Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 28, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women I
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1949
Mrs. Loaiza, Lt. Tucker
Will Be Wed Next May
Interesting news to friends throughout the state is announce
ment of the forthcoming marriage of Mrs. Wenceslao Francisco
Loaiza of Salem to Lt. John Eric Tucker of Portland.
The news was told a group of friends Wednesday afternoon
at a luncheon for which Mrs. Loaiza and her mother, Mrs. Kath
laryn Shannon Metskcr, were
Carousel Party
At Merlain Studio
Carousel Dance club's New
Year's eve party is among the
larger dance affairs planned next
Saturday evening, the event to
be at Mcrlain's Dance studio.
The social hour begins at 9:30
o'clock, dancing at 10 o'clock.
A snack bar is planned through
out the evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Toy are chairmen of the
committee in charge of the
Miss Swift
Honors Bride
Miss Jean Fidlcr, who was
wed last evening to James
Hosey, was honored at a miscel
laneous shower Monday after
noon when Miss Jean Claire
Swift was hostess.
The guests included the hon
oree and her mother, Mrs. M. D.
Fidler; Mrs. Ralph Underwood
of McMinnville, Mrs. Donald
Summer, Mrs. Donald Scheelar,
Mrs. Robert Sleeves, Mrs. Rob
ert Strebig, Mrs. Lawrence
Christian of Portland, Mrs. John
P. Maulding, Mrs. George C.
Alexander of Eugene, Mrs. Aus
tin H. Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Scott
Adams of Portland, Mrs. Peter
Gunnar, Mrs. Wayne Struble of
Eugene, Mrs. James Kern of Al
bany, Mrs. Lester D. Green of
Eugene, Mrs. Leonard Rinear
son, Mrs. Barry Lambert, Mrs.
James Woodroffc, Mrs. Hubert
Williamson, Mrs. Douglas Arm
strong, Miss Betty Jean Manoles,
Miss Marjorie Lundahl, Miss
Janet Rilca, Miss Jane Carson
and Miss Jane Walsh, Miss Janet
Kirk, and Miss Jeanne Foster of
San Francisco, Miss Charlotte
Alexander, Miss Addyse Lane
and Miss Mariann Croisan.
AMONG THOSE planning
Jaunts away for over New Year's
week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel J. Fry and Mr. and Mrs.
P. D. Quiscnberry, who leave
Thursday for a few days in San
Francisco. They will return
The two couples will be
among those taking in the an
nual East-West game on Satur
THE WOMEN'S Bible class ot
the First Methodist church has
planned its membership party
for Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
at the home ot Mrs. Merlin
Estep, Sr., 850 E street. Mrs.
Lulu Stratton is to lead the
hostesses at the Myron Foster
The wedding is planned for
May 20.
Mrs. Loaiza is superintendent
of the Hillcrest school for girls.
Lt. Tucker is with the Oregon
state police.
For the luncheon party today
names of the couple appeared
on cards to tell the news. Dark
red roses and violets decorated
the buffet, the luncheon being
served at small tables.
Attending the luncheon were
Mrs. Paul Flegel and Mrs. Aus
tin Flegel, both of Portland; Mrs.
Frank Russell Talbot of Bre
merton; Mrs. Edward O. Stad-
tcr, Jr., Salem; Mrs. Edmond
Burke Tongue of Hillsboro; Mrs.
Edwin Paine of Longvicw; Mrs.
Kitty Richardson, Mrs. Ernest
R. Dodge, Mrs. Libby Horton,
all of Portland; Mrs Robert
Hynd of Salem; Mrs. John Stcn
and Mrs. Ernest C. Dalton, both
of St. Helens; Mrs. Florence
Tongue Mungcr of Salem; Mrs.
John Haskins of Roseburg; Mrs.
Lloyd Idlcman, Mrs. Bothwcll
Avison, Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mrs.
David Eason, Mrs. Robert Letts
Jones, Mrs. Myron Foster, Miss
Shannon Katharyn Loaiza, Mrs.
