1 1 AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ! Hey ! IT'S 'Warner Motor Co.'s t USED CAR LOCATION Wishing You and All a "Merry Christmas WITH THESE BARGAINS 194B Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, O'd., clean . $2443.00 1949 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, Fs. Spt. I'gnt, ... . $1HI).IHJ 1949 Mercury' 4-Dr.' Sedan R&h Wsw $1995.00 1941 Buick Special 4-Dr. Sedan R&H, Excel, cond llll Z 1941 Ford Convert, R&H, A real buy $ 595.00 1941 Ford Sedan Very clean "" 1940 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan R&H. very nice . . 1940 Ford Cpe V NO SANTA CLAUS? i 1947 FORD 2-DR. SED., R&H, MAROON, i CLEAN & PERFECT 11 595.00 545.00 $997.00 CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 1937 Buick Sedan, 4-Dr. . .. 1937 Chev. Sedan .... 1935 Ford Tudor See this 107.00 197.00 197.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER DIRECTORY YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BUY SHROCKIZED USED CARS HUDSON 1949 COMMO DORE CLB-CPE. GUAR ANTEED $2395 HUDSON 1948 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $2195 HUDSON 1947 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $1495 HUDSON 1946 SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUARAN TEED $1395 STUDEBAKER 1947 COMMANDER SEDAN. GUARANTEED $1498 KAISER 1947 SPECIAL SEDAN. GUARANTEED $1287 CHEVROLET 1941 MASTER-DEL. CLB-CPE., GUARANTEED $ 787 CHEVROLET 1940 SPEC - DEL. SEDAN. GUARANTEED $ 597 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. Buy a Shrock Used Car and have a happier New Year with the Difference. ShrockMotorCo. CHEMEKETA CHURCH TEL. 3-1933 ADDING MACHINES All miku umO edm bin u aoM, rented, repaired. Roen. 4S Court Phone l-T7I. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELKCTWO HUME fcPplUoee MPaJr MTttU new ppllanw. Vinca'a Iloetrlo Phone Free estimate- Trade-In Accepted o S-9238 137 B Liberty flt Q AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towtnt service day phont I-S3BS. Rlcnt 3-180 33" Center o BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldi.. cleat Intr. teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview Ave. Ph. 3-3146, Salem. otV BUILDING CABFENTRY Remodel, rrpair that home now. Termi. No down payment Phoni 3-4850 CARPENTERING AND PLASTERING Plumbing, fixture Installing, cement fin ishing. Reasonable, hi. i, oox CASH REGISTERS Instam delivery ot new RCA aah restaur Al m&lw sold, rented, re pa. ed. Roen 4M Court Ph 3-8773 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalk driveway, patio, euro, walla, etc Call 3-4850 O Grain Markets Generally Quiet Chicago, Dec. 23 (&) Grains drifted along in quiet dealings on the board of trade today. It was a typical pre-holiday mar ket. For most of the session the tendency was for feed grains to show a slight gain and wheat to show a slight loss. Toward the close, however, wheat made up its lost ground. Wheat closed Va-'A higher, March $2.18-V4 , corn was 5 to 1 cent higher, March $1.31 S1.32. oats were fc-lVi higher, March 7314, rye was Vi-IM higher. May $1.431i-i!i, soy beans were V4- higher, March $2.31 '.i , and lard was 17 to 33 cents a hundred pounds lower, CHIMNEY SWEFP cleaned. o311 EXCAVATING. Ben Otlen & Son excavating A cradtnf. Land clearing. Ph. 3-3080. OT EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator service. Ph. 4-2474. Lee Cross. Rt. 6, Box 437-C, 0311 Breiihauol.' (or fu.wera Dial 1-flnfl I" FURNACE St CIRCULATOR SERVICE SALEM MARKETS QUOTATIONS Sal.n Uveitouk HarfeM (By Valley Packing Company. Wooled lamb IIS. 00 to . Feeder lamb 113. qq. to $17 00 Calve, good (300-450 lb.) 118.00 to 132.00 Veal (150-300 HM.t top ....izz.oo w ,jj.oi Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Friday, December 23, 1949 17 Portland Eaatslde Market Beet old lor 70-80 cent a florin buncheut on the Portland Eatide Farm era Wholesale Produce murk ft today. Other bunched vegetable were; Car rol. 10-80 cent; celery root. I1.80-1.1S; radtithes, 75-80 cents; green onion. 