The Story of Christmas Told By Great Artists of History pit- w wnmm9 II ! THE NATIVITY: Van Dyck (1599-1641) "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." Detroit Schools Join For Christmas Party Detroit The annual school program combining bom nign and grade school students was held at the new grade school gymnasium. The directors of the pageant, Mrs. Eli Bangs and Mrs. Eva Wise, the directors of the choir, Mrs. Charlene Hanan, director, and Miss Mildred Gooch as as sistant. Mrs. Mildred Ray as ac companist, Mr. Hoyt in charge of the background scenery, and of course all the teachers, Jani tors and even bus drivers con centrating to make the thing a success. The main characters in the reader did a superb job. Beverly Smith as Mary, Richard Hansen as Joseph, Red Wright as inn keeper. Stanley Timms, Don El lingston. Donald Ketchum and Quentin Finley as shepherds, Joyce Wat kins as heralding an gel, the three wise men, Terry Ferguson, Donald Bray and Robert Lady were outstanding their solo work as well doing a good job at pantomim ing to make the pageant of the Christmas story a fine success. ADORATION OF MAGI: Laib (15th Century) "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and . . . they presented unto him gifts." Immanuel Lutheran Young Folks Elect Silverton The immanuel Lu theran young folk organizations have elected officers for the coming year to include for the Luther League, Erwin Over lund, president: Caroline Tor- resdal, vice president; Barbara Faarberg, secretary; John Aim lie, treasurer; Louise Lahners, P.T.M. Officers for the Im manuel L.C.R. include: presi dent, Verlee Holland; vice presi dent, Joan Meland; secretary. Myra Nelson; treasurer, Caro line Overlund. Special Radio Broadcasts For Tonight and Sunday New York. Dec. 24 W) Continuation of the radio-TV greeting to the season will bring a full quota of broadcasts to both mediums on this Christmas eve and tomorrow's Christmas day. Among the programs will be the message of King George of England, another Holy year broadcast, music, drama, parties and - llnnnE (mm AniPril-fl'l r.u. ? D.,,.inni .Harris, Art Linkletter and Gor ICUClll 111 j biiiiiij.'u.'".- The radio schedule for the two days will contain these specials: Christmas eve: NBC 8:30 Sing All We Noel, including Lauritz Melchior's "Si lent Night," chimes, chorus and orchestra. CBS 8:30 Music around Christmas tree; 9 annual carol service hour. ABC 5:30 Musicale for bid dies; 6 Robert Shaw chorale in Christmas Cantata"; 7:30 Mt. St. Michael choir; 9-midnight Service at St. John the Divine, New York. MBS 8:15 A cappella choir of Denver South high school; 8:30 Drama of Nativity "Thou Bethlehem." Christmas day: NBC ABC 7:30 a.m. MBS 10 a.m., CBS 10:15 a.m. Record ings of King George's greetings to British empire. MBS 9 a.m. Christmas the Hollywood homes of Phil don McRae; 10 a.m. Howdy Doody party for United Nation kiddies; 11 a.m. Hour's record ing of opening of holy year by Pope Pius and musical drama tization of Nativity. CBS 3:15 a.m. Christmas Jamboree; 7:30 Story of Nativ ity "While the Shepherd Watch d"; carols by children over seas; 9:30 Robert Shaw chorale Ceremony of Carols"; 11 Serenade of Carols concert; noon opera "Elextra" by New York Philharmonic, broadcast time extended to two hours' 2 hour's drama, "Man Who Came to Dinner," Jack Benny, Rosalind Russell and others. MBS 10:15 Carlton E. Morse author of "I Love a Mystery,' from Rome as an "International Santa Claus"; Noon Sixteenth annual appearance of Lionel Barrymore in "A Christmas Carol?" 