16 Capital Jnurnal, Salem, Ore, Friday, December 23, 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pt f.lna .190 Per Lint S times jJfl Pet Lint e time Per Lin 1 month M.oo Outs Id t of Salem ISO per tin pet day Mln 10c; I time mln 80e 8 time mm 11.20 No Ret una READERS In Loral New Col Only! 30c per line To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR BALE or "trade lor food trailer house, tqulty In 3 Bd. Rm. home. Ph. 3-2240; BT OWNER: Well constructed 5 room home. Pecan flooring, all electric. In side utility. Extra lot lor garden St Irutt. Term can be arranged. Ph. 1-5512. 2385 Claude St. 306 Englewood District 1 bedroom. Ilvlnic room, dlnlnit room, plastered, hdwd. floors, fireplace, fur nace heat, large garage, nice yard. Bee this lor 18350 with 11500 down. Call Brown. Eve. Ph. 3-4037. Highland District Thl home will go O.I. at $6500. A well built 2 bedroom home, 2 year old, In ' ide utility, large garage, near bus lines Better hurry. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor U40 N. Capitol Phone 3-8318 Eve. Phone3-4937 or 3-7217. a305 ' $9007DOWN Balance 145. per month; suburban, nearly new two bedroom house, large garden space. Full price $6550. The last ing Xmas alft. Call Mr. Berkttt. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. Hlsh St. Phone 3-7660 Eve, phone2-4591 a305 'BASEMENT, fireplace, oak floors and a large lot plus a good small home all goes for only 16,000. XMAS SPECIAL If you consider the excellent workman h!p, oak floors, closet apace, auto, heat, yuu cannot duplicate thl home for the money. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Piio. 3-1707-484 Court-Eve. 2-773 3n6 UNUSUAL Two bedrooms, each with private bath, center living, room with flreplnce; kitch en with bar: ranch type: northeast lo cation: specially priced at 17750. Call Mr. Nation. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7880 Eve. phone 2-0020 a305 FOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 rm. furn. cabin to be moved. Cheap. 3035 Portland rd. Ph. 2-6358. t30fl OWNER WILL SELL at sacrifice 2 BR Insulated house In Kcizcr dlfit. 'A acre, half in strawberries. Immediate po.w. Make an offcrtPh. 2-B117. i309 VIEW PROPERTY 18000. 8 yr. old - Modern atyle - 2 bdrm. - living - dining - kitchen -bath - utility rm. - attached garage -Lot 86x120 - nice yard and shrubs. This house will go F.H.A. SUBURBAN ACRE 8U500. 4 bdrm. - 1 vrs. old house - liv ing - dining - kitchen - bath - utility rm. - drying shed - attached garage -new auto oil furn. - new well with Ige. pump house - Owner transferred to Portland. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS 111.550. 3 yrs. old - modern style - 3 bdrm. on one floor - living rm. - lue. kitchen and nook - elec. heat - fire place - view property - beautiful yard and shrubs - 19500 F.H.A. loan 175 a mo, payments. Candalaria Heights One of the most beautiful houses In Sa lem - new - modern atyle - 3 fadrm.. -large living - dining big kitchen with nook - double plumbing - large utility -3 car plastered gnraite - autn. oil heat, fireplace - picture windows - view ot the city and moiinlnlns. CALL Olt SEE ANDY HALVORSEN Office 2-8030 - ml S. High - Home 3-7163 A. A. LARSEN REALTY a306 ft BR HOUSE, lge. LR, wall to wall ca rpet. Ige. kitchen, butlttns, hath with show r. Lot 95x105. Deep well pump. Furn. can be bought with house: 1 daveno St rhatr Kroehler), 1 platform rocker. 1 ocens. elialr, 1 0x5 all-wool (Alex. Smith) rug, I lamps, 1 Admiral radio (comb.), break fast set 4 ehairsl. 1 Leonard (deluxe) electric range, Leonard re frig., Conlon Washer. 8 throw rues, folding chairs. AO' garden hose, om garden tool. 100 Robert Ave. 307 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 bedroom home with all hardwood floors, tiled fireplace, attached garage. Tery deslrab location. Very easy term. Will take car or lot In trade No. 283 8 BEDROOMS J try basement, hardwood floors, nice replace, coved ceilings. Nice location. Close to school, bus, and store. No. 301 $750 DOWN! or oar or lot, balance 140,00 per month, lncl. taxes and Insurance. 2 bedroom borne. All hnrdwood floors. Coved ceil ings. View. Una by door. No. 203 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eve. ft Sun.. 2-3738. 2-1337, 4-3B74. 