20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 19491 Father of the Bride By EDWARD STREETER. Illustrated by Gluyas Williams He now received them with open-armed cordiality. Installment I Daughter Kay Makes the Great Decision No matter what Kay might have done about marriage it would not have been looked upon with any great favor by Mr. Stanley Banks, merely because he happened to be fonder of his first-born than he realized. During her teens he had dismissed all aspirants with a contemptuous snort. From the time that Kay had first revealed herself to the social world, minus a mouthful of braces and plus a permanent, leggy adolescents with porcupine hair had begun to beat a path to 24 Maple Drive. Mr. Banks had regarded these Inarticulate sufferers with a jaundiced eye. And so the tender years had slipped by. With their passing Mr. Banks' emotional pendulum had swung the other way. He found himself wondering what was wrong with the child. What was it that caused men to bob Into her life for a few brief weeks or months and then disappear forever? She couldn't go on being a bridesmaid until she was an old lady I It worried him and unconsciously his attitude changed, even toward Kay's most casual acquaintances. Unlike the old days, when he had been curt, suspicious and, on occa sions, frankly hostile, he now began to receive them with open-armed cordiality that would have driven any alert young male out into a snowstorm. Then suddenly without warn ing It was obvious that some thing was happening to Kay. Some alchemv was at work within her. There was a light in her eyes that none of Dr. Barnes' vitamins had ever kindled; a radiance that made her, at times, almost a stranger to Mr. Banks. "What's gotten into Kay, Elite? She acts queer to me." 'I don't know," said Mrs. Banks ""Maybe she's in love.' Mr. Banks made noises of con tempt. "In lovel Who would she be in love with?" "I haven't the wildest idea." "Nonsense," said Mr. Banks, "You must have some idea." "Well, do you remember that about two weeks ago Kay said she'd met a coy named Buckley some-thlng-or-other at a cocktail party?" ''You don't mean that big over grown ham with the shoulders? Listen, Ellie, you women Jump at the damnedest conclusions. Just because a man" "All right. I'm wrong. You Just wait ana see. They waited, and as the days passed It became apparent that Buckley was coming more sharply into focus. His name crept into nays cnatier wun increasing fre quency, though always ciisually Ho was apparently a vounif man with decided views on everything irom iooioau to uoo views which, for Kay's money, had not been equaled since the Delphic oracles went out 01 Dusiness. Mr. Banks felt a resurgence of his old attitude. This new moth, which was beginning to fly so close to the flame, became definitely d Is taste - iui 10 mm. "I don't think much of that fel low," he said to Mrs, Banks after Buckley had spent a painful ten minutes in the living room waiting for Kay. "I don't know, dear," said Mrs. Banks. "Why don't you Just leave Kay alone and let her work tilings out for herself?" A hush of anticipation had fallen over the Banks family as in a theater Just before the curtain rises but nothing happened. Kav con tinued to look dreamy. Buckley, during his brief appearances, main tained his air of uneasy aloofness Keep enjoy After a few stiff moments they would both rush, unleashed, Into me mgnt. Then, unexpectedly, the storm broke. They were gathered round the dinner table on one of the In creasingly rare occasions when Kay ate at home. Don't those two Boys ever stay at home lor a meal?" grumDiea Mr. Banks. 'They've none to a nmht Kamel with Joe Stanley," said Mrs. Banks. xney comaivi wait ior atnner.i Ben said they'd pick up something to eat in town." Kay sighed. "Ben's not a boy. Pops. He's a man. He's old enough to have a iamuy." Well. Tommy Isn't." said Mr. Banks. "Oh. by the way. Mom. that re minds me. I won't be home thlsl week-end," said Kay. "Where are you coins, dear?" asked Mrs. Banks. I m &oin? to sDend It with Buck ley's family." Mr. Banks dronned an unbroken cracker Into his soup. "Look here," ne asxea, "are you going to marry this character?" I irucss so," replied Kay. She continued to work on her soup. Ana wnen, Mrs. panics asxea wltn timid sarcasm, "are you think ing 01 gelling marriear I really don't know, Mother. It all depends on Buckley's PLANS." Kay's voice was that of a tired kindergarten teacher. "But there's one tiling we WONT be pinned down. Bucklcv's VERY decided about that sort of thing. He Just wu-r De pinned down." Mr. Banks felt his neck begin to I pusn against ms collar. "I hope.' he said in a strained voice, "that Buckley won't think I'm nosy or trying to pin him down If I ask lew simple questions. ' Kav looked bored. "O K . Pom I suppose we have to go THROUGH mis. it aoes seem to me. thouirh " Well, to begin with who the new is mis uucKiey anyway?" "Now, Pops, please. H we're going" . " and what's his last name, and where the hell does he come from and who does he think is going to support him? If it's me he's got another guess " Mrs. Banks Interrupted. "Stan ev nobody's deaf and you don't have to swear every other word. It's Just plain mortifying with Delilah In the kitchen listening. You don't give Kny a chance. Let her" At that moment Kay, the darling of his heart, turned on him for me nrst lime in her life. "Listen. Pons. I'm twentv-four vear.t old and Buckley's twenty-six and we're GROWN people and as far as vour supporting BUCKLEY, I'll tell you right now he's the kind that would n't let ANYBODY support him. Heel rather DIE first. "THAT'S the kind of person he ia. nes a wunukbi'ui, person. He's the kind of a person that's absolutely I mean ABSOLUTELY independent. "And his name Is DUNSTAN. thai a what It Is Bueklev Dun- stan. And he's a WONDERFUL businessman I mean a REALLY wonderful businessman and nnn ne has a WONDERFUL Job." "Doing what?" asked Mr. Banks seizing tne nrst tactual straw "Oh. I don't KNOW. Pons w makes something. Docs It REALLY make any difference what it is? He's the kind of person that can do niNYiniiNu anvthing at ALL "As for his PARENTS well. Ill tell you this. Pops they're Just as good as you and MOM." There was a suggestion in her voice that this was an understatement. "They Ve SWELL people and they live in East Smithfleld." Mr. Banks' blood nressurn had !ipne down as quickly as it had risen. He scarcely heard what Kav was saying and he had fnnnttcn all about Burklev. He was looking at his daughter's flushed face and remembering a small gl-1 with brown uiKiHus unci airty overalls who used to fly at her two younger brothers wiirn iney goaaea ncr loo rnr. I It seemed like such an Incredlblv snort time ago. That was all. He had a panicky feeling that tears were coming Into his eves. Rising from his chair, he kissed the top of her head. "O.K.. Kitten." he said. "I love him already. What did you say his mat name was? (To Be Continued) $ trui""-- I, II in I-4fY L-1 ir mi mi. n 1 iiTini f LAY IT ON, BIG BO -V THATS A T COMPLIMENTS OF CUPCAKE, f BUT THIS ONE 13 ON YsTyH I W Arc--- " IMiJffiPfl r-IT-L KEEP MOPTOP 1 DEAL, PccTY I , CHOKER y m Ml SVOrZ f s WJT XT S IwAsoie ofpa your 