AUTOMOBILES MBest Wishes ForThe New Year"! , 5 . AND ' t Wish You Would Start the New Year i Out Right With One THE LOWEST PRICES YET 1949 Merc. Sedan Very clean, blue $1945.00 1949 Merc. Sedan Fully equipped $1945.00 1941 Ford Tudor One owner S 645.00 f 1941 FordConv. Top shape $ 595.00 J 1940 Lincoln Must see to appreciate $ 575.00 i 1940 Lincoln Mercury motor, really nice ....$ 575.00 1937 Ford Tudor New motor, good paint .,..$ 195.00 1937 Chev. Tudor Mechanically tops $ 195.00 1939 Ply. Coupe A real buy $ 295.00 1837 Buick Special Sedan $ 185.00 : FINANCING TO FIT YOUR PURSE WE WELCOME YOU AT Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 3-3012 You Can Make It a Happy New Year JWith One of These A-l Bargains !Look at These Prices! 1949 Ford Deluxe Cpe. Only 9000 miles $1495.00 1949 Ford Custom Sedan R&H. A-l car ....$1595.00 1946 Ford Sta.-Wag. A dandy $ 900.00 1941 Dodge Club Cpe $ 495.00 1940 Chrysler Sedan $ 395.00 1947 Ford 6-Cyl. Sedan Guaranteed $ 995.00 1947 Ford Sdn. Cpe. R&H, A-l $ 995.00 1947 Chev. Bus. Cpe. A real nice car $ 995.00 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor A buy at $ 885.00 1948 Crosley Sta.-Wag. A steal $ 295.00 1941 Pontiac 2-Door Special $ 595.00 1939 Plymouth Cpe. Runs good $ 150.00 1938 Studebaker Sedan A buy $ 150.00 2 LOCATIONS 2 3600 SILVERTON BURKE'S Valley Motor Mart ."USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" AUTOMOBILES 1949 Only Three Days Left Buy Now And Save SPECIALS LISTED ,. ARE FOR THIS PERIOD ONLY OLDSMOBILE 1947 Commander 4-D Sedan. O.D., Climatizer $1295.00 ; KAISER 1847 Special 4-D Sedan.- Look it over. Lie. 329-553., $1095.00 OLDSMOBILE 1941-78 Sedanette, Hydra-Ma-tic radio, and heater. Beat it $595.00 NASH 1940 Ambassadore 4-D Sedan. Weather - eye condition er $295.00 HUDSON 1941 Deluxe Bus.-Cpe., new paint. A lot of transpor- . tation $395.00 'CHEVROLET 1947 Sedan- Delivery. Just what you're looking for $1095.00 WE CARRY A STOCK OF (70) CARS ShrockMotorCo. CHEMEKETA AT CHURCH TEL. 3-7923 cj310 MERCURY club coupe. R&H. Exc. COnd. 180 E. Nob Hill. Ph. 2-0350. Q.309 ' OWNER 1949 135 Packard deluxe tour ing 4-door sedan. Phone 4-3326. qSll S8 DODGE PANEL, exc. COnd. Ph. 3-02. '48 BUICK SUPER SEDAN RADIO & HEATER, POO LTTES, TW DSR COAT. WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES. S000 MILES. ONLY $525 DOWN BAL. 24 MONTHS State Motors Inc. . PACKARD 340 N. HIGH Eisner Motors to Sell SACRIFICE 1938 Harley Davidson '45, condition excellent, 1100.00, half down. Leaa or cub, 148 H. Elma, Ph. 4-2S74. tin AUTOMOBILES of Our Fine Used Cars RD. AT "JOE" PLACE. AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors Fine Cars ISO USED CAB LOT ISO & your old ona 13th St. Junction. Open till 10 p.m. Q8" ZEEB'S USED CARS BtTY SELL TRAD TERMS 1 LOTS 3325 Fairground Rd. Ph. S-64M 820 Hood St. Ph 1-TIM MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular Sixes, 15.00 and up. Montgomery Ward & Co., Salem. qb311s FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN for 1st Mortgages on Real Estate, 8 Int., or will bur your Contract or Mortgage. Burt Plena, Real tors. 379 N. High St. 3-3049. T309 IF YOUR PROPERTY U for salt It Will pay you to know how much ol an FHA loan It will stand. This information Is obtainable with but Try little trouble DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any Information you desire about . FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 S. High Bt. Tel. 3-4121. r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS U6. 8133 and U- and ROY H. SIMMONS TNSURANCK AND LOANS 130 6 Commercial St. Tel 3-9101 r FARM AND CITY 1X3AN8 AVaft and 5 tfOUB OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tor ReaJ Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITTEa GO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldf. Ph. 4-3383. r PRIVATE MONET Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tlmt Payments ROT B SIMMONS ISO South Commercial St Phone t-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 183 & Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 93457 Lie. No. M-159 0-154 t ? CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IPSO Pairs founds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 97033 Lie N MJ09-S391 Floyd Kenyan, Mgr. r' SE& DS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST t to 40 fears and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3889 i" TRAILERS OR TRADE: 18 ft. '47 model Curtis-Wright trailer house. Ph. 3-4784. 