3-MI05 a30S fia.Mw BEAUTIFUL modern 3 bdrm. home all on one floor. Close lo Salem hltth. Auto-oil furnace, Attached gar age. FHA loan. Immediate pours Ion. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High Jhone 3-431 a308 BEAIiTIFI'L modern ft bedrm. home on South High At. Good view overlooking Salem. 4 blocks from State St. 3 flie places. Three sets of plumbing. Attached J-cnr an rase. Beautiful yard and shrub bery. Term. Thl Is one of Salem's bet ter homes. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 3-4l3t 308 fcmw.oo-AFI'ROX. 1 Acre with new mo dern I bdrm. ranch type home. NE close to school ft bus. Hardwood floor, fireplace, oil heat. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors b! S. High -- Phone 3-4121 a308 Lite Built A nice 3 BR home close to school, stores, bus, needs a little touching up. to make a very attractive low priced home. ISMlo with low down payment. Call WALT Ml'SORAVE. Walt Musprave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 310 EW"t R7"oirheatrHdwd.flrs. "coved celling In LR, beautiful kitchen, at tached gaiage, paved st. Only 17900. UNFINISHED t It It HOME, Wired for ELEC. HEAT, PLUM11ING roughed In. Ige. lot. city water. New Dlst. Buy now & finish to suit. lir0 UNFINISHED t RR HOME on extra lie. lot, lots of tree, city water. Built for elec. heat. 11150. SPECIAL VALUE. 13't acres 4 mllei from aowntown, 2 BR home, barn, le. poul try bldg., good green house with heat ing plant, this I all bottom Inad. smnl.1 creek, lie. highway frnntnge, 19750. Will sell 10' acres for Sl.ooo Icjui. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Servcie 14 8. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-S9R9 a07 FOR SALE LOTS ttOODFD f.OT on pTpflifrrrt. 25R.t. cliff Dr. Cleared .nd l.vclrd THA Clt. water, bu. line Ph S-i:at. aa Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN!! 113 per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two location north. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South HikIi Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. Sz Sun.. 3-5305. 4-2871, 3-1327, 2-3738, 2-2532. 30fl FOR SALE FARM5 OWNER HAYS S E I. L GOTTA GO. This 31 acres, loc. between saiem ouver ton. on YR. STREAM FOR IRRIGA TION, richest loam you can buy, Is well adapted to beans or any high incomr truck crops. Oood 3 BR home, 2 car garane, 8 stanchion barn with Mlo ft milking mach. Tractor St tool to. 112,500. Term. RIVER BOTTOM HOP LAND. 160 acre. (50 A. In hops) balance in oni.sii ana timber. ALL CAN BE IRRIGATED. Lot of bldg. lncl. hop kilns. 150 Acre ad joining, (B0 A. in early FuskIgs) aho for sale. This land Is Ideal for all kind TRUCK ft SEED CROPS. When dams are in. you will not buy CHEHALIS ft NEWBERO SILT LOAM, so well located as offered here, for any less than twice the price now asked. Appro. 1215 per ACRE NOW. GOOD TERMS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Ecluslve Listings 4 K. Coni'l. St. Woodburn Blu Personal Service 3-8389. Eve. Ph. 42 Collect. b305 REAL ESTATk BEST BUYS $1600 DOWN Almost new home. 1000 sq. ft. floor siiace. Electric heat. In-sulatcd. Weather stripped. Attached Karate. Wc consider this a very good ll.stinc. Total price on ly 18500 Interest on pny incut only 4. Kv Ph. 2-7fi74 or 3-r.8. $11,500 FULL PRICE Almost new, 3 bdrm. home. Automatic oil heat, fireplace. Approx. 1100 sq. fl. Part basement. Weatherstripped. Part hardwood floors. Lare corner lot. Own ers equity, I3HO0. Will accept oilier property or what have you as part pay ment. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $8750 FULL PRICE 2 years old. 3 bdrms. Oil floor furnace, fireplace, weather stripped, Vtn. blinds, attached garanc. Large lot. Terms, Eve. Ph. 2-7074 or 3-355. $1950 DOWN 2 years old. OHO sq.-ft. floor space. Oil hent Insulnird and weather stripped. 3 bdrms. Total price only 10150. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3.-.5B. 22 ACRES Very liveable home. Needs paint. Out building In good repair. No waste land. Close to small town. Stock, furniture and equipment all goes for only 18400. If you are an Oregon vet. and have 11300 In cn.sh we can arrange to get this farm for you. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES $6500 New home. Amity soli. Electric range, refrig., oil heater and brenkla.st set In cluded In purchase price. No wasle land. See thl one. Eve. Ph. 3-4735 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor FOR YOI )K KAYlNUh investment buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net InveMors 51". We make all col lections for you If desired STATE MNANCE CO lil8. High C sTeE-OUR" YlSTlNfiS "before buying". WE HAVE SOME GOOD CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES, AS WELL AS LARGE AND .SMALL FARM PROPER TIES FOR SALE OR TRADE. DENTON & DENTON FORMERLY LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 314 State St. Phone 2-3RR3. c3f)6 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need of good house to sell In ot near Salem II you wish to list your property for sale see- GHAIIEMIDKST MHOS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty Ph. 2-2471 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kind of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca Wanted Farm Listings We earnestly solicit listings of self supporting farms. For PERSONAL atten t noaclll ERIC R. N2LTE with Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court. Ph. 2-3629. Eve. Ph. 2-7947. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS IILWi. under lease, very well located, 3 rentals with Income. 13H5 monthly, foundation built for another story, parking spare. 135.500. .11 ST A FEW BLOCKS from down town. 5 ant.'.. Income J20S per month, very good location. $12,nn. NO. 3 '.ONE. 3 lilt home bringing In good rental, extra Ige. lot. Ideal for court or business, well located on State St. 15350. Larsen Home &. Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-9089 cd307 COURT OR HOME SITES -Trees, small si renin across buck. 188x218. roads 2 shies. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY, REAL ESTATE. Ph. 3-H835. cd306 "HOUSE OF DON" 266 N. CAPITOL ST. This fine 5 HR home on a 10x140 ft lot . This proierlv should Increase In vnlue. Fine apt. house site, near state bids. Full price which Include most of the furniture. (20. .soo. Terms i dn., bal. on contract. 1100 per mo. inc. Int. Please do NOT disturb the owners, but phone Tor an appointment. K Inn Ins, BURT PICIIA , REALTORS 379 N. High St. Phone: 2-3(149 Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 c130.i- UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES Immediate connection for qualified men to sell Floatlngalr commercial refriger ators. Food merchants are demanding. Fried rich's Open view Self -Service and other finality equipment. Permanent, pleasant connection with security and a future. HIk earnings. Write Air Mall Riv ing complete qualifications. Ed Frled rirh Salca Corporation, San Antonio. Texas. cd.105 LIVESTOCK WANTED LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer. H. F.. 8ne- then, 1S50 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3134. ealT BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buer B. O. UcCandlLth 1137 8 33th. Ph JR147 ea3P9 FURNITURE FOR SALE ,1 It MS., samp as new furniture and ap pliances from slorutEC. Must sell at once so will sacrifice all for 'i price and less. '48 model Phtlco refrig. like new 193. AB apt. elec. raiiKe, J55. Late model washer with pump $44. Mohair daeno suite, used 3'a mos., 199. Maple 5 pc. dinette set 3.V Motor scooter 1.S5. 12 k shotxun 111. Sinuiuvns bed, coll spring mat tre.i 122. Cluomolux elec. heatrr -'D. l'alr o carvel malioi:any chairs, 2S. Biiby stroller 15. Push button table ra dio 112. Toaster 13. Girl's bicycle 130 See my aucent. Oletin Woodry, 160S N. Rummer St Ph 3-M1P dlO.H WANTED FURNITURE ELECTRIC range, water healer, refrlser- ator, dlntnv set. rugs, bedroom suite, washer, radio, tlok. daveno set. other household arilcles. Pay cash. If you have any of the above Items please Ph 3-5110 at oner. da30S PAY! 110 to $75 for sewing machines. Ph. 3-5110. dnSOV AUCTIONS PETS pr b r. R R l: l: n ti."iYi a(mm ."Volt I, f R tl boi 4b. Ph. i-ltsb. K30fl FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE MODERN 2 BEDROOM WHITE FRAME HOME, CON STRUCTED IN 1947. EXTRA SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM GARAGE AND STORAGE SPACE. OWNER LEAVING TOWN MAKES Price Only $7500 FOR QUICK DISPOSAL FOR INFORMATION CALL Mr. Black at 3-8721 