Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 23, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    This to Be Typical Christmas Eve
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Will Santa Come Culling? That seems to be the question
from Claudia Jean and brother, Bill, the children of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Hoffman, 2170 Trade street, as they look over
their stockings hanging at the fireplace. They're fairly cer
tain, however, that Old Saint Nick will be along. (Jesten
Miller studio picture.)
Boots and Spurs
A Santa Claus, gifts for all, games, and special refreshments
that is what Chairman George L.
Friday night at the Salem Saddle club Christmas party. His com
mittee consists of Mrs. Fred Ellis, Walter Zozel, Mrs. George
Arbuckle, Ed Goeckner, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., and Graham
Sharkey so whatever your plans
re, don't miss this.
Inasmuch as our favorite cor
respondent, Gloria Robinson,
has moved away it will be up
to one of the members to carry
on in this informative little col
umn. By now, I guess that all the
Posse members know that the
annual meeting of the Oregon
Mounted Posse association will
be held in Tillamook, the land
of Cheese, Breezes and Trees,
Saturday, Jan. 14 at the Naval
Air Base Officers club. This con
clave will run the whole gamut
of events, from a business meet
ing through to a dinner dance in
the evening uniforms for the
men but the ladies attire can be
informal, so the bulletin says.
There is a greater interest
than ever in calf roping at
present 29 members come out on
Thursday night and Sunday
morning. These meetings are
preceded by about an hour of
cow cutting with seven or eight
participating in this event as
well as having the exclusive
time after 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
Some of these horses will give a
contest to the cow cutters who
competed at the Pacific Interna
tional in October it is re
markable how much progress
they have made in this short
Suppose every one has seen
nd admired Eva Allen's new
Palomino, Sandy, newly arrived
from the Pat Thomas ranch at
Toppenish, Wash. He is a son of
Tom Allen's Lucky, out of a
very fine roping marc at Tucson,
It might be added that we will
be hosts to a couple of strays for
the holiday week-end, namely
the Thomas Livesleys, now
Check These Prices on
M usical Instruments
846 Cascade Drive Ph. 34641
Arbuckle has promised for this
members of the Chillawack Hunt
which take in about all of the
riders north of the border. The
second month they were mem
bers Pat was voted in as secre
tary and Tom was put on the
board of directors. This fall
trail rides, followed up with cof
fee and cakes, have been the or
der of the day -"the old Salem
Saddle club influence, you might
Chairman George has Just
phoned to say that the presents
for Friday's party are limited to
75 cents for the men and 50 cents
for the women on account of
the Cowboys are prettier than
Cowgirls, so he says.
Camp Fire Party
The Tanda-Ke-Ko Camp Fire
group held its Christmas party
at the home of the leader, Mrs.
Gerald Fisher. The Christmas
ceremonial was put on to hon
or the mothers and teachers. Re
freshments, made by the girls,
were served and a gift exchange
Attending the party were
Mrs. Sidney Barker and Glcnda
Mrs. Ray Brandt and Jean, Mrs.
Gerald Fisher and Jackie, Mrs.
Gerald Christofferson and Jua-
nita, Mrs. C. D. Hershfelt and
Sharon, Mrs. McGill and Judy
Hoppe, Mrs. Johnny Shafer and
Marilyn, Susan Todd and Diane
Shelton. The teachers honored
were Miss Arlene Anderson and
Miss Erma Hanna.
Joyca Giroux
Professional Manicurist
Larson's Beauty Studio
471 Court Ph. 35033
Scene Saturday
Junior Woman's
Club Initiates
Woodburn The members
of the Woodburn Junior Wom
an's club held their Christmas
party at the library club rooms
Wednesday evening, preceded
by a candlelight initiation of two
new members, with the officers
in charge. Those initiated were
Mrs. Philip Branson and Mrs.
L. H. Hildebrandt.
The Christmas party which
followed featured a lighted tree
and exchange of gifts. Winning
prizes in games were Mrs. Lois
Gaviola, Mrs. C. E. Enos and
Mrs. Lynn Simon. Others at
tending were Mrs. Harold Schiel,
Mrs. Lyman Scely, Mrs. Layman
Baird, Mrs. Charles Johnston,
Mrs. Philip Branson, Mrs. L. H.
Hildebrandt, Mrs. Donald Olson,
Mrs. E. A. Buchanan, Mrs. Wayne
Byers and the hostesses, Mrs.
Leonard Hewett, chairman, Mrs.
Jesse Fowler, Mrs. Tony Zastou
pil and Mrs. Stewart Popp. The
table was very attractive with a
cloth of red crepe paper, holly,
lighted candles and decorations
of tiny figures of Santa Claus.
The next meeting of the club
will be January 6 at 8 p.m., with
Mrs. E. A. Buchanan program
chairman and Mrs. Leo Erwert
as hostess. Colored slides of Ha
waii will be shown.
FROM Chula Vista, Calif.,
has come announcement of the
birtli of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
W. Gordon Barstow, formerly of
Salem, on December 4. The
baby has been named William
Gordon Barstow, Jr. Also wel
coming the new baby is a sister,
Susan. Mrs. Barstow is a sister
of Mrs. Sydney Kromcr and Miss
Katharine O Reillv of Salem.