8:30 p.m. Joy to the World musicale, Dennis Morgan, H. B. Warner and 100-voiced choir Detroit Church Holds Christmas Program Detroit The Christian church at Detroit held its Christmas program with the program di vided into two sections, the Sunday school children having part I, two songs by the junior choir, with a unison piece by Mrs. Ferris class also by the primary class, a solo by Don Weisgerber, and a duet by Carol Hansen and Donald Bray. The second part of the pro gram given by the choir was en titled The Christmas story, scripture reading, the prophecy, the shepherds, the birth and the wise men was read by Mrs, Lloyd Ferris, Mrs. Crowell, Mrs Mildred White, Warren Knape and James White. Poems of Christmas time were read by Dorothy Palmer, Mrs. Noble, John Davis, Rich ard Hansen, Ida Hansen, Jack White and Mrs. Eva Wise. Special numbers were by choir members and a duet by Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Dec. 24, 1949 15 Marlcne White and Warren Knape and Vira Bray and Opal White. The men gave a number with solo parts by Harlow White, Clifford White and War ren Knape. Sublimity Council Again Aids Needy Sublimity Over 200 mem bers of the Knights of Columbus attended the monthly meeting at Sublimity, this being their an nual Christmas program. A group of Lebanon Knights of Columbus, headed by their grand knight, Leonard J. Tho ma, visited the council. The principal activity of the local Knights of Columbus at this time of the year is the preparation and distribution of approximately $500 in staple gifts in baskets at Christmas time to the needy in this terri tory served by the Knights of Columbus, regardless of race or creed. Last year over 30 families were given a "Christmas Cheer" basket. The committee in charge of this work is: Vincent Mertz, John P. Gries, Merrill Brass field, Clarence Goffin, Fred Zig linski, Andy Slovkovsky and ftnny Kintz. CHRISTMAS WORSHP SERVICE First Congregational Church 6 o'clock In the Morning Central Lutheran Church North Capitol and Gaines G. B. Rundstrom, Pastor CHRISTMAS DAY, DEC. 25 No Sunday School Christmas Service, 11:00 Bring the Children With You Christmas Caroling, 3:30 No Evening Service Children's Christmas Pro gram, Dec. 26, 7 p.m. Listen to the Central Lutheran Hour Every Sunday 9:15 Over KOCO ONE HOUR Christmas Morning 10-11 a.m. Rev. M. W. An derson of Watsonville, Cal ifornia, guest preacher. 7:30 p.m. "The Christ Who Came Too Soon," pastor preaching. This Service Broadcast Over KOCO First Church of the Nazarene Center and 13th Streets Orvlllc W. Jenkins, pastor Turkey Prices May Drop Portland, Dec. 24 (A) Trade sources today reported that tur key prices might drop 5 to 6 cents after the holidays. ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS: Garofalo (16th Cen tury) "And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds . . . came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger." Churches Make Special Preparations for Christmas Scenes and music, old in tradition but carrying the appeal to old and young that has been in evidence down through the cen turies, will be re-enacted over the week-end as Salen. churches observe the anniversary of the birth of the Christ child. With altars and sanctuaries lighted with tapers and in other. ways appropriately aaornea,- at the First Presbyterian church The service will feature singing by the congregation of Christ mas carols while the choir di rected by Charles Stowell and the girls' trio will give special numbers. In keeping with the highlighting the observance. Sunday morning at 11, there will be dedication services for the recently purchased choir robes. "The Nativity Song," a can tata, will be given by the First Baptist church at 5 o'clock Sun day evening. "No Room in the Inn," i Christmas drama, will be pre sented in the West Salem Meth odist church at 7 o'clock Sun day night. Calvary Baptist church will observe a special morning watch at 6 o'clock Christ day. This service is a new venture al though it has been traditional in Europe for centuries. Dr. Victor Hugo Sword will speak on "Bethlehem." choirs and Sunday schools will nrpsenl cantatas, pageants and musical programs, all dedicated to the "Prince of Peace." Many similar programs were held last week by churches of various denomiations. Jason Lee Methodist church will present its junior depart ment at 9:45 a.m. Sunday in a program befitting the Christ mas advent of Christ. Later Dr. Louis C. Kirby will