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD HOME i I fir., plus unfln. upstairs, hdwd. firs, thruout. nice Inside utll arae, uood comer lot with pavement In one of our finest buy 19000.00 li y, dble. at CALL ROY APT. HOUSES 8 apt Income 1440 per mo. Price 136.000 6 apt Income 1320 per mo. " 132,000 8 apts. Ai li v. quarters Income S2!)0 per mo. " 130,000 P apts. & liv. quarters Income 1350 per mo. " 125,000 4 apts Income 1242.50 " 126,500 CALL PETER GEISER FOR JEWELRY & FUR INSURANCE CALL HAL HARVARD GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty - Phone 2-2471 Eveiihis.s and Sundays Call Enrl West 2-oenn - Hoy Ferris 2-fi010 - Pi ter Gclser 3-9968 c305" PETS COCKER PUPS. Pure bred. Red and white parlicolor. C5 King wood Dr. Pn. 3-0579. 306- MOOHK'K tropical fish and supplies. White & micro worms. Beautiful live Xmas presents. Rt. 5, box 483, 1 mile past Rickey school on Maclcay Rd. Ph. 2-7321. jec306 FINE Xmas presents. Reg cocker pups. 205'j N. 23rd. Ph. 2-09.rl. ec30a fl MONTHS female pup. Small, short hair. Good with children. Free. I'll, z-mhm. cc30ri CHOICE canary birds. 260N. 18th. ec6 ORANGE-CANARY singer. 18.50 it UP. Ph. 2-5929. ;6 CHOICE canary. Ph. 3-4385. 1340 Cheme- kotawwww-wacji06 FUEL l(J"8LAlt, 2 cds. $10. Ph.31458, ee Ijry72ND GROWTH fir, stove length. Reasonable. Ph. 3-3943. 3-8445. er lb Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edam. Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Editing 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16' Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE" CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 36444 WALNUT shells lor sal. Klorfeln Packing Co.. 4C0 N. Front "WesT Salem Fuel Co. DRY PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREFNED SAWDUST DIESEL A: STOVE OIL Ph. Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1525 Edge water West Salem tn PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash & maple. fir. 16' slab and edging. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7442 18" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED: Heavy colored hens. Ph. 2-2861. Lee Hatchery. f310- LIVE young roasting hens and fryers. 3490 Sunnyview Ave. Ph. 3-8341. f30n NEW I1AMPSHIKK chicles for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tues Vox Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-41)(i!) f PRODUCE HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man for wholesale petroleum route. A good Job for the right man. On ly those Interested in a stpady job need apply. Write Box 312 Capital Jour nal. ga306 ELECTRICIAN, licensed, for commercial & house wiring. Must have own tools. Prefer one with truck, State experience, salary expected, etc. Write Box 493, Mo lalta, Ore. gu308 YOI'NnSlNiilMANTvhowuiiesto learn the parts MiMncu. Sec Mr. Fancher at Stan Baker Motors. ca.lOH HELP WANTED FEMALE MIDDLE aged lady or widow to live In our home. Care for baby, while moth er work. Write Box 304 Capital Journ al. gb305 WANTED --Young lady for general office itork. Dictation required. Give aKC. qual ification. exicrlence and reference. Write Box 302 c0 Capltul Journal. U305 WANTED women nut sligl.era. All .rlnter work. 460 N Front Klorfeln Packing Company. gb eTloymVnTaeTkTeT COMMERCIAL . PLACEMENT AGENCY OFPItrB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS Hf Sthtr Strrrt Phcn. 2-14a8. cf wantTqIusman WANTKD An experienced aale service man by local distributor ot National Brand tlrrs. State aue and nuallflcatlons to Capital Journal. Box 310. ggl SALESMEN Do yon want to make good money In 19.0 selllnn Packard cars? Must be ex perienced and married. Good deal lor right party. Slate Motors, Inc. BOOK BINDING Havt your National Geographies. Sci ence Journals and other magazines bound Into volumes. Each volume titled and numbered. We a bo rebtnd antique books. Hand and machine Jewnl. Civ.iai City Bindery, 19:15 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-S176 kM4 WANTED POSITIONS YOl'Nti MARrTeH iiiftnexperlrnceti In dairy and general farm work. House necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 311. 