0 AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You One and All To our many friends and customers Your patronage Is warmly appreciated. Otto J. Wilson Co. Commercial at Center Greetings and Best Wishes All has been said that can be said About the holiday spirit. For new or old, it's a tale retold And everywhere you hear it . . . Merry Chritsmas and Happy New Year Loder Bros. OLDSMOBILE Caroling on Steam Whistle York, Pa.. Dec. 24 M" Tf Christmas eve is nkay lor sound, people for miles in nil directions are bound to hear Carl Smvser's caroling. A music teacher long on in genuity and keen on volume. Smyser will set off a midnight concert on a powerful, steam operated factory whistle. The principle of it is describ ed as simple like that of a trombone. Smyser works the steam pressure with one hand and slide with the other. What comes out is like calliope tunes. All you need," says Smyser, a strong right arm, a full head of steam and an ear for music. The right kind of wea ther gives you distance. On clear, crisp nights people as far away as ten miles hear my ol-rols." It all started when Smyser was in his teens and yearned to toot big whistles to artistic purpose. A York manufacturer, fascinated by the idea, lent his factory whistle to Smyser. That was 24 years ago. The Christ mas eve steam serenades have been going on ever since. 4M CENTER 341D FAIRGROUNDS RD. PH. 3-tf0 IBM MERRY CHRISTMAS DIRECTORY CHIMNEY SWEEP- Furnace chimneys Taeuum Eruley. Til S. 21M. Ph. 3-1178. cleaned. 0311 EXCAVATING Ben OtJeo St Son excavatlnt h iradlni. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. ol EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 4-2474. he Crosa. Rt. , Box 437-C 0311 BrclthauQt'f for flower Dial 1-9179 o FURNACE CIRCULATOR SERVICE Vacuumed & repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24993 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIQH PRODUCTS. Rose Queen and Court Tournament of Roses Queen Mar lon Brown (center) poses with her princesses for their offi cial photograph at Pasadena, Calif. She will reign over the annual Rose parade and Rose Bowl game. All the girls are students at Pasadena junior colleges. The princesses, starling lower left and clockdise: Betty Brusher, Dorothy Welsh, Eddy Ruth Stewart, Carole Lynn Collins, Dorothy Scott and Barbara Jones. (AP Wirephoto) HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R WatklCJ) Oo iTerj 1711 Center products Pre Ph 3-S398. fN: -DLATION Johna-M an villa. Phone J-SH8. JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Building Factories Home Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BLDO. MAINT. 00. Ph. Salem 1-9133 n ,ANDSCAPr NURSERY . Doerller A Bona. Ornamentals. 160 . Laneaiter Dr at Cor. Ph. 3-1322 o I.AWNMOWERS Sharpened, tuarinteed nervfee. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. o311" WAITRESSES Capital Beddlnc Phone 3-4069 AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR We are Rlad ot this chance to greet you and hope that Old Saint Nick has a bagful ot happiness for you this year. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. Main Store 435 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-4117 Used Cars 496 North Commercial St. AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Sell SPECIAL 1A48 Bulelc Biiper, low mileage, 4SB N. Com'l, (1945. 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN C.OOD TIRES. EXCELLENT MOTOR. RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER. FOG LTTES. MED. BLUE FINISH. INTERIOR VERY CLEAN. THIS IS A REAL VAL UE. CONVENIENT TERMS, FULL PRICE . $695 Oval's Center at Church - Fh- 3-4102 "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE FINANCIAL $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IP at Pal mound Road Next Door to Bank Free Parklnt Phone 17032 -Lie N U3M-42I1 Floyd Kenyon. Mir r FOR SALE: '37 Ford pickup. New motor. Qood tire & body. Ph. 2-3112. q308 Eisner Motors Fine Cars ZEEB'S USED CARS HP"? SELL TRAD TrnUA 1 LOTS 1325 Fairground R4. Ph. J45 130 Hnod St Ph SEE CIS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLV 4 OR 4'A INTEREST to 40 Year and No CommlaslOD Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS S44 State St Phony 2-36M IF YOUR PROPERTY la tor sale It will par rou to know how much ol an FHA loan It will Mind Thl Information u obtainable with but ry little trouble 0 SOT HESITATE to Call on U for an) information you desire about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 1A3 S. Hlith St. Tel. 2-4I3L r MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Dk chairs, files and flllnit supplies. afe. duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brier c Plerco Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court Oil, BURNER SE1VICE nfitrom's art equipped to do rour Palntlns Phone 2-2493 o PAINTING & PAPERHANGIXG tt palntlnc. Est. free. T'h. Palntlns and paperhamrinn. Fret esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o7 PA PER HANGING Expert Paperhannlnir and palntina, R J. WoodRWorth. Ph. 3-9807. Free est. osnb Expert Pa perron in and patntlnir. H. J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-B807. Free est. o30 PRUNING AND SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1308. PLUMBING PICTURE FRAMING Assert Vogeler Spy Ring Head Budapest, Hungary, Dec. 24 The Hungarian government charged today that jailed Amer- isan businessmen Robert Voge ler headed an espionage ring of 12 Hungarians. It accused the group of "continuous widespread spying and sabotage activities" and said all had confessed. The comnrunist-led govern ment at the same time accused the United States of "rudely in sulting the sovereignty" of Hun gary by demanding Vogeler's re lease in a note and by its action in banning all travel by private American citizens to this country. "The government of the Hun garian People's Republic rejects the note emphatically, consider ing it a new attack and a new attempt at rude interference into the internal affairs of the Peo pie's Republic," the Hungarian note said. The Hungarian interior minis try charged Vogeler, assistant vice president of the Interna tional Telephone and Telegraph company, was aided in spying by Edgar Sanders, his British as sistant of the telegraph compa ny and by Imre Geiger, a Hun garian. The U. S. state department re cently banned all private travel by American citizens to Hun gary because of Vogeler's arrest and the later arrest of Israel Ja cobson, director in Hungary of a Jewish welfare agency, the joint distribution committee. The government announced yesterday Jacobson was held on "suspicion of spying against the Hungarian state." Sut-shton Paint Store ROAD GRADING SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms, all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671 o307- SAWS Salem SEPTIC TANKS GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and U-J3I and ROT H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercial Sr Tel 1-SMt DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES ii iiuj machine sold, rented. repaired Roen 43 Court Phona J-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE 150 DSED CAR LOT ISO Sx your old one 12th St. Open till 10 p.m. Eisner Motors to Buy FINANCIAL FARM A NO CITY IX3ANS 4 '4 and ST. TOUR OWN TERMS ol repayment within reason Cuh for Real Estate contract and Second Momes CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 1 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 4-3213. r PRIVATE MONET Special Ratu and Term On La net Loans Lont and Short Tina Partnents ROT H SIMMONS 38 South CommereLM St Phone S-91A1 AUTO LOAH3 WILLAMETTk CREDI1 CO. 183 a Church Parklni a Plenty 1-3437 Lie No M-IS B-!S Journal Want Ads Pay I Et'TRIt HOME appliance repair aemii new appliance Vioee's Eiectrle Phone Free estimate rrade-in accepted on 1-923B 137 3 LlomT St ACTO RADIOS UARtON MOTORS NASH SERV1CI Towlne aertice dar phone 1-1286 Vila n- i.iuni w Center BULLDOZING fn. "eth for brwb Vinil HuskM. 1010 Fairview Ave. rn. f'. HI ILP1NO CARPENTBT Remodel, 'epair that bome now Terma un inn aarmeni ruuu- CARPENTERINO AND PLASTERING Plumblnr. fixture Installing cement fln- . . 