3345 Fair grounds Rd. 12 TRAILER house, oil heat. Butane stove. Ice box. Sleeps 4. 1800. 3395 Triangle Dr. or 193 E. Salem Hts. Ave. t3 TRAILER space for rent. Reasonable rates. Quiet location. Close to every thing. Laundry facilities, dryer. Plenty hot water. Heated rest rooms. Thermo stat control. Children welcome. Come out and see us. 15 Highway Ave. I blk. east of Chuck's Steak House. t3 MACHINERY COMPLETE woodworking shop machinery, used very little. 3134 Fairgrounds Rd., ask for Poison). v3 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented. repairea. ttoen. oo uourt. rnone i-onj APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serrtaa oew appliance. Vlnce'a Bleetrlfl Phone Free estimates. Trade-in accepted on 1-9239 181 S Libert J Bt 4UTO BADI08 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Tow tn seme day phone 1-txJft. tfisnt 3-180 33" Center. BULLDOZING Bulldoxlng. leveling, road bide, dear Ing. teetb tor brush. Virgil Huskey, 10 10 rairview Ave. Pt. a-3i, a Mem, oo BUILDING CABrENTRT Remodel, rrpair that home now. Terms. No down payment Phont 34SS0. o CARPENTERING AND PLASTERING Plumbing, fixture Installing, cement fin- lining. Reasonable. Hi. 7, Ma 418. CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA easb register Ai' makes told, rented, re pa ed Roen 4B8 Court. Ph 3-8778 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks. driveways, patios, curbs, walla, etc Cafl 3-bi)0. CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Ensley. 771 B. 31st. Ph. 3-7178. o3 11 EXCAVATING Ben OtJen & Son excavating & grading. Lana clearing, en. 3-3080. EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. rh. 4-3474. Let Cross. RL . Box 437-0. 0311 Breithauot'E tor flowers Dial 3-9179. o FURNACE & CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed ft repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 34983 o3 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIQH PRODUCTS. 3-8578. 09 HOUSEHOLD PBODCCTS 3. R. Watklns Oo products. Pxe de. Jvery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5399. o INSULATION Johns-Manvtlle. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor W axing Buildings - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. OO, Ph. Salem 39133 LANDSCAPF NURSERT t A. Doerfler ft Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph, 3-1333. o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry. 148 Jef ferson Bt Phone 33453. o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 B. Com'l. St. o3U" MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4089. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish ft Hawaiian Oultar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc 1533 Court BL Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c . Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 450 Court. o OIL BURNER SERVICE "Sfatrom's are equipped to do you. painting Phone 3-3493 o PAINTING A PAPERDANGING Painting and paperhanging. Free estl mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o7" PAPEBIIANGING Paperhanglng, Johnson. Terms. P. 39348, q23 Expert Paperhanging and painting. H. J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-S807. Free est. o30 PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. Fisher. 170 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-3984. o309 PICTURE FRAMING ROAD GRADING Large ft Small Jobs. New grader. Joy Strlckfaden, phone 3-5410. o8 Roof leak? Or do you need a new roof? Ph. 3-7761. Free estimates. Terms. ol8 SAND Sj GRATO. Garden So& crushed rock. Shovel avd dragline excavating. Walling Sand ft Gravel Oo Phone 3-9349. o Salem Saw Wrks, Ph, 3-7603. 1393 N. 5th o36 SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel, Septic tanks, (ewer and drain line cleaned. Onarftntflprt wnrfc 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 018- Mlke's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468. 