Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 28, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Miss Fidler Wed Tuesday
In Church Holiday Setting
St. Paul's Episcopal church, beautifully decorated with its
Christmas wreaths, bank of small Christmas trees at the front
kand other greens, was the setting for a holiday wedding of
' interest last evening when Miss Jean Fidler, daughter of Mr and
Mrs. M. D. Fidler, was married to James A. Hosey, son of Mr
and Mrs. Charles H. Hosey of- .
Camial Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, Dec. 28, 19497
Announcement is being made
St. Paul Couple
Will Be Honored
St. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Peter
P. Kirk are observing their 25th
wedding anniversary on Friday,
December 30.
Mass will be said in the St.
Paul Catholic church at 8:15
a.m. for the couple.
In the afternoon an open
house is planned at their resi
dence here between 2 and 5
o'clock, invitation being extend
ed through the press to all
friends and relatives to attend.
Assisting at the affair will be
the couple's family, including
Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Kirk,
James, Patricia, Tommy and
Charlene Kirk.
of the engagement of Miss
Jeanne Gettman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gettman of
Salem, to Grant Mills, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mills of
- mm
Alexander. Young Lawrence
Brown and Linda Sue Carpen
ter passed the dream cakes.
The wedding is planned for
For going away the bride
wore a rust-colored suit, the
jacket being in harmonizing
plaid; dark green velvet hat and
purse and green accessories,
and with her costume the white
poinsettia she carried at the ser
vice. March 22.
Miss Gettman was graduated
from Salem schools and is em
ployed in the office at Capital
City Transfer company. Mr
Mills is a student at the Ore
gon College of Education at
The couple are to be home at
OaK urove.
The processional aisle was
aglow with candlelight, a lighted
taper set in pine bows being at
each pew. Tall candelabrums
with lighted tapers also decor
ated the altar.
The Rev. George H. Swift, rec
tor of the church, officiated at
the 8 o'clock rites. During the
service, Mrs. Scott Adams (Eli
zabeth Nelson) of Portland sang
"The Lord's Prayer," Miss Ruth
Bedford playing the organ mu
sic. Lace and Satin Gown
The brunette bride, given in
marriage by her father, wore an
ankle length wedding gown of
nylon lace over ivory slipper
satin. The satin was cut in
dropped neckline effect, the
overlace continuing, to form a
high neckline. The sleeves were
long and pointed over the wrists.
The full flared skirt was gath
ered from a fitted bodice. The
waist length veil was of the
same lace as on the dress and
was arranged from a satin clo
che trimmed in the lace. The
bride carried a white poinsettia
on a white Prayer Book.
The honor attendant, Miss
Jean Claire Swift, home from
San Francisco for the holidays,
wore a royal blue ankle length
dress, net over taffeta, designed
with short sleeves, a double
kerchief collar and full gathered
skirt. In her hair she wore a
band of net matching the gown,
also mitts in the same color, and
for her flowers carried a bou
quet of red poinsettias.
Mrs. Wayne Struble' of Eugene
was bridesmaid. Her gown in
flame red, net over taffeta, was
made in the same style as that
of Miss Swift, and she wore the
headpiece of net, . and mitts,
matching the gown, and also
carried red poinsettias for her
Wayne Struble of Eugene was
best man. Ushering were Charles
and David Hosey, brothers of
the bridegroom, and Claybourne
Gosser of Portland.
Mrs. Fidler wore for her
daughter's wedding a gray-blue
gown enhanced with scattered
beading on the belt and a cor
sage of pink rosebuds. The
bridegroom's mother wore a
rose colored gown and corsage
of pink rosebuds.
Assist at Reception
The reception was in the
church parish hall. The bride's
table was covered with a white
satinr; cloth. Large red Christ
mas candles in graduated size,
with holly around the base of
the holders, decorated the table,
and the wedding cake was en
circled with holly. Christmas
greens and holly decorated the
reception room.
Mrs. Lawrence Brown and
Mrs. Inez Smith poured. Mrs. L.
M. Davis of Oregon City, aunt
of the bride, and Mrs. Everett
Mitchell of Portland, cousin of
Mr. Hosey, cut the cake. Assist
ing at the reception were Mrs.