1.1. D hAT 411. CASB REG15TEBS P rd deliverv AJ mate aoid Roen 438 Court 1 of o RCA easr CEMENT WORK For expert luaranteed satisfaction naw or repair or foundation, sidewalks drmwaw. patloa. aurba. walla U. Call AND A GRAVFL Garden Soil crushed rock, Shovel apd dracllne excvatln Walllni Sand A Gravei Co. Phone 3-S34B o Money Waits For Many Washington, Dec. 24 W The government has $544.50 for William Wallace Braw, but it can't find him. It also has about $23,000 he longing to 514 other persons across the country, who, at one time or another, paid too much rent. It can't find them, either. The office of the housing expediter reported sadly to day that it has been unable, to return the cash to the people who own it because they mov ed away without leaving a proper address. The agency said Braw was one of about a dozen tenants who moved out of 130 West 47th St., New York City, after being overcharged for rent and then couldn't be located for repayment. Braw was high man on the agency's list. Low man was Clifton Pen rod, late of 1022 South Third St., Louisville, Ky. He has 44 cents coming to him. If he wants to collect it, he, like the other 514, can do so by getting in touch with the near est area rent office. Morse Explains Position on CVA Eugene, Dec. 24 (P) How Oregon's junior senator feels about a Columbia Valley admin istration and government pro-i posals came under fire this week by the socialist party's peren nial candidate for president. So cialist Norman Thomas, who now writes a newspaper column, directed questions on these is sues to Senator Wayne Morse in a recent column. Senator Morse, in a five page telegram to the Register-Guard, clarified his position on the two controversial issues. "I have not seen Norman Thomas' questions, but my rea sons for opposing pending CVA legislation are set forth in great detail in a three hour speech in the senate October 14. In es sence I am opposed to the pend ing bill for three reasons," the senator replied. He indciated that he thought it places broad, arbitrary and capricious administrative pow er over the economy of the Pa cific northwest in the hands of three presidential appointees; that the bill violates a basic principal of local self-government; and that there are better ways of accomplishing a sound program of coordination be tween federal and state agencies which have Jurisdiction over these projects. Morse said that he is oppos ed to the compulsory health in surance program because he is convinced that it would not give to the American people the health protection they need. He said he felt the program is in compatible with our theory of a private property economy America. QUOTATIONS SALEM MARKETS 0' is '1th' USB will be guests of Mrs. Lula Full er Christmas eve and Christmas dav with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Horsoley of McClay. The Charlos Breedon family will spend the day with his mother, Mrs. Lucy Breedon, in Bridgeport. Capital Journal, Salem, Orouon, Saturday, Dec 24, 1949 19 Salem LiTftai:k Marke (Br Vnllfj Cackina Company! Wftfllrd lambs 119.00 to 130 00 Feeder lambs 113.00 lo $17 00 Calves, cood (300-4.S0 lhs.) Sift. 00 In 123 00 Veal 1 150 -3 CIO lb. I inp ....123.00 to 13S.00 K. P Ham el. Septic tanks, sewer and drain line clranrd. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. oie Miierx Septic Service Tank cleaned Roto Rooter service on Sewers. I0"9 Elm 8t.. W. Salem. Ph. I-S468. 3-5327 Vacuum Pumplnf, no mileage eharee Call ut collect Todd's Syntle TanH Service. 550 Uaraen. Phone 2-0734. o KVYERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrfo Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Ra?or Sharp Cuttlnr Blades Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. o SEWING MACHINES Johnson and Smith Families Together Silverlon An annual custom of the Johnson-Smith families is to arrange a get-together of relatives of the families for a pre-Christmas holiday Lutefisk dinner. The object is to give each individual family of the clan an opportunity to enjoy Christmas eve at their own firesides. The E. A. Shaw home at 724 South Water street was the scene of the reunion dinner, with social hour enjoyed during the afternoon. Present were Julius Johnson, Mrs. Clara McKlnlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Johnson of Euffne, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Browne, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shaw and Carole, Mr. and Mrs. At Johnson and Dickie, OeorRe and Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Johnson of Valsrtr, Mr. and Mrs. Don Venrrler and Karen, Clayton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Linda Sue, Mrs. Deraldine Guffey and Donna Lea, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson and Eu gene, Junior King Ernie Johnson of Val- setz, Henry Hans Johnson Peter R. Parson, Prune Official, Dies Forest Grove, Dec. 24 (F) Pe ter Ralph Parson, 55, president of the Oregon Prune Exchange, died in a Hillsboro hospital today of a heart ailment. Parson, who also was mana ger of the. Forest Grove Prune Cooperative, was one of the larg er prune growers of the area, farming 147 acres near Gales creek. He also was a member of the Forest Grove high school board for 18 years, retiring last summer. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Forest Grove. Patient X in Coma 2515 Days Cincinnati, Dec. 24 (An other Christmas was at hand today for patient "X," but on the charts at Bethesda hospital Dec. 25 will be recorded only as the 2,515th day that the 56-year-old man has been in a coma. And, for the seventh consecu tive year, Christmas dinner for patient 4'X," will be another allotment of predigested food, tube-fed through the nose. Hospital officials said the man, whose name has not been disclosed, continues in general good health, about the same as in February, 1942, when he was admitted after being struck on the head by a pulley at a Wright Aeronautical Corp., plant. One official, who declined use of his name, said that during the early years of the man's confine ment "various organizations used to visit him during the holidays." "But now it's only his fam ily that's on hand," he added "And it's a sad time for them because they're so hopeful he'll get well." Physicians said the blow on the head caused a blood clot on the man's brain. The clot was removed in surgery, they added, but the brain cells apparently were damaged permanently. Patient "X" is under care a special nurse at all times. Portland Proanre Butter-fat Tentame. stmiect to imme diate change. Premium quality maximum 35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 67c lb.; 92 score, 6Sc lb.; 90 srore. 63c; B9 score, 55c, valley routes and country points 2e less than first. Butter Wholesale- FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers, grade A3 ocore. 63c A 93 score. 62c: B 80 score. 60c lb.. O 69 score. 57c. Abort prices ar strlcMy nominal Cheese- Sell in a prtea to PorUand whole sale Oreson smiles 3B-42c. Oregon 6 all loat. '.fc-45c; triplet l'A le&s than in Eli's. Ecti (to wholesalers) A trade lirti. 40-42'vc: A medium. 36-3T'3c; grade B largf. 39-40c: small A grade. 35Sc. Portland Dairy Markrl Kulter If rice to retailers: Grade A A prlnLs, 6Hc: AA cartons, 69c; A prints. 66c: A cartons 69c; B prints, 65c. Kds Price to retailers: Grade A A large. 4c do.; certified A la rat, 4flc; A la ran He; A A medium. 40c; cer tified A medium, 39c; B medium, 35c; A small, 37c; cartons 3c additional. Cheese Trice to retailers: Portland Oregon single 39-4 lie, Oregon loaf, 6- Ib loals 44'i-45o lb.; triplets, 1' cents less than singles Premium brands, singles. si'ic lb.: loat. 63Vie. Poultry Lite Chlckena No. 1 quality POB planLs, No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs. 20c lb. fryers 3-3 lbs.. 3J-36c; 3-4 lbs.. 27c; roasters 4 lbs and over. 37-2BC: fowl. Leghorns, 4 lbs and under, 14-16c; over 4 lbs.. 16c; colort-d fowl, all weights, l-30c; roolers. all wrlcht.s, 14-16c. Turkey Net lo growers, toms, 30-31c: hens, 45c. Price to retailers, dressed: A young hens. SO-Slc: A young loms, 37 38c: lilt lit tnms. 41-42c. Kahbits Ave i ace tn t; rower a. live whites, 4-5 lbs.. 17-18c lb.; 6-6 lbs., 1S-170 colored 3 cents lower: old or Heavy d and bucks, 8- 12c. Fresh dressed Idaho fryers and retailers, 40c: local, 48-52C. Connlry-Kllled Meats Veal Too Quality. 