13 CigtUl Jrmrr.il !U.'m. Ore, friity, Dsvesfber K. Barclay's Prediction for Perpetual Wins Stirs Talk Br JACK BELL Y.'ssi-.I-'.ZV.r., Tj-t- 11 VP Yjs Pr'arA'rrA Biri.'eT'i Fredi.ior. &. Cerrv.riM it? or. T.-.r.r.-r.g fore-, er r.rreri rpecatxx today of 7r-.--s.-.-E4.-:7 ran !".. r. li'.Z. It Fre-Ter.-. rrr.tr. r.a itf.-.i'A .'. ur. ! foing to rjs ia:r k kaxr. . V.-! t.-. s:..:.rj.i:, T-t s.gi-j 57 wics prrr:- s inter. -.lor.s are Jidged J Space for 4-H To Be Bigger Oregon E'-s'-e Fa are i'js?.r..r.z v. wpwji I'Jt 4-H el.-i a Fsraueri of A.v.eT.'.a. S'at ytr.r:.V -z.'.;.v.t F.r .:-s.s.r Tr.rviiJ that tr.e JV4V St. fair hai b ir.trrrjt rA ''A" 'til. trA that Wr'.W) was ijent or. the far. "It ht ir. th 'sAkj" trxt son said, "to rrr J'- .'.e H''J: Tf.r r.T. t'yr'yx..:r.-j-:. a '-'.. basis and a. t.-.e a.".-.e t:.-.-.e pro T.d t.-.e people of Co-egor. cp y,TVr..y to ezh. zrA s.-k the prod i'u rA :r.-. .x:r trA ag riculture within, the i-V:, a.s well II of.'enr.g r.tr, J-Ji:' er.VT ta in merit." Peterson that r.eisr eo.-.- traction irssSA l fn:rl m rA legislative titAx. "The fair U cirrer.'.! in o-..id financial potitiWi. b-it until present co-"-s of presenting a r-a fair, it It t.rr.-y.- t.'A SAr flbl to prcvi-; r.w 'o-iM.r.ft out of opra.ir.g rrr,-j. "We mall ?o ai far ai f ;.'.ii will prr,;t w pro-;'; tr.e br. in fariijtifrf, prrrr.:'j.rj and n-trta!r.rr.-r.t. T. Stat Fa;r lw.g hsj h?n a iif-t'ji-Uinir.? ir.ititutln. The t:rr.e ia apToaching vh'rn r:rw 'tsi:A:r.i trA Ttmrsitl'.r.z rA m.r. a'liiri inttx WiUJt be ur.denaz'rrj. Thij can only be done by legiaUitre a ppr opria t j ora . " Full House Greets Program al Liberty Liberty, Dec, 23 T-.'.re was a full hou's at the Liberty Corn- munity hall for the annual Christmas program. Tne ' Christ- mas Story" was portrayed by all the children of the school. On the program was the Pro- a month In office, as the oldest eeuional. Invocation by Rev. El- president. lery parrish, sons by the entire1 Earkley will be nudging 75' first and second vrades. In the taction day in 1952 For a Kativlty scene, "Mary," Yvonne lot ' nr"in h might be eon Pool, "Jo'.epr.," .Iarr.es Coates, oW to aspire for a "Shepherds," W:brt Kurth. Leon Hickman. Freddy Palmer and Bruce Hanson. "Kings,"; Hharr ? Evani, 'elch, Jean Collins, and Jackie V. xtuin Ann 'aifn vf;re ine cnr-i ctrri. ! Portland, Ore., Dec. 23 OJPj "O Ifoly Night," iung by Ron-' "Hie Oregon state highway c om ul's ParrLnh, "Star of the Kant," mi-ion cut SI, 000,000 from iu Vern Moore, and "Away in the maintenance dr-partment in ap Mangirr," by Carolyn Sievert. proving a $rj6 S55.000 budget for Choral reader and the choru lOSO. ripport-d the pageant. The commission yesterday TTie Community rlub distribut- agr'-ed to the cut in maintenance d treats to the children. .funds after a four-hour session iwiUi the commission's engineer On Qnad Die !in ,taff- , Paris, Dec. 23 W-One of theL,?" V"0;?"1 four boy quadruplets born W,d- neaday to Madame Andree Sorel t Kallly-SnllliHel, near Lille,; died last night. The other three, I kept In an Incubator, are report- td In iatirsff.rrU.ry health. They i were prown in the United States weigh about two pounds each, i in Hi49. WISDOM FROM 8-YEAR-OLD Movie Mothers Are Headaches To Everyone Says Child Star tiy Vllttil.N'IA Macl'HF.RSON 'r.'r,ii.4 l'lrut llll,i',.yl Corr4ion4.nti Hollywood, IJcc. 