FRANKUN D. ROOSEVELT ADOLF HITLER WINSTON CHURCHILl r7" vi' T3u 7-r-i I t . -,f. lit, . vf.v- a hi, Tieri- iW'i'. It' rf - , ! . - J '&jisaMK . ! CM: IN FIRST HALF OF CENTURY 10 Men Who Made Greatest World Impact New York, Dec. 28 W.B Franklin D. Roosevelt made Ihe greai est impact on the first hal of this century in the opinion of American newspapers and radio editors. They voted in a United Press poll to choose the ten personalities whose careers affected the most persons and to the greatest extent. Adolf Hitler ran a close see- things In which he believes; and; Capital Journal, Salem, finally because ne Kept alive j Brifan's bulldog spirit when he I then in existence; because Ore, Wednesday, Dee, 28, 1949 U THOMAS A. EDISON HENRY FORD ALBERT EINSTEIN Taxicabs in New Argument Whether taxicabs are of any value to stage lines in transpor tation of travelers to and from stage depots, or between stages and railroad depots, is involved in a controversy that reached the city council Monday night. Eugene Laird, attorney for Pacific Greyhound lines here, renewed in person a petition previously sent the council by letter asking that taxi zones be eliminated in front of the stage depot and the taxis be required to use the regular public park ing stalls. Tenants of the stage company object to them, and some pros pective tenants refuse to take space in the building, Laird said, because of the taxicabs. Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom thought the matter should be held up until the new regula tory ordinance is well on its way. John Steelhammer, attorney for Yellow Cab and Capitol Cab, countered Laird's argu ment by saying that the restaur ant operators in the Greyhound building want the taxis there and would object to their being removed. Ralph E. Moody said that peo ple getting off buses often want a taxicab, and that they are en titled to consideration. The upshot of a long argu ment was that representatives of the Greyhound, the taxicabs, and the city administration will get together and see if they can reach an agreement. Withholding Monies One-Third U.S. Income Washington, Dec. 28 (U.R) Em ployers pour nearly one-third of the government's entire reve nue directly into the treasury without employes ever seeing the money. Internal revenue bureau fig ures showed today that income tax deductions, social security payments and federal unemploy ment taxes last year accounted for $12,531,614,546, or 30.9 per cent of the total revenue collec tions of $40,463,125,018. Since July 1, through Dec. 22 all receipts of the government totaled $17,052,713,174, of which $5,816,909,411, or more than 34 percent has been sent driectly to the treasury by em ployers. This percentage will be trimmed slightly before the end of the fiscal year, next June 30, however, with direct income tax payments by individuals. Income tax payments with held by the employer accounts . for the biggest part of these pay ments. Last year employers withheld $10,055,501,785 of the total $18,051,821,917 income tax receipts. That was more than 55 percent. The social security and unemployment benefit pay ments totaled $2,476,112,761. NIKOLAI LENIN Packing the Biggest Wallop on First 50 Years The seven men above made the biggest impact on the first half of the 20th century, American editors have decided in a poll taken by the United Press. Franklin D. Roosevelt, top left, got the biggest vote, so took first place. Close behind was Adoiph Hitler, In third place was Thomas A. Edison, the inventor. And fourth was Winston Churchill, British leader, Henry Ford, father of mass production, and Nikolai Lenin, leader of the Red revolution, came next. The Wright brothers, not shown, were in seventh place. Eight on the list was Einstein, who has come out with his new theory. In ninth and tenth places and not shown above, are Joseph Stalin, the Russian leader, and Pasteur, French scientist. Associated Press photos) Town Leveled by Christmas Blaze, Boasts N ew Spirit Hyndman, Pa., Dec. 28 (Sf The fire whicli levelled this moun tain community's business section has forced a new spirit of civic pride in Hyndman. That became apparent today as merchants, tovn officials and businessmen started to lay plans for a new and better town The Christmas eve fire burn-w ed out three blocks of the center of town. The bank, 12 other business buildings, about 20 homes and the postoffice were reduced to twisted, charred wreckage. An unofficial estimate of dam age compiled by businessmen placed it at around $1,000,000 a staggering amount for a town of about 1,500 population. But Hyndman has not bowed to fate. 'We are going to build a better town than we ever had before," Charles O. Burns, cash ier of the burned-out bank de clared. 'The fire has bound the com munity together," George Keller, principal of the local high school said, "It is really amazing. Everyone is helping." The high school was not dam aged by the fire. Emergency re lief headquarters were set up there. 