2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 23, 1949 All But One Salem Reserve Units Affected by Pay Loss All but one of the eight army reserve units in Salem will be affected by the cutting off of drill pay for reservists of the army announced In Washington Thursday. : Only unit not affected, according to Lt. Col. Bruce H. John son, instructor-inspector for the reserves here, will be the army postal unit 894, an "A" type unit. The postal unit, which has one officer and nine enlisted men will continue to be paid for four drills monthly. Two units, both training units, will have their drill pay cut off entirely. Affected by this will be the 6375th station compli ment with 23 officers and no enlisted men, and headquarters and headquarters company of the 623rd engineer construction group with 13 officers. Each of these units has been having two pay drills monthly. Cut from two pay drills month ly to one pay drill will be five of the organized units. These units have a total of 103 offi cers 48 enlisted men and one enlisted Wac. These five units and the num bcr of officers and men are 369th boat and shore, engineers, 19 officers and 24 enlisted men 409th quartermasters, eight of ficers and nine enlisted men Third battalion, 413th infantry regiment, 26 officers and seven enlisted men; headquarters and headquarters company, 318th replacement depot, 23 officers two enlisted men, and one en listed Wac; 929th field artillery battalion, 27 officers and six en listed men. Cutting off of drill pay for the reservists here will not af feet their regular training sched ule. The units will continue to meet on their regular scheduled nights and the men to receive their credit for retirement. i ... ,m I . ' Honeymooners Clark Ga ble and the former Lady Syl via Stanley are pictured at the Alisal guest ranch near . Santa Barbara, Calif., where they were married. Both had been married three times. They are planning a honey moon in Hawaii. (AP Wire Photo) Gable and Bride Sail for Honolulu San Francisco, Dec. 23 VP) Looking fresh and fit and flash lng his famous broad grin, Clark Gable and his bride sailed aboard the S. S. Lurline early today for a Honolulu honeymoon. The new Mrs. Gable, slim. blonde and young looking, is the former Syvia Hawkes Ash ley Fairbanks Stanley. A large crowd thronged the Lurline decks before it sailed and hundreds more jammed the dock. The Gables had to squeeze their way through packed pas sageways to reach their cabin. Women squealed and shouted "There he goes. Oh, I saw him." The Hollywood movie star was dressed In a grey plaid suit, his bride in a grey crepe dress under a three-quarter mink coat. "How did all this come about?" a reporter asked. "She decided it," Gable laugh ed. "I asked her and fortunately she said 'yes'." '. Mrs. Gable said the couple would spend about two weeks in Hawaii. . i Life Term for Slayers Beach Doctor Of Long Los Angeles, Dec. 23 VP) Ralph (Blnckie) Schwamb, for- Romulo Declines Aid to Japanese Lake Success, Dec. 23 (Pi Carlos P. Romulo, head of the Philippine delegation to the United Nations, disclosed today he has refused to serve on a committee sponsoring the Japan International Christian univer sity foundation. Romulo, who is now president of the UN assembly, outlined his position in a letter to Joseph C. Grew, national chairman of the committee and former Amer ican ambassador to Tokyo. The foundation plans a campaign for $10,000,000 next spring. In declining Grcw's invita tion to aid the campaign, Romulo said: "Hundreds of Philippine schools, colleges and universities destroyed by the Japanese armed forces during the war have not vet been completely reconstruct ed; many of them still lie in ruins. Without detracting In any way from the importance of the humanitarian project which you are sponsoring, I feel that our own destroyed and damaged schools have a prior claim on whatever time and energy I can devote to educational rehabilita tion." mm maior league pitcher, and Ted Gardner, each 27, today were sentenced to life impris onment for the robbery murder of a Long Beach, Calif., phys ician that netted them only $3J. Dr. Donald B. Buge was beat en to death near Gardena, Calif., Oct. 12 after, it was testified, he had met the pair at a gambl ing