23 'Wi Movie mothers who "go Hollywood" re big headnches to everybody around, and Gigi Perreau thinks It's high time somebody told 'em so. This Is something plenty of grown-ups would like to do only they don't dare. But Gigi Is brave like all eight-year-olds arc brave. "You should th- mothers! i,.,, me hifl (,r f(jr him ,. f.f some i,I the chi d slurs I )ju( Mr, ,vrr,.au., narrow. know, .he said. Well, hon- mimied al)out trus,ng the fam estly II almost ernbarras.es ,e!ly )aopy ,Q eight-year-old. to tell you about It Hut do yo"j0lhf.rwii TOld Gl)!i ,he., oka know they aclu.,1 ly M their chll- ..f)llt ,omc mothcr!1 are jm. dr.n wear lipstick? I possible." she .aid. "The way That's not all. nlgl, as one of they overdress their child stars the top liltle girl Heiresses In lis awful. And themselves, too. town, is on the inside of this sub- Especially some of those fancy Ject, she said, and she could tell mother-daughter dresses with you all kinds of things. I ruffles all over. But first she wants to get nnej "The mothers look just ter thlng straight H-r pretty young riblc. Old women In ruffles, mother Is NOT one of the maws i Imagine! Some of them are she'd liki. to blast. Gigi's mnlh- even over 30!" er does Just about everything right. "Except thai she won't let me drive the cur. I already know how. About the brake and clutch and tilings. And Dfiddy Why Suffer Any Longer When oUvr fll. tiae out Chlrt'j rem dial Arnazlm ur for tV00 icara In China No matter with wnat ail ffi'ntJi you arc aff lictrrt, d;'trdera .Intuitu, lifsm, itjine, liver, kl-lne a, fu. f 'inllpllftn ulretn. dlab'ta, rheurnaUam. fall and bladder, leiar, iiln. female complalnu. CHARLIE CHAN CHINIhl HKRB CO, Offlra Hovra t U I, Imt. n Sal. emir tM N Cimmerelal "hone tia.itt IAI.IM. OAS. ". to po:.' : ti c'.-T ts a 7 A-.d r.o ore 1.1 Wjjh;j:7V: ir.VA -J V.r. Znrrjkn cvm rv.n asa..:. ?- ev.Iijtr.t Earicjey ir.II c ava.Ubie f ',t -e vatjtA i'.r: r,r. h- tjce.. His tr.frsn :--.?..'. Si.-ic;7 bo--;.-.? of p.".-'-re af-jtr Tea.i of v.e z:r.4 of f.-r. re is rrr-.r.t tx.r. vs. yrvr.ivr.. Ai .:-. Veep a rare r.j tnrArrSA.rrr. 'jttA or: him h-v r-.r..-:.-? ..-. 'fsxn " ?.' v.?e.h er 'Zirz'.fj U r.-'. r.? 1 -; po l.'.lril ir.fi vsjt f-t. i'r. Aj h 'r.'.rr.v-'S p'j'a it. he ij 'Oi.-i John SV-v.k 1 -hen .h r.-.. re-;j a V-p orVyr rally .he fa.hf:ji a, a rr.or.ev r?:r,r. h-.'o-je or a na'.ior.al hro5.dcaj. r:.'.h 51 the oe.'r.oorata are co.t.- i.r? vr vhh Jar. jar7 4. Preti cr.t Irmr. jeet? tr c ;cic a !ot of .he- chorei hoa'i. Earieie-v iovn Vj taiic ar.d csn rip off a t-iitioa! rpeech at the crop of a rst. Esriciey oi.-r.e up v.-ith hij .'.'.''-it opt:rr.ijt;c foreoai"' at Mi a.'r.i. Fi.. iajt --eic. He tsirf it .1 hii rjtrAA Yrlzrr.trt that ir. th 15r0 con?reir:or.al election,' in the 1SJ2 preiioentia rate and ' thro-Ji?hout the yean of the fu ture'' votri will continue V ?:v the -femooTati a majority. Rep-jhliosnj indicated they, don't thir.it much of the vice president ai a political ier Said Senator Erev.'2te,r of Maine, the GOP inavrial cam paign committee chairman: T.at to'jndt Juit like the re puhiicana talked in October. I'M? " At that time, tome repjblicanj thought they had the Truman-. Barkiey ticket w badly beatn the election would be a hoo-in for them. It didn't happen that It the democrats offer th Tm-man-fiark3e- ticket as a