70-75 cent.; turnips, I1.00-1.1S. C'HbbBBO brought $1.50-1.75 an 85-lb crate. cauliflower waa quoted at ii.3q-i.75 a crate. Lettuce held around 14.65 a crate. Celery In standard crates sold (or I'.SO 2.00 with heart bringing around 13.00. Spinach wa (1.50-1.75 an oranse box. Apple were .1.85-2.00 for Rome In 35-.l boxes; $1.35-1.35 or Newton and 11 .35-3.00 lor Delicious. Bruueli sprout were I3.O0-2.J5 a 13 cup lug. Girl Sees for First Time, Thanks to Anonymous Santa Talladega. Ala.. Dec. 83 WP) The Christmas story of an almost blind Mobile, Ala., girl and her Chicago Santa Claui from "the bend of the river' was told today. Bernadine Pressley, 18-year-old student at the Alabama school for the deaf and blind here, can now see the bright world of Christmas for the first time in- her life. Her good fortune began sev eral weeks ago, when Dr. John E. Bryan, school president, re ceived a letter from Chicago written on ordinary ruled tablet paper. The writer asked if there was anything he could do to help the school. Vacuumed it repaired. Dvorak. Ph. 24963 HOME PRODUCTS RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. 2-8576. 843 CENTER PH. 3-3012 NO DOWN PAYMENT 1934 Chevrolet Pickup . . 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan . . 1937 Chrysler Royal 1937 Pontiac 1937 Plymouth Sedan ... 1938 Ford Fordor 1936 Chevrolet $150 $325 $250 ....$250 . .. .$250 . .. .$300 $125 LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE m CENTER PHONE 2-797S-2410 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE MqJM, WILSQNS END OF THE YEAR CLEARANCE Compare Compare Compare PRICE APPEARANCE CONDITION 1950 Buick Special Sedanet. Dynaflow $2500 1950 Buick Special Sedan 1949 Buick Special Sedan , ' 1948 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. Dynaflow " 1948 Buick Super Sedan 1947 Buick Special Sedan 1946 Buick Super Sedan . ,, 1946 Buick Special Sedan 1948 Pontiac Streamliner 8 Sedan j' 1946 Pontiac 8 Sedan Coupe 1947 Oldsmobile 78 Sedan. Hydramatic 1948 Crosley Station Wagon ALSO SEVERAL LOW PRICED OLDER MODELS OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center AUTOMOBILES CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 49 CHEV. Aero Sdn. extras. One owner. 6000 mile... W. w Tlrea. Jusl broke In. Really .. 48 CHEV. Town Sdn. RH. m clean. One owner. 29,000 mlle. Only 11295. 37 CHRYSLER Royal 6 sedan. Healer, new tires, one owner, new paint, a dandy. 1100 down. - 41 CHEV 2-door sdn. Spec. Deluxe. Seat , cover., R&H, new tires, new paint. 40 CHEV. Sdn. Spec. Deluxe. RH. one owner, lood paint & tires, lor only 17 STUDEBAKER 6 Sdn. Healer, two new tires, lots ot transportation lor only 150 down. 49 CHEV. Deluxe Stylellne 4 dr. sdn. Heater, undercoated, 1500 miles. Dark blue color. . 46 CHEV. Aero Sdn. RAH and lots 01 other extras, spotllte, seat covers. 47 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Heater As new tires, seal covers. 41145. flesh, trade or 6 terms. Ph. 2-8602 KANNIER'S USED CARS Across Irom MKN Furniture West Salem l30 AUTOMOBILES JANITOR SERVICE 41 Buick SUPER SEDAN GOOD TIRES. EXCELLENT MOTOR. RADIO, HEATER, DEFROSTER. FOG LITES. MED. BLUE FINISH, INTERIOR un-RV ni.FAN THIS IS A REAL VAL UE. CONVENIENT TERMS, FULL PRICK $695 Orval's Center at Church Ph. 3-4702 "THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Eisner Motors Fine Cars ZEEB'S USED CARS SELL BITT TERMS 2325 Faint round 520 Hood 8L TRAD 2 LOTS Ph. 2-6454 Ph 1-111 ISO nSED CAR LOT 150 A your old one, 12th St. Junction. Open till 10 p .m. "Eisner Motors to Buy HOUSEHOLD PKODLCTS J. R Wat kill Oo iTerj 1711 Center products Pre Ph 3-5395. OVULATION Johna-Manvllle. Phone 3-3748. Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor Waxing Bulldlnna - Factories - Homes Estimates Without Obligation AMERICAN BIjDQ. MAINT. 00. Ph. Salem 3-9133 LANDSCAtT NURSMT f V. Doerfler St Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancastrr Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1322 o DELUX SERVE SELF Laundry 345 Jef ferson St Phone 23452. a Porlland ProtJue It u Iter fat Tentatrr, iR)ect to Imme diate chango. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 percent acidity delivered In Portland 67c lb.: 82 score, 6Sc lb.; 90 score, 63c; 89 acore. 55c. Valley routes ftnd country point 3c lesa thao first. Duller Wholesale POB bulk cubes to wholesalers, trade 93 More. 63c A S3 score. 63c: B 80 score. 