32 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1949 fNO SIGN OF A ROD IN "D5 I r STEVE--I- r YOU GET INTO 1 rTURN OFF THE TEARS NOWY.. I Kl'M AFRAID YOU OVER-S?SKS5 I RADIO PROGRAMS Father of the Bride WEDNESDAY P.M. TBy EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams HIS POCKETS WE'LL &SI X THE MOST 4 -YOU'LL BE HOME IN TIME L LOOKED SOMETHING. ROPER FZi S LET HIM UE THERE I If ( INTERESTING I L FOR BREAKFAST ATE&wW "THE UTTUE HOLSTER rlL (TIdZE T AND DREAM WHILE I ) f&ffl&M fi i ImSSSESXUPCAKeJ tmWA Ti 1 WVi UNDER MY SCAUP r-S fa WillHI I e tfgm mmwm tit w?mmYttfmmi KGW 620 NBC KOIN 70 CBS KEX 1190 ABC KSLM 1390 UBC .0 I Day Afr. Banks stared at Installment II Mr. Banks Afflicted with a Psychic Rash Starting with the evening on wh.cn his daughter Kay had in formed him she was going to marry Buckley Dunstan, Mr. Banks began to come down with some kind of psychic rash. He watched himself change from a logical, well-balanced lawyer into an unreasoning, anxiety ridden psychopath. Each nieht he lav on his back in the darkness, his hands folded across his chest like a figure on a sarcophagus in Westminster Ab bey. Who "was this bounder who had invaded the sanctity of his home and snatched his child from under his nose? Child that's what she was a child. What did she know about the qualities in a man which are so necessary to a successful marriage? Snatched. That was the word for it. She was sleeping in her own room, but only in body. Her spirit had moved out. She would always love them of course, but never in the old way never again with her whole trusting, needing self. What mawkish bunk I He must cut it out. He knew that, under BflWlar circumstances, he wouldn't feel this way about Ben and Tom my. Somehow or other Kay was more identified with those early yeans of married life than either of the boys. He had been used to the idea of parenthood by the time they arrived. Well, the beans were spilt now! Outside of his name, what else did Kay know about him? Oh, yes He was wonderful. That was going to be a great help when he started t raise a family. He looked over at Mrs. Banks. She seemed to be sleeping peace fully. Women were Inconsistent (features. If the kids were out at some little dance she couldn't sleep until she heard them come in. But when It was a question of how (or if) her only daughber was going to eat for the rest of her life, she fell asleep like a baby. Wise men never discuss topics of ft potentially upsetting nature un til they have finished their break fast. But Mr, Banks was no longer a wise man. During these Inst few da-ys (and nights) he had become aware that his sense of balance was being dragged from under him Itke sand under the imnn. nf ..rr To his surprise Mrs. Banks did not seem to share his apprehensions. This was an added annoyance to mm. ' Mr. Banks was standing before t3ie medicine cabinet mirror, thoughtfully lathering his face. It rather pleased him to think Mint he could detect lines in it that had not been there a week before. "Kay's going to make a beautiful bride," murmured Mrs. Banks dreamily, half to herself, hnlf to Mr. Banks pajamaed back. "She's got just the figure and the color- ing. I know exactly the kind of a dress she should have the sleeves ton and tight-fitting and the ckirO-" Mr. Banks hnnd tremhled anrt a drop of blood discolored the soap on his chin. The