1009 nxitY SITTIMi. Ph. 3-6S22. M7 Unil. A RM. for little girl In nice large nome in Monmoutn. Quiet irrrt, lawn, trees, pleasant plavmatei. $4$ mth For Info., call Salem 3-3584. h308 I FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE FERRIS WANTED POSITIONS CfriLirTXiri:."'lll76thTphT 33611. Ml CHILD CARE 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. h8 CARPENTERwork. Ncw. repair. Ph. 2-2093 GROCERY CLERK, meat cutter or man- ai;cr. Exp. Good ref. Call Oresham 5799 after 5:30 p.m. Write Rte. 2, box 3. Bor ing, Oreg. h305 BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0580. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 24 hr. aerv- Ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hi TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op. worst guar w. u. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h2 EXPERIENCED LADY wishes work where mother comes home from hospital with baby. Ph. 4-2079. 1.307 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S- 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 HOURLY chlld care. Ph. 2-0403. INTERIOR PA I NT I NO. IRONING In my home. 2-7496. CARPENTER work, any kind Re as. 1161 Union. Ph, 2-1487 h-2 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 n FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM for 2. Also light house keeping. Ph. 3-4335 Jk3D7 "GRAND HOTEL SALEM CLEAN - WARM CONVENIENT WEEKLY RATES High & Court Sts. Ph. 3-3751 J305 WARM, ATTRACTIVE, reasonably priced rooms lor employed gentlemen. Ph. 3-424B. Jk305 FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL FURN. APT. Inquire at H. L Stiff Furniture. Ph. 3-9185. Jp' 1 ROOM APT. with prlv. bath St ent. 735 S. 131 ii. 1 block to bus St store. Jp305 S-RM. Fl'RN. apt. Prlv. bath and ent. Adults. 570 Union. Jp305 COURT APT., 3 rms. and bath. Electric neat, new, clean, refrig. and range, 1348 8. 12th. Jp305 MOD. 3 RM. furn. HAcC water furn, Jan. 1. 2 adults, no pets. 160. 3845 Portland d. JP305' ROOM Si APT. 360 N. Capitol. YOU CAN afford the best! Ambassador ants. 150 to 175. 1113-6805 JplO NICELY furn apt Private bath. Ph. 3-5838 or eve.3-4814. JP- FURNISHED T-RMrcOTTAGES. Ph 25769. 1P307' SPARKLING NEW 4 one-bdrm. apt In modern brick court. LoIa of storage. Exc, location. 380 S. 17. JP30B FOR RENT HOUSES JAN. 1ST. Mod. 3 rm. furn. Garage Ad- ults.No pjts3B45 Portland Rd. Jm307 Fl'RN. OR UN Fl'RN, house about Jan. l.tth. Union St Llberty.Ph.3-4 536. Jm305 I Illl. RM house. All elec. Oarage. PL. 3-9968 or 3-43G9. Jni305 T-IIDRM. FURN. "home. Auto, oil heat. Ph. 3-53H2, Jm306 .1 Rl. HOUSE on bus line, near Blue Lake Cannery. Mod. 2 bdrm. Inquire 1656 Mill St. Jm305 '.' ni). RM. house. H.W. floor. Large rmi. Garaee. 165 per mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor an N. Ohnreh Ph-3-76 Jn.. FOR RENT MI5CE1LANE0U5 LARGE down town basement, very sult shle for storage. Trelaht elev. ISO per mo. Ph. 3-8389. JS07 HOUSE TRAILERWlth apace. Ph. 3.5333. J306 FLOOR ftpnee on State St Desk space on Marlon St Ph S-8483 1' U DRIVE Trucks Rojlnson Shell SerTlce Center at Cottage Ph 29103. f BUSINESS KM lor rem B L Stiff 1 FOR RENT Lame room Ferry Street, suitable for Office or Store Also 1 utory alley warehouse, with elevator, dis tributors headquarters State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. HiRh St. Tel. 3-4121. J' Fl OOR SENDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J power TOOL rentals for home and in dustrla) iu Howser Bros Ph I-364B FURN. TRAILER house 125. 1968 N. Com'l. J304' "MOD USED PIANOS H. L. Stiff ro DO a ood fob -en' good floor land er. We aell everything to complete the HOWSFR BNUS To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES McKay's Corner "Good Value" Used Cars '34 Ford 4-Door Sedan $75 '34 Ford Pickup $95 '36 Plymouth Coupe $95 '37 Chevrolet Coupe $195 '38 Ford 4-Door Sedan $295 '38 Chevrolet Town Sedan $365 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 550 NO. COMMERCIAL ST. THE PERSONAL TOUCH That's what we give you. Friendly interest, sincere de sire to serve you, and a wide selection of fine Used Cars. Guaranteed cars good, safe, dependable transporta tion had economical operation. 5050 guarantee on parts and labor for 30 days or 1000 miles. Easy terms on ap proved credit. Our Reputation is your assurance of satis faction! Come in TODAY! 