1-6337. Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Septlo Tank Service, 550 Larsen. Phont 3-0734. o EWERS AND SKrTIC TANKS' Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting Blades. Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-8337. 0 SEWING MACHINES All makes repaired, free estimates Sintet Sewing Machine Co. 130 No Commercial Ph 8-3513. o TBANSFEP A STORAGE .jca) ft Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal ft briquets Trucks tc Portland dally Agent for Be kins House bold goods moved to anywhere In OS ov Canada Larmtr Transfer ft Storage Ph 3-3131 o riPEWPlTERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. Ail makes osed machines Repairs and rent Roen. 458 Court. 0" VENETIAN BLINDS Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or teflnlahed. Relnholdt ft Lewis. 13839 Elmer The Blind man. Ph. 37338. o' WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates, T. PULLMAN. Ph, 1-5985. WELL DRILLING Fred Wymore, Rt, 3, Box 317, Ph. 3-6135. WINDOW CLEANING Acme .lndow Cleaners Windows, walls ft woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 1-3337. 347 Court. Langdoo, Culbertson and Mather WLNDOW SHADES Washiale, Roller Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdt ft Lewis. Ph 31839. e WOOD ft SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 3-403L LODGES A Pacific Lodge No. 60, AJ. & r$7 &2A. P. C. Degree Friday, December 30, E pjn. 310' LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that trt an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, In Probate, duly made and entered on the 35th day of November, 1949, that PIO NEER TRUST COMPANY, of Salem. Ore gon, has been duly appointed as Execu tor of the last will and testament and estate of Zulettt Painter, deceased, and mat it naa duly quaiwied as such execu- r. An persons having claims against said taut hsxeby art required it present Surprise Ceremony Jacque Mercer (third from right), 18-year-old winner of the 1949 Miss America title, and 20-year-old Douglas Cook (third from left) are shown as they were married by Rev. J. B. Ostergren (left), in a surprise ceremony at Litchfield Park, Ariz. She had announced July 4 wedding plans last week. With the couple are best man Jerry Lew kowitz (left rear), the bride's father, Arthur Mercer (second from right), and maid of honor LaDean Hadaway. (Acme Telephoto) Examination Of Hiss Ended By CHARLES MERCER New York, Dec. 29 (ff) The prosecution today completed its cross-examination of Alger Hiss, former high state department official, on trial for the second time on perjury charges. Hiss had been under cross- examination nearly three days. The government started cross- questioning him December 21, and resumed December 27 after the Christmas holidays. The defendant took the stand in his own behalf December 19 The prosecution disclosed, just before it finished question ing the defendant, that Hiss of fered to provide a psychiatrist to the grand jury which indict ed him last year to explain "the troubled personality" of Whit- taker Chambers, his accuser. The offer was refused, a read ing of the grand jury transcript by Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas F. Murphy showed. Chambers, chief government witness at the trial, charged that Hiss gave him secret state de partment papers for passage to a Red spy ring. The indictment alleged that Hiss lied when he denied doing so. The grand jury minutes show ed that one of the grand jurors asked Hiss for the name of the psychiatrist and the defendant replied it was Dr. Carl Binger, Park avenue psychiatrist and member of the faculty of Cornell University Medical college. STOCKS (By the Associated Press) (By the Associated Press) American Can Am Pow ft Lt Am Tel ft Tel .IMS . 15 .148 . 38 . 36 . 31 . 33 . 35 . 15 . 39 . 34 . 86 . 10 . 36 . 29'a . 7 . 10 . 61 . 41 , 47 , 10 , 44 , 37 . 36 . 60 . 7 . 33 . 53 . 16 . 38 . 11 Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific CtLse J I Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth te Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zcllerbach Curtisj Wright Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem Oeneral Electric General Food - Oeneral Motors Goodyear Tire Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbby McN ft L Long .Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish Pa Gas ft Elec Pa Tel ft Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Pfd ..100 'A .. 55 ,. 13'A Reynolds Metal . 19 , 40 . 31 . 43 . 50 . 05tt . 36 Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Oil Co Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Transamerlca union Oil Cal Dnlon Pacific . 83 13 , 30 . 15 . 44 United Airlines U 8 Steel Warner Bros Pic Woolworth Stockman Returns rom European Trip Washington. Dec. 29 (P) Rep. Lowell Stockman (R.t Ore.) re ported yesterday on his return from a trip to Europe that the time has come to "taper off' the Marshall plan financial aid. The Oregon congressmen visit- ed Italy, France, Germany, Den mark, Sweden, Norway, England and Ireland with the house ap propriations committee. He said the United States, through its army and the Mar shall plan, "has for the time be ing saved Europe from being en gulfed in an on-rushing tide of communism." A mixture of the weed-killers 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T has been found effective against brush. them, with proper vouchers, to said Pio neer Trust Company at 109 North Com mercial Street, Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. Datd and first published the 8th day of December, 1949. nuncsK tkuot DQMPAnr 01 satem, Oregon. Executor aforesaid. Peery T. Buren, Attorney for Executor 311 Pioneer Trust Building, . Salem, Oregon. Dec , 1. 33, m, Jan. ft. 5 iw'iifeirriiiwa,i SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS Salem Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company) Wooled lambs 119.00 to S30.00 Feeder lambs (13.00 to 117.00 uaires, gooo. taou-iao ins.) 118.00 to 133 Veal (130-300 lbs.) top $33.00 to 135.00 Fat Dairy Cows m nn nt tiion Cutter Cows t 8.00 and J 11.00 Dairy hellers 113.00 and S14.00 Bull $13,00 and 117.00 Portland Eastilde Market Cabbage sold for 13-3.15 an 85-Ib. crate for medium roundheads with Irrmt cti. bage selling at 11-1.36 a 75-lb. sack on the Portland Eastslde Producers market today. Cauliflower brought tl.50-l.75i a new No. 1 washed Burbank antntruu wars Offered at $3.35-3.50 a 100 lbs. Carrots were 70-80 cents a down bunches. Parsnips were quoted at $11,35 a lug. Portland Produce Bulterfat Tentative jmhltwt tv nn. dlato change. Premium quality maximum j .3 u 4 percent aciojiy delivered In Portland 87c lb.: 93 iMr. tur it. on score, 63; 89 score, 55c. Valley routes and country points 3c less than first. naiier wnoiesaie FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, arada 03 irnr. - a 93 score, 63c: B score. 00c lb., O 89 score, 59c, Above prices are strictly nominal. Cneeie Selling d-Ic tn PnrtianH hAu. sale Oregon singles 39-43c, Oregon 8 small loal, 4445e; triplets 1 less than Ergs (to Wholesaler. A wraA l.w. 40-42 Mc; A medium, 36-37c: grade B large, 39-4oo; small A grade, 35c. ' ' ror. ina vairy jnaraet u utter price to retailer! OmH A a prints, 68c; AA cartons, 69c; A prints, 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Eggs Prices to retailers: Grade AA large, 47c dog.; certified A large, 48c; A large 44c; AA medium. 40c; cer tified A medium. 39c: B medium, an- a small, 37c; cartons 3c additional. mce to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43c; Oregon loaf, 8- iu. iOKia nva-tac jo.; triplets, 14 cents less than singles. Premium brands, singles, SV2C lb.; loaf, 53c. Poultry Live chickens Ho, 1 quality FOB lb., fryers 3-3 lbs., 33-38c; 3-4 lbs 37c: roasters 4 lh-. ami mr IT -id,,. Leghorns, 4 lbs. and under, 14-10c; over 4 lbs., 16c; colored fowl, all weights, 19-30c: roosters, all weights, 14-lflc. Turkey Net to growers, torn, 30-llc. hens, 44c. Price to retailers, dressed; A young hens, ao-uie: a vnun- nm. i 38c; light torn, 41-43c. hsddi is Average to growers, Jlvs whites, 4-5 lbs., 17-180 lb.: 5-6 lbs., 15-17c lb,; colored 3 cents lower: old or heavy does and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryer and rataJir aa? 53c. ' . ... Country-Killed Meats Veal Tod Quality. xx.iAa w. grades according to weight and quality ll8ht blockers, 33-33e; sows 18-31c. Lambs Tod Quality. Drln.