33-34C lb.: other grades according to welxlit and quality witn iignier or heavier. aa-aBc. linn Light blockers, 33-33; sows 18-lDc. I, iimb j Top quality, aprlngers, 18 -SB a mutton, 10-llc. Href Gaud cows, 34-3SC lb.; canners cutters, 30-2U. Kresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwt.T: Beef steers: Good 500-800 lbs.. 135-39 commercial 130-33: utility. 128-29. Cows Commercial J27-30: Utility. 134- 25; canners -cutters, 123-26. Beer cuts luooa steers t: mna quarters, !?0-52; rounds, 143-46; full loins, trimmed. 70-i3; triangles, SJ3-34; squar chunks. 135-40; ribs, 155-58; foreiuarters, 134-36, Veal and calf; Good, 139-43; commercial. 134-37; Utility, 138-30. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, $39 42; commercial. 135-37; utility. 133-34. Mutton Good, 70 lbs down, 118-30. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 6-13 lbs.. 138-40; shoulders, 16 lbs. down. 129-31: spare- ribs, (38-41; carcaases, 134-35; mixed weights 13 per cwt. lower. PorUand MIsnellaneoBB Cascara Bark Dry 13Ae !b., green 4e lb. Wool Valley tonne and medium grades. on 12-month growth, Woodburn Firemen's Auxiliary Entertains Woodburn The Women's auxiliary of the Woodburn Fir department entertained guests and members at a no-host din ner and Christmas tree at the December meeting, held in the fire hall. Gifts were distribut ed with Joe Sowa as the very realistic Santa Clans. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Olarenra Frlmil and Mr. and Mrs, Verl Cochrnn of Huhhard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sowa, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Schlel, Mr. and Mrs. P.. M. iBudl Poreard. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Paulson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Marlcle, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Selme, Mr. and Mrs. Fred K:nns. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Tony 7,nk; Mr, and Mrs. Leonard PeLshow, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kolousek. Mr. and Mrs. Chart Smith. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Berker. Via Duffy, Homer Todd and Mickey McClure. Acting as hostesses wore Mrs. Tony Zak and Mrs. Stanley Kolousek. The next meeting of the auxi liary will be January 19 with Mrs. Joe Sowa and Mrs. T. A. Berkey as hostesses. 4So lb. hair nominally. Hides calves, lie lb,, according to weight; pips, 32c lb.; beef, ll-13c lb.; bulls. 6-7o lb. Country buyers pay 3o less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettei, first quality )nm i, 34.7c; large, 33.7c; medium. 37.3c; second quality Jumbos, 30.3c; large, 38.3c; eaium, ae.zc: baby. 33.3c: aoit shell, first quality large, 39.7c; medium, 36.3c; sec ond quality large, 27.3ci medium, 34.7c; baby 32.3c i-liberie J um bo, xoe m.i large, lie, medium. 16c; small, 13c. Grade School Pupils Depict Bible Story Woodburn The Christmas story according to St. Luke was depicted in narration, panto mime and songs by two casts of grade school pupils at the Wood burn high school auditorium ai one of the closing features of the Woodburn schools. The pro gram, featuring the sixth grade robed choir, was directed by Mrs. Alice Rose Jones, vocal in structor, assisted by grade teach ers. Wednesday night the annual high chool Christmas program was given, also directed by Mrs. Jones. The event featured music by a robed ehoir, tableau with living statues and the singing of carols. MARKET Completed from reports of Salem dealers (or the guidance of Capital Journal lleadeis. (Revised dally). Kelslt Fred Prices: T.kk Mash 14.6ft. Babbit Pellets 14.20. Dairy Feed-J3.65. Poultry: Buying prices -Grade A color ed hens, 19c; grade A Leghorn hens and up. 15c; grado A old roasters, 14c; Grade A colored fryers three lbs, 36c, Eggs Buying Prices Large AA, 37c; large A. 3 4-3 1 c: medium AA, 31c; medium A, 39c: pullets. 2V27c. Wholesale Prices Reg wholesale prices 6-7c above these prlr.es; above grade A generally quoted at 43c, medium 34c. Butlerfal Premium 66c: No. 1, 64c; No. 3. 