New St. Luke's plant will replace St. Benedict's school at Woodburn and is expected to be ready for students when the fall term is opened. Contract for construction has been awarded. Woodburn Parochial School Construction Starting Soon Woodburn, Dec. 27 Contract for the construction of a new St. Luke's parish school to replace the old St. Benedict's building erected in 1903 has been awarded a Portland firm, according to Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier. It is expected the building will be 'occupied next fall. The new school will be L- shaped and 191 feet long along 5th street starting at Harrison street with the base, consisting of offices, to parallel Harrison and extend 70 feet from 5th street toward the present parish church. In addition to offices there will be eight classrooms, first aid room, teachers' room and a music room. A feature will be a lobby i4 feet wide at the vesti bule with 13 feet at the junction with the school corridor. Heat ing will be provided by a low pressure steam boiler through unit heaters. The building will be one story with concrete floor slab and su-per-structue of frame and an ex terior of brick veneer. Interior walls will be hard-wall plas tered and the ceilings treated with accoustical material. Built- in asphalt-asbestos will be used for the roof. All floors will have asphalt tiling with varie Rater patterns. Flans include the future construction of four more classrooms and a parish hall. Present enrollment of the school is 201 pupils, with one class meeting In the parish hall. Tripp Selected For Fellowship Russell Tripp, Willamette uni versity student body president, has been nominated by the board ( of directors of the Salem Rotary for the Rotary Foundation Fellowship. Tripp's name will be presented along with others from the district, only one of whom will secure the honor. For the purpose of securing financial assistance for the Wil lamette university scholarship fund, the Rotary club will again sponsor a concert of the Glee men. Last year a group of Port land singers gave the program. Speaker for Wednesday noon's luncheon program of the Rotary club will be Fred A. Lothrop, manager of the research depart ment of Conrad Bruce and com pany of Portland, who will dis cuss "The Latest Development and Trends in the Field of In vestments and Securities." Air Force Sergeant, Wife, Child, Missing .Walla Walla, Dec. 27 W The inow-covered Blue mountains continued to hold secret today the fate of a missing air force sergeant, his wife and five-year-old child. Sgt. Frank Eaton and his fam ily have been unreported since taking off Saturday for Ontario, Ore., en route to spend the holi days with his parents at Lake Tahoe, Calif. Thirty civilian pilots from Walla Walla and the Oregon cities of Pendleton, La Grande and Baker scanned the region futilely yesterday for the sin gle engine plane. An air force rescue B-17 also joined the search from McChord base. Pool Vandals Hit Woodburn Woodburn Steps are being taken to halt vandalism at the Woodburn War Memorial swim ming pool at Settlcmier park and to hold the parents of those committing the acts financially responsible for the damage done, according to A. G. Cowan, chair man of the city recreation and park board. Vandalism, such as has been done at the pool, constitutes wanton destruction of public property and is punishable by fine under a city ordinance. The park board is investigating sev eral leads on the possible offen ders and the individual parents will be held responsible for the damage. Full cooperation of the pub lic is asked by the board in pre venting damage to the pool and equipment. Memphis First in Fire Prevention New York, Dec. 27 U.R The city of Memphis, Tenn., won the national fire prevention week contest this year from 3,762 com peting American and Canadian municipalities, it was announced today. An international committee of judges, sponsored by the Na tional Board of Underwriters and the National Fire Protection association, picked Atlantic, la., for second place, and Ft Collins, Colo., for third. Fourth place among American cities went to Fort Wayne, Ind. Unkept Christmas Date Reveals Death Seattle, Dec. 27 W) An un kept Christmas dinner ap pointment led yesterday to dis covery of the body of 47-year- old Paul S. Carnes in his blood spattered apartment. An autopsy was ordered im mediately. Carnes lay on the bathroom floor, a deep gash in his head. A pool of blood covered nearly the entire kitchen floor which was littered with glass. His body was found by a sis ter, Mrs. Esther Poland of Ta coma, who said she became con cerned when he failed to ap pear at her home for Christmas