?. --..1-, tCKl
ntfttitniMf""''''-""" "'
llovlon'K "Match Box" l.tiO
What every woman wants and treasures! Her favorite
shade of longer-lasting Revlon nail enamel plus a match
ing slim "Lip-Fasliion," Revlon's famous long lipstick
. . . both in a striking gold foil box. No gift is more
certain to plcoset - v'
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty "On the Corner"
Told in East
Of Interest
Interesting news to many Sa
lem friends is announcement by
Captain and Mrs. Charles G.
Robertson of New London,
Conn., of the engagement of their
only daughter, Miss Carolyn
Robertson, to Chauncey Minnick
of New York City.
The Robertson family former
ly lived in Salem. Miss Robert
son is a junior at William E.
Smith college at Geneva, N. Y.
She is a granddaughter of Mrs
C. H. Robertson of Salem.
Mr Minnick formerly lived in
Cleveland, Ohio. He is an ordain
cd Episcopal clergyman and was
a chaplain in the Philippines
during the war. He is now study
ing at Union Theological semin
ary and at Columbia university
for his doctorate.
Miss Snyder
Is Hostess
Miss Nancy Snyder was host
ess last evening at a Christmas
party at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snyder, the
group including friends who
have met for several years for a
holiday party.
Bridge was played and there
was an exchange of gifts follow
ed by late refreshments.
In the group were Miss Irene
McLeod, Miss Josephine Caugh
ell, Miss Crystal Huntington
Miss Jean Pickens, Miss Janet
Lindley, Miss Ruth McCall, Miss
Ruth Holtzman and Miss Snyder.
Staff Party
Thursday Eve
The staff in the state treasur
er's office and wives and hus
bands were entertained at a
Christmas party last evening at
Shattuc's Chateau, 52 attending.
The social hour was at 6:15
o'clock, the dinner following.
There was an exchange of gifts
and a program was given. State
Treasurer Walter Pearson gave
greetings and Fred Paulus was
master of ceremonies.
Members of the staff in the
Portland office also were here
for the party. On the commit
tee arranging details were Miss
Edna McElhaney, Miss Monica
Berning, Mrs. Bernice Martine-
Lally, John Schwabe and Gor
don Barker.
Trio Sings
The Debonaires trio, including
Misses Sidney Kromer, Carol
Lee and Laurel Herr, presented
an hour's program at the state
tuberculosis hospital this week,
and featuring the program were
several requests by the patients.
The girls trio has appeared at
several affairs this fall as well as
giving programs over KEX.
Named Candidate
Woodburn Miss Joanne
Green, daughter of Mrs. Anna
Green Tillman, has been elected
as Woodburn high school candi
date for the annual citizenship
award of the Daughters of the
American Revolution. She was
one of three senior girls select
ed by the faculty and was elect
ed by a vote of the senior class.
Miss Green will compete
against a girl from Canby high
school for selection as represent
ative of Belle Passi chapter of
the D.A.R. at Woodburn. She
will also receive a medal at the
time of graduation.
Candidates were selected on
the basis of dependability, lead
ership, service and patriotism.
The final state selection will be
by lot and with it goes a $100
award and eligibility to partici
pate in further national competition.
Edited by MARIAN
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 23, 1949
Miss Best Is Bride at
Ceremony in Corvallis
At a charmingly arranged informal wedding ceremony sol
emnized this afternoon in the Westminster House at Corvallis,
Miss Charlotte Best, daughter of Mrs. H. C. Walling of Salem,
was married to Charles R. Johnson, son of Mrs. Mary K. John
son of Cottage Grove.
The 4 o'clock rites were per
formed by the Rev. Robert Bulk-
ley of the Confederate Church.
The service took place in the
chapel at one end of the room.
Christmas greens and white
cones decorated the archway to
the chapel, with baskets of white
chrysanthemums and candela
brums with lighted tapers at
either side inside the chapel
For the music, Victor Wolfe of
Salem sang "I Love Thee" and
"The Lord's Prayer' during the
Miss Beverly Mott of Salem
lighted the tapers, wearing an
ankle length black skirt with
white blouse.
Bride in Gray
The bride wore a two-piece
dress in dove gray sheer wool
and with it an emerald green
hat and brown accessories. She
carried a white Bible with white
Miss Bernice Orwig of Port
land was maid of honor. She
wore an aqua wool dress with
brown hat and accessories and
carried a crescent bouquet of
daffodils and violets.
Lee Collier of Cottage Grove
stood with Mr. Johnson as best
man and the ushers were George
Vincent and George Asbury, both
of Corvallis.
For her daughters wedding
Mrs. Walling wore a navy blue
suit with navy accessories and
corsage of white Anaryllis
lilies. Mrs. Johnson, mother of
the bridegroom, wore a two-
piece wine dress with black ac
cessories and corsage of the
Reception Follows
The reception following also
was at the Westminster House
Mrs. H. W. Bruck of Portland
and Mrs. D. M. Craw of Browns
ville poured, and cutting the
cake was Mrs. H. S. Herd of
Corvallis. Miss Donna Jean
Craw passed the guest book,
Following a trip to the coast
the couple will be at home in
Corvallis. Mr. Johnson is at
tending Oregon State college.