preach on the subject "His Name Shall be Called Wonderful." St. Joseph's Catholic church will conduct Christmas day masses at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. Con fessions will be heard Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5:30 and from 7 to 8:30 at night. Saint Paul's Episcopal observ ance will begin Christmas eve with a song service of the Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock. The junior choir, under the direc tion of Miss Ruth Bedford will sing at the 9:30 Sunday morning service and the senior choir at 11 a.m., directed by Ronald Craven. Communions will be re ceived at the 7:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. services. The Turner Methodist church will conduct its worship service at 10:45 Sunday morning with Dr. Robert Moulton G a t k e day, Dr. Chester Hamblin, the pastor, has chosen for his Christ mas meditation "Journey's End." The First Evangelical U. B. church will feature a dedication of children in baptism in the 11 o'clock worship service. Rev. Wilmer Brown will preach a ser mon on the theme "God Moves Toward Man." "Christmas in China" will be the theme of the 7:45 p.m. service when Rev. Paul Shen of Formosa will speak. The Sunday school of Bethel Baptist church will present a Christmas program at 7:45 Sun day evening with two pageants preaching on the subject "Res cuing Christmas From Its En emies." Terry Murray of the Willamette university school of music will sing "The Holy City." Two identical services will be given at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St. & Park Ave. Take Madison St. Bus Christmas Day Services 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 Sermon "The Incomparable Person" 6:45 Four Youth Groups and Vesper Service 7:45 Evangelistic Rally "Finding the Christ" Sat, Dec. 24, 6:45 P.M. Children's Carol Sing Over KOCO WALTER S. FREDERICK, Pastor Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Chemeketa CHRISTMAS DAY Choral Eucharist 11:00 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion 7:30 A.M. Children's Euchorist 9:30 A.M. SALEM'S New Modern Funeral Home BEAUTY REVERENCE WITHIN YOUR MEANS V. T. GOLDEN CO. MORTUARY V. T. GOLDEN BELLE NILES BROWN Commercial 42257 Ph. f MAX WYATT RETURNS I To His Pulpit Sunday From Great Meetings in Des Moines, la. ond other Iowa cities. Come Hear what the Lord is doing for THE LATTER RAIN IS FALLING SUNDAY, DEC. 25 1 1 a.m. 8 p.m. Thursday and Saturday 8 p.m. FAITH TABERNACLE 1BU sua UlalAttl Tlieir 'flock $ Bethlehem is a long way from the Pyrenees. And the Nativity was more than nineteen centuries ago. But shep herds have changed but little. Shepherds are lonely men of the broad steeps. They have time to think and hope and pray. They learn to love the humble and helpless creatures of God. They are men of courage, yet men of mercy. . Perhaps that is why God chose the Shepherds to hear the Story first! , But as they hastened toward the little town to "see this thing which is come to pass" the glorious News could have meant no more to them than it can mean to every one of us. And the King they worshipped in a humble stable, we may worship today and always, in the churches of our community. . J Th FOR THE CHURCH 3 ! I :;Z ll .f ' V I 'ak 'h Church i H " u nu"n- li Fr Ih. I" SW V I ,nn? rao,"al support pL 'Ch neKf hi mora! f j. I v"" K. I Tuc,d.r . Mtthw 53 i- u ' j I Wtdn.,d,J ,"il ' t'-" I Ih"'T..'. 1-J $" ' "; I rU,r ' Mich ' l-ll I ''V'T f tur4y'.'.ll't'""""ukt 2 l's This Scries of Adi Is Being Published Each Week Under the Auspices of the American Bible Society and the Salem Ministerial Association, and it Being Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Establishments: CAPITAL DRUG STORE Prescriptions, Drugs Sundries R. L ELFSTROM CO. Furniture and Paint ROBERTS BROS. Department Store SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 550 N. Capitol SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 137 South Commercial Choral Eucharist 11:00 A.M. I