18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Pec. 24, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Per Lin .15C Per Line 3 time -40c Per Line 6 time 0c Per Line 1 month 2 00 Outside ol Salem 15c per line per day Mln. SOci S times mln. 80s time mm 31. 20 No Refund BEADEBS In Loral News CoL Only! 30c per line To Place an A(i Thane 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BASEMENT, fireplace, oak floor and a larto lot plus a tood small home all oea for only 16,000. XMAS SPECIAL If you consider the excellent workman ship, oalt floors, closet space, auto, heat, you cannot duplicate this home for the money. , Goodwin and McMillm REALTORS PhO. 3-4707-484 Court-Eve. 2-4773ji308 foiTVALE BY OWNER: New 2 rm. furn. cabin to be moved. Cheap. 3095 Portland rd. Ph. 2-6958. a308 OWNER WILL SELL at sacrifice 2 DR insulated house In Keizer dist. 'a acre, half In strawberries. Immediate port. Mnke an offert Ph. 2-8117. 309 VIEW PROPERTY IBOOO. 8 sr. old - Modern style - 3 bdrm. - living - dining - kitchen -bath - utility rm. - attached garaiie -Lot 86x120 - nice yard and shrubs. This house will bo P.H.A. SUBURBAN ACRE $U500. 4 bdrms. - 1 yrs. old house - llv ing - dining - kitchen - bath - utility rm. - drying shed - attached Karaite -new auto oil furn. - new well with lite, pump house - Owner transferred to Portland. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS I11.SS0. 3 yrs. old - modern style - 3 bdrm. on one floor - living rm. - lae. kitchen and nook - elec. heat - fire place - view property - beautiful yard and shrub. - 13500 F.H.A. loan 175 a mo. payments. Candalaria Heights One of the most beautiful houses in Sa lem - new - modern style - 3 hdrm.s. -lame livinK - dining - big kitchen with nook - double plumbing larjte utility -2 car plastered Karase. - auto, oil heat, fireplace - picture windows - view of the city and mountains. CALL OR SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8629 - 191 fi. High - Home 3-7183 A. A. LARSEN REALTY a306 I DR HOUSE, lge. LR. wall to wall carpet, lee. kitchen, built Ins, bath with show er. Lot 95x1 OS. Deep well pump. Furn. can be bought with house: 1 lnve.no St chair Kroehler), 1 platform rocker, 1 occas. chair, 1 9x5 all-wool fAlex. Smith) rug, 3 lamps, 1 Admiral radio (comh,), brenk fast set (4 chairs), 1 Leonard (deluxe) electric range, Leonard refrlg., Conlon Washer. 6 throw rugs, 3 folding chatrx, 50' garden hose, some garden tools. 100 Roberts Ave. a307 JlVHMl BEAUTIFUL modern 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Close to Salem high. Auto-oil furnace. Attachrd gar age. FHA loan. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High Phone 3-4121 a308 PFAUTIFCL modern 8 bedrm. home on South HlKh St. Good view overlooking Salem. 4 blocks from State St. 2 fire places. Three sets of plumbing. Attached 2-car garage. Beautiful yard and shrub bery. Terms. This la one of Salem's bet ter homes. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 3-4121 a30 l7HM.no APPRO X. 1 Acre with new mo dern 3 bdrm. ranch type home. NE close to school A: bus. Hardwood floors, fireplace, oil heat. Coll Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. Hlch Phone 3-4121 a30B it" Bui- A nice 3 BR home close to school, stores, bus, needs a little touching up, to make very attractive low priced hnme. Mfioo with low down payment. Call WALT MUSGRAVE. "JValt Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edsewater Ph. 3-5100 alio SEW t BR. Oil heat. Hrlwd. firs, coved celling in LR, beautiful kitchen, at tached garage, pnved st. Only 17000. UNFINISHED 2 Kit HOME. Wired for ELEC. H EAT, PLUM11INO roughed In. lie. lot, city water. New Dlst. Buy now Sc ftntsh to suit. 11150. VNFINISJIED X MR HOME on extra lge. lot, lota of trrr.s, city water. Built for lec. heat. $3150. FECIAL VALUE, 13'4 acre 4 mites from downtown, 2 BR home, barn, le, pout try bids., good green house with heat' Ing plant, this Is all bottom lnnd, .sin nil crrck, Inc. hluhway frontage, ill 7 50. Will sell 10',-n arrrs lor 11.000 less. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Servcle 164 8. Com't St. 1'h. 3-8J89. Eve. 3-0989 ;t07 New F.H.A. Approved Well planned 3 bdrm. burnt alow with electric heat. Attached gimme. Lot faces park. Is on bus line. 3 blocks from school. 1 1 100 down. 152.50 per mo. or will consider good used car as part down Payment. Cnll Hon Cclury. Walter Mus,rave Realtor 1211 Edscwalcr. Ph. 3-51 00. Eve. 3-0!):i0. a3IO WE WANT TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUN ITY TO PERSONALLY THANK ALL OUR CLIENTS FOR HAVING MADE POSSIBLE A VERY PROSPEROUS YEAR. AT THE SAME TIME WE WISH EACH OP YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. MRS. EDNA MOHCSAN MR. tIROVKR LEAVENS MR. UEOttOE HELL Al Isaak, Realtor 3035 Portland Road. Ph. 3-7830 or 2-tsOft $300 DOWN ! ! 2 bedroom home with la rue utility room. Clo.se to bus. Insulated A- sinrm doors. Immediate I'o.vr.om. No. 287A $600 DOWN ! ! Very desirable location. No. 283 $n00 DOWN ! ! S bedroom home, all hardwood floors, coved cellinKs. b.i.s by door. Auto, wash er. Balancr only 140 per mo. No. 302 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE !M South Hlsh Street Ph. 3-B303 Eve. A- Sun. 2-1327 4-2874, 3-37.18, 3-5005 aSOfl' "SALE OR TRAPF. NrW MODERN USE. SUllURRAN. NF, Take small h.se. In trade. Hop. Ph. 3-7111. Salem. 172 8. Liberty. al06 FOR SALE FARMS toEA I" DAIRY-TRI CK croo farm30" At ede of city, on mmt. Very fertile bot tom loam, all under lme. 3 HR pln.-t. hse. bsnu., lurnare, f.nr. barn, conrrtf firs., grade A nnlk hou.'e. Priced rliht at 118,000. Terms or trade (or Salem home. DWELL PR AIK1E FARM OS RIVVK. 31 acre. Can be Irrrv. Rest innd available for speclnlty crojv. 4'a A of 4 r. old hotaen berries. (Sood home. barn. silo. 2 car carage. OWNER SACRIFICES at 113.000. Equtpm't at HAROAIN IK ACRES ni. LP rilEIIAI.lS Sll.T. Hih lr productive bottom land. Lays aloim main huhway. clo.se In. Spaclona, mod home, feature. b."mt., furnare, fire place, ilO.Pno. Easy terms. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 fl Com'l Si. Pli. 3-838P. Ee Ph. Woorthurn 11. 142, Collect h.ltO" To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 115 per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two locations north. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Streft Ph. 3-9203 Eve. As Sun., 3-5905. 4-3874, 2-1327, 2-3738, 2-3532. a306 iVooDKlT LOT on pavefl street. 823 Rat cltfl Dr. Cleared and leveled FHA CM water, bin line. Ph REAL ESTATE FLASH If you have $300 cash lor dwn. payment and a vacant lot, we can deliver you a new home in 90 days. Come in and see us for details. No phone infor mation please. Al Isaak & Co. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Pit. 3-7320. 2-4536. BEST BUYS $1600 DOWN Almost new home. 1000 sq. ft. floor spneo. Electric heat. Insulated, Weather stripped. Attached garage. We consider this a very good listing. Total price on- jb.iOO Interest on payments only 4"i. Eve. Ph. 2-7C74 or 3-3i;i8. $11,500 FULL PRICE Almost new. 3 bdrm. home. Automatic nil heat, fireplace. Approx. 1100 sq. ft. Part basement. Weatherstripped. Part hardwood floors. Large corner lot. Own ers equity. J3800. Will accept other property or wiiat have you as part pay ment. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-355B. $8750 FULL PRICE 2 years old. 3 bdrms. Oil floor furnace, fireplace, weather stripped, Ven. blinds, attached garage. Large lot. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-355R. $1950 DOWN 2 years old. 900 sq.-ft. floor space. Oil heat Insula led and weather stripped. 3 bdrms. Total Price only 19150. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-355R. 22 ACRES Very liven hie home. Needs paint. Out buildings in good repair. No wu-ste land. Close to small town. Stock, furniture and equipment all goes for only 18400. If you are an Oregon vet, and have $1500 In cash we can arrange to get this farm for you. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES $6500 New home. Amity soil. Elrrtric range, refri-., oil heater and breakfast set in cluded In purchase price. No waste land. See this one. Eve. Ph. 3-4715 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 1. 307 FOR YOUR SAVTrfUS investment buy a first mortgnk'e on real estate Salem At vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net Investors 51". We make all col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 S High C" SEE OUK" LISTINGS BEFORE BUYING WE HAVE SOME GOOD CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES, AS WELL AS LARGE AND SMALL FARM PROPER TIES FOR SALE OR TRADE. DENTON & DENTON FORMERLY LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 34 State St. Phone 2-1663. r30f WANTED REAL ESTATE WK ARE In need or good houses to sell In or near Halem If you wish to list your property for sale see GHADENMORST BROS., REALTOR 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Hhrh St. ca WANT USE. WITH 'it A Up, that 3500 dn. will handle. Ken. Ph. 3-7113. 172 S. Liberty, Salem. ca306 Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit list Inns of self, supporting farms. For PERSONAL alien t noaclll EMC R. NELTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court. Ph. 2-3629. Eve. Ph. 2-7947. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS Bl.nn. under lease, very well located, 3 rentals with Income. 3H5 monthly, foundation built for another ilory. parking space, 135,500. JUST A FEW BLOCKS from down town, 5 apts., Income 12nn per month, very ttood location. $12,fi(i0. NO. X .ONE, :t Hit home brtnirlng In good rental, extra lee. lot. Ulcul for court or business, well located on State St. 15350. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive List Inns Personal Servlrr 164 S. Coin' St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-0989 cd307 COURT OR HOME SITES Trees, small stream across back, IHBxam. roads 2 Skies. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY, REAL ESTATE. Ph. 3-88.tr, cdJOU AUCTIONS LANE SUnTIILL'S AUCTION SALES YARD will have tin sale Wednesday, live. 28th. N-'Xt, sale .Inn. 4, 1050. Ham will be op en every day to accept cnnsimimrnts. id)07 LIVESTOCK WANTED II. E. Snc h. 31345. en!7 BO N 1 1 E O A N D LICENSED livestock "buyer K. O. McCaiidlUil U27 8 2M Ph 3HH7 rn309 4f4etrtei PETS COCK Ell PITS. Pnrehrrd Red and white parlicolor. bos K Inn wood Dr. Ph. 3-9A"!. rcJOlf MDOItr'S tropical fish and supplies White ft micro worms. Remit 11 ul live Xmas pre.sriits. Rt 5. box 43J. 1 mile past Rickey school on Maclcay Rd. Ph. 2-7321. oc30H CHOICE "can a ry"1 birds. 2(.0 N18th. ec6 I HOU'K canary. Ph. 3-4385. 