It Capital Journal, Salem, Father of By EDWARD STREETER. e I The fact that it was about twice the size of his own establishment seemed to add fuel to his agitation. installment III Tht Meeting of the Banks and Dumtanj In the days that followed the Dunstan's Invitation to a get-ac- ' qualnted Sunday dinner, Mr, Banks 1 showed au tne symptoms oi a 3 debutante about to be introduced at Buckingham Palace. On Sun day morning he dressed carefully ' in a sport coat and slacks, then 1 went upstairs after breakfast and I changed Into a business suit. He Insisted on starting half an hour earlier than was necessary Just to allow for a blowout or something. The result was that they arrived ; In East Smlthfleld shortly after twelve. Mr. Banks said he'd be damned If he was going to sit and moon at the Dunstans' for an hour. "IH bet they won t even have a drink before dinner," he said gloom ily. "Well, suppose they don't. You're Dot an alcoholic, are you?" Mr. Banks sighed and didn't pur sue the argument. "I think It might be more In telligent to' find out where the Dunstans live Instead of driving around aimlessly," said Mrs. Banks. "At least we won't end up by being late." "111 bet It's a shack," said Mr. Banks. When they finally located it the Dunstan shack turned out to be a ' large, whitewashed brick house sur rounded by old elm trees. The dis covery that it was at least twice the size of his own seemed to add fuel to Mr. Banks' agitation. He looked at his watch. "I'm going back to that hotel we passed and wash up." he announced "Nonsense," said Mrs. Banks. You can wash at the Dunstans'. They probably have running water." "I prefer to wash at the hotel," aid Mr. Banks with dignity. She sensed that this was not the time to cross him. When they drew up in front of the hotel he did not suggest that she get out. but hurried through the revolving doors. On his re turn, ten minutes later, it was obvious that he was more com posed. The Interior of the sedan Immediately took on the Saturday night odor of a bar-and-grlll. "Stanley Banks, you've been drinking." Mr. Banks did not take his eves off the road ahead. "Why is it," he asked, "that a person can't take a casual drink without being ac cused of 'drinklni!'?" "I think it's perfectly outrageous for you to meet the Dunstans smell ing like an old whlskv bottle. What in the world's gotten into you?" Mrs. Banks was still being difficult when they turned In at me Dunstans' entrance. The first meeting of In-laws Is comparable to the original hookup oi me iiewis ana uiark Expedition wivn uie nocny Mountain Indians. For a brief moment after the en counter both sides stared nt one anotner with mingled hostility and curiosity. During that Instant Mrs. Banks took Inventory of Mrs Dunstan from hair-do to shoes Mrs. Dunstan did Uie same for Mrs. Banks. Then, finding evcrv thinir mutually satlsfnctarv. thev approached one