-M mutton, 10-llc. Beei uooa COWS. 3435fl lb.! cutters, 31-32c. rresn ureeied Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per owt.): Beef 'steers: Good 500-800 ih,.. commercial, 135-39; utility, $30-33. vuno. noinm-TciRi, jo-aj; utility 2B 39; canners-cu iters, 133-36. Beef Cuts (Good Steers); Hind quarters, $50-53; rounds, $43-46; lull loins, trimmed, $70-72; triangle, $33-34; square chucks, $35-40; ribs, $55-58; forequarters, $34-38. Veal and calf: Good, $39-43; commercial. $34-37; Utility, $38-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, $39 43; commercial, $35-37; utility, $33-34. muttui. uwi, m ids. oown, tia-20. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1. fl-12 ih- tan. in- shoulders, 16 lbs. down, $29-31; spare- no-, carcasses, $24-20; mixed weights $3 per cwt. lower. roniana miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 13 Vtc lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley emri. and mMtitim crvaytaa 45c lb. Mohair 25e lb. on 12-month arnwth. nominally. Hides Calves, 37c lb.: according to weight: pips. 32c lb.: beef, ll-l2c lb.; bulls, 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Walnut Franquetteg, flnt quality Jum bo. 34.7c: lane. 32.7c: medium. H in second quality jumbos, 30.2c; large, 28.2c; unguium,, didj,; soit snen, iirst quality large, 29.7c; medium, 28.2c; first quality large, 39.7c; medium, 26.2c: sec ond quality large, 37.2c; medium, 24.7c; baby 22.3c. Filberts Jumbo, 30c lb.; large, 18c; medium, 16c; small. 13c. Chicago Llveitock Chicago, Dec. 29 W (USDA1 Salable hogs 31,000: slow early but later trade and close fairly active; market 25-50 cents lower; sows 35 cents, Instances 50 cents, lower: top 16.35 paid sparingly for choice 180-200 lb.; most good and choice 180 230 lb. 15.75-16.35; 240-280 lb. 15.00 15.65; 270-300 lb. 14.50-15.00; around 350 lb. weights 14.10; sows under 450 lb. 12.3513.35; few choice lightweights 13.50: weights 476 lb. and over 10.75-12.00. Salable cattle 3,000; salable calves 500; high-good and choice steers and heifers scarce, steady; kinds grading average good and below dull, mostly steady: bulls strong to 36 cents higher; cows and veal- ers iuuy swaay; nair-ioad choice 1,100 lb. steers and heifers mixed 35.00: few packages high-good steers 30.00-33.00; medium to average-goo steers 19.50 37.76; medium and good heifers 19.00-36.00; common to low-good beef cows 14.75 17,00; bulk canners and cutters 13.76 14.50; medium and good sausage bulls 19.00-20.50; vealers 30.00 down. Salable sheep 8,500: good to choice lambs weighing 100 lb. downward steady with 34.00 bid; lambs welshing 105 lb. upward weak; bet shorn lambs 33.75; most ewes 9.0013.00, Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Dee. 39 flJ Livestock: Cattle salable 400; market leu active but about steady; canner-eutter cowa strong to 50 cents higher; few medium fed steers held around 33.50-34.00 or above; commons 18-30: light dairy type steers down to 15.00 or below: common heifers 15-17; canner-cutter cows largely 12-13; odd head 13.50; sheets down to 11.00 and below; common -medium beef cows 14-16.50; good cows Wednesday to 17.50; odd good bulls 17.76-18; common medium sausage bulls 14-16. Oalves salable 75; market active, steady: good-loo w choice vealers 24-26; extreme top Wednesday 37.50; medium light veal ers 18-33; calves slow. Hogs salable 150; market active, fully steady at Wednesday's advance; good choice 180-335 lbs. 18.00; 165 lbs. 17.00: good 3SO-500 lb. sows salable 14-14.50. Sheep salable 50; market active, strong; good-choice 83-93 lb. fed lambs 20.50-21; light cull buck lambs downward to 12; good ewes 7; common 8. (Portland livestock market will be closed Jan. 3, i960.) ... : iV ' iiMiiiriiinwittfiirnriiiii Stocks Advance Around a Point New York, Dec. 29 (IP) Rail road stocks powered another advance in the stock market to day. Buying fuel for railroad issues showed signs of running out late in the day but gains still ranged to around a point. Else where improvement was limited mostly to fractions. The overall rise was enough to boost the general price level to a new 