stout, dependable dam which had heretofore re strained his morning thoughts gave way without warning. Over Mrs. Banks' unprepared head poured the swollen torrent of his accumulated apprehensions. He was possessed or a doomsday lz I her in amazement. eloquence. She listened In dismay to the recital of oossibilities that she had not even considered. By the time her husband's emotional reservoir was emptied he had missed three trains to the city. Mr. Banks found himself a seat on the eight-forty-two and opened his morning paper. Theoretically his day was ruined. Actually, and to his surprise, he was conscious of a pleasant feeling of lightness. But not so Mrs. Banks. All day long the Seidlitz powder of anxiety which her husband had dumped into her tranquil soul seethed and boiled within her. Until this mo ment her world had seemed so beautiful. Now it lay in pieces about her. When Mr. Banks re-entered the house that evening he still retained the pleasant sensation. He hummed a little tune as he threw his hat on the shelf of the coat closet. Mrs. Banks came out of the living room and put her hands on his shoulders. As he kissed her he was surprised by the worried look in her eyes. One might have thought s'.ie had oeen crying. "Stan, I'm so upset about Kay.' "Kay? What's the matter with Kay? What's she done now?" he; naked absent-mindedly, removing his overcoat. 'Oh. Stan, suppose Bucklev shouldn't be the man for her. How can we tell? We know so little about him. And she's so young. Suppose he didn't have business Judgment and couldn't earn a de cent living. Suppose he made Kay unnappy. suppose Mr. Hamcs 'stopped rumbling for the coathook. He stared at her In amazement. "For heaven's sake, Ellle, what in the world's getting into you? For years you've been worried about Kay's not getting married. Now she finds herself a perfectly nice guy and you get the jitters. I'll bet he'll do a better Job than that poopadoop you were so crazy about that hung around here nil last winter." Her took her chin In his c tinned hand and gased down at her thoughtfully. "You know what. darling? I think you're tired, Tel. you wnac i ll do. rn knock to gether a couple of old-fashioneds. It'll do you good. And we'll drink a little toast to the bride and groom.'' Buckley. Kav informed her Bar ents with her best Old School Irony, also had a father and mother. Mr. Banks agreed mood 11 v. It was ob vious that he must do sometning about meeting Buckley's family. ine ioea gave nis as mucn pleasure as a summons to appear before a congressional committee. "You'd think Kay might have picked out somebody we knew in stead of a family we never laid eyes on. I just know the kind of people they are. It's going to be terrible." "Stanley Banks, for a grown man you sometimes don t make a ny sense. You're not marrying Buck ley's family." "I might just ns well be," groaned Mr. Banks. "I'll probably have to support, uiein. The Dunstaru eventually took matters into their own hands and invited Mr. and Mi's. Banks to taist bmlthucld for Sunday dinner; lust the four of them without Kay and Buckley so they could get ac quainted. "That's the pay-off," said Mr. Banks. "They're the cozy type." (To Be Continued) R 27 32 Dfl Luxe Linrna Here arc some delightful ffleepy-tlmc cntnpnnlon ior obdvi Eiiioroifler me irlsky mile lambs In French knots and the flow ers In lazy daisy