3 - ' yj &Vnr S&. I J H - - - ' vT- . . . O SI3S m""'m SIT UCTEN TO TH" &Q UJQ- IS HE "'3 DRIFT HAS WORKED LIKE A OCXS, V3 ANNIE -AFTER ALL, WHN B J J K10O1N'? HASNT DONE A TCP O' ESS 9 SUPPOfTTIN' "EM -BUT SHE'S BEEN SICK K VOU RAISE AS NICE A FAMll AS H REAL WORK FOR YEARS -AMD fijft 1 FOR A MONTH OR MORE-HM-M-SOMEBOW P OURS YOU MUST ADMIT IVE 'S (5 B H6 CALLS THAT SUCCESS tt) I MUST HAVE KICKED IN, OR THEY'D H , BEETTSSPy ; m OSIF b,j i igi, jmn iia mmititrm inn i j I 1 UFP TUP TfWRi I TMftT'SYOF COURSE VOL) KNOW IVE WE KMOW THAT ROPy.SUT lSEE? I V MOCKER fTTi5f"l II COuNCL VOTED To kiuh i ,ihuuiaHi kjk iHcaiKtmKnifiHtKtaNulHiNo ihai rtr I im-e tvjw i snuw i i 'CARRY OUT MARRyyiP'CrJPOR YGARS-KIOCViER rUP ATCAWN LIKE ATlSOJSIOWj NEBB WASjUOWLUCKV I H (tOR IMMEDIATE SLUM A I r . 1. ,IT- l ENCOURAGE OUR NEWCOMERS WHO'S -.f E r -CLEARANCE.OSIE rtH "ff I V , n IRRESPONSIBLE V ii-J . -J I ; U Js- -. . 3! r r I V i !1 I lis Bl I I I v a '-.'' V II" II I If y K S :' "-v ma I k-p- i j rmm nn ail v xi a nurmtHf?. ii AH caiit liwe T but, doctor J V Trgt oowt BOTHER ME.rK but- I WHUT 2? U HAM61 I THIS FATIENT jL, -THEX J MM M, lf J I IF AH DONT FINISH A THEV II ..1 5 MtUXE A 4 I I MOV.'.' -HE'S IN JNEEDS 3' J MUP ft 3 NO." M I THIS CROSS-EXAM-) V NEED3 j I IS WE KU( "1 L l TERRIBLE M AT FABULOU! OPICV -SP DON'T CI I INATON, HAH A S LISmu'dSAWG.Vj I I CONDITION?-Kg OOMES- 9U f5i. -EAVC tS i I CLIENT WIU. ' LAWYER fMI IM rH I Fty r-ZTrW!fr z I WFAa!L-7j:. I . 1 1 i n NauuU-rl A I I 'A J IA I 'ST'VII JIM7" ir U -l 11 II lJnlJTni LL I 5 v-mmcAn w'mma&mimexm V J r'M r."' t rm rm v!L?'fs rtzzdzim t win s .f w, v mi v krr itv bpv ? inwffl y u..m run i Hm 0 r A BETWEEN HIM AND ONE QUICK MOVE MWil Li.A WHOS I R I tJO1 BI6HT,OFO50e V THE 6I1?L -CLOSE Wgg HIM mWtfj RAJAH; 'SBf,' I THAT?1 U I CANT STOP A MOUNTAIN LOM iSfZL SPBIN6.' Will L fl!k "l . WITH BUCKSHOT AT THIS PISTANCE.' I BARRELS MK3HT L Pm2GS$.. 0. S II SJ fSwfiSt , V fijl j buttamxto i --, awqb$m irmn mm ri l 35 cSjS uo ' "7T I " ''VVTi, I I I I ! n -j i -p" . .- , --I I TAKt THI5 WOMAN? 1 Ayil 111 NOW PRONOUNCE MLLLO" PAR-fcRTNtR! RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCCT 630 NBC 870 CDS H ABC 13 SO UBC 1490 Ke. e.fut Tbt S of Ui Feiture Story- Green Hornet Str-lxht Arrow Band of Dip" 5:15 New Little Show Green Hornet Strolfbt Arrow Bond of Day M V?n ' Fanny Brlce New Jock Armitronv B-Bar-B Ranch Bint Croib W 5:45 Fonny Brlce Ncw lack Armitrony B-Bar-B Ranch Bmlneei Kewef "jwjfl b'op Hope Life With Luifi Jock Norman Gabriel Heater Candle!' siU fi;l)Bop Hope Lite With LulI Home Edition Nortbw'et Newa Candlol'l A g, 6:3(1 McGee A Holly Meditation Hod. Romancea Tello Teal Newa 6:45 McGeo Si Molly It'i My Belief Mod. Romancei Serenade Twilight Bong T-00 Maltle Hit the Jackpot Coonteripy Drama of Med. Pat O'Brien 7'nMalile Hit the Jackpot Counteripy Sonca of Tune Musical J'ckpot I 7'?0Peo. are Funny Eicape Bole A Sotllo. Klden In Sky Evelyn Knlfht 1 7:45 Peo. are Funny Escape Solo 60HI0. Bldere In 8ky SporU rI00 Sinatra, Klrat. Low." Thomai Defenit Tlmo Count M. Crlalo Track 1190 R ISN'ewi of World lack Smith Defenae Time Count M Carlo Traek 1190 8:3n Ca-alcado Mr., Mra. North Town Meeting Lean Back Track 1190 8:45 Cayalcade Mr.. Mra. North Town MeetloK Trio Traek 1190 9 '00 Ronald Colem'n Myitery Thea, Town Meet In Glen Hardy Track 1490 9-15 tonald Colem'n Mystery The. Town Meeting McKay Speaka Track 1490 9:30 Blr Town Benlah Newa Fayorlto Story Newa g ;45 Big Town Club 15 We Care Favorite Story Holiday 10-00 Sam Uarei 5-Star Final Richfield Reptr Fulton Lewla Nlrht Song 1015 Mort. Downey