1340 Cheme- FUEL tfi" SLAB. 2 cdi. $10. Ph. 3I4.S8. tf ASIK-RAPT'S-WOods. Ph. 3-3380. BI4 Mill, Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edsini Fresh Clean Sawdust Orten fWum IS. SO load Double 110 00 Also 18" Orecn P!sb or 4" Phone '33533 FEJ cai.iThiohway'fuel for Ptr.M-I and Stove Oil FlU-Stt CHI SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends & Block Wood, Ph 36444 ev ' VAirNrTsirellTtorsale Klorteln Packtnf Co. 4U0 N. Front; tt " West Salem Fuel" Co. ' DRY PLANKR KNDS Dlt Y BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDl'ST DIFSFL ft STOVE OIL Ph Salem 3-4031 Pick up woixl at IMS Edge water We-st Salem ee trTcity fuel PlIONK 2-74 41 16" Slab Wood and Edslncs Pteah Cut Arrrned Sawilust 13" Inside Mil) Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SA.H Glttfe'N STAMPS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE MODERN 2 BEDROOM WHITE FRAME HOME, CON STRUCTED IN 1947. EXTRA SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM GARAGE AND STORAGE SPACE. OWNER LEAVING TOWN MAKES Price Only $7500 FOR QUICK DISPOSAL FOR INFORMATION CALL Mr- Balck at 3-8721 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. Lee Ohmart Rudy Calaba Lillian Calaba Edith Lindhorst "Dan" Daniclson Henry Torvend Bob Sullivan Warren Brasher Ohmart and Calaba, Realtors 477 COURT ST. Merry Christmas Another year has marched away And lor your patronage each day. Our Thanks are due lor your Friendship True, And Blessings on your New Year, too! Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS 484 Court St. Merry Christinas THANKS FOR THE GENEROUS GIFT OF YOUR PATRONAGE IT'S BEEN A PRIVILEGE TO SERVE YOU THROUGH 1949! REIMAN REAL ESTATE 201 SO. HIGH ST. 3 FUEL I FOR RENT APARTMENTS PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, asb & maple, ilsb and trismus. Ph 31458 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED: Heavy colored hens. Ph. 2-2881. Lee Hatchery. 1310 NE V H AM PS II I KB chtcKs for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Pox Hatchery, 3830 Stat St. Ph. 3-4069. V HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man for wholesale petroleum route. A good Job for the right man. On ly thtww Interested In a steady Job need apply. Write Box 312 Capital Jour nal. 811306 ELECTRICIAN, licensed, for commercial k house wiring. Must have own tools. Prefer one with truck. State experience, salary expected, etc. Write. Box 403. Mo lnlln. Ore. Ita308 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED women nut shai.era. All winter work. 4A0 N Front Klorfelu Packing Company. b" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3t0 StMt Street Phone 3.H8S ,1 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED An experienced sales service man by local distributor of National Hrand tires. State aire and qualifications to Capital Journal, Hox 310. bkI' BOOK BINDING Hive your National Geographies, Sci ence Journals and olher magazlne.1 bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We also rebind antlnue books. Hand and machine sewed. Capita) City Bindery, 1925 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-8176 Bhl4 WANTED POSITIONS VOl'NC. MARRIED man experienced in dairy and arneral farm work. House necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 311. h3A9 BA H Y SITTINC Ph. S822. 1U7' HRli. A ItM. for little girls in nice large home In Monmouth. Quiet street, lawn trees, pleasant playmates. $45 mth. l-'ot Info., cnll Snlem 3-3.85. h308' CHILD CARE. 1117 6th. Ph. 3.1KU. hll" CHILD CARE 1180 ShlPPlnB. 'Ph. 3-9924. INTERIOR PAINTIM!. Exp. Ph. 3-6196. CARPENTER work. New repair. Ph. 2-2093 TYPINO Rates reasonable "111 call for and deliver. Ph. 3.1398. h.S" BABY SITTINC Phone 3-0S80. h2 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 21 hr serv Ice. Fanner plione opr. Ph. 3-5012. hi TREE WORK. toi-piiiB. trlmmlnt. remov iliii Ins op. Work suar V. H. McAllis ter 840 Trade Ph 3-1496 h2 EXPKRILNCFD I. DY wUhes work'whrre mother comes hnme from hospital with baby. Ph. 4-3019. hJ07 Mimpoffraphinff-Typinff HOI RI.Y chtld care. Ph. 3-0403; h310" IRON1NC, in myhome. 