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION $1245.00 1948 DODGE CUSTOM 4-DOOR $1695.00 1948 NASH CLUB COUPE $1295.00 1940 FORD FORDOR $ 595.00 1942 DODGE CLUB COUPE $ 795.00 1937 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR $ 395.00 1936 OLDSMOBILE COUPE $ 75.00 1936 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR $ 195.00 1936 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR $ 49.75 SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1949 Dodge 1-Ton Stake Pickup. 3712 miles. This truck delivered in Salem for $2205.53 OUR PRICE $1895 STAN BAKER MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTER S FOR A BETTER BUY, BETTER TRY "STAN" BAKER UNION AT HIGH FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 4INGER ELECTRIO portable iewlng ma- cn'.ne. Keasonao.e iic. cm ur St deliver! Singer Sewing Uacblna Co 130 N Com 1. Ph 33512 H WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED LADY naeda furnished 1 or 2 bedroom apt. close in. occupy eo. isi. Box 308 Capital Journal. ja308 LOST & FOUND LOST: Lady's aunslasses with plaid elas- riULS. rinacr pich.ic uau a- mi. LOST: Qrey cat, 1265 N. Summer. Ph. 3-7573. LOST: White gold Bulova wrist watch. with emeradl. In Sears or netween Sear & t :braska on Capital St. Re ward. Please call 2-408 k305 FOUND! A really good ptaee to eat. Food selling la the art of providing toocu mat won't come back to customers who will. AUMSVILLE COFFEE SHOP Aumsvllle, Oregon Truck Parking kJ10 FOUND: Small breed of dog vicinity of Duncan Ave. Owner may nave oog oy paying for add and Identify. Ph. 2-1438. k306' MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. Wo clcae Saturdays ia:jo. mil- DENTAL PLATB TtCPAIR J HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY BKMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State St Commolal 8t SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' BUILDING MATERIAL RED CEDAR shlnclei tro 1 3x3' any amount delivered lowest market prices. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwal) shake. Ted Muller Salem-Indep road Call 3-ltilB Salem ma DOORS Bedroom, bathroom St closet doors, itan' dard sices, single panel. The quantity Is Umlted at S7.50 each. KEITH BROWN Front St Court Balem ma AVB on ROOPWO Let Ward give you comp.et IN STALLED prlca on rout roofing needs Wide range of colors. Call our outside talesman for trac estimate Pood 13101 UONTOOWERT WARD A CO, SALEM. OREGON tna' WINDOWS As much as Vit off regular prices on large assortment of single Sz multipane standard and-olfsize windows is irames KEITH BROWN Front St Court Balem SIDING "C" GRADE CEDAR SIDING ',!."x8" Choice and limited lot. Regularly (60 M. now 140 M H" SHEETROCK tile board. Regularly 195 M, now 150 M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem ma' DEAR CUSTOMER, Inslit on your con- tractor and carpenter uama tna nnesi old growth vertical gralo yellow fir finished Itimoer In Salem On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 35 Laos Are Ph. 34939 Free parking ma FLOORING l"x4" clear, end-matched fir flooring Limited quantity. Regularly (100 M, now 175 M KEITH BROWN Front St Court Salem ma COMPOSITION ROOFING 45 lb. Smooth, mica surfaced roll . l.8 90 lb Slate granule surfaced roll 3.11 13 lb Asphalt saturated felt build- , ing paper 324 Sq. ft. per roll . . . 2.50 168 lb. Hex shingles. Slat surfaced Sq . 5.M 230 lb. Square butt shingle. The finest. Sq 7.M WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO Salem, Oregon ma311 CONTRACTORS!! YOU OWE IT To yourself, and your customer, to ob tain highest Quality lumber, at lowest possible delivered prices. For large sav ing, write, phone, or sea us, for our lat est price list. WEST SALEM SAW MILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593. mal3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS t REMINGTON. 'model 121-32 caliber tC Jle. Excel, cond. $30. Ph. 3-7189. n306 BAKERY equipment: 80 qt. mixer. Her, do nut kettle, show case, etc. 160 Lanslne n307 IAUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3175 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE CLORIC LUXURY gas range with trash burner. Like new. Cheap. Westing house 6 tube radio, table model; fine cond.; very cheap. 