Von A World Intermezio Sel. Loe. Newa Night Sou M '3(1 SporU Pane Alrflo Concert Hour Newt Mai. yoa Want 10 :45 Dance Oreh. Drchcatra Concert Hfnr Mmle Mm. yn Want lYToO Vew'a Serenade Concert llonr I Loro Myatery Noctarno " 1115 Wai Mnaenm Organ Mmle Coneert Hoar Here'a To Vela Noetnrnn 1130 Wai Mnaenm Treasury Band Mea.oa John Wolohan Noctnrn 11 :45 War Mtueum S'ewa Memo John Wolohan Noctnn lm 12-00 Sign Off " (Silent Ixtra. Hoar ISlrn Off Wlgii Off WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. fl'OOinodce Podgt Newi Farm Newi 3Iorn. Newi 615 News KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Mmle. Tlmkr. 630 Farm Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling March Tint KOCO Kloek 6:45 Time KOIN Klock Keep Smiling Hemmlngway KOCO Klook ""OO Early Bird KOIN Klock Newi Newa Tex Bitter " 7-15 Old Sons News Arronsky Br'kfait Gang KOCO Kloek 730 N'ews News Bob Haien Rise Shin Newa 745 Sam Hayee Fred Beck Zcke Manners Top Tradea KOCO Kloek 8'00 Eddie Albert Consumer News Breakfast Club Barg. Counter Klnra Crnaadri 815 Eddie Albert News Breakfast Club Family Alter Kfng'f Crnsadrg 830 lack Bercb Grand Slam Breakfast Club Bible Institute West. Melodies 8:45 Sage Rldera Rosemary Breakfast Club Bible Institute Fiesta Time 9' OA Second Cup Wendy Warren Mildred Bedell Northw'at News Tim for Melod 915 Second Cup Aunt Jenny Today's Star Music Memories Tlmo for Hel'dy 9:30 Hometown en Helen Trent Art Llnkletter Pastor's Call Stare Sing 9:45 ews Our Oal Sund'y Art Llnkletter Walti Time I. Ch. Thomaa 1000 Marriage for S Big Slater Sago Rldera Glen Hardy N. W. Newa I0'15 Ura Lawton Ma Perkins Galen Drake Gospel Singer Mem'rablo Maa, 1030 Hostess Houst Vg. Dr. Halone My Tree Story Coneert Tone Tim 10:45 Hostess Homo Guiding Light My True Story Rms Morgan US Keya 11 -00 Double or Noth. ?nd Mrs. Burt'n Betty Crocker Ladlea Flrat Muiio Hart 11 1 5 Double or Noth. Perry Mason Victor Llndlabr Ladies Flrat Mualo Hart 11 :30 T'day'f Chlldon Norah Drake N'weaternera Queen for Day Ian Garber 11:45 Llfht of World Brighter Day N'weateniera Queen for Da7 Vocal Varletlea 12 -00 Kneass Newa News Baukhagt Top Tradea Hollyw'd Musle 12:15 Road of Life Come A Get II Newa Newa nollyw'd Musi 12:30 Pepper . Jung Bright A Light Noon Dreams Gay BO's Newa 12:45 Happiness Art Baker Noon Dreams B. Eberly Show Dave Dennli 'l00 Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Breakfast In Tell Neighbor Mac'a Helodlea 1:15 Stella Dallas Garry Moor? Hollywood Harvey Harding Mac'a Melodlea l:30Lorcnso Jonea Garry Moor Kay West Organ Reveries Mac'a Melodies j:45Wldder Brown Newspaper Kay West Blng Sings Mac'a Melodlea 2:00 Girl Harries Newspaper Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac'a Helodlea 2-15 Por. Facea Life Steve Allen Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mac'a Helodlea 2:30 Jnt Plain Bill Steve Allen Bride A Groom Mualo for Wed. Mac'a Helodlea 2:45 ff- P Farrell Tunefully Yo'rs Bride A Groom Music for Wed Mac's Melodies "3:00 Welcome TravT Newa Gnlck as Flash Hoedown Parti Mac's Melodies 315 Welcome Trav. Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash wn Partv Mac'a Melodlea 3:30 Aunt Mary Arthur Godfrey Bo Seated News Mac's Melodlea 3;45 Love A Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malona 1 Sung Mac's Melodies 4-00 Woman' Secret Arthur Godfrey Meet Menjoua Fulton Lewla Newa 4:15:Life Beautiful Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Cage F. Hemingway Friendly 4:30 1 Hr. Paul Curt Massey Saulrrel Cage Behind Story B can be Beaut. 