repeater , in l&.'2, it will h one of the most venerable ever presented to 'be American voters, In Ia7 rA that year, Mr. Tru- "" W'H be 68 years old. If elected, he would tie William! I'-nr-j Hhrrirs.n, who died after v'"na as vice president. But not or Barkley. l a. j t i Highway Maintenance, Cut $1,000,000 , " diate purchase of S667.000 worth of rolling stock. About 41 million turkeys WANTED WALNUT MEATS Sold Two Cars in East for Holidays TOP PRICES PAID ON ALL GRADES CASH ON DELIVERY Also Wnlnuts in the Shell KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St. Phone 3-7633 Open F.very Day, Except Sunday, I a.m. to 8 p.m. FORMOSA fj0 KMOCATy,,'! .r30 -T- rr-- ll.,-t.Pt r r-. B Objective of Cbine Commootata Tr.e lilanc of Formosa 'iry-v;, tr.e Ch:ne! r.at:onaj t fortreu 100 ir.i off the C.'.ma coart ij i;kei- to be axiatiited by the Chine; comrr.u-n:r-j io.meti.me nejtt year. Fred Kampson, chief of the Asso ciated Preis Ch:r.a raff, who recently go, out of Red China, iyi the P.eda are mainn? land:n? crait of ail torti fo; t.-.e armpted i.ivajio.c. Vrhen the P.eda do move it ii likeiy v prec.p.tate an international crisii. 'A.P Virephoto map Fruit and Vegetable Sprays Will Go on Trial January 17 ' OVID Vajhington. Dec. 23 P A :nect:c:des will go on tnal here Tne food and orug administration wants to know whether the can be used without harm to humans. Chemical experts, insect experts, spokesmen for fruit and vegetable growers, representa-i Free Stayton Show Attracts Children Stayton Estimating the at tendance just about right, the sponsors of the annual free Christmas matinee for children. 1010 sacks of 'treats" were sacked and there were 1013 giv en out. Two complete shows were given, at 1 and at 3 p rri. Given by the Stayton Lions to determine just which chemi club and the owners of the Star Cals are absolutely r.ecessarv theater tne cmlcren were treatea to a visit irorn sania iaus, ai well as attendinz the showins of cr! of ri7ona" with Rov sor.g oz Arizona, Aim noy Rogers, king of the cowboys, a j.. ,.u..a -rv.. i.u " Ghost, and a Wait Disney car- toon, in Dutch. Local students P-uI of the Armstrong School of Dancing of Salem presented a dance pro- grarn at each performance. Ti'iir.tu kj oi.r. i is c tit-eats were M. Van Driesche. NonTian ,T Peek, Ken Hanson, Harold Pen- djeton. Eldon Champ Omey ell. Harold Lovell, Gil Schacht- sick. Marc TsnHi-.n anH F nvrl Booze. I nmmiinitV I hrKtma i-iiim r I Program Draws Crowd 3 Tnirin.--.io Th- T'niio. Grand Island schools ioint nre-1 wntation of the Community , .ink'. arLim.. r.ro.om , held at the Unionvale church1 social auditorium. The huildine was filled and all standing room wa taken. The mixed oroKram of read-1 ings, music and songs inter-i 10 marnet. spersed with short plavs. One; 11 15 Possible that the regula-two-act plav bv bovs and girls :,,ons ma' force agriculture of the seventh and eighth grades ' department, the state agricultur in costumes. "Finnigans Flats." al colleges and other informa a charity Christmas, was por- j tion disseminating agencies to trayed; a manger scene was giv- revise their recommendations on en by the third and fourth Pray treatment for insects and grades. I disease. FJ rats were given for the child rtn. Lebanon Destitute Assisted by Elks Lebanon The Elks lodge are preparing Yule baskets for 42 destitute families