'Keller said "I do not know of a single person who is not & ond. One of the conditions of the poll was that the impact made by these persons could be for ei ther good or evil. Hitler was followed by Tho mas Edison, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Nieolai Lenin, the Wright brothers, Albert Ein stein, Joseph Stalin, and Louis Pasteur. Pasteur was the only one of the ten who did not live in this century. He died in 1895, but the editors felt that his work on the conquest of disease justified his inclusion in this list. Women received many votes. but none got enough to make thi first ten. There was heavy voting for Lise Meitner, the ex pert on nuclear fission; for Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, and for Mme, Curie for her work on ra dium. Mr. Roosevelt won first place over Hitler by only six points. The votes were tabulated by al lotting ten points to first place, nine to second and so on down to one point for tenth place. Here are the first ten with the number of points they received; Roosevelt .. 882 Hitler .......876 Edison 686 Churchill 617 Ford 572 Lenin 536 The Wright Bros 525 Einstein 511 Stalin 417 Pasteur 396 doing all he can. We now have a closely-knit town. "For years I've been trying to get folks to think about remodel ing our school. In the p&t two days, there have been residents helping out here who have never seen the inside of the school before. "Now they are talking about a new high school building. Merchants were talking about getting construction of new stores and offices underway im mediately. The bank will reopen in new temporary headquarters to day. It has engaged an expert to open the vault, standing alone in the burned-out area. It con tained about $12,000 in cash. The editors were asked to state reasons for their choices. The followng summarizes the reasons most frequently given; Franklin D, Roosevelt Be cause he came to political power at the depths of a world depres sion and in a single speech ("we have nothing to fear but fear it self" lifted the hopes of the United States and the world; be cause his New Deal made such radical changes in the economic life of America that it attracted millionaire and laborer alike; because he probably was the worst hated and best loved Am erican president since Lincoln; because he held the world's most powerful elective office longer than any other man; and finally because he led the nation to vic tory in the world's worst war. Adolf Hitler Because he helped evolve and sponsor a vi- eous theory of race supremacy which resulted in the slaughter of millions of human beings; be cause he deluded most of the German people into believing they coma conquer the world because he built one of the most powerful military machines of all time and stood briefly on the brmk of world conquest; be cause he provided the spark that started the conflagration of Worid war II. Thomas A, Edison Because he was the genius of applied sci ence the technique of making tneories useful; because he in vented the bulb that lights the world; because his work contrib uted to the development of the telephone and almost all other means of communication. Winston Churchill Because for years before Munich he sounded the alarm against na zism and was a prophet without honor m his own country; be cause he was one of the archi tects of victory in World war I; because he stands among the great writers and orators of this century; because even after he was voted out of office after the war he returned to parliament and continued to work for the Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 .tood alone after the fail of France and rallied his nation in its darkest and finest hour, Hesry Ford Because indi rectly he is responsible for the great network of paved roads that stretches across the Umted States; because he set forth the theory that the way to make profits was to cut prices and sell to persons who otherwise could not afford an automobile; and finally because he developed the assembly line and mass produc tion f eehmqucs that helped make the American standard of living the highest in the world. Nicola! Lenin Because he is the best known revolutionary of this century; because he preach ed the theories of Karl Marx in exile for years before he had a chance to implement them in Russia; because he showed poli tical courage and skill in estab lishing a stable bolshevist gov ernment in the midst of the tur moil of the Russian revolution; because to communists he has achieved the status of sainthood in a godless land. Orvilie and Wilbur Wright Because they persevered in their experiments with heavier than air machines in the face of al most universal ridicule; because, unwittingly, they invented a weapon that made World war II the worst of ail time; and fin ally