stitches on top sheet and pillowcase or crib linens. Pattern Envelope No. R-2TO con tains hot-iron transfers for Iod sheet, pillowcase and nursery cur tains or spread, stitch Illustrations, material requirement and complete mnklllK and finishing directions. To obtain this wff?rn. send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number vour name, address and tone num ber to Perey Roberts Capital Jour nal 834 Mission Street. San Fran rlsco 3 Calif. : rn i ir i i i K VfcsikKOIW ANDTW WOODS I WHERE THEReS If ItL BE HOME FOR DINNER- f WE ALWAVS tR CHUNK O' COAL- I JT ('VOOSAV SOU I r CATS BISUT, 60SS..MEBB I I UMM -RUDV WEBB'S A Y ft ,ME , fSBiSMJrJ!jl UEARD MAVOR S5Z NOCER STOLE HIS PC6TTV PROMIWANT CmiElJ.rS WF5,h T Lm . ' SLIDER ADMIT TUIS v IDEAS, DE CROOK S TUIS MlSUT CUAKlSE UtE WHOLE AXI i .1 tW H I U CLEAp,l IDSA WAV . COMPLEXIOM OF THIMGSVt L, A f JrS6uS Plir ) H J RUDOLPH NEBBS IDEA r y ' -jifl KBOSSr MATTER HOW BIS J E IjCjSHlNSTEAD OF NOCERSW 1 , y -. i J8L TM ""VS ISi . , joncs, an' le.t th' sfcuzSH k HSi.TY . m!5-"J'Lj I REABV fO' TH' UN VKILM4'? 1 WORLD SEE WHOT SHI A BRAIM KIN STAND 5 IS JtEAPV T' - "M j77T - . . MU I I If IIiL " .ISiSi" )A??L- T -AsSsin WHV OCHT I NEVE) Be THAT rOLZ. MUtPgO KTS AND U I iwnustmc BUI ir 1 I Or HONOR A5 A I NOT MARRIED I I 1 " TviM f rtD U ACROSS T CHAP, A!N'T IcONFlDEWVeO, GENTLEMAN- IS BECAUSE ri WABRIED?) Peg'Pg J1 HEVER MARRV EITHERiK WOULD KWWI H L Juplt.r . MARRIED? 1 WILL VOU KEEP ILL. NEVER TELL I HAVtNT hfi?VTO RVA ? OW, ZlZ-L ff Simpleton 6UFPRIN' SNAKEsTti . lomjJ m ,, , VES, I AM MEN2EL.' RAJAH T I THINK yoUf BETTElT PATAU ' U30KATTHATB'6 B JJSXSSZS'JunrS CsOTAW PTOM THE OUTSIDE RUN I TAKE HIM BACK TO HIS R -.'l...'. .t& CAT HE'S TUKNED 1 21t'IEJ4NJW JAKES I FIXED FOR HIM. HE PIPNT CO CASE. WE'LL BE UP TO RAJAH I &Mmt r HIS BACK ON THE A6 CARE OF . BKUSHB ANIMALS ANY HARM DID HE " BBUSH'S HOUSE LA-R U J7'. J- Pi eiRLAND' niS Jfi THAT PUMA, OR WHATENtR IT IS, HW' WP Hfe " JP"rVrf2f 14 J I fl'rfi , " ' 1 Keq, 3000 AAORNIN,. I " frroTS 5R?VF PlhKCE rxWWm d mrrJ Uttr3fokJ&& LAL,U W T) MU I au'.'y.--"-- I t .... j I .... , U-1 LI1 mJ I o" E con pmmcJ I IT KIM VOU ARENT cup.r. muthAVE6EEnI I I'LL IT AT THE. HEAD iCH. NO YOU WON'T! LETSj 1 UMPHi--A VOU WI5H.EZRA! iCHCKEM'- -ATTHI6 Mais" jtfri I The 1 ! Ui Knox Mannlnc (Chatlenf 5:15iNcwi tfttla 8how Zuaon 5:3oN"ta Tinea 5; 45 Elmer Feterioa Newa Uack New Jack 6:00hfonr Lift 6:150111 Life fi-3A Ilk Powell jG roue ha Marx praucbo Marx Bins Croiby nine Croiby Fireflcbtera noma Mod. :45Dlek Paw ell 7:00PI Slcrj 7:l.r.HIj Starr 7:3npurUJ& Tim 7:45purUin Time Moil. Burnt Alien Burnt A Allen Slolljwoorf jBollywood fona ona Dr. I. Or. 1. 8-.00 jlnatn-Kiulen 8:15 Vewi of World 8:3(1 Dlldtrslee -8:45 Cildcrslw Lowell Thotn'aa (Sher. Sher. IBuie lack Smflb pr. Christian pr. Cbriilian 9;00Break the Ban (frank Ri Buts Bun 9:15Brek the Btok Frank Rac y; 30 runt. Attorney 9;45pii. Attorney Beulah Think Think Club 18 10:00 Sam Hayes 10:15 t Final lO-.Sfi Dick Harmes 10:45 Tex Williams Star Final r. Bowl Frev. Rchfld. Intermeixo klr-flo (Orchestra Con Concert ll:10Newi 11:1 5 Wax Muienm 11:30 Wax Museum 11:45 VVaxMownm werenade Concert prran Melody rreaa. Band New Concert LUemoB Memos 12:0QSta O" THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. fi-00 Hodre Pods jNews Farm New (Nena R -15 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Timekeeper 