2-7496. h30 CARPKN TIR work, any kind Reas. 1161 Union. Ph 2-1487 h-2 rll 1 WORK -ranted Ph FOR RENT ROOMS S LEKP1 N U R tMrMfo2. A! kreplna. Ph. 3-4333 sl.r. Jb MlillT hskpt. rm. 3-433V JU07" To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FDRN. Duplex 3 rm. and bath. Electric he a t . Adults. Ph. 3-7176. Ph.307' SMALL FURN. APT. Inquire at H. L. Stiff Furniture. Ph. 3-0185. Jp NFtv'T-RM.a.il electric. Ho children. Ph. 2-7071. JP308 ROOM A APT. 360 N. Capitol. Jp306' YOU CAN afford the best! Ambassador apts. 150 to $75. Ph. 3-6805. JplO FURNISHED 2-RM. COTTAQES. Ph 25769 Jp307' NICE LGE. APT. Uttl. furn. Reas. 365 S. 16th. - JP307 SPARKLING NEW 4 one-bdrm. apts In modern brick court. LoU of storane. Exc. location. 380 8. 17. JP308 NEW 3 targe rooms and bath, partly turn. Phone 2-8067. JP311 FOR RENT HOUSES JAN, 1ST, Mod.' 3 rm. urn. Garage Ad ults. No pets. 3845 Portland Rd. Jm307 SMALL FURNISHED cottaRC, S25, 995 S. Jllst. Ph. 2-3497 or 3-7113. Jm306 I IIDRM. HOUSE. Nearly new. Be sure to see inside. Electric heat, ranee clothes dryer, automatic washer. $62. Ph 3-9409. 1583 Market. Jm311' FOR RENT Your choice 4 room house or 3 room mod. Some furn. Wired for rane. $45. Adults pret. No pets. Hen hc.NScy, 55 Hiahway Ave. Jm311 K-ItDKM. FURN. home. Auto, oil heat. Ph. 3-5382. Jm306 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS LARGE down town basement, very suit able for storase, freight elev. $50 per mo. Ph. 3-8389. J307 FLOOR space on State St Desk apace i M a rlon St Ph 3-8482. U DRIVE Trucks Rodnson Shell Service Center at Cottage. Ph. 20103. J BUSINESS RM. lor rent H L Stiff, FOR RENT Large, room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store. Also a story alley warehouse with elevator, dis tributor's headquarters State Finance Co., R'ttors 153 s.jiieh sy. Tel. 3-4121. y FI (KiR SANDKRS for rent UonUomer Ward. y VOWKU TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial u.e Uowser Broa Ph 3-3646 FL'RN. TRAILER house $25. 1968 N, Com'l J304' "OOD USED PIANOS. H. L, Stiff. TO no cood lob 'en! a rood floor mnd er. We sell event h In to compleU the loo HOWSER BRC Ptt. 3-3648 1M;kr ELECTUIO portabU tewlni ma cnines Reasonable rates. Pret pick up A delivery Sinter Sewing Uaohlna Co 130 N Com I Ph $1513 r WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED LADY needs furnished 1 or 1 bedroom apt. close In. Occupy Feb. 1st. Box 906 Capital Journal. Ja90fl LOST & FOUND POI ND! A really good Piste to eat. Pood selling Is tlie art of providing foods that won't come back to customers who will AUMSVILLS COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllle, Oregon Truck PkUmi fcSlO FOI'ND: Small breed of dog vicinity of Duncan Ave. Owner may have dog by paying for add and Identify. Ph. 3-1418. k30(l MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE FtrPAIR 2 UK SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 KAIL EH DENTIST Ado;pb Bidk Atat A Commercial Si ftALEU-Phon I-llll ' I FOR SALE HOUSES Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It's a Tradition We Like Wishing Good Friends Well Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 134 S. TO YOU ALL OUR FRIENDS OLD & NEW WE EXTEND THE SEASON'S GREETINGS C. W. Bartlett William Bean Sarar SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year A. A. LARSEN ANDY HALVORSEN . A. A. Larsen Real Estate AND Bob Callahan Insurance Agency 191 S. HIGH ST. WE WISH YOU ONE AND ALL A Happy Holiday Season WALTER MUSGRAVE BON CLEARY REALTORS 1211 EDGEWATIHI Nelson News When "Peace on earth Good Will amonj men" vibrated thru space, lo an nounce the birth of Christ, Gloom and despair