10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1943 Airlines Report PRE-INVENTORY 1949 Best Year Seattle, Dec. 27 VPt The best i year ever. That was the report by Croil Hunter, president and general manager of Northwest Airlines, for the first 11 months of 1949. Hunter said the line carried 711,015 passengers through Nov. 30, slightly better than 111,000 more than the year before. The 1950 goal will be a million pas sengers. Net profit before taxes. Hunt er said, was $2,003,417 for the 11 -month period, compared with a net loss of $2,662,436 during the same months of 1948. wwwrnm Winter Wonderland? Working in a wonderland of ice and a maze of wires, telegraph groundman Arthur F. Kenney, Jr, seemingly has a bewildering job ahead as he repairs tele graph pole snapped by weight of ice which formed during sleet storm. Kenney was one of the many linemen called out to restore disrupted power and communication facili ties in wake of storm which struck Sedalia and other Mis souri towns. (Acme Telephoto) Monmouth Yule Brings Dinners Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bond entertained Christmas day with a family dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Hcrshcl Bond and children, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crook and children of Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Alsip and Ardis, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bond and daughter Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and son of Waldport, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Langc, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dut ton and two children of Portland were Christmas dinner guests at the Ira Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Green, Dell and Jackie of Eugene, Mrs. Eva Fredrickson of Corvallis and Mrs. Frances Kester were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kester and sons. David Jaynes Is spending the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jaynes. Ho will resume his studies at Northwest Christian college in Eugene on January 2. Covers were placed Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Williamson for Mr. and Mrs. John Boslrack and family of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jensen of Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Green and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Key and family of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood and family of Dallas and Mclvin Burch of Albany were Christmas day dinner guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burch. Mr. and Mrs. George Zicglcr1 of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tremayne of Barlow and Mrs. James H. Allen were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conkcy and Earlcne. Mr, and Mrs. Vcrn Alsip had the following for Christmas din ner: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hayes and two children, Eugene; Mr and Mrs. Delmer Hayes, Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heater and Steven, Sublimity; Miss Kathcrine Alsip of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitchael had a tree and dinner for mem bers of their family Christmas day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson and daugher of Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Belts, Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Purvis and family Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Lylc Mitchael and baby, Oregon City, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conkey and Earlene and Mrs. James H. Allen attended the funeral of Hal Lindsley In Oregon City Satur day morning. Lindsley was Mrs. Allen's brother-in-law. HARD OF HEARING You'va Wailed lor This I HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! Tht Pbanto- mold combined with ihe Deltone Hearing Aid assure you of unsurpassed hearing quality for both tone and rolumt. But best of all, ven your friends won't notice that you are wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself 10 ie this newest hearing improvement and convince yourself thai now for the first lime you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean while, nil out coupon for free book. IWM HMtHkttf inf MONO-PAC ONI-UNIT HfAIINO AID James N. Toft AND ASSOCIATES 128 Oregon Bldf. Salem, Ore. KMSKI m V 1 Of Mt. Angel Children Given Season Treat Mi. Angel The Mt. Angel Business Men were hosts for the annual Christmas treat for the killics here Saturday. More than 600 kiddies saw the free movies in the auditorium preceding the distribution of bags of candy and nuts. Members of the club. President Gcorss Schmidt Val Eberle, Francis Schmidt, Charles Ebner and'Clem Butsch assisted Santa Claus, giving the treats. Ankeny Grangers Gather at Dinner Sidney Ankeny grange had their annual Christmas dinner for members and families. Fol lowing the dinner a program was presented in charge of Janet Brown. A candle lighting ceremony, Darlene Winn and May Jorgen son lighting the candles; reading a Christmas welcome by Dickie King; a tableau, Darlene Winn and May Jorgenson; piano solo, Ardis Brown; Christmas birth day, Mamie Lea Bostrack; read ing, "Just Like a Man," Dickie Eagle; piano solos, Florence Mar- latt; reading, "Open Letter to Santa." Hattie McCarthy; Christ mas Woes," skit, Mary King. Mil lie Nabors, Winifred Zehner, Barta Brown and Edoise Mar Presentation of gift to Barta Brown, retiring H. E. C. chair man. Community Enjoys Willamina Program Willamina A huge crowd of towns people witnesed the second annual Christmas program, pre sented at the high school. The community get- together is spon sored by various social and civic organizations and churches of Willamina, this year under the general chairmanship of Mrs. G. H. Yoast. Group singing, band numbers, girls glee club, a capella choir numbers and the Christmas story told in pantominc; Scrip- lure and music; were offered. The invocation was given by Rev. E. J. Howell, and Rev. Leo A. Woodruff gave the bene diction. Gervais The Presbvtcrian church will hold Sunday school at 10 a. m. to 10:45 and church services will begin at 10:45 to 11:30 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. Er nest Tremblay will leave im mediately after church services to spend Christmas with their daughter and family at Med-ford. PRE-INVENTORY Shoe, BIG REDUCTIONS ON BROKEN SIZES - FOUNDATIONS GIRDLES SLIPS GOWNS DRESSES ROBES SLIPS, valuei up to 3.98 1.98 FOUNDATIONS, values up to 15.00 7.98 GIRDLES, values up to 5.00 1.98 GOWNS, values up to 8.98 SPECIAL 3.98 ROBES, values up to 5.98 SPECIAL 2.98 DRESSES, values up to 8.98 SPECIAL 4.98 HOWARD CORSET SHOP T3T North High Street Elderly Residents Webfoot Guests I Webfoot Joe P. Dorsey, who, ' born more than 87 years ago on his father's farm in the Webfoot district, where he still resides. was a guest with members of his family, at a Christmas dinner! at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 Harry Pearce at Parkrose, a sub-! urb of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McAbee, who are more than 90 years old. are the .other two elderly in tended guests. They are parents of Mrs. Harry Pearce. Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Goodrich, son-in-law and daughter of J. P. Dorsey, who resides with him in his Webfoot home, entertain ed with a family Christmas eve dinner guests at the Dorsey home. Mr. and Mrs. Velton Goodrich of Juneau, Alaska, son and daughter in law of Dr. and Mrs. Goodrich, were guests at the Goodrich Christmas eve dinner. Also, Mr. and Mrs Russell Co burn and three daughters of near Dayton were additional guests at both dinners. Mrs. Vel ton Goodrich is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce of Park rose. Mr. and Mrs. Velton Goodrich flew from Juneau to Portland, reaching there December 16 and will remain until January 16. Health Club Formed Hubbard The "Full O' Pep" 4-H Health club has been organ ized by the fifth grade with