6:3nFarm Tlma KOIN Klock Keep SmllLtif March Tima KO CO Klock 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Sews : KOCO Klock 7:00 Early Bird KOIN Kloek News Stw , Te Hitter 7:)nOld Bonn Sews Agromky Brkfst. Gang KOCO Klock 7:30 Newi News Bob Hazen Rrk(,i': ang News 7:45 Sam Hayes Fred Beck Zcke Manners Top Trades KOCO Klock SHrfl Eddie Albert Consumer Vows Breakfast Club Bart'n Counter Ch. in Wmw 4 8:15 Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club Family Alter Orxan Hoods ft 'Smack Berch Grand Slam Breakfast Club Haven ol Rem West's Melodies 8:45 Sage Riders Rosemary Breakfast Club Haven o- ltt Fiesta Time 9:00 The SeTond Cup Wendy Warren Newa N. W News Melody Tlm 9:15 The Second CupAunt Jenny Slars of Today Mus. Memorien Melody Time 9:30 ilometowners Helen Trent rt Llnkietter Pastor's Call Stars 6tns 9:45 News Gal Sunday rt Linkletter Sate Riders J. Ch. Thomas 10:00 Uarrlase for Big Sister' sTee'brush Ser. r.ien Hardy N W Newa 10:15 Lora Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Kitchen Music 10:30 Brad Reynolds Dr. Malone My True Story Wiles Tune Tlma 10:45 The Playboys Guiding Light My True Story Morgan's Music 8tt Keys 11:00 Double r !d Mrs. Burton Betty Crocker Ladies First Muslo Mart 11;15 Nothing Perry Mason Moneytnakera Ladles First Musio Mart 11 :30 Children Norah Drake Northwest. Queen for Hay Jan Gather 11:45 Light of World Brighter Day erners queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12:00 KnTasTNews " Newa Baukhaga Top Trades Holly w'd Muslo 12:15 Road of Life Come Get It News News Hollyw'd Most 12:30 Pepper young Bright A Ligfat.Jack Norman Gay Vs Headline Newa 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Meet Mcnjout Bob Eberly Dave Dennis J: 00 Backstage Wife Barnyard Fol'. Breakfast fn Tell Y'r Neigh. Mae'i Melodies :15 Stella Dallas Garry Moore Hollywood Harvey Harding Mac's Melodies 1:30 Lorenzo Jones Garry Moore Kay West Organ Reveries Mae's Melodies 1 :45 Widder Brown Klrkham Newa. Kay West Bing Sings Mac's Melodies 2:00 A Girl Marries Klrkham News, lay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies t: 15 Port. Faces LifeSteva Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac's Melodies :30 lust Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride & Groom Musio for Thue Mac's Melodies 2:45 Frt. Pg. FarrellTune. Yours Bride A Groom Music for Thur. Mac's Melodies 3:00 Welcome Trarel. Art Klrkham Quick as Flash Hoedown Party Mae's Melodies 3:15 Welcome Travel Arthur Godfrey Quick at Flash Hoedown Party Mae's Melodiee 3:30 iint Mary Arthur Godfrey Ladies Be Seat. News Mac's Melodies 3j45 Love and Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Pave Boss Mac's Melodies 4:00 Woman's Secret Arthur' Godfrey Santa's Letters Fulton Lewis Movie Tims 4:1s Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel O'.'ce Hemingway Philosopher 4:30 Dr. I'm' Curt Massey Snulrrcl Cac Behind Story Byers Can Bs 4:45 Paula Stone Edw. R. Mnrr'w Cinnamon Bear Car. Cavallcro Beautiful DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 lAAf Wednesday P. M. .1:00, Chll (wMV dren's Theatert 5:18. On the Upbeat t 5:50, 550 Sports elubt 8:00, News( 6:15, Dinner Melodies! 8:30, Cavalcade of '!!)! 7:00, Farmers' Union f 7:15, Evening Farm Hour; 8:00, Great Songs; R:30, Guest Star: 8:15. News and Weathert 0:00, Music That Endures ! 