Nurses Meet
The practical private duty
nurses group met Tuesday for
a Christmas party at the home
of Mrs. Karen Barnes. A din
ner was served, followed by a
Christmas tree and exchange of
gifts. Games were played and
carols sung.
Election of officers was the
business for the evening, Mrs.
Nellie Woodruff being named
chairman and Mrs. Minnie John
son, secretary. Present for the
event were: Mrs. Elsa Phalin,
Mrs. Nellie Banta, Mrs. Clysta
Sutton, Mrs. Ruth Nordal, Mrs.
Pearl Roudeau, Mrs. Golda
Kyle, Mrs. Evelyn Self, Mrs.
Nellie Woodruff, Miss Zelma
Hilmer, Mrs. Minnie Johnson
and the hostess Mrs. Karen
Barnes. All hoped for another
Christmas party next year.
Here's a gift that looks much more than its
modest price would indicate. For here in this compact,
rich looking simulated leather kit are all eight oi
her Charles of the Ritz beauty essentials.
(Retail Talue of contents, alone, is 10 JO),
Is Honored
Honoring Miss Catherine
Cooper, who is to be wed on
December 29 to Herbert Bauer,
Miss Frances Baum entertained
a group of friends for a break
fast and shower Thursday morn
ing at the Ben Lomand drive
home of her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. W. W. Baum.
Guests included Miss Cooper
and her mother, Mrs. Daniel
Cooper, also her grandmother,
Mrs. Mary E. Donald; Mrs.
George Bauer, mother of Mr.
Bauer; Mrs. W. W. Baum, Miss
Marilyn Burris, Miss Janyce
Baker, Miss Gayle Juve, Miss
Joan Enyeart, Miss Eva McMul-
len, Miss Marian Carson, Miss
Leona Burgoyne, Mrs. Theodore
L. Covalt, Mrs. Tad Shinkle,
Mrs. James Williams.
Boys Choir Gives
Program for Club
Lebanon The Junior Wo
man s club entertained at its
annual Christmas party last
Thursday evening at the Pres
byterian church. Special guests
were 11 boys from the Woodburn
training school's choir, the school
superintendent, Mr. Lamb, Mr.
Marrick, boys' counselor, and
Mrs. Metzger, music instructor
and director of the choir.
Twenty-six members of the
Lebanon club heard the choir
sing a complete program of
Christmas music, featuring two
piano solos, and a special ren
dition of "Deck the Halls" dur
ing which pretty holly corsages
were presented to the hostesses
and a gay Christmas garland was
hung on the wall. All were made
by the choir boys.
' Mr. Lamb spoke to the club
about the school, explaining how
the boys were helping to im
prove their cottages and how
the Christmas season is spent
at the school. He said that plans
are being made to enable some
of the boys to spend the holidays
at home with their parents.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess committee, headed
by Mrs. Hugh Wilcox and her as
sistants, Mrs. William Wall, Mrs.
Jack Davis, Mrs. Virgil Wills,
Mrs. William Moynihan and
Mrs. Ross. Background music
was provided by impromptu
songs by the boys who gathered
around the piano during the
social hour.
The club presented the boys
with a big box of Christmas
candy for each of the cottages
at the school.
At the business meeting, held
after the guests had departed it
was announced that two mem
bers of the Junior Woman's club
are invited to Sweet Home on
December 20 by the Junior
Chamber of Commerce of Sweet
Home to help judge the Christ
mas lighting in that city.
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' Wed Sunday in Corvallis The marriage of Mrs. James
C. Swarbrick was solemnized in a Christmas setting in St.
Mary's Catholic church in Corvallis last Sunday. The bride
is the former Madeleine Glee Keene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy S. Keene, for many years residents of Salem. A large
group of Salem friends motored to Corvallis for the wedding
and the reception following at the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
house. The couple are to live in Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. Swar
brick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Swarbrick of Twin
Falls, Idaho. (Hise studio picture, Corvallis)
Next meeting will be held at
the federal housing project re
creation center on January 5.
After the regular business meet
ing, the remaining hours will be
spent in addressing envelopes
for the Easter seal drive. Mem
bers attending are requested to
bring typewriters and pens.
ARRIVING in Salem this week
to spend the holidays here is
Mrs. Edna Yockey of Stockton,
Calif. During her stay here Mrs.
Yockey is visiting with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Jr.
Margarite Kline Original
finished gloves for your
fair. 2.95 to 12.95.
the vogue f sdem-
445 State
MR. AND MRS. Robert R.
Schott and daughter have re
turned to Salem for the holidays.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Schott. He has been in
Teheran, Iran, and Bosra, Iraq,
for the past four years with the
state department as vice consul.
2 Floors Old Time & Modern!
A compliment
to her vanity!
Hose by Lark
wood, 51 gauge
15 denier. Re
inforced garter
top. At 1.75.
w 1
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