Robert Bechtell, Mrs. Roma Wil
hoit, all of Salem; Mrs. Noel
Benson of Portland and the
hostesses, Mrs. Metsker and Mrs.
Rebekah Events
Mrs. Mildred McClure of
Boise, Idaho was a visitor at the
meeting of Salem Rebekah
lodge on Monday evening. Mrs.
Justina Kildce presided and re
ported IS good will baskets had
been delivered to shut-in mem
bers. The ways and means commit
tee announced several parties
would be given for the benefit
of the lodge. Mrs. Clarence
Townsend, 960 Broadway, is
giving a silver tea at her home
on Thursday afternoon between
2 and 4 o'clock. Members are
asked to bring old magazines to
the next meeting for the boys'
training school at Woodburn.
Mrs. R. L. Applegate, noble
grand-elect and Mrs. Luther
Melton, vice-grand-elect, quali
fied for their respective offices.
Joint installation of officers
of Chemekcta lodge, IOOF, and
Snlcm Rebekah lodge will be
held Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 4. The public is invited to
WOODBURN Mrs. Estella
Trcmaine announces the engage
ment of her daughter, Miss Pat
ricia Trcmaine, to Richard A
Toepser, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Toepser of Woodburn. The
wedding will be an event of the
late summer.
Geck-Keagbine Wedding
At Mt. Angel on Monday
Mt. Angel At a beautiful Christmas time wedding at St.
Mary's church on Monday morning, Miss Mary Thcrese Kcag
bine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LcRoy Keagbine, was
wed to Raymond Anthony Geek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geek,
all of Mt. Angel. The Rev. Father Damian Jcntgcs officiated at
nuptial high mass and read the
vows in a setting of red and'tendants wore muffs topped by
white carnations, greenery and
lighted cathedral tapers. Serv
ing at mass were Philip Keag
bine and, Jay Fournicr.
Miss Helen Keber played the
recessional and processional
marches and played the organ
for Miss Pauline Sanlfcld and
Miss Eustelle Bauman, singing
occasional hymns, and St. Mary's
choir singing the mass. Before
the recessional march the young
couple knelt at the altar of the
Blessed Virgin, for the singing
of "Mother At Thy Feet I'm
Mr. Keagbine escorted his
daughter down the aisle and
gave her in marriage. She wore
a while salin gown fashioned
with fitted bodice, tailored col
lar at the neckline, long slreves
and self-covered buttons down
the back. The full skirt with
loops of satin in back terminated
In a court train. The finger
tip veil of tulle was edged in
French lace and held with a
coronet of seed pearls. The bride
carried a while prayer book
topped by gardenias and satin
streamers tied with lilies of
the valley.
Miss Mary Ann Keagbine was
maid of honor for her sister in
an aqua blue satin gown. It
was styled with fitted bodice,
lace yoke, off the shoulder col
lar edged in lace with match
ing mitts and heart-shaped hat
of matching lace.
Miss Virginia Geek, sislcr of
the bridegroom, and Miss Joan
Keagbine sister of the bride,
were bridesmaids. They wore
satin gowns of sweetpca pink.
They were fashioned similar to
that of the maid of honor's with
matching ensembles and all at-
' ' 1
s k '
Is Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Beverly Kenney,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kenney, to Gerald E. Bull,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bull, was announced last week. The
wedding is to be in the spring. (Jeslen-Miller studio picture.)
The marriage of Miss Shirley
Arlene Nave, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Nave of Scio, to
Waller Virgil Beall, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Bcall of Salem,
was solemnized Friday evening,
December 23, at the First Pres
byterian church Christmas
decorations formed the setting
for the service, read at 8 o'clock
by Dr. Chester W. Hamblin.
For the music, Miss Glenda
Thurston sang, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs
playing the organ.
The bride wore the traditional
wedding dress in white satin and
fingertip length veil. Her
flowers were white carnations
centered with a white orchid.