60c lb., O B9 core, 57c Above prlcea ar strictly .luminal Cheese Sell In price to Portland whole jtala nmnn iinalea 30-43 C. Or Won t imall loaf. 44tt-45ci triplets 1 less than mi Kirs. F.Kt (to wholesalers) A iradt larse. 40-42 '.He; A medium, 36-37 lac; BTftde B In rut, 39-40c: small A crAde, 35 'Ac. Portland Dairy Market nutter Price to retailers! Orade AA , , i j: ,.,n -i ' prinw. one: aa canons, oc, n v niw. ine volume ui iifiiiiuK mno oi fj8c- A cartons 69c; B prints, 6f.c. iUr of 1 SOrt (Ml) Share lorl Mm Price to retailers urane " ' Stocks Advance Irregularly - New York, Dec. 23 (V-With a show of moderate activity, the stock market held a steady course today, LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, suaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Com'l. St. o311 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 1-4069. the entire day. Gains and losses were fairly well distributed throughout the is twith the plus signs a little thicker. The market started out with a burst of activity that dwindled down to a moderately fast pace. Stocks moving higher included U. S. Gypsum, Pan American Airways, Gulf Oil, Western Un ion, Anaconda, Homestake Min ing, Dow Chemical, American Woolen, Goodyear and Philco Radio. Lower were Santa Fe. Stand ard Oil (NJ). Allied Chemical American Smelting, Bethlehem Steel and Lockheed. Portland Grain Pnnland. Ore.. Dec. 13 (U.ri vnsn urnin Soft while, soft white no rx. white club, hard red winter ordinary 2iB'i Dm. Coarse arains t'oa-sL nenvrry: Oats: No. 2 38 lbs white 56.50 bid. B Arte?: No. 2 Ah lb.; WeM S6.00 bid. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish At Hawaiian Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. OFFICE FURNITURE it SUPPLIES Do.sk chairs, files and Milne supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief c -s. Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE . Ph. 2-8662. Eve. 5Ifatrom's are equipped paintlnn Phone 3-2403 to do Ton I PAINTING St PAPERIIANGING FREE TURKEY WITH EVERY CAR SOLD THIS WEEK 1941 BUICK 1B40 CHEVROLET SEDAN, VERY CLEAN. R&H 1942 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1940 Willys Sedan 19H7 Pontiac Sedan 1M7 DeSoto coupe pick-tip in 46 Cadillac Sedan. RAH. Tery dean 1841 Chevrolet Ion pickup Many other cars to' choose from Down payment as low as $50 To our many friends and patrons we wish a very Merry Christmas RON'S MOTOR CO. GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Lubrlcstion - Steam Cleanina Chevron Products 240 So. Hlph Ph. 3-4508. jt05 FINANCIAL At painting-. Est. free. 1'h. Palntintt and paperhanulnK. Prea esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. oT PAPERHANGING LEGAL 48c; NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROSE WOOD and EDNA L. HOUSER have been, by order of the Circuit court oi me State of Oretton for Marion County, ap pointed administratrices oi me tsi of EDWARD NOVVAK, deceased. Any persons havinft claims analnst said es tate are reduested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said administratrices 110 Pioneer Trust uuiiainn, o. Oreaon. within six months irom tne aaie of this notice. Dated this Hth day or uecemoer, ROSE 1. WOOD EDNA L. HOUSER Joint Administratrices of the estate ot Edward Now ale. deceased. RHOTEN A RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bulldinf Salem. Oreaon Attorneys lor Administratrices. Dec. 8. 10, 23. 30, Jan. o. Expert PaperhanKlnu and pnlntlnk. H J. Woodsworth. Ph. 3-9807. Fret, est. 0305 PRUNING AND SPRAYING Phil i p W. Belike. PLUMBING I'lCTURE t'RAMlNO Picture framina Phone S-6687 Hutcheoo Paint Store ROAD GRADING Larce & Small lobs. New grader. Strlckfaden, phone 3-5410. R OO FINO "Roof leak? Or do you nred a new roof? Ph. 2-7761. Free estimates. Terms. olB SEWING MACIIIXES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. all makes. W. Davenport. Ph. J-7671. 