590 Locust St. n307 EXCEL home movie prelector and screen. With some films. Used very lit tle. 158 Walnut St., Independence. n307 LIKE NEW pair of silver fox furs. 48-ln. length. Cast new, (150. Will sacriiice ror 175. Ph. 2-6588. r.307 31)0 SAVAGE, Model 99. Also .32 Woods man automatic. Both like new. See at 1157 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-7509. n305 ,10-GAL. AUTOMATIC gas water heatei 120. 30-gal. ranee boiler 163.00. Ph 2-2733, 8 to 2 p.m. )t307 USED Electric ranges, 119.95 & UP. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa 1 FT. REFRIGERATOR. New fl ft. Cold Spot refrigerator. Davenport. 555 N. Church. n305 MODEL 12 Winchester pump shotgun. New. Haines Sport Shop. 1301 S. Com'l. n305 1937 FORD m ton stake or flatbed. Over- load springs, vacuum brakes, quick sale, also 8 mo. old Sanitlzer vacuum clean er. Ph. 4-2806. n305 GAS RANGES, apt. size. 2 only, reduced Save 20 to 50 PIANOS Spinets Sz Grands. GUITARS Standard St Electric. ACCORDIANS All Sizes St Prices. BAND INSTRUMENTS New St Used. Shown by Appointment. Ph. 3-4641 Jaquith Music Co. STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railing In stock St made to order. 1145 N. Liber MISSION ELEC. hot water heater. 42 gal New Crated. 179. Ph. 3-4284. Q HEAT your home electrlcalry with West- inghouse or Wesln automatic, electric heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa. GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Olbsor and Montag Appliances at Gevurtz. PHILLIPS BROS Pertui7ers well rotted or fresh. kind. By yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work Cedar fence posts telephone and elec poles Any length Shingles Yew post. Lumber. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 6, Box 118. n St sawdust DISH GARDEN plant -.nd planters Beau, tlfui floral work. Pern be r ton Flovei Shop, 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-9946. n307' APEX washer 2'j year old. washer. 115. Coldspot refrig Call 2-2567 or 1990 S. High. 0. Apex 7'. 185. n305 WEBSTER dual speed utomatlc phono- graph records. 150. ll jo n. Church njoa WF.nr.EWOOD gas raiiRe. 2 years old. Ph, 2-5512. 2385 Claude St. n306 SALEM SANTj a, anAVEL COUPANT Contract Work Road Clearing Dltehinc Sewer it Basement Equipment Rental lb BV, yd 10 B yds D-7 Cat St Doier D-6 Cat A Dozer D-4 Cat St Doier Sea tu about ditching by thl ft Phone Days 1-9408 ' Eve 3-826 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon 0 t H.P. ELEC. motor. 110 St 220 l"xS shaft. 6 pulley. Ph. 3-9409 n3- RUMMAGE aale, 360 State upaUl r: n3U NO WAX ING required with PL A ST IC KOTE, the cellophane like finish for floors or linoleum. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FOR YOUR HOLIDAY dinners Sz parties. Drink .V en Jo y pure apple elder. Made dally (no preservative! Contains all the fruit vitamins. Puritan Cider Wks.. West Salem. n306 USED RADIOS & record players. 19.95 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa n SO-Ofl SPRINGFIELD sporter with cop (85. Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. n305 REMINGTON 12 ga. auto. Rlbb barrell re coll pack. Ph. 3-4963. n305 Sl'"LAMP. portable O.E. In leatherette earning case. Llxe new, only 117.50 Trader Louie, 3055 Portland Rd. n305 BF1, ATCL A R IN ET with case (55. Elec tric washnig machine 135. Girl's bicy cle (20. Bunk beds, can be used singly, 115. Southwlnd car heater, like new, 135. Two wheel trailer. 7 piece blond dining set (63. Ph. 2-7198, 431 Thorndale Circle. n305 1 STANDARD TYPEWRITER, I portable. 133 ei. 1 ndI:ne machine. 931 N. W:n ter. Ph. iM 2 USED SO gal. oil drums with fitting. 16 and (5. Ph. 2-3291. n309 I AUTOMOBILES HOLIDAY SPECIALS ON OLDSMOBILE , "ROCKET" TRADE-INS 1948 PACKARD SEDAN $1795 ELECTROMATIC DRIVE, 1947 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $1445 ONE LOCAL OWNER. 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDANETTE $1470 LOW MILEAOE. NICE. 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN $1595 ONLY ft.OOO MILES BY LOCAL OWNER. 1948 NASH "600" SEDAN $1350 ANOTHER LOW MILEAGE CAR THAT STILL LOOKS LIKE NEW. 1949 KAISER SEDAN .....$1645 SAVE OVER (1000 ON A CURRENT MODEL CAR. 1948 FRAZER MANHATTAN SEDAN $1325 THIS IS THE DELUXE SERIES AND VERY CLEAN. 1948 OLDSMOBILE "78" SEDAN ..$1885 DELUXE HYDRAMATIC DRIVE IN PERFECT CONDITION. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" SEDAN . .