Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 28, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1949
i 'inn I i Miniirr- w- Aatajmafcfai.Sti
Snowbound Cycles An all-night snowfall caught students
of Smith college, Northampton, Mass., by surprise as they
arose to find some of the 1,484 campus bicycles buried.
East Salem Cooking Class
Has Fine Program in Salem
East Salem, Dec. 28 One of the highlights for the holiday
season for members of the Middle Grove 4-H cooking classes was
their Christmas party given for their parents and other mem
bers of their families at the Mayflower hall in Salem.
Attending with their guests were members Lorelei Holman,
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Holman and
son Gordon; Joyce Chamberlain,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Chamberlain
Margaret and Sharon; Yvonne
Miller; Susan Anglin, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Anglin; Dena Lou
Kleen, Mr. and Mrs. William
Kleen; Doris Reynolds, Mrs. C.
L. Reynolds, Janice and Gary;
Yvonne Goode, Mrs. Emory
Goode; Rosemary Slimak, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Slimak,' Julia
and Jone; Deanna Dickey, Mr.
and Mrs. V. Dickey, Ronny and
Sondra; Shirley Page, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Page, Marilyn, Ed
die and Barrell; Joan Fabry, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Fabry; Janice
and Joan Scharf, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Scharf; Phyllis Howe, Mrs.
Clarence Howe and Bruce; Joyce
Kuenzi, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kuen
zi; Jesse Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs.
Evendon, Charles and Charlcen;
Marie Hammer, Mrs. Mildred
Hammer, Leonard, Jr., and
Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Anthol
Riney, Chris and Dan; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Barkley, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Favoy and Stanley; Miss
Ann Bergholz, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cage and Marvin. Fol
lowing the serving of the cover
ed dish supper the girls conduct
ed their business meeting. Mr.
Riney supervised the showing
of two moving pictures and then
Rita's Romance Reads
Like a Mystery Melodrama
Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 28 U.R When Rita Hay worth
makes her Hollywood comeback next year, she could do worse
than pick for her first starring vehicle a mystery melodrama
entitled "The Princess and the Baby."
This movie would be true to life and would require practically
no rehearsal, the plot revolves
around a complicated family sit
uation in which Miss Hayworth
right now is busy playing the
central figure.
Glamour is provided by Miss
Hayworth and her dark, hand
some husband, a Prince Charm
ing from the east and heir of the
almost legendary multi-millionaire
Aga Khan.
In the large cast is distin
guished Prof. Rudolphe Rochat,
one of Switzerland's leading gy
naecologists, whose patients
have included queens, princess
es, and countesses as well as
plain people.
The setting is the screen-worthy
Lausanne Palace hotel,
where the continental social set
is gathering for the winter dis
persal to the ski resorts in the
snowcapped mountains nearby.
The first sign of conflict com
es just before Miss Hayworth's
storybook marriage to Prince
Aly Khan in the little town hall
of Vallauris on the French Riv
iera last May 27.
A French newspaper makes a
sensational insinuation about
Miss Hayworth and the nuptial
presented pins to the first, set
ond, third, sixth and eighth year
The Middle Grove Sunday
school classes also had their
Christmas program Sunday. A
cantata "Tell Me the Story of
Christmas," was sung by mem
bers of the senior, intermediate,
beginners and primary classes:
readings, "The Night Before
Christmas," by Donald Marquis
and "Christmas Day," by Mari
lyn Page; "A Little Sign," and
"Christmas Bells," by the pri
mary children; "Gifts for the
King," by the junior members,
and special music; instrumental
numbers on clarinet and trum
pet by Dale Van Cleave and
Lewis Patterson; and a piano
soio by Marilyn Page.
A boy who has a birthday lust
before Christmas is Paul Bar
ney. He had his brithday party
at his home on Monroe avenue
with schoolmates Kay Barney,
Paul Rlchey, Don McLaln, Don-
am Jacobe, Kenneth Jacobe.
Billy Freeburn, Eddie Sunder
lln, Orval Prunk, and Allen
Pierce as his guests. They en
joyed games and the traditional
birthday refreshments, served by
his mother, Mrs. Charles Barney.
Hubbard Husbands
Guest of Temple
Hubbard The Pythian Sis
ters of Arion Temple entertain
ed at a well attended Christmas
party for their husbands. The
highlight of the evening was a
musical farce with Dr. A. F.
deLespinasse at the piano and
taking part in it were Mr. and
Mrs. Verl Cochran, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Cochran, Mrs. Beatty
Miller, Mrs. Clarence Friend, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Norman Stauffcr, Mrs.
Don Covey, Mrs. Lester Will,
Ed Erickson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Rollo Cooper.
The program included a wel
come by Mrs. Covey, MEC, a
duet by Mrs. Harold Colgan and
Mis. Covey accompanied by
Miss Lenore Scholl, Mrs. deLes
pinasse read 'The Littlest An-
ecl." and gronn sinalna nt i.nrnlo
was enjoyed while the above
mentioned cast prepared for
the farce. Mrs. deLespinasse was
program chairman. Gifts were
exchanged following the pro
gram. The men took up their billiard
contest and the women held
their Secret Sister gift exchange
with names revealed and new
ones selected for the coming
year. A Christmas silver offer
ing was taken of $21.15 for a
needy family. Refreshments
were served.