9:45, Evening Med itations! 10:00, Slrn Of. Bookkeeping Office Is Sold at Sfayion Stayton The Zelpha Grover been purchased by W. N. Sim bookkeeping office here has mons, who has been resident manager at Reedsport the past two years for Edward R. Burt and company, certified public accountants. Mr. Simmons was also formerly with George Muhl certified public accountant at McMinnville. SS. Typs meaeur 37. Subordinate 40. Jewel 42. Age 4. Fisherman 47. Produced 49. Pronoun 60. Unity 51. Ignited 52. Southern statai abbr. 53. Fortuns bh. Narcollo 67. Faucet 68. Sulilcientt poetic 60. Bitter vetcL til. Condiment 2. English sand hill 65. American general f(. Poems Ik ir 3E3" 3f 'iM 'wi3i. "'W "W'a'' JWl WL jr i?r l$w At Nswifsofvrts ROOM AND BOARD p ABOUT THAT NEW BOARDER. MR. SNORjGEEGLE '"flw-KW" Of ALL THE DOUR.-LOOKING OWLS MHOOSH&X TRIED BEWS PLEASANT AND ENGAGED HfWv IN FRIENDLV CONVERSATION, BUT HE'S ABOUT AS SOCIAL AS A COLD SORE AND CORN OM THE COB Santa's Mali Hanta'a Mall Hat Armatronc Tom Alii Croabr .ess Newt Armairont Tom Mix Gabriel Heater (Candle C-kM EdftlOB IN W News Tetlo Tm Serenada and 811 w Roman"! Romance Twillsbt Sons Ranger Ranfer Dinner ConceilTat O'Brien pinner Concert! Musical Jacknat (1. Cisco Kid Cisco Kid O. Sports Track "H! Track HBO Track HOT Track 1490 Mayor Speaks Sua. Haywood Rolmei Holmes Adlam Name of That1 Sana Lran Bck., Lilt. Trio filen nantr David Roia t Adlam Adlam Adlam Fait Fast Varieties Varieties News Balrd Reportei Fulton Lewis Local News News Eddie Howard Frontier Town frontier Town erl Hour hluilo You Waul iftluiio You Want Hoar Hour I Love Mystery Nocturne- Hour Hais Tomor. Uohn Wolohao Nocturne John Woloban JNoeturn Tomor. iflAf Thursday A.M. 10:(W. New, Ir for Women) 11:00, Concert Hell; 13:00, Newfl 12:15, Noon Form Houri 1:00, Kid. 'era Cowbort 1:1.1. Bevlew of 1019: 1:30, Melodr L.net 5:00, Home Garden Ho.r: 2::W, Memory Book of Mo.lci 3:00, New.I S:l!t, Musie of lb. Masters; 4:00, Oreion Keporter. Simmons is a graduate in ac countancy o the University of Oregon. During the war, he served three and a half years in the Asiatic Pacific. He is a native-born Oregonian, having been born near Carleton. He is a member of the Lions club at Reedsport, the American Legion, and is an Elk. Married, he Is the father of four children. The family is presently living in the Mary Kintz home in Sublmty, but hope to move to Stayton as soon as a house can be found. Solution of Yesterday' Puzzl DOWN 1. Book of tb Bible I. Sinking bird I Moving truck 4. Aerial railway! colloq. I. Periods of tiraa . Pant 7. Poorest l Note of tb seal t, Indian mulberry 10. Laundry machin II. Come back 16. Declare 17. Ibsen heroin 2(1. Higher 22. County In Florida 2G Due 27. Bound roofe HO. Swine 33. Individual performane M. Hermit ;17. Posted 38. Chant 39. City in Nevada 41, Cripple 13. Entertain royally 44, Makes editable 46. Drive away 48. Guido'a lowest note SI. Large weight ?6. An per 57. Urchin U9. Ourselves SL Thui By Gene Ahem NO WONDER YOU'VE WORKED THE BELLOWS ON HIM. GABBING ABOUT YOURSELF SINCE HE CAME HE TOLD ME YOU COULD TALK THE KINKS OUT OF A PHONE CORD soiv enlfp 1R ElClT L A mIbnto'ra T O R E R I BJT OIPI8 Yffle R E w6reBl EI1AR NE gjOIA R K ElNggAjN Ttt 55ls . n"?Tn:g fS I msTtio pB iTt a)C i fctl SIP aNH 6 V AjgE R AL KIT MB3 T ElPISBA Pp TR AN I Cljg LOP E Pj PI A L E T h1S E R 6 Nig