Mr. Nave gave his daughter in
Miss Phyllis Bennett of Port
land was the honor attendant.
She wore a blue taffeta gown
and carried a nosegay of white
Ross Morrow was best man
and ushering were Robert Nave
and Robert Tanner.
The reception . was in the
church fireplace room. Christ
mas greens, candles and baskets
of carnations decorated the
room. Miss Charlotte Churchcill
cut the cake and pouring were
Miss Donna Shindler and Mrs.
Rolland Van Cleave. Miss Jackie
Calavan assisted in serving.
For traveling the bride wore
a navy blue suit with navy ac
cessories and the white orchid
from her bridal bouquet.
Following a short trip to
Washington the couple will be
at home in Oakland, Calif.
HONORING their daughter,
Miss Jean Claire Swift, on the
occasion of Her birthday, the
Rev. and Mrs. George Swift en
tertained at dinner Tuesday eve
ning at their home. In the group
were Miss Swift, Mrs. Seth
Payson Smith, Michael and
Christopher; Mr. and Mrs. Rog
er K. Putnam, and Roger and
Marcia; Miss Thelma Cheney of
Oswego, George Swift, Jr., and
the hosts. Miss Swift has been
here over Christmas week-end
and returned to San Francisco,
Dinner at
Janz Home
An "Auld Acquaintance" holi
day buffet dinner is to be given
Thursday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. Saul Janz at their country
home out Turner way.
Guests will be: Mr. and Mrs.
Bert A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Alford, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Blundcll, Mr. and Mrs. Harris
Lietz, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Soos,
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs.
Klony Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Frum.
Engagement Told
At Holiday Time
The engagement of Miss Bar
bara Senter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Senter, to Lloyd
Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Olson, was announced
Christmas even at a party for
relatives at the Senter home.
Heart-shaped cookies were
served with the initials of the
couple as decorations to i
nounce the news.
No date is announced for the
Both young people are era
duatcs of Salem high school and
both are employed here.
HOSTS on Friday evening at
an informal buffet will be Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, invit
ing friends to their North Win
ter street home.
For School Group
An event for Friday will be
the dessert luncheon and bridge
party for which Miss Irene Mc
Leod is to entertain a group of
Gamma Phi Beta sorority sis
Miss Jane Carson, who re
cently announced her betrothal
to James Shaw of Aberdeen, is
to be honor guest. Other guests
will include Miss Ann Carson,
Miss Crystal Huntington, Miss
Josephine Caughell, Miss Janet
Lindley, Miss Charlotte Alex
ander, Miss Betty Jo Brannon.
PAST REGENTS' club of the
Chemekcta chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, is
meeting for a no-host luncheon
Thursday at 1 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. J. G. Hcltzel.
M !
- 7
m .Jiutri iVimmii'i nili fli m i n HiMii'm
Betrothal Announced The engagement of Miss Marilene
Frichtl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frichtl of Stayton,
to Theone Pieser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pieser, also of
Stayton, was announced recently. No date has been set for the
wedding. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
On Thursday
Chadwiek chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, is installing new
officers at a special event Thurs
day evening of this week, the
meeting to be at 8 o'clock in the
Masonic temple.
Mrs. Paul Robinson is to be
installing officer and will be as
sisted by Rex Hartley as instal
ling grand patron; Mrs. tred
Keeler, installing grand secre
tary; Mrs. Charles H. Fowler, in
stalling grand chaplain; Mrs. Rex
Hartley, installing grand mar
shal; Mrs. L. M. Case, installing
grand organist.
Mrs. William L. Lewis is the
incoming worthy matron for the
chapter and other elective offi
cers to be installed with her in
clude: Gail H. Jones, worthy pa
tron; Mrs. Earl Wiper, associate
matron; Verdi Walser, associate
patron; Mrs. Herman Johnston,
conductress; Mrs. Paul Griebe
now, associate conductress; Mrs.