Joyce Giroux
Professional Manicurist
Larson's Beauty Studio
I 471 Court Ph. 35033
How ifou Know i
Tbt aiufrcri to trtrrdar
Uuurknot problem
This column can be used
logically in only one way
this week so we extend
to our friends,
to our clients
ond to
If Tou'tl ddri your own tniur
nee question, to thli offkf. we'll
Iry to glvt you th corrert niwn
nd there will he no chria or obli
gation or ny kind.
T N. Cfairea fkoru Mill
Rcvrueatlai Goners) of Aoierte Co
Sold Two Cars in East
for Holidays
Also Wnlnuts In the Shell
460 North Front St. Phone 3-7633
Open Every Day, Except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ceremony, which was to have
been the most wonderful thing
in her life, becomes an ordeal.
Eventually she finds she is to
become a mother. She and the
prince are very happy until her
condition becomes such that at
first a miscarriage is feared,
Then her doctor begins to
speak of a possible premature
caesarean. Prince Aly himself
points out that seven-months ba
bies run in his family.
But the princess knows that
anything much less than a full
term birth will be noted by the
scandal mongers. She insisted
her child be born in February,
if at all possible. ,
On several occasions her con
dition seems so critical that an
operating room Is prepared and
her husband asked police to
make plans to clear the route
from the hotel to the hospital in
case there must be an emergency
Everyone, including newspa
permen covering the case, was
bewildered. Principals and near
principals spoke alternately of
"imminent" birth and then of
late January or February.
CBI Manager
Forum Speaker
Mill City Albert Bauer, gen
eral manager of Consolidated
Builders, Inc., Detroit dam con
tractors, and president of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce
for the past year, will be the
speaker at the year-end banquet
of the Mill City Chamber of
Commerce, to be held Wednes
day night at Manolis' cafe.
Guests to be present include
Lt. Col. T. J. Miles, resident en
gineer, Detroit dam; R. A.
Hoffman, general superinten
dent, Consolidated Builders De
troit dam project; and Mrs. B.
O. Schucking, vice president of
the Salem Chamber of Com
merce. J. C. Kimmel, president of the
Mill City chamber for the past
year will be master of cere
monies. Events of the evening
will include presentation of Mill
City's first citizen of 1949, and
awarding of prizes to the win
ners of the Christmas outdoor
illumination contest.
Robert Veness, secretary of
the Mill City chamber, reported
that on the basis of reservations
now on hand, an attendance of
100 was anticipated.
License Is Issued Milo E.
Harris and Florence R. Smith,
both of Idanha, have been issued
marriage license in Portland.
Licenses Not Revoked for
Yellow and Shorty Taxis
The city council Tuesday night refused to revoke the taxicab
licenses of Robert Lynn Clark, operator of the Yellow Cab
company, and Eleanor Staab, operator of Shorty's Cebs.
It held in abeyance a resolution to revoke the license of Don
Clark, operator of Capitol Cab company, until court action has
been completed. 1
Resolutions to revoke the Rob
ert Lynn Clark and Eleanor
Staab licenses were killed by in
definite postponement. Both
will come up in regular order
for renewal of license at the
first of the year, and Alderman
Walter Musgrave gave notice
that he probably will vote
against renewal of both the
Clarks at that time. He said
he thought evidence against
them in the recent taxicab scan
dal case warranted it.
The council was puzzled about
Ban on Crime Comics
Held Unconstitutional
Los Angeles, Dec. 28 P) The
county ordinance banning sale
of comic books on crime has
been held unconstitutional by
the appellate department of su
perior court.
The court ruled yesterday that
the law would also prohibit the
sale of school books showing the
assassination of Abraham Lin
coln. The ruling was made in
the case of a druggist arrested
for selling a "crime" comic
the Don Clark case for the rea
son that it is still in court. It
was finally decided to table the
resolution until the court has
acted. In the meantime it was
understood Don Clark would ap
ply for his license and pay his
fee, which would permit him to
operate until the council makes
a final decision.
John Steelhammer, his attor
ney, said the district attorney
was waiting for a FBI report on
Don Clark, and that the time
when the court can act is depend
ent on that.
Beautiful plastic toilet seats. Assorted colors,
lifetime guarantee
Built-in radiant type electric bathroom heaters,
chrome grill, 1500W, complete with wall box.
Guaranteed. Buy several at this ridiculous price
We Pay Top Market Price
Willamette Grocery Co.
305 So. Cottage St. Phone 34146
Open 8 a.m. to 12 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. - Sat. 9 a.m. to 12
More people bought new Studebaker cars
and trucks in 1949 than in any year before !
Since its introduction in September the
new 1950 Studebaker has been bought by
more people than any new-model Studebaker
in any similar period !
Todays far-advanced new 1950 Studebaker is
the fastest selling Studebaker of all time!
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