John P. Maulding of Eugene,
Miss Janet Kirk, home from
San Francisco for the holidays,
Miss Beth Basler of Coos Bay,
Miss Nancy Starkweather of
Milwaukie, and Miss Charlotte
Shower Given
Ballston A wedding shower
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Moon, Jr., (Edna May Hill) was
given recently at the Ballston
Community hall. The feature of
For a Merry New Year's Eve Party
New Year's Buffet
the evening was a mock wed
ding with all women participat
ing. Refreshments were served to
more than 100 guests.
Miss Edna May Hill, daughter
of Herman Hill and Clark Moon,
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark
Moon, Sr., were married at Van
couver, Wash., on Dec. 10. They
are making their home in Balls-
ton in what is known at the
"Kenworthy" home.
Today's Menu
(Bj th Associated Press)
The Bride Cooks Luncheon
Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Hot Turkey Slices Curried Rice
Sweet Gherkins '
Buttered Snap Beans
Fruited Sponge Cake Beverage
Curried Rice (For Two)
Ingredientst 1 cups cooked
converted-type rice, 1 table
spoon butter or margarine, 1
teaspoon curry powder, salt to
Method: Melt the butter or
margarine in an 8-inch (approxi
mately) skillet over low heat;
add the curry powder and stir
with a wooden spoon until well
blended. Add the rice and heat
thoroughly, stirring frequently.
Makes 2 to 3 servings.
11 . K,V2L
"J rtJU'f fW-
f j' I "I ' s;'J
I 4 Jiydri?
Try a canape-pie clock.
(AP Newsfeatures)
Here's a new idea for a New
Year's eve snack. Arrange an as
sortment of several different
kinds of crackers such as pret
zels, whole wheat wafers, cheese
crackers, shredded wheat waf
ers around a layered chese, ham
and egg pie. Then at serving time
cut the pie in thin wedges the
wedges will lift out perfectly
without any stickiness or separ
ation. Guests spread a bite of
their portion on a cracker and
happily let the three flavors of
the pie blend while they enjoy
( ' The Die will keen TM-rfpotlv tnr
24 hours or more in the refrig
erator covered with waxed pa
per or aluminum foil in fact
it should be made at least sev
eral hours in advance of serv
ing so it will chill and "set"
for easy cutting. Here's the rec
ipe: Midnight Canape Pie
Cheese Layer: Cream togeth
er 6 ounces of cream cheese and
1 Vi ounces of blue chese. Season
with Worcestershire sauce and
finely chopped parsley. Add
enough milk or cream to make it
spreading consistency. Spread in
an even layer in the bottom of
an eight-inch pie plate.
Ham Layer: Mix together 5
ounces of deviled ham spread
and 2 tablespoons of chopped
pickles. Spread on chese layer.
Egg Layer: Chop 4 hard-cook
ed eggs. Season to taste with salt,
pepper, mayonnaise and chop
ped pimiento. Spread on top of
ham layer. Cover with waxed
paper or aluminum foil. Store in
refrigerator several hours or
overnight if desired.
To Decorate: Cut slim straight
pretzel sticks itno small pieces
to mark minutes on clock and to
form hands of clock pointing to
midnight. Cut numbers 1 and 2
out of "curly" pretzels and put
on the clock.
Lutheran church is meeting Wed
nesday evening at 7:45 o'clock
at the church. On the entertain
ment committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Theo G. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Krueger. Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Jaqua, Mr. and Mrs. Ever-
New Year's Eve She'll be bell of the ball in her dreamy
dance dress with gold and rose lame bodice and skirt made
of layers of eggshell net, with graceful ruffled panels. Strap
less above, bouffant below is the rule for this season's most
flattering and popular dance dresses by New York's Junior
designers. . . . . . - r - ,
ett Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Max
All members and friends are
invited to enjoy the evening of
entertainment and refreshments,
r,acn couple is asKed to take a
card table and cover, and scis
Would You Like
FOUR Bowls of
Soup '
and SIX Desserts?
Why not? You get
for just
(44e for important people
under 10)
Fresh "n" Hot SOUP Is Now
an Added Treat
By the way . . . those SILEX
Candle Warmers you see on
each BUFFET table can be
purchased for just 2.95. And
NOHLGREN'S wrap for mail
ing anywhere in the U.S. for
Downtown on State Street
Open from 5 to 8:30 p.m.
Each Day But Sunday
Journal Want Ads Pay
Phone 2 2411
.i"r''f - T ,1T - - .-.. - .... .
11 i'i I 111 1
j..--- g .. 1.-..
I Once-a-Year Sale of Odds and Ends, Broken Size Ranges, Discontinued Lines I
j Before Inventory. Get your Share of These GREAT BARGAINS. -
i 1 p i , V,
' Reg. $2.50 Shears ... $175 j Blouses -$is $3.00 J
Odd Buttons 39 1c 6 Blouses w0oi, to $ $8.95
Nylon Hose $1.75 (sh0rt ieg) 79c 1 Sweaters $i4.95 $4.00
j boys Faiamas 0 $2.49 ysc 1 wins Ltaa zdo f
i Women's Shoes S7.00 I Skirts women., reg. $10.95 $8.95
3 ' iS-
5 Child's Puddlers 95c I Blouses 0, ,e9. $10.95 $8.95
s Remnants . Vi PRICE
1 $6.50 Coatings $2.49
Wool Skirtings LESS Vs
Dress Crepes Re3. $2.00 98c
Dress Taffetas h. $2.50.... 9 8c
1 Cottons o 98c 39c
l Outing Flannels 3 ydS $1.00
1 White Hankies R.g.$i.oo....35c
j Belts to $1.98 25c
1 Scarfs to $1.98 25c
1 Handkerchiefs 25c
Jackets cord, $10.95 to $19.95. $8.95
Slack Suits Re9. $19.95 $11.95
Ruffled Curtains ...LESS V3
Net Panels Re9.$ $2.39
Curtain Fabrics Reg. $2 29 $7.39
Drapes Reg. $ 95 pair $4.95
Sneefs 8U108 $7.89
Sheets 72 $7.79
Bath Towels ReS. S96 50c
Hand Towels Re9.39C 25c
Women's Suits ...... V2 LESS Stamped Goods LESS V3
Women's Coats ...V2 LESS I AraY'e ?i.9o . ....Dy
! Dresses women-,, to $i.95 ... .$9.95 I Needlepoint LESS V3
J Dresses women,, ,0 $24.95 $74.95 I Os Child's Wear . $1.00
I Dresses women-., to $32.50 $77.95 Frocks hum $7.98
1 Dresses women-, . $49.95 $24.95 Baby Crib Sheets $1.19
j Nylon Panties Reg. zso $7.98 j Skirts $"0 $3.98 J j
J Nylon Slips Re,. $8.s $5.95 Coots women- ,e3. $29 95 ... $79.95 i
j Rayon Gowns $5.95 $3.98 rrocfes women-,, reg. $14.95 w.yo
H Paiamas r $19.95.. S74.95 1 Sweaters $3.00 $7.00
Brassieres m $7.00 Toys 11.. V2 PRICE
Girdles $s.oo $7.00 f
Pantie Girdles 10 $5.00 ... $7.00
Salem Ajency: 464 N. Charch
Ptraonal lfcVl!liwiS7r
St. Tet 34161 "jjOoVf II
Girdles 1. $13.50 $5.00 I Table Lamps .0 $50.00 $74.95
Pantie Girdles $13.50 $5.00 I Love Seats to $159.50 $89.50 I
1 Foundations to $24.50 ... $7 0.00 Occasional s to $52.50 ... $34.95
! Skirts $4.95 $3.50 Coffee Table .w .UU
...$2.50 Lounge Chair Re3. $ ... $75
.. $4.00 I Dinette Set $74.95 H
I SkirtS Re9 3.95
i BlOUSeS Reg. $8.95 ....
! BlOUSeS Reg- to $12.50.
1 9:30 a.m.
I . . 'TIL
1 5:30 p.m.