16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec 27, 1949 Remember, as an extra measure ol value we give and redeem S & H Green Stamps. lit north liberty of MEABDY to WE A Look What You Can Save in This Sale! 500 NEW DRESSES $1.99 x 2 for $3.75 $0.99 2 for $7.50 HOUSE DRESSES... REG. TO M.95 GROUP! What a wonderful leleefion of fine cotton house dresses! Reg. $2.95 to $4.95, these pretty end practical dresses can be found in all sorts of styles, prints, colors, and In sizes 10 to 42. REG. $5.95 TO 9.90 GROUP! All the smartest new seasonal styles unbelievably slashed in price! Buy two and really save! Wools, suitings, gabardines, eyelet-trimmed cottons! One and two piece styles. Sizes 10 to 20 and i2 to 24'2. Cresses, Main Floor $p:.99 REG. $7.90 TO '12.95 GROUP! f I See how you can save by buying two at this after-Christmas clearance price! In sizes 9 to 17, 10 to 20 and lc-'2 to 26l2. Fine one and two-piece styles in men's 2 for $11.00 suitings, gabardines, crepes, failles, wools. Colors: Greys, blacks and browns. $7.99 2 for $15.00 REG. M2.95 TO '19.95 GROUP! Here's a grand group! Wool jerseys, corduroys, failles, suitings, gabardines and crepes in styles to suit those wearing sizes 9-to 1 7, 10 to 20, I6I2 to 26l2 and 38 to 52. For super savings, buy fwol foiioni, Second Floor COATS For This Winter . . . and Years to Come! COATS WE'VE BEEN SELLING AT $24.95 to $29.95 ! Every single one of these coats is fine 100 wool and warmly inter lined. Your choice of tweed and fleece fabrics! Greens, reds, browns, beiges, greys, blacks. Sizes 10 to 20. COATS WE'VE BEEN SELLING AT $29.95 TO $39.95 ! The very tops In quality, tailoring! Finest 100 wool broadcloths, coverts and gabardines. Also some part wool cravenetted gabardines in group. Wines, dark greens, blacks, grey and navy. Sizes 10 to 42. COATS WE'VE BEEN SELLING AT $39.95 to $49.95! Some of these outstanding winter coats even have leather zip-out linings so you can wear them 'yr-round! Fine 100 wool worsted gabardines and origi nal tweeds at colors that count in this collection. Sizes 8 to 40. $1300 $19)0 SQQ.00 ROBES Quilted Robes That Compare in Value to $8.95 What a wonderful price for so much luxury fine quality quilted cotton robes with a lovely lining in a galaxy of colors all sizes. Chenille Robes That Compare in Value to $5.98 An assortment of soft, fluffy, thickly tufted chenille robes some plain some trimmed in lovely colors. All sizes. $599 $399 suns Triumphs in Tailoring in Styles, Sizes for All REG. $29.95 TO $35.00 GABARDINES 19 Expensive-looking, finely detailed all wool gabardine suits in dressmaker and tailored styles. Assorted colors and in sizes 9 to 15 and 10 to 18. REG. $39.95 fine WORSTED GABARDINES $2500 Very newest and smartest suit silhou ette style in pure 100 wool worsted gabardine. Trimly tailored. Sizes 8-18. FORMALS Regular to $16.95 New, Lovely Forma Is $999 A small assorfment of elegant formal gowns broken sizes some slightly soiled. An excel lent opportunity to secure that extra gown. Now! . . . Save on RAINCOATS REG. $12.95 $7.99 RAINCOATS A grand group, Including some two. piece and three-way belted styles in gabardine. Wonderfully water repellent. Some in small check patterns. Assorted sizes. Reg. $14.95 $24.95 Styles :$13" Grand utility coat, wonderful for rain or shine wear! Detachable hood styles! Wrinkle and water-proof Zelan treated in fine Dan River fabrics. Fully lined and in a choice of checks, plaids or plain gabardines. Sizes 10-20, 38-44. Fashions, second floor 177 north liberty ed letter day 10 Free S&H Graen Stamps given Wednesday at the redemption desk. Bring your stamp book. Lace Trimmed SLIPS Rayon Crepe Rcg. ,2.95 $1 . Beautiful with lavish lace trim I top and bottom. In blue, white, maize, orchid, and tea rose. Sirei 32 to 40. Lingerie, main floor if iff n 1 I" KEMENDOUS BUY on Panels 98c Just the right time for fall window dressing. Washable with wide top and bottom hems. 43" wide. 81" long. Lovely shell color. Ray Dry clothes indoors! CLOTHES DRYER $2.45 value. Accordion-type indoor clothes dryer of smooth, sanded wood, stands 47 inches high, 35 inches wide. Easy to set up. $1 HOUSEWARES downstairs Plastic Upholstery Regular value SI. 95 yd. Use for covering chairs, tables, benches, washable plastic coated, green and blue tones. 50 Yd. PLASTICS downstairs Cotton Quilted Robes $10.00 value multicolor quilted ladies' robes in lovely color combinations. Ail sizes. $5-88 FASHIONS second floor Men's Dress Shirts Values to $3.98. A limited assortment of broken sizes, odd lots, whites and colors, French cuffs and regular. 99- MEN'S main floor White Outing Flannel Snowy white fine quality outing 27 inches wide, limited quantity for this sale limit 10 yards. 15. Yd. PIECE GOODS mezzanine Nylon Taffeta Bras Adjustable straps and back, white and pink lovely, washable nylon material. $1-00 FOUNDATIONS second floor Sheet Blankets Size 72x108, snowy white blanket, irregulars cf fam ous name brand limit 4 per customer. $2-29 DOMESTICS downstoii Ladies' Gowns $2-88 LINGERIE main floor A broken size assortment of dainty ladies' gowns some slightly soiled val ues to $5.95. Nylon Hosiery Famous 54 gauge, 15 den ier shecrness with practi cability in a lovely array of colors all sizes. $J.29 Felt Slippers Regular $1.49. Warm and comfy are these felt slip pers for women. Choice of blue, wine or grey. Soft padded sole. $J.oo SLIPPERS second floor Ladies Blouses Values to $5.95. An assort ment of better blouses, broken sizes. Some slightly soiled, but all real values. BLOUSES moin floor Drapery Plastic Regular 89c yd. Make your own draperies, fine heavy quality, choice of blue, green, black, natural, 36" wide. 33c Yd. CURTAINS downstoin Fabric Sale Values to $2.50 yd. An as sortment of beautiful fab rics crepes, twills, satins, luitings. 79 Yd. PIECE GOODS mezzanine Girls' Coats $).88 GIRLS second floor A complete assortment .of girls' all wool coats, values to $16.98, tweeds and coverts. Pillow Cases A limited quantity of 42x 36 pillow cases, first qual ity and slight irregulars limit two pair per customer. 39- Eo. DOMESTICS downstairs Ladies' Handbags An assortment of patent and plastic bags values to S3.98. Various colors on sale at $2-88 ACCESSORIES moin floor New Home Sewing Machine A special portable model with carrying case long shuttle style. See it demonstrated. $89-95 HOSIERY main floor APPLIANCES downstairs