in this area. They will receive ample food stuffs, including a turkey or ham, clothing, and in cases where there are children, at least one toy for each child. DANCE j E CHRISTMAS EVE : CRYSTAL GARDENS : l Floors Old Time & Modern: .... A. MARTIN broad lirt of fruit and vegetable January 1 lives of cremical manufacturers and consumer groups are expect- ed to attend the test. Tie investigation grew out of reports that some insecticides "'' u.e kmw xip are responsible for such pre.em- whicb "'ltb consioerable Prot day ailrr.ents as virus X and in- "tar.fs pupport is opposed to far.tile paralysis and tha tney nave caused deaths. Involved are such agricultur al chemicals as DDT, arsenic and others. Charged with protection of the nation's food supply, the food and drue administration wanT for healthy fruits and vegetables. Ar.v deemed harmful n u. ..i : ..... ' j i . inomic cooperation administra- quamitm and found unneces-L, r- , . jrv in the farmers' oerenniali 'ECAj funds. '. farmers perennul TCA got S5.055.000.000 in the Dattle aeainst nsts will r mlpH'.. ......... out, their U!, Drohibited hv lsw :inis year xne loiai was cui 10 Different regulations w,H be s3 77g 000 000. set up to regulate the use of those! rkaa rnnaiu. m which may be harmful but which also are proven to be esiential in food production. xv Will Dc ir.e OD OI ine lOOa and Hm? arimini.iratiAn J ut borne lawmaKers are aemanaing termme from the hearing how' vpn HnT- ?n . Lov-.much of the chemical, can bef s'cTe administration .1 J left on the fooas without eau-t 1 1 j . v.. U-., Tne food and drug adminis-, iiraiion laces a Solomons task.Dig it wji be " , CST"ul " Wl lai.ons oo not nanoicap tne poim wnere ne could "uL,prTtuce auqua,MfKodHur puies. The result would be short- i., uic h'J"" vnere ne couia a nii?ner prices n ine oiner nana, regulations ,,,u lJK 8UtM rfa l" Proieci consumer. The hearing may result in P'acmg g r e a t e r responsibility ,han at Present on the farmer; i that his products are cleaned more carefully before they move ROEBUCK AND CO. Ly (lb 1 I FREE BUS SERVICE TO SEARS Bus leaves Court and Commercial Every Half Hour From 10:15 to 3:45 ' More Diplomacy, Fewer Dollars ; Asked in Fight on Reds Br DOS kj'rr. z.ee. Tsc ifcF- Cor fre ar.-j a ?n JaiUirf 3 R:git kcw th r ?m pcirt tc . rsd: in trSj ir5- L- the Far Tr, is exe'ei T-.-h Rrj zd rt'ji effesr: cve:-? rap-.ilT ve rex". Th new 7- in jr is rracr.. Kj reprr: ii Iiie-ctf-irtd lo brLT t: I7 to fc the :atj cf a .17 new 1. A ir.sve to xtt AIrti par: P-:1T cevepei f.j-rr rp to form t pcliticau Sain and w dra SpaiB mto anti-Knm'.Ei-. froct of Wt ra Europe. J. An effort to zrake a triple. cut-back in European rpe: 4. A itrufgle to reduce to re duce military apendiry at home and abroad. 5. .n adminirtration call for a three-year extens:on of the peace-time military draft. 15. Demands for a firm govern ment policy to block commu nism in Aiia. 7. Oppor.tion to any U S. rec ognition of a P.ed regime in Chi na even though Britain may grant recognition. Senator Kefauver (D . Term.) will lead the senate fight for an Atlantic Union conference as a counter-preuure against com munism on the European front. Tne senate foreign relation committee has promised public neannzs as quiCKly as possiDie. he said. A resolution is pen-d ing signed by 21 Kmxozt au thorizing the President to