resolutions committee. Later he attended a meeting of the Pa cific board of inter-government-al relations at San Francisco, representing the state of Ore gon on the municipal level. His term as mayor in Dallas expires in 1950, also, but he in dicated that he will seek re election. In the event that Thomas does not seek re-election to the legislature, Smith may run for both positions. This is not without precedent. Other legislators have repre sented their respective counties while serving as mayor of their home towns. Among these were Carl Francis, Yamhill county representative and mayor of Dayton. Hervey Allen, Author, Dies Miami, Fla., Bee. 29 W) Hervey Allen, world-famous au thor of "Anthony Adverse," died of a heart attack at his winter home here yesterday. He was 60. The noted author's body was found on the bathroom floor and Dr. Franz Stewart, heart specialist, said he apparently was stricken while preparing to shave. He frequently worked late at night and slept late, so no alarm was felt when he failed to ap pear in the morning. Mrs. Al len found the body about 1 p.m. (EST). Intimates said they had known since 1939 that he had a "bad heart" but he refused all sug gestions that he see a doctor. He attended the customary rounds of Christmas festivities with his family, including one gathering the night before his death.1 Allen had maintained a win ter home here since 1933. He had a summer home at Cazen ovia, N.Y. The explanation, which we shouldn t tell so soon in this story, is simply the fact that Tony and' Nina were married last July 31 by proxy. Tony, 22, said his fond good bye to Nina in Nicastro, Italy, in November, 1948. He left to take up a new life in Canada at the home here of his grandfather, Jasper Nicoter. But before he left, he promis ed his dark-eyed Italian sweet heart he would get her over here as soon as possible. The love they shared chopped the immigration tape. On July 31, Tony, in Van couver, married Nina, in Italy. His uncle in Nicastro represent ed him at the ceremony and took the vows for him. The proxy marriage was necessary to en able Nina to come to Canada in accordance with immigration laws. The wedding had the sanction of the Roman Catholic church and the blessings of the Cana dian diplomatic corps in Iitaly. Tuesday night Nina arrived, thanks to the dollars Tony has saved since working as a lab orer in the Vancouver Water works department. Right away, they held their wedding recep tion at grandfather's home, five months after the wedding. Asked if she liked Canada Nina laughed: "Si, si, si, si." Translator Mary Iaci said this means: "Oh wonderful, crazy to come, love it. Mrs. Brutke Home Amity Mrs. Herman Brut ke and baby daughter, Robin Lenore, were home from Me morial hospital in Salem. The little girl weighed 8'A pounds and was born December 24. She is the third child of the Brutkes. Another daughter is Joyce, who is 13, and Dennis, the son, is 10. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Barner of Amity. Rats Gnaw All Baby's Fingers Abilene, Tex., Dec. 29 W) Rats gnawed all 10 fingers and thumbs from the hands of a three-months-old Abilene child it was reported here today. The incident occurred last Saturday when Mrs. Rito Mar tinez left her daughter, Carmen Martinez, in her small apart ment while she visited another apartment. When she returned she found the little girls hands were bleeding profusely and a small mongrel dog, the family's pet, was licking the wounds. Mrs. Martinez said she believes the dog frightened the rats away. The father of the child later found two large rats in the house. O'Dwyers End 9-Day Florida Honeymoon Key Largo, Fla., Dec. 29 lPI New York's Mayor William O'Dwyer and his bride will fly home today to end a nine-day Florida honeymoon. The couple planned to board an Eastern Airlines plane at Mi ami's international airport at 3:30 p.m. (EST), for the four hour flight to Newark, NfJ. O'Dwyer and the former Sloan Simpson were married at Stuart, Fla., December 20 and have cruised along the south east Florida coast since then. He will be sworn in January 2 for another term as mayor of I New York. Sweet Home Boy Killed in Auto Crash Los Angeles, Dec. 29 (U.R) Fremont Sloniger, 9, Sweet Home, Ore., was killed and five other persons injured yesterday when their car plunged out of control against a Griffith park cliff. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sloniger, two sisters, Flori, 12, and Karen, 8, and Driver Ray Donley, 53, suffer ed minor injuries. The elder Sloniger said brakes on the new convertible gave out on a sharp turn. Demos Organize Recall Seattle, , Dec. 29 (P) Wash ington democrats announced of ficially last night they would not participate in the recall movement against republican Governor Langlie. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" 7599 Ptescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. Cherry Nut Sundae SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 Overlunds Are Hosts For Holiday Affairs Silverton The Ed Overlund home in North Church street was the scene of two holiday family gatherings the last of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Over lund hosts Friday and Saturday in dinners, a social hour, ex change of gifts and extra pleasures for very young guests. One group of guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rue and Gloria Jean and David of Cor vallis, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rue and Danny of Sweet Home. The following evening the guests of the Overlunds were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Overlund, Carol and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Elser Aarhus and Kenneth and Rich ard, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Froude and Karen and Janet of Tigard and Mrs. Nina Flaaten. Larsens Dinner Hosts Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larsen had as their guests for Christmas dinner the following, Mr. and Mrs. Alvy Z u b e r of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Michels and daughters, Ernestine and Rober ta Kay of Washougal, Wash., Miss Caroline Zuber of Wood burn, Edwin Zuber of Salem, Miss Arlene Zuber and Donald Shepard of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Austin and son, Donald of Salem, Alvoid Zuber of Woodburn, Mrs. Elizabeth Koenig and Agnei Koenig of Sublimity. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Photographic House-Cleaning Sale of Odds and Ends That any camera user can use. Some of the items are new, some shopworn, some used, some demonstrators. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE IN THE LOT ARE: Cameras Enlargers Slide Viewers Slide Projectors Screens Tripods Lighting Equipment Foot Switches Trays Transperancy Mounts Tilt & Pan Heads Cases Short Date Film & Paper Picture Frames Picture Folders Albums Scrapbooks Books on Photography Gadget Bags And many other items. Come in and look them over ): bo 469 State St. Phone 2-4505 Cfl)AT 1 1 1 Group, reg. 29.95 to 34.95, NOW Group, reg. 39.95 to 45.00, NOW. Group, reg. 49.95 to 55.00, NOW. 1988 2488 2988 1 1 Group, reg. 59.95 to 69.95, NOW. Group, reg. 79.95 to 89.95, NOW. 3988 4988 Several Groups Slightly Higher aamr I Group, reg. 39.95 1 to 45.00, NOW. Group, reg. 49.95 to 55.00. NOW. 2488 2988 1 1 Group, reg. 69, to 79.95, NOW. Group, reg. 79.95 to 89.95, NOW. 4988 5988 1 Group, reg. 59.95 to 69.95, NOW. 3988 DDIEE. 1 1 1 Group, reg. 10.98 NOW Group, reg. 14.98, NOW Group, reg. 17.95, NOW 688 888 1Q88 1 1 1 Group, reg. 19.95, NOW Group, reg. 24.95, NOW Group, reg. 29.95, NOW Several Groups Slightly Higher 1288 1488 1688 FORMALS One AiZ One Group "I Group One r88 One 188 Group W Group Several Groups Slightly Higher WEDDING GOWNS 88 1288 168 29 1 Group, reg. up to 69.95. RAINCOATS Closing out entire stock! 1788 Reg. 34.95. Out they go at. . 1 BLOUSES (Famous Labels) 1 I" I Group, reg. 5.95 I 1 V8 I Group, reg. 8.98 i I Group, reg. 10.98 J Several Groups up to 19.95 SLACK SUITS ENTIRE STOCK Miscellaneous sizes. Reg. 88 14.98. Out they go at Ht PURSES 1 Group, reg. 1.98, NOW. . 1 Groun. rei. 3.98. NOW. . 1 088 I Rrnun. rp.z. 5.98 NOW 88c J 88 1 GLOVES Group, reg. 1.98, NOW. . 88c Millinery AHGroup.14 off Miscellaneous Rack Coats Dresses Robes Slacks Suits Housecoats Blouses Cotton Frocks 3.88 LINGERIE Slips Gowns 1 Group 0 88 1 Group 88 4.98, NOW 8.98, NOW 1 Group 988 1 Group C88 6.98, NOW J 10.98, NOW 1 Group 188 1 Group 88 8.98, NOW 14.98, NOW O . 1 Group 788 Paiamas !6 98 NOW' ' 1 Group Q88 1 Group 19.95, NOW' Reg. 8.98, 488 Nationally Adv. NOW Labels SPORTS DEPT. SKIRTS 1 Group, reg. 4.98, NOW . . 2 1 Group, reg. 7.98, NOW . 4 1 Group, reg. 10.98, NOW 6 SWEATERS i l88 I Group, reg, 5.98, NOW SLACKS 1 ASS I Group, reg. 8.98. NOW HOUSECOATS i 488 Group 1 588 Group 1 688 I Group 1 788 1 Group Nationally Advertised Labels (VALl'KS TO 25.00) BED JACKETS 1 r.rnup 88C Charge It Now . . . Pay in February ALL SALES FINAL! NO EXCHANGES . . . NO REFUNDS! fa S L I A rner Court and Liberty