1949 high and a mere trifle below the 1948 top. The rails came to life with a bang yesterday when advances ran to an extreme of 4 points. Turnover for the full session today approached 2,000,000 shares, or close to the best level of the year. Among the gainers were San- ta Fe, N. Y. Central, Pennsyl vania R.R., Bethlehem Steel, Chrysler, American Telephone, Phelps Dodge, Philip Morris and Johns-Manville. Consolidated Edison was a soft spot with a loss of 1 V4 points at one time. Railroad issues moved up smartly in the bond market. U.S. governments held steady in over-the-counter dealings. False Summe7in New England Ends (By th. AxaoclaUd Pr.Ml A late December mild spell ended in the northeastern states today but only some midwest areas had wintry weather. Gen erally, fair weather prevailed over most of the country. Temperatures dropped 10 to 15 degrees along the eastern seaboard but they were below freezing only in the New Eng land states. The cold belt was in the Dakotas, Minnesota and eastern Montana, with the mer cury dropping to below zero. The cold air moved slowly east ward but no decided change in temperature was forecast for the north central region. Light snow fell in parts of Michigan, northern New York and northern North Dakota. There was light rain in north western Washington. Judges Elect Officers Portland, Dec. 29 VP) The Oregon Association of Circuit Judges closed a conference here yesterday with election of Judge Charles W. Redding, Portland, as president. Other officers: Judge R. J. Green, La Grande, vice-president, and Judge E. H. Howell, John Day, secretary- treasurer. Missing Pilot Safe Fairbanks, Alaska, Dec. 29 VP) Mechanic Frank Williams, missing since Monday, was found alive yesterday beside his crashed plane in a pass between Kiana and Selawik, 387 miles west of here. He was believed suffering from a broken leg. R2881 Lingerie -Jewelry Case Here ft re three dainty casea that hold lin geries, stockings and Jewelry. They make beautiful gift to receive or give and they are easy to make. Pattern EnveloDe No. R2881 con tains hot-Iron transfer for embrol- dery, atep-tay-step directions lor Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 29, 194919 Grain Futures Generally Firm Chicago, Dec. 29 VP) Grain futures generally were firm to day, with a lot of dipping and bouncing above and below the previous close. Gains or losses were confined to fractions most of the time. Wheat received some support because of the tight cash situa tion in the northwest and south west, and also on reports of un favorable moisture conditions in parts of Kansas and Okla homa. Wheat closed to higher than the previous finish, March $2.17-, corn was up to Vz down, March $1.31-, oats were to 1V4 higher, March 72, rye was 2A lower to higher, May $1.41-yi, soy beans were up Vi to 1, March $2.29 'A-14, and lard was 3 to 12 cents a hundred pounds higher, January $10.60. MARKET Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the sd! dance of Capital Journal Readers. (KerUed dally). Retail Feed Prices: Ecu Mash S4.S5. Rabbit Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.05. Poultry: Burlni" prices Orade A color ed hens, 19c: trade A Leghorn hens and up, 15c; grade A old roosters, 14c; (trade A colored fryers three lbs., 30c. ECU Burlnc Prices Lares AA, 37c; large A 34-SOc: medium AA, 31c: medium A, 39c: pullets, 39-37c. Wholesale Prices Ebb wholesale prices 5 -7c above these prices; above grade A generally quoted at 41c; medium 34c. Butterfat Premium flc; Ho. 1, 64c; No. 1, Oo-OOc; (buying prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, 63c i re call 73c. Portland Grain Portland, Dec. W) wheat: Gash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.18H: soft white (excluding Rex) 3.18 '-i; white club 2.18',. Hard red winter: Ordinary S.lOVfc; 10 per cent 3.18V4; 11 per cent 3.30; 13 per cent 3.31. Todays car receipts: wneat v, nancy 3, flour 2, corn 3. oats T, mlllfeed 6. i To Ban Travel To Iron Curtain Washington, Dec. 29 VP The United States is considering a ban on travel by Americans to communist-run Poland and Czechoslovakia. This was Indicated today by a state department official who disclosed that a note