8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1949 Uinstein's Latest Theory May Rt Greniet nf All Time E New York, Dec. 28 W) Dr. Albert Einstein, whose theory of felatlvity helped open up the whole vast field of atomic research, )as put forward an even more sensational theory. He calls it "a eeneralized theory of gravitation." IS It Is a mathematical description of the mystery of gravity the wmmon force that keeps our? Jfeet on the floor and rules the Jnovements of the stars. If it can be proved, it will be ome a "universal law" and, in J(he view of other scientists, will ftand as the highest scientific achievement of all time. w It would explain every physi cal motion in the universe, from the inside of an atom to the en ormous galaxies of outer space. It would crown with success fhe life work of Einstein, who has spent the last half of his 70 Jrears looking for the answer to this ultimate problem, known to Science as the "unified field theory." i It was revealed to the world here yesterday on 20 mimeo- jgraphed pages a mixture of typewritten words and squiggly nathematical symbols that even scientists nesitate to interpret. XI was the English translation of Jiinstem's original German. 'V- V.lnctpln rfpsnrihM it aa nn py. tension of his relativity theory, nd was quick to point out that he has "not yet found a prac tical way to confront the results of the theory with experimental evidence" or In short, to prove It. JS When he published the "gen ral theory of relativity" in 1915, Einstein suggested several actual tests that could be made to prove Mis ideas and which actually did prove them in 1021. But this lew theory is apparently so ab stract that Einstein could not think of a physical test for it. Einstein himself was not pres ent at the public announcement, which was made at the opening of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Princeton University Press presented the paper. It is publishing it February as an added chapter in Einstein's own book, "The Meaning of Rela tivity." Einstein is now profes sor of mathematics at the insti tute for advanced study at Prin ceton, a non-university group for fundamental research. At the start of his paper, Einstein explains his aim: "I shall try to present an at tempt at the solution of this problem (the unified field the ory) which appears to me highly convincing, although due to mathematical difficulties I have not yet found a way to confront the results of the theory with experimental evidence." Several times before, Einstein has thought he had the answer, then discarded his ideas faulty. But now his friends think he has actually discovered it, the magazine Scientific Ameri can said in a parallel article. "He is said to have told close associates that he regards it as his greatest achievement," the magazine said. "He is reported to have given enthusiastic black board explanations of his squa- tions." But proof, if the theory can be proved, may take years, and any practical use may take years longer. In earlier theories, Einstein linked up space-and-time, mat- ter-and-energy, and gravitation-and-lnertia, as all parts of a sin gle concept. But one great force was lelt out electromagnetism. This is what creates "electricity" and it like gravitation, an invisible force field that can act at a distance. The new theory now includes electromagnetism, and it and gravitation are now viewed as two forms of one overall force. In his general theory of 1915, Einstein showed by mathematics that gravitation and inertia were equivalent. This theory was proved when astronomers were able to detect the sun's gravity beidng light from a distant star. In an earlier special theory of relativity in 1905, Einstein nad shown that space and time, in stead of being separate, were both parts of a "space-time con tinuum." As one result of the 1905 theo ry, Einstein wrote an equation saying that matter could be con verted into energy a fantastic amount of energy. It seemed only a scientific curiosity until some matter uranium 235 was turned into energy 45 years lDter over Hiro shima. No one knows what it will take to prove Einstein s new theory. Or how long ... or where. Ex-TCU Head Dies Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 28 (U.R) Dr. E. M. Waits, 78, president emeritus of Texas Christian uni versity, died at his home Mon day night of a heart ailment. He Instructor Claims Einstein Swiped His New Theory Marlboro. Mass.. Dec. 28 (U.R) William G. Graves, 32, an Eng lish instructor at Worcester Junior College, said today that he developed the theory of gravitation which was announced Mon day by Prof. Albert Einstein. This is my material, and I nate to let it go," uraves saic. He worked for 15 years to de velop the equation on which he contended Einstein's new theory was based, he added. The young instructor called it "Graves Gravitational The ory," and said he discussed the general subject with Einstein in 1942 and considered it "very un likely" that a coincidence was involved. Graves said the famed physi cists work undoubtedly was based on his equation: G equals X times MC squared. He said he informed Professor Norbert Wiener of Massachus etts Institute of Technology of his studies last month but had no idea whether Wiener discuss ed the matter with Einstein. Most Polio Cases In 5-9 Brackets Thirty-six and seven-tenths percent of Marion county's 30 cases of poliomyelitis during 1949 up to December 15 were in the 5 to 9 year age bracket, ac cording to compilations of the county health department. This is slightly higher than for the Pacific coast of 34.59 per cent and 35.19 percent for the nation. The 15 to 19 year age group had the lowest percentage, the records showing 8.70 percent as against a Coast mark of 13.53 and 3.91 for the nation. Marion county's 20 percent of polio in cidence in the 4 year and under group was less than half the na tional record of 45.98. Marion county's 2314 births during 11V4 months of the year was at a rate of 23.14 per 1000 estimated population. Deaths of 748 were 7.46 per 1000. The deaths of six infants was at a Berserk Carl Schwarz, 39 (above , is led to psychopathic cell at the Sonoma county jail in Sonoma, Calif., after re portedly going berserk and killing Mrs. Jane Maggard Dickson, prominent socialite, and seriously wounding a fel low employe. Schwarz was foreman of the Dickson ranch. (Acme-Telephoto) retired as president of TCU in 1941 after 25 years at the uni verstiy's helm, in its period of greatest growth. Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical... mm use Pres-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE., SALEM, ORE Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 rate of 2.60 per 1000 live births and the nine deaths from tuber culosis constituted a rate of nine per 100,000 estimated population. Church Society Elects Woodburn Officers ol the Women's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church, all of whom were re-elected at the De cember meeting are: Mrs. Alice Hughes, president; Mrs. Harry VanArsdale, vice president; Mrs. H. F. Butterfleld, secretary. treasurer; Mrs. Harris Nelson, corresponding secretary. YOU'LL HAVE when you have CATERIZED OIL heat in your home! You must admit, it's the CLSANtsi, most economic" for enlv with CATERIZED OIL do you get ... ' NO SOOT! NO CARBON! Hundreds of wise Salem housewives have marveled how easy curtains and woodwork are to keep clean since using CATERIZED OIL! Use the modern easy way to heat your home! The fuel oil that ... CLEANS AS IT BURNS! Dissolves sludge and carbon? Minimizes strainer clogging! Insures top peak fur nace efficiency! INVESTIGATE! NOW! TODAY! Sold Exclusively at Can be stored with absolute safety! Reduces stack fire hazards 75 Cleaner burning throughout! Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway in Salem II If U 135 north liberty Annual January tore-wide Clearance To Clear Our Stock of All Broken Lines, Twice a Year We Sacrifice All Merchandise on Hand so Our High Grade Stock Will Always Be New and Up-to-the-Minute with Fashion. FUR COATS All fur coats, capes and neck pieces to be closed out. Come in early as they will go quickly. Minks, muskrats, ermines, beavers, coneys and all the leading furs. Now to be closed out at one-half or less. From ( SUITS Beautifully high styled new models with ex pert workmanship and fine fabrics. Were sold up to $89.50, now to be closed out at one low price of only COATS & SUITS We have grouped together a large number of garments formerly priced up to $85.00, to be completely closed out at one PRICE OF ONLY DRESSES We have placed a large group of crepe, satin and wool dresses in one lot, to be completely closed out. Formerly sold up to $39.95. All to qo at one PRICE MILLINERY Closeout of our complete hot stock. Every hat in our millinery department must go. Hats from $10.00 to $30.00, all to go at one price. BLOUSES Complete closeout of hundreds of styles for merly priced $10.95 and up, to be cleared quickly ot only 4995. 1995 3995 1Q00 5.00 3.95 DRESSES We offer one group of our finer dresses that were sold up to $59.95, odd sizes and colors, to be completely closed out at only Beautiful Rain Coats Only a few of these beautiful garments left. They were specially priced at $12.95. Now come and get the last few ot only 19 1.00 per pair or Three for 2.75 7.95 HOSIERY Broken lines caused by a heavy Christmas trade. All select merchandise. Regularly sold up to $1.95, all go for one price Costume Jewelry Hundreds of beautiful pieces to select from. Jyu-Q for 1A00 Regularly sold from $1.95 up, plus tax. Now to be closed out at one price. TAX INCLUDED Barbizon Slips and Gowns EXCLUSIVE AT PRICE'S. Priced at sensa tionally low prices. Buy early as they will not last long. Be sure and get your size now. SHOES Sport and casual types, one group to go quick ly. Regularly priced up to $8.95, while they last Evening Purses One group silver and gold, black and white satin. Sold regularly up to $12.00. These will go quickly at this ridiculously low price of 2.50-4.00 and 500 4.95 4.95 TAX INCLUDED LINGERIE Colors pink, blue and white gowns and slips regularly sold $7.95 to $12.95. While they last to go at UMBRELLAS An excellent selection from the largest um brella house in America, beautifully con structed, substantial frames and durable cov ers of many beautiful colors. Our regular $4.95 leader to go at only SHOES Many broken lines to close out. Kid, coif and suede in black and brown and colors. Regu larly sold up to $19.95. Come early. To go at only 5.95 2.95 195 an 695 d V" Eisenberg Jewelry One-Half Price Beautiful imported stones set in high styled patterns by - Eisenberg. Regularly sold at $12.50 to $40.00. To go at only PLUS TAX Visit Price's Beauty Salon While Attending This Sale - Exclusive Hair Styling and Permanent Waving You Will Want to Look Your Best for the New Year's Festivities Everything in the Store on Sale Except fair Trade Items All Sales Final No Refund or Exchanges I