save way to Joy and hope. May that message aaaln inspire mankind in our day In new efforts to love our neighbors; as ourselves. In the brief space between birth and death the earth is our home. We have nothing when we come. We can take nothing with us when we leave. Why then should we not be fellow worker and not rivals while we are here. In our dealings with the public and fellow realtors our entire staff Is moti vated by a sincere desire to be helpful and to promote good will. In this sea son for sharing Joys and expressing appreciations we are deeply grateful for the many evidences of good will that have come our way in the year that i closing. Nelson & Nelson MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 703 NORTH HIGH ST., SALEM, OREOON MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. mil BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shingles Iro 1 2x3'a anv amount delivered lowest market rrice. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Mutler Salem-lndep road Call 2-1106 Salem ma DOORS Bedroom, bathroom & closet doors, stan dard sizes. alnRle panel. The quantity Is limited at $7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front St Court Balem ma oAVB ON ROOFING Let Wards give vou complete IN STALLED price on four roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our ouuidr salesman for fre estimate Fhona 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON WINDOWS As much as ft off regular prices on large assortment of single A: muttlpane standard And-offslze windows 6t frames KEITH BROWN Front & Court Bnlem SIDING C" GRADE CEDAR S1DINO VxB" Choice and limited lot. Regularly 160 M now 140 W H" SHEETROCK tile board. Renularl? 195 M, now 150 M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Balem DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow tlr finished lumber In Ealem On hand at Dick Mever Lumber Co IB Laos Ave Ph. 38J Fret parking ma FLOORING 1"4'- clear, end-matched fir flooring Limited quantity. Regularly lion M, now 75 M KEITH BROWN Front Si Court Balem COMPOSITION ROOFING 4! tb. Smooth, mica surfaced roQ ,198 90 fi Slate granule surfaced roll 3.11 15 lb Asphalt saturated felt build ing paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll .. 2.51 1SS lb. Hex shingles Slate surfaced Sq 513 320 lb Square butt shingles. The finest Sq 7.9S WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO Salem, Oregon ma311 CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to tb- tain highest quality lumber, at lowest P0ktble delivered prices For larce sav. inc. write, phone, or see us, for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 100 Wallace Rd. - Pn. 3-9?93. mT2' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 REMINGTON, model 121-22 caliber rl fie. Excel, cond. 130. Ph. 3-7189. n306 BAKERY equipment: 80 qt. mtxrr. elec. do nut kettle, show cases, etc. 160 Lansini n307 WHITE CLORIC I.I X1RY gas ranie with Iraih burner. Like new. Cheap. Westlnt rtfiis.te 6 tube ridlo. table model; fine cood.; very cheap. 590 Locust St. nJOl FOR SALE HOUSES LIBERTY A. E. Beckett Otto Nation Nation HIGH EVELYN MUSGRAVE V. F. RASCHKO INSURANCE SALEM, ORB. p-OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 ENCEL home movie projector and screen, with some dims, used very tit tle. 158 Walnut St., Independence. n307 LIKE NEW pair of silver fox furs. 48-ln length, cost new, J150. will sacrutce tor J75, Ph. 2-6588. MOT TUXEDO Size 38, nearly new, 2b. Dial 3-7475. nJU 30-OAL. AUTOMATIC gas water heater 120. 30-iallon range boiler 93. Phone 2-2723. 