call the conference. Senate McCarran 'D., Nev.), cnairman of the senate judiciary committee, is quarterbacking maneuvers for recognition and onomi? helP ,c sP.a:n- He " i.ne aaminisiraiion s aiana on 5pam. Secretary of State Acheson ha said Spain will not get U.S. recognition until Franco gives his people more basic freedoms. On the money side, it appears Europe will have to get along ; next year on less help from leaders have maoe it clear tney .avor a sizeable cut in the eco- i" 1 '"A 11 "?.:".,,'""..r"u: of the senate foreign relations committee has estimated con-! gress will trim anotner si.ouu. - nr.o nnn 4 - . ..J- ' . . ' . - ' " vaf tit.nas-if in FfA ranrfiTtff th! onW OUestion now is how Administration leaders will far-!pUjh for approval of President, Truman s "Po nt Four" orosrram of aid to backward areas of the world. , by exporting American indus - trial and technical Know-how and hv enrnuratrinff American investments overseas. The administration's most vul-i . , . . . . nerable point at the moment ap- pears to be the China policy. . .. - j . nepuoucans are primea lor a series of fresh attacks on the "wait until the dust settles" Chi na policy. This issue has been pointed up in recent weeks by the col lapse of the Nationalist armies and the government's flight to the island fortress of Formosa. The government's future pol- WHTTTHTAD tilt ir:ra.:t-cal :-"rj tirve orait n-i have ris-Z3 tad-cc-rzreu. drait nev er haj pcp-jlar an-d it is e.ectiori -j ec-.ing up reit year ftr cne-third cf the Kna torj and alj r;reentativef. Liberty Folks To Celebrate L:c?r!v Resident! cf thi conirr.ur.::y have completed plans for :r.e holiday Kascn wi:h Cr.rjr.rr.2 s f a .t. ii ? g 3 : h erir i and visits preco.nmaiir g. M-i A 1 Fx! lfMf T'-x;- ; J ; U rf-ru sc C-.-J- tJ tX7. M. ii4 W.-J- I'-.f y-y.L TnzA r C -CJ:.. 0i ? v. 2 1 1 3-vj S-' . ? V: -.-; W u Ca.:..- .J - jru it;, tri V-a- TzL U.tctz-rt is. Ci- llr 1.; C 1 . ca E'lirer ioi u W:j Hit : ssr . . in i -j Mr. 'i, v..:zj- -t -. c '.in--.- fin. r ir iid ic 2-:t -l -; v-J x Jstr. id M.-J. Duo; i -: C-. ? ? gtj.-. . Hz. xzi iC.-i. in:- Str. S--n c:nrr. Mr. iz Hit. H'itm . 14.1 -Cft IZit Z-- j Hz iz U:i Htrjiz. :; r. -.-. il Wi A;;j Hz. i- iri. G,L:--Ji. erf Ei Ci... . Mr. aii lira. I".-. Is..x. V;i Ti.i;. . .. Mr. r icri. . i.: l Cir rl 5 Mr. iri Mri. D.rw-r: Bui- :a r: ?- i -i- Mr. a-c Mn er: Du" f Oii-ir.;. C.; . , I tr, ?. isr -vt: !.--- . Du.:; si c-i.'r. Kr t--ri Mr. C-r-t Ot.'.'.j. Cirzf.rs. .--! I'turri -L". :- i Mr. asi M.-i 3 ;r. A-Ci.zi. Mn. ". C i r Hi-'.'7 -i Hi .- r v-j". : Mr. a-i Mn. C.7C C.trc is Y,..zhz. Mr. ir. M.-J. PtiZ ft-.r.arx :: :-.it u r . j -j Mr. aifi M.-j. lirr; 5c-m and ?i .. -x.l.ii- -: ir-e ari Mr. Mn. C:!ir "Ta l.-i, -ara asi Gar? oi Mr. ar.- Mrj Trr.is I,Kff Jtac i u i .uu, Mr. r-i Mra. At'.z j: p.-.:;::m an-i Kit- Mr. ar.4 M.-j. Car! a hT at r.ti'-i Mr. arl Mn. Rcy BI Car: 5.: Mr. a: Mrj Verr 2 Mr. Mr m.-i v.i.s zti i: 6:-.;-. su-. arjt. B " M.t. a.i S tr.e Mr. avid Mra, W. G r.'i a: ?i.r Crr.eri. Mr. a-i Mri. C. w. B-.ai-T .n b the --- c: Mr. asi M'l Ti 2ii."L Gs: r.2. "W.-l.as: ir.-t IVlxartf ?-.:-:;. T.-.er . , ... TiX ZZSt 1$ 22' k..-.. B-.nn.e jeia, jj. Mr. ar.4 Mn. Erstit Jztt izA Mr. ira. A .". .-. j r Van. Allen ar.i E-a. i Ar.o a -.:-e wj or Mr. ar; u.