dinner. She said her brother came to Seattle last spring and planned to move his wife and 10-year-old twin daughters here soon. The family lives in Los Angeles. GOP Maps Broadcast Series Washington, Dec. 27 U.R The republican party has map ped a series of nationwide broadcasts in the next two weeks to offset a radio onslaught by the democrats. A GOP announcement ' said "several of the speakers have indicated they intend to make vigorous attacks on the adminis tration's fiscal and international policies." The speeches are apparently aimed at counteracting a demo cratic drive to gain grass roots support for the 1950 political campaign through radio broadcasts. The democratic national com mittee also announced recently that Senate Majority Leader Scott W. Lucas, 111., would make a 15-minute speech next Friday and party big wigs and rank-and-file members will partici pate in a half-hour roundup January 4. Major GOP broadcasts in clude: Jan. 2 A 30 - minute discus sion of legislative questions" on the Mutual network (10:30 p.m. EST) by Senate Republican Leader Kenneth S. Wherry, Neb., Rep. Christian A. Herter R.; Mass., and Brown. Jan. 6 A 30-minule interview of Republican National Chair man Guy G. Garbielson by three Washington correspondents o n Columbia Broadcasting system radio and television networks (10:30 p.m. EST). Jan. 8 Sen. Robert A. Taft R., O., will discuss President Truman's state of the union mes sage on NBS's "American Forum of the Air" at 4:30 p.m., EST. Jan. 11 A half hour program on American Broadcasting C. at 9:30 p.m., EST, during which Gabriclson will open a cross country roundup. Republican leaders in Congress, a Republi can governor and a leading member of the Young Republi can Federation will discuss GOP objectives in the elections. In 24 seasons, Ty Cobb com piled a lifteime batting average of .367. l rs """" ' - - ' w r .'-. v VIffflv,.hi ml;-.. Mmnii Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 194911 Biggest 'Sweet Potato' Puts Out With Tunes, Aided by Charley By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Washington, Dec. 27 (U.B Charles Lindsay can play any tuna you can think of on the biggest "sweet potato" in the world. Charley is 59, but doesn't look It. He has made a bass ocaraina, otherwise known as a "sweet potato" which weighs 11 poundi and looks more like a navy blimp. Our man is a former navy 1 Gables Are Hawaii Bound Clark Gable and his bride, the former Lady Sylvia Ashley Fairbanks Alderly, as they board the Hawaii-bound S.S. Lurline at San Francisco, a short hour before the midnight sailing for a two-week honeymoon. Crowds thronged both dock and ship for a glimpse of the famous couple. (AP Wirephoto) man, a former saxophone player ??jjand a diddlcr and daddler In the 0 J 1 invention business. fill This ocarina is his latest. He got the Idea when he or ganized an ocarina band aboard ship in World War One. He noted that in solo the "sweet potato" was all right, but that when you got three or four of cm together somebody was usually out of tune. Charley investigated and learned that all of them were off-key. So he retired to his work-shop. He first experimented with clay. He made a lot of little "sweet potatoes." They sound cd pretty good. But they were sopranos. "The guitar and fiddle players told me that they practically had to bust their "E' strings to keep in tune with me," he said "to get high enough." "So I worked on from there. I made a baritone ocarina out of clay. It weighed 12 pounds and I could hardly handle it." The capping clmax is this bas job. It's made out of wood. Took about 500 hours of work to make it. Charley puts it on a stand and blows into it from a chair. The patent is pending and the old sailor has the National So ciety of Inventors behind him this time. Lindsay, who is on the re tired list in the navy, Is work ing with an outfit known as the "Rock Creek Promenaders." The boys play for square dances in the Washington area and you'd be surprised how many there are here. Congressmen and sen ators attend. The Massillon Tigers and the Canton Bulldogs, pioneer pro football teams, both were form ed in 1905. Jap Miners Strike Mito, Japan, Dec. 27 (U.R) Some 50,000 miners at the Hi tachi mine went on a 24-hour strike today on instructions from union headquarters in Tokyo. The walkout was called in pro test against a government-sponsored mediation plan in the min ers' current wage dispute. 