Mrs. C. K. McNary as their lead er and chose as their officers, Carole Foster as president, Ron ald Jacobs as vice-president, Jo McNary as secretary-treasurer, Arjil Shrock as reporter and Douglas Colgan as song leader. lWSm 1 Wmm Bring those old ties out in the open! Our neck lie specialist will clean hem . . . press them . . . ;cnd them forth looking lazzling new! Wa GItc BAH Green SUmpi Standard n Cleaners and Dyers 'For Better Appearance DIAL 38779 362 North Commercial 3 Reg. $114 I' me Innerspring Sofa Bed slightly shopworn . . $69.50 Reg. S24.50 Layer Felt Cotton Mattress $14.75 Reg. $26.50 Fine Innerspring Mattress $17.95 Reg. $49.50 Sealy Box Spring slightly soiled $29.50 Reg. $39.50 Hollywood Bed 33 $19.50 Reg. S08.00 Chair & Ottoman . . .$79.00 Reg. S109.00 Foam Rubber Mattress $59.75 Reg. $16.75 Smartly Finished Metal Bed $12.95 Reg:. $449.00 5-pc. Drexel Mod. Blonde Man;. $339.00 Reg. $383.00 5-pc. Modern .... Birdseye Walnut ..$295.00 lies. $498.00 4-pc. 18th Cent. Mahg. Suite $398.00 Reg. $267.00 5-pc. Eastern Hard Maple Bedroom Suite $189.00 Reg. $129.75 4-pc. Modern Bleached Suite $99.75 Reg. $150.00 4-pc. Modem Bleached Walnut ...$89.75 Reg. $224.00 6-pc. Twin Blonde Wal. Suite .$179.00 Reg. $169.00 Lovely 5-pc. Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suite $139.00 S Only Famous-make Full Panel End Crib $24.75 Reg. $12.95 Child's Fibre Wardrobe $6.95 Rrg. $59.75 Famous-Make Twin Baby Carriage $39.75 Reg. $14.98 Sturdy Built Play Pen $11.85 Reg. $9.85 Hardwood High Chair $7.65 Reg. $16.75 Famous-make Innerspring Crib Mattress $9.85 Reg. $11.95 Well Built Child's Stroller $8.95 Reg. S21.75 Upholstered Youth Chair $12.85 Reg. S12.75 Floor Lamp, 6-way, complete with shade $9.95 Reg. $13.75 Bridge Lamp with shade $10.75 Reg. $18.65 Table Lamp, soiled $4.95 Reg. S19.75 Lovely Table Lamp $12.75 Reg. $2.85 Folding ' Clothes Dryer $1.49 Rrg. $28.75 Framed Plate Mirror $19.75 Reg. $29.90 35-pc. Set of Pottery Dinnerware $19.95 Reg. $26.75 Floor Lamp with shade $12.95 NOW THRU SATURDAY We've had clearances before, but never values like these! Some items have been reduced to half-price to clean them out before inventory. Come, see them all. But plan now to be one of the first to take the choicest of these bargains. SAVE UP TO 50 Reg. $49.50 4',x9 Frieze Wilton $29.00 Reg. $77.00 Argonne Velvet, size 10-3x9 $52.00 Reg. $96.75 9x9-5 Axminster Heavy Grade $59.00 Reg. S84.50 9x8-8 Axminster Scroll Pattern $52.00 Reg. $123.75 12x12-5 Axminster, good quality $79.00 Reg. $83.00 6-7x12 Axminster $54.00 Reg. $58.00 12x8 Floral Axminster $37.50 Reg. $12.00 Chenille Rug, 4x6 $5.95 Reg. $24.00 Westminster Cotton Rug 4x6 $11.95 Reg. $199 2-pc. Massively Styled Suite Frieze $159.00 Reg. $319 King Size Davenport, uph, I'rieze, 4 cushion $249.00 Reg. $349 Kidney Davenport, . .down cushion $225.00 Reg. $214.00 Sofa Bed and Lounge Chair $139.00 Reg. $229.00 Simmons Sectional Sofa Bed .$129.00 Reg. $139.00 2-pc. Solid Maple Sofa Bed and Chair .$89.75 Reg. $119.00 Love Seat, makes regular bed . .$89.00 Reg. $69.00 Occ. Chair, Modern $19.75 WMpglllMMIlliaU. Reg. $44.75 5 Drawer Walnut Chest $29.75 Reg. $14.95 Unfinished - Dinette Table, ex $8.95 Reg. $39.00 Child Work Bench complete with tools .$10.00 Reg. $18.75 Hollywood Bed size, upholstered ..$7.95 Rollaway Bed, compl. with Innerspring Mattress $29.75 Reg. $39.75 Cedar Hope Chest $24.75 Reg. $32.00 Modern End Table, Blond Solid Mahg. ..$14.75 Reg. $75.00 Drop Lid Mahogany Desk $49.00 Reg. $32.75 Bookcase, solid Blond Mahogany ...$14.75 Reg. $96.00 Cocktail Table. Tooled Leather Top .$49.00 Rrg. $48.00 Cocktail Table. Tile Top $24.75 Reg. $198.00 Drop Leaf Table and 6 Chairs $149.00 Reg. $79.00 Drop Leaf Extension Table . 549.00 Reg. $159.00 Drum Table, lcath. top, Mahogany $79.00 Reg. $79.00 Flip Flop Wall Table, Mahogany ...$49.00 Rrg. $219.00 8-pc. Dining Suite, limed oak . . $139.00 Reg. $47.00 Dining Chairs. set of 6 $25.00 Reg. $84.00 Occ. Chair, tapestry upholstery $39.75 PQ iff 29