because they were the cen tral figures in one of mankind's most startling developments tils century the conquest of distance. Albert Einstein Because his brilliant theories and years of hard work led mankind deep in to the unknown; because, an ex ile from Germany, he conceived the idea of history's most power ful weapon for use against the axis; and finally because his dis covery that energy can be eon- verted into mass and vice versa took us out of the cosmic Jangle and put man on the road to a better understanding of nature's forces. Joseph Stalin Because his word is virtual taw to almost in World War, II he held his na in World Iwar II he held his na tion together after it had receiv ed repeated blows from the most powerful military machine hte followers work ceaselessly in all nations to make the Russian rev olution a world revolution; and finally because his post-war policy of power politics brought about the cold war and the dread of a possible World war 111, Louis Pasteur Because while he died five years before the twentieth century dawned, his work became the basis for many jj present-day medical techniques;!; because he discovered that bac- J teria was the cause of infectious I diseases; because his pioneering made vaccination possible; and finally because the "miracle drugs" of today might not have been discovered for generations if it had not been for work done in the Pasteur laboratory. Viet Nam Leader Suggests War's End London. Dec. 28 Ho CM Minn, leader of the dissident Viet Nam forces in French Indo china, has called on the French peoples in 5 broadcast to demand a halt in "this hopeless war in the French possession, Moscow! radio said today. Moscow radio said Ho made the broadcast over "The Voice of South Viet Nam" radio sta tion, but did not say when he made it. Ho addressed the French peo ple as "dear friends" and said that every year "over 100,000,. 000,000 francs fress your owa pockets are squandered on this hopeless war." Everyone Knew Only Caterized OH Leaves NO CARBON! SOOT! 35622 er 35606 Howard J. Smaiiey Oil Co. 1405 Broadway SALEM 1225 Cross WET WINDOWS? Storm Sash reduce mois ture condensation on win dows to a remarkable de gree. In most cases elimi nating condensation entire ly. Saves fuel, too". iStf-m.lfc Will new In,,, npipoa 5tOrTO NT ym ess04 afford to be 5 1 without them, aslv WOODWORKING CO. Cabineti - Frames Ph. 3-5953 FOR Insured Savings f First jfBjjjiik Federal fW-Spf Savings Current Dividend 2Vi st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty 1 Be sure it's PURE CANE M 12 1 r w Be sure with "41 0 'cnK OPEN m ACCOUNT WITH US TODAt f 0m Sa,em Feral Saings I ,m and Loan I nmy 550 siste Sheer, Salem, Oregon 1 2iPCent Telephone 2-4139 i CllFlPilt $$ MONEY FHA f $$ 4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216 it 222 Head Gold Stuffiness For almost instant relief, put a few Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Brops in each nostril Va-tro-nol works right where stuffy trouble is It opens up cold clogged nose . . . relieves stuffi ness . . . and lets you breathe again. Try it Ntw low prices en Hit DEIC0-HEAT OIL-FIRED CONDITIONER IASY Tilt MS t Ntw few pricf-n dawn fMymtnl and ub ( 3 yor to pey far your naw Otfea-Haat Oi ftrtrf CandiManafri Here is reil Genera! Motors value t The Delco-Heat Conditiomir offers the exclusive Ratcpoutr unit chkt combines all moving parts in one assembly the simplest burner mechanism of ali I Gives depend- Salem Heating and Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway Dial 3-8555 Unit, CJtjm ri UmmtitfitititAif in rxr Hmt! able, economical automatic hett I You can be sure your Deico Heat Coniimonair wit! be ins " 4 rigL., too we've been fs trained by Delco-Heat fx-. Phone or come in -right awjf I rOREGON DEPT.Of ACRiCUHM INSPECTED! I AHD I PASSED Sal em's Retail Packing Plant 351 State St. START TO SAVE NOW! FoREGoiT7 MPLOfMiiKiBJfl f INSPECTED PASSED 1 EASY TO CARVE BonelessROAST 55c lb. BLADE CUTS BEEF ROASTS 37c lb. Note tower Price WE ALL HAVE THAT URGE, AFTER THE CHRISTMAS SPLURGE. Save money on your meet bill. Get the MIDGET HABIT. Check these values. Stop in compare our quality and prices, too. See why PARTICULAR PEOPLE PA TRONIZE THE MIDGET. FRESH PICNIC PORK ROASTS 23c lb. Sweii witfc Applesaaee YOUNS PIG PORK STEAK 37c lb. Leas Bisds Cirts FLAVORIZED SKINNED run ru AM Whole or Half lb. You are always prepared for emergencies, when you have one of these delicious Hams in your pantry. Cured Have that alluring appeal to your appetite. Ask the folks who have tried them. 'Flavorized" Hams are Carefully DAiNTY LEAN BONELESS "FLAVOMZED" LOIN CHOPS BEEF CUBES Sliced BACON 43c lb. 40c lb. 43c lb. Any Thickness Ail fresh Beef A Breakfast THriil MOST PEOPLE LIKE LIVER & BACON 1 found Sliced Bacon end 1 Pound Sliced Liver Both For No 'Specials' No 'Limits' WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO