14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1949 J , srt All If rt a Agec Incense Merchant's Got Ideas for Water-Short N. Y. ' By EARNEST HOBERECHT Tokyo, Dec. 27 U.R Maki-San, an aged incense merchant whom the Japanese consider a wise old man, had some sugges tions today for water-short New Yorkers. Never one to be rushed into advice, he pondered the suojeci awhile when we approached him at a local shrine. "So they want rain in New- York," he mused.. "Have they tried all standard rain-making Safe From Drug Mrs. Chester V. Stalker and her son. Donald, 10, of Burbank, Calif., gaze ai a poisonous silver nitrate compound at New Brunswick, N. J., after the end of an intensive two-day search for the mother and son over rail way station public address systems between- New York and Philadelphia. The search was instituted b'y a Philadelphia druggist who had given the boy the poisonous solution in a mistake for a "car sickness" remedy. Mrs. Stalker heard about the search for the first time when visiting friends. The boy had taken a small docs of the drug but suffered only tem porary nausea. (AP Wirephoto) devices?" 'What devices?" 1 asked. 'Well," said Maki-San, "it is written in column one of the famous Japanses book, Zoku Nihonshoki, that on the day of the horse in the fourth month of the second year of the reign of Emperor Nommu (April 698), a horse was offered to the Gods of Mizuwake with a prayer for rain." "Did it rain?" I asked. Maki-San seemed not to have heard me. "Then," he said, "on the first day of the fifth month a cloth offering was made at different shrines. On the day of the rat, a messenger was sent out to offer a prayer for rains to the Gods of the famous mountains and the Four Corners People Greet Guests Home for Holidays Four Corners, Dec. 27 Home for '.he holidays is Ronald Pear son, who is stationed with the Marines at San Diego, Calif. He is spending his leave with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Pearson. Four Corners students home from college for tiie vacation are Evelyn Benz, Verlaine Walker, Walter Hart and Leonard Perlich, who attend Oregon State college. Jack Corning from the University of Oregon and Lawrence Cherry and Robert Gilbert, who attend Willamette. Celebrating the Yule season with a party, the Girl Scouts troop 42 made merry at the community hall, where they sang carols, had a gift exchange around the tree and presented Shirley Thulin and Jennie Christmas their awards in the Christmas card contest. Refresh ments were served. Mrs. Ray mond Hough, leader with Mrs. Earl Thulin as co-leader. The next meeting will be Jan. 2 after school. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fox at 6 o'clock dinner Christ mas day were Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Wood and children of Amity and Mr. and Mrs. E R. Steed, Michael and Susan of Salem and Miss Eunice Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baltcron, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Deen and Richard Deen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Crockett of Salem. The Firemen's auxiliary will ponsor and chapcrone a social evening for all teen-age youth at the Community hall Friday evening. Val Albany Librarian B Albany Resignation of Mrs. Ary Neptune as Albany cily li brarian and appointment of Eleanor Davis of Klamath Falls as her successor is announced by the Albany library board, ef fective tentatively as of Febru ary 1. Mrs. Neptune s resignation, prompled by ill health and by Impending operation of the Ore gon slate retirement act, will not mean, however, her Immediate severance from the library staff for, board members said, it Is contemplated that she remain at tne library lor a month or more to assist Miss Davis adapting herself to the local li brary and community. Miss Davis has been Klamath county library for the last two years. Mrs. Neptune will leave the library after 21 years of continuous service. MacArlfiur Okehs Jap Ship Building Tokyo, Dec. 27 U. Gen, MacArthur today allowed the Japanese government to spend money realized rom the sale of U. S. aid goods to acid more than 500,000 tons of shipping to Jap an's post-war merchant fleet. Preliminary plans call for construction of new ocean-go ing ships and conversion of 20 non-standard vessels totaling 272,000 gross tons to ocean-go ing ships. American support for Japan's shipping program was believed to mean allied countries may re lax or abandon bans against Jap anese merchant shipping. Girls Invite Leaders Woodburn The Rainbow Girls of Evergreen assembly will entertain their past worthy advisors and the next meeting, December 28. The committee in charge of refreshments will in elude Loris Marriott, JoAnn Matlson, June Polly, Vera Pan tic and Eileen Rogers. long rivers." "And did it rain?" I asked. "The books does not say," he replied. He made change for a cus tomer who bought two long sticks of incense . "But further on," he sumed, "the books docs say that a black horse should be offered if you want rain and a white horse should be used to halt rain. Hon orable New York persons should .keep this in mind." He paused again. "Building fires on hills is also good way to start rain," he said. "Are there any high places around New York?" "Even the housewives can help," he said. But, of course, they would have to hold private ceremonies because women should remain in the back- Christmas Celebrations Staged All Around World 'By the Ajwoctittd Pre) Sydney, Australia, Dec. 27 Christmas eve was a scorcher in eastern Australia. Thermometers hit 96.6 degrees in Sydney at 3 p.m. Thousands in this land south of the equator, where the Seabees Are 8 Years Old Eight years ago December 28, the "Seabees" were organized. In those days of crisis, just three weeks after the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor,- the navy turned to the best construc tion men of the nation lumber jacks, catskinncrs, pilcbacks, en gineers, electricians, carpenters, plumbers the men who span ned the Golden Gate, tunneled the Rockies, built the skyscrap ers of New York and Chicago. All those and more formed the nucleus of a war baby the Seabees With "know how" and "can do" spirit, they soon became the largest group of construction experts the world has ever seen. The Seabees participated in ev ery major invasion, won fame for their speed and ingenuity, ground, he said. "They should prepare offer ings and then climb to high places and make great noises by means of drums, gongs, and musical instruments consisting of kitchen utensils," he said. "This is sure to work." and have earned permanent post war status In the navy. Today these fighting builders of World War II are back in their civilian Jobs, but not los ing any of the "know how" they gained while island-jumping in tne Pacific. Organized to form nuclei for construction battal ions in event of a national em ergency in the future, the Sea bee Reserves keep their mem bers abreast of all new scientific developments in ways of con struction. In the 13th naval district, which includes Washington, Or egon, Idaho and Montana, there are 6,000 former Seabees. Of this number approximately 1. 500 are in the Reserves, mak ing up 16 Seabee companies in this Naval District. $$ MONEY $$ FHA iVi Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S High St. Lie. S-216 it 222 As a Business Man I Know the Value of Good Lighting! LISTEN! You'll agree, success comes by understanding people . . . putting them at ease . . . making them feel at home! Now look at your store or office. Can your present lighting do just that? If it is bright and glar ing . . . hard on the nerves and eyes, of course it fails! Here's bigger profits for you! Consult Salem's own lighting engineer's service as I did! The Salem Light ing and Appliance Company. Get your surveys of present lighting, and layouts for modern IMPROVED lighting without cost or obligation today! SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. 236 N. High Dial 3-9412 Use Capitol Journal Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. yuletide comes in the summer. beach and mountain resorts. 6- are spending the holidays at Balavia, Java, Dec. 27 W) A republican army spokesman an nounced Indonesian troops here to take over when the Unit ed States of Indonesia gets in dependence Tuesday played a football game Christmas day with Dutch soldiers they were fighting five months ago. Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 27 (IP) For the first time since the war, Belgian children arc asking for more cowboy suits and fewer toy cannons and soldiers. That means, said the manager of a large Brussels department store: "Peace is now a reality." Prague, Czechoslovakia, Dec. 27 (!') Nine-year-old Jaromir Muzik received a special Christ mas gift from soldiers of the Klatovy garrison "or his vigi lance and alertness with which he helped catch an enemy spy," the army newspaper Obrana Pi du said. It did not identify the spy, give details of the capture or say what the gift would be. Berlin, Dec. 27 m Seven men who once helped rule all of Europe went to a Christmas eve church service in their jail tonight. Recordings of Christmas car ols and a brief reading of St. Matthew's version of the birth of the Christ Child represented Christmas for Rudolf Hess, once Adolf Hitler's deputy; Admirals Erich Raedor and Karl Docnitz, munitions expert Albert Specr, banker Walther Funk, youth leader Baldur Von Schirach and the aged diplomat, Konstantin Von Neurath. Heat with fuel that is clean, efficient and economical . . . use 'Pres-to-logs" CAPITOL LUMBER COMPANY NORTH CHERRY AVE , SALEM, ORE. Phones 3-8862 or 2-4431 They also got a rare treat in , the four-power Spandau jail to morrow a special dinner with trimmings. They are serving long terms for war crimes. London, Dee. 27 W" British kiddies who thought father Christmas (Santa Claus) lived in Switzerland and addressed letters to him there, are disap pointed. Their letters came back last week. On them, Swiss postal au thorities stamped: "Not known." Vienna, Austria, Dec. 27 OP) Elephant steak was on the Christmas menu of a number of Viennese restaurants. About two tons of meat were stripped from the rarrass of Bubi, a 27-year-old circus elephant shot by police after he went beserk and attacked his owner. round Beef Fresh Daily Hams Nationally advertised, sugar cured Vi or whole. r rk Loin Roasts Bari, Italy, Dec. 27 W) San Nicola, the patron saint of this southern Italian city, is suppos ed to be resting tonight, tucker ed out from his scurrying to de liver toys to children from southern Italy to the Nether lands. The tradition is that he makes his toy-delivering visits Dec. 6. It's Easy As . . . Pork Chops Pork Roasts Loin or rib end chops Shoulder cuts lb. 29c lb. 49c lb. 39c lb. 49c SHORTENING CRISCO, SNOWDRIFT, SPRY 3i 69c aeon i m ' j Picnics liced iacon Jowls lb. lb. 39c lb. 19c lb. 35c Coffee lb. 63c MARGARINE DALEWOOD lb. 23c Sugar cured, standard quality. Economical for seasoning Rifz Crackers lb. pkg. 25c Your choice of selected brands JUST READ THIS To own your own home or to refinance your present mortgage . . . just call on your friendly Pioneer Trust Company ! Vcs . . . for at Pioneer Trust you know you can feel free to talk over your particular financial problems. If you're planning to build ask about the easy, CHEAP ER THAN RENT FHA Mort gage Loan plan. rHA irway ob Hill Coffee BISQUICK 39c Large 40 ox pkg. DIAL 3-3136 PioneerTrustCo. Incorporated under the Oregon State Banking Laws. State at Commercial FOR NO ADDITIONAL RAIL FARE Sometimes a bargain is so big people find it hard to believe. Like this: On a roundtrip ticket to Chicago, New York and most other eastern cities, you can include sunny California and the great southwest for no more rail fare than you pay to go straight East and back. See San Francisco, Los An geles, Hollywood, Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso. If your destination is New York, you can even add New Orleans to your trip! Any ticket agent will gladly prove that what we say is true. On your next trip East plan to go this thrill ing way. Enjoy sunshine. See more, have more fun for no more rail fare. C. A. The friendly Southern Pacific LARSON AGENT Phone 3-9244 ayonita.se BEST FOODS lb. lb. 67c 37c NUCOA MARGARINE . 25c 2 ibs: 49c ARIZONA WHITE MARSH SEEDLESS mis WIDE, JUICE-FULL SECTIONS REAL SWEET 8-LB. BAG 45c bbage een Onions Radishes . . crispy compact heads 3C bunch 5c bunch ORANGES Thin skinned, Florida! juicy 5 jl 39c 5c PRICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY -SALEM, DALLAS, SILVERTON POTATOES U. S. No. 1 Quality, Klamath Netted Gems 10;:, 49c :