club. ENDS "A FAREWELL TO ARMS' TONIGHT "THE HATCHET MAN Gala XMAS SHOW! STARTS TOMORROW! IheladyTakesASaiior rfo-taoarWatt iavin' n fionv IUomur. Brun 2nd Hit: Roddy McDowell in "TUNA CLIPPER" British Envoy Shot at Prague Prague, Czechoslovakia, Dee. 23 VP) The British embassy In Prague announced today that Donald M. Brander, director of the British Institute at Bratis lava, was wounded last night by an unidentified gunman who en tered his house and shot him three times. Brander was shot twice in the thigh and once in the hand. The gunman escaped. A spokesman of the embassy said there was no evidence to show the reason for the attack, The British institute is an or gan of the British consul working for cultural relations between Britain and Czechoslovakia. Brander, father of two chil dren, has been stationed in Brat islava, capital of Slovakia, since early 1946. He is about 40 years old. The British embassy said Brander was taken to a hospital where are operation was per formed. "Two of the three bullets were extracted and Brander is resting comfortably," the state said. "He has given all possible informa tion to the police who have put a guard on his house and are actively searching for the mis creant." The British consul at Brati slava, Alfred J. Sington. later said that Brander was shot after a struggle with his assailant, Icy Floods at Prince George Prince George, B.C., Dec. 23 (CP) Icy waters from the Ne- chako river swirled through Prince George streets today backed up by an ice jam. As flood waters rose six inches overnight, sawmills clos ed, and some householders in the mill district fled their homes. Damage already totals at least $75,000. Dynamite was used in efforts to divert the flood waters from industrial sections, and in the residential district 200 homes are menaced. Eight to 10 feet of freezing water has spilled into millyards, causing heavy damage to ma chinery. Seven of 11 mills in the district have closed. Twenty-five acres of mill area now are under water, and more than 1,000,000 feet of timber, much of it kiln dried, is float ing around the yards. More than 300 men are idle today, and the jobs of hundreds of others are threatened as the water advances into the mill district. rrn v tlx l-fV-iWi'fl itfT St lil Symington, Hope Flying to Alaska Seattle, Dec. 23 VP) Come dian Bob Hope and Air Secre tary W. Stuart Symington flew northward today for a white Christmas in Alaska. They took off in the personal plane of Brig. Gen. Frank Arm strong, the air force commander in Alaska. The takeoff was shortly before 9:30 a.m., about an hour behind schedule. Hope is going north to enter tain air force units on the Christmas weekend. He is tak ing his wife and two adopted children, Linda, 11, and Tony, 10. II0UVI3DE0 NOW SHOWING . OPEN 6:45 "Christmas with Randolph Scott George Brent - Co-Feature George Raft Joan Mondell JAUTRYi HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB TOMORROW FREE CHRISTMAS TREATS 3 CARTOONS Pluto. Utile Lulu, Tom A Jerry Ending - Jungle Serial Beginning - New Serial "GREAT ADVENTURES OF WILD BILL HICKOK" Special Matinee Feature I "ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL" In Technicolor with Roy Rogers and Trigger ALSO BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Gary Allison Rlrklo Bell Kenneth Langdon Tommy Wright Sammy Huston Unda Dent Tommy Waters Kenneth Carl Dennis McHon Kathleen Mix Gary Doty Marllynn Keaney Robert Graham DaTtd Remington Wanda Donaldson Patricia Saddler Phyllis Newland Marlee Chaetaln Sat. Ere. Show Cont. After 6:30 I -a. aswsaaasteMdwurA- - JftnaswT--r---"V tW tm'lui U ' ' 'fa'' ' ,. r'fmH: Si Fair Board to Fight Ouster Portland, Dec. 23 VP) Mult nomah county's commissioners faced opposition today in their attempt to reorganize the coun ty fair. The county fair association as serted last night that it owned the property at the fairgrounds. Fair directors ordered A, H. (Bert) Lea to ignore the county commissioners and to continue to take instructions from the association board of directors. The county commissioners had voted to cancel the association's contract to lease the fairgrounds. They announced they would name a new fair board. The vote followed an auditor's re port that said the fair manage ment had accounted