$1465 J ANOTHER HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. THE PROVEN ( AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ALL THE ABOVE CARS CARRY THE LODER BROS. WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND HAVE BEEN "SAFETY TESTED" LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE m CENTER PHONE 3-79732410 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE J-H80 Anderson's 240 CENTER STREET 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY, LOW MILE AGE AND REAL CLEAN. 1946 FORD SEDAN, RADIO AND HEATER, NEW TIRES ALL AROUND. LOW MILEAGE. 1941 'CHEVROLET TUDOR, ONE OWNER. PERFECT MECHANICAL CONDITION. 1940 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, NEW TIRES AND PAINT. PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN. NEW MOTOR. 1937 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. A HONEY. 1937 GRAHAM COUPE. FARMERS ATT-ENTION 1948 CHEVROLET -TON PICKUP. LOW MILE AGE. ONE OWNER. 1942 DODGE H4-TON STAKE RACK. Anderson's 240 Center St. XTRA XMAS SPECIALS NO PARKING WORRY. JUST DRIVE TO 678 So. 12th St. STATE MOTORS INC. PACKARD USED CAR LOT 1946 Nash Super Deluxe Sedan . . 1941 Dodge Custom Sedan 1941 De Soto Custom Sedan 1940 Nash Club Coupe ? ? ? 1942 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan Ill 1940 Dodge Custom Sedan ??? 1939 De Soto Club Coupe ??? 1937 Ford Deluxe Coach Ill FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION! Service stations, used car lots, and equipment owners. Eastern oil. 2 gal. sealed cans, 47'ic per gal. Grease cup, chassis, water pump, all purpose gear 90 and 140. 5 lb. to 500 lb. contain ers, 9c lb. Rebuilt batteries, group 1 6 mo. guarantee, $4.46 exchange. H. C. Hanson. 320 S. Lancaster. Ph. 2-0010. nl5 OIL CIRCULATORS at greatly reduced prices. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n ELECTRIC WASHERS (19.95 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa USED Electric Refrigerators. (49.95 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa n FULLER brushes. 174a Grant. Ph. 3-8357 nil' WALLING SAN"D St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED SOUR for roads and drlreways eement ready mil concrete garden .and Bulldozing, drainage and ditching -7d hnvel and drag line Ph 3-9249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FIR STUM PAGE and fir log wanted Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber St Manufac turing Company, Inc.. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. na WANTED BAR HIE Douflai fir poles or stumpage p none utn AiDany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co.. Inc. na5 PERSONAL MRS. MELVIN SMITH. 9pncer corsetler Let a Soencer solve your figure problem A, calls gives ipeclal attention Ph 35073. p30' AVON COSMETIC. Pb. S-4696, p3C9' I AUTOMOBILES Used Gars SALEM, OREGON Used Cars Ph. 3-3724 $795 ??? ??? I PERSONAL STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Lee Mlndt i!5 JL t4tn Pn' 2-4801. pS0 i,Lunin,iuj a.-nu.-x vhuub ro Tli Pn. THE PLACE where careful nursing, warm cheerful rooms, good food, makes tht patlint feel at home. Lansing Nursing Home, 2110 Lansing Ave. Ph. 3-8617. P35 SPENCERS ARE designed to adjust to fig ure cnange.i. Gain or lose your Spencer fits. Ph. 3-5072. Eve. Ph. 3-161B. p305 AUTOMOBILES EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL PRICES We Invite your comparison for prlc with like make St model any where. Herral-Owens Co, TERMS PH. 2-4113. q' FOR SALE BY OWNER 1 late model i-ton Chev. pickup in A-l shape like new. Less than 8000 miles, one owner. Radio and heater. fl-Ply heavy duty tires. Ph. 2-8785. q310 '4R DODGE panel, 11.000 mileage. Like new. 639 N. Church. (Back ot 685.) q306 PERFECT '!!) CHAMP. Studebaker "$i700. -ir.. raaio. super tires. 15,000 miles, free demonstration Saturday afternoon. Owner. 1577 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-7556. q305 S7 PONTIAC sed. Good shape. Best cash offer over $300. See Grabels Garage, 3579 Cherry Ave. Ph, 2-9351. 30a 1949 MERCURY 4-door sedan, overdrive, radio and heater, one owner ear. Excel lent condition. Car insurance and 1950 licence Plates free. Actual mileage. eagfr. in.uftu. uasn price 11945. Phone 3-? evenings, a:jo io 7:30. (Continued on Page 17 (