another with out'- stretcned arms, enbraced and said "Mv dear." The two males merely shook hands awkwardly and snld In unison. "It certainly is nice to meet you." Mrs. Dunstan started to lead the way into the living room. "I can't tell you how crazy we are auout your K.ay, said Mrs, Dunstan. "Well, that's Just the way we feel "Yes, Indeed." said Mr. Banks. Obviously something was callfrf for As far as he was concerned that teemed about all there was to be aid. He would have been quite rrauy w secona a motion to ad Oregonthufsday, bW.'24, 1949 the Bride Illustrated by Gluyas Williams Journ. The situation was saved by the appearance of a maid with a shaker lull oi martinis and a tray oi hot hors d'oeumes. Mr. Banks looked at this arrangement with pleased incredulity. He took a martini and found it excellent. "I think we should drink to the bride and groom, said Mr. Dunstan. Mr. Banks drank deeply and relaxed like a deflating bal loon. Mr, Dunstan refilled the glasses. Warmed by this unexpected hos pitality and his previous wash-up at the hotel, Mr. Banks felt Im pelled to words. "This Is an Im portant occasion," he said. "My wife and I have been looking for ward to it for a long time. Per sonally I thought your son was a great fellow the moment I set eyes on him. Now that I've met his father and mother I like him even better. From here in I foresee that the Dunstan-Banks families will beat as one." I am sure were going to be most congenial," s'aid Mrs. Dunstan apprehensively, "and do call us Dor is and HerDert, not Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan." "And Stanley and Ellie." said Mrs. Banks somewhat overeagerly. mere was an emoarrasseo silence. "I love your home. Doris," said Mrs. Banks, who had by this time sized up and appraised critically every article of furniture in the liv ing room. "Thank you, Ellie. We like it. I'm crazy to see yours. Buckley's always talking about It." "Another, Stan?" asked Mr. Dun stan. Well, just to hem vou out. Herb." said Mr. Banks. His wife moved over beside him. "You'd better watch your step," she muttered, It was too late. The reletie from supertension was more than he could combat. He graciously helped his friend Herb finish up the shaker. i miruc ainner is ready." said Mrs. Dunstan. who had known It for a long time. She led the way toward the din ing room. "You've got a wonderful piace nere. Emm," said Mr. Banks, falling In beside her. "Doris." she said. "Won't you sit there, Ellie. And now we want to hear all about our new daughter." "I'm afrlad there isn't much to tell." said Mrs. Banks. "Nonsense." said Mr. Banks "Would you like to hear the story aoom now aiiue leit K.ay in her baby carriage outside the A. & p. and then forgot about her and went nomev" He told them In hilarious dptnll A flood of memories and anecdotes poured from him like a mountain brook. He took them through Kav's