0307 SAND A GRAVEL Garden Soil crushed rock. Shovel ad draellne excavating WalllnB Sand & Gravel Co. Phone 3-828 SEPTIC TANKS '46 Pontiac "8" STREAMLINE STATION WAGON RADIO, HEATER, SPORT LITE, POO LITE. BUMPER EQUIPMENT, WHITE WHEEL RINGS, SIDE VIEW MIRROR. WIND SHIELD WASHER. ORIOINAL LIOlTT GRAY FNISH. IN PERFECT CONDITION. BOOK PRICE tl0. OUR PRICE $1095 Orval's Cen"r at Church Phone 2-4702 THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" c.306" FARM AND CITY 1XJANS 4'Ar. and ST. YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash ror Real E.i.aw voniracu and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO Wtl Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 4-22M. T '47 Dodge CUSTOM 5-PASS. COUPE MAROON PTNISH, RADIO, HEATER. INTERIOR LIKE NEW. BACK-UP LITE. WINDSHIELD WASHER, FOG LITE, NEW TIRES. SEE THIS TODAY. $1395 Orval's Centr it Church Phone S-4702 THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE" ANTED! Car from '38 to "43 or 46. 2- Annr vriiti nr A-naM. COUDC. J. C. Brown Box 153. Turner. Ore. Q.306 A Mtttn'ttr r.lub eouoe. RArH. Etc CARS! One '38 Plymouth. Above aver- ce in every way. The other, nice .n tt l n.,i Affar takaa ach. Ph. 2-0S2t q307 Comm'l q305 PLYMOUTH pickup. h. 2-6001. sedan. Must sell. 1235. Ph MODEL A, excellent condition. CAB ACCESSORIES tires ft tuftei at COM price First eome nrs serrea as m v a dose-out salt Leaiers wereomw D Woodrow CO- 450 Center Eisner Motors to Sell '48 BUICK Super Sedan Rndlo, hfater, loU of extras. 8.M0 miles, owner says ell at once. Easy terms. 24 months. See car at STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 340 NO. HIGH BT. 4305' PFCIAL tun n.,i.w iac mllaae. S tone 4is N. Com'l. H94S. aiv.i PirKl pf runs good. J new tires. new battery. 1155. CU Jtu it J-Il SEWING MACHINES PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Loni and Short Time Payments ROT R SIMMONS 116 South Commercuyl St Phone 3-816) AUTO LOAKS WILLA M ETT k CREDIT CO. 183 J Church Parking a Plenty Ph 2-2457 Lie No M-159 8-154 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. IPS Fl'.rginunds Road Next Door to Bank Pret Parking Phone I7n32 -Lie N U368-8281 Floyd Kenyon.' Utr r SEl DP POR ATTRACTIVE f ARM t OANS ONLY A OR INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 State St Phone 2-3BM IP TOUR PROPERTY is for sale it will pay you to know how much of an PHA loan It will stand. This Information obtainable with but ry little trouble DO NOT HESITATE to call on us for any information you desirt about FHA LOANS. State Finance Co. 153 8. Hllh St. Tel. 2-4121. r1 GENERAL P1NANCI CORP. LOANS Lie B-133 and U-138 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 13 Commercial St Tel 3-8!Gl INSURANCE INSURE AND BE SURE Save 20 to 30 on Auto Insurant Complete Lin of tn."irnce van u r.nr.rn AGENCY 861 Huhland Ave, Po. 3-?l ruoa- AWS Salem Saw K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks, sewer snd drain line cleaned. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. ol6 CALL FOR BIDS nmintv ot Marion. State of Oregon. Is asking for sealed bids for grading, grav elling, providing drainage, and surfacing h 0 11 penetration aspmut irom curb on South View Place locntrd in South View Addition in Marion Courty. Plana anfl spPCiiicauon mar talned nt. the office of the County En gineer, Courthouse, Salem. Oregon. Bids will oe oprneo oy hip iuuhh mun in tli county court chambers at tne courthouse In Salem. Oregon at the hour of 10:00 A. M. January o. The county tfwrvw "mil cept any or reject al oios in me oesi inierest or Marion uouniy. BY ORDER OP THE MARION COUNTY COURT. Dec. 23 Ai 30. large, 47c doz.; certified A lame, Israe 44c; AA medium. 40c; cer tified A medium, Z9c: B nmdlum, 35c; A mall. 37c; cartons 2c additional, diets Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 3B-42c. Oregon loat, 6- loals 4'3-5c lb.; triplets. i'a cents -ess than singles Premium brands, singles lb.: loaf. 634c Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality fob Plants. No. 1 broilers undrr 2 lbs, 20c lb. fryers 2-3 lbs., 33-26c; 3-4 lbs.. 27c; roasters lbs and over. 27-38ci fowl. Leghorns, 4 lbs and under, 14-ldc; over 4 colored fowl, all weights, lB-zoc; roosters, all weights. 14-16C. Turkey Net to growers, toms, 30-aic; hens. 45c. Price to retailers, dressed: A I'oung hens. 50-51c: A young toms, 27 JSc; lisht toms, 41-42c. Babbits Average tn growera live whites. 4-5 lbs., 17-lSo lb.: 6-B lbs., 15-170 b. colored 2 cents lower: old or heavy does. and bucks, 8-12c. Fresh dressed Idaho yers and retailers. 40c; local, 48-aac. iiintry-Killpd Meats Veil Ton auallty. 33-34c lb.: other gradex according to weight and quality with lighter or heavier, aa-asc. Hon Light blockers, 22-23; sows 18-19C. Lambs Top quality, springers, 38-.19c; mutton, 10-llc. Ilrrf Good cows, 24-25c lb.; canners cutters, 20-21c. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per ewt.l: Beef sleers: Good 50O-B0O lbs.. 135-39; commercial (30-33; utility. las-iP. Cows Commercial J27-30; utility, $24 25; canners-c utters. 123-26. Beet Cuts (Good Steers t Hind quarters, 150-52: rounds. 142-46: full loins, trimmed, J70-72; triangles. $33-34; square chunks, 35-40; ribs, J55-58; forequarters, 34-36. Veal and calf: Good. 139-42; commercial. $34-37; utility. J28-30. Lnmbs: Good-choice spring lambs, $39 42: commercial, J3S-37; utility. J33-34. Mutton Good, 70 lbs down. 118-30 Pork cuts: Loin No. 1, 8-12 lbs.. $38-40: shoulders, 16 lbs. down, 129-31; spnre rlbs, I3R-41; carcasses. $24-25; mixed welBhts $2 per cwt lower. Cortland Miscellaneous Cases ra Hark Dry 12'a lb., green 4c lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-montn growth. nominally, Hides Calves, 27e 10.. according to weight; pips. 22c lb.; beef, ll-12c lb.; bulls, 8-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3c less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettei, first quality jum oo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c; medium, 27 2c; second quality jumbos, 30.2c; large. 2R,2c; medium, 26,2c; bnby. 23.2c ; soft mhell. first nua Itv Inree. 29.7c: medium, 26.2c ond quality large, 27.2c: medium, 24 7c: bnby 22.2c. Filberts Jumbo. 20e lb. I large, medium, 16c: small. 11c. He cautioned Dr. Bryan nev er to disclose his name and said: 'I am to be known only as the man from the bend of the river." Dr. Brvan replied, "there s an 18-year-old girl here who may be able to see if she has special classes." The man sent a check for $50 and Bernadine got her soecial glasses. "When I was a boy I lived in the bend of the Alabama river where I could watch the boats go by," the man wrote. He said he had gone north and had be come successful. 'Now I want to do something for those in need down in Ala bama," he addnd. MARKET Completed from reports el Salem deal en lor tne guidance or tipuii joinii Readers. ReyUed dally). Retail Feed Prices: Ess Main $4.60. Rabbit Pellets 14.20. Dairy Feed $3.65. Poultry! Burlng prleea Grada A eolof ed hens, 19c: grade A Leghorn hen and UD. 15c: grade A old roosters. 141 Grade A colored fryers three lbs, 26e. Efgs Buying Prices Large aa, sic; iar A, 34-3-r: medium AA, Jle; medium A, 28c: pullew, 35-27C. Wholesale PricesEss wholesale prlet l-7c above these prices; above grade A generally quoted at 43c. medium im. Batterfat Premium 6flc; No. 1. B4ci No. 1, aB-ffoa, (buying prices). Butter Wholesale trade A, Mot r all 7$C . - DEATHS Church Peter Sturdevant Church Peter Sturdevant, late residen of 6S0 Locust St., at a local hospital, De cember 21. at the age of 88 years. Surviv ing are five children. Prank Hatrield, Bed Bluff. Calif.: Mrs. Florence Collins. EI llnwood. Kans.; Alex Hatfield. Dolph: Oeorge Hatfield. Los Anteles: and Holly field: and a sister. Mrs. Mary r-aiirr- son. Chlco. emu. services wm or. nnu Monday, uecemoer n. ai u .m. w. T. RiBdon chapel with interment in yton cemetery. Other letters were exchanged between Dr. Bryan and the anonymous giver. Soon there came 100 shares in the Edison cnmDanv. worth more than $2,- 000, to become the property of the school. In his last letter, "the man from the bend of the river wished everyone a merry Christ mas. Mike's Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Rot o Rooter service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 8-9468. 3-5327. Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect Todd's Sept'e Tank Service, 550 Larscn. Phone 2-0734. o F.WERS AND SEPTIt TASKS Electric Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent. Razor Sharp Cutting. Blades Clean Sewers. Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-6327. o' All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512- o TRANSFEF A STORAGE ocal At Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks tc Portland daily Agent tor Beklns House hold goods mored to anywhere In 0 8 o. Canada Larmei Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 " t PEWPITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Onder wood portables Ah makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 456 Court o VENETIAN BLINI1S Salem Venetian Blinds made to order oi telinlshed Relnboldt A Lewis 2-3639 Elmer The Bilndman WF.ATHERSTRIPPING WELL DRILLING! Fred Wymore. Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. WINDOW CLEANPNO Acme lndow Cleaners Windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waxed and polished Ph 1-3337 14". Court Langdoc Culbertaon and Uather WINDOW SHADES Washxale Roller Made to order 1 Daj Del Reinholdi A Lewis Ph 23639 o' WOOD it SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. LEGAL NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING 1. nr nf th ejktStC Of DAN JARMAN, decea'd, the undersigned has filed In Circuit Court oi Oregon lor r ion County. In Probate. Its final account in estate oi saio fleewnv, S 1950 at 9:15 o'clock, a.m., and court room of said court have been appointed by ,. uri fnr hearing oft objections to said account and settlement the"or- THE UW11MJ tiirtc-a BANK OF PORTLAND (OREQON) By R. M. ALTON Itj Vice-president and Trust of- f;rer EXFOLTOn AFORESAID Allan O. Carbon and Wall ice P. Carson AMorneys for Executor. Dec. 3, 9. IS. U and 10 NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the un dersigned until the hour of 7:30 O'clock p.m.. on Monday. January 9. 10n0, and immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council ot the City of Salem, Oregon, in the council chambers. City Hall. Tor the sale of City of Snlem im prover ent Bonds in the amount of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand, Six Hun dred Sixty-seven Dollars and Ninety-nine Cents ltll7.Bfi7.99i, Issued pursuant to the Isws of the State of Oregon and Ordinance No. 4076 of the City ot Salem, and de scribed as follows: Cilv of Snlem Improvement Bonds, is sue ifi50-A. being bonds issued pursuant to the Bancroft Bonding Act, in dciiom- In. tons ot ii.QDO.uu eacn. cxcii. number one which shall be for the sum or J667.93, said bonds lo be dated January 1, 1B50 and lo mature in annum !' ments as follows; January l, isi ! ""1" January 1. 1952 111,000.00 January 1, 1953 tll.MO.OO January 1. 1954 112.000 no January I. 19S5 (12,000.00 January 1. 19M 1I2.0M.0O January I, 19S7 112.000 00 January 1, I9SS 112.000.00 January 1, 1959 H2.0on.no January 1, I960 H2.OO0.00 DrmriH.ri hAvcvor. that the City oi Sa lem shall have the optifin to redeem sBid bonds, in numerical order, upon the pay ment oi tne isce vame mieicim - r.,A int.r.t mi mt Interest paying can at or after three years irom me oair mi bonds are Issued. Both principal and in tefst shall be payable at the orflce of the city treasurer of the City of Salrm. Each bidder should name the rate of in terest at which the bidder Is willing to ac cept the bonds. The bonds will bear the rate or rales of Interest deslvnated In the bid accepted. Said bonds will be sold for not less than par and accrued Interest. Each bid, except bids submitted by the State of Oreaon or any sinking fund of the City of Salem, must be accompanied ny a certified check for two percent of the par value of the bonds, made payable to the City as a guarantee of aood faith. Bids submitted by mall should be address ed to the undersigned at the City Hall In Salem, Oregon. J a ... The bidder will be required to arid lo his bid a statement of the net cost to the CItv If his bid is accepted. The risht is reserved by the Common Council to accept any hid or to reject all bids in the Interest nf the City. The prior legal approving opinion of Messrs. Wtnfree. McColloch. Shuler A Sayra will be furnished the successful bid- ... ALFRED MUNDT Salem, Oreion. Dec. 18. 21. 30. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF nnvniiil PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. In the Matter of the Sale of an estray horse taken up by Ervin A. Ward. Bv Virtue of an Order Issued out of the District Court tor Marion County. Slate of Oregon, on the 17th day ot Decem ber, 19, I will sell at Public Auction on the 7th day of January, 1950. at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. at the farm of Ervin A. Ward at Route 7, Box 404. Salem, Oregon, the following described horse. 1 bay mare. 3 years old. fifleen hands tall and weigh approximately 960 pounds. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st day or December. 1949. DENVER YOUNO Sheriff of Marlon County. Ore. Bv A. I. Maistrom. uepuiy Date of First publication December 23, 1949. Date of Last publication December 30, 199. LODGES PacTflc lodge No. 50, AP. A.M. E.A. Degree Friday. December 33. 1 pjn. J Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Dec. ', livestock: Cattle: Friday salable lies cows about steady. Calves: Friday salable steady: medium-good veali ors: j-riaay salable nominal. Sheep: Friday salable none; market nominal. The North Portland Llve.slock mnrkrt will be clo"d Monday. Dec. 26, and Jan. 2. (imWpekly 15; scattered 10: few sales ers 20-24. none; market STOCKS iBy the Associated Pr sst OBITUARY Mrs. Elian Hollsteln Albany Mrs. Ellen Hollsteln. , Shedd RFD No. 1. died Tuesday at the Oood Samaritan hospital in Corvallls fol lowing a long illness. Funeral services were held Prtday at 2 p.m.. at the Oakvllle church, with the Fisher Funeral home In charge. Burial in the Oakvllle cemetery. Mrs Hollsteln was born in Toronto. Can nda. She came to Oregon In 1890. settling in the Oakvllle community. In 1BB3, Mrs. Hollsteln was married to Herman Holl steln. Mr. Hollsteln died in 1930. Survlv. ors are one daughter, Mrs. Nelle Hammer Portland, three granddaughters and two grandsons. erlean Can Am Pnw A I-t , Tel a rei Aaaeenda .. Beftdix Aviation .... Bath Steel Soaina Airplane .... Calif Packing .... Caaadlan Pacllio ... Caae J 1 Caterpillar Chrysler Conwitn m boo ... Cans Vultee Continental Can .... Crown Eellerbacb ., Curtlis Wright .... Douglas Aircrari ... Dupont da Nem ... trai i.iecirio. General Food lantral Motors .... tioodyaar Tlra ..... at Harvester Int Paper Kannecott Ltbby McN A L ... Long Bell "A" ... Montgomery vtaru Nash Kelvinator ... Nat Dairy NT Central Northern Paclfla .. Pac Am Fish .... Pa Gas A Kleo ... Pa Tsl A Tel Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonler Ravonler Pfd Reynolds Metal ... Richfield ' lafaway Stores ... aars Roebuck ... out hern Parlflo 3tandarri Oil Co. . tndrhaker Corj) ., Sunshine Mining . Traniamerlca .... Union Oil cal .... Union Pacific United Airliner ... U Steel . .... Warner Bros Pie . Wnolwnrtli ...103 ... 15'n ,..145i 23 'a i 9. Trexler Lrbanon Ira B. Trexler. .. died De. 22 at the home of his sister-in-law, mm. R. Kuiken ot Sclo. JJOrn ocpi. a. ion NKorinn til., he came to Linn county in moi i-h.r. h. II vert until 1922. then lOlnf to Anaheim. Calif. He was a retired farm er and carpenter and a memoer m mi Christian church. His wife passed away Nov. 6. 1948. The Howe-nusion cnapm announces funeral services at the Sclo Baptist church. Saturday, at x.au p.m.. with Rev. H. C Fast officiating. Burial will be In the Miller cemetery at Shell burn. Survivors are two sisters. Mrs. Effi u.iu. nf Kan tux Mrs. Alt a Osborn. Sclo! brothers. Clinton of Sclo. Dennis of Port land and a number oi niece ana nwn In the middle west. Mr. Fannie KrumI Lebanon Mrs. Fannie Kruml. 11. died at her home near Sclo Dec. 21, after a year's Illnefs. She was born In Europe, March 9. 1878. coming lo the Scio area 40 years ago. Services will be held In tht ZCBJ hall at Scio. Saturday at 10 a.m., with Frank Nadvornirk officiating. Con cluding services will be held at the Salem crematorium, survivors are ner Frank Km ml, scio: iauirniers. wm, Emll Hockaway and Mrs. Helen Nelson. both of Tacoma. and one son, KrumI, Jr., ot Portland. Chlragn Livestock Chicago, Dec. 23 0J.PJ tuaiJAi Livestock market: Hons: Salable 10.000: fairly active and itnevrn; two way market; welRhls under 230 lbs steady to strong. Instances 25 Is his: her; heavier weights weak to mostly 25 cents lower; few sales off more on 270-380 lbs; sows steady to weak: lop 17.00 or around two loads or choice 2tMi lbs most good and choice 1RD-220 Ihs 16.25 lfl.75; 230-250 lbs 15.25-lfi.OO; 260-100 lbs 14.75-15.25; lew around 320 lbs at 14.50; sows under 450 lbs I2.50-I3.2S; few 13,50; others down to 11.00 for around 00 lb. nvernge; early clearance. Sheep: Salable Rno. bulk good and 26 16 48 choice lamhs mostly fed nfferlnva sold to eastern shippers and bin packers at 23.7.1, ik. t.n: now hlali for the week: market 15 cents hiahcr with Instances 50 cents his: her: venrllns absent: slaughter ewes fully steady si 9.00-12.00. Cattle- Salable 7O0; calves: 100: steers simply largely medium to low good short fed.