68-60c. fbuylna prices). Butter Wholesale grade A, 68c; re call 730. Of High School Faculty Served Lebanon Tea Lebanon Mrs. James W. King and Mrs. A. Burleigh Cash entertained at a late afternoon tea at the Cash home for mem bers of the high scholo faculty, board members and substitute teachers. Between 50 and 60 called to exchange greetings All makes repaired. Tree estimates Singer Sewing Uach'ne Co 130 No Commercial Ph 8-3S13 n TRANSFER A STOBAGI jcaf A Distance Transfer storage Burner oils, coal A erlqueu Trucks u Portland dally Agent for Br kins Hoiue hold goods moved to anywhere In O S Oi Canada Larmer Transfer Sm Storage Ph 3-3131 o TYPEWRITERS Smltb Corona. Remington Royal. Under wood portables Ah make nsed machine.' Repairs and rent Roen 456 Court o' VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer The Bllndman. Ph. 37338. WEATHER STRIPPING WELL DRILLING Fred Wrmore. Rt. 3. Box in. Ph. 3-S13S. WINDOW CLEANING Acme lndo Cleanera Windows, wails St woodwork cleaned Floors eleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-3337 34. Court Lao f doe, Culberttoa and Uethet Willamina Waiting Call of Bloodmobile Willamina A new opportu nity for worthwhile community service is offered to the people of Willamina by the Portland regional blood center, when the bloodmobile unit will visit Wil lamina for the first time since the war, January 18, 1950. The visit is sponsored by the Ki wanis club and the Civic club The blood unit will use the fa cilities of the Willamina clinic. Whep the Red Cross blood unit visited Grand Ronde Dec. 9, 48 pints of blood were donated and five volunteers were unable to contribute; Mrs, B. B. Walker was general chair man of the visit. , WINDOW SHADES Wash tale Roller Made to order 1 Day Del Retnholdt Uwtj Ph 33639 WOOD SAWDUST West fialev ruel Co, Ph. I-4Q3L Gifts Are Exchanged Unionvale There were 21 women attending the Unionvale Evangelical Ladies' Aid all-day quilting and Christmas party. A gift exchange was a feature zsa I -fly- u te fl f W v vj f' jOi " I If ft ( h 8L; I I MB' Released Erick Rios Bridoux (ritjht), pilot of the Bo livian P-38 which collided Nov. 1 with an Eastern Airlines DC-4 over National airport in Washington, D. C, killing all 55 persons ahoard the airliner, leaves hospital at Alexandria, Va., where he has been hospitalized since the crash with serious injuries. Accompanying Bridoux is Bolivian Am bassador to the Pan American Union, Guillermo Guiterrez. (Acme Telcphoto) Schneider Is Master For Monitor Grange Monitor New officers of th Monitor grange. Installed Dec. 20, are Elmer Schneider, mas ter; George Stoneking, overseer; I. u r a 1 Livingstone, lecturer; Chris Hamberg, steward; Harold Hansen, chaplain; Mrs. Mabel Howard, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Schneider, secretary; George Howard, gatekeeper; Mrs. Mil dred Bremer, Ceres; Mrs. Helen Hansen, Pomona; Mrs. Sirilda' Stoneking, Flora; Drexel White, assistant steward; Mrs. Nellie White, lady assistant steward; Raymond Paulson, Ursel Liv ingstone and Carl Bremer, exe cutive committee. IVllllai Will A.slihir Lyons and Scio Granges Install Lyons Snnliam Valley grange met at the Grange hall with open meeting with installa tion of officers the highlights of the evening. Officers of the Scio grange were installed at the same time, , Bertha Beck, Oregon state grange secretary, was installing officer: Alta Bodekor, marshal; Boa Hiatt, emblem bearer; and Wilson Slovens, regalia bearer. New officers are masters, Tony Moravec, Lyons, Waller Rice, Scio; overseers, Matt Bev iors, Lyons, Earl Miller, Scio lecturers, Cclonc Taylor, Lyons, Cecelia Hollier, Scio; stewards, Giles Wagner, Lyons, Charles White, Scio; assistant stewards, Krank Basl, Lyons, A. L. Sea man. Scio; chaplains, Albert Jul ian, Lyons, Ariel ie Nichols, Scio; treasurers, Anna B. .Julian, Ly ons, .1. W. N ichols, Scio; gale- keepers, Jake Myers, Lyons, Roy Dun kin, Scio; Ceres, Blanche Wagner, Lyons, Evelyn Ronor, Scio; Pomona, Lois Myers, Ly ons, Madge Sommers, Scio; Flora, Melvinn Franklin, Lyons, Lula Fox, Scio; lady assistant stewards, Bertha BasI, Lyons. Rose Zielinski, Scio. Executive com mil lee, I Joyd Sletto, Elmer Taylor, Wilson Stevens, all of Lyons, and W. J. Kelly, Elmer Donicht and B. I. Arnold. Scio. Guests were also present from Slayton. Other guests were Master of State MrJ Grange Morton Tompkins and wife,. and State Lecturer Beulah Moore. Following the meeting a Christmas part was held with gift exchange