was sent Poland on Dec. 16 "expressing this government's concern for the welfare and safety of Amer icans traveling in Poland." The note demanded informa tion about the disappearance of Hermann Fields, an American ctizen who was last seen public ly in Warsaw last Aug. 22. A note also was sent Czecho slovakia on Dec. 21 asking in formation about Hermann's brother, Noel Fields, and the tatter's wife, Herta, who dropped from sight in Czechoslovakia. The state department already has banned travel by Americans to communist-run Hungary. Recalling that, reporters asked Michael McDermott, state de partment press officer, whether the new actions meant the Unit ed States would ban travel to Poland. 'We are concerned about the safety of Americans in Poland," McDermott said. "If it is not safe for them there obviously we would consider what steps to take." DEATHS William Pant ell Emery William Parnell Emery, late resident of the Waldo Hills. December 20, at Long Beach, Calif. Surviving are two daugh ters, Mrs. Evelyn Shut tuck of Long ueacn, and Mrs. Gladys Hersch of Salem; and two grandchildren, Wllletta Hersch. Sa lem, and Lawrence Bhattuck. Long Beach. Services will be held Saturday, December 31, at 10:30 a.m. at the W. T. RUdon chaneli with entombment at Mt. Crest Abbey. Albert Franklin Barnes Albert Franklin Barnes, late resident of Independence, at a local hospital, Decem ber 2B. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Mabel Sutton and Mrs. Fern Ter rel, both of Redwood City, Calif., and Mrs. Bessie Owlngs, Klamath Falls; four sons, Clarence Barnes, Turner: Clyde Bsrnes, Stanton, Tex.; Henry Barnes, Lakln. Kan.; and Dennis Posey. Independence; two cases, material requirements and finishing directions. To obtain ma pattern, send 20c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour nal 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 8, Calif. brother,, Boas Barnes. Ulyasea, Kan., tad Oeorge Barnea, Clinton, Okla.: a suter. Mra. Cora Hauk, Stillwater, Oku.; an grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren Service, will be held at the Verm x Golden chapel Friday, December 30, at 2 p.m. with Rev. w. B. Frederick olu. dating. Leall. A. Barrlck Lealla A. Barrlck. ftt Tillamook. Decern. ber 38. Surviving are two elaters, Mra, Edna B. Olauaaen, Tillamook, and Mra. alary B. Hay,. Portland; a brother. Dr. L. E. Barrlck, Salem; and aeveral niece, and nephewa. Service, will be held at tha Lundberg funeral home In Tillamook Fri day. December 30. at 10 a.m followed by gravealde eervlcea at 3:30 p.m. in City view cemetery in Balem under direction of the Clough-Barrlck company. OBITUARY Lonls Konofl Mill City Funeral aarvteaa for TjOuu Konoff, 59, who l!ed at hi noma Tueaday, will be held from the Flrat Preabyterlatt ohuroh here Saturday at 2 o'clock with burial In Falrvlew cemetery under tha direction of the Weddle funeral horn, at Stayton. He waa born at Thuraton In 18B0 and had lived In thla community.! year.. Beside, hla widow, Mr,. Edith Konoff, ha la aurvlved by three aona, Howard, Law rence and Harvey Konoff. all of Mill Olty; two half-brothera, Jamea, of Leba non ana rt&rvey Aonoii 01 Keddlng, cau:.f and two aletera. Orace Saulrea and TOiea Olnutead, both of San Dteso, Calif. Mrs. Ida Wellman Cor vail Is Funeral servtcM for Mrs. M Wellman, 73, who died at Dallas, wera held here Wednesday with burial In thst Corvallls IOOP cemetery. She was bora at Kings Valley, June 0, 1870, and before moving to Dallas four years ago the fsml ly lived at Independence and Pedee. She Is survived by her husband: two sons, Jacob Wellman, Pedee, and Vernon Well man: Dallas; three daughters. Mrs. Susan Burbank, Dallas; Mrs. Rebecca Cave, Redmond, and Hazel Wellman. Salem; sis ter, Mrs. Hettle Dlckuon, Hosklns; broth er. Walter Klnsev. Dalla.; and IS trrnnri- chlldren. Oephart David Ebner &u. Ansel Solemn reaulem hlnh mm was offered In St. Mary's church. Mt. An gel at the funeral services for Oephart Da vid Ebner. 