8 to 2 p.m. n308 USED Electric ranges, $19.95 At up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa GAS RANGES, apt. size. 2 only, reduced 150. Ycater Appliance Co, 375 Chemeketa Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets Sz Grands. GUITARS Standard A: Electric. ACCORDIANS All Sizes A: Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings H vtrclr At rnadt to order 1145 N. Liber ty. n3 MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal" NewCrated. 179. Ph 3-42B4. n1 HEAT your home electrically with West ins bouse or Wesln automatic electric heaters Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosief. GlbSOf and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz. PHILLIPS BROS FertlllTers well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar rence pnsw telephone and elec poles Any lenittn smnaies Yew posts. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. , Box 1 IB. n USED OIL burners, blowers St sawdust burneri. Ph. 2-8062. n5' 'CEDAR POSTS" for sale. 21 ft.. 4 ft. Ions. Hammer Bros. Ph. 85 Mt. Angel, n20 DISH GARDEN plants :nd planters Beau tiful Mora) work. Pemberton Flowei S h Op. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9948. n307 WEDGEWOOD gas rsnse. 3 years old. Ph. 2-5512. 2385 Claude St. n30B SALEM SAND A. OflAVBL COUP ANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 1 B 4 yd 10 B yds D-7 Cat St Doier D-9 Cat St Doter D-4 Cat St Dorer See us about ditching by thi ft. Phone Days 8-9408 Eves 3-83 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon n t H.P. EI.XC. motor. 1!0 St 330 l"x5' ah a ft. 6 pulleys. Ph. 3-9405 03 RUMMAGE sale. 360 State upstairs n311 iO -WAXING required with PLASTIC KOTE. the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLLANCE CO. 31S Chemeketa n FOR VOI R HOLIDAY dinners St parties. Drink, St enioy pure apple cider. Made dally (no preservative! Contains all the fruit vitamins. Puritan Cider Wks.. Wetsalem; n30B I'SED RADIOS A; record players. 19.95 UP Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa B OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 175 Chemeieta ft REAL ESTATE We take this means of expressing our ap preciation for your business the past year and to extend to everyone th. Season's Greetings. B. Isherwood, Realty Mrs. Eva Schults Blanche Isherwood S. H. Isherwood 1289 Sixth St. and Et. 1, Box 243 Phs: 2-8836 and 2-2147 AUTOMOBILES THE MEMBERS OF THE SALEM USED CAR DEALERS ASS'N. WISH TO EXTEND TO THEIR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year In observance of these holidays the follow ing members will be closed Monday, Dec. 26, and Monday, Jan. 2. AT THIS SEASON WE WANT TO EX PRESS OUR THANKS FOR THE PLEAS URE OF HAVING DONE ANOTHER NICE YEAR'S BUSINESS AND TO AGAIN WISH YOU ALL A Very Merry Christmas EVERYBODY AT . SHROCK MOTOR CO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION! Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil, 2 gal. sealed cans, 47 Vac per gal. Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140, 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 16 mo. guarantee, $4.48 exchange. H. C. Hanson, 330 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-0010. nl5 USED ELECTRIC WASHERS 119.95 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n USED Electric Refrigerators, 149.95 & up Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FULLER brushes. 