-a. j Pa.;l Fr?e .13 Crra:.u. . "' v. rwu or r ra:r.er, t. zua Gnr- - " 111 L'jl fJ t MM i-Jr car, an jc. Mr. fi --; ..r. r:.Tc. jerry, mac 1 M-laa. Mr. ar;d Mr. Dale Clare. Jrrl-Suif . :i ri-f: M:'' " Mr. and Mra. Waiter Rcrttztl. Jn- Btie. .ri.E:a. S'-ere acc Deanca, w:U be Mra. c. A. career. :n Com. - Ore. . ini Mrj. Car! P-lce;tn and B:xt will i?nd i.-. Camtmaj rXiTa ;n Wat .ord. . Dakcxa. M.-j. Mirr Powira, arid acn Clare -rill aperrd Car-itrsa In RtmotHl w;ta Mr. ha 7i u liWJ, Mr. ari hti. Warren Tr'el. MI- ;L.:;' vanDrte. Bo-jfiaj vinDrke of z'u- ttr.t. Jort. Jjdy six! Divid c.-.Ta;u ui. r. Mr.. "! M;5 u'- d in. Mr. U'.aa A14.rmn. Sir. and Mn. ptr-im. s.-.irn ma John, Mr. "- Mr. Err.rr..tt Jonruor,. Ju!:i Em. In - .ett Jr.. L!&2 ind fiiev.a. Mr. and Mn. Ralph Roberuoo. Mr. and Mra. Don Whit- and Kathr. and Axel Robert-ion. Mr. and Mra. W. W. MerxJenha:! G! have u fueau, Mr. and Mrj. Howard Meodenhall and Jerry of Zutene, Mr. and Mra. waller Mendenha!l Jr. and Mr. and Mra. Lee Roera, Ronnie and Billy of CanronvlUe, Or., Ray and Xeal Menden hall. Mr. and Mri. Roca:d , H'jdkina. Mans. Charlea and John will J-.aTe u uej'j oo Chriftmaa day Mr. and Mra. Cr.ir'.ea Hudkias and Maurice Hudklna of Los An ce!j, Calif. Mr. and Mrj. Luther BlIMnM. Wanda, PAY CHECKS GLADLY CASHED PHONE 3-9191 550 N. CAPITOL ST. erf St V? t& ?r B W Vi i Zkil: -rZ J iit-,- we r-iit V- til V-i s ti. i . 5ry - l-ttz. W- :.i u 1 U:. .3t7 IXB I J i't id-- 1C- 1 1 T- Ht . i l- ITT 3- . irr Cam 1 T.at tf i-i-:. mm u riJ re 'j -n u c. j' "- W.-t 7 r -j. ix f- ; ul Z.a -- o. K r art, er.i 4rry cu. HriJt, L-n. iz iTii.r. M. J:-f r: j- 2 :r a.r. s-L? ."it? i: v- i- u-j. A. - v.- iz u?u- c. ?:.--.xf lid r.k, i -:- zA 3.TZ" ZrAzS.f-r.t. M X- Hi - t Ui:i:tt, CLOSING OUT SALE Vust ?e For Christmas 8 Yeor Old GRAPE WINE At Low Price Ale Walnau and Filberts and Nat Meats Kapphahn's North en Portland Rood ii Want More Let u hcrw jom the Deko-Heat CooTersOB Oi Burner wkfa dx exdusrrf Tlotopowf kmc! Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Dial 3-8555 Reprtientatht Hy-L Ofl Bumma ALAMAMDEB 7 r 'I 8 Valley Welding Supply Co. 197 I. Commercial Street Salem, Oregon ...07 the FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY bears this label.. . HARWOOD'S IS CANADA'S FINEST Harwood's is the master piece of Canada's Largest Independent Distillery. To millions, it has become the Canadian Whisky which they can always depend on for quality. Every sip tells the same story of light, mellow, velvety flavor. Ask for H At woods today FIFTHS $5.05 pints si. 9 8 I BLENDED CANADIAN WHISHY 0.4 HOO ENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD., NEW YORK Mr. M.'J C ie.i. Airvt &r.".. i M:. Dt Colon , " ! Once a foreat eountrr, Great Britain now haj lest thin fTt per cent of ita are elassed n ! woodland. No Jokers Just Good Deal for YOU at DODGE STAN BAKER MOTORS High and Chemtlctta Efficient Heat? 1085 Broadway New LOW COST Portable, space heating, all-utility HEATER for use inside and eut-of-doorj. HY-LO Is Clean . . . due to return stack principle and resultant more effective com bustion, noxious fumes, smoke, and smudge are eliminated. HY-LO Is Quick . . . Lights with o match! Provide heat quickly. No wicki or volve to adjust. HY-LO Is Economical . . . Low initial cost and etortom ical to operate. Unit will burn 20 hours on one filling of light oil. HY-LO needs no constant tending. Ml m m