and treats. A pot luck supper was served at the close of the evening. Buena Visfa Homes Expecting Visitors Buena Vista For Christmas day the Ed Parkison family will spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parkisons Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Loy and Dick will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ehlert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaffer and fam ily. At the O. R. Culbertson home for Christmas will be Maxinc and Cecial Patrick of Indepen dence and Robert Culbertson, who is home on leave from Cali- DEATHS Gfri Alton ftarsneea Oconto Alton Har.mPM, late resident nt 2(110 North River road, Snlem. at the Vetenm.1' hospital In Pnrlland, newmher 24. Survived by hi wife, Anne Bara new of Snlrm; and a. brother. Clarence Hnrnrss of Stockton, Calif. Announoe niPiit of acrvlcejt later by V. T. Golden romnany. Church Peter Stiirrtevanl Church Peter Sturdevnnt. late re.ildenl or 6,10 Locum St., at a local hospital, He comber 21, at the use of a fl year. Surviv ing are five children. Frank Hatfield, Bed Bluff. Calif.: Mr'. Florence Collins. Kl llnwood, Kan.v; Alex Hatfield, Dnlnh: Oenrae Hatfield. IjOs Aneele: and Holly Hatflrid: and a alater. Mr. Mary Palter snn. Chlco. Calif. Services will be hrl! Monday. Decembrr 3fl, at. 11 a m. at the W. T. FiKdnn chapel With Interment In Stayton cemetery. Albert Reed m Albert Reedy, la I resident of I, at a local hospital. December vivrd bv Jinn. Harold Tteedv of AAhlnnd, Announcement of wrvlcea later by the Howe ll-Edward chapnl. Mr. Roherla Kiillcr Mr. Hobrrla Jluller, at Die re.stdence nt aiifiO H ul.se y Avenue, December 24. Survived by hn.sband, Erin Ilutlcr or Sa lem: n flon. My rnii Duller of Snlem; a dniiwliier, Mrs. Mary William of Inde pendence: a brother, Ocnrfte Topllff of Ban Frnnrlscn: and lx a rnndchlldrrn. flerv tcrs will be held nt the Firat Conareiiallon rI chiin-lt Tue.sdnr. December 27, at 1:30 n in. with Rev. Set It Hunt Ins Ion offclat int. Inlermenl In Heir re t Memorial park. Direction V. T. Golden company. OBITUARY .Mi Mr. Mary r.amhle. who would have been fiR yer old rhrifitmaji dn v, died Salurda v niornlne. Mary Oer vrv w:t.s horn In Bo.slfn, M"., Per. 7S, liifil nnd wm married to James (iambi Int. Itoone. la.. May 12. IflfU, who died at jTlnibrrliikr, S. P., In inifl. She rHine t,o I Ml. Anael In 1030. Surviving ara the fnl llriwliic children; Mr. O. J. Mnrt.iftclrt. fla Mpiii; Frjink finmble, Mt. Aimel: I.en Gam- hie. Tnnberlake: Mrs, A. T. Traeacr and . .iM.tcph Ii'iiPKcr, noin ni mi. a nun, 1 a al rp.son . Paul amble, of Alpena, D. : 27 crnndchildren and 2S ereat ndchildren. She wm a member nf ,t. ri ortpiv. Funeral service am lenfa-r-iv api for Tiie.ida v mnrnlnz under direction of the Uriner funeral home. AI Stiller Aniiel - Funeral eervtr for Mr. AI Sutler are announced lor Tuesday. 1H0 o'clock from Hie chapel or the 11n?er Fu neral home. Concluding rile at Salem Helcrest Memorial park. Alvln Burr Silverlon Funeral servicr.t for Alvln Burr. SI. are announced (or Monday, at 1 1 o'clock from the Memorial chapel of t he Ek mn n Funeral home, rnncliidtnl rile at Bethany cemetery. Rev. F. K. Nick offlrlalinx. Mr. Hurr died at a Sa lem hrwpilal ThurMtay evenlnR, He waa born In Nettlpton, Mo. March 11, 1K!. Hurvlvintt are iwo children, Alvln and Po .eiin, five brother and one aiater, Rob ert, flilverton, Charlejt of Salem, Ottj of Lebnnon, Don and Ted Burr, both of Portland and Mr. Leva Scolt in MLvsourl, Craiihill Fry Dalian Funeral nivf," for Ornn blll Fry. SR, who dn-d Friday at a Port land hospital after an nine of five month, will be held from the Henk'.e and Bollman chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday with burial In the lOOP cemetery. He fl born near Columbus, Ohio. Mar. 17, IfiGl and came (o On-aon In 190S, llvins in Da:ia and FalU City until 1920 when he moved to Newport. He married Clara (trlfiln in Michigan who died in 1925 and two year later he married Fanny Starr at Newport. Surviving are hut widow, now Itvini at Wheeler; two jtep-snn, Leo M Pr. Wheeler and W. W. Hall. Cor and a jtiep-dauahter, Vida Crowder. Salem; also five randchildrea. l-4li0.