emianooa ana scnool dnvs step bv step. Then, as a kind of annendli he gave them a detailed account of nis nie. occasionally one of the Dunstans broke in with a comment. Toward the end of the mrni t,hpv censed to compete. Alter runner Mr. Banks n rkert nut a comfortable looking chnlr In the oarxesi corner or the living room He felt suddenlv drowsv. "Nnu-" he snld. "you must tell us all about BllcKiey." The desire to take just forty winks beenme overpowering (w nucKiey enierea nis iirst year In high school Mr. Banks' eves closed and he was instnntlv asleep They drove back to Fnlrvlew Man or late In the afternoon, Mrs. Banks at the controls. Mr. Banks felt re Inxed and hnppy. It wns hard for him to understand why he had drended this meeting so much. He sought in vain among his acoualn- nuices lor a liner lamily than the DlinstnnS. Ortnilllv nn nna vinlrf have been easier to talk to He hummed a contented little song Mrs. Banks snld nothing (io Be continued) Predict Gov. Dewey Will Retire for Time New York, Dec. 29 W) The New York Times today said it Is likely that Gov. Thomas E Dewey will retire tempornrily from public life at the end of Ills present term as governor of New York. Warren Moscow, political writer for the Times, said there are indications that Dewey will not be a candidate for governor in 1050 or for president in 1952, but may come back into the presidential race in 1956 or I960. I ! '' rCLEVER OF ME.CONT VOU THINK. Ma.KOPER?-ro ?l l!gV;t-.;, II . . ItjVM I I - IWEAR A HOLSTER UNDER UV SCADBl TUE kUtlDm l KSr.VVVSi V .jTV II I 5 113 SMALL BUT DA0LY-AND AT THI3 RANGE, , r-'.i .V-Sr?? g Ir"' ( II I T IJ . t -tit mrr L hi , i I'fil li rv"v, ' . . '! Wrmt I i wSSmSmh mm WlLiiai,. Cahi " n ' . I I L- I c-,vi... ..,., s.e APcnSo 12-Z 0 I " "mmmmmmw f WHERE DID VOU 'rr WS ONLY O Hil y6ArBUvTlUTW6'RE HflPPY D P WE PILE rr UNOEB TH' 'wj FIND THE COAL? II FEW CHUNKS-FELL VI US COAL-IT COSTS if PAPA SAVS THAT'S 1 I I ORIFTWOOO, EH? $ PORCH TILL IT GETS DRY- L, A OFF ft TRUCK- jjU LOTS AN" LOTS M ALL THAT COUNTS- J 1 fc-Ir,EMBS' VP BOARD j ISoJ; M W6 " 1 Llar YEAH! THATS WHAT J "H I ( MEa0 -VS HOl-D "1 I " HELLO- " , I I THW'S PUNNV..AS LiL22j- , L .y: . ': -i yrae wire. please -ill 1 -i 1 iici i r ,' .' -4 soon as said ) 171 ZZZT 1 CALL MIM y I NTZy "" VHE.LL0- TUEV (-'- "' H ' ' I ' . , AKIS Vy IKNOWIN'YO'.';''-TH'WMOkJS IS r"' MIKIUTK OF ECSTASY- 'A I GET READY R3r' ACTION. Vij I A AA- Sr- J WAITIN' VHAUL TH' WHOLE J .) AN' THEN THEY T-g7X I I BOYS. AS SOON AS THEY) rZlMr-slTl- l 1 r.,., ul- - . - 1 1 . v ii,,,,.;.',,,,, it vun YwnMrtuuui If HERES VOUR rTSJf ' I f 1 wtLL.I HfcN If-YOU T7 BECAUSE ITS THE 1 J M HAT CHECKS? HOW DO AW ,TS , HAT. SIR I SfXfii . DON'T! )D0N'T WHVDlDVOU J ONEVOO GMEpfL 1 'JMMmJfuL U VOO REMEMBER WHO ClNCH JA 1" 1JAM n3Zffr ME-' T3 WMmm 1 r SVm M5U STlLLTUWli 1 FOOL FC NEARLY 6H00TIN6 HIM 1 I IT JUST SHOWS HOW . OH.tJADDY, IWASSO IffipianiPWiED A BUT WHO WDULO EXPECT A MOUNTAIN E I SgJJStS l :BEBir?iSi ' R SCARED.' IF if HAPNT BEEN Kfa0UR SH&PlM UON IN THE SU8UBB9 OF ifI g,'?NS TO J loqS, STS IS" u s jas m&9Sw MMwWwsfS Lexington j j. HO Pmsji?Mk S I HAVE EATEN US JBWW I 7V2M AM SWI 1- r. REP. ANYHOW I II I ootiALDrv. fi ill I ynp 11 i Jl w huh? 11 1 Said,M I tP59En 5r iTT7,TnvTC"e. iTTSw- UiS1) s WHAT'S THAT..0(vOU'Lll fsSiil ?r- i nj N t&' IO0WHEK.A1WU PERKINS!.. Ml I M$$2 "T M-HHJM!5 'T ) ' AWAY!y-rrf HAD THtSfiOLO TOOTHPICK ALOT WWSSup.t WtETLI6HT M NOW! I.-AN FJOM KtRt C0t, V r iIBii lONOLR'N I'VE HAD YOU-AN' I'M ( J I V?ituWIVi ' 0RDtRE0IX- J 0yJ,5ATTltTli LUCIA7 M -vj. RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 620 NEC 70 CBB 1IW ABC "BC ' , -inrr Th. i .1 i i realort Slgrr Omn Boroti Slrlihl Attow Bind l Dar :ME'",S, LUUriho" r.rn Bornet Slr.l.hl Arr.. B.nd ot Dm S:15 iii.. Tli.. N.wJ Jtk Armilrsin B-B.r-B Banch Bins Croibr f HnS!m" New! l"l l,mt, B.B.r-B B...h Du.l.... W... -ffss sere.- n.lld " S Hwdltai i Edit. g.b. B..r C.ndl. ugu :9SsCrM Olid Stupe-.. Uom. Edlll.n """' S:4S Mm. clcde Crlm. Mod. R.m.n... Ml. Te.1 Nw. 5:45 Mui. rtolotr.pliM Mod. B.niiiieii Seren.d. Twill"! 'o "iTSi P.rrr Com. rh. rUrbo.i. Pr.a. K'S!5M. 2:V?PtrrT Com. Iho Pl.rh.Bi. Co.nltrPT Sono .f TlmM - "W 213D,.i.t Hollrwood D.I. With Jodr WMl. B.rd. ElT bltkl D,n.i metier 0.1. Willi Jd Well. Becord. Sport. -fT7S! Lowell Thorn. Am.le.r Boot Jop'lns C.Hldj Tr.ek 14M !:?2 World New. I.ek SmlU Am.lo.r Bo.r Bop'lnj C.ld7 Tr.ok 14M S.'Jj Aldrleb F.mll. Mr. Keen Am.le.r Bo.r " Jreek 14H :5 Aldrleb f.mllr Mr. Keen B. Monliom.rT B.y Trek IW -AF.Iber Know. r.B.I. Blondl. Ole; H.rdr TrMk UN 8:9? F.lher Knew. r.B.I. Blondl. B.rber Sbop Jr.ek 1IM S:,n D.ffr'e T.r.rn Be.l.h Ai W. So. II r Blook Now. 5:45 Dplfr'l TTrn Club IS Our T.wn B.r Block S.rri Alp irTTjifT S.m B.ra Sl.r rin.l Blehlld Bap'tr roll. Uwli Jr. NlrM S. S:?2 M.rt. Downn B..o Queer. Inlermeu. LooeJ New. Sl.hl ., Spli. P... -rin.l Sou Qnt.n Cone.rl H..r New. T. Wul jq : Jl Orchtilr. Boi. Queen Concert H..r Mo.l. M.ri. In W..I irinflNew. Serened! Coneerl Bor I Hpitapp MwrtiM. ll:)SW. Mneeam Ori.n Moil. Coneert Bo.r Km Band Nwtorrw J.S)W.l Muaenm Tre.iarr B.nd MemM lobn Wolohaa Noolaro. jjjjs W. Mnienm New. W.lobjii NoeUrn. iaTOTH'lT OK ISJIen' Xlr. Hoar ISIn O" ' O" FRIDAY 6 A. M. TO 4:45 P. M. 8:00 Hodio Podra New. Farm Newi PJowa SummaJT 8:15 ne.i. New. KOIN Kloek Heap Smillns IlmekMper 6:3(1 F.rm Tim. KOIN Kloek Keep Smllln. M.rek XlrM JOCO J eek 6:45 F.rm Tim. KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllnl New. KOCO EUeek 1:00 E.rlr Bird KOIN Kloek W.lhb'ra Now. New. Trx KHUr 1:15 01d Inn New. M.rt. Arronekr BrkIA Oanf KOCO Slack 1:30 New. New. Bob B.i.n BU. .nd Shl. New. 7:45 Sam Fred Beck Zck. M.nnera fop KOCO Black 8:00 tddl. Albert Coniamer New. Club B.rf. Ceunl.r Klni'. Crui.d. 8:15 Eddl. Albert New. Bre.kf.H Club Famllp Affair Kin. . Cruad. 