Gordon Barker, secretary; Mrs.
Mabel Gardner, treasurer. Mrs.
Lewis will announce her appoin
tive officer at the installation
Is Bride-Elect
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierce
are announcing the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Billie
Ruth Pierce, to Roy L Pearsall,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Pearsall of Brooks. No date is
set for the wedding. The engage
ment was announced at a Christ
mas eve party at the Pierce
Party Tonight i
Miss Norvada Smedley will j
entertain with a card party
Wednesday evening, at her
home, 775 North 18th, for the
following Chi Omega sorority
sisters: Missess Alice Adams,
Joan Aitken, Dorothy Caspar,
Alyce Koch, Audra Garbarino,
Marylou Hcrndon, Beverly Ly
tle, Margaret Newton, Ann
Stackhouse, Mary Thomas and
Glenda McAllister.
SHERIDAN Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Hcnlon have announced
the engagement and coming mar
riage of their daughter, Geral
dine, to Charles M. Shafer Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C M. Shafer
of Sheridan and formerly of
New York.
Values to Values to
$39.50 $69.50
now $19 95 now $39.95
Values to t"AQ QC
$89.95 Now H7f7j
Gilmores Upstairs Dress Shop
439 Court Street
the little french shop's
T" - -J
Little Billy Ebncr was the
ring bearer.
Ted Geek was best man for
his brother. The groomsmen
were Francis Keagbine and
Thomas Geek and ushers were
Larry Geek, Philip Meissner and
Joseph Buchhcit.
The bride's mother, Mis. Keag
bine, wore a steel blue afternoon
dress and the bridegroom's
mother, Mrs. Geek, wore a black
silk print afternoon dress for
her son's wedding. Both wore
corsages of gardenias.
Breakfast Given
Following the service break
fast was served at the home of
the bridegroom's parents for the
wedding party, officiating clergy
and ushers.
The reception was held at the
St. Mary's dining hall. Mrs.
Peter Meissner, aunt of the
bridegroom, cut the cake and
Mrs. Carl Hcnnings poured. Miss
Carol Wymore of Salem, Miss
Stella Dummer and Miss Lucy
Van Clecf had charge of the
gift table. Mrs. Roy Palmer was
in charge, of the dining room.
Serving were Mrs. M. Cotmer of
Salem, Miss Lillian Bronec of
Hubbard, Miss Anita Rehm, Miss
Arlene Duda, Miss Dorothy Ham
mer, Miss Mildred Tate and Miss
Helen Palmer. Miss Theresa
Schmitline of Willamina passed
the guest book. '
The young couple are spend
ing their honeymoon at the Ore
gon beaches after which they
will reside in Portland, where
the bridegroom is attending ra
dio school. He is a veteran hav
ing served a year in China and
was with the United States Ma
rine corpi.
Dancing Dream Mistv black nrt over pink satin makes
this charming formal kown. with Greek wcy design in
niching and a pink rose at the waist.
To Their New Location
Across from Bergs.
nr. F.. F Rnrine
Now in Our New Modern
Office and Laboratory
Dial 3-6506
Or. Sam Hurries j
Large variety . . . various
colors . . . your choice of
many styles . . . reduced for
his event to only . . .
loo 300
I and J
A big year-ender sale . . .
up to the minute srylings
. . . at drastically redu
ced prices . . . values are
featured throughout the
store . . . come in first
thing tomorrow!
One group of beautiful cotton dresses , .
originally priced much higher . . you must
be here early for the dress of a
your choice as there are only 75 (111
One select group of dressy dresses in crepes,
tissue failles and other sought after materials
many styles to choose pQA 1 AAA
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at only
terrific values
Better quality suits with values previously
up to 49.95 ... in the styles and colors
you want most . . . there are just a few.
so hurry!
the little french shop
Two beautiful groups of coats in the latest
fall and winter stylings . . . variety of colors
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115 N. High St.
Phone 3-7070