for money only loosely. Reynolds Buys Four Aluminum Plants Washineton. Dee. 23 UP) Snip of four aluminum olants and a sinter (cinder) plant to the Reynolds Aluminum Co., for $50,081,958 was announced to day by General Services Ad ministrator Jess Larson. The properties sold are: He Knows the Answers A fitting candidate for the "Quiz Kids" is 10-year-old John Harvey, who, Thursday night, knew the answers during a question and answer contest held In connection with the Willamette-Western Washington bas ketball game. John was awarded a turkey after his five competitors had flunked out. He proudly displays his prize in the above picture. Salem Quiz Kid Wins Turkey for Christmas Dinner Some folk "bring home the bacon," but it took young John Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Jr., to provide the family with a Christmas turkey. John, 10 years old, won one of the Northwest Turkey as sociation's prize birds during Intermission time at Willa mette university Thursday night because he knew the name of the man who "took the turkey to Turkey." Teamed up with three adults and a couple of youngsters in a quiz contest, young John gave evidence that he reads the newspapers when he was the sole survivor of the question and answer game. When the woman who re mained as John's only oppon ent muffed the turkey ques tion, he unhesitatingly re plied "Gene Malecki." . DANCE CHRISTMAS EVE CRYSTAL GARDENS 2 Floors Old Time & Modernl Then he marched across the playing floor to lay his prize in the lap of his mother. Afterwards John was asked nine additional questions and he knew all the answers ex cept one concerning the iden tity of one of the officials for for the game. John's dad is Associated Press correspondent In Salem and John writes news from Salem Heights school for the Capital Journal, Storm Warnings Hoisted Portland, Ore., Dec. 23 flJ.PJ The weather bureau announc ed that small craft warnings were changed to storm warnings at 10 a.m. today in the strait of Juan de Fuca and through inland Washington waters for increasing southerly winds reaching up to 30 to 40 miles an hour with gusts up to 50 miles an hour by noon. DANCE 8 SATURDAY NITE Aumsville Pavilion Music by Tommy Kezziah and His West Coast Ramblers In Aumsville 10 Miles S. E. of Salem 9:30-12:30 : OUR GALA Christmas HOLIDAY PROGRAM Starts Today! Here's Our First Big Holiday Hit! If S HE HEART-FOUNDING THRILL-STORY OF THE ORPHAN KORSE WHO RAGED TO GLORY! SH I RLEY TEM PLE RTZG FRALD McGALUSTEF I 2nd Holiday Treat! r BOGARTS COT A DATE BLONDE TOKYO! UAbU RMOCf SBM KNOX MAR1Y RATWUWA t iWi i sjIssiTI An aluminum plant at Hurri cane Creek, Ark.; aluminum re Hnriinn nlants at Jones Mills, Ark., and Troutdale, Ore.; an aluminum sheet and rolling mill at McCook, 111., and a sinter nlant used in connection with the Hurricane Creek plant. The plants were built by the government during World War II. Reynolds has been operating them under lease since early 1946, with options to buy. Forests cover half the area of Sweden. Merry Christmas to All! NOW! OPEN 6:45 P.M. Tyrone Power "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" o Mickey Rooney "SLAVE SHIP" KARTOON KARNIVAL TOMORROW At 12:30 with Reg, Show ENDS TODAY! (FRI.) "CANADIAN PACIFIC" & "APARTMENT FOR PEGGY" Ph. 3-372'. a Cont. Shows Sat., Sua., Mon. STARTS TOMORROW ! t f 5b 2S ENTERTAINMENT! m EDMUND GWENN . ehc iockhart . sataui wood 0-v rOTE HAU.. W1UIAM fSAWUT JEftOMC C0WAH PHILIP T0H0E - CO-HIT! News Ph. 3-34B7 Matinee Daily From 1 p.m. THE SCREEN TRIUMPH YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! My ENDS TODAY! (Fri) Bing Crosby "Holidoy Inn" Barbara Stanwyck "The Lady Eve" STARTS TOMORROW! shall use a woman's lips as I use a sword (No Advance in Prices) 55 a I TYRONE ORSON POWER-WELLES wanda HENDRIX MARINA BERTI EVERETT SIOANE KAIINA FAXINOU FELIX AYLMER '.HENRY KING .,S0in.SIFGFI SEC... Tht Sivis Clntmattt Wondtfi f rin World I 1I0UIHI 01 THt (HUH IIOM HOi 1HI tVNGIOIC "TOtTOHJ Of u BU COM SAD" -wiu aim sui imuiin lutl or mi luaiat on' TAQIH lllll 01 CONQOIir .am Of nn uvun umr ADDED! Color Carton Novelty Reel (Features oH:00 3:155:30 7:50 10:05 P. M.) PLAN TO WELCOME 1950 AT OUR WHOOPEE NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNITE SHOW ! FREE FAVORS ! '1