4:45 Paula Stone Ed B. Mnrrow Flrcflghtera INcwa B can be Beaut. Itf A f Tuesday A.M. B:M, Chldren'a NUAVrf Theatret 6:15, On the Up beati 5:50, 550 Sports Clubi 0:00, Newst 6:15. Organ- 6:S0, 'Round the Campflrai 7:15, Evening Farm Hoari 1:55, Basketball; 9:30, News and Weather 9:45. Evening Meditations! 10:00, Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Lf f A i-1 Wednesday A. n.iv.w, news r WMV and Weatberi 10:15, Espee lally for Women 11:00, Concert Halli 12:00. Newst 18:15, Noon Farm Honri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboyi 1:15, Poisoning Suspected Albany Death Case Albany Confirmation of Dr. Howard Richardson's telephone report to District Attorney Mel- vin Goode on the possible cause of 15-year-old Virginia Cruse's death a week ago Sunday was received by the Linn prosecutor, further indicating carbon mon oxide as the lethal agency. District Attorney Goods re ceived a written preliminary re port which was appended, how ever, with the statement that the detailed report cannot be com- Rld. 'em Cowboyi 1:15, Review of 19491 1:15. Thli D.r: t:00. Freedom to Grow; 2:30, Memory Book of Mnilo; 8:00, Newel 3:15, Muslo of the M.itent 4:00, Orecon Reporter; 4:15, Kern .nd Bloopi 4:S0, Home, on the Land! 4:45, Defenit Report, ' pleted for a week or more. "It is the impression to date," the University of Oregon Medi cal school pathologist wrote, "that this is a case of carbon monoxide Intoxication." It con tinued to state that chemical tests of Miss Cruse's blood strongly indicate such poison ing but that microscropic exam ination of tissues and further chemical tests will be made to determine whether any other cause could exist. Should the completed tests finally fix responsibility on car bon monoxide, said the district attorney, the case will probably be recorded as one of accidental death. ACROSS 1. Prophet S. Planet 9. Works out 11. Straight 13. Bewail 14. Public speaker 15. Silkworm 16. Character In "Undo Tom's Cabin" 18. Unrefined metal 19. Existed 21. Shelter 22. English com poser 28. Become less light 25. Insect 26. Chines herb 28. Bait 30. Sloping letter 33, Low gaiter 34, Feminine nam 35, Of an epoch 87. Novel by Klpllnf 88. Stair 40. Fusb 41. Persian 43. Baffled 46. Hebrew tttr 46. Peaceful 47. Allow 48. Dry soil DOWN 1. Flew high COP flT A PflC A L F A L O ?UO S B O L R E L A tb njc Ol L ygf jjH A T E P Clu S EpkjS A L l''j WAxnlEWE RfsA C nNlr JCrRlT "J6 O Ionu bUIsIi Isli pg 1 " U AhfJlVkp 1 ff, aps TaC je a u e p BE HE S T(a WIE ARY gB O rTnufRjl W ETNA ta1t1sUbIeIpUs1eJp Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle City In Now York stat pf i i3 a wwws r r r p v 1 m in lr rj mm T ipp ii JTYWb wA 1 1 WMMr 1 1 m tZ.ZJ 3. Prooedinc nlcbt 4. Hlro 6. Muddy 6. Southern con stellation 7. Sharp answ 8. Disdain 9. Killed 10. Purloined 11. Amount of medicine1 12. Large plant 17. Thoughful 20, Disease of ry 22. Corner 24. Way of mount ing the horl xontal bar 25. Collection of facta 27. Public atora- houeea 28. Helical 29. Mexican dish 81, Turkish decreet 32, Having rhyth mical fall 82. Sideslip 14. Engrave wltb acid 28. Ore deposit 38. Occupies a seat t9. Coaster 42, Clear gain 44. Bolivian Indfa ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern AS I SAID, THERE WAS ONLY ONE SHELL IN MY RIFLE M AND AS THE TWO RHINOS 7 CHARGED MP T uAiTim H UNTIL THEY VVPRE WITHIN 7 FEET, THEN FIRED -THE bULLkX HIT THE RHINO IN FRONT OF ME, AND IN ITS TURNING WILDLY THE HUGE HORN ON ITS SNOUT FATALLY PIERCED THE OTHER ON RUSHING BEAST J IP YES, BUT AH BUT IT'LL l a I WAVE AN M? ONLY TAKE W I IMPORTANT Y A MOMENT 7 V PHONE CALL i I FOR. ME TO J I TO MAKE J PMSH---y -s I I' I H .V