8:30 I.ek Bereh r.r.nd Slam Breakfast Club Blbl. Initllut. Weit.rri Melod. 8:45 S... Elder. Boicm.rr Brekfil Club Blbl. Inrtllnl. Fleil. Tim. 9:00 Second Cap Wendr W.rren Mildred Bedell W. New. Tim. for Mcl'dr 9:15 Second Cup Aunl Jennr st.r. ol Tod.i Mo.. Memorle. Tim. for Mcl'dr 9:30 3 San. Belcn Trenl Art Llnklelter Paelor'. C.U Sl.r. Sine 9:45 Knem New. Our O.I S.ndaj Art tlnklclur W.ll. Tim. I. Chaa IhM 10:00 M.rrlac. for Bl. Siller S.f. Bider. Olen H.rdr SW Newa 10:15 Lor. Lawton M. Perklna G.len Dr.k. Ooipel Sln.M MB,o 10:30 Bono. Box. Dr. Melon. M Tr.. Slorp Perrp Com. Tun. Tlau 10:45 Party Gnldlnt Llthl Mp Tra. btorr Mor..n'. Moilc Key. 11:00 Double. Notbln. 2nd Mre. Bnrt'n Betty Crocker Udle. Flret Mull. Hart 11:15 D.nbl.. Nothln. Perry Maion Victor L.dle. Flral Mail. M.rl 11:30 Tod'y. Children Norah Drake N'rthweiterners Queen for Day Jan G.rb.r 11:45 Ll.hl of World Brlehter D.y N'wMterner. Queen for Day Vocal V.ri.tlw 12:00 Kne.ii New. New. T.Ik Top B'llywood H..I. 12:15 Bo.d of Life Com. O.I II Newi Newi B'Uywood Mtui. 12:30 P. r'ni'. Fern. A lliht Jack Norma G.y W. 12:45 Bllht to B.p. Art Biker Meet Menlon. B.b Ebrly D.r. Penal. 1:00 B.ckst.r. Wife Barny'd Follle. Brkf. In Bolly. Tell Neichbor Mac'. Melodies 1:15 Stella, D.llaa Garry Moor. Brkf. In Hotly. H.rrey Hardin. Mae'. Melodic. 1:30 Loreoto Jone. G.rry Moor. K.y Wen Ore.n Key'rlea M.e'a Melodlea 1:45 Y'nr Wld. Br'n Klrkham Newi Kay Weel Bin. SlnM M.c'. Melodle. 2:00 Wh. G. H.rrle. Klrkb.m New. ).y Stewart Bab Pool. Mao'a Melodle. 2:15 For. Face. Life Steee Allen J.y Btewart Bob Pool. M.o'a Melodic 2:30 Juit Plain Bill Steve Allen Brid. dr Groom Musie for Frt. M.o'a Alelodle. 2:45 Front P.. Far'll Tunefully Togri Bride At Groom Muilc for Frl. M.e'. Melodlea S:00 Welc. Tr.rclere Art Klrkh.m Quick a. Boedown F.rty Mac'a Melodic. 3:15 IVelc, Travelen Arthur Godfr Quick ai Flash lloedown Party Mao'a Melodle. 3:30 unt Mary rtbur Godfrey Be Se.ted News Mac's Melodle. 3:45 W. Lot., Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Melon. O.y Nlnatlea Mac's Melodlea 4:00 Worn. Secret Arthur Godfrey Rhythm-a.tlka Fulton Lewla Movla Tim. 4:15 Life Beantlfal Arthur Godfm Squirrel C... Bemlnrw.r Pbllosopher 4:30 Dr. P.ul Curt Hassey Squirrel Cac. Behind Storp Byen C.n Bv 4:45,Pnla gtona gdw. Mnrrow Flrefiehtera Kews Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 dren's Theater) K:1S, On the Upbeatl 0:50, 6S9 Sports Clubi 6, Newst S:1S, Dinner Melodies! 6:S0, 'Round fir.l 7:00, Headllnn In Chemistryi YtlS, Eyenlnr F.rm Bouri S, Flylnp Timet 8:1S, Publle Healthi 8:S0, Vet News) S:4S, News; and Weather! 