-: the.se annul steady at Thursdays decline; heifers unchanged; cows active. Mendv; bulls firm; vealers about steady; load lots medium to low good 935-1200 lb steers 21.50-26.25; comparable grade heifers 19.00-25.00: common to low good heef cows 14.75-17.00; bulk cannera and cutters 12. SO-14.50: medium and good agiisaaa bulls 18.50-20.00: choice vealers absent; medium and good grades 35.00 2fl.n0; load of good 875 lb feeding steers 32.50. Frank 81, FflU Fmflt Jarvla T.elifliinn Mrs. Effie EmeW Jarvts. died at her home. 1330 Filth street, on Dec. 21. Born Dec. 25. 1868 at Carmen, 111., she mine to OrcRnn 59 years ago and has Jived in Lebanon for the past 25 yenrs. Services will be held Saturday at I p m. at the Howe-Huston chnpel with Rev. Lena Summers of the Church of Gort officiating. Interment will be In the Lone Oak remetery at Stayton. Survivors are three daiialitrrs. Mrs. H. C. West of Lebanon, Mrs. Edith Bradley. Portland, Mrs. Orortta Ash ford. Albany; son, Cllt lord Jarvls of Lebanon, 12 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. M. C, Thompson SI I vert on Funeral services for M. O. Thomp-son will be held from the Trinity Lutheran church at 1:30 o'clock Saturday, Rev. S. L. Almlie officiating and burial in Evans Valley cemetery under the di rection of the Ekman funeral home. Mother, Baby in Jail Arouse Public; So Granted Freedom Philadelphia, Dee. 23 !) SPVPn-mnnin-in niiii. n hii mother are hack home today after spending 24 hours in a jail cell hurriedly equipped with crib and three cornered pants diapers, that is. It all began last Wednesday when Judge G. G. Parry sentenced Mrs. Lillian Gilyard, 38-ycar-od' mother of nine, to four months qlnrpr photographer arrested fnr county jail for illegally ac cepting relief checks totalling $587.70. The state charged she had earned that amount working as a domestic and waitress while receiving $3,000 in relief pay ments over a 2 Mi year period. The law requires that any money earned musi pe oeuuciuci num relief benefits. Mrs. Gilyard appeared before the 75-year-old jurist carrying Robert wrapped in a pink blan ket. After sentence had been nronounced. someone asked "What about the baby?' Judge Parry, reminded of a state law which prohibits sepa rating a mother and nursing child, ordered the infant sent to jail. too. Jail officials rushed anoul to find a crib and diapers. When the story was published n newspapers, hundreds of per sons telephoned city hall to pro test Judge Parry s action. A group of civic and business leaders raised the $587.70 and Judge Parry agreed to recon sider the sentence. In a 10-minute courtroom ses sion yesterday, the Jurist freed Mrs. Gilvard but warned her she would be sentenced to two years in jail If ever arrested on similar charges. . It was quite a day for Judge Parrv. He ordered a Philadelphia In- taking his picture. The photog rapher, Joseph J. Conley, was freed 15 minutes later. The pic ture was published. Judge Parry threatened to Im pose a imir-monin prison sen tence on another photograpner if he tried to photograph Mrs. Gilyard and her child. The pic ture was taken, regardless. And Judge Parry appealed for and received police protec tion after reporting he had re ceived threatening telephone calls. DANCE CHRISTMAS EVE CRYSTAL GARDENS .2 Floors Old Time & Modern FOR Insured Savings SIE Firsf Mi Federal WMi Savin9s fmkmm First Current Dividend 2'2 st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Llbertr 1 Boby'i wayt CAN Bl EXASPERATING! ond se can clean-up time around the home! Stop fretting! CATERIZED OIL it your amwer to real, honeit-to-goodnesi CLEAN 0 I L HEAT! For CATERIZED O I L CLEANS AS IT BURNS . . . leavei no car bon or loot to dirty up those curtains and wood work. Do ai hundredi of other smart Salem home makers are doing . . using CATERIZED OIL exclu sively . . . from Salem's exclusive CAT E R I Z E D OIL deoler ... DIAL 3-5606 DIAL 3-5622 Salem's EXCLUSIVE Cater iied Oil dealer ... the SMALLEY OIL COMPANY llnnd t Broadwxj 4MDd. 1140 S. Nob HUM. Ph. 3-OJM. 4308 41VB' i