174b Grant. Ph. 3-8357 nil WALLING SAN St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement ready mix concrete garden and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4-y ihovei and drag line Ph 3-S249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR STUM PAGE and fir logs wanted Shipment can ta made by truck ot rail. Independence Lumber & Manufac turing Company. Inc.. Independence Ore; on. Phone 42. na WANTED BARKIE Douglas fir poles or Rtumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole St Piling Co., Inc. naS PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH, Spencer corsetler Let a Spencer solve your figure problem All calls given special attention Ph 35072. p308 AVON COSMETICS7h73-4886. p3C9 Stanley" home prodccts! re Min.it 1165 N. 14th. Ph. a-4801. p305 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS- PO 734 Ph 3-5334 P353 IF YOUR BRASSIERE straps pull down on your shoulder try a Spencer Brassiere. Ph. 3-5073. Eve. Ph. 3-1619. P307 MADAM MARY FORT ONE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madame solve your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p m. dally 173 8. Com'l. Under new man agement. With this ad and $1.00 get a special reading. Ph. 2-9285. p20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BY OWNER 1 late model a-ton Chev. Pickup In A-l shape like new. Less than 8000 miles, one owner. Radio and heater. 6-ply heavy duty tires. Ph. 2-8785. q310 'i$ DODGE panel, 11.000 mileage. Like new. 689 N. Church. (Back of 685.) q306 '37 PONTIAC sed. Good shpe. Best cash offer over 1200. See Grabels Garage. 3579 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-9351. q306 lftjft MERCl'RY 4-door sedan, overdrive, radio and heater, one owner car. Excel lent condition. Car Insurance and 1950 license plates free. Actual mileage 13.060. Cash price 11945. Phone 3-9070 evening. S:30 to7:30. g306 3 CARS! One '38 Plymouth. Above aver aee in every way. The other, nice 37 Ford. Best offer takes each. Ph. 3-0529. q307 IREai. ESTATE IAUTOMOBILES Lee's Used Cars Sam's Motor Co. Tillie's Used Cars Zeeb's Used Cars Orval's Used Cars Capp's Used Cars Ed Anderson Used Cars Marion Motors (Nash) Bonesteele's Sales & Service (Studebaker) Valley Motor Co. (Ford) Warner Motor Co. (Mercury) Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. (Chevrolet-Cadillac) Herrall-Owens (Pontiac Dealers) Otto J. Wilson Co. (Buick) Bob Marr Used Cars Western Motors -McCall's Used Cars Stan Baker Motors (Dodge-Plymouth) Quality Used Cars G & B Used Cars Acme Motor Co. Ron's Motor Co. Salem Automobile Co. (Chrysler-Plymouth) W. L. Anderson, Inc. (DeSoto-Plymouth) AUTOMOBILES EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL PRICES We Invite your comparison for price with like make St model any where, Herral-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 880 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113. q '47 Dodge' CUSTOM 5-PASS. COUPE MAROON FINISH, RADIO, HEATER, INTERIOR LIKE NEW. BACK-UP LITE, WINDSHIELD WASHER, FOO LITE, NEW TIRES. SEE THIS TODAY. $1395 Orval's Center at Church Phone 3-4702 "THE LOT WriH THE TURNTABLE" Q306 WANTED! Car from '39 to 42 or '46. 2 door sedan or 5-pass. coujje. J. C. Brown. Box 162, Turner, Ore. q30fi '4 MERCURY club coupe. R&H. Exc. cond. 1840 E. Nob Hill. Ph. 2-0350. q309 '46 Pontiac "8" STREAMLINE STATION WAGON RADIO. HEATER. SPORT LITE. FOG LITE. BUMPER EQUIPMENT. WHITE WHEEL RINQS. SIDE VIEW MIRROR. WIND SHIELD WASHER. ORIGINAL LIGHT GRAY FNISH. IN PERFECT CONDITION. BOOK PRICE 11410. OUR PRICE $1095 Orval's Center at Church Phone 3-4701 THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" q308 OWNER 1949 135 Packard deluxe tour ing 4-door sedan. Phone 4-2326. Oil" 41 FORD 5-pass. Rad. A: h7at. Runs food. Fair cond.. 1300. Equity. Full price $525. 3495 Silverton Rd. Ph. 3-4807. q306 MODEL A. excellent condition. Ph. 2-78357 q306" CAR ACCESSORIES Fires St tubes at COM price First come Ilrst served as this is a close-out .ale Dealers welcomed R. D Wood row Co. 450 Center (Continued on Page 19) J