0:00, Musi. That Endureai 9:45, Eyenlnr MedlUtlonsi 10:00, Sum Off. Fellowship Banquet Served Young Women Aurora The Young Women's Foreign Missionary chapter were hostesses at their annual fellow ship banquet in the Women's Civic club hall in Canby. Vocal musie was furnished by Rev. and Mrs. Paul Harris, Port land. Mrs. Weaver W. Hess, presi dent of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Church of the Nazarene's Oregon-Pacif ic district, was guest speaker and brought with her many ACROSS II. Firearm L, Ornamental 80. Llk. low.r part of 32. Access a wall 14. Largs.t lak. hi I. Excited with -.SK?" anticipation r' ','" 87. SuDDly I. Limb SO. Long narrative po.m 40. Poor 41. Novel 43. Goddesl of dawn 44. Small barracuda 45. Boup dish 48. Actors 60. Bore 63. Botnan bronia 64. Legal claim 68. Fre.h-watr porpoise 11. Wife of Qeralnt 15. Russian rlvar 14. By way of 16. Buffalo 17. Dispatched to the wrong place 18. Tlmorout 81. Units of work 23. Palm leaf 24. Forbid 25. Deed 26. Departed WM pr m w Wm WA AP NivwiCtarurta ROOM AND BOARD I WAS TRYING TO ENGAGE MR., SNORGEEGLE, OUR. NEW BOARDER, IIN LUNVtlOAl IUIN, ANU Hfc AS TIGHT-LIPPED AS A TURTLE BUT THATS OKAY WITH ME ITS A RELIEF TO HAVE ONE GUY IN THIS HOUSE WHO KEEPS HIS CHATTER. BOILED DOWN LIKE A lO-WORD TELEGRAM irV.,T3aiH IW TOWERS 1 Ph mC r. M. nr Frld.y A.M. 10:00, News and rvLyML- Weather; 10:1S, Especially for Women! 11:00, Concert Ball! 1S:00, N.w.1 13:15, Noon Farm Hoar: 1:00, Bid. 'Km Cowhoyi 1:15, Beylew f 19491 1:80, Story Behind th. Dlseayeryi 1:45. Melody Lajt.1 2:00, nubwomen's H.lf Hour! 8:80, Mem ory Book of Music! S:00, News; S:1B, Ma de t the M.stcrst 4:00 Ore.on Eeporteri 4:15, Feeorlt. Brmns. curios from India, China, Gua temala, Africa, and also from the American Indians. Mrs. Don Kraft, president of the Canby YWFMC. introduced the speaker and presented her with a camellia corsage. A cor sage of white and yellow chrys anthemums was presented to Mrs. Harris. Decorations and centerpieces were in charge of Miss Beverly Curtis and Mrs. Eugene McDow ell. Programs were arranged by Miss Bonnie Zimmerman and Miss Jane Shafer. Twenty-six members and sev eral additional friends attended the affair. Solution of Yesterday's Puzils 6?. Rodent 68. Extinct bird tt. Old DOWN . 1. Social bud t. Tropical bird 1. RtraoU 4. Smell 5. Articl 6. Sign ot th zodiac 7. Roman poet S. Aeriform fluid 9. Prevent 10. Resound 11. Small rugm It. Bird's beak IS. Withdraw 20. Peeled 22. Had debt 21. Light cotton fabric 25. Wins 27. International pact 29. Mock 30. Exchange premium 81. Pouchei 83. Finish 35. Opportunity 3S. Not accus tomed 40. Animal 42. Marry 44. Box 45, Entreaty 4fl Setofthret 47. Silkworm 49, Olden times 61. Recline 52. Boy SB. Not any WA 7 By Gene Ahern YEH, BUT MES SUCH A GRUMPY V LOOKING OWL I HE HAS A 1 COMTINUAL LOOK ON HIS FACE LIKE A GUY DISCOVERING A REAR TIRE IS FLAT jTo V Jft PAWflFA lB u r a Jit .oUac r e DLNB C O R Np O T 6 oHujv" AWS OlpklN U g tplHt PUT RfApjfR s ji wHRrif pH aTp o-In MM pg B" "CI Mil NIOiRHalt MQllR A I TMO.NEU"L I TjHttA L 0 tBH J O MljflA P B N O wffE R ffs AIL T peNEULkleUopl