71. Wednesday morn In t a o'clock, when the church was filled with iviBUYea ana irienas. ticv, Damlan Jentaes. O.a.B . nfflRlatMf. and gave the eulogy and funeral sermon. Rev. Hlldrebrand Melchlor was deacon. Rer. Vincent Koppert, sub-deacon and Rev. Maurus Schneider nsn nt m An gel abbey was the master of ceremonies. Assisting at the services was Rev. Alculn, Hclbel, O.S.B., of Portland and Tillamook. urouier josepn or Mt. Angel abbey was Present In the sanctuary. Serving th Jerome Ebner, Richard Ebner, Robcri Ebner, Larry Ebner, Philip Ebner, Pat Fi erier and George Wavra. Active pallbear- iio wcrti ncjiacws, ur. u. j. UDnor, ciera Butsch, Joseph Klrsch, Alois Klrach, Am brose Ebner, all Mt. Angel and Fran Klrsch, Jr. of St. Paul. Honorary bearerg were Mayor J. Berchtold, John Begln, Alols Keber, Frank Amnn, J. T. Bauman, all Mt. Annel and Tnm Ruillntr nf VJmH. burn. Members of the Catholic Order of Men Foresters acted as the honor guard, ephart D. Ebner died Christmas day at hts home where he has been confined since October 13, when he suffered a stroke. He held the position as postmaster here for 33 years, retiring on July 1. 1948. Born In Malvern, Ohio, June 3, 187S, ht came to Mt. Angel In 1903. Here he mar- nea miss veronica Klrsch on February 14, 1905. who survives with nine of their 10 Children. Marn a ret hnvlnv AmA In in fancy. The surviving children are Ray- iiiwuu x,uncr. vnoert toner, Mrs. Maria Flcher (Mrs. Leonard). Mr. Mnrutt. Wavra (Mrs. Joseph), Mrs. Delphlne Myer tats, wunami, uiarence Boner, all ol Mt. Angel. Patrick at home. Edward Ebner nf Sublimity and Miss Dolores Ebner of Sa- iem. Aiso au granacniidren and two sis ters, Mrs. Margaret Fisher and Theresa Ebner, of Lima, Ohio. Gnatav Arthur Bohroeder Dallas Funeral services for Oustar Ar thur Schroeder, 65, will be Friday at 3 p.m. at the Salt Creek Baptist church with Rev. Emanuel Wolff officiating. In terment will be in the Salt Creek ceme tery. Mr. Schroeder, a resident of Salt Creek for moat of his life, died at his home Wednesday morning. He had been In poor health for some time. He was born Jan. 33, 18B4, in Poland, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Schroeder. On Nov. 8, 1005, he was married to Katherlne Buhler at Salt Creek. Mr. Schroeder came to the United States as a baby of three month and settled with his parents In Kansas where they lived six years. They moved to Oregon about 1890 and lived at Bethany for about five years before romino tn Salt Creek. He was a member of tha Salt Creek Baptist church. Surviving are tha widow, Mrs. Katharine Schroeder of Salt Creek; four sons, Alfred R., Harold D J. Bernard, Robert Paul; two daughters, Mrs. Joe Dodge and Mrs. Oliver Hylland. and one brother. Edward B. Smith Albany Funeral services wfn be held In Albany at the Fisher funeral noma Friday at 3 p.m. for Edward B. Smith, 89, native of Linn county and lifelong resident of Ores on. who Ar in h,um hospital Tuesday. Mr. Smith, whose horn was at Brownsville, had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Archie W. Metzger of Sa- iem, lor several months. Mr. Smith Was born at Peoria and married Aurih t. Lamberson at Fossil, Ore., Jan. 1, 1888. She died March 13, 1948. Ha had lived at Brownsville jor uie last 21 years. He was the son of Albany pioneers of 1847. Sur viving are threo children. Mrs. Metxtor. Mrs. James E. Dunbar, Long Beach, Calif., nnu waiter n-awara omiin, Brownsville; four grandchildren, three areat-nrand. children, and two brothers, Ludtow Smith, rviinu, ure., ana Aimur anuui, uermts ton. 3094 SIZES I HAT 2007' Junior Partner For campus or career ... a casual with new notes of fashion In cuffed sleeves, front fullness tnat falls between nip pick ets. To top it off . . . Jaunty beret No. 20O7. (Two separate patterns). No. 3004 is cut in sizes 9. 11. 13. 15. 17 and 19. Size 13, 2 yds. 54-in. No. 2007 is cut In one size, adap table to any head, H yd. 35-ln. Would you like to see a collection of more than 150 other pattern styles that Includes designs for all mem bers of the family from tiny tots and growing gir to Juniors and misses, mature and larger-size wom en? Just include the WINTER FASHION BOOK In your pattern order. It's a big aid to every horns sewer. Fnce per copy aoc. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number, State Size desired. Address Capital Journal. 2M Mis. slon St. San Francisco 6, Calif. 1