'J' '1' 't' 'I' 'I' 'I' '' 'I 'I"l"l' 'I1 'I1 'I '1' 'IJ1 't1 ,I"H"iM,I,i,l ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the rainy winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 A ! A A A A JU A A A Ji A A AAA A A A A A AAA A A A A A K SAVE -EARN. HAVE MORE V 5 Per Cent Current Rate Salem Federal Sayings and Loan 560 State Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone 2-4139 it's ... LEON'S Nothing Down 1'ay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W also waih., ret ape, paint and re-ilate roar old Venetian blind ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone 3-7328 1453 Huge St. West Salem We give S & H Orcen Stamps FAMOUS 0NCE-A-YEAR EVENT I LIMITED TIME 0NLYI Helena Rubinstein s Famous Estrogenic HoraioneTreatment for aging skin! for every woman over 30! ESTROGENIC HORMONE CREAM regularly 3.50 ESTROGENIC HORMONE OIL value 2.50 6.00 value NOW Use 24 hours a day I Skin aging? Iinea? Throat creper, alack? Wowwbea doe bnHr toot skin of rital estrogens and wintry weather ii drying. Being h, we offer Helena Rubin stein's extraordinary Estrogenic Hormone Treatment at terrific savings! Locked in each ounce are rital units of active estrogens the only snbstsnce known to science to help ward off the look of age I Works actively beneath yooTskin, restoring it to silken smoothness . . . firming contours! Use the cream and the oil at night! The oil smoothed under make-up is a superb day-long beauty treat ment. Superior because they are compounded by the world's recognized authority on hormone-fortified cosmetics! Use faithfully ... your youthful radiance will belie your years! CAPITAL DRUG STORE ' FOR 4 DAYS ONLY! No refunds . . No Exchanges . . . All sales final! .1 v AYUVVt)0 VV 4'l means refunds . ' i t VfeV Again ... it's ENDER" ... and this time it has unusual significance Christmas business was "off" . . . Stocks are way too heavy ... it means PRICES ARE SLASHED TO "CLEAN HOUSE" for inventory "MONTH-ENDER" this time ... has more punch . . . with greater breath taking values than ever before . . . and that . . BIGGER SAVINGS TO YOU . . . Shop everywhere . . . COM PARE THE VALUES . . . then decide for yourself . . . every Rale is final ... No . no approvals ... no exchanges . . . EVERY SALE IS FINAL I BRIEFS! . 3 Pairs Perfectly tailored Holly w o o d briefs . . . white . . . mai tearose . . . blue . . everywhere at 59c steal! L. Sold Better g r a de dress shoes . . . black . brown shades . skin . . pumps . included 14.95. , . hi . in suede or calf sandals . . . open . closed pumps are , . . values are to CASII1ERES! 7-0 Y) IS Genuine im ported cash mere . . . short sleeved p u 1 1- over style in 4 colors ... also included . . . famous Lush Lunas by Tissue knit ... a steal for sure at RMiCOATS! Famous Sher- A f gi ft brooka coats t i t ' . . . as seen In 1 Vogut . . . Mado of Cravenettod Zelon ... 4 popular shades . . . Sold everywhere at 2S.00 ... a steal at SADDLES! f Famous pearl colored e 1 k skin . . . with tan calf sad dles and brick red soles . . . also all white buck saddles included . . . regular $7.95 for four days only JACKETS! Parker Wilder all wool flan nel . . . loafer style . . . wear cither with belt or lounge style ... 4 colors . . . reg ular $7.95 value . . . Month Ender special. SHOES! About 400 pair of better qual ity shoes' . . . some dressy types . . . some casuals . . some flats ... all colors and styles included ... all sizes . . . but not in each style . . . values to $14.09 . . . while they last. I i LIPS! Oil c Famous "Lucky Girl" and other na tionally known brands . . . White and colors . . . lace or tailored . . . very special. BLOUSES! S a n f o r lied 1 ft B r o ad cloth I m 'I in solid colors or j for or white . . . wm tf also patterns f ill and stripes . . . 9 Short sleeve . . . action back . . . Regular 1 95 value . . . your pick All Christmas Robes and Ne gligees .... Quilts .... Satins .... Crepes .... for exactly 12 Price DRESSES! Selected from Fall stocks . . some cottons . . . some gab ardines . . . some crepes . . both dressy and tailored types are Included . . values to $14.95. COVINS! A beautiful group of satin and crepes . . Tailored or lace trims . . . Whit . pastels . . . $4.85 values. A GOWNS! Famous figur ed flanelettes in gowns and pajamas . . . regular 2.95 sellers yours for ... 99 BLOUSES! A whole coun ter full of the loveliest, fril it 1 1 blouses ... or shirt styles you ever aaw . . . plenty of whites . . . patterns ... or pastels ... a high spot of the sale . . . values to $6.95. SWEATERS! " fr'f Short sleeve p u 1 lovers In fine 12 gauge Zephyr wool . . . 21 gorgeous colors , . . Famous "Tissue Knit" . . . Regular $3.95 . . . sizes 34 to 40 51 GAUGE! i- V! IT' -r' Finest Nylons In 15 denior . . very pair per fect .. . Holi day colors . . . Famous brand regularly selling at 1.50 . . . Month Ender . . . Stat and Liberty "On the Corner"